RE: EMPIRE - Dead Space IDEA Part 2
Added DNA From other sources-
  • Velana Torres/Klingon (Strength, Aggression, Possible Skeleton reinforcement) Lol basic forehead crest
  • Cylons (Metal Skeleton, Strength, Network/systems connection)
  • Asari (Extended life expectancy, Biotics)
  • (maybe/not) Krogen (regen, 2ndary organs-2 hearts etc)
  • vulcan (psionic, Mental discipline) Lol Pointed Ears
  • (maybe/not) Prothean - Javic (Psionic reading/touch)


Klingon Genetic Material
Spoiler: (Hybrid)
Physical Feature-

Light Forehead ridges(Not as prominent as full-blooded Klingon
Darker skin tones
More pronounced Cheeks
Females-slight collar bone crest
Slight back ridges

8 Chambered heart
Multiple/Redundant Organs (2 livers, Stomachs, Three Lungs Etc.)
16 Rib Pairs(Hybrid/protection) (Klingons have twenty thre ribs)

Redundancies for higher survival rate
increased skin strength(hardened ridge areas)
Increased strength/Stamina
Increase resistance to heat
Heightened aggression
lesser resistance to cold
Less overall flexibility

Vulcan Genetic Material
Spoiler: (Hybrid)

Physical Feature-


Pointed ears
upswept eyebrows
small spinal spikes(follows spinal cord

Increased Heart rate
Efficient respiratory system(good for thin atmosphere)
Adaptive Digestive tract
Innter eyelids


Inner eyelids/Eye protection
more variety and alien foods acceptable
lower short-term need for food and water(needs lessened evolving on a desert condition)
increased reflexes
the body can survive extreme brain damage and continue to function(Vulcan body can still function after brain removal but more like zombies)
Can Learn/gain conscious control over body's functions/regulating bodies through will power. (Self control, Emotions, Increased healing trance)
Basic Telepathic abilities(touch but with age, control, traing with stronger minds can lead to telepathic projection and scanning over short distances)
lesser empath


older age causes heightened sensitivity to temperature
Increased Metabolism
sensitive to nitrous oxide gas
Higher PTSD and Traumatic after effects(extreme cases self-lobotomizing)
Pon farr
loss of emotional control leads to increased/extreme effects
later years can lead to Bendii Syndrome

Cylon (human models)

Physical Feature-



Reinforced Body (Synthetic/Metal)
Increased Immune system
Synthetic parts glow with extreme emotions and/or physical stress


Increased Radiation Resistance
Increased Immune System
Mind/Technology interface (Memory transfer-Copy, computer control)
Metal/synthetic reinforced body(mainly bones)
Perfect recall(near eidetic memory)


Certain types of radiation have extreme effects
Technology mind hacks/viruses
Perfect recall (PTSD, Extreme Trauma)
RE: Asari Phoenix Rising Book 1 Ch 1
Summary: A young man who has lived a hard life dies tragically and is thrown into the Afterlife where things don't seem to be going right eventually he meets his Reaper who has been using him. with his luck, he ends up reincarnated as an Asari in the Mass Effect Universe. What Should he do now...Mary Sue, AU, AR, Crack fanfiction... Just for fun, and Practice

Re:Asari Effect
Book on Rise of the PHOENIX

Disclaimer: I Do not own mass effect or any other sources used in this Fiction besides the idea and implementation of my OC Character.

Warning: I've been known to have spelling and grammar issues throughout any story I have written. I am working on improving my skills in writing. It has Greatly dropped since I Worked on Mythical Legends my online web novel At so its been around 4 years since I have really written anything

A/N: Currently have 4 chapters written and will post them later tonight after work or sometime tomorrow

Chapter 1

Another long night at work, life sucks.

I turned with another pile of trash in hand from the dishwashing sinks into the trash before going back for more. Most would be sick at handling nasty greasy food bits, shredded paper napkins, hair, and anything else you can find on old buffet plates that weren't scrapped off into the trash.

I froze and sighed spotting tonight's closing manager walking around the corner with more dishes that other sections such as Pizza and chicken departments forgot to bring back. Turning back to the now empty sinks I turn on the sanitizer and hot water faucet to begin refilling the sink. The manager set the dishes down before waving her tattooed arm at it.

"This should be the last of it. You need to hurry up we've been closed for more than an hour and I've got a kid waiting at home."

I quickly looked at the clock while scrubbing another pan. It was just after ten pm and he wanted to go home and take a shower.

"Working on it," I said while trying to get the last bits of caked on gravy or was it mac and cheese off the pan well who cares.

"Well work faster," she said while starting to head back to the office.
I sighed once again wanting to yell and walk out, yeah I'm doing that way too much anymore. Well, it wouldn't have been this bad if the other dishwasher didn't walk off on us. That was the third no make the fourth in the last two months.

I hissed out as a corner of the pan I was working on cut my finger adding to my continuously growing collection of cuts and burns. I really needed to get another job. I finished the last of the dishes and threw them through the rinse and sanitizing machine before scrubbing the floors. I looked at the clock again before stacking the clean dishes and emptying the machine and sinks water. After that was done I finished dry mopping.
Well, that's done, all that's left is the trash.

After scrubbing my hands I threw on some plastic gloves and took the trash out while the manager checked the dish room.

And god it was getting cold probably would start to snow any day now.
After throwing the trash and plastic gloves in the dumpster I headed back in.

"Took you long enough! The dish room looks good so you can clock out now."

I nodded at the manager as I clocked out then threw on my winter coat before heading out the door. It took a bit before I reached my car an old white 1995 Buick Regal with paint peeling off and a spot starting to rust.
After clicking the unlock button a few times I tried to open the door sighing as the lock was stuck again. Going around to the passenger door I got in and slid over to the driver's seat. I turned on the car and rested my head against the steering wheel and let a few tears slide down my cheeks as my mind began to wander.

My 24th birthday was just the other day and so was thanksgiving yet no one mentioned anything or said happy birthday to me. Ha forget about any gifts, that's the third year in the row now with no one remembering until I reminded them. Wished dad was here... New tears began to roll down my cheeks remembering that he just past away over a month ago.

After taking a few breaths to calm myself I shifted my car in to drive to head back home. Well moms house since I can't afford to live on my own due to college loans. Ha since they look at my parent's income the interest is through the roof and I couldn't get a few scholarships or variety of student loan due to my mom being a doctor.

And why am I still stuck with two part-time jobs I laugh to myself while pulling out of the parking lot and onto the street. It's because I'm overqualified for a number of jobs and they won't hire me thinking it a waste to train someone looking for a higher paying job or I'm under qualified for not have the year's experience in agency. Don't get me started on interviews the first one I managed to get laughed in my face for going to college in my field for this part of the country.

I soon quickly crossed the bridge over the highway leading down to the 74 bridge over the Mississippi. After a minute I came to a four-way stop and looked both ways before moving again. I soon did the same thing at the next four-way before moving again but turning this time.

While turning I was blindsided by a light from a speeding heavy duty truck coming down the hill that rammed into the side of my car causing it to roll down the hill while just slowing down the truck. The truck came to a stop while my car rolled off the side of the road into a small creek.

I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew I was opening my eyes with cold water splashing my face. I sputtered and moaned in pain looking around in confusion. I was upside down buckled into my seat while water slowly moved below my face barely spraying the top of my head. I tried to shift in fright noticing my position but soon screamed out from the spike in pain.

I reached to my side and quickly pulled back from the pain. It was covered in blood causing me to panic again. I only stopped as I heard voices.

"...Do you think they are alright." a familiar woman's voice said.

I felt cold dread at hearing the next drunk voice.

"The fuck deserved it for getting in our way." a man's voice said

"I agree man but we need to get out of here." another man said worriedly.

I soon recognized the woman's voice and more tears fell from my eyes. She had been my friend for years and I even tried to ask her out the other week but never got an answer... before realizing she was with that bastard that got away with beating me for years and even left scars from the Belt he whipped me within the old school locker rooms.

I heard another woman giggle at another comment.

"get them into the truck I need to take a piss." the bastard said.

I heard more giggles while my old friend yelled at a man before door slams. I quickly began to look for my cell phone hopping it didn't end up in the water. As I patted my coat pocket I froze as I heard a trickle of something hitting the water a short distance from my car before a sick smell from the water hit me.

I held back from gagging while waiting for him to leave. After a minute I heard his fading steps and a door slam. Soon I heard squealing tires and saw car lights pass over the bridge a few yards away. I soon began to cry while fumbling for the phone in my coat pocket.

With shaking hands, I began to dial 911.

"Hello, what is your emergency."

I coughed and hacked up some blood.

"He... Help I've... I've been run off the road... into a creek,... upside down... water... can't get out."

"where are you?" the operator said in a worried but calm tone.

"Around... Around 18th and... and the middle school. I'm... I'm a few yards from... a bridge... it's..."

"Stay on the phone I have help on the way." the operator said.

I responded to a few questions but things began to blur. The last thing I noticed was the sound of an emergency vehicle siren and splash of my phone falling into the creek.

I came to for a moment as some men lifted a cart or something I was on into an ambulance.

"It... It was Kennan... and... Rebecca... don't know... don't know."

One of the medics stopped me, "Don't worry we've got you."

"It... was..."

Everything blurred again. I came to from a jolt from the lowered cart and being pushed through the front doors of the hospital. I could barely make out what they were saying.

"... Internal bleeding... Multiple broken ribs..."

I saw through blurry eyes multiple nurses and doctors in scrubs ran alongside the cart while fussing over me. I was blacking out again as we entered a strange room... probably an operating room with the lights and monitors.

The next moment I came to I couldn't see anything but lights and blurs with random sounds.

"shit! Hold this..." a strange accelerating and then slowing beeping sound was going off to the side.

"I'm Sorry you can't be in here ma'am!" a man said.

"... My son... I'm a doctor!" a familiar woman's voice barely reached my ears.

"Mother I'm... I'm Sor... Sorry... I'm Sorry..." I tried to say.

It was getting cold and I couldn't see anything anymore. A moment later the beeping slowed and then it began a shrill screaming sound.
"We're losing him! Crash Cart..."

After Life… NO not the bar!

I was surrounded in darkness until it felt like i was falling for a moment before stumbling through a door that wasn't there before into a massive almost endless... waiting room?!


"Move along your holding up the line bub." A Fat man with white wings said from behind his desk to the side.

I Looked back and forth for a moment before the man was handing me something, "Here you go. Now go sit until your number is called."

I slowly moved forward looking around at everything while wondering what was going on. The place resembled a waiting room like a number he's seen but that's where it stopped at. There was other… humans around him in chairs but ranging in clothing from primitive caveman to… was that a spartan from HALO! There was even Twi'leks, Torugas, Insectoids, Asari, Turians… looking up was that a CTHULHU SPACE WHALE!

Slowly I worked my way down a few sections of seat before sitting down with what looked like a space faring samurai and a pureblood sith woman. She was messing with a floating pyramid… holocron? Before she turned to me squinting for a moment before a look of recognition crossed her face.

"Ah your back here again. When will it finally be my turn to be called." she said while looking down at her strip of paper with a number. "I've been here waiting for… around 3,000 years now. Has it really been that long could have sworn it was only a day or two."

I didn't really know what to say, "Um do I know you?"

She stared at me like I was an idiot while the Samurai guy next to me laughed.

She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose, "I'm Darth Nox as you should know with this being the 358th time we've met here in death's waiting room."

I froze for a moment recognizing the name, "Um sorry can't say I have met you before but there is a game with a character having that title… er name."
She laughed, "Yes you've told me this before that my life is a game usually in the worlds you've lived on. Well your Grim Reaper, Angel of Death, Life Attorney, or Adviser is a right old bastard."

I could only stare dumbly at the woman, "um what… I get that I died but…"
She could only shake her head, "Everyone here in the waiting room besides first generation souls should remember every past life the moment they come through that door." She pointed at the doors where he came in.

"Er what past live's… remembering?" I was beginning to feel numb.

She stared at me again with her sith yellow eyes, "well I've lived a number of lives. One was as a roman street urchin before… well lets move on. Another was a japanese cosplayer and gamer. I was also a fedul princes of a germanian kingdom… cant remember every detail its been a while. Oh and the last one was being a sith pureblood and rising from a slave to a sith dark council member."

I stared at her for a moment, "Aahhh, That's not what I was expecting."
She laughed, "Your telling me, ha I lived it and still can't believe the differences from each."

The speakers above us went off for a moment, "Number 6879 please come to desk 665."

I looked down at my number seeing 6883. Shouldn't be to long for what ever I'm waiting for.

"So I'm suppose to remember my past live's… are you sure I'm not a first gen as you said?" I asked looking back at her.

"Yes you look and act exactly the same like every time I've seen you these 358 no 359 time's now. Most likely it's your reapers fault and you should probably get it fixed."

"How?" I Asked not sure if I believed her after all she was a sith lord.

She rubbed her chin in thought, "Not sure… I haven't seen my seen my Reaper in a long time. You could probably demand a change in reaper…"
The Speaker went off again, "6883 please come up to to desk 879."

I paused for a moment looking down at my number, "looks like thats me but I could have sworn they didn't call the other four numbers."

Nox sighed sadly, "They tend to skip around, forget numbers, or the speaker malfunctions."

I could only stare, "If this is the after life or hell… this is really screwed up."
She only shook her head, "sorry to tell you but this is only the between or limbo as some call it."

I stood up and headed for the desk while waving back at her, "I Hope to see again Darth Nox… your not exactly what I expected for a sith."

She only laughed while I turned away not noticing the tears streaming down her face.

Making my way to the desk with the number 879 took a few minutes but still in the end I managed to get there. A woman with Elfin like ears and angel wings sat behind it.

The woman looked up boredom obvious, "Number 6883?"

I only nodded while showing the number.

She looked back down while pointing to the door beside her desk, "Your Reaper will see you now."

I was starting to get nervous now… wait why have I been so calm… well whatever lets get done with this. Walking through the door lead me to entering a hallway that was far longer the the desk space and waiting room would allow.

A man called out, "Ah Ralf your here again. Why am I not surprised."
I looked over to a man that could be considered more a walrus than human… er angel, "That's not my name…"

The man turned around, "What ever Ralf, I don't have time for this. Let's get this done so I can go on break."

I was beginning to get upset with the man but I still followed him into the office. The man sat down his chair that was to small for his size squealed in protest.

The man pulled out some papers, "well just sign here Ralf and you can start your next life."

I Stood the a moment anger growing, "NO! One Ralf isn't my name, Two I'm not signing anything until I get some answers!"

The man sighed, "Sit Ralf."

"I'm not Ralf!" I Growled.

The man Glared, "SIT."

I paused feeling extreme pressure trying to force me to the ground. Slowly I moved to the chair before falling in it.

"Now Ralf…" he glared and held up his hand to keep me from interrupting, "This is how it's going to go. You are going to sign this and go back to live another life."

"No I won't…" I began to say.

"No, you will sign this or I will have your soul shredded or thrown into the pits of hell."

I could only stare unbelieving at the man.

He took a pen out laying it on the sheet and pushed it over, "Sign."

I stood up and began backing away, "No I want answers. Why can't I remember any of my past lives like the others have said…"

The man stood up the pressure returning as he began to rant, "You foolish soul! I don't care I've worked this Job for over a million years. Poor hours! Poor Pay! No Paid time off… let alone vacation or sick day's. So no my friendly little bonus check I'll be using your life's afterlife earning for myself…"

He stuttered off face going pale as he look at the door to the side of me. Following his gaze lead to a woman who had just entered in a robe and corset with face painted like a skull… she looked like death from the DC Comics.

She glared at him for a moment, "MY OFFICE NOW!"

The man squealed running out of the room at an impressive speed for his size with little white slowly turning gray small angel wings on his back leaving blurred after images as he went.

The woman turned to me, "Sorry about that i've been having to clean out house lately. I'll have a new reaper sent in to help you immediately."
The woman turned and walked out the door calling, "Trudy, Trudy you've been promoted…"

I couldn't hear the rest so I waited having sat back down in the chair.
A buxom platinum blond skipped into the room with a smile on her face, "Hello I'm Trudy and I'll be your new reaper starting today."

It was difficult to keep my eyes on her face, "Umm… Ahhh… Nice to meet you."

She gave a laughed that sounded like bells and singing birds… well it seemed like it if there wasn't the snorts at the end of each laugh.
She looked down at a folder on the desk opening up and beginning to read, "Well Let's see what we have for you Rodger."

I sighed, "my name's not Rodger!"

She didn't pay attention to what I said just moved on with what she was doing, "Wow look at this you've been saving up earnings or points as I would say over 400 lives."

She whistled, "you could live like an emperor for a few thousand years or a near infinite amount of a average life in heaven. Or you could use some or all of it to make choices or improvements if you wanted to go down a reincarnation route."

I thought for a moment before deciding to be reincarnated with hopefully a good life this time, "I think I'll go with reincarnation."

She gave me a sweet smile, "Good, Good what would you want for a second life, riches, a whirlwind romance, adventures, being a hero… well what would you want."

I was shocked for a moment before asking, "Um is there a limit?"

She just continued to smile, "Nope! With your points you can literally do whatever you want."

I Thought for a moment, "umm I would like to live a long life like an Asari, krogan, Elf, or what ever Yoda's race was."

She just wrote something down on a form mumbling something starting with A or ah, "What Else?"

I looked at the floor in thought for a moment, "Um a caring family who are well off but not snobby."

She wrote something down again, "uh hu."

I thought a moment before smiling, "I'd love for it to be in a space age, I've always wanted to explore space since I was a kid."

She just went on nodding while starting to chew on bubblegum that appeared randomly.

I also remembered my dad's failing health, "oh I would also like a life of good health if possible."

She blew a bubble of gum before it popped, "Done."

I paused not sure what else to do or what choices there were since she wasn't offering any, "Um I'd like some skills like Engineering, Piloting… um good fighting skills to defend myself or possibly fight in a war if i was pulled into one. Um I would also possibly like to run a company or something so some skills for that and oh Good adaptability and luck would be nice."

She finished scribbling before looking up, "Anything else."

I bit my lip in thought but shook my head, "I'm not sure what other options there are… Oh I would also like to remember my past life… or lives."

I blushed for a moment remembering something she had said earlier and remembering his sucky life, "Um I… I would like to have someone that would care for me… and that would stay at my side… like that whirlwind romance you mentioned."

She smiled, "I Got just the thing for you! Now is that it?"

I just nodded not sure what to add.

She only smiled before sliding a paper across the table from the stack she was filling out, "Just sign here and we'll have you on your way."

I only paused a moment before signing the signature line. The Document glowed for a moment as she put it back into the stack.

"Now off you go and I hope you have a Happy life!" she said with bubbly enthusiasm.

As everything began to fade I realized I should have read what I was signing… Soon I was surrounded by a warm empty void falling asleep.
Trudy looked down at her first reaper assignment being finished. This was a lot more fun than being a Secretary… Though I can't remember what I ever really did in that job oh well just the shopping trips after each check. She quickly reviewed the form she filled out.

Race: Asari
-Aria T'loak
Note's: Well off and caring family… Counselor and Pirate queen should do.
Era: 1959 CE
Notes: Space Age requirement met
-Good Health
Note's: He… She'll need it as an asari mwa ha ha…
-Hand to hand
-Heightened memory
-Dancing (lol you go girl)
-Courtship and home making (She'll thank me… maybe one day)
Note's: She'll be a Genius almost unrivaled… And she'll need the rest as an asari and for her femininity.
-Past life
-Meta knowledge

-FEMSHEP (Only one it can be and they'll thank me)

Thessia 1959 CE
I seemed to wake from a strange pressure… Then I remembered… I'm reincarnating… NO I don't want to experience this…

I was crying from the shock of what I just experienced, well and the pinch to my sensitive skin.

Some time later I began to make out sounds and noises but I couldn't understand anything. Slowly opening my eyes I felt something warm holding me. Where those massive blue hands? I froze as i reached out with my arm… MY ARMS BLUE!

After a moment I began to look around more noticing the figures. Asari… I was in a room filled with Asari. Slowly I turned a bit to see the face smiling down at me… I recognized her from somewhere. Wait she's the Asari Councilor what was her name… oh yeah Tevos.

She poked my nose saying something before turning to look at another Asari that rushed into the room. Slowly the Asari walked forwards allowing me to see more detail. ARIA T'LOAK… it was the Pirate queen of omega. Slowly Tevos handed me over to Aria who held me gently and holding me close.

Yeah mind couldn't take anymore and I passed… No I did not faint I passed out, PASSED OUT!

Story Information or Codex:


The asari, native to the planet Thessia, are often considered the most influential and respected sentient species in the galaxy, and are known for their elegance, diplomacy, and biotic aptitude. This is partly due to the fact that the asari were among the earliest races to achieve interstellar flight after the Protheans, and the first to discover and settle the Citadel.
A mono-gender race, the asari are distinctly feminine in appearance and possess maternal instincts. Their unique physiology, expressed in a millennium-long lifespan and the ability to reproduce with a partner of any gender or species, gives them a conservative yet convivial attitude toward other races. Favoring compromise and cooperation over conflict, the asari were instrumental in proposing and founding the Citadel Council and have been at the heart of galactic society ever since.


Known for their militaristic and disciplined culture, the turians were the third race to join the Citadel Council. They gained their Council seat after defeating the hostile krogan for the Council during the Krogan Rebellions. The turians deployed a salarian-created biological weapon called the genophage, which virtually sterilised the krogan and sent them into a decline. The turians then filled the peacekeeping niche left by the once-cooperative krogan, and eventually gained a Council seat in recognition of their efforts.

Originally from the planet Palaven, turians are best known for their military role, particularly their contributions of soldiers and starships to the Citadel Fleet. They are respected for their public service ethic—it was the turians who first proposed creating C-Sec—but are sometimes seen as imperialist or rigid by other races. There is some animosity between turians and humans, largely due to the turian role in the First Contact War. This bitterness is slowly beginning to heal—as shown by the cooperation of the two races on the construction of the SSV Normandy—but many turians still resent humans, and vice versa.

Character Profiles:
User Data Required-
User:****** *****
Password: *****
Accessing files...
Retrieving Profiles…

Name: Rayna T'Loak
Mother: Tevos
Father: Aria T'Loak

1993 Atlanta Georgia, United states, Earth - Died November 4th 2017
1959 CE/AD - Present (currently alive)
Asari Republics (Citizen)
Shadow broker
Aria T'loak' s Organization (Daughter and part time officer)
Systems Alliance (Adopted citizen by marriage and services)
Normandy (Squad Member)
Phoenix Corp (CEO)
Sex: mono-gender
Height: 6'0"-72"
Mass: 142 lbs
Hair Color: None a asari crest
Eye Color: ocean blue
Skin Tone: a light Indigo Blue

Aria T'Loak
Aliases: Aria, Pirate Queen,
1283 CE/AD - Present (currently alive 734 old as of 2017 and is 900 as of 2183)
Asari Republics (Citizen)
Omega and Pirate (ruler of omega and leads a pirate band)
OmniCorp (Board member)
Rank: Omegas queen
Species: Asari
Sex: mono-gender
Height: 5'10"-70"
Mass: 136 lbs
Hair Color: None a asari crest
Eye Color: light blue
Skin Tone: Indigo Blue (Purple-Blue)
Aria had a colourful past prior to her arrival on Omega. When she did arrive on the station, she worked as an exotic dancer at the Afterlife Club. However, this was merely a clever cover for Aria. Eventually, she killed the owner of the Afterlife Club and claimed ownership. She continued to form alliances and consolidate power before finally overthrowing the 'ruler' of Omega: the krogan she deposed, whom she derisively named The Patriarch, was spared as an example of her power to others.
Aria is very authoritative of her reign on Omega, ruling the station with an iron fist. Her organization is quite strong and her men extremely loyal. Almost nothing that happens on Omega escapes her notice, causing mercenary groups to think twice before crossing her. No matter who she deals with, she makes sure she has the upper hand in the bargaining. She has centuries of experience dealing with people who thought themselves being in better positions. Simply by observing a person, she can easily read a lot about them and usually immediately knows when they are lying. She is determined to always get the last word in a conversation, reinforcing her position and authority as Omega's ruler.
Aria has commando training and is a very powerful biotic.

Name: Tevos
Aliases: Counselor
1606 CE/AD - Present (currently alive 411 years old as of 2017 and is 577 as of 2183)
Asari Republics (Citizen)
Council member
OmniCorp (Board member)
Rank: Councilor
Species: Asari
Sex: mono-gender
Height: 5'11"-71"
Mass: 139 lbs
Hair Color: None a asari crest
Eye Color: Hazel-brown
Skin Tone: Violet
Early life
Most of her childhood remains unknown, but it is speculated that Tevos was born on the asari homeworld Thessia sometime in 1306 CE. She had at least one younger sister and several nieces.
RE: Asari Pheonix Rising Book 1 Ch 2
Re:Asari Effect
Book on Rise of the PHOENIX

Disclaimer: I Do not own mass effect or any other sources used in this Fiction besides the idea and implementation of my OC Character.

Warning: I've been known to have spelling and grammar issues throughout any story I have written. I am working on improving my skills in writing. It has Greatly dropped since I Worked on Mythical Legends my online web novel At so its been around 4 years since I have really written anything

Support: I now have a P a t r e o n account for those that would like to help find me to get more time to write but my writing is not dependent on it.

SCHEDULE: Is on my stories page and updated every so often but not daily.

This chapter is going to have time skips that may have flashbacks in future Chapters.

The Character is going to OC as a SI insert.
I will be creating my own Asari Lore/codex information this chapter.

Chapter 2
The Early life of an Asari (60 Years…)

Thessia 1959 CE

I seemed to wake from a strange pressure… Then I remembered… I'm reincarnating… NO I don't want to experience this…

I was crying from the shock of what I just experienced, well and the pinch to my sensitive skin.

Some time later I began to make out sounds and noises but I couldn't understand anything. Slowly opening my eyes I felt something warm holding me. Where those massive blue hands? I froze as i reached out with my arm… MY ARMS BLUE!

After a moment I began to look around more noticing the figures. Asari… I was in a room filled with Asari. Slowly I turned a bit to see the face smiling down at me… I recognized her from somewhere. Wait she's the Asari Councilor what was her name… oh yeah Tevos.

She poked my nose saying something before turning to look at another Asari that rushed into the room. Slowly the Asari walked forwards allowing me to see more detail. ARIA T'LOAK… it was the Pirate queen of omega. Slowly Tevos handed me over to Aria who held me gently and holding me close.

Yeah my mind couldn't take anymore and I passed… No I did not faint I passed out, PASSED OUT!


Thessia 1959 CE - A Week later

I would like to say that it took less than a week to get used to being an Asari but no it will still be some time before I would ever be used to the change. But life wasn't all that bad… well if you count most of the time sleeping, Eating, and so on doing only things a baby is capable of.

It wasn't all that bad my Mother Tevos was very loving and caring compared the strict Councilor I remember from the games. She stayed home with me recuperating with her Asari acolytes, followers, servant's? Not really sure what to call them so i'll just stick with acolytes for now took care of us.

Aria seemed to be my father or other mother stayed for a few days before leaving giving Tevos a kiss before kissing my forehead and headed out the door. My mother after that barely left my side always wanting to hold me and feed me…

Well besides that I didn't really know when I was born but I was obviously born on Thessia with all the Asari and the Architecture from the game. So with nothing else to do I tried to come up with some plans and tried to remember and memorize everything I could about the games that I could.

6 months later…

Tevos started baby talking or at least I think that was what she was doing. Eventually I managed to get enough control and knowledge to say my first word copying what she was saying which turned out to be the Asari equivalent of Mama. It actually made her really happy.

I was getting tired of laying around and crawling and decided to try gain strength but exercises and workouts were still a long ways away. Still I did the best I could as these things take time but seeing as I seemed to have plenty of that it'll worked out.

2 months later…

I was finally able to start walking about surprising my mother even more as it was still a month or two before most babies my age learned to start walking. It actually became a game for me to have my mother or the Acolytes chase me around our home.

Mother had also long since returned to her job of being a Politician and Diplomat coming back home late or being gone for days at a time. I actually was sad for the first time that a family member was away for any length of time. In my past life I was never close enough with my family to actually miss seeing them that often.

Aria managed to visit at least two times to my knowledge for a few days but always left soon after. She even loved it when I called her Mama Ara (Are-Ah short for Aria) and wouldn't put me down for an hour of cuddling. Yes the big scary Space Pirate queen liked to Cuddle at least with mother and me.

Thessia - 1965 CE

Over the years I've learned much such as that my name was Rayna and with time I could not believe how close I've become to my mothers. They are actually closer to me than anyone ever was in my past life had ever been. I could easily say I Loved them and actually mean it. The only downside was that Aria was not around that much only visiting once every other month or so.

A year after my birth I was surprised when my mother initiated a Melding with me. This actually helped me greatly with learning to control my own abilities and the Asari Language. It turns out that Asari usually wait a year or so for their young to develop before melding with their young to pass on basic knowledge and help develop understanding and control over our own melding abilities. It seemed more like a key to unlocking a genetic memory for the use of melding but a far quicker way to learn and gain experiences though the ability to retain this knowledge varies on the individual.

Tevos was actually surprised at my mental growth as when I was able to make proper sentences in just a short time. I still remember my first proper sentence to her.

"Mama when will you teach me to read?"

After that I had learned much even the year and current events that I was hoping for. And as it lucked out I had over two centuries left until the reaper war so I had plenty of time to plan and prepare. I hoped to bring more possibilities of survival let alone winning then the four options in the game.

I didn't want to give up and leave it for the next cycle. Destruction of the reapers would be the best outcome but I would prefer to prevent the death and destruction of EDI and the Geth. Control would possibly be helpful in the end possibly for construction but who should really have control over the reapers or literally die in the process. Synthesis is not an option as I can only see it as indoctrinating and huscifying everything with the possibility of future life restarting the cycle's.

But today mother decided to hire tutors and home schooling me would be for the best with the possibility of people targeting me to get to her. Having actually heard her talking about that gave me an Idea. I actually somehow convinced my mother to hire Shiala a Maiden Commando as my Teacher and bodyguard. I know that she was suppose to be one of Matriarch Benezia's commandos but there would always be another asari commando to take her place.

Thessia - 1975 CE

Ha I'm 16 years old now and I've mostly gotten use to being an asari and everything it entailed though I would be considered a Tomboy though my mother still forced me to wear dresses and other such things. My facial markings have also fully formed in being a blend of my parents yet different.

The downside is that I still look like a pre-teen thanks to a decreased growth rate compared to the shorter lived races. I learned that I would look like a preteen until my twenties, then a mid to late teenager by my forties or fifties while finally looking like late teens or early twenties when I reached my eighties. Then the changes will slow to the extreme spreading over the average 1,000 year life span of the Asari race.

That wasn't the only change I have experienced. With the physical training I convinced mother and Shiala to give me I've lost quite a bit of baby fat and gained quite a bit of muscle for my age...

Shiala ran at my side, "Come on 6 more laps."

I ran with slight heavy breathing having ran more the 30 or so laps, "YOUR KILLING ME!"

Shiala laughed while shaking her head, "You're the one that asked for this training."

I shook my head looking down a moment, "Yes… Yes I did. Though I hate doing it I love the results."

Shiala bellowed another laugh, "You should be more interested in playing or making friends at your age."

I sighed, "Your my friend besides I don't care much for games or laying around when I can work on improving myself."

Shiala smiled at that for a moment but tried to keep her face serious, "You can't keep yourself shut in or rely on your family's servants for companionship."

I nodded finishing another lap, "I know but… those my age are so… Boring…"

Shiala looked back to me, "Didn't say they have to be your age."

I nodded sadly, "Fine but what would you have me do?"

Shiala looked up in thought for a moment, "Well…"

Shiala finally convinced me to get out of the house and my comfort zone but I knew I needed to make connections for what was to come. In time I gained friends and allies but I also made just as many enemies like a young Nassana Dantius.

Schooling Wise I was far above average with an older mind and knowledge along with a great desire and drive to learn. I actually began skipping grade levels by testing out of it or showing I already had the knowledge through Papers and assignments.

Thessia - 1983 CE

Just after my 24th birthday I did something really stupid wallowing in the memory of my past life and eventual death along with nightmares of the future. So I did the only thing that I told myself I would never do in my past life or in the present… I decided to drink and not just drink but get drunk. And that's how my mother found me…

"RAYNA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOURSELF?!" Tevos Cried with worry finding me on one of the mansions/Compounds balconies.

"This… I aint… Sorry." I began to uncontrollably cry.

"Where did you get the Alcohol?" she asked

"I… I know… Where Mama… where Aria Keeps… Her stash."

She growled for a moment in anger causing me to cringe.

She quickly scooped me up before sitting on a nearby bench, "Hunny Why?"

"I can't… can't take it anymore!" I sobbed.

She cradled me while rubbing my back, "What's wrong?"

I froze for a moment thinking of revealing everything but with little control I had didn't stop the words from tumbling from my mouth but I did manage to keep some of it back… "I've been having these…" Hiccup… "Nightmares since I can remember."

She continued to rub my back with growing worry, "Shu shu… whatever these dreams are their just dreams."

I shook my head back and forth, "NO! They… They happen every night the same ones over and over."

She continued to try and comfort me, "What happens in these dreams."

So I told her what I could sounding crazy or just imaginative but eventually I was able to hold myself back after a bit. In the end she didn't believe me and tried a few things to help but I kept myself on the path I've Chosen to follow… I should probably start a countdown clock till doomsday.

Thessia - 2019 CE

I finally hit the 60 year mark yay me lived almost three times as long as my past life. I've been in university or at least the Asari version of it for years now and have finally Graduated with three Doctorets, two masters and a Bachelors or equivalents at least. I went for a Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering and design, Computer Engineering and Design, and finally astrophysics. For masters I went for a Business degree, and Physics. And finally for a Bachelors I went for Public relations since I was horrible at trying to be a public figure and being in crowds.

With a combination of Loans, Gambling with Quasar using the strategy from ME1, and assistance from my Parents I managed to start a company buying out a number of dieing company's along with hostile takeovers of a few promising starters. I felt sorry for a number of the people's live's I've probably ruined in the process but in the end it needed to be done. Hopefully this will help out with the Reaper war but it's good to have some backup plans… I'll Probably even help the Andromeda Initiative…

And I decided to name the company the Phoenix Corporation(though Asari version of it.)… With a little luck I might be able to have it live up to its name with the final Ashes of the Reaper war.
RE: Asari Pheonix Rising Book 1 Ch 3
Re:Asari Effect

Book on Rise of the PHOENIX

Disclaimer: I Do not own mass effect or any other sources used in this Fiction besides the idea and implementation of my OC Character.

Warning: I've been known to have spelling and grammar issues throughout any story I have written. I am working on improving my skills in writing. It has Greatly dropped since I Worked on Mythical Legends my online web novel At so its been around 4 years since I have really written anything

N: I now have a P.a.t.r.e.o.n. account for those that would like to help fund me to get more time to write but my writing is not dependent on it. Under GruntLordRyan

SCHEDULE: Is on my Profile page and updated every so often but not daily.

This chapter is going to have time skips that may have flashbacks in future Chapters.

The Character is going to OC as a SI insert.
I will be creating my own Asari Lore/codex information this chapter.

Thanks for the Reviews! It keeps me writing.

Fanfiction .net
Guest Chapter 1 - 10/12/18
I hope that you would not simply skip to the ME events. He / She would have otherwise a s it tone of time to organise a powerbase. If you are a citizen of a space level civilisation it is very logical and probably that if you have some cash base you would be able to create a whole fleets of private space ships in no time. How? By simply using technology. When you are able to produce mining drones and freighter, what stops you to produce industrial drones and robots having VI's that would first forge the minerals into various components and than simply build whole fleets using other robots. A well hidden and defended system, a bit of asteroids and maybe gas giant or two for fuel purposes, some solar stations and you have a hidden base for fleet production. A whole century or more and you have a massive amount of ships. The only problem starting cash and with the parents he /she has there is no problem. The whole matter or small fleets of ME is mainly politics and giving work to people. Manual labor and economy probably more of a block towards ship production, in most universes. I can not understand why? If you with a cash base for various items and equipments could automatically forge your own empire in such an advanced age. Most authors do not use this way of thinking leaving a massive flaw in their plots by simply thinking in a way of our primitive civilisation.

Thanks Guest I'm planning on doing something like this that will start in this chapter and continue on through the story. I Agree that one could start an empire like that but… the governments would not want that to happen. So I'm not going to go and create an empire but I will build up other elements but I won't give any spoilers...

Chapter 3
Life of an Asari


Thessia - 2019 CE

I finally hit the 60 year mark yay me managed to live almost three times as long as my past life. I've been in university or at least the Asari version of it for years now and have finally Graduated with three Doctorets, two masters and a Bachelors or equivalents at least. I went for a Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering and design, Computer Engineering and Design, and finally astrophysics. For masters I went for a Business degree, and Physics. And finally for a Bachelors I went for Public relations since I was horrible at trying to be a public figure and being in crowds.

With a combination of Loans, Gambling with Quasar using the strategy from ME1, and assistance from my Parents I managed to start a company buying out a number of dieing company's along with hostile takeovers of a few promising starters. I felt sorry for a number of the people's live's I've probably ruined in the process but in the end it needed to be done. Hopefully this will help out with the Reaper war but it's good to have some backup plans… I'll Probably even help the Andromeda Initiative…

And I decided to name the company the Phoenix Corporation… With a little luck I might be able to have it live up to its name with the final Ashes of the Reaper war.


Thessia 2020 CE

I was able to greatly grow and reorganize my company over the year and finally got it stable enough to begin the initial stages of my plans. Many of the Asari were surprised at the mad rush and creation of my company buying up dying companies and Hostile takeovers. Usually their methods were always long term and spread out playing it slow. But with my past human knowledge and thought process helping me I brought a new change to the game's between corporations… Time is money and Asari are slow on the uptake.

My company buyouts and hostile takeovers brought many resources with it. Factories, Shipyards, Mine's, Ships, Warehouse, and oh so much more. In a year I managed to Reorganize everything into one company with divisions but it still had a ways to go.

The first Division I created was actually quite Simple… Transportation and Delivery. Yeah it's simple and has nothing really to do with fighting the reapers but it's part of a greater plan in the long run. There were many small and large companies delivering between worlds but their ships were not specially designed for it. I planned to take a note or idea from the star wars universe like their Lucrehulk and freighter ships.

I would use my current ships as they were now to start off but I would bring in new designs where there would be the core ship design based off of the Quarian ships and average freighters in this universe while being long and thin with capsules attaching to it ranging from freight and hardware to Passenger and hanger capsules. This design I planned to use for multiple reasons, One it's more efficient in my opinion then current designs, Two multipurpose or replaceable capsules is better than unloading and loading one freighter taking more time than needed, and third and last off the top of my head was that during the reaper war they would be efficient and hopefully effective at evacuations.

That brings me to the second division that I formed in my company my Shipright division for designing and building space faring vessels. I broke it also up into branches for different purposes. There would be The design and creation of my Freighters/Transports but also Exploration, mining, Colonization and military vessels.

For the military I hoped to advance technologies and design in the long run using Ideas from other universes. my first design would be based off the V-19 Torrent starfighters as a basic template but altered to fit the mass effect technologies to see if the star wars ship designs could be converted. If it worked I planned to bring in the Y-Wing Bomber, Arc-170 Multipurpose fighter and possibly the V-wing interceptor variant converted from the Turrian fighters. I also planned to bring in the Honeycomb feature of the halo verse designed ships for long term survival and use even when gutted.

For Colonization and Exploration I planned on creating long range ships but the main purpose was to get started on working on the Andromeda Initiative technologies and vessels. In the short run I planned on improving Colonization and the distance we could travel from a mass Relay. In the long term I planned on doubling up the Initiatives size minimum and possibly as a back up if the worst should happen.

For mining vessels I planned to Improve them in multiple ways but the main plan was improving automation. Taking a note from the Geth I planned to a semi hive mind of VI's to have the vessels, platforms, and drones or mechs. I would start out with the base or foundation of the hive as individual units namely the Drones and mechs having a single simple VI controlling each individual unit. Then like a pyramid I would have a higher placed VI giving orders from a mobile platform or transport, followed by the ship's or installation, before finally ending with the foundry/factory Installations or station's. They would have simple adaptability to improve their main purpose but they would have to be reprogrammed or heavily altered to follow another task that they were not meant for.

Besides hiring multiple races in general for the ship design and building I planned on making a deal with the Quarians. I would hire on a number of them on Pilgrimage giving them a number of options as payments beyond a paycheck. Depending on the Quarians I planned to let them rent out a shipyard/shipyards at a large discount to fix and upgrade their ships. I would even offer a group of the pilgrims who work for a number of years a ship as payment though it would be spartan indesign so they could do with it as they will. In all honesty I believed that the Quarians would be best suited to fill this division or R&D.

That leads me to my R&D division to help improve everything I could while working on new creations. As it is R&D will concentrate on improving and developing my main divisions fields to prepare for the reaper war. But the byproducts would be used in civilian development when possible.

Another Division would be my Mining along with other Resource development and production. This division I would like to expand the most to assist in growing my other divisions. I also hopped to improve Farming, Hydroponics, and fuel productions.

A Division that I was nervous about creating but needed was a Security division almost like a merc band but I hopped to keep them in line. Their first purpose would be defending company site's and property. Another purpose colony protection in space or on the ground. I looked to have them considered as milita's at minimum or used as a territorial army/navy for colonies. Though with Citadel Law's it would be limited.

That brings me to my Executive Board which though it was helpful they also were at times a hinderance. I was the CEO of the company and head of the board with 49% ownership. My Mother's were also Board members as they both owned 15% each with both having representatives on the Board in their place.

The last of the company's shares where owned by a number of individuals but the remaining members of the Board varied. There was Three Matriarchs who were good friends and allies to myself and Trevos. There was a single turian who was a retired general with the last name of Vakarian leading me to believe he may be related to Garres. There was four Salarians on the board with at least one still being a active member of the STG. The last were two Volus hopping to profit and an Elcor of all things.

Thessia 2030 CE

My company has continued to grow and expand. I now had company locations on every race's homeworld along with a number of colonies. I even had an office and store on the Citadel near the presidium. Though or because company is very successful the kidnapping and Assassination attempts have grown in number beyond those trying to get me to get at my mothers. I Really don't want to remember the first time when a ship I was on was hit by Batarian slaver's/Pirates when I was thirty… That was when I took my first life and many more.

~~~FlASH BACK~~~

Shiala held me back trying to get me hide in the ventilation system, "Rayna Hide the Batarians will be in here any moment."

"No! I'm not leaving you." I cried back trying to keep myself out of the are duct.

Something slammed the door, "No time JUST LISTEN!" She shoved me in closing the grate before moving into position with my other three commando body guards.

A moment later the door exploded in wards with Batarians streaming into the room. The first few through were gunned down or bioticly thrown back. Another wave rushed in being torn apart but taking a commando with them and injuring another.

A pause came as the Batarians stopped charging in instead waiting out in the hall, "Surrender we've taken the ship."

"Never!" The remaining commando said while Shiala tried to patch up their downed member.

"Everyone on board is now property of the Hegemony. You will willingly serve your better's or you will die!"

In response the Commando shot a Batarian who was peeking through the opening.

I could hear the Batarians arguing before three or four spheres were thrown into the room before blinding those in the room. I covered my eyes while trying to rub the blindness away. I froze as the commando's and Shiala tried to fight off the Batarians with little success.

After a few more minutes the sound died down with the Batarians placing callers on Shiala and the injured Commando with the other Commando being executed from continued resistance.

Another Batarian walked in with strange markings on his armor that the others didn't have.

He looked around for a moment seeing the new slaves before turning to another batarian with a painted stripe on his armor, "Where's the girl?"

"We haven't found her yet sir." the Batarian answered nervously.

"She is the main target the rest are a bonus. Find her or the Hegemony will have your head." the first growled threatening.

After a moment I began to crawl back through the are ducts staying away from the fans. After a bit I came to a dead end.

"What do I do, What do I do?! Shiala…" I cried to myself looking for a way out.

A moment later a grate under my feet fell out from under me. I crashed into a dark room crying out in pain and shock before rolling and climbing to my feet. Taking a few step's with my arms out blindly searching my surroundings I fell over something on the floor. Looking at what tripped me I froze seeing a dead asari staring at me.

A door to the room slid open breaking me from my frozen trance. Hiding behind a crate I listened while looking around at my now lit surroundings.

"Do you see anything?" a Batarian asked another.

"No." another voice answered.

"Keep looking."

I looked for somewhere to hide or a weapon. Pausing I found a Pistol lose in the dead Asari's hand. Sliding forward I grabbed the gun. As I lifted it up and began to move behind cover something grabbed me from behind.

"Found her!" The Batarian spat in her face.

Instinctively reaction in fright I lifted the Pistol pressing it to his head.

"What are…" he never finished as I pulled the trigger.

I froze for a moment before the other Batarian yelled, "You Bitch! Your dead."

I was hit by something sending me to the floor. Looking back up I saw the Batarian begin to lift his rifle to bash me in the face. Pulling the pistol back around I repeatedly began pulling the trigger screaming until it overheated in my hands.

I was covered in blood head to toe with two dead Batarians at my feet. After staring at them for a minute or so I threw up on the floor and the nearest body. After dry heaving I slowly got to my feet. Robotically I checked the gun before heading to another vent.

I went on to kill a number of Batarians with the last being the Batarian with the painted stripe. He along with his partner were screaming at the ghostly sight of my blood covered form. With their deaths I used their omni tools to release shiala and the others…

After we killed the remaining Batarians and found their orders and paper trail leading to the Batarian Hegemony as the master minds… I cried myself to sleep in Shiala's arms.

Later I asked Shiala and my mothers will it ever get better… easier. Shiala said no it will always be with me. Tevos wouldn't give me a straight answer only trying to comfort me. While Aria's words staid with me.
"It will get easier… But you will never forget. Rayna… don't lose yourself… It won't end well. I should know…"


Mother... Tevos has finally been elected as a Citadel Counselor when the last Asari Councilor stepped down. With her moving to the citadel we were not able to see each other as much due to my continues training and running a company.

Aria has continued to grow in power in the terminus systems and even destroyed a number of Batarian Slaver and Pirate bands in retaliation of the multiple attempts to get at me.

Council space 2067 CE

My company has Become one of the lead Corporations out there being well known for the quality of its goods and customer service. It has also been known to buyout or run its competition into the ground. But this year I planned to step up my company's game by starting a colony at the border of Asari space and the Terminus systems near Illum. Going through the Councils process of applying for rights took awhile but in the end was successful.

The system my corporations colonizing was discovered and surveyed almost ten years ago showing much promise. There was seven planets in the system with the 2nd from the star supporting life. There was also three gas giants with the rest being Barren but mineral rich worlds with plenty of moons.

The main planet I planned was obvious due to supporting life. It was a young tropical world much like Thessia but also had a few other regions on its super continent and Australia sized island to remind me of earth. Its two moons had a great effect on the oceans tides.

The world was beautiful and hopefully will be helpful in the long run once developed. The initial plan's were to bring in portable facilities before building up permanent infrastructure and cities.

Omega Nebula, Sahrabarik system, June 2073 CE

With my company practically running itself now with just my oversite things were coming along. The Deal with the Quarians even was a great success but still controversial to others views. The Ship Designs were also a success though they mostly didn't look much like their starwars source of ideas.

Trevos has also had a great career as the Asari Councilor working with many Matriarchs as her allies such as Matriarch Benezia.

I was a surprise when I found out Aria was pregnant with my coming sister Liselle. Her position as Omega's queen also became unstable in the process. Though she managed to keep things in hand until the month of Liselle's birth when Aria had to leave for a time.

I sat out there for hours with Tevos waiting on an Asari Cruiser er mothers yacht, "I hope she's doing ok."

Tevos gave a nervous laugh, "I'm sure she's fine."

I could only nod before reading over Shiala's reports from back on the colony on my omni tool to distract myself. It wasn't helping…

I got up and began pacing again causing Tevos to sigh and grumble to herself, "Sit back down fool girl."

I laughed but sat back down holding each other close.

Tevos leaned back smiling, "You know Aria did the exact thing you've been doing when you were born."

"Really and that is?" I questioned while smiling.

"She wore a hole in the floor from constant pacing." she laughed.

A moment later an Acolyte walked in smiling before bowing, "they made it through and lady Aria is now resting if you would like to see them."

We both got to our feet before heading through the door.

I stopped after entering the room as I watched Tevos kiss and comfort Aria they looked lovingly at each other and their daughter.

Soon Aria spotted me, "Come over here and meet your sister Rayna."

Slowly I walked forward opposite Tevos looking down at the little bundle in Aria's arms. Smiling down I slowly reached out to her pausing a moment while Liselle's little hand weakly grabbed my finger her eye's shining brightly up at me.

I Cooed no I… well yes i cooed at the little one.

Aria smiled nervously looking down before looking at Tevos a moment, "Rayna would you like to hold her?"

I froze looking into her eyes for a moment unsure for a moment, "I … I would love to."

Holding my sister I grew worried for her… I promised I would protect her with everything I had.

Colony Vaeliv 2096 CE

The Colony has grown much over the years and now held my Company's headquarters. The local security forces were also quite numerous and have pushed back a number of Slaver's, Pirates, and merc bands. The new Ships showing their worth along with positive training.

The gas giants had plenty of fuel depots and production facilities. While the rest of the system had stations, and Mine's popping up all over. The Colony now had a population of 3 million with the system all together populating just over 5 million.

With the success of my growing company and improving technologies I was going to move on to the next phase of my plan. Thanks to the success of the automation of mining and production equipment I managed to slip away resources to begin building up Ships, Mechs, and other tools of war in preparation for the reapers in less than a Century… 89 more years till the war, 85 years until Sarin and the Attack on the citadel.

Colony Vaeliv 2157 CE

With my information networks and Probes around Relay 314 showing signs of unknown craft and Turian activity I began to move. It's time to finally meet humanity. To think its been about two centuries since my reincarnation and seeing another human being.

Looking up from my terminal I looked at Shiala who I had just called into my office, "Prepare my ship and her escorts."

Shiala looked confused at my strict tone, "What is it Rayna?"

I sighed rubbing the bridge of my nose, "There is a first contact scenario in play and the Turians seem to want to start a war."

Shiala nodded before rushing out the door. Slowly I turned to look out my office window over my colony. The future events beginning to play out… I wished I had more time.

"Well here comes the creation of Cerberus."
RE: Asari Pheonix Rising Book 1 Ch 3.5 Interlude
Re:Asari Effect
Book on Rise of the PHOENIX

Disclaimer: I Do not own mass effect or any other sources used in this Fiction besides the idea and implementation of my OC Character.

Warning: I've been known to have spelling and grammar issues throughout any story I have written. I am working on improving my skills in writing. It has Greatly dropped since I Worked on Mythical Legends my online web novel At so its been around 4 years since I have really written anything

P A T R E O N: I now have a P.a.t.r.e.o.n. account for those that would like to help fund me to get more time to write but my writing is not dependent on it. Under GruntLordRyan

SCHEDULE: Is on my Profile page and updated every so often but not daily.

This chapter is going to have time skips that may have flashbacks in future Chapters.
The Character is going to OC as a SI insert.
I will be creating my own Asari Lore/codex information this chapter.
I'm Thinking of using 'Heroic Age' Opening song as my stories opener!

Spoiler: Lyrics


Thanks for the Reviews! It keeps me writing.

Chapter 3.5


Colony Vaeliv 2157 CE

With my information networks and Probes around Relay 314 showing signs of unknown craft and Turian activity I began to move. It's time to finally meet humanity. To think its been about two centuries since my reincarnation and seeing another human being.

Looking up from my terminal I looked at Shiala who I had just called into my office, "Prepare my ship and her escorts."

Shiala looked confused at my strict tone, "What is it Rayna?"

I sighed rubbing the bridge of my nose, "There is a first contact scenario on play and the Turians seem to want to start a war."

Shiala nodded before rushing out the door. Slowly I turned to look out my office window over my colony. The future events beginning to play out… I wished I had more time.

"Well here comes the creation of Cerberus."


Tevos POV

Tevos had met Aria in her maiden years who had been hired on as a guard due to her commando training. They grew close over the Centuries until they finally decided to take their relationship to a new level even when their career choices kept each other apart months at a time as Aria left off to the terminus systems and Tevos raised through the political landscape.

After a few decades they planned to start a family as they were well into their matron stage. Both wanted daughters having sisters or cousins already raising families. This lead to the birth of Rayna the little star that came to brighten her heart.

Thessia 1959 CE

Tevos was sore and exhausted but nothing mattered beyond her first born daughter that she cradled in her arms. Her little Rayna had been crying loudly like what was expected but she quickly grew quiet with sniffles as she began to open her eyes.

That's when Tevos heart grew warm at the first sight of her daughters ocean blue eyes. She couldn't help but smile and cooed lightly tapping her button nose, "That's my little girl. I've been waiting for you, It took some time but We came up with the perfect name… my little Rayna!"

Tevos was drawn by the noise of someone running into the room. Another tired but loving smile came to her as Aria her love and Mother(Father) of her child came to a stop a few steps away from the medical bed.

Aria looked on with a nervous smile and cupped hands before walking forward, "Love would you like to hold our little Rayna?" Tevos asked.

Aria paused for a moment before slowly reaching her arms forward, "I would love to."

Aria's POV

Aria Paced back and forth in the waiting room nervously biting on the tip of her thumbs nail. Tevos had been in there for hours with no news of how things have been going. She barely paid any attention to Tevos's siblings, Nieces, and cousins sitting around the room.

"What's taking so long!... Is she alright?" she asked to herself before looking at the door then went back to pacing.

Moments later a nurse came in with a bright smile.

Everyone in the room stood up or stopped what they were doing expecting good news. Aria slowly moved forward a few steps. Questions flew stopping the nurse for a moment as her mouth opened.

"Calm down. Both are stable the delivery went just fine and there are no signs of complication. The Baby is looks to be in perfect health from poliminary scans."

The room broke into excited whispers while Aria moved forward first, "Can I see them?"

The nurse paused for a moment as she turned to leave, "Aria right?"


The nurse smiled again, "You can head in but Tevos will need time to rest so be care…"

Aria quickly moved forwards missing the last of the nurses sentence heading for Tevos's room. It seemed to take forever before she reached the room. Stopping she stared at a exhausted Tevos and their daughter in her arms. Slowly a smile spread across her face as Tevos looked up at her.

Slowly she moved forward as her love offered her to hold Rayna. Slowly safely lifting her daughter warmth spread from her heart. She now had two people to love and protect in this dark and twisted world of hers.

A few months later…

Tevos POV

She new it was a bit early but she couldn't help it she began to try and get Rayna to say her first words with baby talk.

"Can you say Mama… Mama." she asked holding her close.

"Ma… Mama!" Rayna just barely able to say.

Tevos froze in a brief moment of shock before smiling and holding Rayna close kissing her forhead.

"That's my baby girl!"

2 months later...

It's been almost a week since Aria left once again back to omega. Tevos had also gotten back to work and worked tirelessly to catch back up while also trying to spend time with her daughter. She had to leave her daughter in her Acolytes hands for a good portion of the day.

She came home to a shocking sight. Rayna had used some furniture as a support as she tried to walk. Spotting her Rayna gave her a shining smile before slowly walking towards her. Tevos caught her before she was able to fall, "My Baby Girls first Steps! I can't wait to tell Aria."

Thessia - 1960 CE

Tevos was nervous it was time to start working on Rayna's Mind Melding capabilities. She so desperately hopped her daughter did not end up as an 'Ardat Yakshi'.

Holding Rayna in her arms Tevos whispered, "Embrace Eternity!"

Tevos felt her daughters emotions while she looked for any signs of damage to her mind. After a few minutes with no changes she went deeper while beginning to send information and basic instincts on how to use their races gift. Eventually they would move on to language and how to properly take care of oneself.

Before she could close her mind off from Rayna finishing up she began to see flashes of pale skinned Asari like beginnings and other brief images. Tevos paused as the connection severed wondered what that was from Rayna's thoughts bleeding over. Believing that it was her daughters imaginative mind she dropped the though and forgot the entire mater until it continued to happen in further sessions.

Two weeks later Rayna spoke her first sentence, "Mama when will you teach me to read?"

Thessia - 1965 CE

Both Tevos and Aria began to notice the thirst and ability to soak up knowledge as Rayna began her lessons. She seemed to jump months if not years through the average asaris education. Rayna even managed to do her own personal research and keep notes with whatever it is since Rayna read a large amount of subjects.

With the Rate she was learning and Rayna now reaching 6 years of age, it was time to begin looking for tutors. since it was unsafe for Rayna to go to public school besides being leagues ahead of most those her age.

For some reason her daughter began asking for someone named Shiala to teach her. The only one she could think of was Shiala a young maiden commando almost 150 years old that Benezia and Aethyta had been talking about. Looking her up showed that she was a skilled young woman.

Thessia - 1975 CE

Tevos watched as Shiala and Rayna did their daily run around the Compound with worry. Rayna was skilled and smart young girl but she was antisocial. The girl would hardly interact with anyone her age let alone willingly leave the compound. She had asked Shiala to try and convince her since Rayna didn't want to listen on the matter and she could never figure out when to bring it up.

Tevos was also worried about Rayna over taxing herself with her busy schedule and workouts. Her friend Aethyta was excited about someone working so hard to improve themself while also at such a young age. She even began to talk Tevos into allowing her to work with Rayna.

Thessia - 1983 CE

Tevos spent an hour trying to find Rayna after coming home from work. None of the Acolytes knew where she was but knew she hadn't left the compound. Eventually she found her on one of the upper balconies. She froze at the sight before her anger began to build.


Rayna shrank back from her, "This… I aint… Sorry." she slurred out before beginning to cry.

Slowly walking forward she asked, "Where did you get the Alcohol?"

Rayna wouldn't look her in the eye's for a moment, "I… I know… where Mama… Where Aria Keeps… her stash."

Tevos growled in anger 'really love you just had to keep a stash where Rayna could find it. I'm going to have some words with her.' scooping up her daughter she sat on a bench before slightly rocking Rayna back and forth, "Hunny why?"

"I Can't… Take it anymore!" she sobbed.

Tevos sighed sadly while rubbing her back, "What's wrong?

Rayna went on describing nightmares that seemed impossible but she remembered a few glimpses of such images in their Melds but didn't wish to push her. Tevos began to think there may be something to this but for now she had to calm her daughter.

"Shu… Shu… Whatever these dreams are their just dreams."
Rayna shook her head, "NO! They… They happen every night the same ones over and over."

Tevos asked further details listening to every word. This sounded like a wild and active imagination but with the meld's details… these emotions… something is going on here and she needed to find out what. Most likely it's nothing but could she really take the chance.

Thessia - 1989 CE

Tevos POV-

When Tevos got word about the ship Rayna was on being intercepted by Batarian slavers she just wanted to drop her meeting with the Batarian representative over a colonization dispute. When she looked at the Batarian he gave her a knowing smile.

"The system belongs to the Hegemony then." he said starting to get up.

Tevos gave a emotionless smile yet anger could be felt radiating off of her, "No I don't believe so. The Asari Republics have already been colonizing the system for over 3 years. We're not about to hand it over now or…"

The Batarian growled, "That system is meant for the Hegemony. It Borders our colonized space and help provide us with the resources we need."

Tevos anger only grew over the next few hours until Shiala messaged her with the Batarian documents attached. After reading them for a moment a feral smile crossed her face. Looking to the Batarian He gulped nervously having read his own message.

"It looks like the colony stays in our hands. Now let's talk about these crimes the Hegemonyhas committed shall we."

Aria POV-

A group of Batarians barged into her club demanding a meeting with her. Slowly walking down from her lounge area she glared down at them with her men waiting for a command while the customers streamed out.

"What do you want trash." she spat.

The Batarian smiled while sending a data file over to her omni tool, "We got our hands on a… Asari Child and if you don't step down and submit things will get… Messy."

Looking at the information cold anger began to bleed through her neutral look, "You dare FUCK with me?!"

"Omega is ours now with everyone on it." the Batarian went on. "Drop your weapons…"

"I don't Think so." Aria growled.

The Batarian looked back at his men for a moment stumped, "You will do as we say or your Daughter dies."

"What is my one rule?!"

"Your rules no longer…" the Batarian began to say gripping his gun.

"What is my ONE RULE?!" she said while glaring down the now backing up Batarian. While her men began to shift around ready for what they new was to come.

"Now see here…"

"DON'T FUCK WITH ARIA." spat rapidly drawing her pistol and unloaded it into the Batarians skull.

The rest of the Batarians raised their guns while Aria spat on the corpse, "I wouldn't do that now if i were you. You're surrounded and on my turf."

The Batarians looked nervously around at all Aria's men had their weapons leveled on them. Slowly they dropped their guns as Aria walked back up to her Lounge.

"Boy's take the trash out would you." she said as she began sending orders over her omni tool.

After dragging them out into the back alley before executing them all. Soon a large number of Hegemony funded Pirates and Slaver's were decimated with as a warning to leave a message. The Hegemony has broke her one rule.

Thessia - 2019 CE

Tevos and Aria couldn't be more proud of their little girl. She flew through schooling like it was nothing but was even more surprising and that we happily supported was sending her to university under multiple degrees. Just like her previous years she flew through the classes with flying colors.

After her graduation she came to us with a plan and dream to own a company. She took the needed classes and gained the necessary experience. We helped improve her plans and helped finance her start up but we could not imagine the growth rate she took the company at. At first it worried us seeming to rush but the evidence of success kept us quiet. But for some strange reason Rayna named her company after a immortal firebird from the myths of our goddess.

And When things finally settled in 2020 Aria and Tevos selected a representative to represent them on the board with not enough time due to their work. Tevos was working on trying to gain the Asari's councilors position on the citadel council while Aria took more control of Omega and the Terminus regions around it.

Citadel - 2157 CE
(First Contact - shanxi - Relay 314 Incident)

Tevos POV

Tevos nervously stood in front of her offices holo projector trying to talk her daughter out of this foolishness but with little success.

"Rayna please don't do this. We have a delegation forming as we speak. The Hierarchy won't get away with this."

"I'm sorry but I can't not while innocents are slaughtered." Rayna shook my head sadly.

"You don't know that."

"Mother Desolas Arterius attacked and destroyed an entire flotilla without warning, But the worst part is that it is a first contact scenario."

Tevos lowered her head while a shaking fist to her chest, "We are sending a delegation we still have time."

Rayna looked off to the side, "Mother I must do this before to many have died. Relations will be bad as it is but hopefully I can prevent the situation from getting worse."

"Rayna Please!" Tevos voice broke with worry.

"I'm sorry mother we're about to hit the relay. I'll contact you when I can."

"Rayna…" she tried again while but the line was disconnected.

"Why won't you listen to me?!" She cried covering her face with her hands.

Slowly she took deep steady breaths to calm herself thinking everything over while heading for her desk. Sitting down she went over the information once more while selecting the needed personnel to send as a delegation for peace talks and preventing further conflict.

Pausing for a moment things began to click into place from over the last two centuries with her daughter but it only brought up more questions than answers.

First was the images and thought that bleed over in their mind melds over the years until Rayna was more experienced. They held the very image of the descriptions of this race that was discovered. They were so detailed for not having met them let alone it being so long since it started.

The second was Rayna's drunken ramblings of her twenty-fourth year. She went into detail of many things random things and events. But now a race and event she had described seemed to be taking place here and now.

Then there are things that she has let slip and all this preparation for something… This war with... with… Aria and I need to have a discussion with Rayna the moment She gets back. I can no longer push this off or think of it as her wild imaginations… and if its all true…

"Goddess Help Us!"

--- Stories of Little Ray(Rayna) ---

Rayna's Breakfast singularity…

- Tevos POV

Tevos Sat at the table eating breakfast while reading reports off her omni-tool. Rayna sat in her chair finishing up her breakfast not even leaving a mess like the rest her age. Tevos didn't notice after a few minutes of boredom Rayna began to try to practice her biotics at the table.

It is well-known that Asari are natural biotics able to use their abilities without amps to an extent. Amps usually are given around their 80th birthday so the body is developed enough for implantation without risks. The Amps were more to assist in precision and extended stamina instead of brute forcing or overpowering natural biotics.

The objects shifted on the table for a moment causing Tevos to look over to Rayna for a moment.

"Rayna did you kick the table dear?"

"No…" Rayna shook her head with wide eyes.

Tevos shook her head and began to read before the table shook again.

"Rayna Please stop it, I'm trying to work here." she said not looking up this time.

Rayna sat fiddling around while swinging her legs for a few minutes before trying again.

Tevos hummed to herself as a singularity began to form above Rayna's bowl. The singularity bareilly formed for a moment with a flash and shaking objects. Looking up and around to see what the flash was she didn't see anything so turned back to her tablet.

A moment later the flash returned lasting longer causing Tevos to drop her arm to look around. After not finding anything again she brought her omni tool back up to read the next report on a trade dispute.

A moment later a full singularity took formed above the table sending everything flying about table, Chairs, dishes, and food with Tevos and Rayna in the middle of it all. Tevos freaked out for a moment giving a unexpected squeal of surprise. Rayna Just laughed while pretending to swim in the air.

Tevos laughed for a moment at the sight before giving a glare at Rayna, "Really, Stop this now."

Rayna just laughed pushing off the table before doing a breaststroke to try to get to a piece of floating fruit.

Tevos serious look broke again slightly at the sight of her bringing the small fruit to her mouth, "Rayna Stop this."

"No! This is fun!" before she began laughing.

Tevos growled, "Stop it this instant or your grounded."

Rayna froze before canceling the singularity dropping everything to the ground. Tevos easily landed on her feet while Rayna stumbled to her knees.

Tevos sighed looking around at the sight, "Really now look at this mess."

Rayna wouldn't meet her eyes looking down at the ground rocking back and forth with her arms behind her back, "Sorry…"

"Go to your room I'll be up in a minute." Tevos shook her head bringing up her omni tool to call her acolytes to help clean up the mess.

Tevos watched her begin to leave for a moment before looking away. A moment later a piece of smashed fruit flew into her face from a Biotic Pull.

"RAYNA!!!" Tevos growled as the girl ran giggling out of the room. Tevos giving chase with a smile beginning to spread across her face ignoring the work for now.

Rayna's First Biotic Charge!

Aria's POV

Aria after three months was finally able to find time to Visit Tevos and Rayna. She had wanted to spend more time with her family but running a criminal empire and keeping it secure took up most of her time.

Getting out of the air car Aria smiled as she deactivated her omni-tool and headed for the door. Opening the door expecting Tevos to be waiting but was shocked to find mayhem. Acolytes ran around like chickens with their heads cut off while Tevos lead the chase for little Rayna who was running around vanishing and popping up moments later feet away.

Aria slowly pulled out her omni-tool and began recording as Rayna running in a dipper appeared from behind the couch running in the opposite direction that Tevos was. Moments later the giggling of the little tike would once again draw their attention.

Running into the hall Rayna glowed for a moment before vanishing causing things to fall and appearing feet away hiding in a doorway that her pursuers soon passed. Moment's latter she ran back into the room laughing. Soon the girl was popping in and out of the doors of the hallway like one of those kid shows making a mess from her biotic charges.

After minutes of watching this Aria couldn't keep the laughter back anymore and began a bout of hysterical laughter while holding her stomach drawing Rayna's Attention.

"MAMA ARA!!!" Rayna squealed running to her.

"RAYNA!!!" Aria took a step forward to crouch down and lift her up.

Spinning her around Rayna continued to squeal with laughter.

"How's my little girl been?" she nuzzled her nose.
"I've been good." answered Rayna with a bright smile.

"Really and what was that I just watched? Hmm…" she nodded to the entrance hall.

"Practice!" Rayna said while watching the Acolytes begin to put stuff back while Tevos headed their way.

"Practicing what hmmm… Making a mess, Playing a game?"

"No Biotics." Rayna shook her head.

Tevos growled coming up and flicking Rayna's forehead, "Really now. what did I tell you about Biotics inside the house?"

"Not to do it inside." she said sheepishly.

Aria kissed Tevos to calm her and because she missed her. Rayna Always knew how to brighten her days… and she should probably begin teaching her a thing or two about pranks… NO I mean Biotics.

Rayna Lost on the Citadel…

Rayna's First Visit to the Citadel just what could go wrong?

Rayna Sneaks into Omega!

Board and looking for something new Rayna ditches Shiala and her Guards While Tevos is away to go visit Aria.

Rayna and Uncle Wrex

Lost and being chased by some gangs on Omega Rayna Runs into a big bad but friendly Krogan.

Rayna Crashes Fleet and the Flotilla Production

Rayna finds her self as a side character in Fleet and the Flotilla while looking around the Citadel on one of her adventures.

Rayna and the Adventures of Blasto!

Ryana Sneaks onto the Set of Blasto.

Rayna and the Asari Fear of Sushi (Bust not going forward they are Mammals!)

Tevos decided to take Rayna to a restaurant after one of her meeting on the citadel.

-Rayna loved sushi in her past life and eats all she can
-Tevos and other Asari look on nervously at it
-Rayna jokes about eating cousins while laughing it off
-Tevos joins in while others lose appetite

Rayna and her Digital friends!

Rayna sends coded messages onto the net and contacts the geth

Sorry its a little short I was trying to get it out there a bit sooner or else it would have been out tomorrow or later depending on what was going on.

Harry Potter and the Eternal Empire Vol.1 Ch.5
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
I've been known to have spelling and grammar issues throughout any story I have written. I am working on improving my skills in writing. It has Greatly dropped since I Worked on Mythical Legends my online web novel. I'm currently working on improving but it will take some time.
Thanks once again for all the comments and reviews!​
I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out it could be any time between this weekend and next weeked possibly logger if anything happens. I only have so many nights off this next week.
This Chapter has also not been edited/Proofread mainly wanted to get it out before working in a few minutes. will have edited/ self-proofread by tomorrow night.
2017 review's-
Vukk: thanks for the Review, sorry about my text for death I've had people say they have liked it or hated it.
Blaze1992: Thanks for the reviews! right now it is either a de-zergified Kerrigan or a zergified Karrigan at the end of Starcraft 2.
DeathCrawler: Thanks for the review! I've added Janet back but tayla is a maybe right now due to being low on the poll list and I have a few to many Harem members. Tali is on the list and so Liara due to her being one of my most favorite characters and the poll.
Ragna: Yes it's tali from mass effect and she is on the list.
Guest: Sorry about it being OOC I'm trying to stay with the cannon characters but it's AU and Crossover so that has greatly changed them.
PhillyCh3zSt3ak: Thanks for the review! I like the stories you write. The bust sizes where for descriptions and the lemons i'm adding. the two not being fully human is explained in chapter 2.
Delexrax: Thanks for the Reviews! Thanks for the comment on Deaths speaking but a number of people messaged me saying they hate it. I know its Revan but I'm having Raven as her name and Darth Revan as her title.
Thanks everyone for the Reviews and support of my story it helps keep me Writing.
Chapter 5
Mandalorian wars
Invasion of Taris
Harry nodded as they headed for the main training room where around 200 Padawans, Knights and some masters were gathered for training. Malak and Meetra stood to the side of the door Harry joined them while Raven walked forward drawing a number of people's attention.
She cleared her throat, "Brothers, Sisters we are failing our oaths to the people of the republic. The council has done nothing as countless people die at the hands of the mandalorians."
This drew the last of those in the room's attention.
"We swore on our knighting to protect the people of the republic and uphold the peace. Right now the council has pulled us back to hiding in our temples and enclaves breaking our oaths. Harry and I are leaving the order to join the Republic's military to fight the mandalorians and protect the people of the republic."
She bowed to those in the room, "I ask those that can join us do so to uphold our oaths for peace, love, and justice."
Standing up she turned and left the room, Harry, Meetra, and Malak following her.
As they headed down the main hall towards the lift to the Hangers Vrook, Artis, and Zhar stopped them.
Vrook, "where do you think you are going?"
Harry put his hand on Raven's shoulder so stop her before facing Vrook, "You have lost our respect a long time ago Vrook. Using the force to compel awnser and control over us was the first strike, the second was the way you treated us for years, and finally doing nothing about this war was the last straw. As we told you earlier we are leaving the order to join the Republic Military."
Harry led Raven past the three stunned council members Malak and Meetra moved to follow.
Atris quickly grabbed Meetra's arm, "where do you think you are going."
Meetra stared in irritation at Atris, "I'm following those I care for to uphold my oaths unlike you traitors." she spat before yanking her arm out of Atris grip and followed Raven and Harry to their ship with Malak who stayed back to support her.
The council members looked at eachother Atris in shook, Vrook in irritation while Zhar looked coldly at Vrook. Soon their Attention was drawn to the training room's entrance as a number of people had seen the confrontation and made up their mind. At first a trickle began to leave dropping communicators and even a few light sabers at the councillors feet.
First it was only Padawans and knight than a dozen Masters joined them one a female twi'lek stopped while passing, "This order use to mean something. You have broken our oaths and turned your backs on those we are meant to protect." she dropped her communicator and moved on.
Soon word spread and a few hundred Jedi from the temple and enclaves left either to join Raven and Harry to face the Mandalorians or to just leave the order behind them.
The month following Harry, Raven, Meetra and Malak leaving the Jedi order was quite eventful. At first there was just around 100 Jedi having left the order but as time went on 4,237 Jedi had left the Order to join the Republic military's fight against the Mandalorians. 1,622 Jedi just left the order returning home or exploring the unknown, some even joining other force organizations (Examples: Jal Shey (old/Pre Republic era), Jensaarai(Clone war/Galactic empire/Luke's order era), Matukai (old Republic era), Witches of Dathomir, Ysanna, Zeison Sha, Baran Do Sages, Fallanassi.) The Jedi that stayed in the order numbered at 4,581 having many of the Orders enclaves called back to the temple.
When Harry, Raven, Meetra and Malak joined the Republic military they expected to start at the lowest rank and work their way up. Instead and Jedi Knights or Masters were placed as an officer's, as if graduating the military academies, with Raven Being a Major or Lt. Commander and Harry along with Meetra were just under her as a Lieutenant's. Malak was given the rank Petty Officer being the highest rank given to any of the Padawans that followed them. Their first deployment was to meet up with the republices forces on Taris that was just along the boarder of the front line's.
Ebon Hawk en-route to Taris
Harry sat in the pilots chair going over the ships systems with Raven sitting in the copilots seat legs on the counsel dashboard.
Harry sighed in exasperation looking over at Raven, "Really do you have to put your boots on the counsel?!"
Raven smiled back, "Yes besides it isn't hurting anything." she shifted her feet slightly, "see they arn't dirty so don't worry."
Harry shook his head, "Really what if you hit something important or let alone deactivate the hyperdrive?!"
Raven slowly took her feet off the dash board mumbling, "It only happened once." before turning to face harry, "There you happy."
Harry only smiled, "Thanks love! But I would rather not relive those two weeks lost."
Raven laughed remembering those two weeks with joy, "At least we had time alone together those two weeks."
The Hatch behind them opened a moment later with Meetra walking in stopping as she leaned on Harrys chair looking over his shoulder, "So how long till were there? Three, Four hours?"
Harry looked up at her for a moment before looking back at his monitor, "Actually only half an hour."
Meetra whistled, "Still cant believe how fast this baby is."
Harry laughed, "Yes she is! I put a lot of love into this baby."
Raven leaned over and slapped his arm, "Hay what about me."
Harry leaned over and kissed her cheek, "You know I love you. Besides she's just a ship."
Ravens face blushed while her eyes glazed over for a moment. Meetra leaned back for a moment feeling out of place for a moment and slightly jealous. Raven coming out of her momentary daze noticed Meetra's look but was drawn back to Harry handing her a tablet.
Harry looked back out the forward windows, "Well we're suppost to meet up with the republic's 32nd ground detachment before moving on to our first mission."
Raven once again looked over their orders, "Yes under Admiral Jimas Veltraa and Rear Admiral Noma Sommos. Good Comanders who have done well so far but are still being pushed back.
Meetra sat in one of the chairs behind them, "What about Jedi relations with Taris. The Jedi that where stationed here were forced to leave due to a number of Jedi being massacred supposedly by a Padawan named Zayne Carrick which eventually ended up with riots."
Harry looked back over his shoulder while in thought, "Well good thing we are no longer Jedi and now members of the republc military."
Raven rubbed her chin in thought, "If we have time we may have to look into that."
Meetra turned to Raven, "I believe a Noana Sowrs is currently in charge of the investigation at this time. and I believe a Celeste Morne has been charged with going after The Padawan."
Harry shook his head, "We'll most likely be sent to the front lines before we have the chance to investigate."
They continued to talk a while longer before exiting hyperspace above Taris.
After making their way through the Republics defensive fleet and guided in by flight control they landed in the midd upper city. After leaving the Ebon Hawk in their droids hands Harry, Raven, Meetra and Malak headed for the Military's staging area.
Arriving at the gate they were processed through and lead to base commander's office. After being made to wait for a short period of time they where shown in.
"So the Jedi have finely decided to join the war have they." The Colonel said as he turned to face them while setting down a data pad on a stack.
Raven stepped forward, "Officially the Jedi Order has not joined the war but many of our number have left to join the war effort to protect the republic as we were sworn to do."
The Colonel paused for a moment, "Many of us in the military have lost faith in your order but I believe we still need your help to turn this war around."
Raven nodded for a moment, "We will do what we can. We're ready for our orders, Sir."
Raven Saluted with Harry, Meetra, and Malak following soon after.
The Colonel looked over their group for a moment, "You are to take charge of the third Battalion of the 32nd legion. Your free to go but be ready to head out tomorrow at 1500."
Heading out of the office they began heading for the battalions barracks to get to know the men they will be working with. Like was to be expected there was men for and against the decision to have Jedi taking command. Some of the men voiced their opinions but most talked behind their back.
Taris Next Day 0730 hr
Harry stood on an upper observation platform looking down as members of the legion began to gather for morning PRT Drill Training.
Harry felt arms wrap around him from behind while hearing a female voice, "Harry..."
Harry turned his head seeing Raven rest her head on his shoulder, "Yes my love?"
She turned to look over the military grounds, "Do you feel it?"
Harry looked out over the grounds as well, "Yes... Something is coming."
A moment later the force screamed at them and almost lose their balance.
Harry turned to face Raven both tensing up from the danger approching. Turning to a opening door Meetra ran out, "Did you feel that?!"
Malak soon arrived as Raven answered, "Yes... Something is..." at that moment airraid sirens all over the city began to scream its warning.
At that moment they turned as wreckage debries and ships entered the atmosphere. The ships began firing away at each other and the City.
As they began to move a wing of fighter's and Bombers roared overhead firing and dropping their payloads into the base.
They began to run yelling orders at the men around them. Rushing out of the Barrick's they stopped in their tracks shielding their eyes as the Command center exploded showering the military complex in debries.
Walkers and speeders began to move as men ran about in varies states of dress and armor. Fighters trying to take off were blown out of the sky before they could retaliate.
Raven soon lead the way rushing towards their men yelling orders.
"Where is the Colonel?!" Meetra asked a passing MP Sergeant that was in the command center the previous day that she noticed in passing.
He turned from his few injured men being treated, "The Command staff were all in the Command center readying for the 0800 debrief."
Raven turned to him after yelling another order with a walker passing by, "Then who is the commanding officer?"
He looked at her a moment before saluting, "As of the Moment you are Ma'am."
Raven paused for a moment before turning to us, "Meetra take the 26 Battalion to the residential district. Harry Take 43rd to the commercial district. Malak your with me, We're going to the government complex. Sergeant get the injured to safety we'll hold the base as long as we can."
Turning to Harry she briefly held his arm briefly before turning away with Malak and heading for a group of troopers behind a downed walker, "Move out..."
Meetra nodded to harry before heading to another group of soldiers. Harry watched them for a moment before heading towards a group with a few speeders.
(The Siege of Taris has begun...)
Sorry its been so Long I've had a lot going on. I could list a number of reasons...
1.)70 hour work week on average, 16 hour work days three days a week with 8 the rest of it. Work 7 days a week
2.) Chapter 6/Taris arc I'm researching battles and locations of the mandilorian. war
3.) Have been busy and issues came up
4.)tired with 4 to 6 hours of sleep a night on average
5.) Started a Vol. 2 chapter 1 for it but unfinished (Will be posted probly in the next week or two)
6.) Started a few other stories to get back in to writing and are now in the same boat
7.) People have also been sending flame and hate mail
8.) People have also been trying to get my story/stories pulled from sites
9.) Been on sufficient velocity under same user name
10.) Old car was falling apart on me so got new one so more loans...
11.)student loans...
12.) Job changes multiple times this year.
Could still go on...
Dividing up story/Working on a Vol.2! Vol.1 will be his journey home While Vol.2 will be the Start of his empires rise back home.
I'm Also planning on starting a page under the same user Name that i'll set up soon. Depending on how much I Get may give me more time to write but the stories I'm working on will not be determined or limited to it. It's just to help me make payments and daily needs.
Story Information or Codex:
OFFICER RANKS of the Galactic Republic & Sith Empire

Overall Leader - Emperor
Supreme Commander - Minister of War
Rank/Class Lvl Republic Navy / Imperial Navy - Republic Army/Marines / Imperial Army/Marines
O10 Fleet Admiral / Moff/Grand Moff - Field Marshall / Moff/Grand Moff
O9 Admiral / Admiral - General / General
O8 Vice Admiral / Vice Admiral - Maj. General
O7 Rear Admiral / Rear Admiral - Lt. General / Lt. General
O6 Commodore / Commodore - Brigadier General
O5 Captain / Captain - Colonel / Colonel
O4 Commander / Commander - Lt. Colonel / Lt. Colonel
O3 Lt. Commander / Lt. Commander - Major / Major
O2 Lieutenant / Lieutenant - Captain / Captain
O1 Sublieutenant / Lieutenant 2nd Class - 1st Lieutenant* / Lieutenant*
Ensign / Ensign - 2nd Lieutenant* / Lieutenant* 2nd Class
(* - Imperials pronounce this as "Leftenant")
ENLISTED/NON-COMM OFFICER RANKS of the Galactic Republic & Sith Empire
Rank/Class Lvl Navy - Army/Marines
E9 Master Chief Petty Officer - Sergeant Major / Command Sgt. Major
E8 Senior Chief Petty Officer - Master Sgt. / 1st Sergeant
E7 Chief Petty Officer - Sergeant 1st Class
E6 Petty Officer 1st Class - Sergeant
E5 Petty Officer 2nd Class - Technical Sergeant
E4 Petty Officer 3rd Class - Specialist
E3 Seaman - Corporal
E2 Seaman Apprentice - Private 1st Class
E1 Seaman Recruit - Private 2nd Class
Simpler Rank list
Supreme Commander
General (Army), Admiral (Navy)
Colonel (Army), Commodore (Navy)
Major (Army), Group Captain (Navy)
Sergeant (Army), Petty Officer (Navy)
Ship Classes under the Anaxes War College System:
According to this system, capital ships were divided into seven main classifications.
Corvettes: Ships of roughly 100 - 200 meters length
Example: CR90 corvette, Marauder-class corvette
Frigates: Ships of roughly 200 - 400 meters length
Example: Corona-class frigate, EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate
Cruisers: Ships of roughly 400 - 600 meters length
Example: Belarus-class medium cruiser, Broadside-class cruiser kdb-1
Heavy Cruisers: Ships of roughly 600 - 1000 meters length
Example: Acclamator-class assault ship, Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser
Star Destroyers: Ships of roughly 1000 - 2000 meters length
Example: Imperial-class Star Destroyer, Nebula-class Star Destroyer
Battlecruisers: Ships of roughly 2000 - 5000 meters length (small battlecruiser models were classed as "Star Cruisers", to separate them from larger ships of the type, but few recognized this classification as a formal part of the system.)
Example: Bulwark-class battlecruiser, Praetor Mark II-class battlecruiser
Dreadnaughts: All ships over 5000 meters length
Example: Executor-class Star Dreadnought, Kor Chokk grand cruiser
An abbreviated version of the system was also created, with three classifications—gunship, cruiser, and battleship.
Character Profiles:
User Data Required-
User:***** ***** ******
Password: *******
Access granted: Emperor…
Accessing files...
Retrieving Profiles…
No new profiles for right now. Check out my site or previous chapters for current profiles.
Author Notes:
So with that this story can be updated every day to once every couple of months.
Now I might make this a multi story crossover of Harry Potter/Star Wars/Stargate/Destiny/Battlestar Galactica 2003/Starcraft/halo/ and mass effect, or I might keep it as a Harry Potter/Star wars/ Mass effect crossover. Poll is posted Up under my Polls
Next chapter I Plan to write the first lemon in this story though it may be shorter than most due to it being my first attempt at implementing on in a story.
I've created a Poll and it's up on my Profile Page for prefered Harem members. It will help me cut back on a number of the harem members(Final Poll for Harem Up).
Right now this is the idea of who is in Harry's Harem-
Harry Potter: 4(all on Harem)
Star Wars: 15
Revan-Raven (locked in Harem)
Meetra surik (locked in Harem)
Satele Shan (locked in Harem)
Darth Nox (locked in Harem)
Fay - Hero of Tython (Locked in Harem)
Barser'thor - counselor - Luminara Unduli (Locked in Harem)
Lana Beniko (Locked in Harem)
Ayla Secura (locked in Harem)
Shaak Ti (locked in Harem)
Ahsoka Tano (locked in Harem)
Shae Vizla (locked in Harem)
Padme Amidala (locked in Harem)
Vette - with void hound Background (locked in Harem)
Jaesa Willsam (May remove)
Kira Carsen (May remove)
Samantha Carter (locked in Harem)
Janet Fraiser (locked in Harem)
Destiny :2
Warlock - Awoken (locked in Harem)
Amanda Holiday
BattleStar Galactica (2003) :2
Six (locked in Harem)
Eight (locked in Harem)
Nova Terra (May remove)
Sarah Kerrigan (locked in Harem)
Halo Series:2
Noble 6
Jane(fem!John)117 (locked in Harem)
Mass Effect:3
FemShep (locked in Harem)
Liara (locked in Harem)
Tali (locked in Harem)
Sorry I've been busy one job has been going over hours with me working a 2 to 3 person job by my self so I just recently quit that one.I had been working 70hrs a week and every day of the week. Now I'm down to 1 job of 40 something hours a week. I will begin to work on my stories more so between now and new years expect more chapters of my different series. I do not have a specific time frame set yet.
