Growing Pains [DBZ/DC]

Honestly, now I'm curious about how much is known about Saiyan biology in-universe so far. They're aware of Great Apes, but do they know about Zenkais? Cause watching them come back in like a decade just for Califa to be exponentially stronger would be both funny and terrifying.
Honestly, now I'm curious about how much is known about Saiyan biology in-universe so far. They're aware of Great Apes, but do they know about Zenkais? Cause watching them come back in like a decade just for Califa to be exponentially stronger would be both funny and terrifying.
The real question is: does Califa know about zenkai? Goku could consciously tap it during high gravity training but Califa has yet to really tap it. Then again, DC doesn't have senzu beans or something similar.

Still: Saiyans get zenkai. Califa oughta leverage that.
If they hire Lobo they are the greatest hypocrites in the galaxy.
It's not about hiring, it's about putting money with a stipulation on it and hoping for the best.

If Lobo goes for the cash, then if he follows the rules he gets paid. But Lobo usually doesn't follow any rules except his own.

The Ekelon Accords however are going to be interesting to see Earth open a legal dispute regarding the control of Alexander the Great as uninformed due to the lack of control over China, Mongolia, India, Aztec, Mayan, and Incan people all placing his forces in dispute.

"You lack the authority for your planet to dispute the authority of your planet." Sounds like a hell of a way for various people of Earth to bootstrap the UN into having the authority to do so by dint of technically having jurisdiction over the JL and thus the greatest military power on the planet and should be sufficient to parlay extraterrestrial issues.
Still: Saiyans get zenkai. Califa oughta leverage that.
Unlike Goku, Califa doesn't have any fast way to recover from life-threatening injuries which would boost her power. Otherwise there's a chance where she could run into a Future Gohan issue where she takes damage over and over without the ability to fully heal from those injuries.

Califa herself could be fully aware of the existence of Zenkais even if the previous body owner was unaware of it, but that depends on how much meta-knowledge she has. I'd imagine that the beatings by her father and all her time in the recovery pod had the original Califa undergo a few Zenkais already.
Unlike Goku, Califa doesn't have any fast way to recover from life-threatening injuries which would boost her power. Otherwise there's a chance where she could run into a Future Gohan issue where she takes damage over and over without the ability to fully heal from those injuries.

Califa herself could be fully aware of the existence of Zenkais even if the previous body owner was unaware of it, but that depends on how much meta-knowledge she has. I'd imagine that the beatings by her father and all her time in the recovery pod had the original Califa undergo a few Zenkais already.
maybe, but she likes to spar with people who can match or beat her (Wonder woman, superman, icon, GL), can out skill her (batman, green arrow, WW), out do her in one specific way (flash, martian man Hunter,), and/or no sell her abilities and skills outright (Dr.fate, zentara, Shazam, cyborg). On top of that, they don't want to hurt her, so she will constantly get friendly work outs and training that Goku simply never got. Since, in DBZ/S canon, she is roughly equally to Goku w/o Ultra instinct; it stands to reason that even without the deus ex machina of healing pods and sensu beans, she is pretty much in a good state.
No Blackfire then, that's a bit disappointing. Still a funny chapter though, and we get confirmation that sayians do get out and pick fights often enough that even the beat cop knows about it. Not a peep about the PTE though. So it's either unknown or doesn't exist. I don't know which is worse given Freeza.
Growing Pains - Chapter 41
Growing Pains - Chapter 41

I slowly breathed in and focused on my Ki, trying to feel how it responded to various pokes and prods as I tried to get it to do what I wanted. I had been doing this kind of thing for a while, but I was still mostly making it up as I went. This was something very different from the techniques I normally used.

Instead of gathering it all to one point and letting it burst out, I focused on spreading it evenly throughout my body. Then once I felt that was good enough, I focused on raising my Ki as smoothly as I could.

In theory this should–

Almost instantly the Ki destabilized and erupted outward in every direction. I opened my eyes and frowned at the small crater I was sitting in.

Failed again.

"AAAAHHHH, I don't get it!" I complained, flopping on my back and rolling around while I pulled at my hair. Why were techniques that didn't involve blasting something so much harder?! And to make things worse I couldn't just go find someone and pester them into teaching me what I was doing wrong, no one I knew of used Ki!

Maybe I should just wander around China for a bit and see if I could stumble across a Cultivator sect or something? Were those even a thing here?

I stretched out on the ground and sighed, taking a moment to just watch the clouds go by.

China could be interesting, but they didn't advertise superhumans like America did. I would have to actually search the whole country for who I was looking for. And that was assuming they weren't hiding out in some pocket dimension or something that would make me walk right by them. My scouter couldn't find anything at least, which was really annoying because that was supposed to be the one thing it was good for and it was useless when I needed it.

Which meant I was probably just going to waste more time wandering around the Chinese mountains without anything to show for it. Not exactly my idea of fun. Though maybe if I brought Donna or some of the Sidekick Squad?

We could make a whole training journey of it! I could find someone to teach me how to do the weirder things with Ki. Donna and I could try out all the different types of food, Kid Flash would probably enjoy that too. Speedy and Birdbrain would probably like the chance to see magical bows and bo staves. And Aqualad…

Well, there would probably be something interesting to him somewhere. I didn't really know the guy yet.

No, Donna was still on Themyscira and it was the middle of the week so the Sidekicks were probably still in school…

And sitting in the woods trying to get this technique to work was pretty much a waste of time right now. So training was kind of a bust.

There were other things I could do, speed and strength training, Ki control, finishing up the Destructo Disk…but none of that really sounded like fun at the moment.

I needed something to do that would let me unwind and clear my head so I could get back to training later.

Welp, time to go bother Superman then.


The problem with reporters was that they tended to leave looking for things to report on. They didn't just conveniently wait in the Daily Planet building for me to swing by.

I spent the better part of the morning crisscrossing Metropolis looking for Superman which was a lot harder to do when he wasn't flying around and I wasn't even sure he was in the city. I did eventually find him driving in a car along the coast with Lois and some fat old guy.

Guess that meant more waiting. Couldn't exactly call out Superman now and blow his secret identity. He was a jerk and probably evil, but you had to respect the identity rules. Besides I liked Lois, I wouldn't want her mad at me because I blew her boyfriend's secret to some random old guy.

Actually, did Lois know Superman and Clark Kent were the same person yet? I don't think I ever asked…

A loud bang interrupted my thoughts and I looked down to see a truck careening towards the car. One of its tires had blown out and the driver lost control and I could only curse at the situation because I was too far away to actually help.

Lois was down there so Superman wouldn't let anything actually bad happen, but explaining things would be really awkward.

The truck driver fought to avoid hitting the much smaller car, and for the most part he did, but there was simply no room for even Superman's reflexes to make it so the two vehicles didn't collide. The front left bumper of the truck hit the back left of the car and sent it into a spin before it smashed into the guard rail and stopped. The car only went a little bit further before it also hit the rail, pinning the driver side and almost going off the side of the cliff.

But it didn't look like anyone was hurt, Lois and the old guy were getting out of the car and the truck driver seemed fine. So that was good. Now, how to show up and call out Superman without blowing his identity and–


"Oh come on!" I screamed as the truck suddenly exploded. The three people were fine, just pushed to the ground. But the explosion was enough to send the car over the edge of the cliff.

With Superman still inside.

That wasn't a big deal. A little drop wasn't going to hurt him, but it probably would a normal squishy human. And because I had stopped to think after the crash, I was still too far away to do anything! Maybe just get there as fast as possible and have us both pretend I caught him so we could avoid awkward questions and he could repay me with a more serious spar.

With how fast I was going now it wouldn't be too obvious that I didn't catch–

A red and blue blur whizzed past me and my brain stalled out as I saw Superman come up over the cliff with a slightly disheveled Clark Kent.


I wasn't the only one confused. Lois was looking between the two and Clark obviously looked a bit shaken up.

"There you go, maybe next time just watch your step. Right Mr. Kent?" Superman said with a smile as he set the other man down on solid ground.

"Uh, yeah. I'll do my best." The reporter chuckled awkwardly.


"And everyone else here is alright? I saw the explosion. No cuts or anything?" Superman asked, looking over everyone, eyes briefly flicking up to me floating over them but quickly dismissing me for the moment.

The other four quickly confirmed that the worst injury among them was a sprained wrist from when the old guy – who turned out to be Lois's boss – fell during the boom. Nothing that needed an immediate trip to the hospital or an ambulance.

Then it was my turn.

I tensed as Superman looked at me, because now that he and Clark Kent were a little apart I could tell they had the exact same Ki signature.

That wasn't normal.

"And lastly we have you." He said. "Though I don't think I know your name."

I stared blankly at him. That confirmed something weird was going on with this Superman. "Uh, it's me. Califa. You know, the Saiyan you fight with sometimes?"

Superman froze and looked like he was processing that statement.

"Right, right. Sorry about that, it's been a while and I didn't recognize you. You grew up a lot!" He said before I could call him out on the pause. "I saw you trying to help. That was very brave of you but you should probably leave dangerous things like that to the experts."

"...Riiiiiiight." I drawled.

Yeah this guy was a fake.

We literally saw each other a few days ago.

"Anyway, I've got to go. Stay safe and Lois! I'd be happy to see you sometime outside of a disaster. Maybe for dinner one night?"

"That so? Perhaps we should." Lois mused, still giving him and Clark some looks.

"Great! If you have time I'll pick you up on the roof of the Planet. Around eight sound good?"

"If I can make it."

I watched as the fake flew off towards the city. Nothing about the quick conversation was wrong compared to the other times. But this one definitely felt different. Like he had to stop and think about certain responses that most people would just do naturally.

The bit where he didn't recognise me? Even if he hadn't lied saying that we hadn't seen each other for a while, practically anyone else would have looked like they were trying to recall something or had their eyes light up when they remembered.

The fake had paused completely. Almost like a computer program stalling out while it waited for a response to load or maybe like a record needle jumping out of the groove.

There was really only one thing I could say about the whole thing.

"That was bizarre."


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You know...I expected Lex to make a Bizarro Saiyan...but then I realized that she´d be useless at best with a power level in low 100s with luck. Our girl is not exactly an Elite. So cloning her will only net you fairly weak fodder that NEEDS to be trained by a Ki specialist to even be somewhat useful...yea we ain´t seeing a Bizarro monkey girl.
You know...I expected Lex to make a Bizarro Saiyan...but then I realized that she´d be useless at best with a power level in low 100s with luck. Our girl is not exactly an Elite. So cloning her will only net you fairly weak fodder that NEEDS to be trained by a Ki specialist to even be somewhat useful...yea we ain´t seeing a Bizarro monkey girl.

The viability of Sayian cloning has nothing to do with Lex choosing to clone Sups. Its pure spite and ego.

And as for the viability thing quantity has a quality of its own and even a bog standard sayian is more powerful than most threats and they train up fast. It would really be right up Cadmus' ally given Galatea
You know...I expected Lex to make a Bizarro Saiyan...but then I realized that she´d be useless at best with a power level in low 100s with luck. Our girl is not exactly an Elite. So cloning her will only net you fairly weak fodder that NEEDS to be trained by a Ki specialist to even be somewhat useful...yea we ain´t seeing a Bizarro monkey girl.
I mean, it might still happen. From what I can tell, most superpowers in the DC verse tend to start out strong with some trouble controlling them. People who get a DNA sample large enough to make attempts at cloning Caulifa probably think that her growing strength is just her getting the hang of her superpowers. She's kind of told the superheroes how it works, I think, but I don't think she's really been all that forthcoming with what she can or can't do to the actual public.
Welp, time to go bother Superman then.

"Why are you here?"

"Well, I was going to cultivate, but I don't know how, and wandering China at random seems boring, so I'm here to bother you!"

" what you're saying is that I need to find a cultivation teacher or you'll pester me forever?"

"I'm not saying that... but I'm not not saying that either..."
The viability of Sayian cloning has nothing to do with Lex choosing to clone Sups. Its pure spite and ego.

And as for the viability thing quantity has a quality of its own and even a bog standard sayian is more powerful than most threats and they train up fast. It would really be right up Cadmus' ally given Galatea
Honestly my bet is they try to use Sayian as filler for a Kryptonian clone instead of human.
Honestly my bet is they try to use Sayian as filler for a Kryptonian clone instead of human.

Eh, I think they will use both. The problem with the Kryptonian clones is for all of their raw power they are hard to make, the only successful one is Galatea. Conversely I expect making Sayian clones to be relatively easy, the problem comes down to controlling and conditioning them given their nature.

So yeah, a Kryptonian to act as the heavy hitter and role model/commander for the sayian forces to gravitate to and follow.
I really can't believe she hasn't made any effort to control the Oozaru transformation with the help of Superman and/or Wonder Woman. She should get that under control while they can stop her and she can't accidentally destroy the planet. (Edit: the stronger she gets the harder that is going to get.) The time skip would be a good place to say it already happened. Maybe a flashback with several attempts. It would be pretty funny if near the end of the montage they think they are good and the monkey sucker punches Superman.
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I really can't believe she hasn't made any effort to control the Oozaru transformation with the help of Superman and/or Wonder Woman. She should get that under control while they can stop her and she can't accidentally destroy the planet. (Edit: the stronger she gets the harder that is going to get.) The time skip would be a good place to say it already happened. Maybe a flashback with several attempts. It would be pretty funny if near the end of the montage they think they are good and the monkey sucker punches Superman.
I'm assuming it's just too dangerous. She was basically a small child the last time she transformed and she's gone through quite a bit of training and growing at this point. Her Oozaru form is probably in the higher tiers of power at this point, at least. Considering it took everybody on the team to keep her under control last time, they probably don't want a repeat with a stronger Oozaru.

I doubt Califa is going to be willing to tell them about how cutting off or permanently removing her tail will take care of the problem. I'm sure that the other members of the Justice League would be horrified if somebody actually suggested it, since this would basically be cutting off a limb.

I think what I'm more surprised by is that Califa hasn't outright tried to become a super Saiyan yet. Admittedly, I'm not sure how she'd do it. I had kind of expected her to transform when she thought Batman died, since it seems that full blooded Saiyan's need a trigger of some kind for the transformation.

Honestly my bet is they try to use Sayian as filler for a Kryptonian clone instead of human.
No idea how that would go, but we do know that Human x Saiyan hybrids have greater potential than full blooded Saiyan's. They lack the drive for violence that full blooded Saiyans have, but they make up for it by being able to become a hell of a lot more powerful.