Greg Veder vs The World (Worm x The Gamer)

Aggro 4.17
Aggro 4.17

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –​

April 15, 2011
5:33 PM


Time Crisis 4: Rise of The Goblin King


TIME: 21'46"27

SCORE: 4129450



"Yeah, he does!" Greg crowed. Turning his back to the screen, he dropped the gun-shaped controller into it's provided holster and glanced over at his friend. Unable to hide the victorious grin on his face, he didn't bother trying.


"Shut. Up." Even with the annoyingly loud sounds of the arcade, Sparky's acerbic tone rang loud and clear. At least, enough for Greg to hear.

"Whoever wins buys the loser a churro," Greg replied in a sing-song voice, tilting his head from side-to-side. "Them's the rules, Axel."

"What did I say about using my name?" Sparky raised the gun controller to Greg's chest, a distinctly annoyed expression on his face. "Seriously."

Greg's gaze flicked down to the white controller aimed center mass, a playful grin still on his face. After a moment, the blond let out a snorting laugh and spread his arms out to his sides. "You know, I'm pretty sure even if that was a real gun, I could probably take the hit."

Raising a finger to the barrel, Greg's grin widened as he pushed the controller away from his chest. "Reinforcement or not."

With a roll of his eyes, Sparky dropped his own controller down as well and turned back to Greg. "I don't know why I'm surprised but..." Sparky paused, shaking his head. "You're even more annoying now than you were… oh, I dunno? About a month ago."

"Aww, you're just saying that cause I beat ya again." Greg leaned in, hands folded across his chest. "All moody 'cause you lost? I mean, that only makes… what?" He tilted his head to the side, grin growing more smug by the second. "Fourteen wins to your zero."

"Zero?" Sparky shot back, pushing Greg back with an outstretched palm. "You mean one, brah. Fourteen to one."

The blond rolled his eyes, letting out an exaggerated sigh.

'Wow, ok. So, we're doing this now?" Greg clicked his tongue as he tilted his head from side-to-side. "We both know I let you win the skee-ball game, dude. I made one shot right in the hundred hole and then let the rest go in the tens."

Reaching over, the blond patted his friend on the shoulder. "That was a pity win, mi amigo."

As he shook off Greg's grip, Sparky let out a muttered, "Still counts, asshole," and folded his arms over his chest to match his friend.

"Okay, I'll give you that but…" Greg let out a musical hum as he leaned forwards again, grinning as he stood a few inches away from his friend's face. "Doesn't that still mean you gotta buy me fourteen churr-"

"If you lovebirds are gonna make out, you mind moving so someone else can use the game?" A deadpan voice called out from behind them, cutting Greg off mid-sentence.

Both Greg and Sparky turned their heads at the voice, Greg slower and far more casually than his unpowered friend. The blond raised his eyebrows slightly as he took in the appearance of the person that interrupted him.

Fair-skinned, black haired, and with features delicate enough to be mistaken for feminine, Greg only had one thought running through his mind as he raised a hand to his chin.

Wow, I never thought I could put a real-life face to the word bishounen, but here we are. Unable to hold himself back, the blond let out a loud snort of a laugh, drawing the attention of Sparky again. Not bothering to stop even as two pairs of eyes turned to glance at him, Greg waved off his friend's attention as he leaned back against the game again.

While Greg didn't bother saying anything, far too content to laugh at his own jokes, Sparky didn't seem to find the interruption funny at all. Raising an eyebrow, he glanced at the pale skinned pretty boy and pulled a face. "What'd you say?"

Pretty boy moved the lollipop around in his mouth, pushing it to the side as he began to speak. "I said, you lovebi-"

"I heard what you said," Sparky snapped back, now wearing an open grimace. "And the answer is no, we're not done. Why don't you go check out another game and stop being a grabby bitch?"

The pretty boy laughed at Sparky's retort, pulling the lollipop out of his mouth and pointing it at Sparky. "No need to be a dick, man. You could just hurry up."

"And you could just fuck right off right back to wherever you came from," the mixed teen shot back, taking a few steps forward.

Pretty boy scoffed at Sparky's retort as he used one hand to lazily comb his fingers through his hair. "...Whatever, man. I don't need this energy right now." Rolling his eyes, he turned his back to both Greg and Sparky as he headed in the direction of some racing games.

Staring at the guy's back, Sparky spat out a muttered, "Faggot."

"Whoa!" Greg exclaimed, his laughter having petered down a few seconds ago. Drawing Sparky's attention with the sound, he placed a palm on his own chest, as if he could hear the Pledge of Allegiance playing. "This is a Christian arcade. That means no homophobia."

Sparky shot Greg a look through narrowed eyes. "I feel like that's the opposite of what a Christian arcade would be about but sure..."

Greg shrugged as he gave his friend another grin. "So, can I get my churros now or what?"

"Fuck your churros, brah," Sparky growled back. "I call fucking Hax. I bet you have a Gaming ability now, right?" Sparky began. "Is that how you beat me like this?"

Greg hummed. "You mean, beat you so badly that I basically justified the existence of the mercy rule?"

Curling his hands into claws, Sparky let out a frustrated groan without opening his mouth. "Dude…"

Bursting out into another grin, Greg snickered for a few seconds until he got himself under control. "I can't believe you're asking me if I have a gaming skill. Wouldn't that just apply to the game I'm always playing?"

The blond paused, smile shrinking slightly before it widened again. "Hell, that would be the most meta power ever. That would be like double Hax. Hax squared!"

"And that would be different from your regular powers how?"

"Hmmm… fair point but the answer's still a big fat nope!" Greg remarked brightly as he leaned backwards onto the game case.

"Really?" The teen tossed his head back, the action pushing some hair out of his eyes as he shot Greg a blank look. "I thought you made an ability for everything. Didn't you get a Driving ability from go-karts or something?"

"Well, yeah, but I didn't get one for basketball, skee-ball, or the golf game back there," Greg paused to gesture over his shoulder with his thumb. "I did get one for Handguns about an hour back, though."

Sparky's eyes narrowed. "I knew it. I call Hax!"

Greg let out an audible groan, slumping his shoulders. "Fine. It's a little bit of Hax." He brought his thumb and forefinger together in front of his eye. "Just a sprinkle. It's not like I can turn it off."

"You could let me win fourteen times in a row. After that, we call it even."

At Sparky's retort, Greg raised a hand to his mouth, his cheeks bulging up as his head jerked forward. The mixed teenager raised an eyebrow, far too used to Greg's dramatics. "What's wrong now, Goldilocks?"

The goldilocks in question shook his head, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he stood up straight and turned his gaze back to Sparky. "I'm sorry. I thought I just heard someone say something so disgusting that it almost made me vomit."

"Oh, fuck right off, Veder." Sparky frowned, crossing his arms again in a frustrated huff. "I do your ass favors all the time and you won't give me this? The fuck, brah?"

Greg opened his mouth, a smile on his face as he prepared to snark back only for the smile to die midway, the snark following it. Huh, he is right, though. Sparky has done a lot for me. The blond glanced up at his friend's frowning face. Hell, he made me two different sets of costumes and he helped me train too. A bunch of times.

"I'm sorry, Sparks," Greg said with a sigh. "That was kind of a dick move, huh?"

"Not the dickest of moves, but at least halfway there on the scale, yeah." Sparky adjusted his hair, moving a few strands out of his eyes as he paused for a moment. "I mean, it's like throw me a bone here."

"Sorry, dude."

"Don't give me sorry. Sorry doesn't do shit for anyone." Sparky rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh of his own."Just… give me something, dude. I skipped band for weeks. I spent money on the shit for your costume. It's like you don't think I actually do shit for you."

An idea popped into Greg's head, his brain picking up on a path that Sparky's words had led him down. "How about I pay you back all the money you spent on me, plus interest?" Greg offered, thrusting his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. "Just for starters."

Sparky let out a snort, rolling his eyes at Greg's words. "Sure, just drop a couple hundred bucks and we'll call it even."

Greg smirked. "How about I do you one better? [Inventory]."

As Greg's right hand slowly began to leave the pocket of his jeans, his friend's eyes began to wide as he caught sight of the thick bar in Greg's hands as it's distinct golden shine was only enhanced by the bright lights of the arcade.

Rather than pull it out all the way, Greg left it poking out just enough for Sparky to see and winked at his friend.

Amber eyes widened and Sparky let out an odd squeaking noise.

"I didn't get to show you before but it's..." Greg paused, tilting his head as an odd expression crossed his face, "it's part of what I got from beating Lung."

"Is… Is that…"

"Gold. A whole bar, Sparky."

"A whole…"

"500 thousand bucks sitting in my pocket, dude. Jackpot, right?"

Sparky's eye twitched at the number he rattled off, his gaze repeatedly flicking between the bar sticking out from Greg's pocket and his face.

"See," Greg continued, oblivious to Sparky's growing unease "I was figuring I'd cut off a small piece and give it to you. That should should be enough to keep you set for a wh-" Greg would have went on further if Sparky hadn't rushed up to him with a murderous expression on his face.

"Motherfucker." Less than an inch away from his face, Sparky poked the blond in the chest repeatedly, hissing at him under his breath. "Are you trying to fucking out yourself, you ignorant, whitebread piece of shit? I swear to god, I will shove my size 12 boot up your asshole if you don't put that shiny piece of shit back right the fuck now!"

Greg slid back, eyes wide as he did exactly what Sparky had ordered, the bar disappearing into a pocket that was far too small for it. "Whoa, Sparky…" He began, raising his hands up defensively.


"Dude, you gotta relax," Greg cautioned, glancing around to the arcade full of other kids, the sound of screaming, bells, whistles and other random noises contributing to the din. "It wasn't like anybody else was paying attention."

Sparky muttered something unflattering under his breath but stepped back regardless, his shoulders slumping as most of his annoyance seemed to dissipate. "What were you even planning on doing with it anyway? 500 stacks… that's…" He shook his head, glancing down at Greg's pocket again. "That's a lot of money."

"Understatement of the year."

"Shut up," Sparky drawled, dragging a hand down his face. "What are you gonna even do with all that money, brah?"

"Well," Greg pursed his lips, his eyes glancing towards the ceiling as he tried to recall his general plan for the cash. "After I sell the bar, I was thinking about getting a car, or a motorcycle or something. Maybe, buy a building by the docks to convert into a secret lair."

Sparky blinked. "That's… that's ridiculous."

"Yeah, you're right." Greg nodded, cupping his chin with one hand. "Secret lairs are for villains. Heroes have a headquarters."

"No, you i-" Sparky cut himself off with a groan, smacking himself in the face with a palm. "I mean, that's crazy. Did you even know how much something like that costs?"

"About sixty-five to seventy-five thousand dollars, honestly," Greg replied, his tone glib. "Five to ten thousand for an abandoned property and fifty to sixty thousand for new plumbing, electric, paint, siding work, windows, doors, drywall, flooring, insulation, and new appliances."

"H-how…" There was a pause, Sparky's mouth falling open slightly as Greg simply smiled back at him. " do y-"


Rather than respond, Sparky let out a groan, kneading his forehead with one hand. "I'm not gonna go into exactly what's wrong with that plan. My head hurts already. I'm not doing this again."

"Doing what?" Greg asked, legitimately curious.

"Nothing," Sparky hissed back, glaring at Greg from behind his raised hand. The long-haired teen let out a long breath before continuing. "It's nothing. Just… just…. Anyway, you said fourteen churros, right?"

Only slightly confused by the sudden change in topic, but deciding to take it in stride, Greg nodded. "Yep."

"Great," Sparky replied sarcastically. Rolling his eyes, he stuck his hand out towards Greg. "I'm gonna need you to pay up, though. You already owe me for labor. Might as well cough up some money for your own food, brah."

The blond tilted his head to the side, a smile on his face as he plunged one hand into the pocket of his jeans again. "No problem. [Inventory.]"

Pulling out a wad of bills from his pocket, Greg slapped them into Sparky's hands as his other hand patted him on the cheek. "That's half a stack. Don't spend it all in one place, sweetheart."

"I will cut you."

Greg tilted his head to the side and smiled. "We both know you'd be doing me a favor."

His friend simply rolled his eyes and turned towards the concession line, shooting Greg the middle finger as he left. Chuckling, Greg leaned up against the screen again and reached into his pocket again, this time not needing to enter his inventory to retrieve what he needed.

The object sat perfectly in his palm, ensconced in his hand so snugly that even without the royal blue grips on the side of the device, Greg wouldn't ever have to worry about dropping it. Not that he would ever try to drop it, of course.

Risk breaking his very first smartphone? No way, Jose.

Speaking of guys named Jose, the phone store clerk had handled everything for Greg really nicely and rather quickly once Greg dropped a thousand dollars on the counter. You have to appreciate customer service like that.

Seven hundred and eighty-five of that one thousand dollars had gone directly to his new phone, the shiny white model on display on the highest dais in the middle of the store. One hundred went towards a wireless set of earphones designed for him to take calls while 'driving.' Seventy-five had gone towards an extended warranty, one that came with a free upgrade to the next phone to come out in the series. And the last fifty? The last fifty was a tip to Jose.

It had been a thoughtless splurge, Greg had to admit. He had been taking his time on the walk home from Emma's place and he happened to see the building, the large front windows advertising the newest products.

Dropping a thousand bucks all at once for a new phone wouldn't have been something he would have even considered a few weeks ago. Granted, he wouldn't have had that much money a few weeks ago but still...

Although, if Greg really had to think about it, this wasn't an entirely thoughtless splurge. Entirely being the operative all, it wasn't like he didn't need a new phone. It had been three years since he had been using the same candy blue flip phone that his mom had bought him for his twelfth birthday, right before smartphones started getting big.

Upgrading to a smartphone now only made sense.

When Sparky had seen it, he had simply nodded his head and gone, "Nice."

He didn't even bother asking him if his mom had bought it for him, his friend still well aware of he and his mom's tense relationship over the last week. Sparky's lack of surprise could also be attributed to the fact that he already had a smartphone, his parents dropping one on him for his birthday in February.

Granted, it wasn't as fancy as the one Greg had but, then again, it wasn't half-bad either.

Turning his attention back to his new phone, Greg tapped a single icon on the concentric circle that served as the app menu on most smartphone models. As the app opened up, Greg stared at the front page of the single website that he spent more time on than any other.

Parahumans Online



Normally, he wouldn't have waited an entire day to set up his PHO account on his phone but then again, he hadn't felt as interested in it recently what with other things taking up his time.

I'm not even logged in on PHO at home anymore, am I? Greg realized with a puzzled look. PHO only kept you logged in on your computer as long as you went on the site once every twenty-four hours. From what Greg could remember, he hadn't bothered signing on in since… A week ago, I guess? Ugh, can't believe I'm back to being a lurker again.

Resolving to get back in the groove of things once he got back home, Greg entered in his login information. As the app opened up in full, Greg raised his finger to tap on his favorited sub-forum only to pause mid-way, something else catching his attention.

Huh, thirty-seven PM's? That's… weird. He did remember having a bunch of unread messages the last time he logged into PHO but Greg didn't really bother checking them out, considering how there were so many threads talking about him and Shadow Stalker to draw his attention. Might as well check them out.

As the messages loaded, Greg's eyes widened as he realized that he only had one thread in his PM inbox, meaning that all the private messages in his inbox had come from one user. GstringGirl?

♦ Private message from GstringGirl:

void. just got on world of heroes. its cool. i picked an alexandria class. whats your class again?

GstringGirl: void?

GstringGirl: i sent you a friend request on world of heroes. found your account. your hero looks cool too. how did you get a custom class?

GstringGirl: i got to level 10 already. its real fun.

GstringGirl: i dont think my friend request went through. i sent another one just in case.
GstringGirl: void.

GstringGirl: dont mean to bug you if youre busy

GstringGirl: void. you there? i hit level 15. i can switch classes now.

The first two dozen of the messages followed that same vein, with Gstring Girl basically sending him repeated PM's, often several in the same day, trying to get a response. The further Greg went down past that, though, he began to feel slightly uneasy with how often GstringGirl kept messaging him and giving him updates on her game. Doesn't she have other friends or something?

As he kept reading, Greg had to struggle to push down the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. Gamer's Mind seemed to be annoyingly absent, leaving him actually missing that calm state of mind it always forced him into. He shook his head, trying to distract himself, but he couldn't seem to get his mind off how GstringGirl had sounded.

He had been doing a lot recently, his online friend had guessed that much right, but she couldn't comprehend just how busy he actually was.

In between training, school, Emma, and hero stuff, Greg really hadn't had much time to spend on regular video games anymore. It was a sad fact, but there were more important things that he had to deal with. Hell, he still hadn't made restaurant reservations for him and Emma yet.

Apparently, she actually did have plans for both today and Saturday, some swimsuit modeling gig, which meant he had to find an open reservation on Sunday. Considering how booked weekends tended to be, that was going to be a nightmare and a half.

With all that to deal with, Greg knew that he just didn't have the time to spend like four hours a day on PHO, chatting with someone he'd never met in person while he played video games. It may have been harsh, but it was the truth.

It's not really my fault that GstringGirl feels bad, right? Greg thought to himself, desperately trying to convince himself of this. Sure, we played a lot together and… I guess, we also talked a lot… and I did mention meeting up a few times but… He frowned, unsure of what direction his thoughts were moving in. Why do I feel guilty for being busy? I had things to do. It's not my fault that she got left hanging anyway.

Greg shook his head again as he tried to get his head on straight, focusing his attention back on his phone as he tried to quickly read the last few messages.

♦ Private message from GstringGirl:

hey void. just wondering if youre doing okay? i sent you messages.

GstringGirl: just a little worried. you haven't been on PHO in a week. You didnt respond.

GstringGirl: void.

GstringGirl: void.

GstringGirl: i know your probably busy but. im still here if you want to play again.

GstringGirl: if this is about not giving you a picture of me, i told you i couldnt. my parents.

GstringGirl: void

GstringGirl: void

GstringGirl: void

GstringGirl: please.

GstringGirl: void

GstringGirl: im sorry for bugging you.

Greg's arm dropped as he slumped back against the arcade box, the blond staring up at the ceiling with a blank look on his face.


You have gained 1 WIS.

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –​

Greg Lucas Veder


Level 19

Ninja - In Training

XP: 2510/32000

Age: 15 (and three-quarters!)

HP: 1447/1447

MP: 480/480

Will: 486/486

STR: 61

SPD: 62 (+2 [64])

VIT: 82

INT: 50

WIS: 18 ((-12.6) [5])

22 ((+9) (-27.9) [3])

Unspent Stat Points:

Unspent Perk Points: 0

Cash: $18,568.57
Nerd-Geek Hybrid: Your obsession with video gaming, computers, fantasy/sci-fi literature and 80's/90's pop culture has left you in the rare middle of two circles; the obsessive fandom-loving geek and the intelligent, knowledge seeking nerd. Sadly, your hobbies have left you with an aversion to physical exertion. (50% bonus to INT gains, -50% penalty to STR, SPD & VIT gains.)

Asperger's Syndrome:
Ever since you were a little kid, you've always been a little bit off. Impulsive, obsessive, socially obtuse and emotionally needy, you're a bit of a weirdo. You now know that you have Asperger's Syndrome. Thanks to the help of a PRT doctor with good advice, you're now more aware of your own mental state. (-70% reduction to overall WIS, -90% reduction to overall CHA.)

Casanova Bloodline:
As a Veder man, you have a great smile, natural charm and a confident approach to life that draws the ladies in like a moth to a flame. Your great cheekbones don't hurt either. It's how your dad got your mom to go out with him while dating at least three other girls and sleeping with two others, at least that's what he always told you - even when you didn't ask - all the time. (+ 9 CHA)

Fire and fury flows through your veins, blood of the dragon.
The mythical hero Siegfried was baptized in the blood of a magical dragon and became nigh-invulnerable, immune to nearly all forms of damage. You, on the other hand, were splattered in the blood of a not-so-magical dragon. (+ 250 HP, + 10 STR, + 10 SPD)

For some, baptism by fire tends to be a symbolic term. Not for you, though.
Facing the heat of Lung's flames head-on has purified the strength of your will and the power of your soul. The beginnings of draconic power grow throughout your being. (+250 MP, +250 Will, +10 INT, +10 VIT)

Peak Human
What is peak human, anyway?
Somehow, you have surpassed the physical threshold of humanity, surpassing those inherent limits man is beholden to. (Unlocks perks for STR, SPD, VIT and INT once a stat crosses a benchmark of 50 pts)
Baby Steps (1/3) [Ranked Skill]
With Catlike Tread...
Allows very light movement across surfaces, allowing you to move or stand on surfaces that would normally not support your weight.

Facing off against an opponent who far outclassed you has given you an ability to withstand impossible pain in the face of impossible odds.
Takes 50% less damage from opponents over five times your level.

Danger Sense (4/10) [Ranked Skill]
My common sense is tingling.
You gain a sixth sense that allows you to sense the presence of incoming danger.

Developed Mind (1/10) [Ranked Ability]
I like to think of myself as enlightened.
Every time you gain a level, you gain an additional 5 MP for each rank of this perk.

Dragon Blood's Gift
What is a knight without armor? A dragon without scales? A lion without teeth?
All equipped armor and gear is self-repairing at a rate of 1% a minute, so long as it is constantly being fed mana or will in some manner.

Fire Dragon's Aura (1/10) [Ranked Skill]
"Bathed in Dragon Fire and Blood, I shall fear no flame"
At a rate of 1 MP per second per rank, draw upon your pyrokinesis to generate an aura of fire. Your equipment and body are immune to the heat, of it and anything cooler than it. It is, however, actual fire, so try not to burn down your house. In addition, you can literally breathe fire instead of air while this is active.

Growing Will (1/10) [Ranked Ability]
Some people say you're rather willful.
Every time you gain a level, you gain an additional 5 Will for each rank of this perk.

Keen Vision
20/20? That's weaksauce.
The range and clarity of your vision scale with your INT by a ratio of 2:1. (100%)

Lifegiver (5/10) [Ranked Ability]
Health is more than just not getting sick.
Every time you gain a level, you gain an additional 5 HP for each rank of this perk.

Not Quite Dead
People die when they are killed… usually.
Survive after your HP sinks below 0 and a harmful status effect is active.
10% Chance to recover with full health when HP drops to 0.

Quick Healer
Don't worry, it won't scar.
You heal rather fast, at a rate of a tenth of your VIT every fifteen seconds.

I don't trip.
Allows perfect traction over any solid ground, eliminating the chance of slipping and falling over your own feet.

Swift Learner (2/10) [Ranked Ability]
You're no idiot.
You gain an increased amount of experience, increasing by 10% for each point in this skill.

Toughened Body
Charles Atlas would be proud.
Simply put, you're already tougher than most people. Now, well, look at the title of this perk. All physical damage is reduced by half your level number, in addition to all other damage reduction.

Transformation Sequence (1/3) [Ranked Skill]
"It's Morphin' Time!"
By willing yourself to transform, you can equip any full outfit within your inventory, transforming in a flash of blue light, mana glitter and/or a whirlwind of aerokinesis obscuring you.
Gamer's Body (Passive) Lv. MAX
Allows you to live life as if were a game.
Sleeping restores HP, MP, Will and removes most negative status effects.

Gamer's Mind (Passive) Lv. MAX
Grants immunity to mental status effects, emotional and mental trauma and severely dangerous emotional states.

Basic Aerokinesis Lv 12
"Winds, guard me!"
Exert the force of your air control over a range of 35 meters. (140 mph)
20 mp per second of sustained use at max range & power.

Basic Pyrokinesis Lv 3

Burn, baby, burn!
Generate flames and control them up to a range of 3 meters.
Cost: 20 MP per second of sustained use at max range.

Dash Straight Lv 11 (XP: 35%)
Force equals Mass times Acceleration.
You may suck at physics, but you know that much.
Through reinforcing the body, you smash your fist into a target while moving at high speed. Damage scales based on distance moved. (1.5x Damage Cap)
Damage: 165
Cost: 25 Will + 2 Will for every meter power sprinted

Mana Glitter Lv 4 (XP: 65%)
Sparkle like the pretty bishounen you were always meant to be. Or a princess. Or a pedophilic slightly-rapey vampire. Who's judging you?
Release particles of mana from your body in the form of iridescent sapphire sparkles. Max Range increases by 25% with each level. (2.5 meters)
Cost: 1 MP per second

Mana Platform Lv 1
I call it walking on air.
Using raw mana, you create semi-solid platforms under your feet that last only as long as you remain still. (.25 m)
Cost: 1 MP per 2 seconds

Observe Lv 9 (XP: 5%)
A skill to find out basic information relating to the chosen object.
Cost: 1 MP

Raging Combo Lv 13 (XP: 15%)
A blistering barrage of belligerent blows built to batter baddies.
By repeatedly using weaker forms of Angry Straight, you pummel your target with raw frustration and anger. (36 Hits)
Damage: 390
Cost: 65 Will

Reinforcement (Apprentice) Lv 13 (XP: 15%)
A discount version of the Kaio-Ken for the squishy wizard.
Increases your effective strength, speed and health by 5% per level with this technique from a base of 50%. Does not increase actual points of vitality or willpower. Improved control means that weaker usages of Reinforcement is within your grasp for lower costs. (110%)
Cost: 5 Will every 2 seconds
Warning: Overuse will lead to HP damage.

Subskill: Burst
Cast from hit points. Yeah, it's one of those skills.
  • A short, yet extremely concentrated and focused burst of reinforcement applied to the extremities for an insane burst of ability lasting 1 second.
  • (x 2.5 top Reinforced SPD/STR
Cost: 20 Will, 40 HP
Subskill: Layer Reinforcement
  • Increases the quality of non-living items, increasing their sharpness, durability, and hardness.
  • This form of reinforcement can be used on non-living substances for a base quality increase of 250% Each level improves this by 25%.
  • (550%)
Cost: 2 Will every 5 seconds.

Surface Adhesion Lv 9 (XP: 35%)
You ever wanted to be Spider-Man? Don't lie. Of course you did.
This skill allows you to stick to walls and hang on to ceilings and vertical surfaces without a risk of falling. While not denying gravity, this allows you to adhere to surfaces unaided.
Cost: 2 MP per second

Structural Analysis Lv 5 (XP: 35%)
Judging the concept of creation, Hypothesizing the basic structure...
Grants the ability to gain a rudimentary understanding of the internal structure and functional design of simple, non-living objects.
Cost: 2 mp per square half-meter of object.

Weapon Charge Lv 17 (XP: 75%)
Conceptually do twice as much damage with a weapon. Broken?
What's that mean?
Boosts weapon damage x 2.
Length of charge increases by 1/2 second for every level. (8.5 sec)
Cost: 8 MP
Acrobatics Lv 21 (XP: 35%)
An ability that enables you to pull off backflips, frontflips and any manner of jumping-based ground-movement technique with greater ease.

Awareness: Mana Lv 8 (XP: 15%)
Mana, magic energy, magicka, prana, ether, thaum, spiritual energy, magatsuhi or even chakra… Call it what you want. It's all the same in the end.
You have gained awareness of Mana, the spiritual energy found within the human mind and soul. Gaining awareness of your magical energy has given you some semblance of control over it.

Awareness: Willpower Lv 7 (XP: 85%)
Willpower, ki, chi, qi, stamina, aura, mantra, physical energy, life energy, od, or even hamon… Call it what you want. It's all the same in the end.
You have gained awareness of your Willpower, the physical energy found within all living organisms. Gaining awareness of your physical energy has given you some semblance of control over it.

Ballroom Dancing Lv 1
I wouldn't call it dancing yet. More like a full-body dry heave set to music.
Represents your skill in the art of dancing in a fancy, romantic manner when with a partner.

Basic Anatomy Lvl 6 (XP: 5%)
Anatomy is to physiology as geography is to history.
Gain a basic understanding of the human body.
Increases [Critical Hit] damage by 10% per level. (60%)

Beginner Combat Lvl 5 (XP: 15%)
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
The next level of combat, Beginner Combat is a fusion of fighting and footwork into the ability to learn new styles of combat, fusing them into a novice martial combat capability.
Increased bare-handed damage by 2% per level. (10%)

Blunt Weaponry Lv 5 (XP: 4%)
Carry a big stick. Speaking softly is optional.
Measures your skill with using a blunt weapon.
Increases damage with a blunt weapon by 2% per level. (20%)

Breath-Holding Lv 14 (XP: 25%)
Asphyxiation is a terrible way to die.
Increases time able to stay conscious without air by 30 seconds per level. (7 min)

Bullshitting Lv 6 (XP: 15%)
First, you tell a lie; then you believe it; then you become it.
Increases chances that any lie you tell is successful by 2% with every level. (12%)

Disarm Lv 3 (XP: 55%)
Take their weapon from their warm, living hands.
Increases chance of disarming the enemy by 2% with every level. (6%)

Driving Lv 4 (XP: 25%)
NASCAR, here we come.
Measures your skill at operating a four-wheeled motorized vehicle.

Gunplay: Handguns Lv 1 (XP: 55%)
Possibly more than the automobile, the handgun is synonymous with America.
Improves aim/accuracy/stability with a handgun by 5% per level. (5%)
Improves damage with a handgun by 2% per level. (2%)

Gunplay: Rifles Lv 3 (XP: 35%)
Slightly better than a stormtrooper.
Improves aim/accuracy/stability with a rifle by 5% per level. (15%)
Improves damage with a rife by 2% per level. (6%)

Kissing Lv 8 (XP: 15%)
Looks like practicing on a peach actually paid off.
Represents your skill in the art of smooching.

Language: Japanese Lv 8 (32%)
Gratuitous Japanese indeed.
Reflects your speaking skill, and understanding of, the Japanese language.

Meditation Lvl 12 (XP: 10%)
Breathe in the good shit. Breathe out the bullshit.
By finding your inner focus, you push out all earthly distractions and enter a state of mental and physical harmony, allowing a greater understanding of your mind and body. While meditating, your Mana and Will recover at a rate of 10% faster per level into this ability. You retain this bonus for a period of ten minutes post-Meditation. (120%)

Parry Lv 8 (XP: 60%)
To deflect an attack is a double-edged sword;
Risking more damage for the chance to inflict the same.
Increases the effectiveness of any attempt to divert or deflect a physical attack by 2% with every level. (16%)

Reflexes Lv 14 (XP: 15%)
Decreases innate reaction time by 10% per level. (140%)

Resistance: Blunt Force Lv. 56 (XP: 25%)
Going from punching yourself in the face to actual self-mutilation?
Bold move, Veder. Let's see if it pays off.
Reduce all blunt force damage by 0.75% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (42%)

Resistance: Cold Lv 6 (XP: 80%)
The cold never stopped bothering you.
Increases resistance to cold temperature by 1% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (6%)

Resistance: Electricity Lv 8 (XP: 25%)
Everyone knows electrocution is harmless.
Increases resistance to electrical damage by 1% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (8%)

Resistance: Heat Lv 46 (XP: 75%)
"You have to respect anything that can just stand there, on fire."
Increases resistance to heat damage by 1% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (46%)

Resistance: Piercing Lv 21 (XP: 50%)
The thrust or stab is risky because it can kill and yet not stop
Reduces piercing or stabbing damage by 0.75% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (15.75%)

Resistance: Poison Lv 3 (XP: 15%)
I wonder what counts as a poison...
Reduces damage and effects caused by poison by 1% every level that will cause damage less than 100% of your health, in any way, shape or form. (3%)

Resistance: Slashing Lv 9 (XP: 90%)
The cut will stop but not kill.
Reduces slashing or cutting damage by 0.75% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (6.75%)

Seduction Lv 1 (XP: 5%)
I didn't mean to turn you on… or did I?
Manage to draw the attention of a member of the opposite sex using your innate attraction skills. Increases chance of [Critical Hits] on enemies by .5% every level. (.5%)

Singing Lv 2 (XP: 30%)
Stick to doing musicals in the shower for now.
Represents your ability to hit the correct notes, harmonize and anything to do with the art of vocals.

Sneaking Lv 11 (XP: 20%)
Ugh… stealth missions suck.
Allows for 2% quieter movement per level while trying not to be heard. (22%)

Stamina Lvl 11 (XP: 15%)
Whatever I lack in talent I have in stamina.
Increase Will by + 5 with every level. (55 Will)

Swordplay: Single Blade Lv 25
All swords are the same.
Represents your martial skill with the art of a single blade.
Increases damage with a blade by 2% per level. (50%)

Taunt Lv 10 (XP: 10%)
"And this! Is when I taunt you!"
Draw the attention of a target through nonsensical, idiotic, but occasionally piercing, verbal attacks. Increases chance of Critical Hits on enemies by 2% with every level. (20%)

Thrown Weapons Lv 4 (XP: 75%)
Throwing your sword always works. Except, you know, when it doesn't.
Increases the skill, range and force by which items and weapons can be thrown by 2% with every level. (8%)
Last edited:
I think this is the most dickish way of gaining 1 WIS he's ever managed. Poor Sveta...
Ouch. Poor Sveta.

Seems like temperatures are running high all around. It seemed oddly aggro of Sparky, the way he verbally assaulted the rando boy. Even the interaction between Greg and Sparky seemed rather more aggressive than usual. Coming up on a breaking point, perhaps?
Seems like temperatures are running high all around. It seemed oddly aggro of Sparky, the way he verbally assaulted the rando boy.
Not just any rando - a handsome bishounen. A bishie straight out of a shoujo comic book. Who implied Sparky and Greg were dating.

Now, Greg's heterosexual (that's been established pretty clearly), but Sparky? ... Who knows what was going through his head.

Even the interaction between Greg and Sparky seemed rather more aggressive than usual. Coming up on a breaking point, perhaps?
Can you blame Sparky, what with all the stress Greg puts him under? He's got a lot on his plate keeping Greg from going off the rails, and does so much that Greg kinda forgets to be thankful about, and it's incredibly stressful being Sparky these days.

Who knows when that bomb'll go off. :p
If this Greg is smarter and wiser than the canon one, I can picture a villain using info of his stupidity from that world to shame him.

"In another world, you abandoned a lonely, isolated girl for not sharing pictures of herself. Someone with issues that would prevent her from doing so. Someone who was able to put up with your bullshit was so easily thrown away after putting their trust in you."
Ouch. That is... It's nice to see that Greg has such good friends?


On a less sad subject, he just flashed Regent with solid gold, five hundred grand in a pocket. Perfect.
Damage reduction can apply to a lot of sources, but I don't think I'll ever see it apply to emotional damage.
How much i want this to be a qust so i could do something like:

x greg talk to gstringirl

lol. But well nic eupdate the feels man the feeels
How much i want this to be a qust so i could do something like:

x greg talk to gstringirl

lol. But well nic eupdate the feels man the feeels
If this was a quest, I wouldn't be around. I dislike the very concept of the readers telling an author what should he/she write, specially at every turn of the plot.
If this was a quest, I wouldn't be around. I dislike the very concept of the readers telling an author what should he/she write, specially at every turn of the plot.

You are welcome to your opinion.

I have not run any quests myself, but I imagine some authors enjoy running quests because they like to stretch their talents and write plots which are somewhat unknown and controlled by outside forces. This would be similar to the drive which leads some to DM for tabletop RPGs.

Instead of seeing it as a story in which the questers are interfering, instead see quests as a collaborative writing project and/or game. It's a much healthier way to look at it.
Greg needs to start trying to cure that rebuff on his wis and cha, or atleast just his wis with how many things keep going over his head.
Hello everyone.

I made a Patreon and this is just me posting the link.

I've gotten into a bit of trouble at home and I've been pretty stressed and it's been hurting my interest in writing in general.
As I've mentioned before, my mom got into a serious car accident and I've had to pick up the slack, essentially taking care of her and handling all her paperwork and doing the tasks that you would expect the owner of a brand-new nursing agency would do. Since she hasn't really been able to work, money's kinda been tight and I just lost my job on Friday.

The rental car that my mom just got on Tuesday was stolen today. She didn't get insurance on it so she has to pay the value of the car, which puts my family further in a hole. As for me, I'm currently overdrafted at my bank after paying for my tuition with the last of my checking account as well as taking care of other bills around the house.

If anyone can help out by joining the Patreon, I'd seriously appreciate it.

ZFighter18 is creating Fanfiction | Patreon
Aggro 4.18
I'd like to thank all those who pledged to me on Patreon.

Jack, Alec, Binary Giant, e-addict, Erik Mickiewicz, James Carl Henderson, Liam O' Neil, Mathieu Martineau, Sackthanaban Kounlavong, Cedron Spaulding, Silver W. King, TM, Chris, zdront, Door, Jonathan, Carl Mahon, NexusClown, Brandon Dayne Baugh, AntaeusTheGiant and Sartek. And of course, I can't go without mentioning Segev, who does a great job of Beta as well.

Thanks to my other Betas. Kenmadragon, Dasstan, MrWizard, and the Fanciest of Molasses. Seriously, I appreciate all of you guys for your help and I want to make sure you know that.

Aggro 4.18

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –​

April 16, 2011
5:38 PM

Greg tapped the send button, his lips still curved downwards in a visible frown. The look on his face perfectly matched how he felt on the inside, a perfect mix of sadness and confusion.

It's not like it matters anymore, right. Can't take it back now. He really didn't understand how he could have forgotten about GstringGirl for so long. While he had never met her, let alone even seen her, Greg had known GstringGirl for over a year now. He had recommended shows for her to watch, games for her to play, and…

Hell, they had actually played games together. Granted, it had never been in person but Greg had barely even played games with Sparky, his best friend too much of a filthy casual to play on the level he could. Simply having someone to play with and teach about games had been a lot of fun and Greg couldn't even remember exactly how many afternoons he had spent doing just that with his online friend.

How did I forget about GstringGirl? Seriously, Greg thought with a shake of his head, when was the last time I even messaged her? The blond paused for a moment, gaze flicking back to his phone as his finger quickly scrolled back up to the top of the conversation. His eyes narrowed as he settled on the date of his last message to GstringGirl. March 19th, 2011.

The blond winced, teeth clicking as he shut his open mouth and thrust his phone back in his pocket. Eyes closed as he let out a sigh, Greg raised a hand to the bridge of his nose and slowly shook his head. It has been about a month, huh?

A month of basically ignoring a friend.
Greg winced again at the unpleasant thought, his hands clenched into fists at his side. Fuck that, I didn't just ignore her. I forgot her. That's even worse. How do you just forget a friend, you jerk? Greg continued to chastise himself with a frown on his face, now beginning to fully comprehend what GstringGirl must have felt like.

Unsure of what else to say, the blond simply leaned back against the game once more, letting out a muttered, exasperated, "...goddamnit."

"Trouble in paradise?"

Greg's head snapped to the side, the blonde standing up straight as a familiar easy-going voice hit his ears again. He blinked at the sight of the boy from before, the one that Greg couldn't help but classify as "Bishie Boy" in his head. "No…"

As the corners of his mouth tugged upwards in an odd smirk, Bishie Boy shifted his upper body as he leaned forward slightly. "You sure about that? I saw the look your boyfriend gave you before he ran off."

Greg blinked, mouth working up and down for a few moments as he processed the words the other boy had spoken. He shook his head and finally decided to respond. "...urk."

The pretty boy simply raised an eyebrow.

The blond shook his head, getting his thoughts in order as he tried to respond properly, "B-b-b… boyfriend?" Greg spluttered, finally getting the word out. He raised his hands to his chest, eyes wide as he tried to reconcile the idea. "What? Who?"

"The angry one that just walked off." The pretty boy turned his head slightly, glancing at the rather long concession line currently moving at a pace that a snail would be proud of. One hand met the collar of his white dress shirt, his lithe fingers playing with a button before he continued. "You know? Black hair, olive skin, too much eyeliner."

He's talking about Sparky? Blue eyes widened in confusion, Greg's mouth shifting into a slightly perturbed. Why's he talking about Sparky? We're not like that. After a moment's thought, Greg tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow as he did so. Well, I'm not.

"He doesn't wear eyeliner," Greg replied to the other boy's words, the words the first thing that popped into his head after a rather long moment of silence. Realizing what he said, his face reddened slightly and Greg turned his gaze away.

"Mmmm, I wouldn't have guessed that," the other boy hummed in response, "Still cute though."

"I… I guess," Greg snorted, raising a hand to scratch his face as he did his best to avoid eye contact with the fair-skinned boy. "I wouldn't know. I like gi-uh," Greg paused, knowing all too well that just because someone liked one, it didn't necessarily mean they didn't like the other.

Shaking his head, the blond continued speaking. "… I mean, I don't like… guys, you know." He continued scratching his face nervously, the conversation heading down a path he was not at all prepared for.

"Dude, it's okay. No problem with me." The smirk grew further, Bishie Boy's thin lips gaining an odd quirk to them that came off as more than a little smug. He let out a little laugh, one hand lingering on his collar again. "Little advice, though. If you're trying to keep the boyfriend shit on the down low, I wouldn't recommend touching his face."

Leaning forward, the black-haired teen cupped one hand around his mouth and said in a loud stage whisper, "It gives off the wrong vibe."

"There's no vibe to give off," Greg replied, leaning away from the pretty boy. "I'm not…" Pausing, Greg tried to work his mouth into place to say the what he needed. "I'm not… like that."

"Could have fooled me." There was that smirk again, the sight of it causing Greg to shake his head. "I mean, you look good together, though. Like a yin-yang situation. Moody and angry with sunny and vapid."

Vapid? Unwilling to address the rest of the other boy's statement, Greg shook his head and decided to tackle the least embarrassing part of what was said. "Two things. What makes you think I'm vapid?And two, he's not usually… angry."

"Well, first, you look like a human golden retriever, same dumb smile and everything…"

Greg quickly shut his mouth, shifting his face into what he hoped was a stern frown. He couldn't help but notice the smug look on the face of the teen across from him increase as his own smile faded. Jerk.

"And second, about your friend, he's got a shit-ton of issues." There was another hum from the teen, one hand cupping his chin as he continued. "Trust me, blondie. I know his type."

"Do you?" It was an honest question, really. Greg couldn't really imagine meeting anyone else like Sparky. Acerbic and uncaring his friend might be occasionally, he always meant well and was a pretty nice guy, in his opinion.

Granted, that was Greg's opinion. From what the blond knew, plenty of others would disagree with the more favorable parts of his description.

"Acts bored all the time, likes to tell people to fuck off," The pretty boy let out a soft laugh, before continuing, "dresses like he doesn't care what people think even though it's super important to him…"

"Yeah, I know his type." He paused, shooting Greg a wider smile. "And look at you, lemon head, sticking up for your boyfriend. How cute."

Greg brought a hand to his face in a rather loud face-palm, dragging his fingers down his face as he shot the guy a glare. "Seriously, man, it's not like that. I have a girlfriend," the blond argued back.

Why am I even talking to this guy? Just ignore him, already. Despite what Greg thought, he couldn't bring himself to leave, the teen unable to help but fixate on the idea that someone had the wrong perception of him.

"Juggling a boy and a girl? Look at you, lover boy." The pretty boy seemed to purr the last two words, sending an uncomfortable tingle down Greg's back as he leaned forward. The blond couldn't help but notice how his smile somehow seemed to grow the more Greg squirmed. "I wouldn't have thought you were the type."

"I'm not juggling anything," Greg snapped back, filled with the sudden and unexplainable urge to defend his honor. "We're not dating."

"Not dating. Oh..." The boy smiled, closing his eyes as his face grew vaguely cat-like with it's expression. "I get you now."

Greg shook his head, letting out a slight groan at the look on the boy's face. "I really don't think you do."

"Just experimenting, right?" The pretty boy opened his eyes again, his bored gaze seeming to light up as Greg let out yet another groan, the blond covering his face with his hands as his cheeks began to redden. "Cute."

"Could you please stop?" Greg pleaded.

"Oh, don't be like that. Nothing wrong with a little interest…" the boy bit his lip and gave Greg a wink, "outside the box."

Greg let out yet another groan, his face halfway done with its slow but steady metamorphosis into a tomato. "Dude."

"Nothing wrong for pitching for both teams. Now, the question is…"

"No." Greg stepped forward, doing his best to shake his head sternly even as his face remained flushed from embarrassment. "No, no, no, no. No more questions from you."

"Okay, I was just gonna ask if you were done with the machine but I guess, if you're just gonna be rude..." Pretty boy shot him a look, forcing Greg to sigh and step out of his way.

"Here you go. Time Crisis 4," The blond said with a sigh. "All yours."

The other boy stepped forward, glancing at the screen and both of the controllers in front of him for a few moments. His lips pursing, he shot a look back over at Greg, one eyebrow raised. "You know, it's kinda boring playing this alone."

Greg raised an eyebrow. "So?"

"So, help me out with the co-op while you're waiting for your boyfriend to get back. Unless... " He put a hand on one of the light guns, raising the white controller up to his chest with the barrel pointed up. "You don't think you can keep up?"

Just say no. This guy is a total weirdo. Stranger Danger! Greg opened his mouth, pausing for a moment as the raven-haired boy held out the black controller to him. Just say no already! Sighing, Greg shrugged his shoulders and gave the other boy a hesitant smile as he took the controller from him. "Sure."


"Fair warning, though," Greg began as the black-haired teen to his right began putting in tokens for the game, his face gaining a smirk of its own. "I'm super good at this game." As the screen began to change, Greg held the gun out in front of him and put both hands on the controller.

Time Crisis 4: Rise of The Goblin King

The other boy rolled his eyes, raising his own controller as the title appeared on the screen. Only one hand on the gun, he brought the other to his face, brushing the hair out of his eyes in a way that Greg couldn't help but feel was practiced. "Whatever, Goldilocks."

Greg frowned slightly, the other boy's casual use of that nickname somehow getting to him. Only Sparky ever calls me that. He paused, his frown shifting to a slightly puzzled look. And, I guess also Sophia, that one time. But mostly Sparky. Glancing back at the boy to his right, Greg gave him a nod that he was pretty sure came off as casual and uninterested. "The name's Greg."

"Alec. No last name," was the even more casual reply, the other teen not even bothering to look back at him as he spoke.

The blond blinked, his eyes narrowing for a moment before his mouth tugged upwards in a smirk, turning to face the screen as well. "Nah, I'm not gonna call you that."

"Oh?" He still didn't bother looking at Greg, both eyes still focused on the loading game in front of them. "Any particular reason why?"

"Cause it sounds pretentious and snooty," Greg replied, still smirking. The expression was more mocking than anything else, but then again, that was the purpose of it. "I'mma call you Snow White instead. 'Cause you'd look right at home dressed like a princess."

He emphasized both syllables of the word princess by cocking his pistol twice, the action allowing him to select his character's on-screen weapon, a bulky, box-like futuristic-looking handgun that looked like each shot should tear off a person's hand. Being one of the most powerful pistols in the game, the simulated recoil in the controller was also increased appropriately. For a regular person, that would have been a problem. For Greg, though…

Man, this is going to be so easy, the blond thought, his smirk widening as the other guy cycled through his own weapon choices before settling on one of the lower-powered guns, a semi-automatic. Hell, I went easy on Sparky, and I actually like him.

"Princess, huh?"

Greg blinked again, Snow White's voice cutting into his thoughts, and he glanced at the other boy out of the corner of his eye.

"If I'm the princess in this equation," A smirk was on the black-haired teen's face as he glanced over at Greg. "Does that make you my Prince Charming then?"

Fighting the urge to let out the most awkward of laughs, Greg shook his head and refocused his gaze back on the screen. "You wish."

Soft laughter was the only reply Greg received to his muttered comment but the blond didn't let himself focus on that, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the cutscene playing out on the screen. Having played this more than a few times before, Greg knew that it was only a few more seconds before the game would begin abruptly, starting with an airdrop into the game developer's vision of Ellisburg.



Greg raised his gun and began shooting, picking off several of the airborne enemies that flew up to meet him as his character parachuted into the walled city. The first monster had it's head blown off, the skull exploding into beautifully rendered gore as the monstrous bullet in Greg's virtual gun perforated it's brainpan.

Two shots to the wings of the next one sent it hurtling down, the creature already considered dead in Greg's eyes. The two bullets he had let off winged a third creature behind the now-wingless one, the demonic baddie now a sitting duck for Greg to let out one more shot.

The blond gamer continued to pick off winged baddies this way, casually pausing for a few moments to appreciate how creative the developers had gotten with the idea of Nilbog's creatures. For a few moments, he even found himself wondering if Nilbog would like the idea that he was popular enough to deserve more than one video game made after him. Probably. Someone known as the 'Goblin King' probably has to be pretty full of himself.

Shot after shot, Greg kept taking down the enemies before they could even get close enough to be a problem. Utterly decimating the first two waves of bad guys as his character glided through the air on a parachute, Greg began to pick away at the last wave of demonic monsters, the only frustration being the fact that his gun wasn't quick enough to keep up with him half the time.

Man, reloading takes way too long! Greg couldn't help but grouse, losing valuable time as the reloading animation put bullets in his rectangular revolver one by one. As it ended, Greg couldn't help himself from letting out a sigh. Finally!

Less than thirty seconds later, Greg's character touched down on the ground and shed his parachute in a short cutscene, allowing Greg to get back to the shooting in less than ten seconds.
Gunplay: Handguns Lvl Up!
Nice! Allowing himself a quick fist-pump at the skill increase, Greg glanced to his right and raised an eyebrow at Alec's progress. "Wow, still in the air, huh?"

The other teen didn't say anything back, still focused on shooting the baddies surrounding him. Unlike Greg, who was quick enough to pick off all the monsters before they could manage to get within range to crowd him or chip away at even a single bit of his health with their projectile spikes or fire breath, Alec wasn't quite that fast.

And, boy was he suffering for it. While health did regenerate in this game, Greg couldn't help but notice that he was pretty deep in the red already and still falling. Might as well help out.

Immediately after taking out some random grouping of identical monsters while taking care to avoid shooting the random civilians that occasionally ran across the screen only to be torn apart by monsters, Greg pointed his gun at Alec's screen and with four pulls of his trigger, took out six of the monsters crowding his co-op partner. "On your left, princess!"

"Hey, I had that!" Alec replied blithely, not much heat at all in the response.

Rolling his eyes, Greg turned his attention back to his screen as some horrible abomination of a pig and a porcupine as well as another creature with a body resembling that of a frog rushed at him on-screen, the whole thing compounded by the fact that the both of them were over six feet tall on all fours. Ugh, I hate this part!

Raising his gun, Greg bit his lip as he kept shooting at the frog-like creature, unable to make headshots like he had before with the screen swaying the way it did as his character ran backwards to keep away from the giant chimeras. Six shots later, neither of the monsters were dead and Greg was faced with the desperate problem of having to reload.

Goddamnit! He thought, teeth gritted as he waited for the animation to hurry the fuck up already! Five seconds is way too long for a reload. What made the situation even worse was that the monsters on screen tended to start moving faster when shots weren't being fired, which meant that now they were gaining ground even faster than before. Son of a- How much health do these guys have? Frickin' mid-bosses!

As the reload finished, Greg quickly let off four more shots into the toad monster's head, the final shot causing an explosion of digital gore. Finally! A smile on his face, he started shooting the other monster, placing several perfect shots into the porcupine-pig's head. Unlike the toad, this one didn't seem to be super-durable and it only took four shots to take the beast down, Greg's heavy pistol doing its job like he expected.
Gunplay: Handguns Lvl Up!
"You know," Alec spoke up, his voice a slight distraction from the action on the screen, "I was thinking about that friend of yours again."

"Huh?" Greg couldn't help but frown, glancing over at the other teen. "Why?"

Pausing as he shot at several monsters on the screen, his much faster gun taking at least three shots to decimate even the average monster mooks, Alec brushed his hair out of his eyes. "Oh, I don't know. Just thinking about his eyes."

What? Greg whipped his head around to shoot a look at the feminine boy, unsure what he was getting at again. "What?" He couldn't help but say, echoing his thoughts.

"His eyes are pretty enough, right? Amber's a beautiful color." Alec let out a slight laugh, shifting his gun from side to side as he picked off several monsters on the screen, keeping them at bay despite his rather low health. "Don't you think so, lover boy?"

"Not. Gonna. Answer. That." Without even focusing his full attention on the screen, Greg did the same, the monsters falling as he managed to pull off repeated headshots against the slower, predictable mooks. Unsurprisingly, it was getting easier with all the repeated skill increases to Handguns, but then again, it wasn't all that hard to do in the first place.

As Greg moved to pull another on-screen monster's head vanishing with a spray of gore, he couldn't help but notice how his co-op partner kept shooting him odd looks, Alec paying more attention to Greg's side of the screen than his own. Choosing to ignore that, Greg raised the gun again and moved to take yet another shot.

What the hell? Greg blinked, staring at the gun in surprise. The blond switched hands, tossing the controller to his left as he shook his other hand. Why did my hand get all weird? Greg could have sworn that his fingers had felt rather numb for a moment there, most of his hand feeling unresponsive as he tried to pull the trigger. Now, though… his hand seemed fine.

The blond raised the gun with his left hand, only to pause, an annoyed expression crossing his face. And now it's back.

Greg let out an unintended grunt with the thought, his hand trembling like a leaf as he squeezed the trigger. The action was enough to make him miss another on-screen monster and the blonde glanced down at his hand again as he wondered what was going-


Greg's head quickly snapped back up, the blond losing his train of thought as a random monster rushed him. Quickly raising his controller, he made to shoot it only for his hand to twitch again, his shot going wild.

Fuck! Greg repressed the urge to curse at the missed shot, the blond letting out an annoyed grunt instead. The monster closed in, the chimeric creature quick enough to shave of a line of his character's health with a swipe of its claws before Greg shot it at close range, tearing it in two. What's going on with my h-
New Ability Gained!

Resistance: Biological Manipulation Lvl 1
Some people like to work with clay, or glass, or wood. Others prefer the mutability of flesh.
Measures your ability to resist any attempt to directly control your physical form, referring to skin, nerves, organs or otherwise. Increases by 2% per level.
Greg blinked, eyes widening at the sudden pop-up. What the actual hell?

Seriously, this didn't make any sense at all. The blond whipped his head around, confused as to what could be happening right now. Was a villain attacking or something? Why here? Why now? Seriously, just why?

The Sun was still out, for God sakes. What kind of weirdo villain chooses an arcade to-

"Problem, sunshine?"

Greg froze, his fingers tightening on his controller as he heard Alec's smug voice. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced over at the other boy, the subtle smugness of the smile on the black-haired boy's face filling him with a sense of dread. Keeping his voice as low as he could manage, Greg let out a whispered, "Observe."
"Alec No-Last-Name" Lvl 19
HP: 215/215
A random guy that seems to like messing with you. Has an odd habit of adding sexual jokes into conversation. Likes messing with people in general, not just with his power. Looks vaguely feminine. Also, he plucks his eyebrows, because of course he does.
Observe Lvl Up!
Blue eyes widened, quickly narrowing a moment later as Greg read through the entire thing. ...Motherfucker.

Rather than say anything out loud, the blond bit his lip, shifting his attention back to the screen in a slow, measured attempt to keep his cool. Okay, Greg, keep it calm. Keep it cool. Let's just kick this jerk's ass and walk away like a boss.
Resistance: Biological Manipulation Lvl Up!
"No problem here," Greg replied, forcing a smile on his face. "Anything wrong with you?"

"Nah. Just noticing that you're pretty good at this."

"Yeah," Greg's smile faded as he focused his attention back on his side of the screen. "I guess." His face set in a determined frown, Greg switched his controller back to his right hand and began to shoot again.

Just like he expected, it started to tremble as he kept shooting, his hand sometimes twitching wildly just before he was about to pull the trigger. Doing his best to ignore it, Greg held on to the pistol with both hands to keep his arm as steady as he could and began to thin down the horde of chimeric monsters approaching him.
Resistance: Biological Manipulation Lvl Up!
Son of a- Casting quick glances at the boy to his right as his aim kept shifting, lowering his overall accuracy score, Greg couldn't help but appreciate the fact that he was still ahead of Alec in both points earned and progress throughout the level. Try and cheat and still end up losing? Lame.

He brought his attention back to his screen as the ground around his character's feet began to rumble ominously. Now, Greg thought, the blond reloading his gun despite still having four shots left, time for the first boss.

The first level of Time Crisis 4 was the shortest in general, lacking a lot of the more frustratingly hard aspects of the later levels like the rooftop run-and-guns or riding on top of monsters while fighting. However, what this level lacked in gimmicks, it made up for it in sheer, unmitigated awesome by having the most insane boss in the entire game.

Just as Greg had expected, broken asphalt exploded like a geyser as a huge, brown-furred paw burst from the ground, claws digging into the surrounding asphalt and finding purchase. A moment later, that paw was followed by the rest of the creature as it leapt up out of the hole it had created in the street with an ease that did not match it's impressive bulk.

The bloody mess of a creature roared and spread out one disproportionately large and furry arm to the side while a much smaller, but still rather well-muscled, human arm curled up into a fist. On top of this mess of fur, blood, and bulging veins, sat a grotesquely pink head, half of it lacking skin and the other half just too covered in blood to make out. Overall, the monster looked… well, it looked like a mix between a brown bear, a hairy pig, and an overweight Caucasian man.

Greg raised his gun again, noting with a raised eyebrow that his hand didn't seem to be trembling anymore, and smirked. Let's do this.

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –


Time Crisis 4: Rise of The Goblin King



SCORE: 129450



Resistance: Biological Manipulation Lvl Up!

Gunplay: Handguns Lvl Up!
Greg put his controller down, carefully putting the gun in its holster as he turned around to face his cheating co-op partner. The boy in question was in the middle of putting down his own controller as well, or would have been if he had been careful enough to replace the gun-shaped object.

Rather than place his controller back on it's stand, Alec lazily tossed it onto the machine and let the device fall to the floor, attached to the game itself by a wire. Turning to face Greg, the other boy smiled. "Nice job, blondie. You are pretty good at this."

Blue eyes narrowed as Greg let out an atonal hum. That settles it. I hate this guy. Folding his arms over his chest, the blond smiled back at Alec. "Yeah, I know." Greg tilted his head, his smile slowly fading as he paused for a moment. "I'd probably be even better if someone had stopped trying to cheat."

"Yeah." Alec nodded slowly, a closed-mouth smile still present on his face. "Seems like that could fuck up a day, right?" With a click of his tongue, he made to turn around, obviously trying to walk away, "Be seeing you."

I think the fuck not. "First of all," Greg began under his breath, taking several quick steps forward to block the other boy's path, "there's cheating and then there's cheating with powers."

The other boy blinked in Greg's face, appearing unfazed by the accusation. "Your point?"

Greg blinked as he continued to whisper, unsure if Alec even heard him. "What do you mean, your point? You used your power to try and make me lose."

Greg's eyes narrowed even further, the blond growing annoyed as the parahuman across from him simply responded with a disaffected shrug. "And? I didn't give you shit for using your powers."

What? The blond flinched hard, jerking away from the bored-looking boy. Forcing his face into a calm expression, Greg shook his head and tried to change the subject. "I… I don't know what you're talking about. You're the cape here, not me."

"Come on, man," Alec responded blithely, crossing his arms over his chest. "Let's be honest. You're a shit liar." He raised an eyebrow, thin lips rising into a smirk. "I mean almost every time you pulled the trigger, it was a headshot. Come on, no one's that good."

Was I that obvious? Greg flinched again at the thought, realizing that he may have been a bit too good. "I d-don't… Fuck."

"Don't be mad," Alec said with another shrug. The brunette turned around again and began walking away from Greg. Glancing over his shoulder, the pretty boy waved back at Greg. "You cheat, I cheat; It's all fair in the end, right?"

The blond just watched as the other teen calmly walked away, hands in his pockets, leaving Greg alone with his thoughts and nothing else.

Nothing else but all this burning rage. Greg tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. Well, it's less burning rage and more unending annoyance but still….

The fact that some cape could tell he had powers just like that was just ridiculous. Greg was sure he didn't even do anything crazy. Wait… Greg paused, thinking back to how he had played. I guess I did take out a lot of bad guys without even looking at the screen. Was I really aim-botting this whole time?

He blinked in surprise, gritting his teeth a moment later. "...Double fuck." Am I that bad at keeping my powers a secret? It's been like a month and some rando already figured it out. Greg shook his head quickly, a thought about that rando suddenly coming to the forefront of his mind. Forget about that. Who even was that guy? No way he was a Ward, right? There's no Masters on the Wards and no way would a Ward use their powers on someone else like that.

The blond took in a quick breath as another thought hit him. He's a villain! Oh my God, that guy's Regent! How did I not think about that before? Greg's blue eyes widened in surprise a moment later, the blond coming to another realization. Oh my God, Regent is a villain! Does that mean…

"Yo, Veder!"

Greg jumped slightly, letting out a slight squeal as Sparky's voice sounded out from right behind him, reaching his ears above the din of the loud arcade sound. The blond spun around, slapping a smile on his face as he spotted his best friend making his way over to him with an armful of snacks and drink, Mexican pastries included. My churros!

"Dude, stop staring like a goldfish and help me with this shit!"

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –​

"So…" Greg paused to take a bite of his churro, following up that same bite with a bit of funnel cake and a swig of lemonade.

Sparky glanced up from his bacon nachos, raising an eyebrow as he wiped away cheesy crumb remnants from his mouth. "So what?"

The two sat across from each other, the two friends occupying one of the more comfortable tables in the arcade as they ate their greasy overpriced junk food. Sparky may have gone a little overboard with the money Greg gave him but to be honest, impulse control was never his strong suit in the first place. He wasn't as bad as the blond sitting in front of him, but then again, that was just damning with faint praise.

"Well," Greg clicked his tongue, tilting his head from side to side for a moment, "I might have some big news to share."

Now, Greg had Sparky's attention in full, the olive-skinned teen pushing away both his nachos and his drink. "I was gone like fifteen minutes. How big could the news be?"

"One sec." Greg paused to take one rather long sip of his lemonade, pulling deeply from the oversized monster of a cup. In all honestly, the thing was nearly wider than his head.

Two seconds later, Greg was still drinking, leaving Sparky to roll his eyes at another of his friend's oddities. "G."


Five seconds after that, Sparky was getting obviously ticked off and Greg was peacefully drinking from a seemingly endless cup.


The boy in question held up a single finger as he continued that same long sip, finally coming to a close a few seconds after that. As he smacked his lips with a satisfied sigh, Greg let out a rather loud burp, the sound managing to draw the attention of several laughing middle-schoolers.

"Man, breath holding sure comes in handy, huh?" Greg said, a smile on his face. "I should really work on that skill some more."

"Greg!" Sparky hissed, leaning forward.

The blond jumped slightly, blinking owlishly for a moment before he remembered the flow of conversation. "Oh, yeah. The news."

Sparky just rolled his eyes and made a gesture with his hand that clearly said "get on with it."

"Okay," Greg took a breath, "I made an arch-nemesis."

There was silence between the two of them for a long moment, leaving the air filled with the sound of laughing children and the loud beeps and dings of arcade games.

"What?" Sparky blinked rapidly, obviously stunned. "What?"

"I. Made. An. Arch-nemesis," Greg repeated slowly, each word seeming to make Sparky wince.

"I… I… don't…" He blinked again, looking down at his nachos before looking back up in confusion. "...while I was gone?"


Sparky continued to stare, his mouth falling open in what was obviously surprise. "How?"

Greg shrugged, the teen pursing his lips as he did so. "I dunno. He kept hitting on me though, so that was weird."

Sparky's eyes widened like dinner plates, the last bit of information pulling him partly out of his stunned daze. "He?"

"Yep." As Sparky shook his head in confusion, Greg decided to take this moment to bring up something else that had been on his mind for a short while.

Seeing no better time to get it over with, he decided to simply blurt it out. Cocking his head to the side, he wore a puzzled expression as he asked "By the way, do I look like a golden retriever?"

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –​

Greg Lucas Veder


Level 19

Ninja - In Training

XP: 2510/32000

Age: 15 (and three-quarters!)

HP: 1447/1447

MP: 480/480

Will: 486/486

STR: 61

SPD: 62 (+2 [64])

VIT: 82

INT: 50

WIS: 18 ((-12.6) [5])

22 ((+9) (-27.9) [3])

Unspent Stat Points:

Unspent Perk Points: 0

Cash: $18,568.57
Nerd-Geek Hybrid: Your obsession with video gaming, computers, fantasy/sci-fi literature and 80's/90's pop culture has left you in the rare middle of two circles; the obsessive fandom-loving geek and the intelligent, knowledge seeking nerd. Sadly, your hobbies have left you with an aversion to physical exertion. (50% bonus to INT gains, -50% penalty to STR, SPD & VIT gains.)

Asperger's Syndrome:
Ever since you were a little kid, you've always been a little bit off. Impulsive, obsessive, socially obtuse and emotionally needy, you're a bit of a weirdo. You now know that you have Asperger's Syndrome. Thanks to the help of a PRT doctor with good advice, you're now more aware of your own mental state. (-70% reduction to overall WIS, -90% reduction to overall CHA.)

Casanova Bloodline:
As a Veder man, you have a great smile, natural charm and a confident approach to life that draws the ladies in like a moth to a flame. Your great cheekbones don't hurt either. It's how your dad got your mom to go out with him while dating at least three other girls and sleeping with two others, at least that's what he always told you - even when you didn't ask - all the time. (+ 9 CHA)

Fire and fury flows through your veins, blood of the dragon.
The mythical hero Siegfried was baptized in the blood of a magical dragon and became nigh-invulnerable, immune to nearly all forms of damage. You, on the other hand, were splattered in the blood of a not-so-magical dragon. (+ 250 HP, + 10 STR, + 10 SPD)

For some, baptism by fire tends to be a symbolic term. Not for you, though.
Facing the heat of Lung's flames head-on has purified the strength of your will and the power of your soul. The beginnings of draconic power grow throughout your being. (+250 MP, +250 Will, +10 INT, +10 VIT)

Peak Human
What is peak human, anyway?
Somehow, you have surpassed the physical threshold of humanity, surpassing those inherent limits man is beholden to. (Unlocks perks for STR, SPD, VIT and INT once a stat crosses a benchmark of 50 pts)
Baby Steps (1/3) [Ranked Skill]
With Catlike Tread...
Allows very light movement across surfaces, allowing you to move or stand on surfaces that would normally not support your weight.

Facing off against an opponent who far outclassed you has given you an ability to withstand impossible pain in the face of impossible odds.
Takes 50% less damage from opponents over five times your level.

Danger Sense (4/10) [Ranked Skill]
My common sense is tingling.
You gain a sixth sense that allows you to sense the presence of incoming danger.

Developed Mind (1/10) [Ranked Ability]
I like to think of myself as enlightened.
Every time you gain a level, you gain an additional 5 MP for each rank of this perk.

Dragon Blood's Gift
What is a knight without armor? A dragon without scales? A lion without teeth?
All equipped armor and gear is self-repairing at a rate of 1% a minute, so long as it is constantly being fed mana or will in some manner.

Fire Dragon's Aura (1/10) [Ranked Skill]
"Bathed in Dragon Fire and Blood, I shall fear no flame"
At a rate of 1 MP per second per rank, draw upon your pyrokinesis to generate an aura of fire. Your equipment and body are immune to the heat, of it and anything cooler than it. It is, however, actual fire, so try not to burn down your house. In addition, you can literally breathe fire instead of air while this is active.

Growing Will (1/10) [Ranked Ability]
Some people say you're rather willful.
Every time you gain a level, you gain an additional 5 Will for each rank of this perk.

Keen Vision
20/20? That's weaksauce.
The range and clarity of your vision scale with your INT by a ratio of 2:1. (100%)

Lifegiver (5/10) [Ranked Ability]
Health is more than just not getting sick.
Every time you gain a level, you gain an additional 5 HP for each rank of this perk.

Not Quite Dead
People die when they are killed… usually.
Survive after your HP sinks below 0 and a harmful status effect is active.
10% Chance to recover with full health when HP drops to 0.

Quick Healer
Don't worry, it won't scar.
You heal rather fast, at a rate of a tenth of your VIT every fifteen seconds.

I don't trip.
Allows perfect traction over any solid ground, eliminating the chance of slipping and falling over your own feet.

Swift Learner (2/10) [Ranked Ability]
You're no idiot.

You gain an increased amount of experience, increasing by 10% for each point in this skill.

Toughened Body
Charles Atlas would be proud.
Simply put, you're already tougher than most people. Now, well, look at the title of this perk. All physical damage is reduced by half your level number, in addition to all other damage reduction.

Transformation Sequence (1/3) [Ranked Skill]
"It's Morphin' Time!"
By willing yourself to transform, you can equip any full outfit within your inventory, transforming in a flash of blue light, mana glitter and/or a whirlwind of aerokinesis obscuring you.
Gamer's Body (Passive) Lv. MAX
Allows you to live life as if were a game.
Sleeping restores HP, MP, Will and removes most negative status effects.

Gamer's Mind (Passive) Lv. MAX
Grants immunity to mental status effects, emotional and mental trauma and severely dangerous emotional states.

Basic Aerokinesis Lv 12
"Winds, guard me!"
Exert the force of your air control over a range of 35 meters. (140 mph)
Cost: 20 mp per second of sustained use at max range & power.

Basic Pyrokinesis Lv 3
Burn, baby, burn!
Generate flames and control them up to a range of 3 meters.
Cost: 20 MP per second of sustained use at max range.

Dash Straight Lv 11 (XP: 35%)
Force equals Mass times Acceleration.
You may suck at physics, but you know that much.
Through reinforcing the body, you smash your fist into a target while moving at high speed. Damage scales based on distance moved. (1.5x Damage Cap)
Damage: 165
Cost: 25 Will + 2 Will for every meter power sprinted

Mana Glitter Lv 4 (XP: 65%)
Sparkle like the pretty bishounen you were always meant to be. Or a princess. Or a pedophilic slightly-rapey vampire. Who's judging you?
Release particles of mana from your body in the form of iridescent sapphire sparkles. Max Range increases by 25% with each level. (2.5 meters)
Cost: 1 MP per second

Mana Platform Lv 1
I call it walking on air.
Using raw mana, you create semi-solid platforms under your feet that last only as long as you remain still. (.25 m)
Cost: 1 MP per 2 seconds

Observe Lv 10 (XP: 25%)
A skill to find out basic information relating to the chosen object.
Cost: 1 MP

Raging Combo Lv 13 (XP: 15%)
A blistering barrage of belligerent blows built to batter baddies.
By repeatedly using weaker forms of Angry Straight, you pummel your target with raw frustration and anger. (36 Hits)
Damage: 390
Cost: 65 Will

Reinforcement (Apprentice) Lv 13 (XP: 15%)
A discount version of the Kaio-Ken for the squishy wizard.
Increases your effective strength, speed and health by 5% per level with this technique from a base of 50%. Does not increase actual points of vitality or willpower. Improved control means that weaker usages of Reinforcement is within your grasp for lower costs. (110%)
Cost: 5 Will every 2 seconds
Warning: Overuse will lead to HP damage.

Subskill: Burst
Cast from hit points. Yeah, it's one of those skills.
  • A short, yet extremely concentrated and focused burst of reinforcement applied to the extremities for an insane burst of ability lasting 1 second.
  • (x 2.5 top Reinforced SPD/STR
Cost: 20 Will, 40 HP
Subskill: Layer Reinforcement
  • Increases the quality of non-living items, increasing their sharpness, durability, and hardness.
  • This form of reinforcement can be used on non-living substances for a base quality increase of 250% Each level improves this by 25%.
  • (550%)
Cost: 2 Will every 5 seconds.

Surface Adhesion Lv 9 (XP: 35%)
You ever wanted to be Spider-Man? Don't lie. Of course you did.
This skill allows you to stick to walls and hang on to ceilings and vertical surfaces without a risk of falling. While not denying gravity, this allows you to adhere to surfaces unaided.
Cost: 2 MP per second

Structural Analysis Lv 5 (XP: 35%)
Judging the concept of creation, Hypothesizing the basic structure...
Grants the ability to gain a rudimentary understanding of the internal structure and functional design of simple, non-living objects.
Cost: 2 mp per square half-meter of object.

Weapon Charge Lv 17 (XP: 75%)
Conceptually do twice as much damage with a weapon. Broken?
What's that mean?
Boosts weapon damage x 2.
Length of charge increases by 1/2 second for every level. (8.5 sec)
Cost: 8 MP
Acrobatics Lv 21 (XP: 35%)
An ability that enables you to pull off backflips, frontflips and any manner of jumping-based ground-movement technique with greater ease.

Awareness: Mana Lv 8 (XP: 15%)
Mana, magic energy, magicka, prana, ether, thaum, spiritual energy, magatsuhi or even chakra… Call it what you want. It's all the same in the end.
You have gained awareness of Mana, the spiritual energy found within the human mind and soul. Gaining awareness of your magical energy has given you some semblance of control over it.

Awareness: Willpower Lv 7 (XP: 85%)
Willpower, ki, chi, qi, stamina, aura, mantra, physical energy, life energy, od, or even hamon… Call it what you want. It's all the same in the end.
You have gained awareness of your Willpower, the physical energy found within all living organisms. Gaining awareness of your physical energy has given you some semblance of control over it.

Ballroom Dancing Lv 1
I wouldn't call it dancing yet. More like a full-body dry heave set to music.
Represents your skill in the art of dancing in a fancy, romantic manner when with a partner.

Basic Anatomy Lvl 6 (XP: 5%)
Anatomy is to physiology as geography is to history.
Gain a basic understanding of the human body.
Increases [Critical Hit] damage by 10% per level. (60%)

Beginner Combat Lvl 5 (XP: 15%)
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
The next level of combat, Beginner Combat is a fusion of fighting and footwork into the ability to learn new styles of combat, fusing them into a novice martial combat capability.
Increased bare-handed damage by 2% per level. (10%)

Blunt Weaponry Lv 5 (XP: 4%)
Carry a big stick. Speaking softly is optional.
Measures your skill with using a blunt weapon.
Increases damage with a blunt weapon by 2% per level. (20%)

Breath-Holding Lv 14 (XP: 25%)
Asphyxiation is a terrible way to die.
Increases time able to stay conscious without air by 30 seconds per level. (7 min)

Bullshitting Lv 6 (XP: 15%)
First, you tell a lie; then you believe it; then you become it.
Increases chances that any lie you tell is successful by 2% with every level. (12%)

Disarm Lv 3 (XP: 55%)
Take their weapon from their warm, living hands.
Increases chance of disarming the enemy by 2% with every level. (6%)

Driving Lv 4 (XP: 25%)
NASCAR, here we come.
Measures your skill at operating a four-wheeled motorized vehicle.

Gunplay: Handguns Lv 6 (XP: 5%)
Possibly more than the automobile, the handgun is synonymous with America.
Improves aim/accuracy/stability with a handgun by 5% per level. (30%)
Improves damage with a handgun by 2% per level. (12%)

Gunplay: Rifles Lv 3 (XP: 35%)
Slightly better than a stormtrooper.
Improves aim/accuracy/stability with a rifle by 5% per level. (15%)
Improves damage with a rife by 2% per level. (6%)

Kissing Lv 8 (XP: 15%)
Looks like practicing on a peach actually paid off.
Represents your skill in the art of smooching.

Language: Japanese Lv 8 (32%)
Gratuitous Japanese indeed.
Reflects your speaking skill, and understanding of, the Japanese language.

Meditation Lvl 12 (XP: 10%)
Breathe in the good shit. Breathe out the bullshit.
By finding your inner focus, you push out all earthly distractions and enter a state of mental and physical harmony, allowing a greater understanding of your mind and body. While meditating, your Mana and Will recover at a rate of 10% faster per level into this ability. You retain this bonus for a period of ten minutes post-Meditation. (120%)

Parry Lv 8 (XP: 60%)
To deflect an attack is a double-edged sword;
Risking more damage for the chance to inflict the same.
Increases the effectiveness of any attempt to divert or deflect a physical attack by 2% with every level. (16%)

Reflexes Lv 14 (XP: 15%)
Decreases innate reaction time by 10% per level. (140%)

Resistance: Biological Manipulation Lvl 5
Some people like to work with clay, or glass, or wood. Others prefer the mutability of flesh.
Measures your ability to resist any attempt to directly control your physical form, referring to skin, nerves, organs or otherwise. Increases by 2% per level. (10%)

Resistance: Blunt Force Lv. 56 (XP: 25%)
Going from punching yourself in the face to actual self-mutilation?
Bold move, Veder. Let's see if it pays off.
Reduce all blunt force damage by 0.75% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (42%)

Resistance: Cold Lv 6 (XP: 80%)
The cold never stopped bothering you.
Increases resistance to cold temperature by 1% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (6%)

Resistance: Electricity Lv 8 (XP: 25%)
Everyone knows electrocution is harmless.
Increases resistance to electrical damage by 1% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (8%)

Resistance: Heat Lv 46 (XP: 75%)
"You have to respect anything that can just stand there, on fire."
Increases resistance to heat damage by 1% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (46%)

Resistance: Piercing Lv 21 (XP: 50%)
The thrust or stab is risky because it can kill and yet not stop
Reduces piercing or stabbing damage by 0.75% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (15.75%)

Resistance: Poison Lv 3 (XP: 15%)
I wonder what counts as a poison...
Reduces damage and effects caused by poison by 1% every level that will cause damage less than 100% of your health, in any way, shape or form. (3%)

Resistance: Slashing Lv 9 (XP: 90%)
The cut will stop but not kill.
Reduces slashing or cutting damage by 0.75% with every level from attacks less than 100% of your health. (6.75%)

Seduction Lv 1 (XP: 5%)
I didn't mean to turn you on… or did I?
Manage to draw the attention of a member of the opposite sex using your innate attraction skills. Increases chance of [Critical Hits] on enemies by .5% every level. (.5%)

Singing Lv 2 (XP: 30%)
Stick to doing musicals in the shower for now.
Represents your ability to hit the correct notes, harmonize and anything to do with the art of vocals.

Sneaking Lv 11 (XP: 20%)
Ugh… stealth missions suck.
Allows for 2% quieter movement per level while trying not to be heard. (22%)

Stamina Lvl 11 (XP: 15%)
Whatever I lack in talent I have in stamina.
Increase Will by + 5 with every level. (55 Will)

Swordplay: Single Blade Lv 25
All swords are the same.
Represents your martial skill with the art of a single blade.
Increases damage with a blade by 2% per level. (50%)

Taunt Lv 10 (XP: 10%)
"And this! Is when I taunt you!"
Draw the attention of a target through nonsensical, idiotic, but occasionally piercing, verbal attacks. Increases chance of Critical Hits on enemies by 2% with every level. (20%)

Thrown Weapons Lv 4 (XP: 75%)
Throwing your sword always works. Except, you know, when it doesn't.
Increases the skill, range and force by which items and weapons can be thrown by 2% with every level. (8%)
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So if Regent has his Canon powerset, how does he talk like he has Tattletales as well? Is he wired? Are the Undersiders trying to recruit Veder?