Greg Veder vs The World (Worm x The Gamer)

So, what you're saying is, his power is Sparky?

I hadn't considered that.
I suspect that I have an overdose of Taylor Varga and Mauling Snarks, another Worm fic where Taylor can talk to shards. She got a mix of Queen Administrator and a ping from her uncle, which holds the Broadcaster shard, so she got Broadcast Administrator.

And yes, her uncle is who you think he is.
It doesn't help that most insect themed names can fairly easily come off as insulting or menacing. Like if Taylor called herself Insecta or something people would either make puns based on sex or say, "Yes, you are an insect, squish."
"Skitter" demonstrates that, whatever name you wind up with, you can turn it into something ominous and impressive.
Little Hint
Maybe he'll pull down a pyrokinesis skill/ability off this fight, also 10 minutes is when Armsmaster arrives right?

Just a little bit of a hint here for all the readers.

Greg left Lung to rampage behind them while he ran. I mentioned several buildings collapsing and explosions of fire filling the streets and burning cars. Lung has been destroying everything in his path looking for them and with no one to entangle his time, things are a bit out of control in the Docks.
Armsmaster might be a little held-up.
Wait how the fuck is this gonna work? Stalling out a villian who gets stronger the more you fight him seems like a REALLY REALLY stupid idea. The best plan would be to grab taylor and GTFO and its not like the poisons gonna weaken him much. Remmeber when he gets to a certain size he can regen his fucking heart like its nothing. My point is greg is FUCKED.
Wait how the fuck is this gonna work? Stalling out a villian who gets stronger the more you fight him seems like a REALLY REALLY stupid idea. The best plan would be to grab taylor and GTFO and its not like the poisons gonna weaken him much. Remmeber when he gets to a certain size he can regen his fucking heart like its nothing. My point is greg is FUCKED.
Where does Greg's plan say he's stalling him? It says to survive 10 minutes against him. That's not a mercy victory condition of "you don't have to beat him," that's a hard mode victory condition of "you have to fight him while he's getting stronger and stronger."
Wait how the fuck is this gonna work? Stalling out a villian who gets stronger the more you fight him seems like a REALLY REALLY stupid idea. The best plan would be to grab taylor and GTFO and its not like the poisons gonna weaken him much. Remmeber when he gets to a certain size he can regen his fucking heart like its nothing. My point is greg is FUCKED.
Well, no one has accused Greg of having brains and using them.

So, yeah, he sees "shiny reward" and his thought processes go out of the window.
Didn't he get that perk after dying? Maybe he thinks he could an upgraded version if he dies again, so long as he puts in the hidden requisite effort to not die. (Isn't serious.)
Wait how the fuck is this gonna work? Stalling out a villian who gets stronger the more you fight him seems like a REALLY REALLY stupid idea. The best plan would be to grab taylor and GTFO and its not like the poisons gonna weaken him much. Remmeber when he gets to a certain size he can regen his fucking heart like its nothing. My point is greg is FUCKED.

Let me add a note here. Greg's power can probably tell how long it will take for the poison to reach the levels where his regen is overcome by the toxicity --and Lung's power likely will stop him growing further unless other capes show up to add to the danger level. IE Lung's power ramps based on threat level, and Greg is not getting actively stronger as they fight (just surviving it). It isn't how mad Lung is, but how threatened he feels. Start feeling this is too easy and all that power starts UN-hulking.

It may also be precogging out that the Halbeard will arrive about then and inject some more tranq dart action into things...
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Not sure on that.

Taking into account how stupidly Greg ponders every time a quest screen is put before him (Success: 100k XP and a bunch of tasty stuf; Failure: Death), I suspect that rather than trying to kill him, Greg's power it trying to see when Greg will stop and think about the risks/rewards issue. That, or it has given up and is just trolling him.

"Sure, go after the level 80 Huge Rage Dragon, will you? LOL! And the idiot goes after the level 80 Huge Rage Dragon... "

This sounds disturbingly accurate
Ballsy or stupid?
Very, very stupid.
Greg-o managed to deflect one fire blast before Lung had ramped up very much, and now he is planning on tanking/kiteing him for 10 minutes?
Lets say this in a way he'll actually get in context.
Baka baka baka BAKA!
His only hope as far as I see it is to hope that chasing doesn't count as fighting so he can stall the rage dragon buff build up.
And now, watch as Greg pulls off the ballsy plan with nary a hitch.

Lung's gonna be so boned...
I dont know about that. Grego boy has too learn sooner or later that doing stupid shit results in bad things happening to him. what better way to learn then death by raid boss.
He'd need to recover from said death to actually be able to learn something, though, and if he does recover, the learning might not quite work properly.

(Then again, WIS 3, so he might not yet really be able to learn much of anything either way.)
He'd need to recover from said death to actually be able to learn something, though, and if he does recover, the learning might not quite work properly.

(Then again, WIS 3, so he might not yet really be able to learn much of anything either way.)
Im pretty sure it was already established that surviving death is a thing he can indeed do.