Greg and Wormmon

Chapter 27 PHO
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♦Topic: Reona Mall Incident
In: Boards ► Boards ► News ► Brockton Bay

Bagrat (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted on April 26, 2011:

The Reona Mall incident saw Lung, the feared leader of the ABB gang, and his henchmen take control of the mall, trapping countless shoppers inside. The Protectorates Heroes quickly responded, aiming to free the hostages and defeat the gang. However, despite their best efforts, the Heroes were defeated by Lung and his gang. Master and Bait, along with the Undersiders, arrived unexpectedly. Their combined efforts defeated Lung and ended the conflict.

(Showing Page 1 of 1)

► AllSeeingEye
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Ugh, Master and Bait again? I can't stand those two. Especially Master, he acts all smart and doesn't know what he's talking about. I swear he is basically falling backwards into success. I hate that! Bait is the brain behind the operations while this Master is a loser that can't even tie his shoes. He's oblivious to everything around him and he's far too trusting. Master needs to get his teeth knocked in!

► LovesChip
Replied on April 26, 2011:
This is serious. The situation at Reona Mall could have ended much worse if not for the intervention of the Master and Bait. The Protectorates Hero were losing badly until Master and Bait defeated Lung in a minute.

► Doggo
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Master and Bait I thought their group was called the The Jerkers of Brockton Bay?

► SpecificProtagonist
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Does anyone have Bait's number? Asking for a friend. 😏

► Call me daddy
Replied on April 26, 2011:
The PRT is a joke. They keep failing us. This incident proves it. The Jerkers of Brockton Bay are much better heroes.

► Velocity (Verified Cape)
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Dauntless died trying to save the hostages. He was a great hero.

► Winged_One
Replied on April 26, 2011:
My condolences. I am sure every hero did their best to save everyone.

► Clockblocker (Verified Cape)
Replied on April 26, 2011:
I am saying it here loud and clear. Master and Bait power are bullshit.

► WhiteSupreme
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Good riddance to that ABB. But let's be real, this is what happens when you let certain people run wild.

► HentaiDude
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Guys, I swear, Bait is a Digimon. Think about it! He is saying Digivolve!

► Skidmark
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Fuck, everything's so fucked, but at least those ABB fuckers got what they deserved. Fuck yeah! Smoke weed everyday!!!

► FireStorm
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Dear God.

Master is actually a Doctor Who reference! The Master is a villainous Time Lord in the show!

Master claims he is a time traveler.

It all makes perfect sense!

► Fates Minion
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Wondering if the PRT are going to try to ally themselves or recruit Master and Bait. I am concerned about what an unrestrained Empire 88 might do without ABB gang. Empire 88 would try to conquer the city considering their position.

► L33T
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Check this out! [Shares video link] The Reona Mall incident featuring the battle between Protectorate Heroes versus Lung, the battle between Master team versus Lung and even an exclusive meeting between the Heroes and Master team.

All available for a small subscription fee!

► TheBigPickle
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Shut up and take my money!

► GloryGirl (Verified Cape)
Replied on April 26, 2011:
What is wrong with him!?! Amy is in the hospital because of this bullshit!

► Doggo
Replied on April 26, 2011:
Oh this is bad. Can we arrest a Hero for incompetence?

► Battery (Verified Cape)
Replied on April 26, 2011:
How did you get that footage?

► TinMother (Moderator)
Replied on April 26, 2011:
L33T enjoy your ban.
End of Page. 1



In the Undersiders Hideout, Taylor was looking at the PHO forum. The video that Leet leaked made the Protectorates look like fools. Master and Bait with the Undersiders defeating Lung look anticlimactic.

As Taylor watched the footage of their encounter with the Protectorate heroes, she couldn't help but view it from an outsider's perspective. The dynamics ranged from comical at the start to downright contentious in the middle, culminating in a chaotic finale.

Predictably, Taylor surmised that the PRT would likely sweep the whole incident under the rug. Despite being hosted on the relatively popular Leet and Uber channels, the video wouldn't gain much traction, especially compared to the inexplicable phenomenon of Flappy Bird videos.

With a sigh, Taylor closed the PHO tab and navigated to a different corner of the internet—a piracy site harboring Earth Alpha anime shows. Armed with a pencil and notepad, she delved into the first episode of Digimon Adventure, determined to unravel the mysteries of these Digimon through meticulous note-taking.


Taylor, Alec, Brian and Rachel were gathered around the table and had a pizza box pile.

Taylor's plate held a greasy pizza, which she diligently blotted with a napkin to absorb the excess oil, repeating the process twice more. Their pizza joint always seemed to drown their slices in oil.

Sitting next to Taylor was Alec, busy removing pepperoni from his pizza for some mysterious reason.

"Hey, Alec," Taylor said, leaning in. "Mind if I ask you something?"

Alec, still fussing with his slice, looked up and said, "Sure, shoot."

Taylor frowned, pointing at Alec's pizza. "I noticed you ordered pepperoni, but now you're taking it off. Why did you order a pizza with pepperoni if you were going to remove them anyway?"

Alec grinned. "Trust me, it tastes way better without it. I think it's all about that pepperoni oil flavor. Want to give it a try?" He offered her a slice.

Taylor eyed the slick surface of the pizza, feeling a twinge of concern that it might not sit well with her stomach. "No thanks," she declined politely.

As Taylor nibbled on her pizza, she couldn't help but think that maybe she should've gone for a salad instead. But then it dawned on her that she'd probably end up craving some fries to go with it anyway.

Rachel was feeding her dogs pizza under the table.

Taylor wondered if it was safe for the dogs to eat such greasy pizza. Wisely, she wasn't going to say anything.

"Taylor," Brian said, "Do you have any plans this weekend?"

Taylor briefly admired Brian's shirt, which seemed to be tight and showed off Brian's developed muscles. Brian just finished working out and getting into shape and he looked....

"Taylor?" Brian said it again.

Taylor fumbled on what to say, "Oh, I don't have any plans?"

Brian gave a smile. "I have a lot of furniture and boxes to move to my new apartment. Would you mind helping me?"

Taylor happily replied, "I like you. No, I mean, I like to help."

"That was smooth as butter," Alec said.

Taylor wished that her power would make her go invisible.

Brian chuckled and said, "Thank you, Taylor."

Taylor was super relieved when Lisa arrived with her laptop to save her from embarrassing herself more.

"Alright people," Lisa spoke, showing the rest of the Undersiders a chart on her laptop. "We have a golden opportunity to make ourselves the new face of Brockton Bay. All we need to do is risk fighting the Empire 88."

The chart that Lisa showed had images of every known cape that Empire 88 had in their rouster. Kaiser was at the top, while Hookwolf, Purity and Krieg were on the second tier. While the other Empire capes were below them.

Taylor's eyes lingered on Purity and then at Kaiser. She started to remember Wormmon telling her that she would shoot Kaiser and Purity baby in the future.

Taylor raised her hand and asked, "Are we going to be killing by chance?"

"No, we are not killing anyone," Grue answered. "We just need to win enough battles with Empire 88 to make them learn not to mess with us."

Alec added, "We MIGHT kill some people by accident."

Taylor asked, "So I might, by complete accident, kill a baby?"

"Honey," Lisa said slowly. "In what kind of messed-up situation do you get into that you accidentally kill a baby?"

"I don't know," Taylor said in agony. "Master and Bait told me I'm going to kill Kaiser and Purity baby in the future."

"Oh, you screwed the goat," Alec said. "We are planning a gang war with Empire 88. It is almost poetic that you kill the gang leader's baby."

Grue said calmly, "We will make sure our plans don't include killing any babies. Master and Bait seemed to be trying to change the future. We can change this one outcome."

Taylor took a breath before nodding her head. "Ok, we can do this."

Lisa said, "Great. Now back to the discussion. There are some steps we need to take before we become a gang. First, we need to boast our numbers."

Alec cheered, "Sweet, we get minions!"

Taylor asked, "Are we recruiting Canary?"

Rachel growled and said, "I don't want any more people on our team."

Brian replied, "We know, but if we get a bigger pie, you can have a bigger slice."

Rachel looked around the table. "I don't see any pie."

Lisa said, "It's a metaphor, with more members in our team, we can do more work and earn more money, meaning you get more money."

"Okay," Rachel said, folding her arms, "I still don't like it."

Lisa said, "We will try to recruit Canary. I would like to recruit a mercenary group for our cause. I will vet them to make sure they are trustworthy."

Brian said, "Sounds good. Moving forward, who in the Empire 88 are we striking first? We need to get our name out."

"Hookwolf," Rachel said. "He has a dog fighting ring and I want to give him a beating."

Brian said, "I am fine with taking down Hookwolf and saving the dogs? Everyone else in agreement?"

Lisa said, "I vote we do this. Ok, I will look for dog fighting rings in the city."

Taylor said, "Saving innocent dogs from Hookwolf sounds great. Alright, let's take down Hookwolf."

Alec said, "I like cats way more than dogs."

Rachel growled.

Alec then said, "Just playing. I'm on board."

Brian said, "We need a plan so we don't end up dead from Hookwolf. Let's figure this out."

The Undersiders started making their plan against Hookwolf.
Votes 7/4/2024
Hello readers,

Their are 13 more days left to cast your vote

Here are the counted votes

[X] Zoe Orimoto from Digimon Frontier (7 Votes total)

Xenvic, Lordddarkrai2, Plik, Tanatos, Prince of Space, VengfulRaptor, Bigsdragon

[X] Ranamon from digimon frontier. (6 Votes total)

Jealousfailure, Toon king, hakudoshi233, Leon_Zero, sherico, BunnyHero24

[X] Lina Inverse from Slayers (3 Votes total)

Bloodfox, Lethality, tea123

[x] Tomoko Kuroki from "No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not Popular!" (1 Votes total)


[X] Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony Equestria Girls Variant (1 Votes total)


[X] Wednesday from Addams Family (1 Votes total)


[X] Kei and Yuri from the Dirty Pair (1 Votes total)


[X] Slaanesh (or Sister of Battle) from Warhammer 40K (1 Votes total)

Chapter 28
POV Wormmon.

Wormmon and Greg were going to Boston.

Now that Lung was gone, there was nothing stopping the pair from going and saving Canary.

A package arrived, sitting innocently on the living room table. It was a package from R.O.B. to Tommy.

Wormmon and Greg were staring at the package curiously.

Wormmon said, "It would be nice if the criteria for being rewarded were explained to us."

Digimental of Kindness was found in a game store.

Digimental of Courage was delivered to the house after sending Coil and having him arrested in New York.

Digimental of Knowledge was delivered after killing Oni Lee.

A new Digimental is now delivered after defeating Lung.

There was a pattern, but it doesn't make sense that a Digimental wasn't delivered after arresting Bakuda.

Greg opened that package.

A black and blue egg with a lightning horn was in the box.

Wormmon said, "That is the Digimental of Friendship."

"Super good," Greg touched on the Digimental of Friendship.

The Digimental of Friendship started floating in the air.

The Digimental of Friendship exploded with such blinding light that it whitened the entire room and spilled outside the apartment.

Wormmon was seeing visions of his old life.

Tommy remembered when he was 8 years old and was taking a nice nap. When he woke up, he was alone at home. It turned out that his parents and siblings went to a restaurant without him.

Tommy at age 10 watched the very first time he saw Dragon Ball. He would practice the Kamehameha. He used the hair dryer, blowing in his hair and going Super Saiyan.

Tommy, at age 12, was camping. As usual, his parents celebrated his younger and older siblings's birthdays. When it was his turn to celebrate his birthday, his older brother and younger sister wanted to go camping, and he told his parents he hated camping. The family went camping.

Tommy, at age 14, is playing his brother's Kingdom Hearts game. Watching the characters get ice cream together. He was hoping one day he would have someone to share ice cream with.

Tommy, on his final day in high school, sat in his old cafeteria alone while everyone else was in cliche groups sharing their future hopes and dreams. He was eating alone.

The vision ended and Wormmon was now back in the present. He was standing in Greg's living room.

'What hit me?' Greg's voice echoes in Wormmon's mind.

'That was traumatizing!' Wormmon's voice echoes in Greg's mind.

Greg's lips formed an 'O' as he said, "Ooooohhhh. We got a telepathic link to talk to each other in our minds." 😯.

'Super awesome.' Wormmon heard Greg telepathically speaking in his mind.

A piece of paper fluttered in the air and then landed in front of Wormmon.

Wormmon read the paper.

Bro. What happened?

From R.O.B.

Wormmon's eyes twitched dangerously. If the being that sent him to this world and sent him the Digimental of Friendship doesn't know what's going on, then who the hell would know???

Wormmon was feeling a dark fowl mood. Seeing his past was upsetting. He came to a terrible realization as he viewed his past life. The loneliness was killing him. If he didn't have the anime Dragon Ball to ease the pain...

Wormmon muttered a curse, "Fucking hell."

Greg asked, "Are you okay?"

Wormmon responded, "I came to a realization and it isn't a good one... Let's forget about it. We need to head out to Boston and save Canary."

Greg then asked, "What about the Digimental of Friendship?"

Wormmon answered, "We'll try to do the new Digivolution outside. Maybe when we take a break on a road trip to Boston, we will find a place to try it. I don't want to try Digievolve in your small apartment where everything can be destroyed." Wormmon exhaled and said, "I have a feeling this new Digivolution is going to be very powerful."

Greg asked, "So we are going now?"

Wormmon hesitated. "...I want to talk to mom before we go to Boston. Let's go meet her."

"You mean Taylor?" Greg clarified, "We can call the Undersiders since we have their number now. We don't need to physically meet them."

Wormmon said, "I want to eat ice cream with mom. I am not... It will make me feel better."

"Alright, can I come too?"

"Of course. Can you call mom?"


Greg found the burner phone and called the Undersiders.

Brian answered the phone and said, "Hello Master. Why did you call us?"

Greg responded, "Bait, and I want to go eat ice cream with Taylor. Can you ask her to come?"

Brian paused to digest what Greg said, "You want to eat ice cream with Taylor? Why?"

Greg said, "Bait is sad and to cheer him up, he wants to eat ice cream with Taylor."

Brian said, "Will you be with Bait and Taylor for their trip for ice cream?"

Greg replied, "Yes."

Brian asked, "As her teammate, I don't want anything bad to happen to her. I want to get some answers on what your relationship is with Taylor. Are you trying to date Taylor?"

Greg paused and said, "I wanted to in the past. The short answer is that I am NOT trying to swoon Taylor, it is very complicated, you know? At school, we were the bottom of the caste. I used to say we nerds needed to stick together. Looking back, I was pretty oblivious to how badly Taylor was getting bullied. From outside, it didn't look bad, the bullies would gossip about Taylor or destroy her homework. Then Emma, one of the Taylor bullies, threatened me with making my life hell if I helped Taylor. Emma is scary, really scary when she wants to be. The locker incident happened, I wasn't there, but I heard her screams. I was a bystander and I don't know why I didn't help her that day or why I didn't tell a teacher or call the police. I think about it a lot, my failure to help Taylor when she really, really needs it..."

Brian said, "I think you answered my question before you started your tangent... Let me ask Taylor."

Greg waited and finally Brian said, "Taylor says she will go out for ice cream with you guys."

Greg said, "Sweet."


Miss Dairy Fantastic Ice Cream Shop was visited by three capes.

The ice cream worker, Ray didn't bat an eye when Skitter, Master and Bait walked through the door.

Ray was behind the counter and Ray asked, "What do you want today?"

Skitter, Master and Bait were looking at the ice cream, trying to choose which flavor of ice cream they wanted.

Master picked the first one, "I will take vanilla with sprinkles."

Bait made his choice, "Neopolitan for me."

Skitter made her choice, "I will take the cotton candy ice cream."

Ray diligently got the ice cream and gave it to the assembly of capes.

Ray was given a twenty-dollar tip, which he was thankful for.


Skitter, Master and Bait were watching an interesting site, Parian performing a show on the boardwalk.

Parian, using her power to animate cloth, created large, lifelike dolls of the animals. There were three large doll-cloth animals, a lion, owl and a monkey.

Parian announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, gather round for the tale of Leo the Lion, Ollie the Owl, and Momo the Monkey!"

With a wave of her hand, the lion sprang to life, its movements smooth and regal. It roared softly, drawing gasps and cheers from the audience. Next, the owl took flight, soaring over the children's heads before landing gently on the lion's back. The monkey, ever the entertainer, cartwheeled across the stage, eliciting giggles and laughter.

Some in the crowd saw the three assembled capes but didn't try to approach them. Some took camera shots.

Skitter said, "I can't believe no one recognizes me."

Greg replied, "You're not exactly famous."

"So much has happened and changed," Skitter said, looking at Wormmon. "Can I ask you something?"

Wormmon, with his bright eyes glimmering with curiosity, replied, "Sure, mom, go ahead and ask the question." He licked his ice cream, savoring its sweetness more than ever in his Wormmon form.

"I watched Digimon Adventure, and now I have a better grasp of what a Digimon is," Skitter said, her voice softening. "I think... when you came to me at school and asked me to be your partner, I wasn't in a good place to trust anyone. I didn't understand the gravity of the situation. Now I'm asking for another chance. Do you want to be my Digimon partner?"

Greg, his voice trembling with worry, interjected, "Bait buddy, you won't abandon me, right?"

"I always wanted to be your Digimon partner, Skitter," Wormmon said. "I'm so happy that you asked me. But I can't abandon Master. We've been together for so long and gone through so much together."

Greg breathed out in relief.

Skitter said in a sad tone, "That's unfortunate. I still regret not taking your initial offer. My bug powers aren't exactly what I had in mind. It would be great to have something simpler, like brute power, which is much more useful in a cape fight. I even dreamed of having the ability to fly. You know Glory Girl? I'm jealous of her for winning the power lottery. I'd love something with more offensive capability or something more heroic. Out of the millions of powers I could have gotten, I'm stuck with bugs."

Wormmon said, "You know, mom, you can diversify the bugs you use. Like the Japanese hornet and bullet ants. You can even raise them on a farm. You can cover your insects with poison, such as cyanide. It is possible for you to speak through swarms and even create bug clones. Have I ever mentioned you are great at multitasking? You can set up booby traps with grenades or make the ground hazardous with caltrops and you can keep track of everything you use. Explore the internet and find interesting traps."

"Fascinating," Skitter said. "Do you ever have any other ideas?"

Greg said, "I don't like where this conversation is going."

Wormmon nodded and said, "You are limiting your options with just bugs. I, for one, think you need to control an army of coconut crabs. They're about three feet long and weigh nine pounds. If you need money, you sell your silk or webs to Parian or others. You can milk deadly spiders and scorpions and sell the venom to pharmacies. It is also possible to remove certain parasites from people that can't be killed by conventional medicine. Not to mention starting a bee farm and pollinating farmers' crops. Your power has a lot of options and the only thing limiting you is your imagination and creativity."

Skitter said, "Your ideas have potential. I would love to have an army of large crabs."

"What have you done?" Greg sighs and says, "I'm glad Bait didn't leave me for you. You know he hunted down Allan Barnes and burned down his house."

Skitter, horrified, exclaimed, "Why would he possibly do that?" She turned to Wormmon with an accusing stare and demanded, "Explain."

"I'd do it again," Wormmon said proudly. "I did it for love. I made sure to get Emma out of Brockton Bay, so she isn't your problem anymore."

Skitter sighed. "You can't just burn down their house..."

Wormmon replied, "The bullies haven't stopped tormenting you. Mom, I don't want to see you hurt. Please stop going to Winslow. Get a GDA, go homeschool, or even stop going to school. If I have to, I will burn Winslow to the ground."

Greg raised his hand and said, "I'll help."

"Are you sure you two are heroes?" Skitter said, "I'll... think about it. It will be costly to go to a private school. I will need to talk to my dad."

Wormmon said, "We will cover the school fee. Mom, you are the most precious person in my life. I just don't want you to be bullied anymore..."

"Hey, Skitter," Greg said. "I will really burn down Winslow High School, not just because of Bait. I want to apologize. The day that locker incident happened, I'm sorry I didn't help you."

Greg bowed his head. "I'm sorry. I know my apology isn't enough, but I really am sorry."

"For evil to exist, good men do nothing." Skitter shook her head. "If it makes you feel better, then I will accept your apology. I don't think the Locker Incident was the worst day of my life. It was the day I went back to school and everyone was acting normal. The trio were still tormenting me. The teachers were still acting oblivious. The student body continued as if life were normal. It made me realize that I was worthless and nobody cared about me. Now that I am a cape, I feel like I'm worth something, that I have value."

Greg said softly, "That's not true. You do matter."

Wormmon said, "I think Skitter is right," shaking his head. "I was a nobody until I put on my mask. Figuratively speaking. My parents barely knew I existed. I didn't have a close relationship with either of my siblings. I had zero friends. I had no one that cared about me in my old life..."

Greg shook his head. "Well, now you have friends that care about you. If either of you needs anything, I will help you."

Wormmon said, "That means a lot. I know you would travel through hell for me."

Skitter said, "Actions speak louder than words. I've been lied to a lot throughout my life, so your words mean little. I will be watching your actions."

Greg said, "Yeah, I know, with all the millions of insect eyes."

Parian's play continues, and the three capes watch the story unfold.


POV Greg

Greg sat in the driver seat of the flowery van, glancing over at Wormmon, seated next to him.

"Ready to go to Boston to save Canary?" Greg asked.

Wormmon nodded. "Let's go."

With determination in his heart, Greg prepared for the four-hour trip to Boston.
Votes 7/7/2024
Hello readers,

Their are 10 more days left to cast your vote

Here are the counted votes

[X] Zoe Orimoto from Digimon Frontier (8 Votes total)

Xenvic, Lordddarkrai2, Plik, Tanatos, Prince of Space, VengfulRaptor, Bigsdragon, The Richmaster

[X] Ranamon from digimon frontier. (6 Votes total)

Jealousfailure, Toon king, hakudoshi233, Leon_Zero, sherico, BunnyHero24

[X] Lina Inverse from Slayers (3 Votes total)

Bloodfox, Lethality, tea123

[x] Tomoko Kuroki from "No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not Popular!" (2 Votes total)

zharshoul, SoggaSmirk

[X] Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony Equestria Girls Variant (1 Votes total)


[X] Wednesday from Addams Family (1 Votes total)


[X] Kei and Yuri from the Dirty Pair (2 Votes total)

Riniko, Delta/Soul

[X] Slaanesh (or Sister of Battle) from Warhammer 40K (2 Votes total)

GNB, Daddycool 101
Skitter March of Crabs
In Brockton Bay beach a event was unfolding

Crawling out of the ocean into the beach are coconut crabs. Thousands of coconut crabs were marching out of the watery ocean onto the sandy beach into the city.

Skitter with a megaphone shouted, "My crab minions do not strain under this cruelty of this world! My crab minions push forward! My crab minions fight! My crab minions live!"

The march of coconut crabs intensified.

A group of capes watch as the army of crabs invade Brockton Bay in a growing sense of horror.

Bitch was the one who spoke, "Skitter is scary."

Grue commented, "Should we stop her?"

Tattletale said, "Of course not! We should definitely help her grow her army bigger!"

Canary fainted. 😵‍💫.

Regent said, "Hey guys, I am in the mood for lobster tonight."

Greg said, "Bait, I am blaming you."

Wormmon nodded his agreement and said, "I know. I deserve the blame."

Armsmaster calmly spoke into his intercom, "Console, Skitter has become a S-rank threat. I am recommending an airstrike."
Last edited:
Chapter 29
POV Greg

Greg enjoyed the short four-hour trip to Boston from Maine much more than the long eight-hour trek to New York. The scenery along the way was diverse, with stretches of farmland, sometimes suburbs, and other times cityscapes.

Around the two-hour mark, Greg pulled over to a wooded area, parked the van, and stepped out to stretch his legs.

Wormmon hopped out of the van and said, "I just realized I could have carried you to Boston if I Digivolve to Stingmon. If I travel at a sonic speed and there are 350 miles from Brockton Bay to Boston, then it would take about 28 minutes."

Greg lifted an eyebrow and said, "For sure, it will be faster. But you forgot some factors, it definitely won't be comfortable. Also, how are we going to bring Canary back with us?"

Wormmon answered, "Well…. I have two arms?"

"Your honor, I rest my case," Greg said. "Do you want to try Armor Digivolving with Crest of Friendship?"

Wormmon said, "We might as well, let's see what surprises the new Armor Digivolving has in store for me."

Greg went into the van and got a box. He opened the lid of the box and the Digimental of Friendship was nestled inside.

Greg touched the Digimental of Friendship, causing the Digimental of Friendship to emanate a light that was so intense that it hurt the eye just to stare at the Digimental of Friendship.

Greg held up the Digimental of Friendship toward Wormmon and he shouted, "Digi Armour Energize!"

Wormmon said, "Wormmon Armor Digivolve to! Togemogumon!"

In the middle of the forest, the winter storm arrived with startling suddenness. One moment, the forest was serene, bathed in the soft light of an overcast day. The air grew thick with an icy chill that seemed to seep into every crevice.

The temperature plummeted rapidly, and the once earthy-smelling forest floor became rigid as the ground froze. Frost spread like a shimmering web across the underbrush, and a biting cold permeated the air, making it hard to breathe.

Snowflakes started to fall, slowly at first, then more heavily, each one unique and crystalline, quickly accumulating into a thick, white blanket. The falling snow obscured vision, creating an almost surreal, dreamlike atmosphere where shapes and shadows loomed indistinctly.

Within a 30-mile radius, the grip of the cold tightened its hold, casting everything into a frosty embrace. A delicate layer of snowy ice coated every surface, from the outstretched branches of trees to the fur of animals and the man-made structures scattered throughout the landscape.

Greg was surrounded by a light completely unaffected by the sudden environmental change. Greg said in surprise, "Woah."

In the heart of a swirling blue tornado stood Togemogumon. This Digimon resembled a blue hedgehog, with its back adorned with glistening scales of ice crystals.

Greg stared in horror and awe at the power and sight of Togemogumon.

Togemogumon eyes glowed a yellow color and he stared back at Greg.


Greg and Wormmon continue to drive toward Boston after defrosting the van.

As they drove, Greg broke the silence. "That was something."

Wormmon nodded. "Yeah. I don't think I can use Armor Digivolution in the city. Far too much property damage."

They continued in silence, but Greg could tell something was bothering Wormmon.

Five miles later, Greg turned on the radio. A news report came through, "The I-295 has been frozen—12 miles of icy roads, blocking..."

Greg switched off the radio and said, "Dude, there's no other way to say this. I think you're an Endbringer."

Wormmon agreed. "Yeah, I'm actually considering fighting Eidolon and killing him early."

"You want to stop the Endbringer battle before it even starts," Greg said.

"Yeah… I think with this power, it's possible. If I succeed in killing Eidolon early, no one would ever have to die from the Endbringers. We wouldn't lose another city if I killed Eidolon before the next Endbringer attack."

Greg grinned widely. "So, what's the plan to save the world?"

Wormmon chuckled. "I don't have one at the moment. But we're getting closer to Boston. There are things I want to do there, like ask Accord some questions. I think you should meet Sveta."

"Who?" Greg asked.

"Your friend Gstringgirl is Sveta. She's a Case 53 and looks like a bunch of tentacles."

"Oh," Greg said, relieved. "I thought a middle-aged guy was catfishing me. At least I know she's actually a girl."

Wormmon continued, "In the original timeline, you wanted to get a picture of her and she declined. You stopped contacting her, thinking she was a dude. You were a real jerk since Sveta was a lonely girl and you cut her off."

"That does sound like something I'd do," Greg admitted. "Wow, I sound like an asshole? Sveta even helped me make Flappy Bird. I should share the profits with her."

"That's a good idea." Wormmon nodded in approval. "Yeah, let's meet Accord, Sveta, and save Canary."

Greg nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds like a plan!"

Greg felt excited for Boston and everything that awaited them there.


Greg and Wormmon had reached Boston and headed straight to the Ambassador Headquarters.

The Ambassador Headquarters was a towering skyscraper that looked brand new.

Wormmon was perched on Greg's shoulder as they approached the building.

Two men in impeccable business suits stood in front of the entrance. As soon as Master and Bait drew near, the men opened the glass doors in perfect synchronization and welcomed them inside.

A grand chandelier adorned the room, and at the secretary's desk sat a parahuman cape. It was Jacklight who possessed the power to create glowing orbs with space-warping effects.

Master and Bait approached the caped individual.

"Howdy," Master said, tipping his cowboy toward Jacklight.

"How may I assist a gentleman such as yourself?" Jacklight inquired.

Master placed a letter and 5,000 dollars in neatly folded bills on the counter in front of Jacklight.

"I would like to purchase the Accords plan," Master said.

Jacklight asked, "Could you please elaborate? What are the details and parameters of this plan?"

Master said, "Oh no. I mean, I want to buy a copy of the PLAN. The plan to solve world hunger."

Jacklight paused, then picked up the letter from the counter. "May I have the privilege of reading this letter?"

Master sent a telepathic message to Bait, 'Can this guy read the letter?'

Bait replied telepathically, 'It should be fine. It will be open anyway before it even reaches Accord.'

Master replied to Jacklight, "Sure, go ahead and open the letter."

Jacklight opened the letter and read the words written.

Dear Accord,

I would like to purchase the plan you made to solve world hunger for 5000 dollars.


Jacklight said, "I shall need to verify the spelling and grammar before I can forward this to Accord. Would you prefer to meet with Accord in person?"

Master replied, "Well, I feel like I will step on his toes and get myself killed. So I am going to have to decline."

Jacklight responded, "Accord might wish to meet with you gentlemen. I believe you are Master and Bait, correct? Would it inconvenience you to wait in a room while I send your message to Accord?"

Master replied, "It shouldn't be a problem."

Jacklight nodded. "Very well. Please follow me, gentlemen."

Jacklight led the way toward the elevator, with Master and Bait following closely behind.

The elevator doors opened, and Jacklight, Master and Bait stepped onto a floor adorned with elegant dresses and tailored suits.

A male and a female tailor stood before them.

Master, looking puzzled, asked, "What's going on?"

Jacklight, with a courteous bow, explained, "Sir, you will need to change your attire. Accord values efficiency and professionalism. Should he choose to meet you, it would be best if you were dressed in attire that is presentable."

Master sighed. "Alright, let's get this over with."

The tailors approached and began taking Greg's measurements with meticulous care.

To Greg's surprise, they also measured Wormmon for a suit.

Soon, both Greg and Wormmon were dressed in suits that made them appear neat, tidy, and quite distinguished.

Jacklight clapped his hands together and said, "Splendid. Now, if you would kindly follow me, I shall show you to your room."


The room Jacklight showed Master and Bait could rival 5-star hotel rooms.

Jacklight left Master and Bait, most likely to meet Accord.

Greg looked out the window at the skyline of Boston.

Greg layed on the comfy bed, enjoying some rest, while Wormmon watched DBZ on Greg's phone.

Jacklight arrived back in 20 minutes with a book.

Jacklight said, "Please read at your leisure. Accord will like to meet you, but is busy with a task at the moment."

Master took the document and Wormmon looked at the document with interest.

Jacklight then left.

Greg said, "So this is the plan to solve world hunger." Greg expressed interest.

Wormmon said, "Yeah, I always wanted to read it."

Greg opened the book and started reading.

Greg gave up on reading by the twentieth page. The book was difficult to read like it was written by a computer. It kept referring to other sections. Such a policy in the country will need to follow 'A-F-5.'

Wormmon continued reading the book and absorbing the content; he was a Parahuman Worm reader. He was a masochist who read over a million words and enjoyed the content. Accord plan to solve world hunger wouldn't stop him.

When Wormmon finished reading Accord's book to solve world hunger, he simply yawned.

Greg asked, "Done reading the book."

Wormmon said, "Yeah, Accord needs someone to rewrite this entire thing to make it readable. I do have some thought and I get why the American government wouldn't want to implement this plan."

Greg asked, "Really? I thought solving world hunger was a noble aspiration."

Wormmon replied, "Accord's plan to eradicate world hunger is based on the country's development ranking. The plan is divided into ten tiers, with Rank 1 representing highly developed countries and Rank 10 representing the least developed countries. Each tier has specific policies and strategies designed to address the root causes of hunger and promote sustainable development."

Wormmon continues, "For Rank 1 countries, they will need to implement a Universal Basic Income to ensure that all citizens have the financial means to purchase food. Enact stringent laws to reduce food waste at both the corporate and individual levels. Encourage supermarkets and restaurants to donate surplus food to food banks. Implement bans or restrictions on foods with high environmental impact, such as avocados, to promote more sustainable food choices."

Wormmon then said, "For countries ranked 10, they must first address the issues hindering their growth, such as war or corrupt politicians. They should invest in agricultural infrastructure to boost food production, establish school feeding programs to ensure children receive at least one nutritious meal per day, and initiate large-scale agricultural development projects. Additionally, investing in rural infrastructure, including roads, storage facilities, and marketplaces, is crucial to facilitating food distribution."

Greg said, "That sounds reasonable."

Wormmon replied, "In my opinion, the USA cannot force other countries to follow these plans. Also, I think Accord presented the plan poorly. He starts by saying that ranked 10 countries need to overthrow their ruling bodies. However, part of the plan is useful, particularly the new laws and policies that need to be enforced in rank 1 countries."

Greg said, "So you're against avocados."

Wormmon responded, "Do you have any idea how much water and resources it takes to grow avocados?"

Greg said, "I like them on my chicken sandwiches."

Wormmon replied, "People like you are the reason we have a world hunger problem. Besides, I only fed you the watered-down version. There are a LOT of policies, laws, trade deals and alternative plans that are listed here. I only mentioned the easy to digest once."

Jacklight returned, "Accord will like to meet you, gentleman."


The Ambassadors stood behind Accord like bodyguards.

Accord sat behind a wooden desk.

Accord started speaking. "Master, I hope you are not here today to start a fight with me in my city. I've been analyzing the data, and it's clear that our ventures in Boston have had a significant impact. The city thrives with our contributions, benefiting from the multitude of clients we serve, the flourishing businesses we've established, and the jobs we've created."

Master replied, "Okay? So what do you want from me or what do you want to know?"

"I seek to understand your future plans," Accord replied, his tone precise.

Master replied, "I want to save the world."

"You claim to want to save the world, but how do you intend to achieve such a lofty goal?"

Master replied, "My short-term plan is to kill the creator of the Endbringers. Which will deactivate the Endbringer and make sure the new Endbringer isn't created. Down the line, I am planning to open a portal to a parallel Earth using a combination of capes power. The parallel Earth will be uninhabited by the human race, so there is no need to worry about war. I will harvest resources on that parallel Earth to make this one more prosperous."

Accord absorbed the answer and leaned back. "Who is the person that created the Endbringer?"

Master replied, "That person is part of the same organization that your ambassadors received their powers from."

"The way you phrase your answer both answers my questions and doesn't," Accord said.

Accord drummed his fingers on his desk and said. "This reminds me of a case I worked on a long time ago when I was still with Watchdog. There was a group of so-called heroes who targeted women and committed horrific acts against them. I'll leave the specifics to your imagination. The troubling part was that their histories, personalities, and motives didn't align. The key question was identifying the ringleader. We discovered that the fallen heroes were addicted to power. If the addicted heroes were more cooperative, it would be much easier to find that mastermind before more damage was done. But alas, it was a struggle with so little information. We did track down the mastermind and arrest her. The mastermind was a cape we named Ingenue."

Accord shook his head before saying, "When we arrested Ingenue, we examined her power, personality and history. We discovered she had the ability to boost a cape's power and as a side effect, other aspects of her power became uncontrollable. What my colleague and I didn't disclose is that she could also break or second-trigger parahumans. Ingenue never fully explored her powers due to her lack of intelligence. Can you imagine an army of Second Trigger capes under the thrall of Ingenue? She was a psychopathic, misogynistic evil who deserved to be jailed for life. We decided to send her the Bird Cage and an aspect of her power buried."

Master asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

Accord said, "You possess great power, much like Ingenue. Ingenue could have been a powerhouse and a pillar in this world if she had used her abilities more wisely or had been a kinder person. The problem wasn't her power, which was immense; it was Ingenue herself. Just as a strong mind can make a weak power great, a weak mind can render a strong power ineffective. I wonder what kind of person you are and what you will be able to accomplish in the future. It is difficult to change the world, and I am interested if you can accomplish your goal."

Master answered, "I will accomplish many great things. Watch me."

"That is all the time I have for our talk. I need to end this meeting. Ensure you don't stir up trouble in my city, or there will be consequences."

Master nodded. "I understand."

Accord gestured to his Ambassadors, "Escort these two out of my building."

Jacklight promptly escorted Master and Bait out of the building.

In front of the Boston Asylum were Master and Bait.

Master walked into the building and went toward the receptionist, who was an elderly nurse with the name Margaret.

Nurse Margaret asked, "Why are you here?"

Master replied, "I want to meet Sveta."

Nurse Margaret, "What is the reason for you visiting her?"

"Just to talk," Master said. "We are actually friends online."

Nurse Margaret said, "Wait a minute."

Nurse Margaret left.

Master and Bait waited two hours, sitting in the waiting room, drinking from a tiny water cup.

Nurse Margaret never returned.

Bastion, a Protectorate Hero, walked through the door.

Bastion power is capable of creating a variety of force fields and deflector fields.

Four other Protectorate Heroes followed after Bastion.

The Hero Spotlight. Wearing a yellow leotard with glitter and a yellow face mask.

Spotlight power uses light beams from her hands to highlight individuals. Getting hit by a light blast leaves you and the area surrounding you glowing white for 1 minute. Blasts are capable of knocking a grown man off balance. Can also fly.

The Hero Barber. He has highlighted hair and is wearing normal clothes with a bandana around his face.

Barber can use a blade to cut through anything inorganic. Likes to use an old-time barber's blade.

The Hero Snakebite. A woman wearing a scaly green snake suit. Carrying a whip on her hip.

Snakebite power puts venom into the end of anything she touches. Toxin is similar to rattlesnake venom.

The Hero Jugger. He wears red spandex with horns on his head. He looks like a red minotaur.

Jugger power was that when he runs in a straight line, he can't be knocked off course. A Brute.

Bastion is in front of Master and Bait, and he says, "What do you think you're doing?"

Master replies, "Well, I'm waiting for the nurse to allow me to meet my friend Sveta."

Bastion growled out, "Boy, are you joking with me? This isn't Brockton Bay; this is my city. You are under arrest."

Master replies, "Call the Boston Director; I would like to speak with him."

Bastion laughed and said, "No. You're not talking away from this one. We have you surrounded."

Master shrugged his shoulders and said, "Bait, I want you to beat the shit out of these jerks."

Wormmon said, "Wormmon Digivolve to Stingmon!"

Stingmon said with flourish, "As you wish, my master!"

Bastion held his hands and made a shield.

Stingmon extended his stinger and slashed at the shield, breaking it into pieces.

Before Bastion could even do anything, Stingmon was in front of Bastion and backhanded Bastion in the face so hard that his head nearly went a full 180 degrees. Bastion crumbled to the floor, unconscious.

Snakebite swung her whip, covered in poison, and attacked Stingmon.

Barber ran toward Stingmon and aimed to slice Stingmon with his barber blade.

Stingmon was lazily blocked Snakebite whips and dodges Barber attack

Stingmon grabbed Barber's face, quickly moved, and grabbed Snakebite's face. Stingmon smashed Barber and Snakebite's heads together. He then smashed their heads together again, rendering the two heroes unconscious.

Jugger charged at Stingmon, fully using his power.

Stingmon roundhouse kicked the Jugger head, rendering him unconscious.

Spotlight hit Stingmon with her light beam.

Stingmon wasn't even hurt, he just glowed.

Stingmon appeared in front of Spotlight and kicked her in the stomach. She launched back and rolled on the floor.

Spotlight threw up all the content in her stomach before succumbing to the pain and going unconscious.

Master says, "Now what?"

Stingmon de-digivolve to Wormmon.

Wormmon walks toward Master and says, "We can break into the Sveta room. Who is going to stop us?"

"That's enough," Nurse Margaret returned, shaking intensely. "You want to see Sveta correct? You won't hurt or release her, right?"

Master replies, "You have my word."

"Alright, follow me," Nurse Margaret says.


POV Sveta

A sturdy, reinforced window split the room in two.

On one side, Sveta waited, her heart heavy with anticipation. She was nervously aware of the missing suit, broken during the last visit, leaving her feeling exposed.

Then, from the other side, a figure appeared—a cowboy-caped figure with a bug head, accompanied by a mutant caterpillar on his shoulder. Sveta instantly recognized them, Master and Bait.

With a cheerful wave, Master greeted, "Hey gamer girl!"

Sveta's breath caught in her throat. "Voidcowboy?!" she managed to choke out.

"In the flesh," Master replied with a grin. "I had some business in Boston and thought I'd drop by to say hello. So, do you want to play TF2? I haven't played in a while, and I'm super rusty."

Sveta hesitated, the weight of unspoken truths pressing on her. "Aren't you going to ask why I lied to you?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Master's eyes softened. "You lied and didn't tell me you're a murderous tentacle waifu. I lied and didn't tell you I'm a badass superhero who's going to save the world. But none of that changes the fact that I still want to play video games with you, share hilarious videos, and explore the deeper meanings of life together," he said, matter-of-factly.

Tears welled up in Sveta's eyes as she said, half-serious, half-sobbing, "You're an idiot."

Master smiled warmly. "Or I'm a genius. Do you remember the game you helped me create? I opened a bank account and deposited your share. I sent the bank details to your PHO account."

"What?" Sveta was stunned. She had helped make Flappy Bird, but she never imagined she would get paid for it.

A nurse entered the room, carrying a laptop. Master looked at Sveta expectantly. "So, how about it? Wanna play?"

Sveta's emotions swirled, a mix of joy and disbelief. She simply said, "...Yes."

Sveta didn't know how, but Greg became a precious friend to her.

Greg would visit Sveta a few more days before Canary's trial.
Votes 7/11/2024
Hello readers,

Their are 6 more days left to cast your vote

Here are the counted votes

[X] Zoe Orimoto from Digimon Frontier (8 Votes total)

Xenvic, Lordddarkrai2, Plik, Tanatos, Prince of Space, VengfulRaptor, Bigsdragon, The Richmaster

[X] Ranamon from digimon frontier. (7 Votes total)

Jealousfailure, Toon king, hakudoshi233, Leon_Zero, sherico, BunnyHero24, Exiadark001

[X] Lina Inverse from Slayers (3 Votes total)

Bloodfox, Lethality, tea123

[x] Tomoko Kuroki from "No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not Popular!" (2 Votes total)

zharshoul, SoggaSmirk

[X] Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony Equestria Girls Variant (1 Votes total)


[X] Wednesday from Addams Family (1 Votes total)


[X] Kei and Yuri from the Dirty Pair (2 Votes total)

Riniko, Delta/Soul

[X] Slaanesh (or Sister of Battle) from Warhammer 40K (2 Votes total)

GNB, Daddycool 101
Chapter 30 Bakuda and Undersiders
POV Bakuda

Bakuda was having a wonderful time. She had access to all the tools needed to make her bombs. The laboratory was a Tinkers wet dream, equipped with cutting-edge technology and materials that allowed her to push the boundaries of her explosive designs. Bakuda thrived in this environment, her mind buzzing with ideas and possibilities.

One of Bakuda's primary focuses was the examination of the different powers and abilities of other capes. The array of data she had access to was staggering. She studied their strengths and weaknesses, using this knowledge to craft some of the most dangerous bombs ever conceived. Each device was a work of art, tailored with precision to exploit the specific vulnerabilities of her potential targets. The power to manipulate and weaponize the abilities of others gave her a heady sense of control and superiority.

Working closely with Armsmaster, whose lab was conveniently situated right next to her own, added to heightening her skills. Their collaboration, though begrudging on her part, led to some fascinating innovations. Despite their differing approaches, there was a grudging respect that developed between them as they shared insights and competed silently to outdo each other.

Armsmaster had been in a somber mood lately, a shadow of his former self. Benched due to a recent blunder, he found himself confined to less glamorous duties. Now, his days were filled with maintaining and upgrading Tinkertech, analyzing field data, and tackling a backlog of projects for various Protectorate departments. Bakuda sometimes wondered if she was his warden, given how depressed he had become.

Yet, this idyllic situation came with its own constraints. Bakuda was under constant surveillance, monitored 24/7 by an array of cameras and sensors that tracked her every move. The ankle monitor she wore was a constant reminder of her captivity, a stark contrast to the freedom she craved. It was almost too bad that she was going to escape. The thrill of breaking free and outwitting those who thought they could contain her was an intoxicating prospect.

The wealth of data she had accumulated on other capes almost made her want to stay. The information was a goldmine—a treasure trove of potential that she had only begun to tap into. But alas, Bakuda was not someone who could be contained. Her spirit was too wild, and her genius was too unrestrained. The idea of breaking out, of once again being free to wreak havoc on her terms, was simply irresistible.

Bakuda ultimately realized she was unstoppable. She would escape, and when she did, she would take with her the knowledge and skills to become an even more formidable threat. The world outside awaited her, a canvas upon which she would paint her legacy of fire and destruction.


POV Skitter

Taylor had always disliked the Empire 88. Despite this, she could understand why some people supported them. They had been in Brockton Bay longer than she had been alive. After the fall of Kyushu, many Japanese immigrants moved to America, which caused resentment among the native residents of Brockton Bay who felt their jobs were being taken. The city's situation deteriorated, and Empire 88 blamed the new Japanese immigrants, scapegoating them for the problems.

At Winslow High School, anyone who spoke against the Empire 88, unless they were in a gang, risked being shanked. Minorities were frequent targets for beatings or worse. The worst part was that no one was taking action against Empire 88—not New Wave, the heroes, or even the police.

Taylor was nauseous that the city where she was raised and born was notorious for having the largest population of Nazi sympathizers.

Taylor and the rest of the Undersiders were watching in an alleyway as the Empire 88 were gathering in a building.

Taylor controlled several flies to go into the Empire 88 building to look to scout the building.

A crowd of skinheads with Nazi tattoos was surrounding a caged ring. Taylor felt no surprise as she recognized some of the gang members as her classmates, even knowing a few by name.

Taylor easily spotted dogs on the far wall that were in iron cages.

The dogs looked malnourished, and some were disfigured from fighting.

Tattletale was talking next to Taylor. "Hey, I noticed you haven't been warming up to the gang idea."

Taylor continued to observe the Empire 88 building, voicing her concerns, "The city doesn't need another gang. I'm afraid I might be contributing to the problem rather than solving it. It's hard to believe if this is the right path for me."

Tattletale posed a hypothetical question. "Let me ask you this, if you were a hero, what would you do?"

Taylor replied, "I'd take down villains and ensure the city is safe. Maybe patrol the streets and help elderly people cross the street."

Tattletale countered, "You can do all of that as a villain too. We target villains that even the Protectorate and PRT can't touch. You can patrol the streets, maintain safety, and if you wish, help the elderly cross the street. You can do all of this with our support. Imagine replacing the Empire 88 so you never have to worry about gangsters targeting you because of your skin color."

Taylor paused and considered what Tattletale was saying.

Grue interrupted Taylor musing, "Skitter, are you ready to start?"

"I've been waiting," Taylor responded.

Grue nodded and said, "Begin the attack."

A buzz filled the air as thousands of paper wasps swarmed into the air.

The paper wasps stinger was coated with bleach. Something extra to make it painful when it stung.

The paper wasps swarmed into the Empire 88 building.

The E88 gangsters were helpless as they were attacked by the paper wasp. Some pulled out their guns and tried to shoot the wasps in the air.

Hookwolf turned into a metal wolf and chomped at the wasp in annoyances.

Stormtiger appeared and started to use his wind powers to blow the paper wasps away.

Cricket made her appearance and used a sound-based attack and disorganized the paper wasps.

Skitter's swarm was helpless.

Skitter said, "My wasps are down, Stormtiger and Cricket are in there."

Tattletale frowned. "That's just bad luck."

Rachel said, "Then we hit them hard."

The Undersider got on Rachel's monstrous dogs and the dogs dashed toward the Empire 88 building.

Skitter gathered the flies, mosquitoes, moths, butterflies, and other flying insects and made a large swarm.

Skitter directed the red ants she had already planted inside the Empire 88 building to open the fuse box and flip the switch, cutting off the power.

The E88 gangsters and capes were surprised when the lights were cut off.

Rachel took the lead, using Brutus to charge forward and smash through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man in the commercials.

Brian, Tattletale, Skitter, and Regent got off their respectful dogs.

Hookwolf stormed forward in fury toward Rachel.

Rachel let out a sharp whistle, prompting her own dog and four others to rush into action against Hookwolf. In the ensuing clash, they met with a resounding crash. Together, the five dogs pushed back Hookwolf with sheer brute strength, though not without drawing blood, which only stoked Rachel's fury further.

The E88 gangsters were running away. Some of the brave once tried to stand up and pull their guns up. Skitter would attack them with her swarm.

Regent electrified a few gangsters.

Grue punched and kicked a few gangsters.

Skitter tried to have her swarm attack Cricket and Stormtiger. Cricket used her sound to disrupt the swarm. Stormtiger was blowing air, making the swarm dispersed.

Skitter sent all the red ants in the area to crawl into Stormtigers loose pants and attack his genitalia.

Stormtiger howled in agony. As he fought against the red ants in his pants.

Cricket was closing in fast on the Undersiders's position.

Grue created a shroud of darkness and hurled it at Cricket, then moved to the right, out of her path.

Tattletale shouted, "Duck your head, Grue!"

Cricket emerged from the darkness, swinging her miniature scythe at Grue. He dove just in time, the blade whistling over his head.

Cricket swung her scythe again, but Regent used his power to make her stumble. She quickly regained her balance, but Grue managed to dodge the attack.

Skitter sent her swarm towards Cricket, readying her dagger and pepper spray as she charged.

Cricket unleashed a sound attack that scattered Skitter's swarm. Undeterred, Skitter threw her dagger at Cricket's chest and aimed the pepper spray at her face.

Cricket knocked the dagger out of the air and retreated, avoiding the pepper spray range.

Tattletale pulled out her gun and fired, hitting Cricket in the shoulder.

Cricket clutched her bleeding shoulder.

Grue said, "We need to retreat."

Tattletale shouts, "Bitch, we are retreating!"

Hookwolf and Rachel's five dogs were locked in a fierce battle. At Rachel's whistle, all the dogs broke off and retreated to join the Undersiders.

Hookwolf screams, "Where do you think you're going?"

The Undersiders get on Rachel dogs.

Regent shouted loudly, "Hey, you wolf wannabe, we will be back to neuter you Hookwolf!"

The Undersiders run away through the same hole in the wall they created to enter the Empire 88 building.

Hookwolf, furious, runs after the Undersiders in his metal wolf form. "You can't run away from me!"

The Undersiders were being chased by Hookwolf through the streets. They dashed into an old building with a large opening, having strategically taped grenades in specific locations inside the dilapidated structure. Exiting through the other end, they lured Hookwolf into the building.

As Hookwolf entered the dilapidated building, he shouted, "You can't hide from me!"

Tattletale called out, "Do it now!"

Skitter used her red ants to pull the pins on the grenades. The explosions were triggered, causing the building to collapse.

Hookwolf shouted, "Nnnnoooo!" He tried to run to the exit but was too late as the debris fell on him, trapping him beneath concrete, brick, and other rubble.

Regent said, "I guess that building couldn't hold it together anymore!"

Grue said, "Tattletale hit Regent."

Tattletale hit Regent on the back of the head.

Regent said, "Worth it."

The Undersiders return to the Empire 88 building with only an injured Cricket and Stormtiger left to face.

Cricket glared at the Undersiders as she held her injured shoulder, while Stormtiger stepped back.

Tattletale smiled and said, "Run."

Cricket and Stormtiger fled.

Regent snorted and said, "What a letdown. They could have fought us until the bitter end."

Grue said, "We can't take down too many Empire 88 capes too quickly. They will be after our blood. Let's get the dogs and get out here."

Skitter said, "I am going to call the Protectorates to get the heroes to pick up Hookwolf."

Tattletale said, "I guess I will find the keys to the dog cages. Maybe snoop around for anything interesting that catches my fancy."

Regent said, "Well, I am going to stay here and look pretty. I believe I deserve a good long break carrying my team."

Rachel was already moving toward the dog cages to release the dogs.

This was the beginning of the war between Empire 88 and the Undersiders.
Votes 7/14/2024
Hello readers,

Their are 3 more days left to cast your vote

Here are the counted votes

[X] Zoe Orimoto from Digimon Frontier (8 Votes total)

Xenvic, Lordddarkrai2, Plik, Tanatos, Prince of Space, VengfulRaptor, Bigsdragon, The Richmaster

[X] Ranamon from digimon frontier. (7 Votes total)

Jealousfailure, Toon king, hakudoshi233, Leon_Zero, sherico, BunnyHero24, Exiadark001

[X] Lina Inverse from Slayers (3 Votes total)

Bloodfox, Lethality, tea123

[x] Tomoko Kuroki from "No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not Popular!" (2 Votes total)

zharshoul, SoggaSmirk

[X] Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony Equestria Girls Variant (1 Votes total)


[X] Wednesday from Addams Family (1 Votes total)


[X] Kei and Yuri from the Dirty Pair (2 Votes total)

Riniko, Delta/Soul

[X] Slaanesh (or Sister of Battle) from Warhammer 40K (2 Votes total)

GNB, Daddycool 101
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Lazyman12 on Jun 26, 2024 at 11:02 AM, finished with 17 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony Equestria Girls Variant (1 Votes total)
    [X] Wednesday from Addams Family (1 Votes total)
    [X] Zoe Orimoto from Digimon Frontier
    [X] Wednesday from Addams Family
    [X] Starfire from Teen Titans
    [X] Lina Inverse from Slayers (3 Votes total)
    [X] Kei and Yuri from the Dirty Pair (1 Votes total)
    [X] Zoe Orimoto from Digimon Frontier (8 Votes total)
    [x] Tomoko Kuroki from "No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not Popular!" (2 Votes total)
    [X] Kei and Yuri from the Dirty Pair (2 Votes total)
    [X] Slaanesh (or Sister of Battle) from Warhammer 40K (2 Votes total)
    [X] Ranamon from digimon frontier. (7 Votes total)
Final vote result
Hello readers,

Zoe Orimoto won!

Here are the counted votes
[X] Zoe Orimoto from Digimon Frontier (9 Votes total)

Xenvic, Lordddarkrai2, Plik, Tanatos, Prince of Space, VengfulRaptor, Bigsdragon, The Richmaster,Soundwave0251

[X] Ranamon from digimon frontier. (7 Votes total)

Jealousfailure, Toon king, hakudoshi233, Leon_Zero, sherico, BunnyHero24, Exiadark001

[X] Lina Inverse from Slayers (3 Votes total)

Bloodfox, Lethality, tea123

[x] Tomoko Kuroki from "No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not Popular!" (2 Votes total)

zharshoul, SoggaSmirk

[X] Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony Equestria Girls Variant (1 Votes total)


[X] Wednesday from Addams Family (1 Votes total)


[X] Kei and Yuri from the Dirty Pair (2 Votes total)

Riniko, Delta/Soul

[X] Slaanesh (or Sister of Battl
e) from Warhammer 40K (2 Votes total)

GNB, Daddycool 101
Chapter 31
POV Canary

Canary felt like she was in a nightmare. The judge had sentenced her to the Birdcage. She felt her heart drop, and tears streamed down her face. She couldn't even scream with the muzzle clamped over her mouth. Brutal restraints bound her hands and feet, restricting her movement. All she could do was be dragged to prison.

She was placed into the police van and informed that she was being taken to the Boston Protectorate building, where Dragon would pick her up and send her to the Birdcage. Her life was essentially over.

The police van stopped abruptly, causing Canary to lose her balance where she was seated.

Gunshots rang out, and then there was silence.

The back door of the police van opened. A teenager dressed in cowboy attire with a fly head stood there, accompanied by a tall bug person.

The sunlight streaming in from behind gave the pair a dazzling aura.

The tall bug person extended a stinger and swiftly cut Canary's muzzle before she could even react.

"I... I can talk now," Canary said hesitantly. "Who are you?"

"We are Master and Bait, the heroes here to save you," Master said, extending his hand toward Canary. "Come on, let's get out of here."

Canary hesitantly grabbed the offered hand.


The trip out of Boston was, luckily, uneventful. The heroes and police didn't chase Master and Bait with the newly released Canary.

Greg was driving the van.

Wormmon and Canary were in the back seat of the van.

Canary was in a ball with her feet tucked into her and her head down her lap.

Wormmon asked in concern, "Are you alright, Canary?"

Canary looked up at Wormmon and exhaled tiredly as she said, "I don't think I will ever be the same. My life is over, I can never go back on stage. My music career, which was flourishing, is now in ashes. The future I envision of standing on stage with an audience of millions of people chanting my name is gone. Because of one mistake..."

Wormmon got a paper bag with burgers and fries. "Why don't you eat something and get some sleep? We got this for you. If you don't like it, we can stop at a restaurant or a fast food joint for you to get something to eat."

Canary took the offered paper bag with food and opened the bag. She slowly took out a fry and started to eat it.

Canary started crying and said, "It's weird how I chew. They put me in the mask for so long that I hadn't had solid food for weeks. Only through a straw could I slurp this disgusting smoothie. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It was horrible. I thought I deserved it at first, since what I did was so horrible. And then I ask myself. Am I a good person? Did I deserve this? I thought of myself as a selfish bitch a lot. I don't know what I am supposed to do!"

Wormmon said, "Everything is going to be okay."

Canary ate the french fries while crying, her tears tasting salty.


Three hours had passed and they were getting closer to Brockton Bay.

Greg and Canary were in the front seats of the van, with old country music playing on the radio.

Canary asks, "What kind of music do you like, Greg?"

Greg responded, "I like anything that sounds good, but I lean towards pop songs."

Canary asks, "Do you like my singing?"

Greg responded, "I'm not really into rock."

Canary said, "I feel so alive on stage. Now that I'm a criminal, I wonder how I'm going to continue my music career."

Greg answers, "Maybe you could sing online, using a disguise."

Canary said, "That's an option, but I don't want to hide."

Wormmon in the back of the van then says, "Aren't you going to ask where we are going? What are we planning to do with you?"

Canary responded, "You saved me from the Birdcage. I doubt whatever plans you have for me are worse fate than being trapped with criminals, which would do god knows what to me. You seem like harmless people."

Greg laughed. "Yeah, we are super harmless."

Wormmon responded, "We are planning to take you to the Undersiders, they are basically thieves that will keep you safe if you lend a hand from time to time."

Canary sighed and said, "It sucks that I am basically forced to be a villain when I only wanted to sing on stage."

Wormmon said, "Life can be a bitch sometimes."


The van carrying Canary, Master and Bait entered Brockton Bay.

While Greg was driving to the Undersiders Hideout, a cape blocked the road.

Triumph was blocking the road with his motorcycle, the LeoRider.

Greg rolled down the window and screamed, "Hey, what's the big idea?"

Triumph got off the motorcycle and a little girl in a raincoat who was riding in the back also got off.

Triumph walked up to Master with the little girl in the raincoat, following Triumph's steps.

"Hello, nice to see you again, Master and Bait," Triumph said with a smile. "I will like you to meet our new Ward. Weather Girl."

The Weather Girl is wearing an adorable outfit, perfect for a rainy day. She has on a bright yellow raincoat that reaches just above her knees, with big, shiny buttons down the front and a cute hood to keep her hair dry. Her raincoat has two large pockets where she keeps her hands warm. Complementing her raincoat, she is wearing matching yellow rain boots that come up to mid-calf, decorated with playful polka dots. Her cheerful ensemble is completed with a pair of colorful socks peeking out from the tops of her boots. A white dominos mask was on her face.

Greg looked at Weather Girl and instantly knew it was Dinah Alcott, the girl Greg and Wormmon saved from Coil who could predict the future and was sent to New York.

Greg cooed, "You look adorable."

Dinah's shoulder slumped. "I hate this outfit. Please let me join your team so I can escape the Wards..."

Greg said, "When you're 16 years old, sure, you can join my team. Right now, you're kind of young."

Dinah said, "I hate my life..."

Triumph said, "I never got to say this. But thank you for taking down the ABB. They have been parasites in this city for too long."

Greg said, "Your welcome, just doing my heroic duty."

Triumph said, "I don't know what you're planning, but I hope I can count on you to help us in the city. Director Piggot wants to meet you in person. But I think she will be happy to get a phone call, considering your action in Boston, you will probably be thrown in jail."

Greg said, "I am not apologizing."

Triumph chuckled and said, "I have some strong opinions on Canary's case. Assault was, surprisingly, absolutely livid to learn that Canary was going to be sent to the Bird Cage. Battery couldn't get Assault to shut up about the topic and then they were arguing intensely about the verdict like they were fighting a war. When we discovered you saved Canary from the Bird Cage, Assault was singing your praise to high heaven."

Greg asked, "What's your opinion on what we did?"

Triumph said, "Morally, it is questionable, but personally, I like it."

Greg smiled and said, "That's a relief. We will be going now."

Triumph said, "Alright, you two. Have a nice day."

Wormmon asked, "Aren't you going to attempt to arrest us?"

Triumph, "If anyone asks, you two fled and escaped."

Greg tipped his hat at Triumph and said, "Thank you. It is nice to have a hero that isn't hostile toward us."

Triumph and Dinah allowed Greg to continue his drive in peace.


The van with everyone inside reached the Undersiders Hideout.

As Canary, Master and Bait came out of the van.

They were immediately greeted by thousands of insects swarming in the sky.

Canary stepped back.

Wormmon was happy and waved his stumping hands at the flying swarm of bugs. "Hi mom! I'm back!"

Canary was side-eyeing Wormmon and the swarm of bugs.

"Hello Canary," The voice of thousands of bugs spoke in unison, "I hope these two have been kind to you."

"Oh. Well. Yes, ma'am," Canary stuttered in fright.

"The Undersiders are coming down to meet you," Skitter swarm said. "You don't need to be informal, I am actually younger than you."

Wormmon said to Greg, "Quick, we need to get her the gifts!"

Greg nodded, went to the van and pulled out a shopping bag.

The Undersiders arrived and the only member missing was Rachel.

Grue stepped forward with a handshake and said, "Hello, Canary, we are the Undersiders. I am the leader of these misfits and my cape name is Grue. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Canary said, "It is nice to meet you too."

Canary handshaked Grue's hand.

Wormmon said, "While I was in Boston, I brought back some gifts for you, Skitter."

Greg handed the shopping bag to Skitter.

Skitter took the shopping bag while wondering what the gifts in the bag were.

Regent said, "Why don't you show the rest of the class?"

Skitter reached into the bag and pulled out a snowglobe with an owl inside the globe.

"It's nice," Skitter said, being truthful, like owls. Skitter shaken the globe while watching the white snow fall.

Skitter put the globe into the shopping bag and pulled out another item from the bag.

It was a biker leather jacket.

Wormmon explained, "It will be cold, so I decided to get a jacket for you. Sorry if it doesn't exactly fit."

Grue said, "I like the design."

Regent snorted, "Of course YOU liked the leather jacket."

Skitter returned the leather jacket to the shopping bag and pulled out a metal tin box. The box label read Silver Tips Imperial Tea.

"Thank you for the tea," Skitter said.

"Very expensive tea," Regent said looking at Wormmon. "Where is my gift?"

"Now, now," Tattletale said, grinning, "Bait has a special relationship with our dear Skitter."

Grue asked, "Is it romantic?"

"No," Wormmon, Greg, Tattletale and Skitter said in unison.

"It is embarrassing I want to tell you in private, away from prying ears," Skitter confessed to Grue.

Tattletale moved toward Canary with a welcoming smile. Tattletale spoke gently, "Why don't you come with me? I will get you settled in."

Tattletale was guiding Canary away, with Regent and Skitter after them.

Grue stayed behind. "If it's alright with you two, let's have a meeting. There's some stuff we need to hash out.

Wormmon said, "I have the perfect spot where we can have our meeting."


POV Greg

Wormmon, Greg and Grue were standing in front of Miss Dairy Fantastic Ice Cream Shop.

The ice cream worker, Ray, said to Wormmon, "You want three scoops of neapolitan, correct?"

Wormmon said, "Yes, please."

Greg said, "I will take vanilla with sprinkles."

"I'm not ordering anything," Grue said. "I can't eat without removing my mask."

Wormmon responded, "We will go somewhere that no one is around, pick your ice cream."

Grue said, "I don't want to reveal my identity to you guys."

Wormmon said, "We already know your identity, I even know Alexander and Eidolon secret identities, so it doesn't matter."

Grue sighed and said, "I will take the strawberry."

Ray quickly gave the orders to the capes.

Greg left a hundred-dollar tip to Ray.


Stingmon carried both Grue in his left hand and Greg in his right hand and flew to the top of a skyscraper.

Stingmon dropped Grue and Greg on top of a skyscraper.

Stingmon de-digivolve into Wormmon.

Wormmon said, "Gimme."

Greg, who was holding the Neapolitan ice cream, handed it over to Wormmon, who started eating the ice cream with gusto.

Greg looked over at Brockton Bay. "Quite a view, huh. From this high up, people look like ants. Actually, this might be the highest I have ever been."

Grue nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

Grue hesitated and took off his mask.

Greg shrugged and took off his own fly mask.

Greg took a lick of his ice cream and then asked, "What do you want to ask me?"

"Do you want to join the Undersiders?" Brian asked.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. No." Greg said. "I don't want to go down the path of villainy."

Brian said, "From where I am standing, there really isn't much difference between what you are doing and what we are doing. We are both wanted by the PRT. We both normally break the law. We both do whatever we want, damn the consequences. Join the Undersiders and we will have you back."

Greg responded, "Well... Hmm." Greg thought for a moment.

Wormmon said, "Villains and vigilantes. Tomayto and Tomahto. The real reason we won't join the Undersiders is because we will get you guys killed. We are planning to kill Eidolon to save the world from the Endbringers.I am all for helping out the Undersiders, but I don't want you guys to be targeted by my enemies."

Brian paused and said, "That's a pretty good reason not to join us. So what are your plans regarding the Bay?"

Wormmon said, "The Empire is a problem, so we are going to get rid of them slowly."

Brian said, "The Undersiders are growing, but we need time. Skitter has been breeding bugs, Lisa plans to recruit mercenaries, Bitch is training a new pack of dogs, and Regent is goofing off. Canary needs to settle in and we are going to have to get to know her too. Care to share your plans?"

Wormmon said, "I am not going to go hard against the Empire 88 capes, with some exceptions for the problematic capes. Purity, Menja and Fenja are a bad matchup against the Undersiders and really any hero in Brockton Bay. So they are going to be my focus and I want them in prison."

Greg added, "We are also going after the unpowered Empire 88 gangsters. We are going to bust racism knee caps."

The unpowered Empire 88 gangsters had a sudden chill up their spines.

Brian said, "Will you coordinate with the Undersiders with some of our plans? From what Tattletale told me, you have multiple different forms with different abilities. That could be helpful."

Wormmon wanted the Undersiders to grow to be strong. He did love them, but they needed tough love to grow strong, not someone to hold their hands. Wormmon said, "I am not promising anything at the moment. We will see your plan and then decide."

Brian said, "Okay. If you scratch our backs, we will scratch yours."

Greg said, "This is the start of a beautiful relationship. Brother is arms, fighting against racism. Master and Bait with the Undersiders."

Brian couldn't help but hear, 'M*stubate with the Undersiders.' He nearly slapped his face to make sure his mind wasn't going down the gutter. God, he hated hormones.

Brian said evenly, "I am going to finish my ice cream and we are going to part ways. It feels like I am in a different genre when I am around you two. While my life is filled with serious gritty reality, I feel your two lives are a comedy."

Greg, Wormmon and Brian ate their ice cream and watched the view from the skyscraper.
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Chapter 32
POV Greg

Greg woke up in the comfort of his bed.

Greg was glad to be home. Living in a hotel in Boston was nice, but he was more comfortable in his room.

Greg checked on Uncle Bill, he opened the door to his room and saw he was dead asleep. Slowly, he closed the door.

Greg grabbed a bowl with a spoon and filled it with milk and froot loop cereal. For himself, he grabbed a Doctor Pepper can.

Greg went to his room, where Wormmon was waiting for him.

Wormmon was on the bed on the iPad.

Greg placed the cereal in front of Wormmon and sat in his gamer chair while opening the Doctor Pepper and taking a sip of his beverage.

Greg asked, "What's the plan, el amigo?"

Wormmon said, "We are going to prioritize killing Eidolon. The destruction of Empire 88 will be a side mission. As much as I want to tear the Empire 88 apart. We can defeat them after Eidolon. Since we only have about two weeks until the Leviathan battle."

Greg said, "So what is the plan?"

Wormmon said, "Get in contact with Uber and Leet. I would like them to make me a custom Tinkertech. Maybe a teleportation Tinkertech to escape from battle, a power negation Tinkertech against other capes or a really strong weapon. I also want them to build a hacker device that will allow me to be on live television, exposing the truth and sending a message to the world."

Greg asked, "Ooh, can I ask them to make something for me?"


"Sweet," Greg pumped his hand up. "You know, we never patrolled before. We always hit our enemies. Do you think we can patrol the streets? Sending a message to Uber and Leet will take minutes. We are going to need to wait until they get back to us."

"Sure," Wormmon said. "It would be nice to just do a normal patrol. Maybe I will get into an epic battle and gain a new Digivolution."


Master and Bait did something that they had never done before.

Go on a patrol.

They were walking through Empire 88 territory.

Wormmon was on Greg's shoulder.

As they walked, the crowd would part for the pair.

It was 15 minutes and they didn't find any trouble.

The Wards arrived, Kid Win and Gallant.

Wormmon's disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined.

Wormmon pleaded, "Please tell me adult heroes are coming to try and arrest me and I can beat the shit out of them."

Gallant tensed, "Well, no..."

Wormmon said, "I crave violence. I crave for more power. Maybe I'll get a new Digivolution."

Greg said, "Ignore him, he's a little... Bloodthirsty. So, is there anything you want to ask me? I know a lot of things since I'm from the future."

Kid Win was speaking into his earpiece so softly that Greg couldn't hear.

Kid Win asked, "How far in the future are you from?"

Wormmon telepathic thoughts were said to Greg. 'Two years.'

Greg repeated what Wormmon telepathically sent him and answered, "Two years."

Kid Win asked, "What is the next major event that happens?"

Greg said, "Well, the next is probably the Leviathan attack. Hopefully, I can stop it from happening. Also in the near future, Mouse Protector is attacked by the Slaughterhouse Nine because her enemy Ravager set up a trap. Mouse Protector and Ravager will be fused together by Bonesaw. The monster Bonesaw created is called Murder Rat."

Gallant said, "Jesus Christ."

"How about I ask you some questions?" Greg said. "What exactly do the Wards do? I mean, I didn't see any major battles. You would think the PRT would have all hands-on-deck for everything that happened in the city. I think the Mayor was going to bring in the National Guard if I didn't step in and stop Bakuda."

Gallant said, "Search and rescue."

Kid Win said, "I helped disable some bombs."

Gallant said, "We do a lot of public events. Such as giving tours of the PRT. Visit patients at hospitals and there are mandatory lessons. Such as laws and combat procedures. Make public appearances on talk shows, in schools and at other charity events. Some of us do voice acting for cartoon shows."

Kid Win said, "We normally are not supposed to do anything too dangerous. Because of the youth guard, it is an organization that regulates the Ward and one of the rules that they enforce is that Ward aren't allowed to fight dangerous villains."

Gallant added, "The Youth Guard also makes sure we go to school. Make sure we are not overworked. Also, the PRT isn't mistreating us."

Greg said, "The Youth Guard sounds like buzzkills. I feel like the heroes are not doing enough to help the Brockton Bay villain problem. It looks like the Wards are tied up by a lot of red tape."

Kid Win snorted. There was a lot he wanted to invent but was unable to because it was dangerous. "You are preaching to the choir."

Gallant said diplomatically, "Parents don't want us in danger."

Greg said, "Sometimes parents are more of a detriment and cause of trauma. I mean, I know that Vista has a terrible home life and stays in the Wards quarters most of her days. I think I remember they caused her Trigger event. Why isn't the Youth Guard doing anything about that?"

Kid Win said intelligently, "Well uhmmm."

Gallant said, "Youth Guard was made to protect Wards from the PRT. Not Wards from their parents."

"Oh yeah! Gallant, you gave me a brilliant idea," Greg said excitedly. "I should report to the CPS that Vista is being abused by her parents!"

Kid Win said hurriedly, "You shouldn't! I mean, you don't even know Vista's civilian identity."

Greg said, "Missy Biron, right."

Kid Win's shoulders slumped, and he put a hand on his face. "Of course the time travelers know. Kid Win you dumbass."

Gallant said, "I am being informed that PRT will handle the issue. Don't file a report with the CPS."

Wormmon said sarcastically, "I am sure they will do a wonderful job. Just like they handled Shadow Stalker or the time they handled the Mall incident."

Greg said, "I will be going now. Oh right, Chris, your tinker tech specialty is modules. Dean, you're going to need to keep an eye on Amy."

Gallant said, "What?"

Greg said, "I will love to elaborate. But I can't trust the PRT with the info."

Greg walked away from the Wards.


POV Wormmon.

Wormmon found Jim, the homeless man who had told him where the Coil base was located.

Jim was leaning against a wall with an empty tin box in front of him, meant to collect money but currently devoid of any.

"Hi Jim," Wormmon greeted.

Jim smiled and tipped his hat. "Hello, bug."

"How are you doing?" Wormmon asked.

"Well, all things considered, a lot more people are on the street because of the crazy bomber. Now Empire 88 is getting their heads swollen up after the ABB is gone. So, about the same."

"I see. Even if one gang is gone, another takes its place."

"In Brockton Bay, the world just gets a little harder. The Brockton Brigade imprisons Marquis, and now the ABB and E88 fill the void. I guess the heroes aren't supposed to win, and when they do, it makes everything worse for everyone else."

"Yeah, it does. Master, give this guy $5,000."

Greg shrugged and said, "Alright."

Jim protested, "You don't have to give me so much. I'd be happy with a single dollar."

Wormmon insisted, "Take it. You've helped Brockton Bay more than you realize. I'm starting to think that normal people can help me with the Empire 88 problem."

Greg said, "You have a plan?"

Wormmon said, "I have a scheme."


POV Detective John Baxter.

Detective Baxter walked to his car and found Master waiting in the parking lot.

Baxter had heard of Master. He'd seen the footage of the battle against Lung and remembered the warning about Bakuda's bombing. Master had an arrest warrant from the PRT and was considered a violent vigilante.

Master grinned with relief. "Finally! You know how long I've been waiting for you to leave the building? My legs are stiff from all this standing! I thought about emailing you, but you'd probably think it was a prank. I tried calling, but it goes to voicemail, and that's full. Man, I was about to give up. But here you are! Hooray!"

In Baxter's mind, the mysterious cape evaporated, replaced by an immature teenager in a silly costume.

Baxter asked, "What do you want, Master?"

Master said, "I need information on Empire 88."

Baxter asked, "What are you planning to do with them?"

Master calmly replied, "Remove them from the board."

Baxter was reminded that the cape in front of him had been killed before. "Why did you pick me?"

He figured Master approached him for his years of detective work and his deep dive into the Empire 88 gangsters and their complicated network.

Master said, "Oh, because you're a black detective. There's no way you're part of Empire 88."

Baxter was speechless.

Master pulled out an index card and handed it to Detective Baxter.

Master said, "That has my email address. Just so you know, we want to target the Empire's business and destroy their infrastructure. Without your help, we'll be stuck beating up capes and normal gangsters on the streets."

Baxter asked, "And why should I help you?"

Master shrugged and said, "It'll be tough, but I'll just find another detective to get the information I need."

Master walked out of the parking lot.

Baxter knew he should tell the Police Chief. He looked at the card and decided to keep it.


POV Wormmon.

The Hero Base was coming along nicely.

They had a bed, an electric generator, canned food, a lot of water bottles, a small fridge, a really big TV, a poster of Bulma in a bikini on the wall and a wall of toilet paper. There was an assortment of food for Greg, and Froot Loops and milk for Wormmon.

There was also a safe with close to 100,000 dollar bills in it. They hid the safe behind a fake wall.

After unloading everything from Boston into the Heroic Base, Greg lay exhausted on the bed. Wormmon sat on a foldable metal chair.

Wormmon had a thought that he'd been pondering. He should reveal everything to Greg. He wouldn't use the word Cauldron, maybe Shadow Government. He won't use the word Vial with something else, like a smoothie. For Shard, he was going to use fairies. But he wanted to tell Greg the truth. He wanted to tell Greg what he was fighting for.

"Greg," Wormmon said seriously. "We've known each other a long time. It's about time I tell you about the future. I'm going to tell you everything. Damn the consequences. I trust you not to spill the secret to others, or you will be killed."

Greg said, "Can it wait until morning?"

Wormmon said, "No. I've been keeping everything under wraps for too long. So get ready."

Wormmon told Greg everything.

Taylor facing Lung. Taylor robbing a bank. Taylor facing Bakuda. Taylor discovered Dinah and Coil. Taylor fighting Leviathan. Taylor fighting the Slaughterhouse 9. Taylor fighting Coil. Taylor fighting Echidna. Taylor fighting Alexandria. Taylor fighting Behemoth. Taylor fighting the Slaughterhouse 9000. Taylor fighting Scion.

Wormmon couldn't help but gush over Taylor's bravery throughout the entire story.

Everything was revealed, including the most important parts: Scion's weakness, the origins of Case 53, the origin of powers, Cauldron's experiments with the powers, and the rise and fall of Khepri.

Greg muttered, "That's a lot to take in. The world is really going down the toilet."

Wormmon said, "Yeah, it is... Do you believe me?"

Greg said, "Of course I believe you. You're my best friend."

Wormmon felt deeply touched.

Wormmon began to radiate with a soft, ethereal light. A warm wind arose, stirring the air with a sense of imminent transformation.

Wormmon said, "Wormmon warp Digivolve to Jewelbeemon!"

Jewelbeemon stood as a twenty-foot-tall insect warrior with a spear, resembling a green jewel beetle emitting rainbow shimmers.

Greg gushed, "Wow! You look super cool."

Jewelbeemon looked at his hand and clenched it, feeling the strength of his Ultimate Digivolution. He spoke with sincerity, "Greg, thank you for being my partner."

Greg replied with a grin, "El amigo, we're going to change the world."
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Chapter 33
POV Greg.

Greg was in his room doing research on Uber and Leet. In particular, he was interested in the Tinkertech they had.

Greg had started studying or watching Uber and Leet channel. It turns out that they had 701 videos. Which was a staggering amount to comb through. Most of them are Uber and Leet playing games. The videos of them committing crimes are a low thirty-three.

Greg forced himself to write down every Tinkertech that Uber and Leet used. He carefully wrote them down and made a spreadsheet. It was only when he reached the twenty-seventh number that he discovered that there was a forum that was keeping track of all of Leet's Tinkertech devices. It even had some that didn't mention any video because the crime wasn't posted on the channel.

Greg felt a deep amount of annoyance after learning that all his work was pointless.

The list of Tinkertechs that Leet created.

Lightsaber from Star Wars.

Warp Pipe from Mario.

Master Sword from Legend of Zelda.

Cardboard Box from Metal Gear Solid.

Spray Paint from Grand Theft Auto.

Egg Mobile from Sonic the Hedgehog.

Pokeballs from Pokemon.

Pickaxe from Minecraft.

A message was sent, distracting Greg from reading the rest of the list.

Greg got a message from Uber and Leet wanting to meet up.

Greg smiled, he knew that money was a good incentive.

Greg turned to Wormmon.

Wormmon was on his bed on the tablet and watching Dragon Ball Z.

Greg said, "Uber and Leet contacted me. They want to meet up."

Wormmon rubbed his stubs together and said, "Excellent, everything's going as planned."


Brockton Bay Arcade. It was supposed to be an abandoned arcade. However, as soon as Master and Bait stepped inside, they were met with a surprising sight: the arcade was fully operational, with all the machines up and running. The sounds of beeps and catchphrases from the games created a noisy backdrop.

Mario and Luigi greeted them.

Mario, who was clearly Leet, gave a dramatic bow and said, "I'm Leet."

Luigi, who was clearly Uber, flexed his muscles and said, "I'm Uber."

"We are Uber and Leet." The pair said it at the same time.

Greg tipped his cowboy hat and said, "Howdy, I'm Master. Someone from the future."

Wormmon, who was on Greg's shoulder, said, "I am Bait. The Fourth Endbringer."

Uber whistled, "We have a comedian here."

Wormmon replied, "I recommend you buy warm coats, coal, wood, oil and other flammable materials. My Endbringer transformation will bring a winter apocalypse to the city."

Leet grinned. "You're not an Endbringer, but close enough. You're a Digimon, aren't you?"

Wormmon was surprised. "Your correct, how did you figure it out?"

Leet replied, "I was actually a Digimon fan. I dive deep into lore and all the material I'm interested in. Especially if I am going to make an Episode of it. I discovered there was going to be a sequel to Digimon Adventure. It was going to be called Digimon Adventure 02. I dug through the internet and you know what I found. A sketch of you and some of your other forms."

Wormmon clapped his stub and said, "Impressive."

Leet puffed his chest. "I know."

Uber asked, "Leet's has been running his mouth off about Digimon. I am going to have to ask. Have you reached Mega Digivolutions?"

Wormmon said, "Not yet. I reached Ultimate Digivolutions."

Uber said, "That's great."

Leet said, "We can probably stop the Endbringers if you reach Mega Digivolutions."

Greg said, "Digimon works on friendship beats everything. I believe we will get there in time."

Wormmon said, "Before we get sidetracked, I would like to hire you, Leet to build me some Tinkertech. I am interested in teleportation devices. I also want a device that can turn off Parahuman powers. I wouldn't mind a weapon. Finally, something to hack into TV and computers to allow me to broadcast a live video on every medium and spread across the United States of America."

Greg said, "I want a titanium baseball bat."

Leet said, "Hold your horses, I am not a genie. First, teleportation Tinkertech is possible but dangerous with my power. You can get ripped apart atom by atom if it doesn't work right. A Parahuman negation Tinkertech that turns off power sounds possible, but I don't know enough about powers to build a safe one. A weapon, sure, give me more details. Finally, you want to broadcast to everyone in the United States of America. We can hack into the Endbringer Emergency System and have your video played on every TV in the United States of America."

Wormmon said in excitement, "Awesome, how much does the nationwide broadcast Tinkertech cost!?!"

Leet held up five fingers. "Five million."

Greg said, "What!"

Wormmon said, "We will get you the money. We will transfer 100,000 dollars to your account and then get the rest for you later."

Leet said, "Deal."

Leet gave Greg a handshake gesture.

Greg hesitantly handshaked Leet. 🤝

Greg telepathically said, 'How are we going to get 5 million dollars?! We don't have that much in our bank accounts!'

Wormmon telepathically responded, 'I have a scheme.'

Uber said, "Hey, do you guys want to join us on game night? We are hosting with some other gamers."

Greg said, "Oh, we are not interested."

Uber said, "That's too bad. We are going to play Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team."

Wormmon said seriously, "We will be there if it is the last thing I do."

"Okay then..." Greg said, "I would like to acquire a titanium baseball bat and some of your old Tinkertech devices, Leet. Is it fine if we negotiate for the Tinkertech devices?"

Leet said, "I can create a titanium baseball bat really fast. What Tinkertech device do you want? Remember, my tech isn't reliable."

Greg listed the Tinkertech devices. Leet agreed.


POV Wormmon.

Greg, Wormmon, Uber and Leet were in a basement.

There were four cushions on the ground and four large TVs mounted on the wall.

Leet and Uber set up a desk with a computer and other gaming items on it.

Leet was in front of the camera.

Leet said, "Hello everyone. We are in the Uber and Leet man cave with the Jerkers of Brockton Bay."

Greg gave a wave and said, "Howdy."

Wormmon gave a nod.

Leet pushed a button on his computer. The Dragon Ball Z game was starting.

Leet said, "We will be playing Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team. I modified the game so 10 people can play at the same time. The other gamer will be joining soon."

Master and Bait were given a single game controller to participate in the game. It turned out that Leet and Uber game sessions were really popular, so they both couldn't play.

Wormmon turned to Greg. "Hey Master, can I have a game controller? I want to try something."

Greg shrugged his shoulders and handed the game controller to Wormmon.

Wormmon digitized into the game computer. Wormmon was going into the Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team game.


Wormmon opened his eyes and he was on Planet Namek. Wormmon realized he had successfully entered the Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team video game.

Wormmon felt the grass on his skin. He saw the green skies.

Wormmon was a cool pickle; he definitely wasn't freaking the hell out. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god."

Wormmon was leaping in joy. He started running in a circle. He then started to roll on the grass.

A female voice announced, "Entering Player PewDiepie."

Goku appeared in front of Wormmon and said, "I play video games that I love, and I share those moments."

A female voice announced, "Entering Player Ninja."

Vegeta appeared and said, "I can 100 percent complete at the top level in every game that I play."

A female voice announced, "Entering Player Caseoh."

The Fat Buu or the Good Buu appeared. "Who in the chat said that Buu looks identical to me?! Banned!"

A female voice announced, "Entering Player Markiplier."

Future Trunk appeared and said, "I'm a brave boy!"

A female voice announced, "Entering Player Matpat."

Perfect Cell appeared. "I have a theory! A game theory!"

A female voice announced, "Entering Player Jacksepticeye."

Piccolo appeared, "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!"

A female voice announced, "Entering Player Ryukahr."

Kid Gohan appeared, "Hopefully this won't turn out to be hot garbage."

A female voice announced, "Entering Player Leet."

Android 17 appeared, "I don't make mistakes in games."

A female voice announced, "Entering Player Uber."

Android 18 appeared, "I'm sexy and I know it."

Wormmon was in front of what appeared to be many iconic Dragon Ball Z characters. He started crying waterfalls of tears. "This is beautiful." T__T.

Wormmon shouted, "Wormmon Warp Digivolve to JewelBeemon!"

Wormmon glowed an intense light and Digivolved to JewelBeemon.

JewelBeemon didn't waste time and attacked. His joy was over 9000.

It was a battle of epic proportions.


POV Greg

Leet lost the battle.

Leet turned to Master and asked, "What the hell is going on?" Leet asked, pointing at the screen.

Jewelbeemon was fighting against Dragon Ball Z characters on the screen.

Jewelbeemon looked to be having the time of his life.

Greg smiled and said, "Digimon shenanigans."
Last edited:
Chapter 34
POV Greg.

Greg was entering the Forsberg Gallery looking for people to sponsor the vigilante duo of Master and Bait. Wormmon was on his shoulders and he was carrying a pamphlet with information about how to donate to their heroic cause.

The doorman tried to stop the vigilante duo. "Wait, you can't enter."

Greg asked, "Why not? I am pretty sure they are celebrating the defeat of ABB. I was the one who defeated them."

The doorman said, "You're not on the list."

Greg asked, "Are you going to make the strongest vigilante duo in the city your enemy?"

Wormmon said, "Wormmon Digivolve to Stingmon!"

Wormmon glowed brightly and digivolved into Stingmon.

Stingmon said. "I've been itching to stab something."

Stingmon extended his stinger.

Doorman quickly said, "You can go right ahead."

Greg and Stingmon walked through the door.


The fundraiser had many dining tables and a stage. All the tables were occupied by people.

Greg spotted the heroes, the Protectorates, Wards and New Wave. Greg ignored them, they weren't his target.

Greg went to the rich-dressed couple and handed them a brochure.

"Hello, we are Master and Bait, a vigilante duo that is saving Brockton Bay. Please donate to us."

"Okay?" The man seemed to hesitate a bit before taking the brochure.

Greg smiled and continued to find other patrons.

After six more couples were given brochures, he moved on to his target.

Greg was in front of Max Anders, who was sitting with two hot twins.

Greg left a note in the brochure and handed it to Max Anders.

Greg said, "I hope you donate to us, Max."

Max replied, "Maybe I will. I like the work you did with the ABB."

Greg continued to the next person. The note that Greg left in the brochure for Max Anders said the following.

Send five millions dollars to this bank account by the end of day or we reveal your identity Kaiser. ^__^.

Greg felt good about extorting the leader of Empire 88.

Greg continues to hand out brochures to the rich people in Brockton Bay.

Greg was interrupted by Triumph and Brandish.

Brandish said in an accusatory tone, "What do you think you're doing?"

Greg replied, "Handing out brochures to donate to our vigilante cause."

Triumph said, "Well, you can join the Ward, I am sure we can fund you. Actually, give me one of those brochures and I will give you a donation."

Greg perked up and handed a brochure to Triumph and said, "You are a true hero."

"What are you doing? Triumph, these two are criminals!" Brandish said, "You're two going to have to leave. You're making the other guest uncomfortable."

Stingmon scratched his face. "Are you picking a fight with Master? I don't think you know who you are dealing with. He knows where the bodies are buried. If you understand what I'm saying."

Greg said, "I am a time traveler. You have no idea who you're messing with."

Brandish said, "Your a violent vigilante. You burned down my colleague's house. Why don't you do all of us a favor and leave? I can definitely make you leave by force."

'Wormmon, can you have a juicy secret?' Greg telepathically asked Wormmon.

'Well I found out some spoilers-.' Wormmon telepathically replies.

Greg smiled and took out a pen. He wrote something inside the brochures for Brandish. He gave the brochure to Brandish.

"What is this?" Brandish asked.

"A secret that you don't want to be revealed. Read what's inside, don't read it out loud or you will regret it," Greg said.

Brandish opened her brochure and read the secret left by Greg.

Written in ink. Victoria's biological father is Neil.

"This is untrue," Brandish growled out. "How would you even know?"

Greg said, "My power is literally time-traveling. Anyway, you can waddle away. If you keep a man away from his livelihood, you're going to regret it."

Brandish growled and said, "I should arrest you."

Greg replied, "I know where the bodies are buried. Do you want everyone else to know?"

Brandish became very aware that everyone was looking at them.

Triumph said, "If you are going to simply pass out brochures, go ahead. Please don't cause any trouble."

Brandish said, "You're going to let him go!?"

Triumph said in confusion, "I thought you were going to arrest him? No one is stopping you."

Brandish glared at Greg with absolute hatred. Greg gave a friendly wave. 👋.

Brandish gritted her teeth and stalked off.

Triumph asked, "I have never seen that stubborn woman back down so fast in my entire career. You nearly traumatized our Wards the last time you revealed information about the future. The secret you revealed has to be something really really really terrible."

Greg said, "On a scale from one to ten, it would be a fifthteen... Do you wanna know?"

Triumph took a deep breath and said, "I do want to know the juicy secret. But it will be terrible that I can't share it with anyone. Some things are best left buried."

Triumph walked away in a hurry.

Stingmon said, "He is a very wise hero."

Greg started handing out more brochures.


Greg and Wormmon were patrolling Empire territory.

A ding was heard from Greg's phone. He checked the phone and was pleasantly surprised that someone had donated to him. It was a message saying an anonymous person had donated five million dollars to their temporary bank account.

Greg said, "It looked like Kaiser just donated five million to us."

Wormmon said, "The other rich patrons also gave us a generous amount of money. I am going to have to thank Triumph, he donated like $50,000 to our banking account."

Greg and Wormmon continue to search through Empire territory in a happier mood. To their disappointment, they didn't find any gangsters to fight. The gangsters would take one look at Master and Bait and run in the other direction or hide.

Greg said, "Can we find some gangsters to fight? It might be better to use Searchmon to locate them."

"It slipped my mind that I could do that. I have four Digivolutions, and I am already losing track of them." Wormmon said, "Let's do it! It's a great idea!"

Greg said, "Digi Armour Energize!"

"Wormmon Armor Digivolve to! Searchmon!"

Wormmon glowed and digivolved to Searchmon.

Searchmon started to detect all the sounds in the area, visualizing a block of the city in a wireframe model. He heard cars moving, babies crying, and various types of music and other sounds.

Searchmon saw a kid being chased by a large group of people carrying weapons.

Searchmon exclaimed, "Someone is being attacked! Get on my back, and let's go save them!"

Greg climbed onto Searchmon's back, which felt like sitting on a metal disk.

Greg shouted, "Let's go! Yeehaw!"

Searchmon leaped high like a grasshopper and landed on a building rooftop.

Searchmon jumped from one building to another as Greg yelled, "Yeehaw!"

Searchmon landed where a group of Empire 88 gangsters were chasing an Asian kid.

The Empire 88 gangsters saw Searchmon and yelled, "Cape!"

The Empire 88 gangsters readied their weapons.

Greg jumped off Searchmon and landed on the ground.

Searchmon attacked with a sound blast. "Jamming Hertz."

"Ahhgh," the Empire 88 gangsters screamed as they collapsed to the ground, feeling the sound blast echo through their bodies.

Greg turned to the Asian kid they had saved from the Empire 88 gangsters and said, "Get out of here."

The Asian kid replied, "Arigato." Then he ran away from the scene.

Greg approached the groaning Empire 88 gangster, clasping his hands together as if in prayer. "My grandma always said the best way to beat racism and hatred is with kindness and love. It's not too late to change your ways."

A gangster with a shaved head and a Nazi tattoo on his face, wearing a white wife-beater and ripped jeans, shouted, "You're a faggot! I hope you choke on a dick!"

Greg sighed sadly. "I have much work to do." He pulled out his titanium baseball bat. "This bat is called Kindness! I believe in tough love! I am going to beat racism with Kindness and a whole boatload of tough love!"

Greg moved forward and swung the bat, smashing into the legs of the racist gangster.

"AAAHHH! YOU BASTARD!" the gangster yelled. "You're trying to kill me!"

"Grandma always said to beat your enemies with Kindness!" Greg yelled, smashing Kindness into another gangster's legs.

Some of the Empire 88 gangsters tried to escape.

Searchmon attacked with a sound blast. "Jamming Hertz."

The gangsters were knocked down.

The gangsters looked at Greg with horror, screaming for mercy.

"Wait, we surrender!"

"The Empire is going to make you pay!"

"You're a hero! You can't do this!"

"Mother fuckers, stop hitting our legs!"

Greg screamed with determination. "I'm going to beat the racism out of you!"

The screams of the Empire 88 gangsters were proof his method was working for Greg. Men learn through pain and suffering. Greg was going to make these gangsters very wise.
Chapter 35 Miss Militia and Victoria
POV Miss Militia.

Miss Militia was in her new office.

Miss Militia was in a wheelchair as she was still recovering from the battle with Lung, who nearly burned her legs off. Unfortunately, Panacea was still in a coma, so healing wasn't possible. You only truly appreciate things when they're gone. Miss Militia had to heal the old-fashioned way.

Miss Militia was looking over the transcripts of the Wards and Master conversations. As the temporary new Leader of the Brockton Bay Protectorates. Miss Militia felt terrible about her promotions. She was soldier in heart and not a leader.

Most of the Brockton Bay Protectorates were injured, with the exception being Battery, Armsmaster, Velocity and Triumph.

Armsmaster was put off active duty because Leet's video was leaked all over the internet. Piggot was working extra hard to cover everything up.

Brockton Bay needed more heroes. The only ones left to defend the city were New Wave and the Jerkers of Brockton Bay. The former is questionable if they are heroes.

Master and Bait, or as the PHO likes to call them, the Jerkers of Brockton Bay, were dangerous. They took down a team of Boston Protectorate capes without issue. Their list of crimes were growing larger and larger. Including massive property damage, release a criminal headed for the Bird Cage, viciously attacking gangsters and burning down buildings and not to forget all the deaths they caused.

Miss Militia had a lot on her plate as the new leader of the Brockton Bay Protectorates.

Dealing with the aftermath of the Reona Mall Incident. Which includes all the deaths from the battle, including mostly innocent citizens. Arranging for the funeral for Dauntless death. It was a tragedy that such a bright hero died much too early.

Looking over reports on crimes from Empire 88 and other parahuman gangs. The Undersiders were getting more active. The Merchant were trying to claim territory. There were worries that new parahumans might move into the town.

She also had to allocate money to Kid Win's project since he discovered his Tinkertech specialty. It was good that Kid Win's specialty was discovered. Kid Win was now in his growth period of Tinkertech development. Miss Militia and everyone else were looking forward to what Kid Win was going to create.

A new Ward was also added to Brockton Bay. Weather Girl, the new Ward, could predict the future if she asked a question and could return the percentages. She was too young to be out of the field and there was talk to put on her news stations as a guest to predict the weather.

The only good news is that Dragon transported Hookwolf to the Birdcage as soon as he was captured underneath rubble from the battle against the Undersiders.

The most important task that Miss Militia had to do was make sure that Mouse Protector didn't fall into the hands of Slaughterhouse 9.

Miss Militia even asks Weather Girl a question about the chances of Mouse Protector being captured by the Slaughterhouse 9. Weather Girl answers that there was a 96.97 percent chance Mouse Protector was going to be captured.

As much trouble the Mouse Protector gave her. She was still a friend and a good hero.

Miss Militia made a call to Mouse Protector.

Mouse Protector said, "Hello, MM how are you doing?"

Miss Militia said, "It is good that you are alive. I'm calling because two Thinkers have predicted that you will be captured by Slaughterhouse 9. Ravager seems to be the mastermind behind the plan."

Mouse Protector said, "Oh, really? Thanks for the heads-up. Now I feel bad for that prank I did."

Miss Militia said in exasperation, "What did you do?"

Mouse Protector said, "Well, I told everyone you were a hermaphrodite."

Miss Militia said in shock, "You did what!?"

Mouse Protector said, "See ya later, MM. Love you."

Miss Militia had recalled that she had boy trouble when she was younger and confined to Mouse Protector because of her problems. Being beautiful was really a problem. Then Mouse Protector had a shit-eating grin on her face and said she would take care of it.

It looks like that mystery has been solved.

Miss Militia now wondered how she should examine her relationship with Chevalier.

Deputy Director Renick walked into Miss Militia's office and said, "We have a serious problem."

"What is the issue?"

"CPS is trying to take Vista away from her parents."

Miss Militia paused and said, "That sounds good. Maybe Vista's parents will get their act together and be decent people."

"We don't want to lose Vista from the Brockton Bay Wards. Depending on how this plays out, she might be transferred to another city."

"I will make sure that doesn't happen, sir."

"Good. The CPS agent is arriving soon, be prepared." Renick said and left Miss Militia's office.

Miss Militia sighed tiredly. She hated her new promotions.


POV Victoria Glory Girl

Victoria arrived at the hospital to visit her sister, Amy.

Victoria's heart ached as she watched her sister, Amy, lying still in the hospital bed, hooked up to various machines. The room was quiet, save for the soft beeping of the monitors. The dim lighting and sterile scent of the hospital only added to the heaviness in the air.

Their dad, Mark, sat quietly in the armchair, his face etched with worry and exhaustion. His eyes were bloodshot from sleepless nights, and he kept glancing at Amy, hoping for a sign that she was coming back to them.

Victoria's mind kept replaying the events of the past few days. After the mall incident, Amy had gone through three surgeries to remove the bullets from her body. Each operation had been a grueling ordeal, and despite the doctors' best efforts, Amy still hadn't woken up.

Victoria had heard that a cape named Scapegoat, known for his healing abilities, was supposed to arrive to heal Amy. There had been a flicker of hope in those moments, a light in the darkness that had surrounded them since the Mall Incident. But when Scapegoat learned of Amy's condition, he determined that her injuries were too severe for his powers. The plan was canceled.

Victoria took Amy's hand in hers, the warmth of her sister's skin a stark contrast to the cold, sterile environment.

"Vicky," Mark said softly, handing Victoria a twenty-dollar bill. "Why don't you grab me some coffee from the cafeteria? You can buy something for yourself, too. I'll stay here with your sister."

"Okay," Victoria replied quietly, taking the money. She glanced at Amy one last time before heading out.

In the cafeteria, Victoria bought the coffee, adding milk and sugar just the way her dad liked it. She picked up some vanilla yogurt for herself, though she had little appetite.

When she returned, she saw a flurry of activity in Amy's room. Multiple doctors were surrounding her sister, and her dad, Mark, was standing just outside the door, his face ashen.

"Code 10! This is Code 10!" a doctor shouted.

Victoria felt her heart drop. The coffee and yogurt slipped from her hands, splattering on the floor as she rushed toward Amy's room.

A nurse blocked her path. "You can't go in there!"

"That's my sister!" Victoria shouted, trying to push past. "She needs me!"

Mark stepped forward, placing a firm hand on her shoulder. "Victoria," he said gently but firmly. "You can't go in there. You'll get in the way."

"Please, Dad," Victoria pleaded, her eyes feeling teary. "She needs me! I can't lose her!"

Mark pulled her into a tight, strong hug, holding her. She knew, deep down, that he was trying to stop her. But all she could think about was Amy, just a few feet away, fighting for her life.

With all her power, Victoria realized she couldn't help her sister.


Glory Girl was flying over Brockton Bay, her eyes scanning the streets below for any signs of trouble.

As she soared over the rougher part of town, she noticed a commotion on a side street. Below, she saw a girl being dragged towards a car by two men she instantly recognized as members of Empire 88.

Glory Girl didn't bother with a warning. She flew straight into the path of the moving car, her arm outstretched and her fist clenched. The car screeched to a halt as her hand connected with the front bumper, crumpling the metal like it was made of tin foil. The force of her stop sent the car's back end lifting slightly off the ground before it slammed back down with a jarring thud.

The gangsters were thrown forward, smacking against the dashboard and windshield.

Glory Girl glared and said, "Let her go."

Seeing their indecision, Glory Girl didn't wait. She moved, wrenching the car door open and pulling the girl to safety.

The girl, now free, clung to Glory Girl, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you," she said.

Glory Girl couldn't help thinking of Amy. The girl had the same color of hair as her sister. Hazelnut brown.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

The gangsters fired their guns at Glory Girl. Her aura deflected the bullets, but the girl she had saved wasn't as lucky and took a hit.

Fury ignited within Glory Girl as she whisked the injured girl to safety, placing her gently against a wall.

Then she turned her rage on the gangsters. She tore into the car, savagely beating them, breaking bones with a satisfying crunch. The gangsters lay broken and moaning at her feet.

"I screwed up," Glory Girl said, looking over the scene. "What am I going to do..."

If only Amy wasn't in a coma, she could have healed these despicable gangsters.

Glory Girl knew she might face serious consequences, maybe even prison time, but she couldn't stop herself. Everything was a red blur to her.

Glory Girl called the ambulance for the victims.

Reluctantly, Glory Girl called her mother.
Chapter 36 Undersiders, Armsmaster and Bakuda
POV Grue Brian

Brian was in Undersider Hideout with the other Undersiders.

Brian felt the pressure of their next operation weigh heavily on him. He would prefer to stay as a small-time thief. Yet he was so close to getting Aisha away from his parents. His mom did drugs and his dad was a terrible father. It was no wonder Aisha kept running away from home. Coil greased the wheel for the CPS to allow him to be Aisha's guardian.

Brian now needed to come home with the bread. Getting control of the Docks will ensure a steady source of income.

Brian was standing in front of a table. Seated around the table were the other Undersiders.

Rachel was looking quite content surrounded by three of her trusted dogs, with five more dogs lounging behind her.

Alec was playing a handheld game.

Taylor was playing with a small coconut crab that she named Tamatoa and reading a book on how to raise crabs.

Lisa was typing on her laptop and drinking coffee.

Paige, the newest member, who was once a cape named Canary, was sitting at the table with a dour expression. Her costume was a crepe-wrapped dress with a bird pattern and on her face was a green domino mask.

Brian clapped his hands twice. "Alright, let's start the meeting. We are going to take the Docks from Empire 88. Is everyone prepared?"

Bitch spoke, "I got eight dogs ready for battle. Let's take them down."

Alec said, "Ehh, it was a little too peaceful. Let's get this party started."

Taylor said, "I am ready."

Paige asked, "Will it be dangerous?"

Lisa said, "Don't worry, your little head. We will protect you." Lisa then said to Brian, "I got the mercenaries ready. A squad of 50 discharged Army members are ready."

Brian said, "Can I have a list?"

Lisa said, "I'll get the laptop."

Lisa fetched her laptop and presented the list to Brian. Brian read the list.

Super Colonel Sarge.
Captain Richard Dick Simmons.
Captain Dexter Grif.
Captain Lavernius Tucker.

Brian decided he could read the list later. "Good, everyone is ready. Let's start the operation and kick Empire 88 out of the Docks and make it our territory."


Brian knew it was going to be a tough battle to claim the Dock as their territory. But he was prepared.

Four jeeps with five mercenaries each, with twenty men strong.

The Undersiders had eight large mutant dogs.

Even with Canary riding one, they still had two more spares.

A large swarm that could have been mistaken for a storm cloud was above them.

They tested how many bugs Skitter could control at once. To their amazement, they found no limit.

Skitter was even considering creating a coconut crab army. The only thing stopping her was that it takes 40 to 60 years for a coconut crab to grow large.

Skitter was considering other species, though.

Grue said, "Let's begin!"

The Undersiders and the Mercenaries started to move into the Docks.

Skitter unleashed her swarm into the Dock. Aiming to drive the E88 Gangsters out of the Docks.

E88 Gangsters saw the moving swarm and ran in opposite directions. Some shot the swarm that was coming toward them. Some slower gangsters were nipped by the swarm, and a few mosquito bites made them run away faster.

Skitter made the swarm speak to the gangsters. The swarm spoke, "Get out of the Docks!"

The E88 Gangsters ran for their lives.

Skitter felt a disturbance, her swarm was getting agitated.

"The Empire 88 capes are here!" Skitter warned.

The Undersiders dogs and the mercenaries' jeeps stopped at Prince Street.

Prince Street was a road that didn't get much traffic. Let alone past midnight. There were no cars in the street, with the exception of the jeep that Lisa's mercenaries were riding.

They used to have stores that were open on the street. A barber, a toy store, a Mexican restaurant, and a convenience store. It was all abandoned when Brockton Bay was hit with hard times.

A slab of rock was floating in the air, moving toward the Undersiders.

Rune was moving the rock, with Cricket, Stormtiger and Crusaders on the slab platform.

The Empire 88 spotted the Undersiders and Rune moved the slab of rock on the streets.

Grue was already cloaked in his signature darkness. Skitter felt the familiar buzz of her swarm, ready at her command. Regent was fidgeting, a telltale sign he was preparing to seize control, and Tattletale stood with a knowing smirk, her mind piecing together their opponents' weaknesses. Bitch stood slightly apart, her dogs fully transformed and imposing.

Cricket tilted her head, listening to sounds only she could hear, while Stormtiger flexed his fingers, small gusts of wind swirling around them. Crusader's spectral knights floated around him, ghostly and menacing, and Rune stood atop a floating chunk of debris, runes glowing faintly on its surface.

"Ready?" Grue's voice was low and calm, breaking the silence. The Undersiders nodded.

With a flick of her wrist, Skitter sent her swarm surging forward, thousands of insects rushing toward the Empire Eighty-Eight members. Cricket moved with inhuman speed, slicing through the air with sound waves that disrupted the swarm's formation.

Grue stepped forward, enveloping the battlefield in darkness. The murky blackness spread rapidly, swallowing the light and sound and disorienting their enemies. Stormtiger counters with powerful gusts of wind.

Crusader's spectral knights charged, their forms flickering as they moved forward.

Bitch's whistled, and two of her dogs, now monstrous and fierce, charged forward under her command. The ground shook with their weight as they barreled towards the Empire Eighty-Eight members. One of the dogs lunged at Crusader, tearing through his spectral knights with ease. Crusader struggled to maintain control, but the monstrous dog was relentless, eventually pinning him down.

Rune hovered above the battlefield, telekinetically hurling marked debris at the Undersiders. The Undersiders were forced to dodge the debris that was coming at them.

Tattletale, eyes gleaming with insight, shouted, "Skitter, focus on Rune! She is defenseless!"

Skitter redirected part of her swarm towards Rune, the insects attacked Runes and disrupted her control. Rune's platform wobbled, and she struggled to maintain her position. Rune soon fell off her slab and slammed into the ground, groaning in pain.

Cricket, relying on her enhanced hearing, honed in on Skitter. She leaped forward, her movements a blur. Skitter's swarm thickened around her, the insects biting and stinging Cricket, slowing her down. Skitter had to leap off the monstrous dog to dodge Cricket's attacks. Skitter uses her swarm to keep the agile villain at bay.

Bitch commanded her dogs to take down Cricket. However, Cricket, with her nimble movements and ungodly reflexes, dodged and struck the dogs with her small scythe.

Grue hopped off his dog and said in a commanding voice, "Regent and Canary, stop Cricket!"

Regent focused hard, causing Cricket to stumble and fall, her sound waves scattering aimlessly. Skitter's swarm took advantage, covering Cricket causing further damage and disorienting her.

Grue didn't let Cricket escape and he kicked her in the stomach. Cricket got up and charged at Grue with rage and fury.

Canary said in a commanding tone, "Cricket, do not move for 5 seconds."

Cricket was in a trance and stopped moving and she wasn't even breathing.

Grue took advantage and punched Cricket in the stomach. Smash her face with his knee. Then he gave a haymaker to Cricket's face. Cricket collapsed onto the ground under the force.

When Cricket was out of the trance, she looked at Grue and said in a condescending tone, "You hit like a little girl."

Bitch gave a command to her dogs, and they swiftly pinned Cricket to the ground.

Stormtiger, the last standing member of Empire Eighty-Eight, found herself surrounded by Skitter's swarm, Grue's darkness, and Regent's threatening presence. Realizing he was outmatched, he leaped away, retreating into the shadows.

Regent said, "I arrived. I saw. I conquered."

Tattletale said ominously, "It's far from over."

A bright light illuminated the streets.

The sound of a car was heard.

A limousine arrived and stepping out of the limousine were Fenja and Menja.

Kaiser slowly came out of the limousine.

Kaiser said to the Undersiders. "You hurt my subordinates. Are you ready for the punishment?"

Fenja and Menja grew large until they appeared to be giants.

Canary said in worry, "Can we retreat?"

Grue was going to order a retreat. They have already made their point. A continued battle wouldn't be worth it.

In a blur of red, Velocity showed up and said, "Kaiser, fancy meeting you here."

New Wave arrived with Manpower, Photon Mom, Laserdream and Shielder arrived behind the Undersiders.

Photon Mom said, "All villains surrender!"

Chubster lumbered out of the dark alleyway. "Chumbster is here to save the day!"

Dovetail arrived from the air and asked, "You guys having a party without inviting me?"

Regent said, "Where did all these heroes come from?"

Tattletale said, "Grue, I don't think we can retreat. We are surrounded."

Grue, noting that New Wave was behind them and the Empire 88 was in front of them. The various heroes were positioned around them. "Tattletale gets the mercenaries ready. Have them hold off New Wave."

Tattletale smiled and spoke into the radio.

Twenty mercenaries exited their jeep and aimed their darted rifles at New Wave.

With unknown signals, all groups attacked.


POV Skitter

Skitter directed her swarm with precision, thousands of insects rushing towards the towering figures of Menja and Fenja. The giantesses swung their weapons, cleaving through the swarm, but the sheer volume of insects began to slow them down.

Canary commanded, "Menja do not move for 5 seconds! Fenja do not move for 5 seconds!"

Menja and Fenja paused. Dovetail swooped in, her wings leaving trails of luminous light that ballooned into soft forcefields upon touching solid ground. These fields encased the feet and legs of the giantesses, impeding their movement.

Regent focused on Menja, his power worming into her nervous system. But her sheer size and strength made her a formidable opponent, even under partial control.

Regent said, "Canary! Can you stop holding back and hold these gigantic wet dreams for a few minutes longer?! My power needs more time!"

Canary said, "I don't want to scar them with my powers! They can't even breathe under my control!"

Regent said in exasperation, "That's just great you have conscious!"

Despite their combined efforts, Menja and Fenja fought back fiercely. Menja's spear swung wildly, barely missing Skitter as she dodged, her swarm providing cover. Fenja's spear clanged against Dovetail's armor, sending her sprawling.


POV Grue

Velocity darted around the battlefield in a blur of motion as he tried to gain the upper hand against Grue and Kaiser. Grue enveloped the area in darkness, forcing Velocity to rely on his other senses.

Kaiser summoned razor-sharp blades of metal from the ground, trying to trap his opponents. Velocity narrowly avoided a blade that sprang up where he had been standing just a moment before.

Grue's darkness closed in, creating a confusing, disorienting environment.

Kaiser, seizing the opportunity, sent a wave of metal spikes towards them both. Grue's darkness swirled, obscuring the battlefield and making it impossible for Kaiser to see where to strike next.

POV Bitch.

The mercenaries started firing their darted rifles at New Wave.

Shielder blocked the intimate volley of darts.

Bitch's monstrous dogs charged forward, their transformed bodies bristling with power. They collided with the New Wave's heroes.


POV Tattletale

Chubster, with his massive frame and durability, squared off against Tattletale. His bulk made him a tough opponent, shrugging off attacks that would have felled others.

Tattletale ran away on foot as Chubster chased her. She yelled out. "Someone else fight this fat bastard!"

Chubster yelled, "I am not fat, I'm chubby!"

The more capes joined the battle, the more it got worse and more chaotic.


POV Armsmaster.

Armsmaster was in his Tinkertech lab.

Armsmaster triple-checked all of his equipment. He was going to help against Empire 88.

With the few members of the Brockton Bay Protectorates. They were going to need all the help they could get to defeat Empire 88.

With Armsmasters recent blunders, he couldn't afford to mess up. His career was on the line.

Especially with Master and Bait doing hotheaded stunts. They were becoming much more brazen and uncontrollable. He was going to have the pair arrested in the future.

The Undersider was becoming a growing concern. Especially since they were onces who took down Hookwolf.

Empire 88 was going to be defeated today. He made Tinkertech devices for every member of the Empire 88 roster. He calculated that there was no way he would lose.

Brockton Bay needed him to save it. He was going to prove that he was the best hero.


POV Bakuda.

Bakuda stretched her muscles and took one last look around the lab. Armsmaster had left to handle an emergency in the city, leaving her alone. It was time to escape.

She'd miss the lab, especially its cutting-edge technology and, most of all, the data. The sweet, sweet data. But freedom was sweeter.

Grinning, Bakuda began tinkering with a bomb to aid her escape. This was no ordinary bomb—it was an Empowerment Bomb, designed to grant her a power of her choosing. She opted for power from the New Wave family, despite their alliance with the PRT. There was a truckload of data about the New Wave's power.

Without hesitation, she activated the Empowerment Bomb. A warm light filled the room, and Bakuda began to glow. She grinned as she levitated off the ground, feeling the power surge through her.

Pointing her hand at the wall, she fired a laser, creating a crude hole in the wall. She went through the hole in the wall and was standing in the hallway.

Alarms blared throughout the base.

Bakuda's ankle bracelet sent out electricity, which was meant to disable her, however, the barrier around Bakuda blocked it. Bakuda blasted off the ankle bracelet.

Metal walls closed off the hallways, but Bakuda didn't care. She charged through a normal-looking wall, breaking it and then went through three walls in an instant until she was outside.

A barrier surrounded the Protectorate HQ. Her laser seemed ineffective against it, so she threw a bomb at it and destroyed the barrier.

Bakuda was free at last. She looked up at the sky filled with an uncountable number of stars and laughed. "Hahaha! Those lousy heroes can't possibly hold me!"

Bakuda flew away from the Protectorate HQ, leaving Brockton Bay behind.
Chapter 36.25 Triumph
POV Triumph Rory

Triumph was spent, and his strength sapped.

The situation was dire since Bakuda's escape from custody, which had sparked a frantic manhunt across the city.

Armsmaster was going mad, like a man possessed, as he searched for Bakuda. Piggot was nuclear when Bakuda escaped, and Armsmaster faced the brunt of her anger.

Piggot unleashed a severe reprimand, criticizing and screaming at Armsmaster's face with the intensity of a drill sergeant. Triumph recalled an incident where Piggot scolded Clockblocker for revealing his cape name publicly. However, in contrast to the tongue-lashing Armsmaster received for his mistakes, Clockblocker got a love confession from Piggot.

Piggot was desperately trying to keep a lid on the situation, ensuring the news didn't leak.

But as it often goes, someone let it slip.

Rory, out of costume, slumped on the couch and stared at the TV as the news anchor broke the devastating news: the PRT had lost Bakuda.

Dinah sat on the floor, her eyes vacant, as she half-heartedly did her homework. Despite everything, she still had to attend school.

Suddenly, Dinah clutched her head and screamed, a piercing wail that could wake the dead. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!! 77.77 percent! 84.45 percent! 99.88 percent!"

Rory rushed to her side, holding her tightly. "Dinah! What's happening?"

Dinah shook uncontrollably, clinging to her head.

Her parents rushed in, trying to calm their daughter.

After what felt like an eternity, Dinah finally spoke, her voice trembling. "My powers... they acted up. I saw the end."

Rory, his voice asked in a worried tone, "What do you mean?"

Tears streaming down her face, Dinah whispered, "Bakuda is going to destroy the world."