Grabbed By The Bootstraps (A Death World Civilization-Building Riot Quest)(ALWAYS RECRUITING)

Watch as there's that one character who's here at the beginning and somehow manages to beat the death die roll every. single. turn. :V
Thing is, past a certain point, it gets to the point of having a 99% death chance every turn. If someone is legitimately getting nat 100s on not keeling over from old age every turn, they have some sort of reality warping effect.
Player: Oeticod
Name: Karrar Ponta
Age: 28
Personality: Inquisitive, Skittish, Exitable
Action Modifiers: Research 3%, Development 2%

[X] [Manpower] Hunt and Gather food (Produces 0.75 Food per Progress)
[X] [Personal] Development: Produce extra spears for our hunters and warriors.
Player: Vanestus
Name: Ray
Age: 65
Personality: Gruff, Calm, Focused
Action Modifiers: 5% Resource Gathering, 5% Information Gathering

[X] [Manpower] Resource Gathering: Hunt and Gather food
[X] [Personal]

Would looking for a clay deposit along the river fall under Resource or Information Gathering?
Player: LordEdric
Name: Edric
Age: 32
Personality:Inquisitive, Creative, Focused
Action Modifiers: Research 3%, Continuation 2%

[X] [Manpower] Resource Gathering: Hunt and Gather food
[X] [Personal] Research: Figure out what kind of environment preserves food best so we know the best place to store our food
Player: Superticus
Name: Tom Alpe
Age: 20
Personality: Paranoid, Focused, Creative
Action Modifiers: Research 1%, Continuation 1%, Information Gathering 1%, Development 1%, Crisis 1%

[X] [Manpower] Crisis: Try and cull the Cloaking Shockers; they're a horrific menace with a nasty tendency to mimic harmless objects before jumping out and electrocuting whoever is in reach.
[X] [Personal] Crisis: Try and cull the Cloaking Shockers; they're a horrific menace with a nasty tendency to mimic harmless objects before jumping out and electrocuting whoever is in reach.


Name: Floater Tree
Ecological niche: Tree
Classification: Plantae
Consisting of four very long trunks arranged to trace out a tetrahedron like a caltrop, this plant's other interesting feature is large bladders that fill with hydrogen gas, making it lift into the air once it depletes all local potentially useful components of the soil, other vegetation and fauna (including minerals not typically consumed by Terran plants, e.g. near-surface petroleum tars), it can get it's extensive root system on. Once the swift, localized desertification has occurred completely it can retract it's roots as it's gas bladders expand, letting the tree float on the wind before settling down in a fresh area.
The tree can regenerate from even relatively small cuttings simply placed in damp earth; any explosion from the hydrogen will mostly just spread itself. It also flowers. Leaf membranes span between the trunks, collecting solar energy.
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[] [Manpower] Crisis: Try and cull the Cloaking Shockers; they're a horrific menace with a nasty tendency to mimic harmless objects before jumping out and electrocuting whoever is in reach.
[] [Personal] Crisis: Try and cull the Cloaking Shockers; they're a horrific menace with a nasty tendency to mimic harmless objects before jumping out and electrocuting whoever is in reach.
Are you sure you want to do these actions right now? The crisis does not seem to be triggering right now. If you do try to do this you will have limited manpower on your own, and probably get a bunch of our population killed.
Turn 1 Final Tally
The voting for Turn 1 is now closed.
Total Manpower Votes: 20; 1,500 / 20 = 75 Manpower per vote

Action 1: Resource Gathering, Hunt and Gather food
10 Manpower Votes: 700 RG Manpower, + 1,400 Progress
Personal votes:
@Easter (+2% Resource Gathering), +2 Progress

1,400 +2%
Total 1277 Progress
(Produced 958 Food)

Action 2: Research, Increase Otatop availability
4 Manpower Votes: 300 RG Manpower, + 300 Progress
Personal Votes:
@KreenWarrior (+3% Research), +2 Progress
@LazyHedonist (+3% Research), +2 Progress
@Kanata.EXE (+2% Research), +1 Progress
@Space Jawa (+3% Research), +2 Progress
@Aerrow Shadow (3% Research), +2 Progress

309 Progress + 14% = 352 Progress
20 progress per roll, 20% success rate
2nd roll success!, 312 Progress remaining.

Related Topic 1: Bloodvine Farming
20 progress per roll, 35% success rate
1st roll success!, 291 progress remaining.

Related Topic 2: Blazegrass Farming
20 progress per roll, 35% success rate
3rd roll success!, 231 progress remaining

Related Topic 3: How does this irrigation thing work?
20 progress per roll, 15% success rate
6th roll success!, 111 progress remaining

Related Topic 4: Can we make this taste better?
10 progress per roll, 10% success rate
1st roll success!, 101 progress remaining

Related Topic 5: How can we harvest the Otatops easier?
20 progress per roll, 25% success rate
Out of progress.

Action 3: Research, food preservation
3 Manpower votes: 150 RG Manpower, 50 DV Manpower, 20 IG Manpower, 5 CO Manpower, +200 Progress
Personal Votes:
@Guancyto (+2% Research), +1 Progress
@PurposefulZephyr (+2% Research), +1 Progress
@Raptor580 (+3% Research), +2 Progress
@LordEdric (+3% Research),+2 Progress

231 Progress + 10% = 254 Progress

Hypothesis 1: How do we build a thing to keep our food safe?
20 progress per roll, 15% success rate
12 rolls, out of progress. F@$#$ING RICOPHERS!

Action 4: Crisis, cull Cloaking Shockers
2 Manpower votes: 150 CS Manpower, +300 Progress
2 Difficulty Dice, -65 CS Manpower, - 65 Progress
Personal Votes:
@Superticus (+1% Crisis), +1 Progress

236 + 1% = 238 Progress

Action 5: Development, make spears
0 Manpower votes

Personal Votes
@HammeredApple (+3% Development) + 2 Progress
@Oeticod (+2% Development) + 2 Progress

Too small for % boost to be significant, 3 Progress

Action 6: Information Gathering, Observe Lifeforms In Wild (Macroscopic Fungi, Stone Jelly)
0 Manpower Votes

Personal Votes
@Tnoz (+3% IG) +2 Progress
@Zorakov (+3% IG) +2 Progress

4 Progress

Action 7: Continuation, Archive Knowledge
1 Manpower Vote, 75 CO Manpower +150 Progress

Personal Votes
@ConfusedPotato (+5% Continuation), +2 Progress
@WallFlower (+3% Continuation), +2 Progress

154 + 8% = 166 Progress

Action 8: Information Gathering, explore West
0 Manpower Votes

Personal Votes
@LordPanther14 (+8% Information Gathering), +2 Progress

2 Progress

The Roster has been updated.
We Just Write threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Cloaking Shocker Cull Problems Total: 65
10 10 55 55
We Just Write threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Hypothesis (20%) Total: 69
65 65 4 4
We Just Write threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Hypothesis 2 (35%) Total: 15
15 15
We Just Write threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Hypothesis 3 (35%) Total: 117
37 37 69 69 11 11
We Just Write threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Hypothesis 4 (15%) Total: 192
24 24 22 22 20 20 34 34 78 78 14 14
We Just Write threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Hypothesis 5 (10%) Total: 4
4 4
We Just Write threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Hypothesis 6 (25%) Total: 309
87 87 67 67 71 71 49 49 35 35
We Just Write threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Food Storage Hypothesis (15%) Total: 848
94 94 93 93 84 84 88 88 19 19 92 92 95 95 94 94 34 34 61 61 30 30 64 64
We Just Write threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Old Stone? Total: 61
61 61
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4th Wildlife Writeups:

Drop-Bear Tree
Name: Drop-Bear Tree
Classification: Plant
Niche: Large Tree/Scavenger Seed

Adult Drop-Bear Trees are colossal plantlife, among the largest trees on all of Peril. In addition to their colossal height and immensely thick trunks, thorough foliage, and long, stretching branches, Drop-Bear Trees also have immense above-ground root systems that can expand to crate miniature forests all their own, and the tree is remarkably resilient.

The tree's larger-than-life nature extends to their seeds, which are massive in their own right, growing to anywhere from three to six feet in size before they're ready to sprout. Not surprisingly, that these seeds fall from hundreds of feet up make them highly dangerous if they land on anyone or anything incapable of taking such a hit from above. Worse, it's suspected that the Drop-Bear Tree has a malevolent nature, specifically aiming to hit things below it with its seeds, which if killed can serve as a delicious source of bonus fertilizer.

It's these seeds that give the Drop-Bear Tree it's name, as originally, the seeds were mistaken for animals that would drop out of the trees to kill prey. This mistake was further emphasized by the seeds nature - when first released, a Drop-Bear Seed is almost more animal than plant, including the capacity for independent movement with six durable but insect-like legs and a mouth capable of consuming food. Once dropped, these seeds will then migrate as they search for a preferred potting position from which to thrive. During this migration, the Drop-Bear Seed will sustain itself by consuming whatever refuse it can find, which it breaks down with its highly acidic saliva. Including, occasionally, the very creatures killed by the Drop-Bear Seed when it lands on said victim.

During growth, migration, and until it can grow into a viable tree, Drop-Bear Seeds are protected first by a thick, durable hide that protects its insides, and second by strength in numbers. Notably, the hide is far easier to break through before the seed drops, as its hardening is one of the last things to happen before the seed drops. The difficulty of breaking through minimizes the number of predators that hunt them, while their numbers ensure that the Drop-Bear Tree maintains strong enough numbers to thrive.

For those who can break through the seed's hide, however, the seed provides a highly delicious and nutritious source of food.

Rubber Spicefish
Name: Rubber Spicefish
Classification: Animal
Niche: Small Aquatic Prey

A small fish that serves as a plentiful source of food for Peril's larger predators. Explosive breeders, Rubber Spicefish travel in large schools that are highly resilient even in the face of constantly being hunted. The name of the species comes from their protective hides.

While Rubber Spicefish are a valuable source of delicious meat, acquiring that meat requires getting through their protective skins. First, the fish's skin is very squishy and pliable, making it very resiliant to damage. Second, the fish secretes a mildly toxic slime coating, which gives the fish's skin a very hot and spicy taste. Both features make the fish unappealing to lesser predators that don't have a way past the skin, ensuring that it remains plentiful for predators that can either get through or don't care about the difficult skin or toxic coating.

Name: Wannafly
Classification: Animal
Niche: Pollinator Insect

Pollinating insect best known for its beautiful coloration and hallucinogenic poison.

Wannafly start out their life as hungry, ravenous grubs that feature beautiful coloration and patterns over their bodies. Large in number, these grub serve as a valuable source of food to a large number of predator species. However, Wannafly blood carries hallucinogenic properties, meaning that creatures who consume the blood without properly neutralizing it may be subject to suffering a 'high', the consequences of which can range from imagining things that aren't actually there to having their brain chemistry set temporarily out of sorts.

After reaching maturity, the Wannafly will enter a cocoon state for roughy a week, after which emerges an insect with a large pair of wings that contain a beautiful pattern near unmatched by nature. While the idea that no two Wannafly have the same pattern or design on their wings is a myth, the highly diversity of the color and patterns ensures that finding two Wannafly that look the same at the same time is an near impossible feat.

Adult Wannafly are a valuable pollinator for flowering plantlife across Peril. While Wannafly are normally docile, they are by no means dangerous. Each Wannafly has needle-like stinger on the end of its thorax for protection, which is capable of injecting a hallucinogen as a defense mechanism. Not only is the initial sting highly painful, but the injected toxin is capable of all manner of effects, almost customized to have the most effective result on the target. This can range from immense itching, to a painful burning sensation, to 'drugging' the victim, to invoking drowsiness, to simply making the target imagine things that aren't there.

Rainbow Mocker
Name: Rainbow Mocker
Classification: Animal
Niche: Small Carnivorous Bird

Rainbow Mocker are best known for - and made most dangerous by - their infamous ability to replicate almost any sound they hear. This vocal ability is what the Rainbow Mocker uses to hunt, luring in targets with sounds designed to attract their prey and lure them to a position where they are most succeptible to ambush. Once their prey is in position, the Mocker will strike. What makes the situation worse is that the Mocker may not even kill its target, sufficing to merely wound it until its prey is made harmless, then eating the creature alive. Ultimately, the Mocker suffices for only doing as much damage to its prey as is necessary to ensure it can feed without worry of its meal striking back.

Rainbow Mockers are made all the more dangerous by their intelligence. In addition to their recognition of the right noises needed to hunt, they have also demonstrated an ability to recognize natural hazards in the wild which they can use to lure prey into traps without having to actually set them up, allowing their target to die or suffer fatal wounds as result of what would otherwise be a natural accident. When this option is not available, the Mocker will rely either on hit-and-run tactics, or else on a single, critical strike.

Rainbow Mockers do not form in official flocks, but have not issues socializing with other Mockers. Indeed, Rainbow Mockers are more than happy to let other Mockers kill larger prey for them, then eat whatever's left after the killer has had its fill. The Mocker's 'lazy' nature is further highlighted by their willingness to scavenge for food and settle for kills of other species left behind.

Rainbow Mockers mate for life, but are fully willing to take a new mate if the old one is killed. The Mocker's 'Rainbow' designation comes from the bright feather coloration of the males, which are used to serve as further lure to prey and attract a mate. This, ultimately, makes the females far more dangerous, as their feathers are designed to serve as camofloge - both as protection, and to ensure that prey doesn't see them until its too late.
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Rip Cloaker guy, you fought bravely and lead a bunch of our people to their deaths. You will be missed
@I just write it seems that some of us are very enthusiastic about the act of filling the world with organisms.
I have cobbled together an index earlier in this thread, in order to keep track of it all. In another the QM of another quest created a separate thread world building thread when a similar situation got out of hand.
Do you think that it would be an good idea to open a separate thread for this? It might safe us all some time in looking up submitted creatures.
That a good hall of food, but we're about 350 short to support our 1,500 manpower. We might be seeing a die off in the immediate future.
Here's hoping you Otatop folks can figure out domestication, I'll probably change my personal vote next turn to help out with that if needed.
We might want to explore the ocean to the east for long term storage.
The ocean may contain salt, if we are lucky.
It would help but like it says in the first page it's the lack of a storage facility that prevents us from saving leftover food. So that should be a priority so we can start saving the surplus then we can really nail down preservation methods.
It would help but like it says in the first page it's the lack of a storage facility that prevents us from saving leftover food. So that should be a priority so we can start saving the surplus then we can really nail down preservation methods.

Depending the on food supply I shall spend my either spend my personal action or my manpower on gathering clay. This will provide us with the materials for pots, so that somebody with a specialization in development can preform pottery.
I have a 2/3 in research and development. If you and/or others can find clay I'll happily devote actions to making pots and things.
Another solution to our food problem would be to find vegetation that can be safely processed and start up some agriculture. With both we'd have grains and pots to store them in.

On an unrelated note, someone should maybe devote an action to investigating the 'green rocks that melt into a hard substance', advancing to the bronze age would be a significant boon.