Good Morning Manager! (Lobotomy Corporation Manager Quest)

Voting is open for the next 15 hours, 27 minutes
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Cult of Scruples on Sep 15, 2024 at 7:33 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Give that Girl a warm blanket
    -[X] Ji-an Will…
    --[X] Work With T-1-082 Through…
    ---[X] Instinct Work
    -[X] Daniel Will…
    ---[X] Attachment Work
    [X] Plan: Attachment
    -[X] Daniel Will…
    --[X] Work With T-1-082 Through…
    ---[X] Attachment Work
    -[X] Ji-an Will…
    --[X] Pick up F-7-673
    [X] Plan: First Shift!
    -[X] Daniel Will…
    --[X] Work With T-1-082 Through…
    ---[X] Insight Work
    -[X] Ji-an Will…
    --[X] Stay In Department Central And Immediately Respond To Any Breaches
The First Day - Fresh Morning Dew New
The First Day - Fresh Morning Dew
[ ] Plan: Give that Girl a warm blanket
-[ ] Ji-an Will…
--[ ] Work With T-1-082 Through…
---[ ] Instinct Work
-[ ]Daniel Will…
--[ ] Work With T-1-082 Through…
---[ ] Attachment Work

Ji-an sighs as she checks her orders, looks like she'll be talking with one of their abnormalities. Hopefully this one will be one of those weak ones that won't try and eat her mind or something, but even if it isn't, it's her job to deal with it.

Still she gives Daniel a polite smile as the boy shows her his own orders, to do a different sort of work after her. She immediately looks away and heads down the hallway towards the containment chamber, did that idiot not understand anything about secrecy? She doubted the wing would strip her of her newfound feather status for seeing someone else's orders, but like hell she's testing that!

So the new agent heads down the empty hallway, slightly creeped out by the lack of people or any signs anyone has ever walked down it before, and stops in front of a blue door. When she touches the handle she realizes the door isn't painted blue, it's made out of thick blue ice.

Ji-an inhales deeply to steady herself, and opens the ice door, revealing a woman-shaped creature sitting on what she assumes to be a bench made of ice. She says woman-shaped because the thing is around 6 feet tall sitting down, has blue skin and seems to not have a head. But when the thing looks up to acknowledge her entrance Ji-an sees that it does have a head, It's just currently being hugged to its chest.

The creature angles the head to look at her and Ji-an has to suppress a shudder at the attentiveness in the dead eyes of the decapitated head. She can almost count the frozen blood droplets that line the sliced off neck of the creature, and when it speaks she jumps a little in surprise. "Has the prince denied my plea? Shall my tormentors return?" The abnormality asks in a resigned, raspy voice that comes out of the neck hole, even as the head's mouth moves.

Ji-an awkwardly shuffles her feet and looks anywhere but at the thing on the bench, and examines the room as she responds. "No, I don't know any prince, I was told to make your room better for you." The abnormality continues pointing its head at her as the agent fidgets and walks around the chamber, the whole thing was covered in snow and ice, how was she supposed to make this place better!

The creature speaks up again. "A thimble of frozen dew would be appreciated, if the prince would allow me even that much." The creature seems to expect the agent to deny her, so when Ji-an types in a request to the clerks on her tablet and after a few moments a finger size cup gets pushed through a delivery hole the thing seems surprised.

Ji-an picks it up and gives it to the abnormality. "Here you go, can you think of anything else?" The creature looks at the outstretched bottle, and switches her head to one hand to take it from her. It shakes its head as it stares at the bottle, and the agent feels her tablet vibrate, signifying that her work was done.

So she leaves the room, not giving the abnormality a second glance as she leaves it's prison.
In Lobotomy corporation you don't know a lot about your abnormalities to begin with, their likes, dislikes and even max production only gets found through purchasing information, which in this quest will be done at the end of the day. To reflect this, most of the modifiers will be hidden for your production roll, meaning right now it looks likes this:

1D??? +/– ??? = 6

Quota now at 6/30!

Total Collected E-Boxes for T-1-082 at 6!

EGO Gift: Sometimes your agent really clicks with an abnormality, and when that happens they get an EGO Gift! The more the agent works with that abnormality the lower the DC gets. These things are permanent upgrades to your agent, and normally they give minor but useful bonuses! But This Isn't Normal, Is It?

Ego Gift Roll DC 99: 24 Failed
- - -​
Daniel is getting excited! He knew what he was signing up for when he took the test to be an agent, if he succeeded he would end up as one of the people walking into the jaws of the beast, working with creatures that would call him their best friend one second and try to kill him the next.

And he would have to deal with abnormalities, but he can't imagine they would be much worse than his coworkers. Still, he wants to give people a chance even if he's always been disappointed, so when Ji-an comes back from working on the abnormality he gives her a cheerful smile and tries to talk to her.

His attempts are immediately rebuffed with a terse "you should get to work", which he shrugs off with by laughing and thanking her for reminding him. He immediately heads down the hallway she just came from, and as soon as he's past the door and in the hallway his smile gets a melancholic edge to it.

Still, no matter his disappointment he has work to do, and he quickly gets to and enters the doorway to the abnormality. He smiles when he sees the hunched over figure, easily suppressing his disgust at the sight of her dead eyed decapitated head and seemingly frostbitten neck hole.

As soon as he's sure he has her attention, he begins attachment work. "Hello! I'm Daniel! I am here to talk with you!" It's important to put your best foot forward, right? The surprisingly tall girl in front of him seems to think so, she pulls her head up from her lap and towards him, eyeing him up as she speaks

"Are you a servant of the prince? Here to know what i hold dear, to best torture me further?" The abnormality sounds almost confused by this scenario, and Daniel reminds himself that abnormalities all have a narrative they stick to. She clearly thinks she's held captive by this prince character, so to best do attachment work he should play off that!

"Nope!" he pops the p as he sits on the snow covered floor, putting his hands on his knees as he relaxes. "I am here to learn about you for my employers, and as far as i know we aren't involved with the prince." The abnormality froze, pun intended, and stared at him for a while. Just when Daniel is starting to get nervous that he screwed up, the beheaded snow-girl speaks.

"Your words are lies even if you believe them to be truthful, no one can meet me without meeting the prince. Saying your 'employers' bypassed him is as believable as saying they found a way to turn midday into midnight." The girl says flatly, but then her frozen and cracked lips are pulled into what Daniel thinks is a kind smile. "But though they are lies, they are ones I enjoy. Return to your employers, and tell them I appreciate the dew."

The tablet in the agent's pocket vibrates as the girl finishes her words, and Daniel quickly stands and gives her a sincere "Thank you" as he retreats from the chamber. Only slightly curious as to what 'dew' she was referring to.

1D??? +/– ??? = 15

Quota now at 21/30!

Total Collected E-Boxes for T-1-082 at 21!

Ego Gift Roll DC 99: 93 Failed
- - -​
You sigh in relief as your second agent leaves the abnormality's chamber, smiling as you see a notification telling you he achieved a perfect result! It is a relief considering how you were half expecting one of the two to do something to anger the abnormality and get killed.

You humm as you consider what to send your agents to do next, the sound echoing in your empty office. The machine left after her tutorial on the cameras was done, so you've been busying yourself with tracking down information on your two abnormalities.

It hasn't been a very fruitful search, the company policy of having site managers trade favors and priorities for information meant all you found were quotes on how much enkephalin has to go where for you to get any info. Still, you'll decide what you want to do with those 'deals' at the end of the day, you still have a bit of your Quota left after all.
Assign Your Agents --- Quota 21/30 --- Living Clerks 10/10 --- Qliphoth Meltdown Now At 2/3

The Qliphoth Deterrence system keeps abnormalities (mostly) Docile and (comparatively) weak, but when it is stressed through repeated interactions with abnormalities it has to temporarily shut itself down in some rooms. Every time you do a work action the Meltdown counter increases, when it maxes out a certain amount of rooms will have a timer put on them, so have an agent work in affected rooms before the timer runs out or else the abnormality within will breach.

The amount of rooms effected will be equal to the new "Qliphoth Meltdown Level", so at level one, a single room will get the timer, at level two there will be two rooms, ect.

Any rumors that higher levels of meltdowns can cause strange and dangerous creatures to spawn in and attempt to kill your agents should be immediately discarded as baseless fear mongering, as is ordered by Lobotomy Corporation
Do You Regret It I Wonder

You have 2 Agents: Ji-an, Daniel. All Agents Must Be Given Orders

[Agent Name Here] Will…

[ ] Work With T-1-082 Through…
  • [ ] Instinct Work
  • [ ] Insight Work
  • [ ] Repression Work
  • [ ] Attachment Work

[ ] Pick up F-7-673

[ ] Stay In Department Central And Immediately Respond To Any Breaches
AN: All Right the first set of actions down! But your Quota has not been met just yet!

Vote by plan please, and voting will close on September 20th at 1:00 PM.
[X] Plan: So it goes
-[X] Ji-an Will…
--[X] Work With T-1-082 Through…
---[X] Attachment Work
-[X]Daniel Will…
--[X] Pick up F-7-673

We know chatting with the beheaded ice woman worked, and we will be spending excess energy to learn the details after hours, so now we are best off just doing what is unlikely to get someone killed. Both gathering excess juice to trade and getting EGO gifts encourage grinding single anomalies to excess, so poor icey here is going to become over socialized in the coming hours.

We also need to poke the fire sword and see if it's pretty.
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Keep up the good work.
-[X] Daniel Will…
--[X] Work With T-1-082 Through…
---[X] Attachment Work
-[X] Ji-an Will…
--[X] Pick up F-7-673

Daniel seems to have a lock on Attachment work if the Perfect result is any indication, so let's have him handle it while Ji-an can grab the blade. Besides the more Personal Enkephalin the better.
Daniel and Ji-an Appearances New
Had some time and decided to fool around a bit with a Project moon image maker to try and make images of our Agents Ji-an and Daniel.

I know we dont have a description of them, so decided to make them based on waht I feel from their monologues in the last 2 updates, of the Qm has an appeareance decided for them already, could try later to make other images with their descriptions

What do you guys think? Open to criticism to make future images of our agents better
Had some time and decided to fool around a bit with a Project moon image maker to try and make images of our Agents Ji-an and Daniel.

I know we dont have a description of them, so decided to make them based on waht I feel from their monologues in the last 2 updates, of the Qm has an appeareance decided for them already, could try later to make other images with their descriptions

What do you guys think? Open to criticism to make future images of our agents better
I don't have any description picked out for them, in fact this is much better than what I think I could come up with!

consider this their cannon appearances!
[X] Plan: Keep up the good work.
-[X] Daniel Will…
--[X] Work With T-1-082 Through…
---[X] Attachment Work
-[X] Ji-an Will…
--[X] Pick up F-7-673
Voting is open for the next 15 hours, 27 minutes