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Chapter 27: A Kiss From A Devil Isn't Sweet!?: Enter Tarashi The Kissing Devil!
Date: September 13, 1995

Well, a week had now passed since our most recent encounter with a devil. But at this current moment, me and Wedding Peach, who were currently already transformed, and in our respective battle outfits, were currently searching for an extremely creepy devil named Tarashi in the forest.

However, once we had confronted him. Tarashi then turned himself into Yanagiba and Yousuke, and then began switching between the two boys in an effort to sway Wedding Peach to kiss him. And I was clearly having a very rough time hiding my now boiling anger. "Really Tarashi!? Damn You! Just how low are you willing to sink!? Do you really want me to pummel you into the ground!?" I angrily thought to myself, as a tickmark was very much present, on one side of my face. However, after Wedding Peach had yelled for Tarashi to stop. She then turned her attention to me, and I knew then what had to be done next. And so, quickly calming my anger down, I then readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, while Wedding Peach readied her Saint Miroir, as we prepared to try and purify Tarashi.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red. She then launched her attack from her Saint Miroir at Tarashi.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started glowing its familiar light blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me. As I too then launched my attack at Tarashi.

Unfortunately though, Tarashi just simply avoided our attacks, and then escaped.

However, as we were about to go off and transform back into our civilian forms. I suddenly began to get a bad feeling. "There's that familiar bad feeling again, I think I had best tell Wedding Peach that I need to go to some other area to transform back," I thought to myself. And wanting to act on this feeling. I then turned my attention to Wedding Peach, and decided to speak up. "Actually Peach, I will be over in this direction, I will be with you in a moment," I said, as I tried to not sound obvious that I had had a bad feeling about following Wedding Peach behind a tree in that direction to transform back into my civilian form. And although she was slightly perplexed about it, she agreed. To which she then walked on ahead, and went behind a tree to transform back into her civilian form. I meanwhile, chose to go to behind another tree in the other direction, as I then transformed back into my civilian form as well.

However, once I was back in my female civilian form, I then suddenly heard a commotion from off in the direction that Wedding Peach had gone off in. And upon almost making it back to Momoko, I then caught sight of Takuro talking to her. And from what I could tell and hear from both of them, it sounded as though, to me anyways, that he had more then likely found out that Momoko was Wedding Peach. "Hey guys Bluebell here. Well, this isn't very good, is it viewers? Well, if you'll all excuse me, I am now going to see if I can salvage this. *facepalms* Anyway, back to the story."

The next day, Momoko, me, Yuri, and Hinagiku were busy reading a story about women being weakened by a kissing fiend, and since we had both fought against him last night, we suspected it to be the work of Tarashi. However, Takuro then walked in the room and asked to talk to Momoko alone. I then decided to intervene, in an effort to try and fix the current mess. "You know Takuro, if you are going to talk to Momoko, then I would suggest that you include me in this conversation as well, I am her sister after all," I said, with my arms crossed and a less then pleased expression on my female face.

Outside the school, after Takuro finally agreed to include me in his conversation with Momoko, after I had continuously relented to him about it. He then asked Momoko to go on a date with him. And despite a tickmark now finding its way onto my face. It quickly subsided once Momoko wound up refusing his offer, and then told him that she liked someone else. And after Takuro, had had a weird conversation with himself. He then threatened to blackmail Momoko of her secret from the previous night.

I then decided to speak up, because if you could believe it, I was now completely livid by what he had just said. "Okay Takuro, how about you leave now, while I still don't have the current need to want to deck you!" I said in a clearly very upset tone of voice. However, and thankfully I might add, Yousuke had caught wind of the commotion from one of the upstairs windows. And after this had occurred. We then went off to find Yuri and Hinagiku. To which I then decided to speak up, in an effort to clear things up. "Look Momoko, he obviously knows about you being a Love Angel, so I would highly suggest that you take his offer and go on that date. Don't worry though, because I will be there in case things wind up getting out of hand," I said, in a very determined tone with a very determined look on my female face, as I tried my best to reassure her.

A day later, on the day of the date, Takuro waited for Momoko in the park with a bouquet of flowers and had also dressed up for the occasion. "Okay, Bluebell here again viewers. While it is true that I can't visibly show you how disgusted I am by this. I can certainly tell you, that if you are ever blackmailed by someone, I would highly suggest that you go and tell someone about it, because even though I am accompanying Momoko, I am still quite disgusted about how this is even happening right now. *a tickmark appears on face* Anyway, back to the story." Momoko, along with me right beside her appeared, to which Momoko was then given the flowers by Takuro. Well, that is after Takuro got very displeased that I was also there with them. But after he saw the less then pleased look on my face. He then decided to behave otherwise. "Because to be honest with you viewers, this goes far beyond me being disgusted at this current point. *give very enraged and angry expression* Anyway, back to the story. *tickmark appears on face*"

Walking in the park, she asked about the secret that he knew, despite me already telling her what secret he had been using as blackmail. And yet she was still brushed off by Takuro. Thankfully, before any punches could be thrown, namely by me. Yousuke then appeared on his bike and commented on the three of us, as Momoko tried to make him understand. But as he started to ride away, Momoko then approached Yousuke, and explained that she had no choice but to go through with it. Yousuke then asked if she'll be okay, and then warned that he would knock Takuro out if he did anything, which made Momoko happy. "Bluebell here again. And that actually makes me quite happy as well viewers. Because now I can rest easy, since I won't need to deck Takuro should he step out of line. *breaths sigh of relief* Anyway, back to the story."

Takuro then grabbed onto to Momoko to continue their date as the three of us then walked away from Yousuke. Who looked quite worried.

A bit later on, at Takuro's beach house, Momoko asked once again of the secret that Takuro knew. He then revealed the secret and asked if she was Wedding Peach, to which Momoko unconvincingly denied. "Anytime now would be good Yousuke, because I am very close to losing it here viewers and decking Takuro," I thought to myself, as I turned my angry eyes and eyesight to the left of me to address the viewers and showed my very pissed off expression.

Takuro continued to question Momoko if she was Wedding Peach, to which she refuted once more. He then claimed that he wouldn't tell anyone, and then asked for Momoko to kiss him. But before he had the chance to lean in for a kiss, and I had an opportunity to deck him. Jama-P appeared and was then grabbed by Momoko. She then put him on Takuro's lips, which caused Jama-P to then electrocute him, and knock him out. Jama-P then warned both of us that Yuri and Hinagiku were currently in danger.

A few minutes later. And before Tarashi was able to lure Angel Lily and Angel Daisy over, because he had once again taken on the form of Yanagiba, in an effort to try and attempt this. And with me and Wedding Peach, finally making it to where they were, Wedding Peach then spoke up. "Hold it, not another step devil!" Wedding Peach said. "My turn," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up. "I think that is enough of that, now how about dealing with the both of us?" I called out, the power and authority in my voice, hammering that statement home.

And once Tarashi turned his attention towards the source of the female voices, he was greeted by me and Wedding Peach. With Wedding Peach already in her battle outfit, and me in my usual battle outfit. And we were both might I add, extremely displeased with Tarashi. "Bluebell here again viewers. That just then, was sort of an homage to the subbed version of this story. You know..." "Uh yea, Bluebell, we're kind of in the middle of something here?" "Oh, I am so sorry Wedding Peach, anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, it was as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, that Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "All young women long is love, all young women yearn for sweet kisses! You have betrayed the love of these young women with lying kisses, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"My turn sis," I thought to myself, as I then began my usual introduction, while holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. I then stopped it mid downward swing. To which I then held it in front of me in a battle ready position, and then struck my usual pose.

It was then that Angel Lily, after she had stated that she was less then pleased that Tarashi had used the form of Yanagiba, in an attempt to lure both her and Angel Daisy into his trap. She then summoned the Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue earrings, and then prepared to use it on Tarashi. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, while she did a full spin whilst twirling the Saint Astral Baton. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she then got into a down on one knee position, and then spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, as she fired her attack.

Angel Daisy then summoned the Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed and then prepared to use it on Tarashi. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, as two rows of candles appeared, to which they then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, as she then spun 360 degrees, as she then fired her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod at Tarashi.

However, even though he was now weakened, Tarashi then used his burning kiss attack on is. Thankfully though, we managed to avoid his kisses. And then Wedding Peach summoned the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. This was then followed by her, absorbing the next attack that was fired at us by Tarashi. "I can't forgive this evil!" Wedding Peach said, as she then prepared to launch Tarashi's own attack back at him in the form of a love wave. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did another full spin. And once the crystal on the Saint Crystal Rod shined brightly, she then launched Tarashi's own attack back at him, but in the form of a love wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And then, once the blade began to glow its bright blue color. I then swung it forward in a left horizontal swing in front of me, while launching my attack from the blade.

And once our attacks hit Tarashi at exactly the same time, he was purified, to which he then faded out of existence.

A little while later, back at the beach house, Momoko then woke up Takuro and told him to not kiss her again like that. "Bluebell here, and that viewers, is how you end a chapter. *blushes while smiling* Anyway, see you all in the next chapter. *smiles with eyes closed*"
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Chapter 28: A False Wedding Ceremony!: Takuro's On Thin Ice!
Date: September 20, 1995

Okay, so another week had now passed since our encounter with Tarashi. And his purification, was as usual, done by me and Wedding Peach.

But, as usual, this wasn't currently on either of our minds. And this was further supported by the fact, that as the school, Yuri and Hinagiku had formed an alliance in an effort to help Momoko and Yousuke get together. And this was being done in order to lower the competition for Yanagiba. "Yea sorry, Bluebell here viewers. So, as I am very sure you are going to see me say now. Doesn't this remind you of another well known magical girl? Well it should, since she made the magical girl genre into what it is today. And I am still very much looking forward to working with her later on in this fanfic. *blushes profusely* Anyway, back to the story."

Meanwhile, outside the school, Momoko was busy spying on Takuro behind a bush. And I was right beside her as usual. You know, in case a devil decided to show up uninvited, like they always loved to do.

Anyway the reason why Momoko was spying on him, was in order to figure out how he knew about the love angels. Yousuke then walked by and noticed Momoko watching Takuro, with me keeping an eye out, only he didn't know why I was. "Bluebell here again viewers. And thank goodness for that, seeing as how if he still knew about Momoko being Wedding Peach, this would just further complicate things. But, he did get his memories about all of that erased, back in the events following what went on in the devil's forest with Nocturne, Pluie, and the Vortex Of Destruction. *slowly breaths a sigh of relief* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, Yuri and Hinagiku then went up to Yousuke and told him of Momoko's suspicious behavior, while also alluding that she may like him. However, Yousuke then became annoyed, and then left, as he was apparently annoyed at the whole entire situation.

Later on, in one of the school classrooms, as soon as me and Momoko, walked in looking for Takuro, he then pretended to cry, while telling her of people making fun of him for his lack of athletic ability. "Okay, now I am really getting pissed at this regarding Takuro's behavior. Momoko, please don't believe him, because I am sensing something that is quite a bit off about all of this," I thought to myself, with a very worried expression present on my face.

However, Momoko then tried to encourage Takuro, but she failed to make him feel any better.

And sure enough, my sensing that something was quite a bit off, was then confirmed, by Takuro asking her if they could have a pretend wedding ceremony. Apparently it was in order for him to regain his confidence. And although being hesitant, she eventually agreed from his tears.

Later on, at the house, Momoko was holding her mother's wedding dress, while asking her mom what she should do. But, before I could speak up, Jama-P wound up telling her to not go through with the ceremony, while also telling her she liked someone else. However, she ultimately still decided to go to the wedding ceremony in order to help Takuro. And I would also be there with her, you know, since I was still unsure about all of this.

A little later on, me and Momoko, were walking a path to Takuro's beach house, while Momoko reassured her mom that she was doing the right thing in helping Takuro gain his confidence back. However, it was at this moment, that a devil appeared, who was apparently named Ryuck. And how do I know this you may ask? Well, that was the one word that this devil kept repeating every time she launched an attack, or even spoke for that matter.

Anyway, Ryuck then decided to attack the both of us, in an effort to steal both of our love waves. But thankfully though, two female voices then rang out from nearby. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" the familiar female voice said. This was then followed seconds later by the same familiar female voice speaking up again. "Saint Astral Stardust!" the familiar female voice said.

"Memorial Candle Of Love!" another female voice said. This was then followed by that familiar female voice speaking up again just like the first familiar female voice. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" the second familiar female voice said, as two different attacks then made their way towards Ryuck. And although she got hit, she unfortunately managed to recover. And it was while Angel Lily and Angel Daisy were struggling against Ryuck. That Momoko then turned her attention to me, as I then knew fully well what to do next. "Just another day in the life of a love angel..." I said to myself, as I sighed. And after me and Momoko gave a quick nod to each other. I then reached into my skirt pocket, and then pulled out and readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, while Momoko pulled out and readied her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again in my usual battle outfit.

It was then that Wedding Peach prepared to transform into her battle outfit. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her usual battle outfit.

And as Angel Lily and Angel Daisy had stickers on their heads, which prevented them from moving. Largely because they had been stunned by said stickers. This was then followed by Wedding Peach speaking up. "Hold it devil!" Wedding Peach said. "I think that is quite enough of that devil! Now how about dealing with the two of us instead, that is, if you can!" I said, with the power and authority in my voice helping to hammer the statement home.

And as Ryuck sucked the love wave out of Angel Lily and Angel Daisy. This was when Ryuck stopped, and then turned her attention towards the source of both female voices. And who should be standing side by side, but me and Wedding Peach. And both of us very unhappy with Ryuck. I mean, wouldn't you if a devil wound up attacking your best friends and restricting their movements with stickers? My point exactly.

And as the sound of chiming bells then suddenly filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "To hear the distant ocean, and we feel the autumn breeze on our skin! On this fine day, you have tried to steal the love wave we call friendship, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she pointed her left hand at Ryuck. Which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in an upward arc. To which she then brought that arm into a flexing pose, with her arm bent and her hand in a fist.

"Well done on that introduction sis. My turn," I thought to myself, as I couldn't help but smile, as I then began my introduction, while holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, then held it in front of me in a battle ready position, and struck my usual pose.

And it was at this point that Wedding Peach summoned the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old. But before we could even launch either of our respective purification attacks, we both wound up getting completely paralyzed by Ryuck's stickers, that she managed to stick to our respective foreheads, as well as the rest of our bodies.

And as Ryuck proceeded to steal our love waves, Limone then appeared and struck Ryuck with his halo.

And it was at this moment, that a devil then appeared. Who I then found out was named Igneous. And he would wind up becoming a problem for the four of us, a bit later on in a later chapter. So, in other words, this is not the first time that we would see him, and it certainly wasn't going to be the last time either. As several years later, he would wind up inexplicably returning. But that, is a story for a much later date.

Anyway, Limone then went on fighting Igneous, while Ryuck continued to weaken the four of us. "Damn it...this hurts just as much...if not worse then when me and Wedding Peach suffering from Pluie's lightning attack when we were both protecting Jama-P!...Damn it...this really hurts!" I thought to myself, as the pain on my entire body continued to increase. And this caused me to scream in utter pain, as the pain continue to mount from Ryuck's stickers continuing to suck the love wave out of me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy.

However, a bright light then appeared. And feeling the presence of a new love wave, the four of us then combined our powers, which then attracted a tiara, known as the final part of the Saint Something Four, which was called the Something New tiara. The power from the Something New tiara, then wound up removing the stickers from the four of us. Well, when I say that it removed them, they simply disintegrated into nothing.

And finally, me and Wedding Peach, then proceeded to use our purification attacks once again, in an attempt to purify Ryuck. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. To which she then absorbed Ryuck's next attack into the Saint Crystal Rod. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did another full spin. And once the crystal on the Saint Crystal Rod shined brightly. She then fired Ryuck's own attack back at her, but in the form of a love wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And as the blade glowed bright blue. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I fired my purification attack from the swords blade.

And once both of our attacks hit Ryuck at exactly the same time, she was purified, and then faded out of existence.

Igneous then proceeded to rush towards the Something New, but was unable to grasp it, due to the intense power coming it. It then flew away, as Igneous then tried to chase after it. And with Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy questioning why it had flown away, Limone then speculated that the Something New was heading towards the fourth love angel to help assist us. "Bluebell here again viewers, and yet something tells me, that she is going to be a real pain, when trying to have her become a team player. But hopefully viewers, Scarlet O'Hara, or Angel Salvia as I call her, won't be as arrogant as I think she is. Because if the information that I have regarding her, turns out to be true. Then this could very easily turn itself into one huge headache. *Puts right hand to forehead while giving an unhappy blank expression* Anyway, see you all in the next chapter. *Removes right hand from forehead and continues to give an unhappy blank expression*"
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Chapter 29: A Lover For Yanagiba!?: A Total Misunderstanding!
Date: September 27, 1995

Well, another week had now passed since our last devil encounter. But as usual, this wasn't on our minds at this current moment.
At nursery school, Hinagiku told Momoko, me, and Yuri about an incident with Takuro, thinking that he had fallen for Yuri in spite of her devotion to Yanagiba. Yuri then changed the subject to Reiko and told us that we were going to volunteer the upcoming Saturday to help take care of the kids at the understaffed nursery school.

A few days later, we arrived at the nursery school and were introduced by Reiko to the children. But, when we tried to take care of the kids, we found the task to be more difficult than we had anticipated, from their crying and energetic behavior, including Jama-P, who was taken by the children.

As the four of us tended to the crying children, Yanagiba walked into the room commending the four of us for helping out Reiko. This wound up with Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku trying to impress him by tending to the kids. I meanwhile, just looked on with a sweatdrop on my face. "Well viewers, some things clearly just never change...*sigh*" I thought to myself, as I turned my head, as well as my eyesight, to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

However, a short time later, another devil decided to show up, which apparently was named Ukima. Ukima then found a child named Taro in the school and encased him inside a bubble. Jama-P warned us of the child missing and we soon found him and the devil outside. And with the four of us looking in disbelief. This then prompted Momoko to ready her Saint Miroir, me to pull out and ready my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri to ready her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku to ready her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, was once again in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her wedding dress outfit.

"Also, a side note viewers. Well, not really a side note, but more of a lengthy amount of small explanations that I need to address to all of you. Sorry, Bluebell here viewers. So unfortunately, I am not going to describe to you all, what Ukima looks like. And the reason being as to why, is because if I were to describe this devil to you...then you would all, or some of you for that matter, might find it to be a little bit offensive to some viewers. I mean after all, this self insert, fanfic, along with the other two that intersect with this one later on. I am trying to prove to the anime industry, that these fanfics in particular, deserve to be canonized. I mean, I know I am reiterating the statement that I said back in the chapter with the devil Ohima. But, the anime industry, more specifically the people that have been involved in the four anime that are featured in these three self insert fanfics. The anime industry could stand to make quite a bit of money if they decided to merge these four anime with each other. I mean after all, and going back to what I said back in the second chapter. Another thing is to address is that a certain 90s magical girl group, along with another well known 90s anime magical girl, who I described in the twelfth chapter, as a girl with emerald eyes and auburn hair. Well, both of these 90s magical girls or groups are in this fanfic. And both of them, like me and Wedding Peach, have the ability to break the fourth wall. Or, like that of Deadpool or She Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, have what is more commonly described in that universe as someone having fourth wall awareness. But, these three 90s magical girls or groups, are not the only ones involved in all of this. I mean after all, there are usually 'Four Aces' in a common and regular deck of playing cards. And as it just so happens, there is a fourth female anime character, that you will be reading about much later on in this self insert fanfic, as well as the other two. And finally, as I am now rambling on quite a bit. *giggles in a kind and nice way with eyes closed* I know that I have said this countless times before in this fanfic. But I am very much looking forward to working with all of them much later on in this fanfic. The moonlight is a messenger of love after all. *proceeds to giggle again in a kind and nice way with eyes closed* Anyway, enough of my constant rambling, let us finally get back to the story. *tilts head slightly while smiling with eyes closed*"

Anyway, this was then followed by Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy readying their respective items, to which they then proceeded to transform into their battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit.

It was while Ukima was focused on something else that Wedding Peach then decided to speak up, in an effort to get his attention. "Hold it right there devil!" Wedding Peach said.

"Straight and to point like always sis. It looks like it is my turn now," I thought to myself, as I then decided to speak up, as well as put my two cents in. "I think that is enough of that devil! Now how about dealing with the four of us, that is, if you can!" I said, as the power and authority in my voice helped to hammer my passionate statement home.

And once Ukima turned his attention to the four of us, and as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "As the first maple leaves turn red, and now dance about in the cool wind. On this fine day, you have used your evil to hurt innocent children, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Well sis, looks like it's my turn then," I thought to myself, as I then began my usual introduction, as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of me in a battle ready position, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers the name of the pure lily is special, it means it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart, and it can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

However, Ukima then trapped us all in bubbles and then proceeded to blow us around. And it was while this was happening, that a thought then went through my mind. "Okay, so I am now starting to feel nauseous...not to mention that I also feel a little bit sick," I thought to myself, as I started to feel exactly both of these things, as Ukima continued to blow the four of us around.

Thankfully however, Angel Lily then summoned the Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue earrings, and then proceeded to use it. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, as she twirled the Saint Astral Baton, whilst doing a full spin. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she got into a down on one knee position, as she then spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, and she launched her attack, which wound up freeing us from the bubbles.

Angel Daisy then summoned the Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed pendant, and then proceeded to use it. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, as two rows of candles then appeared, which then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, as she did a 360 degree spin, and then fired her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which wound up disorienting Ukima.

"You two are up, get 'em Peach and Bluebell!" Angel Lily said. This then prompted Wedding Peach to summon the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. To which she then absorbed Ukima's next attack that was fired at us into the crystal of the Saint Crystal Rod. "I can't forgive this evil!" Wedding Peach said, as she then proceeded to fire Ukima's own attack back at him in the form of a love wave.

"Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach followed up with, as she did another full spin. And once the crystal on the Saint Crystal Rod shined brightly. She then fired Ukima's attack back at him, in the form of a love wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started glowing bright blue. I then swung it forward in a left horizontal swing, as I then fired my attack from the blade.

And once our attacks hit Ukima at exactly the same time, he was purified, to which he then faded out of existence.

Taro then fell from the broken bubble and was caught by Angel Daisy. "Hey viewers, Bluebell here again. Man, talk about a close call, huh viewers? *blushes and giggles a little with eyes closed* Anyway, back to the story."

We then returned to the building, and explained that we were playing outside. "Angel Bluebell here again viewers. Sometimes, in this case anyways, it is perfectly find for magical girls to lie. Unlike two people I know of, who you will read about later in this fic. Who might I say, lied to only further themselves. And no, they still aren't cousins...*sweatdrops* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, Hinagiku then got angry at Yanagiba and Reiko being together and blurted out what his relationship was with her. To Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku's relief, they explained that Reiko had lent her umbrella to Yanagiba with her boyfriend and he had dropped by to repay the favor.

With it now raining, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku offered to share an umbrella with Yanagiba, but he walked off with Yousuke instead. It was then that Taro appeared and started blurting out Wedding Peach's battle quotes, as well as my own. We then tried to keep him quiet, but we wound up being no match for the child. "Hey viewers, Angel Bluebell here again, see you all in the next chapter. *Waves and smiles with eyes closed*"
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Chapter 30: A Female In Love Is The Strongest!: A Fight At The Amusement Park!
October 4, 1995

Well, yet another week had now passed since our most recent encounter with a devil.

"But more importantly. Sorry, Bluebell here viewers. Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you viewers. What do you all think of this fanfic so far? And more importantly, what do you all think of my witty fourth wall breaks in every chapter so far? Well, all except for the first chapter that is. And once again, and let me reiterate, you have no given right to tell me that they are either over excessive or are even the slightest bit immersion breaking to this self insert fanfic. If you are not a fan of how I write my fanfics, or are a salty internet troll who is just here to gaslight, then do me a big favor, and stop reading this self insert fanfic right now, and don't bother reading on. I am not here to be your punching bag for your spineless cowardice. As most of you internet trolls who resort to such things, are they themselves miserable in their own respective lives. To which they then make it their goal to make either everyone around them, or most of the people that they interact with, as miserable as they are. So, if you are only here to foist your toxicity onto other people, then don't bother to read this story any further. I am not a person that you want to be toxic towards for your own immense or slight shortcomings. Believe me, don't, as you will not like the outcome for when you decide to be your usual putzy self when you are online. Do not mistake my kindness for weakness. Because, as you have seen in this fanfic, I am not the sort of female that you want to be attempting to try ones patience with. If you are only here to be negative, then you are to do so in a silent manner. I am not here to take your abuse, and those who are and try to do so, will be dealt with accordingly. Do not be toxic, as it is not your fanfic to have a say in. You don't have that sort of luxury as long as you are reading these stories. *says all of this with a massive tickmark present on one side of face and a very angry, a clenched right hand in a very tight fist, and an extremely not pleased expression* Anyway, now that I have composed myself, and I am now done with my immense ramblings. Let us finally get back to the story."

Anyway, immense fourth wall breaking aside. And now at the soccer field, this wasn't currently on any of our minds, as me, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and other girls. Were currently cheering for the soccer team while they practiced. Well, everyone except me, since I was just watching the game in general. "Hey guys, Angel Bluebell here. And just for the record viewers, with my original civilian form being a male. I see no interest to do such with regard to cheering for the soccer team. Sure, I may be a female now in my civilian form. But I still have to have a few preferences. *blush* Anyway, back to the story. *tilts head while smiling with eyes closed*"

Anyway, another fourth wall break aside. It was then that one of the team members, who went by the name Tajima, tried to kick the ball into the goal, but it was caught by Yousuke, which disappointed him. However, a girl by the name of Akiko then went up to the disappointed Tajima and asked if anything was wrong, to which he said he was fine and then ran away, which made Yousuke's realize why his game was off.

Unbeknownst to the four of us, Momoko was being watched from one of the school's upstairs windows by Takuro.

A little later on, we found Akiko in one of the classrooms, and asked if she liked Tajima, and to tell him her feelings. And even though she was nervous, Akiko found the effort to be useless and then ran out of the classroom.

A short time later, Momoko took Akiko to a hair salon to give her a new hairstyle. I of course was tagging along, you know, in case a devil wound up popping up uninvited as usual.

Anyway, after cutting her hair off, Akiko was fascinated at her haircut. And as the three of us left the salon, Akiko wanted to strive to be prettier and then asked Momoko to teach her how.

Later, on Yuri's place, Momoko, along with me, Yuri, and Hinagiku stylized Akiko with several outfits and make up. "Hey guys, Shinko here. Let me just make this as clear as I can, I am still trying to get used to being a female in my civilian form. *blush* So as a result, I am starting to get used to it, but it is still going to take quite a while, for me to get used to it. However, that doesn't mean that I can't help Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku with stuff like this. Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, Yuri then put a wedding dress on Akiko, which gave her the confidence in her looks, to which she then thanked the four of us for helping her out.

Later that night, Momoko called Yousuke to plan out how they were going to get Akiko and Tajima together. They discussed going to the movies the upcoming Saturday and pretended to set up a double date. Momoko then said that her date with Yousuke would be funny.

Outside the movie theater the next day, Yousuke took Tajima to the cinema while Momoko and myself joined them with Akiko. Momoko and Yousuke pretended to sit with each other, and left Akiko and Tajima behind. I of course, had accompanied Momoko and Yousuke, you know for obvious reasons regarding a devil possibly popping in uninvited.

Later that day at an amusement park, Akiko and Tajima were on a ferris wheel alone.

However, as both me and Momoko watched on, the ferris wheel gondola that they were in, started to break. And a devil, which was apparently named Wolfen, then appeared.

This then prompted Momoko to ready her Saint Mirroir, and me to pull out and ready my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again in my usual battle outfit.

And while Wolfen continued to attack Akiko and Tajima with his attack. This was then followed by Wedding Peach readying her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod. "Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. To which her bouquet then transformed into the Lovely Operation Tempete Rod. This was then followed by her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod, emanating rainbow shockwaves out, in equal intervals.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, And once the blade started glowing bright blue. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I then fired my attack from the blade.

And once both attacks hit their mark at exactly the same time, Wolfen's attack dissipated.

And after we had averted Woflen's attention towards us, and then landed on top of a nearby vehicle, side by side. The sound of chiming bells then filled the air, and Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "She will always remember the way her shy heart danced, and the way she blushed when she first fell in love. You tried to destroy her beautiful love, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

I then began my usual introduction, as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of me in a battle ready position, and then struck my usual pose.

However, Wolfen then decided to launch one of his attacks at us.

This was then followed by both me and Wedding Peach, dodging out of the way to avoid his attack. Wedding Peach then readied her Saint Miroir, and then proceeded to transform into her battle outfit. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

And with the arrival of Angel Lily and Angel Daisy, they then began their usual introductions.

"In the language of flowers the name of the pure lily is special, it means it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

This was then followed by Angel Lily then summoning the Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue earrings. To which she then proceeded to use it. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, as she twirled the Saint Astral Baton, whilst doing a full spin. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she got into a down on one knee position, as she then spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, and she launched her attack, which wound up weakening Wolfen.

Angel Daisy then summoned the Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed pendant, and then proceeded to use it. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, as two rows of candles then appeared, which then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, as she did a 360 degree spin, and then fired her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which wound up further weakening Wolfen.

"Peach, Bluebell, now it's your turn, show that devil who's boss!" Angel Daisy said. This then prompted Wedding Peach to summon the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. To which she then absorbed Ukima's next attack that was fired at us. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach followed up with, as she did another full spin, and then fired Wolfen's attack back at him, in the form of a love wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started glowing bright blue. I then swung it forward in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I then fired my attack from the blade.

And once our attacks hit Wolfen at exactly the same time, he was purified, to which he then faded out of existence.

And while the four of us congratulated each other on a job well done. We didn't know it at the time, but both me and Momoko's transformations into Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell, had been watched by a certain someone. "Angel Bluebell here again viewers. And unfortunately, this will wind up making things a whole lot more complicated for both me and Wedding Peach. See you all in the next chapter. *Waves and smiles with eyes closed*"
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Chapter 31: Don't You Know?: Enter Potamos The Water Devil!
October 31, 1995

Well, more then a week had now passed since our encounter with Wolfen at the amusement park.

And yet, this wasn't on Momoko, me, Yuri, or Hinagiku's mind. We were more focused on what today was, which was Halloween.

"Yes, viewers, you read that part right. Sorry, Shinko here viewers. *blushes* As not just the United States celebrates this holiday. Something for you all to think about. On another note, it is such a pity that most tourists who do wind up visiting Japan, don't know how to behave themselves accordingly. You should all be ashamed of yourselves! And all of you idiotic pranksters who think that doing all of that inappropriate stuff in Japan is funny? So taking a page out of what Charles White, or better known as MoistCr1TiKaL would say about something like this, you really do seem to have quite a bit of brain rotting going on. So, how do you like it when I call you all out for being the main reason why Japan hates American tourists!? Doesn't feel very good when I do it does it!? But now you know how it feels to be degraded! You should all know, as you do that sort of crap to them on a regular basis for your fans on YouTube, who are no doubt as immature and as moronic as you are. It is not your place nor your country, to do as you damn well please! You are a tourist and a guest in Japan, you are not a local resident who live there! And as such, you are not going to behave in a way that makes you look a tit! Do you understand that your actions are completely inappropriate!? Or would you like me to dumb it further down for you so you will understand through all of the brain rotting that you have all succumbed to!? You are not going to be a burk in a country that you are a tourist and a guest in, and expect there not to be negative repercussions! No wonder you pranksters are as brain dead as you are! Your parents, as far as I have worked out, are just as mentally impaired as you are! Don't like me calling you all out!? Here's a simple solution, stop being a complete menace to society! I don't give a shred of even the slightest care that you are doing this for your viewers and subscribers! Your clout, as well as your blatantly and quite frankly horrid excuses, are completely meaningless to me! You, are not going to be like that in public, and not expect to be called out or degraded for it! Have some common sense, and how about taking accountability for your actions! But enough of my calling pranksters out. On with the story."

Anyway, with my immense fourth wall break aside, as the four of us passed by a shop selling various Halloween merchandise, it reminded us of the holiday, and we explained to Jama-P what it was. Yuri then came up with the idea to host a Halloween party at Reiko's nursery school for the children. Much to her dismay, Hinagiku agreed to assist them after hearing Yanagiba will be there to help out. "Shinko here viewers. Well, that is not even the least surprising, wouldn't you say? *sighs* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, as Momoko and Yuri discussed planning out their costumes, Hinagiku then snuck away to call Yanagiba about wearing a prince costume, while she dressed up as a princess. It was not too long, before the three of us heard Hinagiku's conversation and Momoko and Yuri yelled at her for sneaking ahead of them.

Later that day, the four of us were at the nursery school looking at the different fabrics that Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku planned to use for their costumes. While they were handed out refreshments. Unbeknownst to us however, we were being watched from afar.

A bit later, the four of us, along with Yanagiba and Yousuke got ready to start the party at the nursery school.

As more candy was passed out to the children, a devil appeared, who was named Potamos, in front of the partygoers. Who apparently assumed that she was dressed up as a witch. The kids rushed up to her and asked her to give them candy. However, Potamos then proceeded to grab one of the children. As Jama-P then told the four of us the devil's identity. "Bluebell here viewers. I gotta tell you, her mannerism, the way that she says 'don't you know,' on almost every sentence that she says, is more then enough to irritate the literal heck out of me. *gives very irritated expression with a tickmark on one side of face* If I must be honest viewers, she is the only villain in this entire fanfic, that I have any sort of problem with, in regards to the way she uses it on almost every sentence that she says. Actually, that's not true. She is not the only villain that I have a problem with. You will see why later on in this fanfic. But with regards to Potamos and her verbal tic. Sure, people say that it's a verbal tic that she has. But, I think that I have a right to say how I feel about it. Because it can get very annoying after a while. *sighs* Anyway, back to the story."

And after a bit of shenanigans, that resulted the four of us looking at Potamos chasing after Takuro, while thinking that he was a love angel. Because when he had appeared, he was dressed in Wedding Peach's wedding dress, to which he then said an introduction that Wedding Peach would usually say. This then prompted the four of us to find a secluded area.

This then prompted Momoko to ready her Saint Miroir, me to pull out and ready my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri to ready her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku to ready her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her wedding dress form.

Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy then proceeded to ready their respective items, and then proceeded transform into her battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose. "Hold on a sec here viewers, Angel Bluebell here again. So you might all be wondering why Wedding Peach only said the end of her introduction this time. Well, that's because since Takuro said an introduction that she would normally say, while he was apparently dressed in her wedding dress form. Well, not exactly, but this is one of those unique situations where..." "Sorry to interrupt you Bluebell, but we are kind of in the middle of something at the moment?" "Oh, my apologies Wedding Peach, anyway, back to the battle."

I then began my usual introduction, as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of me in a battle ready position, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers the name of the pure lily is special, it means it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

Angel Lily then summoned the Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue earrings, and then proceeded to use it. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, as she twirled the Saint Astral Baton, as she did a full spin. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she then got into a down on one knee position, as she then spun the Saint Astral Baton on her now open palm, and she launched her attack, which wound up weakening Potamos.

Angel Daisy then summoned the Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed pendant, and then proceeded to use it. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, as two rows of candles then appeared, which then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, as she did a 360 degree spin, and then fired her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which wound up further weakening Potamos.

"Peach, Bluebell, you two are up! Show that devil who's boss!" Angel Lily said. This then prompted Wedding Peach to summon the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell to proceed with my usual purification attack. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin and got down onto one knee. To which she then absorbed Potamos' next attack that was fired at us into the crystal of the Saint Crystal Rod. "I can't forgive this evil!" Wedding Peach said, as she continued to and then finished absorbing Potamos' attack into the crystal of the Saint Crystal Rod. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach followed up with, as she did another full spin, and then fired Potamos' own attack back at her, in the form of a love wave.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started to glow its familiar bright blue color. I then swung it forward in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I then fired my light blue colored purification attack from the swords blade towards Potamos.

However, and yet quite surprisingly, Potamos wound up evading both of our respective purification attacks, and then escaped before we could attempt purify her again. And when both me and Wedding Peach walked up to Takuro, to check and see if he was okay. He managed to say Momoko's name, as well as my own, and then passed out. Which caused Wedding Peach to question if Takuro knew her true identity. But, now knowing that Takuro was safe, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku, wondered why he was dressed up as Wedding Peach. To which they just laughed off the situation. I however meanwhile, did not. As I knew that this had now turned things into becoming far more complicated then they had already been. "Angel Bluebell here viewers. Well, isn't this just a fine mess that both me and Wedding Peach seem to be in. I can only hope, that things will work out in the end. *sighs* I will see you all in the next chapter. *Waves with a not too happy expression*"
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Chapter 32: Identities Discovered!?: A State Of Thermal Runaway, The End Of Igneous!
November 7, 1995

Well, yet another week had now passed since our encounter and battle with Potamos. Unfortunately, she had fled before me and Wedding Peach could purify her. "Bluebell here. And if I must be honest, I needed that week off from her. Because that verbal tick of hers, has already managed to get under my skin. *sigh* But I guess you all know that from reading the last chapter. Anyway, back to the story."

At the school, Takuro was seen doing a flip on the horizontal bar in front of many students. As Momoko, me, Yuri, and Hinagiku watched the display, we suspected that his sudden athletic ability was suspicious, to which we decided to go and investigate this further.

Later that day, the four of us went and spied on Takuro and we had disguised ourselves to go undetected. "Shinko here viewers. And to just give you a visual of what these disguises actually look like. *sigh* Just imagine the overcoat trick that Jessie and James did in the Hitmonchan episode of Pokemon, and that is about as much of a convincing disguise as the four of us were each wearing. Because there is absolutely no way that anyone would believe it. *sweatdrop* Anyway, back to the story."

However, as the four of us looked on. A devil named Pump..."Bluebell here again viewers. Okay, so that is a bizarre name. But it also raises a question that I have to ask. Just how much time did it take the people making this to come up with that? Well, given that it does in fact look like a know what...forget I said anything. *sweatdrop* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, Pump then attacked Takuro with his water powers. "Bluebell here again. And this viewers, is where things will start to go slightly off the rails. *sigh* But don't worry, Igneous will wind up answering for discovering our identities later on in this fanfic. Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, this then prompted Momoko to pull out and ready her Saint Miroir, me to pull out and ready my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri to ready her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku to ready her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her wedding dress form.

Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy then proceeded to ready their respective items, and then proceeded transform into her battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "A cool breeze touches the autumn leaves, turning them to crimson! On a fine day like this, as the sun sets in a clear sky, you have harmed and mislead an educated student, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

I then began my usual introduction, as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of me in a battle ready position, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers the name of the pure lily is special, it means it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

Angel Daisy then summoned the Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed pendant, and then proceeded to use it. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, as two rows of candles then appeared, which then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy followed up with, as she did a 360 degree spin, and then fired her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which wound up further weakening Pump.

However, a familiar fire devil, named Igneous, then made himself known to us, while at the same time, he said that he had discovered our identities. This was then followed by him pointing at Wedding Peach. "Momoko Hanasaki," Igneous said. This was then followed by him pointing at me. "Shinko Hanasaki," Igneous then said. He then pointed at Angel Lily. "Yuri Tanima," he said. And finally he pointed at Angel Daisy. "Hinagiku Tamano," he finished up with. "Oh you have got to be kidding me right now!...Igneous had watched us transform!?...Wonderful...just great...looks like we have been outed, as it were...still least this isn't going to go unnoticed...I mean after all, if a lithium-ion battery can enter a state of thermal runaway like it did on one of the episodes of Amazon Prime's The Grand Tour...No disrespect to the person that was involved in that crash...I wish both him and his family the best lives possible...and nothing but positivity for them...I mean, after all, he did break his leg in the crash...Anyway, enough of that...So, as I was about to address, you had best believe that I am going to see that Igneous' discovery of our identities, doesn't go unnoticed either. As I will be putting what he has done here on blast, later on in this fanfic," I thought to myself as I displayed a look of pure fear, which softened slightly, as I also then turned my eyesight to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

Anyway, Igneous then attacked us with his fire powers. It was after Limone appeared in an effort to distract Igneous, that Igneous then grew angry at both Wedding Peach and myself. "Bluebell here again viewers. So you might be wondering..." "Uh Bluebell, we are kind of in the middle of something here?" "Apologies Wedding Peach...Anyway, back to the battle."

Anyway, since the both of us had been responsible for ruining his plans time and again, he then turned himself bigger, and then proceeded to attack both of us with his fire.

This then prompted Wedding Peach to summon the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin, To which she then absorbed Igneous' next attack that was fired at us. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach followed up with, as she did another full spin. And once the crystal on the Saint Crystal Rod shined brightly. She then fired Igneous' attack back at him, in the form of a love wave. "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started glowing bright blue. I then swung it forward in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I then fired my attack from the blade.

And once our attacks hit Igneous at exactly the same time, although he was then purified, he didn't fade out of existence. Igneous then asked both of us to kill him. And it was at this point that both of us spoke up. "There is no need to, as nothing good can come from hatred Igneous," I said. "So neither Bluebell or myself are going to do that, as it goes against who we are. And besides, you have to learn to accept love," Wedding Peach said, continuing off what I had said, as she then turned to me, and smiled. To which I then returned the smile back.

"Bluebell here viewers. Let me make one thing absolutely clear. She is my sister, nothing more. So before you all start jumping to conclusions on that, let me just tell you, that like me, none of the other original characters in these fanfics, are going to have a love interest. That was done so that we could all focus more on doing our respective duties! I also find it to be morally wrong! And to all of the authors, who write themselves as having a love interest that was not intended to be yours to begin with!? You should all be ashamed of yourselves! *Gives a less then pleased expression with a tickmark present on one side of face and then sighs* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, later that night, after Igneous had fled, he was then seen on a city building questioning why he was spared by both of us, while thinking back at our words. Unfortunately, Potamos appeared, and expressed her despair at him being exposed to the love wave. Out of sadness, Potamos then stabbed Igneous, and then left.

A short time later, after Takuro had come across Igneous, who was dying from the wound inflicted upon him by Potamos. He went off to find Hinagiku, and revealed to her, as well as the rest of us, that Igneous had been living inside his body, and begged us to go save him.

Unfortunately, when we reached the spot where Takuro said that Igneous was, he wasn't there. And after Takuro had started crying, given that Igneous was dead. Hinagiku told him that those dreams that Igneous had showed him, were false, but she was then told by Takuro that he now realized that and yelled at her, not thinking that she understood him.

Unfortunately, Pump then appeared and possessed Takuro, amplifying his hatred. The possessed Takuro then used Pump's powers to attack Hinagiku and Yuri.

"Well here we go again huh Momoko?" I said with a sigh, as Momoko then readied her Saint Miroir, and I pulled out and readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again in my usual battle outfit.

And it was then that Wedding Peach prepared to use her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod. To which I then readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin, and her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod, then appeared in place of her bridal bouquet in a flash of light. This was then followed by the Lovely Operation Tempete Rod, emanating rainbow shockwaves from it in equal intervals. "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started glowing bright blue. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I then fired my attack from the blade. And having been intensified by our love waves, Pump then left Takuro's body.

This then prompted Wedding Peach to ready her Saint Miroir, as I then readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell again. And after a quick nod to each other, we launched our respective purification attacks at Pump. "Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red. She then fired her attack from her Saint Miroir towards Pump. "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade once again started glowing bright blue. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I then fired my attack from the blade.

And once our attacks hit Pump at exactly the same time, he was purified, and then faded out of existence. And even though another devil had now been purified. I just somehow knew deep down, that we still had quite a bit of a way to go. "Hey viewers, Angel Bluebell her again. *smiles* See you all in the next chapter. *Waves and smiles with eyes closed*"
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Chapter 33: The Problem With Potamos!: Enter Hiromi Kawanami!
Date: November 14, 1995

Well, yet another week had now passed since me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, had purified Igneous, as well as the devil Pump.

But, at Saint Hanazano campus, we were sort of more largely concerned with something other then that at the current moment. Because Potamos, now disguised as a student by the name of Hiromi Kawanami, had enrolled in the school as a transfer student and was currently being introduced to the class. "Sorry, Shinko here viewers. Anyway, as I'm sure you've viewers have all realized by now, and also by how I had acted regarding her in the last chapter. She really is just so annoying, that I can't stand her! And, I also really love the fact that her appearance, even as Hiromi, didn't change the fact that she still looked so much like Potamos. But, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku somehow didn't seem to realize. Like I had anyway, pretty blatantly I might add, that Hiromi was actually Potamos in disguise. *says it while giving a very less then pleased expression with a tickmark very much present on side of face* And let me just further clarify to all of you, that the only reason why I know that Hiromi is in fact everyone's favorite annoying water devil Potamos! *now give another very less then pleased expression, as the tickmark returns to one side of face* Anyway viewers, it is basically just because she may have been able to change her appearance slightly, but that doesn't prevent me from sensing her evil devil energy. And yet, in order to keep the peace, I have no choice but to refrain from mentioning any of this to Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku. I mean, you have to at least try your best to keep the timeline pretty well intact...*blush* Well, for the time being anyway...Anyway, enough of me spoiling you with foreshadowing, back to the story. *giggles while smiling with eyes closed*"

A bit later on, at the soccer field, the four of us watched the soccer team holding a practice match. And who should be there being a nuisance, and just being all around annoying, then Hiromi. "Bluebell here again viewers. Yep, even when she is Hiromi, rather then Potamos for the current moment. She still somehow manages to piss me off and annoy the living daylights out of me. *sigh* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, it was then that Yousuke appeared, which immediately grabbed Hiromi's attention. "Shinko here viewers, and not only did he grab her attention, but she also was...well...lets just say that she was infatuated with I'm pretty sure that Momoko isn't going to take too kindly to her after this...*sigh* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, it was after Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku had gotten into a quarrel over Yanagiba, that Momoko then went over to give Yousuke a towel. "Shinko here again viewers. So, to sort of give you a visual on what happened next. Well, after Hiromi had taken Momoko's towel and rushed past Yanagiba to hand it over to Yousuke. I noticed that Momoko was then less thrilled at the sight of Hiromi with Yousuke. So yea, I would say that I told you viewers, but, I told you so...*sigh* Great, can't wait to see how this winds up being blown out of proportion. *says sarcastically* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, later that night, Momoko was busy tearing out the stuffing from one of her pillows, as she was still angry at what had occurred earlier with Yousuke. However, before I could speak up, in an effort to try and put her at ease. The phone then started ringing, and Momoko then went to go and answer the phone, only to find Hiromi on the other end asking about Yousuke. After the call, Momoko continued to be mad towards Hiromi and continued to pick at her pillows and Jama-P. "Shinko here again viewers. Well..." "Shinko, would you mind not doing this right now!? *Momoko says with a very irritated expression on her face*" "*sweatdrops* My apologies Momoko...Yea, remind me to stay on Momoko's good side when she is like this. Also viewers, believe me when I tell you, that when any anime character gets mad like Momoko just did, I would recommend to just let her be for the time being. Because as I am sure I have explained before, it is quite frightening seeing it in person...*sweatdrop* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, the next day, the four of us were watching the soccer team practice and found Hiromi to now be the team's manager. She then continued to get closer to Yousuke as Momoko denied having anything to do with him when questioned by me, Yuri, and Hinagiku. "Yea Momoko, you do realize that you can't lie to me right? Because to tell you the honest truth viewers, I really thought that magical girls, transformed or not, weren't supposed to lie. But, seeing as how she isn't the only magical girl to have lied, I am willing to overlook that...Anyway, back to the story," I thought to myself, which was followed during this thought of me turning my eyesight to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

Anyway, later on, the soccer team was then seen playing against another team at a stadium. And as the four of us reported on the match, we soon saw Hiromi cheering for Yousuke. Me, Yuri and Hinagiku then questioned if Momoko was alright with it, to which she continued to insist that it was none of her business.

A few minutes later, after Yousuke had injured his knee during the soccer match. Hiromi was in the infirmary, treating Yousuke's wound.

However, the four of us just so happened to be watch the two of them from outside as Momoko continued to worry about Yousuke. Unfortunately, Momoko then ran up to the window. "Shinko here again viewers. She did this because she thought that they were kissing. Let me be honest with you viewers, they weren't kissing, they were sitting down. *sigh* Well, you really aren't starved for shenanigans in this anime world...*sweatdrop* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, as Hiromi continued to flirt with Yousuke and had then asked him on a date, revealing to him that she had called Momoko for advice. Yousuke then got up and went back to the game, having ignored Hiromi's request.

As the four of us were walking to the soccer match, we found a couple frozen in ice. Jama-P then revealed it to be the work of a pair of devils named Shimoshimo.

And once we had caught up to the devils, who were busy freezing more people in ice. This then prompted Momoko to ready her Saint Miroir, me to pull out and ready my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri to ready her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku to ready her Saint Pendule, as we then proceeded to transform. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell again, and in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light she too was in her wedding dress form.

Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy then proceeded to ready their respective items, and then proceeded into transform into their battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach began her introduction. "In the first frost of the year, footsteps echo crisply in the fallen leaves. But you have frozen warm couples, who came here to enjoy a soccer game, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Great as always sis. My turn," I thought to myself, as I then began my usual introduction, as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of me in a battle ready position, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers the name of the pure lily is special, it means it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

Angel Lily then pulled her Saint Lip Liner off of her necklace and then proceeded to use it on ShimoShimo.

"Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow" Angel Lily said as she swung it in a circular motion around herself as a rainbow trail followed her movement. To which she then sent it towards Shimoshimo.

But unfortunately, it wound up easily breaking from the devils' ice powers. Angel Lily then summoned the Saint Astral Baton from the Something Blue earrings, and then proceeded to use it. "The Veil Of The Maiden's Shyness!" Angel Lily said, as she twirled the Saint Astral Baton, as she did a full spin. "Saint Astral Stardust!" Angel Lily followed up with, as she then launched her attack from the Saint Astral Baton, which deflected Shimoshimo's next attack.

Angel Daisy then summoned the Saint Tornado Rod from the Something Borrowed pendant, and then proceeded to use it. "Memorial Candle Of Love!" Angel Daisy said, as two rows of candles then appeared, and then lit themselves. "Saint Tornado Dreaming!" Angel Daisy said, as she did a 360 degree spin, and then fired her attack from the Saint Tornado Rod, which wound up weakening Shimoshimo.

However the Shimoshimo then fused together, to turn themselves into a stronger, larger form.

This then prompted Wedding Peach to summon the Saint Crystal Rod from the Something Old, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Saint Crystal!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. To which she then absorbed Shimoshimo's next attack that was fired at us. "Wedding Engagement Gift...Saint Crystal...Love...For...You!" Wedding Peach followed up with, as she did another full spin. And once the crystal on the Saint Crystal Rod shined brightly. She then launched Shimoshimo's attack back at him, in the form of a love wave. "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started glowing its usual bright blue, I then swung it forward in a left horizontal swing, as I then fired my attack from the blade.

And once our attacks hit Shimoshimo at exactly the same time, he was purified, and then faded out of existence. "Bluebell here again viewers. Well, all's well that ends well. *smiles* See you all in the next chapter. *Waves and continues to smile but with eyes closed*"
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I cannot stress this enough. That typed replies regarding constructive criticism only, and not destructive, are allowed and appreciated. Anyone violating this, will be placed on my ignore list.
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