God Save The Queen (Post-Apocalyptic Britain Quest)

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The Collapse of the Old World happened twenty-eight years ago. As someone who was born sixty...
The Prime Minister
Southampton, Great Britain
The Collapse of the Old World happened twenty-eight years ago. As someone who was born sixty years ago, you have had the misfortunate to live through it. A loyal subject and patriot of your King and Country, you did your best to hold things together since the Collapse, refusing to let the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all it stood for just vanish from the face of the Earth.

And by God, you did that. The United Kingdom is diminished, reduced to mostly ruling over what used to be Hampshire. Winchester is once again the national capital while Portsmouth and Southampton are the other two major cities of the country.

The rest is gone. Welsh is ruled by squabbling feudal princes while the Midlands and the North are fought over by techno-barbarians, some of which will sometimes strike down at those south of them. The old capital of London is ruled by the Anglican Church, a mockery of what it once used to be as the Archbishop rules over its feudal vassal-kingdoms that surround London. Ireland is ruled by disunited Catholic Republican states that seek to restore the Republic of Ireland, but cannot decide on which of them gets to be in charge.

It isn't all bad. You have friends to the west as King Oliver had an alliance with the Count of Kernow until the recent death of the former. There is also the Union of Ulster. What was once Northern Ireland still technically pledges allegiance to the British monarch, but that has allegiance has always been nominal and a way for the leaders of the Union to claim legitimacy.

The Scots were also doing well from themselves from what you heard last, but news from that far north is hard to come by these days. You heard some worrying about the Steel Storm cultists up there, but that is the norm these days when it comes to those Old World tech-worshipping cults. Storm Steel, Tempered Lightning, Forged Iron, Hallow Machines and Atomic Sons, they are all trouble.

With most of them born after the Collapse, the cultists have an unhealthy obsession with the technology of the Old World as they worship as some form of divinity and try to get their hands on it everywhere. Seemingly having outposts everywhere, the various cults are troublesome and dangerous thanks to have access to Old World tech, especially since they sometimes figure out how to reproduce some of it.

God knows that you had enough problems with the Atomic Sons in northern France make attempts to seize what is left of the pre-Collapse Royal Navy while Forged Iron ruling the Isle of Wight have make a regular nuisance of themselves.

Yet for all the things that have gone wrong with the world, you have managed to maintain one shining bastion of light in the world, the last holdout of a bygone, but better era. Parliament has continued to rule over the United Kingdom despite the Collapse even if the royal family has taken more of their responsibilities than they had prior to the Collapse. You managed to keep democracy alive in the world and you managed to keep freedom and rights for your citizens. You got a handful of Royal Navy left over from before the Collapse and you got something worth fighting for.

King Oliver and his son Prince George at dead, leaving Queen Victoria both as the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and as the last surviving member of her family. She has appointed you as her Prime Minister and you intend to serve your queen and country with the loyalty that they both deserve from you.

The years have been long and hard and they will continue to be so for the foreseeable future, but you got something to rebuilt from, something from which you can restore your home and bring back an old era of light into this new age of darkness.

And you will be the man who does it or you will die trying.

What is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom called?
[] [Name] Write-in name (Subject to QM veto)

What is the past of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
[] [Past] City Councillor. You were on the City Council of Winchester, one of its younger members, when the Collapse happened and the Old World ended. With most of your fellow councillors dead, you step up to the challenge and assumed leadership, keeping your civ intact and reaching out to the nearby areas. You formed coalitions with the neighbouring cities. You brought not only kept Southampton and Portsmouth in the United Kingdom, but you also brought the cities of Bournemouth, Salisbury and Basingstoke back into the fold. You have ensured that the railroads have kept running in the United Kingdom and ensured that the power has stayed online for your people.
[] [Past] Naval Officer. You were a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy. As older and more senior officers either died or abandoned their posts, you kept the Royal Navy mostly intact and brought it back to the United Kingdom. It is diminished and weakened compared to what it was before the Collapse, but it still exists and thanks to that, Britannia still rules the waves. Something you will teach the Atomic Sons as the French cultists seek to steal your warships once again.
[] [Past] Aspiring Businessman. You were an aspiring businessman before the Collapse, running a successful business in Hampshire that was going to spread to the rest of the country and maybe aboard. Since the Collapse has happened, you have kept things running. You have ensured that what is left of the United Kingdom has been a major centre of trade and you have kept both railroads and the power grid running in addition to keeping the secret of electricity alive.
[] [Past] Member of Parliament. You were one of Parliament's youngest members before the Collapse. Since the Old World ended, you have been running the country's government, establishing it in Winchester when most of the British Isles collapsed into anarchy and chaos. Continuously re-winning the elections you have made sure to keep alive, you have kept most of the old government organisations alive even if they are greatly diminished alongside the rest of the country. The Civil Service, the NHS, MI5, MI6 are all things that continue to exist to this day and it is thanks to you. Alas your feats have come with recognition as the Anglicans to the east have declared a holy war against the United Kingdom to try and extinguish what you have kept alive.
[] [Past] University Professor. You were a professor at the University of Southampton before the Collapse, the youngest of your colleagues. After the Collapse, you have down your best to keep knowledge alive. You have kept the public school system running and you have made sure that people have remembered how to generate electricity and build computers. The people of the United Kingdom still use plenty of Old World tech in their everyday lives and they are eager to reclaim the level of technology that the Old World had.


I had this idea bouncing about since last June, but while I got the setting down, I have only recently found the set of mechanics to use as I plan to use similar mechanics to Poptart's Victoria Falls quest. I prefer this to a CK2 system as it lets me capture the character focus of CK2 quests without having to worry too much about all the stats.

I plan for the main themes to be balancing restoring the old against destroying the new way of life alongside the fact that the old civilisation is thoroughly gone and while some things remain for the Old World, they either lack their old connections or are in-name only. You are one of the last legacies of the Old World and it is up to you decide what happens with that final legacy.

The player character will the Prime Minister of what is left of the old UK government and they will be trying to restore old way of life that the Old World have had. A survivor of the Collapse, they will fighting to restore western liberal democracy against the feudal and strongman states that have risen up in the years after the Collapse. They will also be trying to restore old level of tech as much of the Old World's technology has been lost to the point that some areas have been forced into a premodern way of life.

In this update, you will be doing character creation as you name the Prime Minister and select his past from one of five pre-selected backgrounds. The next update will nation creation as you select what state the United Kingdom is currently in and what assets it has at its disposal in addition to what problems it is currently suffering.

The next update will also contain more information on what caused the apocalypse and how it came about.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.

My main inspirations for this are the Fallout setting and the CK2 mod After The End plus its sub-mod During The End.
The United Kingdom
[X] Plan: Britain of the World
[X] Aarav Smith
[X][Past] University Professor. You were a professor at the University of Southampton before the Collapse, the youngest of your colleagues. After the Collapse, you have down your best to keep knowledge alive. You have kept the public school system running and you have made sure that people have remembered how to generate electricity and build computers. The people of the United Kingdom still use plenty of Old World tech in their everyday lives and they are eager to reclaim the level of technology that the Old World had.
-Public Education: The Old World had widespread public education before the Collapse. There is no longer that case as most rulers have been either unable or unwillingly to keep such a thing up, but you have managed to keep a functioning public school system in place to this day. Starts off with functioning if limited public schooling.
-Electricity: Electricity was a fundamental part of life in the Old World, but that is no longer the case since the Collapse. Most power grids have broken down and few remember how to maintain and use electricity. Your people are fortunate to be part of those few. You have knowledge of how electricity works and how to use it.
-Computers: Computers were a commonplace part of Old World society, running on electricity. While they have been lost as the old electrical power grids have broken down, you have retained knowledge of both how to build and use them. You have knowledge on how to use and make computers. Requires Electricity.
-Old World Tech: Since the Collapse, you have been able to retain much of the technology that the Old World had. You have enough that it sees widespread usage amongst your populace. Your technological is close to what Britain had before the Collapse. Requires Computers.
-Good Old Ways: There is a general desire amongst your people to reclaim the good old ways, restoring the technology of the Old World. There is a general pro-Old World technology amongst your populace.
-Techno-Barbarians Raiders: Techno-Barbarians have plagued the Midlands and the North since the Collapse. They are always troublesome, but right now, they are actively raiding you. Start off suffering raids by Techno-Barbarians from the north.

The cyber-weapons were supposed to be safe. A new form of weapons of mass destruction that could be safely used until nuclear weapons or chemical weapons or biological weapons. In hindsight, it should have been obvious that they weren't safe otherwise they wouldn't be weapons of mass destructions.

But everyone in power was convinced that they were the new miracle weapon that could be used in large numbers without ending the world in the process.

If only that had been true.

Instead, they got used by the good old US of A against the Chinese and Russians when the two former super-powers were going at it with each other and it looked like nukes would be used. It was suppose to save the world from nuclear destruction. Maybe it did, but the world ended none the less as civilisation ground to a halt.

It was chaos as civilisation broke down and the world has everyone had known it was no more. You had been a professor at the University of Southampton when the Collapse of the Old World took place, teaching an IT course covering hardware and software. You didn't have much authority before the world ended, but when it did and everyone was panicking, you stepped up to challenge.

You didn't have much power at first and just did your best to the local technology functioning and made sure the knowledge was passed on to younger generations. You couldn't pass on everything, but enough was passed on that the basic stuff like electricity and computers continue to get made and repaired.

During those early years, you built up a following as you made sure to keep an education system going with what little following you had. You keep people interesting the technology of the Old World and with access to it in everyday life, your people are both eager to keep what they got and to get their hands on more. They aren't like the tech cultists where they worship the technology of the Old World, but they understand what the technology and sciences of the Old World truly are and why they are valuable to society.

Of course, that is just what you have personally brought to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You are one man and while you had done your part to keep civilisation going even after the world ended, others played a part to shape your country as it is today.

For this vote, you will need to pick no more than 15 options and ensure that your plan adds up to 0 or more points. Any options with more than 15 options or amount to negative number of points will not be valid and will not be counted. Please use plan voting.

You do not have any additional points to spend as your free points were used up when you picked your past. Non-plan votes will also be discounted.

Be careful when picking combinations as some are better than others just as some are worse. Also remember that if you pick too many problems or get too many problems in one area, you may not be able to deal with them all before it is too late and I will not pull my punches.


[] British Knights: Knights in power armour dominate the battlefields of British. Mobile, tough and hard-hitting, you have been fortunate to acquire some knights of your own. You have a unit of infantry in power armour. Can be taken multiple times. Costs -1 Point
[] Experienced Troops: The world has not been kind to you, but your people have risen to the challenge. Your army consists of not fresh young lads, but battle-harden veterans. Your army has some experience when it comes to war and include many veterans amongst their ranks. Incompatible with Inexperienced Troops. Costs -1 Point
[] Elite Troops: You have a company of high-quality special forces. Well-trained and well-equipped, they can be used for a variety of purposes from holding the line in battle to launching special operations against your enemies. You have a unit of elite infantry. Can be taken multiple times. Costs -1 Point
[] Motorised Troops: While you don't have any tanks, you do have access to some armoured vehicles and some not-so-armoured vehicles which can be used to transport some infantry and support them in battle. You have a unit motorised infantry. Can be taken multiple times. Costs -1 Point
[] Inexperienced Troops: Your army is raw and green. They are still fresh and have yet to be tested in the fires of war. Your army is inexperienced and untested when it comes to war. Incompatible with Experienced Troops. Provides +1 Point
[] Reliant on Mercenaries: With most of your military having been lost in wars over the past generation, you have no real standing army and the majority of your army is currently mercenaries. You have a minimal standing army and are reliant on hiring mercenaries to fight for you. Provides +2 Points
[] Old World Equipment: While much was lost during the Collapse, a good amount of military gear from the Old World remains still functional and you managed to get your hands on some. You have access to military equipment from before the Collapse, enough to equip a single unit. Can be taken multiple times. Costs -1 Point
[] Civilian Equipment: Your army lacks proper equipment. With no weapons or gear worthy of a military, you are forced to rely upon civilian equipment. You lack proper military equipment and are forced to rely on civilian equipment. Provides +1 Point
[] The RAF: Before the Collapse, the Old World had many man-made machines which flew through the skies. Of all those in Britain, only you managed to keep some of them still working to this day. You got some functioning aircraft alongside an airfield to deploy them from. Costs -2 Points
[] Aircraft Carrier: The Royal Navy has managed to retain one of its aircraft carriers from before the Collapse and kept it running. Furthermore, they still got some working jets and helicopters for it. You have a Britannia-class aircraft carrier in the Royal Navy that is still functional. Can be taken multiple times. Costs -2 Points
[] Old World Destroyers: The Royal Navy still has a pair of functioning destroyers from before the Collapse even if it doesn't have any helicopters for them. You have a pair of destroyers from before the Collapse in the Royal Navy. Can be taken multiple times. Costs -1 Point
[] Old World Frigates: The Royal Navy still has a squadron of working frigates from before the Collapse even if it doesn't have any helicopters for them. You have a squadron of frigates from before the Collapse in the Royal Navy. Can be taken multiple times. Costs -1 Point


[] Iron Alliance: The Forged Iron cult rules of the Isle of Wight to your south. While not too strong, these Old World-worshipping cultists have access to plenty of technology from before the Collapse and will be usual to securing your southern flanks. You have an alliance with the Forged Iron cultists ruling the Isle of Wight. Costs -1 Point
[] The Cornish: King Oliver had forged an alliance with the County of Kernow while he was still alive. While the king has since died in battle, you have managed to keep the alliance with the count from falling wayside. Your alliance with the Count of Kernow is more than nominal. Costs -1 Point
[] The Irish: From your perspective, the Union of Ulster is a bastion of light in the island of darkness that is Ireland. While they have claimed themselves as loyal servants of the royal family since the Collapse itself, you have managed to make those claims more than just words. Your connections with the Union of Ulster are more than nominal. Costs -1 Point

[] Good Reputation: You are well-respected and liked by those around you. Your words are trusted and your representatives are respected. You have a good diplomatic reputation. Incompatible with Good Reputation. Costs -1 Point
[] Bad Reputation: Others are wary and fearful of you. Your words are not trusted and your intentions are eyed with suspicion. You have a bad diplomatic reputation. Incompatible with Good Reputation. Provides +1 Point

[] Allied Cities: Free and independent, the city-states of Salisbury, Basingstoke and Bournemouth have formally allied with you. Salisbury, Basingstoke and Bournemouth are your allies. Incompatible with Vassal Cities. Costs -1 Point
[] Vassal Cities: Loyal and steadfast, the city-states of Salisbury, Basingstoke and Bournemouth have formally pledge allegiance to you. Salisbury, Basingstoke and Bournemouth are your vassals. Incompatible with Allied Cities. Costs -2 Points
[] Supportive Parliament: A key part of the government, parliament assists the queen in running the government. While the queen doesn't need their help to rule like was the case before the Collapse, a supportive parliament is very helpful in getting things done. Parliament is supportive of you and Queen Victoria. Can be taken up to three times. Costs -1 Point
[] Unsupportive Parliament: A key part of the government, parliament assists the queen in running the government. While the queen doesn't need their help to rule like was the case before the Collapse, an unsupportive parliament can do a great deal to hinder you unless you wish to end democracy in the British Isles. Parliament is unsupportive of you and Queen Victoria. Can be taken up to three times. Provides +1 Point
[] Anglican Crusaders: Just like you, the Anglican Church has always fancied itself as the inheritor of Great Britain and also just like you, they seek to reunite the British Isles under their rule. Right now, they are making a step towards that as some of their vassal-kingdoms are invading you from the east. Starts off being the target of an Anglican Holy War from the east. Provides +2 Points
[] French Invaders: The French are invading once more as the branch of the Atomic Sons cult in France wants your Old World technology. Starts off being invaded by the French Storm Steel cultists from the south. Provides +2 Points
[] The Troubles: While they have always talked of reuniting Ireland and restoring the Republic, it has always just been talk. Now the Irish Catholics are actually acting on their desire to remove the Union of Ulster instead of talking about it. The Irish Catholic states are preparing to finally rid themselves of the Union of Ulster, your only friend in Ireland. Provides +1 Points


[] Economic Boon: Your country is currently undergoing a surge of temporary economic prosperity. A fleeting thing, you can leverage for a short-term boost. Start off with bonus AP points for the first few turns. Costs -1 Point
[] NHS: A legacy of the Old World, the National Health Service did not only survive the Collapse, but has continued to this day. While it is greatly diminished, it still exists and still provides healthcare to your people. Start off with a diminished, but functional NHS. Costs -2 Points
[] Civil Service: A legacy of the Old World, her Majesty's Civil Service has both survived the Collapse and survived to this day. While not as strong as it once was, it allows for a non-oligarchic administration. Starts off with a weak, but functional Civil Service. Costs -2 Points
[] Railroads: Britain has always had a decent railroad network in place. While it has been lost to time since the Collapse, you have managed to keep some railroads functional. Start off with functional railroad network. Costs -2 Points
[] Power Grid: Electricity was everywhere in the Old World, but since the Collapse, the infrastructure for providing the electricity has fallen into disarray across most places. You have ensured that your lands are not one of those places. Start off with a functional electrical grid. Costs -2 Points
[] Flowing Trade: Located in the south of England with the old ports of Southampton and Portsmouth, you have plenty of trade flowing through your lands as merchants from many places are continuously coming and going. Increased trade going through your lands, giving you greater access to resources and rumours. Costs -1 Point
[] Poor Roads: Since the Collapse, roads have been the main way of getting to different places overland. Thanks to various misfortunates, you have been unable to keep yours from falling into disarray. Start off with poorly-maintained roads, hindering mobility in your territory Provides +1 Point.
[] Plague Outbreak: Since the Collapse, plagues have always been a dangerous threat and you are unfortunate enough to have one currently spreading through your lands. Start off with an ongoing outbreak of a deadly plague. Provides +2 Points
[] Feudal Lords: In the aftermath of the Collapse, society has rebuilt itself in new ways and most of these ways have been the strong and powerful ruling over the weak and poor. While you have retained most of the democracy that Britain had prior to the Collapse, even your lands are not free of the new rise of feudalism. Start off with a significant amount of your land being ruled by feudal vassals. Provides +2 Points
[] Crime Lords: Crime has been an eternal part of civilisation and without the systems of the Old World, it has only grown more rife since the Collapse and despite your best efforts, there is a thriving criminal underworld throughout your lands. Start off with a powerful criminal underworld. Provides +1 Point


[] MI5: A legacy from the Old World, MI5 has survived the collapse and now provides professional protection against the intrigue of foreign powers. You have a professional counter-intelligence agency up and running. Costs -1 Point
[] MI6: A legacy from the Old World, MI5 has survived the collapse and now lets you take professional intrigue actions against foreign powers. You have a professional intelligence agency up and running. Costs -1 Point
[] Compromised Parliament: At least one member of Parliament is a traitor and is selling information to foreign powers. At least one high-ranking member of your government is a traitor. Provides +2 Points
[] Hostile Spy Network: One of your hostile neighbours has been successful in establishing a spy network in your lands, leaving yourself vulnerable to intrigue actions by them. A hostile power has established a spy network within your country. Can be taken up to ten times. Provides +1 Point
[] Autocratic Supporters: A not so small portion of the population supports the idea of demolishing the democratic nature of the government and giving absolute power to the queen. Increased Anti-Democratic Support amongst the populace. Can be taken up to three times. Provides +1 Point


[] Power Armour: Power armour was commonplace in armies before the Collapse and since them, it has retained its prominent on the battlefield. Clad in power armour, knights are one of the most feared things on the battlefield and the few who can produce more have a significant advantage. You have knowledge of how power armour works and how to produce more. Costs -1 Point
[] Firearms: The firearms of the Old World have been increasingly rare and valuable since the Collapse. As more weapons of the Old World are lost or broken, fewer and fewer have access to them thanks to only a few like your people knowing how to make both more guns and more ammo. You have knowledge of how to make guns and ammo for them. Costs -1 Point
[] Jets: Aeroplanes were prominent in the Old World and every major country maintained an air force to control the skies. Since the Collapse, knowledge of how to maintain and make jets have been lost everywhere, but in your lands. You have knowledge of how to make more aeroplanes. Costs -1 Point
[] Helicopters: While not as fast or far ranging as aeroplanes in the Old World, helicopters had their place, often used by the navy, police and army as support and transport for their ground forces. You have managed to retain the know-how of making more of them. You have knowledge of how to make more helicopters. Costs -1 Point
[] Vehicles: Motorised vehicles are commonplace before the Collapse and most everyone own one of some kind. While many are still used in this day and age, most have lost knowledge of how to make more, but not your people. You have knowledge f how to make motorised vehicles. Costs -1 Point
[] Metal Hulls: While you have what is left of the Royal Navy from before the Collapse, everyone else has to make do with constructing wooden hulls. But not you because your people still know how to make the metal hulled ships of the Old World. You have knowledge of how to make metal ship hulls. Costs -1 Point
[] Nuclear Power: Once declining during the Old World, nuclear power saw a brief resurgence prior to the Collapse. Your people have been fortunate to have the technical know-how of how to run a nuclear reactor passed down throughout the generations. You have knowledge on how nuclear power works. Requires Electricity. Costs -1 Point


A length vote, but this will be the second and final part of character/nation creation. You pick additional bonuses by picking additional problems.

As I said above, be careful about which combinations you pick as some combinations work better than others or will make things harder than others.

Other than that, vote away.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Turn 1 - 2100
[X] For Queen and Country
-[X] Experienced Troops: The world has not been kind to you, but your people have risen to the challenge. Your army consists of not fresh young lads, but battle-harden veterans. Your army has some experience when it comes to war and include many veterans amongst their ranks. Incompatible with Inexperienced Troops. Costs -1 Point
-[X] Anglican Crusaders: Just like you, the Anglican Church has always fancied itself as the inheritor of Great Britain and also just like you, they seek to reunite the British Isles under their rule. Right now, they are making a step towards that as some of their vassal-kingdoms are invading you from the east. Starts off being the target of an Anglican Holy War from the east. Provides +2 Points
-[X] The Troubles: While they have always talked of reuniting Ireland and restoring the Republic, it has always just been talk. Now the Irish Catholics are actually acting on their desire to remove the Union of Ulster instead of talking about it. The Irish Catholic states are preparing to finally rid themselves of the Union of Ulster, your only friend in Ireland. Provides +1 Points
-[X] Civil Service: A legacy of the Old World, her Majesty's Civil Service has both survived the Collapse and survived to this day. While not as strong as it once was, it allows for a non-oligarchic administration. Starts off with a weak, but functional Civil Service. Costs -2 Points
-[X] Power Grid: Electricity was everywhere in the Old World, but since the Collapse, the infrastructure for providing the electricity has fallen into disarray across most places. You have ensured that your lands are not one of those places. Start off with a functional electrical grid. Costs -2 Points
-[X] Feudal Lords: In the aftermath of the Collapse, society has rebuilt itself in new ways and most of these ways have been the strong and powerful ruling over the weak and poor. While you have retained most of the democracy that Britain had prior to the Collapse, even your lands are not free of the new rise of feudalism. Start off with a significant amount of your land being ruled by feudal vassals. Provides +2 Points
-[X] Crime Lords: Crime has been an eternal part of civilisation and without the systems of the Old World, it has only grown more rife since the Collapse and despite your best efforts, there is a thriving criminal underworld throughout your lands. Start off with a powerful criminal underworld. Provides +1 Point
-[X] MI5: A legacy from the Old World, MI5 has survived the collapse and now provides professional protection against the intrigue of foreign powers. You have a professional counter-intelligence agency up and running. Costs -1 Point
-[X] Compromised Parliament: At least one member of Parliament is a traitor and is selling information to foreign powers. At least one high-ranking member of your government is a traitor. Provides +2 Points
-[X] Autocratic Supporters: A not so small portion of the population supports the idea of demolishing the democratic nature of the government and giving absolute power to the queen. Increased Anti-Democratic Support amongst the populace. Can be taken up to three times. Provides +1 Point
--[X] Two times
-[X] Power Armour: Power armour was commonplace in armies before the Collapse and since them, it has retained its prominent on the battlefield. Clad in power armour, knights are one of the most feared things on the battlefield and the few who can produce more have a significant advantage. You have knowledge of how power armour works and how to produce more. Costs -1 Point
-[X] Firearms: The firearms of the Old World have been increasingly rare and valuable since the Collapse. As more weapons of the Old World are lost or broken, fewer and fewer have access to them thanks to only a few like your people knowing how to make both more guns and more ammo. You have knowledge of how to make guns and ammo for them. Costs -1 Point
-[X] Vehicles: Motorised vehicles are commonplace before the Collapse and most everyone own one of some kind. While many are still used in this day and age, most have lost knowledge of how to make more, but not your people. You have knowledge f how to make motorised vehicles. Costs -1 Point
-[X] Nuclear Power: Once declining during the Old World, nuclear power saw a brief resurgence prior to the Collapse. Your people have been fortunate to have the technical know-how of how to run a nuclear reactor passed down throughout the generations. You have knowledge on how nuclear power works. Requires Electricity. Costs -1 Point

The country isn't in good shape, but it is decent enough. You have technology no one else could hope to match, but you need to put that tech into action. Knowledge is good and all, but you need to start making use of it.

You have a decent military. Several of the old army units survived the Collapse and while they might be very different to what they were before the Collapse, they have proven their worth since the world ended. Having fought many wars over the wars, the British Army is full of battle-harden veterans.

You also have knowledge of the Old World technology needed to equip them to turn them into an unmatched fighting force. Power armour, proper firearms and vehicles are all things you could get up and running if you have the chance to get some production lines set up. The only question would be if you would get that chance.

The south is quiet for now as you have an uneasy peace with the Forged Iron cultists ruling the Isle of Wight and while the truce with the Atomic Sons has expired by now, the French seem to be content to stay on their side of the channel for now.

Right now, your main problems are to the east and the north. The techno-barbarians are striking from the Midlands again. They aren't really techno-barbarians, but that is the name that the Anglicans have given the small and disorganised groups of the north, demonising them as unclean savage that they need to bring the light of civilisation to. None of your people brought into that particular brand of Anglican nonsense, but the name had struck.

You got three groups to deal with. You got the raiding parties from the Oxford Clans. They are the standard fare as you have small groups of fighters armed with a mixture of low tech gear. Easy enough to deal with once you got some military forces to hit them.

Then you have Hargrove's Horde. The titular Hargrove is something of a charismatic man and a decent general. Able to carve out some holdings in the Midlands, he has a few thousand men and women following him into battle. Still low tech and disunited, Hargrove has organised them into something that could be dangerous and would be dangerous if you ignore him and his followers.

The last group is the Knights of the Red Rose and they are almost certainly the worst threat. Considering themselves a knightly order, the Red Roses were formed by a bunch of British fascists after the Collapse. Build around their core of knights, veteran combatants wearing power armour, the Red Roses seek to restore Britain to its pre-Collapse glory like many others did. Yet for all their claims of being British patriots and seeking to restore glory and unity to the British people, the Knights of the Red Rose are little more than a bunch of brigands as they pillage settlements and attack traders.

If that was the only things that you need to worry about, you would be confident in your ability to deal with the threats to your country. Unfortunately for you and the United Kingdom, the Anglicans were causing trouble again.

Your main rival in the British Isles, the Anglican Church had taken the old capital of London as its home and ruled over several feudal kingdoms across the south-east and the east in addition to a pair of kingdoms in what were once Somerset and Gloucestershire. They lacked your superior technology and administration, but they made up for it with wealth, numbers and fanaticism. You had fought many wars with them over the future of the British Isles.

They had their nobles leading them with their divinely given noble blood and they fought as a knights, forming an elite power armoured core to their infantry-dominated armies. As a survivor of the Old World, you knew that their so-called noble blood was actually just genetic engineering that the rich got for themselves and their children, something that you made sure that your own people got taught in school.

The Anglicans are your biggest rivals and not just in mundane affairs. Just as the United Kingdom is the champion of the Old World and the ways of the past, the Anglican Church embodies the strongman nature of this new world with the strong lording over the power, armies built around infantry and limited technology built around some leftovers from the Old World.

The fight between the United Kingdom and the Anglican Church is one of ideology just as much as it is one over land and resources. It is a conflict of the old versus the new and whichever one emerges the victor shall dominate the British Isles for future generations. There would not be any lasting peace so long as one of you endured.

Right now, you only got two kingdoms to worry about as the King of Surrey and the Queen of Sussex have declared a holy war against the United Kingdom. You know what to expect from them. Poorly equipped levies led by knights in power armour and supported by professional mercenaries.

If that wasn't enough, the Irish are still causing trouble, the Troubles themselves to be precise. Ireland could be divided into four major groups. There is the Union of Ulster as the nation that was once Northern Ireland has grown to dominated the old province of Ulster. While they pledge nominal allegiance to the Crown, they are de facto independent.

The rest of Ireland is not friendly to both the United Kingdom and the Union of Ulster as the self-proclaimed Catholic Republicans seek to crush the Union of Ulster and re-united Ireland. The biggest and most unified of them is the Republic of Ireland, but it is only a republic in name. It is as much of a feudal monarchy as the Anglicans and their president is just another king.

Next is the Connacht Tribes. Mostly a series of city-states, these tribes of Irishmen are not united at all, but have been able to resist conquest from both the Union and the Republic so far. For the last decade or so, they have controlled the province of Connacht that they have gotten their name from.

The last faction in Ireland is a relative newcomer as the Archbishopric of Dublin has managed to most of the Leinster province. Still a rising star, you are unsure how long the Archbishopric will hold it recent conquests and if it they will remain a noteworthy player or fracture into multiple states.

While the Irish Catholic Republicans have always talk of defeat the Union of Ulster and reuniting the Isle of Ireland, it has always just been talk outside of a few invasions. Now it looks like that they are going to act on that talk as the Archbishop of Dublin is putting together a coalition to take out the Union of Ulster.

If they succeed in doing that, it would be bad for you even beyond the loss of your Irish all thanks to your internal situation. Despite your best efforts, the United Kingdom is not going well internally.

You got plenty of undemocratic elements in your country. Despite your best efforts to persuade him otherwise, King Oliver accept the allegiance of several feudal vassals and you got a decent number of feudal lords to deal with. While they are happy for now, they can be onerous, demanding and thanks to seats in the House of Lords, needlessly disruptive. You will need to root them out, but there is no easy to do that so for now, you will just need to deal with them.

You also got some noteworthy support for an aristocracy or absolute monarchy within the populace. While they have generally kept out of parliament due to being against the institution on principle, the autocratic factions have been known to cause some civil unrest from time to time. You also wouldn't put it past them to try and force their views upon the government. Queen Victoria is a firm supporter of democracy like her father was, but some of her self-proclaimed supporters might ignore her wishes to make some misguided attempt to empower her for her own good. Given how they can find support and soldiers amongst the feudal lords within the country, it is best that you avoid giving the chance or motivation to make any attempts at installing their beliefs.

There are conventional criminal elements to worry about as well. Despite the best efforts of the remaining law enforcement, several criminal organisations have set up shop within the United Kingdom. While these crime lords don't directly oppose the government, their illegal activities can have undermining effect on the government and society in general.

To make matters worse, there is also a traitor in parliament. You don't know who, but MI5 has caught an outflow of top-secret information to an unknown receiver. The nature of the information being given away means it has to be someone high up in the government, but you don't know who it is or who they are sending the information to.

How Action Points Work
Action Points (AP): an abstraction of money, worker hours, physical resources, motivation, and anything else you might conceivably throw at a project.

Example Action
[ ] Example Action
Description goes here
DC: ???. Successes Required: ?. AP Limit: ?. Effect: ???

DC: What the players need to roll higher than to get a success
Success Required: How many successes are required before the action is completed.
AP Limit: How much AP can be put towards a certain action at once. Represents the bottleneck on how much can be accomplished by throwing more resources at a project.
Effect: What the action does when completed.

You have a certain amount of action points to spend within each category alongside some free action points which may be spent in any category.

Available Action Points
Free: 3
Diplomatic: 1
Military: 2
Administration: 1
Intelligence: 1
Technology: 0

[ ] The Cornish Alliance
King Oliver had an alliance with Count Cadoc Cerneu of Kernow and while it is technically still in place, it has fallen to the side with the death of King Oliver. You could take the opportunity to renew that alliance once again.
DC: 40. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Renew the alliance with the County of Kernow.

[ ] The Iron Alliance
You have always had a tense relationship with the Forged Iron cult on the Isle of Wight thanks to them desiring your advanced technology for themselves. Apart from a handful of wars, you have had peaceful relations with them and perhaps you could turn that peace into an alliance.
DC: 65. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Form an alliance with the Forged Iron cultists on the Isle of Wight

[ ] The City of Basingstoke
Basingstoke has always been friendly to the United Kingdom and a regular ally against your mutual Anglican foes to the east. Now you can try to turn that friendly relationship and history of temporary alliances into a proper alliance.
DC: 40. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Form an alliance with the City-State of Basingstoke.

[ ] The City of Bournemouth
The city of Bournemouth has been a close friend of the United Kingdom for decades. You fought alongside each other in the latest invasion by the Atomic Sons and you forged close ties with each other. Now you just need to turn those ties into a lasting alliance.
DC: 40. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Form an alliance with the City-State of Bournemouth.

[ ] The City of Salisbury
Salisbury has always been your main bulwark against the Anglican kingdoms in Somerset and Gloucestershire. You have fought alongside each other on multiple occasions and it is time to form a permanent alliance.
DC: 40. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Form an alliance with the City-State of Salisbury.

[ ] Duke of Dorchester
The Duchy of Dorchester is one of the regional powers in the south-west. You haven't had a friendly relationship with the duke, but you haven't had a hostile one either. The Duchy is no friend of the Anglicans, but perhaps they could be your friend.
DC: 50. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Increase relations with the Duchy of Dorchester

[ ] Appeasing the Lords
The feudal lords with the United Kingdom are a blight upon it and something you seek to remove from it. But for now you need to keep them happy so they don't cause trouble while you deal with other problems.
DC: 50. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Keep the feudal vassals of the United Kingdom happy and supportive.

[ ] Across the Channel
It has been a few years since the Atomic Sons last invaded and your truce has expired by now. Rather than wait for the next invasion, you have decided to make an attempt at forming positive relations with them. It would be a long shot, but it could work.
DC: 80. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Improve relations with the Atomic Sons.

[ ] British Democracy
The United Kingdom has too much support for an autocratic government amongst the populace. You just need to put some effort into persuading the people away from those misguided beliefs.
DC: 50. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 4. Effect: Reduce the support and influence of the British Autocrats.

[ ] Infantry Regiment Recruitment
You need more soldiers in the British Army and that means training up some more infantry to form a new regiment.
DC: 20. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Gain an Infantry Regiment (Fresh/Basic/100%).

[ ] Operation Lead Welcome
The warlord Hargrove has rallied up a horde of loyal fighters and he is raiding your northern lands. Time to send the British Army to take out him and his followers.
DC: 5. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Engage Hargrove's Horde in a mini-turn.

[ ] Operation Aggressive Education
The Oxford Clans have been sending raiding parties. Time to have the British Army teach them why that is a bad idea.
DC: 5. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Engage the Oxford Clans in a mini-turn.

[ ] Operation Trampled Roses
The so-called Knights of the Red Rose are nothing more than jumped up thugs. Time for the British Army to crush them once and for all.
DC: 5. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Engage the Knights of the Red Rose in a mini-turn.

[ ] Operation Ghostbuster
The Anglican Kingdom of Sussex has declared war against you. They will attack during the next year or two, but you can take the chance to hit them first.
DC: 10. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Invade the Kingdom of Sussex in a mini-turn.

[ ] Operation Knockdown
The Anglican Kingdom of Surrey has declared war against you. They will attack during the next year or two, but you can take the chance to hit them first.
DC: 10. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Invade the Kingdom of Surrey in a mini-turn.

[ ] Operation Norman Viking
The Catholic Republicans in Ireland are planning to crush the Union of Ulster once and for all. You can disrupt their budding coalition by sending the Royal Navy to strike the Republic of Ireland, forcing them to focus on the south rather than the north.
DC: 30. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Send a raiding force to southern Ireland.

[ ] Operation Iron Angel
The Isle of Wight is ruled by the Forged Iron and it should belong to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Time to send the British Army to remove the tech cultists from power.
DC: 10. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Invade the Isle of Wight in a mini-turn.

[ ] Crewing the Navy
You got a trio of warships in the Royal Navy and another handful that are in good shape, but lack a crew. If you can find a crew and train them up, you can add another warship to the Royal Navy.
DC: 20. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Crew another of the royal navy's warships.

[ ] Power Armour Factory
You have no power armour, but your foes do and you know how to make some of your own. Set up a factory to produce some power armour to equip one of your infantry regiments.
DC: 25. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Produce 1 Unit of Power Armour.

[ ] Gun Production Lines
Firearms are dwindling commodity following the Collapse. Unlike most, you have the knowledge and ability to get some more, some which are up to Old World standards. You just need to produce some and with some production lines, you can get enough to equip one of your regiments.
DC: 20. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Produce 1 Unit of Advanced Equipment.

[ ] Vehicle Factories
Vehicles are something which have fallen out of fashion since the Collapse. Time to change that with some factories. You can get enough vehicles to equip a regiment from a new factory.
DC: 25. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Produce 1 Unit of Advanced Vehicles.

[ ] Bringing Back the National Health Service
While you kept the Civil Service running, the NHS was not so fortunate. Time to change that by bringing the NHS back to the people of United Kingdom to provide them with free healthcare.
DC: 60. Successes Required: 4. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Re-establish the NHS to provide healthcare.

[ ] Expanding the Civil Service
Her Majesty's Civil Service remains, but is diminished in reach and authority. Time to expand their reach and give them some more teeth to improve your administration further.
DC: 40. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Expand the Civil Service to cover the entire United Kingdom, increasing its influence and power.

[ ] Restoring the Railroads
You got the tech for it and some of the old railroads are still partially intact. You just need to commit the time and effort to restoring the old railroad network within the United Kingdom to provide quick public transport across your territory.
DC: 30. Successes Required: 4. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Create a railroad network across Hampshire.

[ ] Traitor in Parliament
There is a traitor in parliament that is supplying an unknown group with secret government information. Time to find out who it is and how bad the damage is.
DC: 70. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Uncover who the traitor in Parliament is.

[ ] Enforced Justice
The crime lords have reigned too long. They are a threat to the United Kingdom and its people and therefore they need to go. Get MI5 to assist the police in routing out the crime lords.
DC: 40. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 4. Effect: Get rid of the crime lords or reduce their influence at the very least.

[ ] Establish MI6
While MI5 survived the Collapse, MI6 did not. This has left you without an intelligence agency to take action against your foreign foes. Time to change this by re-establishing MI6 as your foreign intelligence agency.
DC: 40. Successes Required: 3. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Creates MI6 as an intelligence agency to take intrigue actions against foreign actors.

[ ] Rooting out Feudalism
King Oliver made a mistake when he accept feudalism within the United Kingdom and now it is time to correct that mistake. You will have to be careful in doing so as if the feudal lords catch on, they will definitely resist you even if it means outright rebellion.
DC: 65. Successes Required: 3. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Remove or weaken the Feudal Lords within the United Kingdom.

[ ] Crackdown on Autocrats
This is undemocratic and leaves a bad feeling in your gut, but the autocratic sentiment cannot be allowed to linger further. Time to covertly cut it out as you reduce its power and influence. You will need to keep things quiet as being caught would be bad for democratic support within the United Kingdom.
DC: 50. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Remove or reduce the influence of the autocrats within the United Kingdom.

[ ] Hunting Hargrove
Hargrove is what holds his horde together and makes them a threat. Remove Hargrove and you remove the threat that his followers pose to you and you will do so without a military campaign.
DC: 60. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Eliminate Hargrove and the threat that his horde poses.

[ ] Metal Hulls
The Royal Navy retains some of its Old World warships from before the Collapse, but you don't know how to build more. Getting the ability to build metal ships rather than wooden ones would give you an major advantage for both civilian and military matters.
DC: 60. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 4. Effect: Unlocks the ability to construct ships with metal hulls.

[ ] Armoured Vehicles
Armoured vehicles dominated the ground warfare of the Old World, but since the Collapse, they have fallen wayside to infantry-dominated armies. No one that you know of uses the likes of tanks anymore, but you could try to discover that knowledge.
DC: 60. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 4. Effect: Unlocks the ability to produce armoured vehicles like tanks.

[ ] Investigating the remains of the Old World
Many ruins and leftovers from the Old World remain even after about three decades after the Collapse. You could send teams to investigate them and try to uncover more secrets from the Old World.
DC: 50. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Chance to gain knowledge or technology from the Old World.


Okay, it is the first turn and your chance to pick which direction you will go it. Thanks to your choices, you got plenty of tech with which to build things, but you also got plenty of fires to put out.

After seeing some sentiments in the thread and discord, I want to clarify that your character is attempting to restore a western liberal democracy and therefore that is what you, the players, are going for. You don't get to aim for other types of governments. If democracy falls within the United Kingdom or you trample over too many rights or you otherwise lose your way, it will be a game over and I will not be continuing the quest from the new perspective.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Head of State: Queen Victoria II Windsor
Head of Government: Prime Minister Aarav Smith

Noteworthy Diplomatic Relations
Allies & Subordinates
County of Kernow = Nominal Alliance

City-State of Bournemouth = Friendly Trading Partner
City-State of Salisbury = Friendly Trading Partner
City-State of Basingstoke = Friendly Trading Partner
Duchy of Dorchester = Neutral Trading Partner

Tech Cults
Citadel-Isle of Wight = Tense Trading Partner
Atomic Sons = Expired Truce

Union of Ulster = Nominal Allegiance
Republic of Ireland = Unfriendly
Connacht Tribes = Unfriendly
Archbishopric of Dublin = Unfriendly

Anglican Church
Anglican Church = Sworn Enemies
Republic of London = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Somerset = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Surrey = War
Kingdom of Sussex = War
Kingdom of Kent = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Suffolk = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Hertfordshire = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Essex = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Gloucestershire = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Bedfordshire = Unfriendly

Hargrove's Horde = Raiding
Knights of Red Rose = Raiding
Oxford Clans = Raiding

Infantry Regiment Queen's Guard (Veteran/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Royal Marines (Veteran/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Grenadier Guards (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Coldstream Guards (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Scots Guards (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Mercian Regiment (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Royal Anglican Regiment (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Hampshire Regiment (Regular/Basic/100%)

Old World Destroyer HMS Griffon (Veteran/Advanced/85%)
Old World Frigate HMS Bristol (Veteran/Advanced/90%)
Old World Frigate HMS Plymouth (Veteran/Advanced/80%)
Old World Destroyer HMS Lion (None/Advanced/100%) (Requires Crew)
Old World Destroyer HMS Wolf (None/Advanced/90%) (Requires Crew)
Old World Frigate HMS Cardiff (None/Advanced/90%) (Requires Crew)
Old World Frigate HMS Edinburgh (None/Advanced/90%) (Requires Crew)

Power Grid (Hampshire): Supplies electricity within the county of Hampshire.

Important Technology
Nuclear Power
Power Armour

National Spirits
Advanced Tech Level: Your generic technology is Advanced.
Compromised Parliament: Unknown enemy has inside access to your government.
Crime Lords: Suffer a penalty to a one or more dice rolls each turn.
Diminished Civil Service: Reduced DCs for administrative actions.
Feudal Lords: Suffer a penalty to a one or more dice rolls each turn. May need to placate the feudal lords to avoid civil unrest and/or rebellion.
Good Old Ways: Increased support for discovering and implementing new technologies. Increased happiness from discovering and implementing new technologies.
MI5: +5 Bonus to Counter-Intelligence Actions. Increased resistance to foreign intrigue.
Moderate Autocratic Support: Low chance of civil unrest each turn. Moderate chance of rebellion during periods of unsuccess.
Public Education: Universal literacy and education. Lowered DCs for some actions.
Turn 1 Results - 2100
[X] The City of Basingstoke
Basingstoke has always been friendly to the United Kingdom and a regular ally against your mutual Anglican foes to the east. Now you can try to turn that friendly relationship and history of temporary alliances into a proper alliance.
DC: 40. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Form an alliance with the City-State of Basingstoke.

Rolled: 27 (Failure)

Your diplomats are welcomed by the Basingstoke as they always are. The city to the east has always been a friend to the United Kingdom and you had hoped to turn that friendship into something more. It was only natural for you to be allies as you had similar ideology and culture whilst sharing the same allies as the Anglicans sought to take the city as one of their conquests while the techno-barbarians were always a regular trouble for those in the south.

Yet your overtures for an alliance was rebuffed by the City Council of Basingstoke as to your surprise, they were not interested in it. With the Anglicans having declared their intentions to conquer you and an uptick in techno-barbarian raiders plaguing the south, the City Council hoped to stay out of the fight between you and the Anglicans while they focused on dealing with the techno-barbarians.

It wasn't ideal, but you still had friendly ties that the City Council was eager to keep and while Basingstoke wasn't willingly to form an alliance this year, you could try again as soon as after the next winter through the City Council would be more wary next time.

[X] Appeasing the Lords
The feudal lords with the United Kingdom are a blight upon it and something you seek to remove from it. But for now you need to keep them happy so they don't cause trouble while you deal with other problems.
DC: 50. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Keep the feudal vassals of the United Kingdom happy and supportive.

Rolled: 21 (Failure)

You knew that it was a mistake. That the king was making a mistake by accepting the allegiance of the feudal lords as he was getting a short-term boon at the cost of a long term problem. You intend to do something about them someday, but that day is not today. No, today is when you suck up to those parasites to keep from causing trouble.

Not that it mattered because those ungrateful louts didn't care. You made some attempts to keep them happy and helpful, but none of the barons or knights gave a thought. Oh, they were troublesome this year so technically your efforts weren't too much of a failure, but that was because of Queen Victoria more than anything you did.

Regardless this was a waste of time on these damn neo-feudalists.

[X] Infantry Regiment Recruitment
You need more soldiers in the British Army and that means training up some more infantry to form a new regiment.
DC: 20. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 2. Effect: Gain an Infantry Regiment (Fresh/Basic/100%).

Rolled: 18-8 (Failure), 4 (Failure)

You had incoming fights to both the north and the east and while your current army was substantial, more troops wouldn't hurt. You had eight veteran regiments already and a ninth would prove useful if only to hold down the home front while more experienced units were fighting the enemy.

Nothing went right. You had plenty of volunteers, but the training went poorly as too many recruits ended up washing out of bootcamp. Equipment shortages were rife and coin mysteriously disappeared. The worst of it was when many of the promising recruits turned out to be local thugs and gangsters who wanted some military training to take back to the streets.

In the end, you got a few squads of new soldiers trained up, but nothing to call a regiment of its own thanks to a mixture of poor recruits, bad supply and the overly bold criminal element taking advantage of things.

[X] Power Armour Factory
You have no power armour, but your foes do and you know how to make some of your own. Set up a factory to produce some power armour to equip one of your infantry regiments.
DC: 25. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Produce 1 Unit of Power Armour.

Rolled: 64-1 (Success)

Despite your failed attempts when it came to diplomacy and expanding the army, the effort at expanding your arms industry proves successful. Last year, power armour was something that only the Anglicans could produce more in the British Isles, something they greatly leverage to their advantage.

This year that changes. You get parliament to support a bill to open up the United Kingdom's first power armour factory since the Collapse. Despite some token political attempts by a baron and a few lords to get some power armour for themselves, things go off without a hitch and the power armour factory is up and running in Winchester before the year is out. By the end of next year, you will be producing enough power armour to equip an entire regiment.

Which is something you could do as you devote the output of that factory to suppling that regiment or you could begin to stockpile the power armour for future use.

[] [PA] Supply one of your infantry regiments with power armour.
-[] [PA] Write-in which regiment gets the power armour.
[] [PA] Stockpile the power armour for now. (Unlocks new Diplomatic, Administration and Military actions next turn)

[X] Gun Production Lines
Firearms are dwindling commodity following the Collapse. Unlike most, you have the knowledge and ability to get some more, some which are up to Old World standards. You just need to produce some and with some production lines, you can get enough to equip one of your regiments.
DC: 20. Successes Required: 1. AP Limit: 3. Effect: Produce 1 Unit of Advanced Equipment.

Rolled: 70 (Success)

Just as your plans to begin power armour production was successful, so have your plans to begin producing advanced military equipment for your army. The British Army had decent equipment by Post-Collapse standards, but the United Kingdom was capable of producing military gear that met the standards of the Old World.

You need a few factories, but it could be done. It wouldn't be enough to equip the whole army, but you could get enough to equip an infantry regiment and keep it equipped. Alternatively, you could stockpile for future uses as you can think of some uses for it. The Union of Ulster could certainly use some of the equipment.

[] [AE] Supply one of your infantry regiments with advanced equipment.
-[] [AE] Write-in which regiment gets the advanced equipment.
[] [AE] Stockpile the advanced equipment for now. (Unlocks new Diplomatic, Administration and Military actions next turn)

[X] Enforced Justice
The crime lords have reigned too long. They are a threat to the United Kingdom and its people and therefore they need to go. Get MI5 to assist the police in routing out the crime lords.
DC: 40. Successes Required: 2. AP Limit: 4. Effect: Get rid of the crime lords or reduce their influence at the very least.

Rolled: 76+5 (Success), 68+5 (Success)

You wanted those crime lords gone and both Queen Victoria and Parliament agreed with you. Not only were they a blight on the British people, but they allowed corruption and abuse to flourish in the country. It would be for the benefit of all to get rid of them or at least severely reduce their influence.

In the past, the crime lords only had the regular police to worry about, but with the approval of Queen Victoria and Parliament, MI5 had been unleashed upon the criminal underworld. There was only so much that they could do under British law, but their resources and expertise proved to be what was needed to roll up the crime lords of the United Kingdom as criminal operation after criminal operation.

But the major breakthrough came after you caught the goddamn criminal scum sabotaging the British Army. It was nothing critical, but the crime lords had made the mistake undermining the military during a time of war. That was all the excuse that MI5 needed to come down on the criminal underworld fully as you declared the prominent organised crime leaders to be enemy agents. It also had the nice bonus of taking away your guilt of making MI5 do police work and setting them on your own citizens.

MI5 did not disappoint as in the second half of the year, the major crime lords were taken down one by one. Baptiste Droz, Evan the Butcher, Olena Vasilievna, Moneybags Martino, Tommy Gun Thomas, Violet Shaw and many others got taken down alongside most if not all of their criminal organisations. The criminal underworld wasn't completely gone and petty crime had gone mostly untouched, but all of the major criminal organisations were gone.


So mixed turn. Your diplo and martial actions failed, but your admin and intrigue actions worked off. Next turn you'll want to start addressing some of your threats as you want to deal with at least some of them before they begin to make their moves against you.

Otherwise, simple starter turn and you get to vote on what you will do with your new production output before beginning the second turn.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Head of State: Queen Victoria II Windsor
Head of Government: Prime Minister Aarav Smith

Noteworthy Diplomatic Relations
Allies & Subordinates
County of Kernow = Nominal Alliance

City-State of Bournemouth = Friendly, but Wary Trading Partner
City-State of Salisbury = Friendly Trading Partner
City-State of Basingstoke = Friendly Trading Partner
Duchy of Dorchester = Neutral Trading Partner

Tech Cults
Citadel-Isle of Wight = Tense Trading Partner
Atomic Sons = Expired Truce

Union of Ulster = Nominal Allegiance
Republic of Ireland = Unfriendly
Connacht Tribes = Unfriendly
Archbishopric of Dublin = Unfriendly

Anglican Church
Anglican Church = Sworn Enemies
Republic of London = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Somerset = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Surrey = War
Kingdom of Sussex = War
Kingdom of Kent = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Suffolk = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Hertfordshire = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Essex = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Gloucestershire = Unfriendly
Kingdom of Bedfordshire = Unfriendly

Hargrove's Horde = Raiding
Knights of Red Rose = Raiding
Oxford Clans = Raiding

Infantry Regiment Queen's Guard (Veteran/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Royal Marines (Veteran/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Grenadier Guards (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Coldstream Guards (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Scots Guards (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Mercian Regiment (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Royal Anglican Regiment (Experienced/Basic/100%)
Infantry Regiment Hampshire Regiment (Regular/Basic/100%)

Old World Destroyer HMS Griffon (Veteran/Advanced/85%)
Old World Frigate HMS Bristol (Veteran/Advanced/90%)
Old World Frigate HMS Plymouth (Veteran/Advanced/80%)
Old World Destroyer HMS Lion (None/Advanced/100%) (Requires Crew)
Old World Destroyer HMS Wolf (None/Advanced/90%) (Requires Crew)
Old World Frigate HMS Cardiff (None/Advanced/90%) (Requires Crew)
Old World Frigate HMS Edinburgh (None/Advanced/90%) (Requires Crew)

Power Grid (Hampshire): Supplies electricity within the county of Hampshire.
Power Armour Production: +1 Unit of Power Armour
Advanced Firearms Production: +1 Unit of Advanced Equipment

Important Technology
Nuclear Power
Power Armour

National Spirits
Advanced Tech Level: Your generic technology is Advanced.
Compromised Parliament: Unknown enemy has inside access to your government.
Diminished Civil Service: Reduced DCs for administrative actions.
Feudal Lords: Suffer a penalty to a one or more dice rolls each turn. May need to placate the feudal lords to avoid civil unrest and/or rebellion.
Good Old Ways: Increased support for discovering and implementing new technologies. Increased happiness from discovering and implementing new technologies.
MI5: +5 Bonus to Counter-Intelligence Actions. Increased resistance to foreign intrigue.
Moderate Autocratic Support: Low chance of civil unrest each turn. Moderate chance of rebellion during periods of unsuccess.
Public Education: Universal literacy and education. Lowered DCs for some actions.
Quest Hiatus
Okay, due to stuff happening with my other quests, I don't have enough time to run this quest. This is I got other things that are higher priority of things I want to do and therefore I am not going to be devoting time to this quest.

Therefore it will be going on hiatus. I would say dead, but I might update whenever I got a week or something along those lines.