God (Puella Magi Madoka Magica x Touhou): Thread II

I'll have to point out that if you apply any kind of limiting qualifier to an omniwhatever, then it's automatically not true. You can't have "omnipotent to erase all Puella and Witches", someone omnipotent is, by definition, capable of doing absolutely anything.

She has the potential, but she isn't quite so.
magic9mushroom said:
Disclaimer: I am doing a Science degree and specialising in Pure Mathematics. I am not by any stretch some sort of authority on these things.

If you think I'm doing a crappy job, tell me, and I won't go through the rest of it.
Yay, review! :p.
magic9mushroom said:
Let me quote Wikipedia here.

"Parentheses (singular, parenthesis) – also called simply brackets, or round brackets, curved brackets, oval brackets, or, colloquially, parens – contain material that could be omitted without destroying or altering the meaning of a sentence."

Parentheses are nice in a textbook or a mathematical proof. They interrupt the flow of thoughts, though.
You'll find I overuse thought-interrupters, mostly because that's how I actually think :eek:. I'm working on it, but it'll show up again :p.
magic9mushroom said:
linkhyrule5 said:
Kaname Madoka was frustrated. And angry. Can't forget angry.
There seems to be a tense conflict here.
I see the tense conflict, but I'm not sure what do about it... Maybe turn it from narration into a thought? That's basically what it is anyway.
magic9mushroom said:
What does "speaking" even mean in this context?
Well, technically, "speaking" is a concept, so it is possible to put "words" through "speech" and get a temporary construct a human would interpret as someone "speaking." I'll go put it in quotes :p.
magic9mushroom said:
Thanks! I've always been a fan of concept-hax, so it's always fun to get a chance to write it. (Note how much time I spend in the Nasuverse :p)
magic9mushroom said:
Should "body" also be in quotation marks?
Very debatable, because she's a sentient concept and so her body is a concept but it's a body but it's a ...

I'm going to just rule that it be treated like a concept and change it to quotes :p.
magic9mushroom said:
This puts me in mind of Russell's Paradox. :)
Sounds interesting! Could I have a link?
magic9mushroom said:
I'm somewhat bemused by the QB emoticon in all the scene breaks. Is there some significance to it?
Nah, I was just tired of Office turning all my scene-breaks into horizontal rules and needed an interrupted, and thought it was cute/appropriate.
magic9mushroom said:
You used the words "magical girl" earlier, and you used "puella" here. We both know which one I prefer, but which one you use is none of my business. It might be an idea to make it consistent, though - as they're both translations of the same word it's best to pick one or the other.
Might switch to "puella magi" - I switched here because I needed a one-word for flow. That said, they're basically synonyms...
magic9mushroom said:
In general, a tight piece. It's very abstract, of course, but I for one like it.
Glad to hear it! Sadly we move out of concept-space quickly, but concepthax will always play a major part in the story.

And on that note, my life is just settling down to the point that I could conceive of spending time writing again. Which means it'll still take a few weeks to get out, I'm afraid. Still, I can assure you that it's definitely on my mind and I'll be on the lookout for time to write.
Parentheses are nice in a textbook or a mathematical proof. They interrupt the flow of thoughts, though.
I have to disagree with this, if only because I'm pretty sure I think like that too.
And on that note, my life is just settling down to the point that I could conceive of spending time writing again. Which means it'll still take a few weeks to get out, I'm afraid. Still, I can assure you that it's definitely on my mind and I'll be on the lookout for time to write.
Hmm... The question then is how to get that to the reader, since I'm fairly sure that's not explicitly stated in canon (though it can be inferred by comparing, say, Sayaka and Oktavia von Seckendorf). I could just split it off into it's own sentence, but that doesn't really address the problem of it being obvious to Madoka.
Much appreciated :p.

Well, synonyms doesn't mean "mean precisely the same thing." "Assisting" has different connotations from "helping," for example. In this case, while "puella magi" denotatively means "girl of the mage," the conceptual meaning is "The type of magical girl in PMMM," thus placing it within the compass of the phrase "magical girl." Hence, they're synonyms.
It's a review, sponsored by the author (me). Therefore it's forgiveable, because if nothing else it's still new content.

(AKA: Lurkmoar :p)

And yeah, I've got two ideas on how to handle that and it won't be revealed for a few chapters yet. I know what the consequences will be, though (the split doesn't really change the plot a whole lot.)
SolipsistSerpen said:
Plus, reviews contribute a lot more to discussion than asking about updates.

Although I am surprised that there weren't at least a couple people screaming about necros.


How was that? :p
I suppose I should take that as a compliment!

Paradox is going to stay a verb, I'm afraid, simply because there really isn't a word in the English language for "the act of causing a paradox."

Similarly, I really wish there was a verb form of "apotheosis." Apparently people don't turn into living paradoxes often enough for there to be a word for it :p. "Omnipotent" can be changed to "omnipotent being" without a problem, though, or you could assume Yukari is using Gensoukyou-slang - I could totally imagine such a thing existing.

Hmm... A hakutaku, by changing history, could hypothetically cause a paradox - presumably this is part of how Keine hides the village in Imperishable Night. How would you suggest I inform the reader of this without sounding clunky?

And speaking of clunky, yeah, I'll go and fix my PoV issues.
Mentioned the soul gem in Madoka's puella transformation in Chapter 1.

Added an explanation of Hakutaku.
linkhyrule5 said:
The youkai responded with a steaming cup of tea. Madoka gratefully took it, taking a slow sip – the last time she had eaten or drunk anything was breakfast before she … ceased to exist? Ascended? There really weren't any good words for what she had done – well, maybe "apotheosis," but that was a noun. Argh, she'd have to invent one at some point.
That solves that problem, at least for now :p.

Also, took out a Homestuck reference that you may or may not have noticed - it was cute, but it was breaking up the flow way too much for a one-off joke. It's much subtler now.
Heh. 612 is a number with meaning in Homestuck, but it was being waaaay too obviously referenced here, so I cut out the part with Madoka/Yukari actually pointing it out and just left the numbers themselves for anyone familiar with the material.
Dude, facepalm is an action, and a pretty expressive one at that. Tons of people use it without actually knowing its name. It's a favorite of people like Ran.

And no, Madoka's not a youkai. Read the story again, she's a sentient concept-slash-lich, it's mentioned quite explicitly many times. Yukari identifies her as such.

And FYI, a shikigami is essentially a sort of servant or attendant spirit that draws power from you. Like most other japanese mythology terms, it doesn't have a straight translation.
magic9mushroom said:
Now, I hate linking to other boards, but this demonstrates the point.
Er, no. That's talking pure mechanical terms in-character. This is the narrator describing an action with a word popularized by the internet. The action itself has always existed, btw. "Facepalm" is a perfectly descriptive word that refers to the action of resting your face in the palm of your hand due to exasperation or annoyance. If you object to it, at least provide an alternative.
Yeah, and your point here is? "Youkai" is a pretty damned broad term, from what I understand of its use in Touhou.
How about you go educate yourself a bit in japanese mythology?
You asked. ¯\(-_-)/¯
magic9mushroom said:
You are flying in the face of canon here. Madoka is quite explicitly called out as being "slow".
Watsonian: It's quite possible not to use your full intelligence on a regular basis. Madoka may simply have been trapped in a state where she was never challenged, but nevertheless did poorly enough that she couldn't move up a level. That, plus adrenaline/fate of the world at stake does wonders.

Doylist: Shhhh, it's a plot hole, I'm ignoring canon here :p.
magic9mushroom said:
Are these really the terms Madoka would use for such things? Or are you using omniscient PoV here?
Not sure, to be honest, but I can't think of a better term for them. Assume that Madoka is a troper :p. (She comes from an era a few decades ahead of ours, I believe, so it's not too hard to believe that even as a casual surfer she'd run across it.)
magic9mushroom said:
Eons stronger? :eek:

I can certainly tell what you mean, but it's kinda dodgy.
Mmmmm... Not sure how else to describe it, though. "Grown over many eons" is clunky and long...
magic9mushroom said:
Um, why? :(

(While there is an explanation halfway through the chapter, it kinda jars PoV.)
Derp. Yeah, I should've mentioned the hedge maze earlier :p.
magic9mushroom said:
I don't feel that this flows very well.
Yeah... it could probably do with some editing.
magic9mushroom said:
Right. There are people in your audience who don't know Japanese. I am one of them. I have NFC what a shikigami is.
Yeah, I'll slip in a phrase-long explanation. "Eastern equivalent of a familiar," basically.
magic9mushroom said:
Yakumo Ran is, as far as I know, not an internet nerd and thus unlikely to use that sort of vocabulary.
Yes, but she's very likely to use that sort of behavior, and again, no suitable other words I can find to use.
magic9mushroom said:
Getting back to what I said above, if Madoka's a youkai there should be obvious logical problems with that.
Luckily for her, logic is a concept.

(No, really. Madoka doesn't need to be logical in her use of her power. One of the many reasons why "manipulation of concepts" is equivalent to omnipotence.)

Also, youkai is a subjective concept, and therefore means whatever she wants it to mean. If she doesn't want "youkai" to include her, it doesn't include her. (Yay subconscious! :p)
magic9mushroom said:
Disclaimer: I'm kinda out of it right now. I fell out of my chair while writing this.
*applause* :p
Nolrai said:
And a sentient concept could still be a Youkai.

It really _is_ a very broad term.
Fair enough. It was more of some bullshit to avoid having to actually research it myself. I was meaning to apologize for that, actually. (Sorry shroom)
magic9mushroom said:
Well, it's not like I don't sympathise with your unwillingness to write Madoka faithfully to canon. My sig does, after all, state that "writing Meduka is suffering".

Still, there are... subtler... means of doing it than to flat out state that Madoka is "sharp and brilliant". I'm reminded of that bit in 1984 - "[The sentence] did not contain a grammatical error, but it expressed a palpable untruth".
Unfortunately, my mental image of Madoka while planning out the entire plot of the fic assumed that she was essentially brilliant. So just go with the Watsonian version.
magic9mushroom said:

Also, IIRC Madoka's supposed to be set in 2011.
I think it's Twenty Minutes into the Future, actually. But I could edit it. It'll take me awhile to think of different words, though.
magic9mushroom said:
"Eons older and far stronger" might work?
Yeah, that's perfect, thanks!
magic9mushroom said:

If you are insufficiently skilled with synonyms to figure out "the urge to slap her forehead", then I suggest you buy a thesaurus. :p

(I mean, I occasionally use online thesauri, and my vocabulary is apparently remarkably large. That was a serious suggestion.)
So do I. Nevertheless...
magic9mushroom said:
If this was the case, Madoka could ignore paradoxes, as a paradox is almost by definition an illogical result.
Yeesh, you're good at finding these things. All I can really say to that is: Spoilers~. (Also, take it to PMs :p)
magic9mushroom said:
Has someone been playing Nobilis? :p
Actually, no, though I'd love to get my hands on the books. I just think like this normally :p.
magic9mushroom said:
No, seriously, I did. It was weird.
Do you have all your wheels? :p
Honestly, I'd have to think she IS brilliant to even come up with the trick she did. Oh sure, any SBer might think of it...but that's because we have too much time on our hands, we're outside the problem, and we know the rules.

Don't forget that there are a lot of us.
magic9mushroom said:
Well, the point, as I understand it, wasn't that it was a trick, but that she made the wish fully aware of what it would cost and with a totally pure heart.
Thinking up the wish itself would still have taken some thought, though, given how easy it is for an improperly worded wish to go off the rails.

Of course, it could also just be that for the purposes of this fic one of the very first things Madoka did once she became Madokami was to remove the concept of "stupidity" from herself. :p