They also said the Nords haven't quote set themselves up as a power, parallel does not mean concurrently. But if they were it was probably:

*Stare at Loki long and hard before realizing it isn't his fault and the prophecy was wrong. Then batten down everything for Ragnarok is coming...and he is angry.*
Meh, it's more amusing to me if they do exist concurrently.

But if they did exist while the events of the games went down, then they had to be wondering why the Greeks were suddenly dropping like flies. Like, Just taking the "main" games into account, first Ares dies, then shortly afterwords Athena and the Sisters of Fate, and then in the third game basically everyone dies.
Huh, that looks good but I think they should have just created a new franchise to use the norse mythology, they could have used a nordic huntsman(or any other job that requires some martial training) who wanted to raise his son the best he could while facing some mythological creatures.
Huh, that looks good but I think they should have just created a new franchise to use the norse mythology, they could have used a nordic huntsman(or any other job that requires some martial training) who wanted to raise his son the best he could while facing some mythological creatures.
I can kinda see their logic: a lot of what makes the glimpses of their concept compelling is that Kratos is such a screw up. There have been, what, 6 or so games that hammered that in. A new character wouldn't have that. Plus, having it be God of War means more interest, if only because people know the franchise, and since the concept already calls for someone like Kratos using a new character doesn't really gain them anything and is kinda silly.
I can kinda see their logic: a lot of what makes the glimpses of their concept compelling is that Kratos is such a screw up. There have been, what, 6 or so games that hammered that in. A new character wouldn't have that. Plus, having it be God of War means more interest, if only because people know the franchise, and since the concept already calls for someone like Kratos using a new character doesn't really gain them anything and is kinda silly.
I hadn't thought of that, thanks for explaining it to me
So, apparently, what looked like a river or snowbank in the background at the end of the trailer appears to actually, upon closer inspection, Jormungandr.

And there are other unindentifiable cameos.
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I look forward to Kratos explaining that he's from SPAR-TA, only the locals mispronounce it SPA-TYR, and eventually rumour distorts it into his actual name, and then people just drop the first part and start calling him Tyr and he gets his hand bitten off.
Like I said on the SB thread, I hope only for a Ratatasokr boss fight.

Maybe even a trio of Veðrfölnir, Ratatoskr and Níðhöggr. With Ratatoskr being an easy boss, in between...

Or at least an appearance.
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Like I said on the SB thread, I hope only for a Ratatasokr boss fight.

Maybe even a trio of Veðrfölnir, Ratatoskr and Níðhöggr. With Ratatoskr being an easy boss, in between...

Or at least an appearance.

Nah how about a Ratatoskr boss fight where you get assisted by Hresvelgr and Nidhogg who are pissed off after finding out that damn squirrel was fucking with them for the lulz?
Obviously the Ratatoskr should be the true villain and the final boss and the hardest opponent ever faced in the series. And even when you win he just scurries away for revenge.

"Even Zeus was not half as powerful as this damn squirrel!"

And when you get him down to low health

"Finally I'm about to win!"

"Sensing his impending demise, Ratatoskr grows a few extra health meters."
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One thing I'm curious about is the child's development and growth through the game, and what that means for the internal length of the story. Are we going to be spanning months, or even years of time? Will be watch little Not-Charlie-Thank-Odin grow from tiny baby that can't gut a deer into a big slab of demigod suplexing giants so hard that the Bifrost is shattered?

It'd be very, very interesting if managing Kratos' internal rage and teaching his son to specialize in certain skills would result in different character paths. Does he grow up to be a mirror image of Kratos, shattering any dreams of breaking the "curse of rage" in gods? Or does he become something different? Sky's the limit here.
One thing I'm curious about is the child's development and growth through the game, and what that means for the internal length of the story. Are we going to be spanning months, or even years of time? Will be watch little Not-Charlie-Thank-Odin grow from tiny baby that can't gut a deer into a big slab of demigod suplexing giants so hard that the Bifrost is shattered?

It'd be very, very interesting if managing Kratos' internal rage and teaching his son to specialize in certain skills would result in different character paths. Does he grow up to be a mirror image of Kratos, shattering any dreams of breaking the "curse of rage" in gods? Or does he become something different? Sky's the limit here.
With the open world gameplay that seems to be suggested, I can imagine multiple endings. I wonder...if Kratos isn't Odin before the Norse pantheon was formed, what if Charlie is?
may be he become Odin farther instead ?
The way the experience messages were popping up in game implied to me that it was the son gaining experience in various subjects, possibly furthering the idea that the kid's the actual main character.
The way the experience messages were popping up in game implied to me that it was the son gaining experience in various subjects, possibly furthering the idea that the kid's the actual main character.
He's not, he's the companion, though I do think we're leveling him up to be more useful the farther the game goes on.
He's not, he's the companion, though I do think we're leveling him up to be more useful the farther the game goes on.
If they keep the consistency of "Full power for the previous game at the begining of this one", then Kratos' kid should be pretty good come the sequel. Unfortunately that would then mean he must be weakened, but it's GoW.
One have to wonder if Kratos releasing Hope for humans will have any consequence. Or maybe not, maybe it spread only in Greece and have no bearing on this plot. Could be funny to have him fight some human souped up on Hope, who (rigtly) blames him for what happened.

Kratos may have to deal with literal ghosts of his past at some point too, cause back home he friggin broke the doors of after-life wide open.
Kratos may have to deal with literal ghosts of his past at some point too, cause back home he friggin broke the doors of after-life wide open.
Nah. They fairly conclusively dealt with Kratos' past across the, what, six original games? He denied the chance to live in the Elysian Fields with Calliope in Chains of Olympus, killed his brother in Ghost of Sparta (I think), killed Ares, killed the literal last Spartan, killed his Dad, and conclusively confronted a bunch of stupid bullshit in a Max Payne dream sequence at the end of God of War 3. This game's about moving on from all the baggage associated with Greece and building something new in Scandanavia.
If it exists in Greece and is at all worth killing, Kratos has already killed it. Greece is all killed out. The well is dry and Kratos stabbed the god of water so that it'll never fill up again.

He's in Scandinavia NOT brutally murdering everything because he realized there's no one left to have raunchy sexcapades with if he keeps triggering the apocalypse.
So I was bored and decided to watch the interview quoted by Zerban here:
Shuman: "Does the son have a name by the way?"
Barlog: "Uh, GameSpot says it's Charlie."
Shuman: "Charlie?"
Barlog: "Charlie! [laughs] I don't know where that came from."
Shuman: "That's fun." [laughs]
Barlog: "Charlie, right? [looks at Judge] Did you leak that?"
Judge: "I did. [laughs] I actually said Charles."
Barlog: "C'mon dude, that was supposed to be a secret. Very Norse, 'Charlie'."
In its entirety

So what is known so far:
  • This takes place before the Viking Age and even Iron Age Scandinavia. So either Bronze Age Scandinavia or even further in the past.
  • Kratos and his son are possibly the only humans in this land full of monsters and gods. No meeting Vikings.
  • Kratos doesn't understand the language, but his son can so he will translate for him. This coupled with the above point is to induce a "stranger in a strange land" feeling for Kratos and the players and also allows to focus on the son-father relationship more.
  • Kratos will teach his son throughout the game, with a button specifically designated to start interaction with "Charlie".
Also, an unknown source states that the troll said "Umfir fua fik fir Valhalla" and it allegedly means "You will not cross into Valhalla".
"You will not cross into Valhalla!"

If I remember my Norse mythology correctly, Valhalla is for the honored dead who died in battle and were faithful to the gods. Even though Kratos isn't Norse he still wouldn't qualify because killing two entire Pantheons worth (Olympians and Titans) and the almost complete destruction of the world, is horrible enough that he should be sent to the frozen fields of Niffleheim/Nibbleheim where the dishonored dead roam as wights. Heck I'm not even sure Charlie will get into Valhalla because most gods do have a 'Sins of the father' thing, so he would have to bear Kratos actions.

Of course another reason to not let him into a paradise is because he killed the last one he was in. I do wonder what ever happened to Calyiope's spirit, Charlie would have liked to meet his big sister.