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Here a little snack until the next chapter. I'm going to correct the last one tomorrow.
I came home this morning so the next chapter won't be out till next weekend.
I also still have to find names for our two girls so I'm open for proposals!!

New Type Evangelions Unit6α and Unit06β
(Dual Core System)
(only for personnel with code red and above)


Height: both Units 75 meters
Width: both Units 18.5 meters
Length: both Units 8 meters
Weapons: a pair of progressive knifes like crescent moon knifes with injector tips, also a pair of liquid fuel rocket boosters in the L shaped shoulder pylons
compatible with any ranged weapon with the Standard Type D(small) standard
Armour: >45cm to <180cm

Unit06α and Unit06β are the first Units with the Chinese developed Dual Core System™. This Dual Core System™ consists of two Cores containing only one Soul. The cores a connected through quantum entanglement for zero-time information transfer. Through this system the two Pilots can work in Unison like the second and third child did through extensive training against the seventh Angel. The extra systems however put more strain one the more advanced batteries allowing for only about one minute and 40 seconds at full power and almost seven minutes at reduced consumption. The grade of Unison can be lowered and raised depending on the need for it.
Each pilot at maximum Unison can feel what the other one intends to do or is doing. Coordination of the two is done solely between the two then. The danger of nerv or physical harm towards both of them is higher at elevated Unison levels. It's recommended to only use the system at full power when the risk of getting them hurt is low or in very exceptional situatiuons.
The Units are designed for speed and hit and run tactics diving inside battle and getting out of it in mere seconds. As a result the overall armour thickness is quite low compared to Unit05 for example.
Built by China.
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New Type Evangelions Unit6α and Unit06β
(Dual Core System)
(for Pilots and assorted maintenance personnel)


Height: both Units 75 meters
Width: both Units 18.5 meters
Length: both Units 8 meters
Weapons: a pair of progressive knifes like crescent moon knifes with injector tips, also a pair of liquid fuel rocket boosters in the L shaped shoulder pylons
compatible with any ranged weapon with the Standard Type D(small) standard
Armour: >45cm to <180cm

Unit06α and Unit06β are the first Units with the chinese developed Dual Core System™. The cores a connected through quantum entanglement for zero-time information transfer. Through this system the two Pilots can work in Unison. The extra systems however put more strain one the more advanced batteries allowing for only about one minute and 40 seconds at full power and almost seven minutes at reduced consumption. The grade of Unison can be lowered and raised depending on the need for it.
Each pilot at maximum Unison can feel what the other one intends to do or is doing. Coordination of the two is done solely between the two then.
The Units are designed for speed and hit and run tactics diving inside battle and getting out of it in mere seconds. As a result the overall armour thickness is quite low compared to Unit05 for example.
Built by China.
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Something to keep you thinking till the weekend!
And yes it's a very important part of the plot.

Chapter 8.: What now?

He awoke with a dazzling light in his eyes. A kind of miniature sun shining in his eyes. The sky beyond was of a red colour and of itself slightly glowing and pulsating.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! sleeping beauty finaly awakes from her slumber!" a human voice infront of him joked.
Sitting up he could see himself sitting behind a red horizon in a dark endless stretching place. A amused arrogant expression on his face.
At second look it wasn't a miniature sun. It was rather a cross of light hovering above his head in the middle of the half spherical red room.
"Who are you?" to Shinji this was his first dream where he didn't sit infront of a younger version of himself. It even felt way too real for a dream. If this was a dream it was the first of this kind in a long time.
"Well who am I?" came the rhetorical question from his other self. He stood up and came nearer to the dome.
The dome sounded like a big bell as he punched it with his fist. "I'm the one of us both who has only one thing. You have it all. Mind, Soul and engine!" the dome rung under another punch.
Now it dawned Shinji what stood infront of him. Either his mind used his own image to give it a body or it did that itself. This also wasn't a dream too.
"You are the Mind of Unit01." it was obvious and completely made sense.
"Wow if you keep up the detective work you would even win a prize!" he made a small break. "Since I was created from that thing I have been waiting. Shortly after my creation this woman appeared. She just lay there like a vegetable and stared holes into the air. From time to time she would mutter some words and that was it!" rage filled his or its voice.
"And then you appeared!! The most disgusting thing I ever have seen!! Even my backbone with a hole in it was stronger than yours!! I even had to empower her to save us all! Do you know how difficult that can be with multiple injuries and almost no power?!" he sighed deeply and took multiple breaths of air that wasn't even there. "At long last after killing that lowly creature unlimited power was almost grabable. But then silence!"
"Until one day ago. After somehow finding some kind of backbone you returned and changed it all. Now I'm stuck with you and can't even do much against it! You have it all and I..."
With a sudden shudder the dome, representing the S2​Engine, got brighter and began to hum.
"Pff....seems like our little meeting is going to end. But don't forget one thing! One day I will raise above all of you!"
With that the place vanished as the light of the engine and Soul brightened.

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Final version finally

Chapter 8.: Beginning of the End I

The stupid little boat was as always making its stupid circles around her.
It was infuriating. For multiple years since it was brought down to her it annoyed her beyond limits.
For the first time in multiple million years she moved her head following the boat. She would willingly crush it.
However now wasn't the time to move. It took her children longer than expected to fulfil their plan. The feeling three years ago had postponed the plan.
And now this new feeling a day ago could undo their plan entirely.
Her gaze went down where the mask lay in the lake. For a moment she wanted to move and ditched it. It seemed rash though. She had stopped right before regenerating her legs.
Lilith could wait. She had waited multiple billion years already battling him and his spawn more than once for this promised land.
But she was patient. However if more incidents occurred she would have to act.

He awoke with a dazzling light in his eyes. A kind of miniature sun shining in his eyes. The sky beyond was of a red colour and of itself slightly glowing and pulsating.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! sleeping beauty awakes from her slumber!" a human voice before him joked.
Sitting up he could see himself sitting behind a red horizon in a dark endless stretching place. A amused arrogant expression on his other face.

At second look it wasn't a miniature sun. It was rather a cross of light hovering over his head in the middle of the half spherical red room.
"Who are you?" to Shinji this was his first dream where he didn't sit in front of a younger version of himself. It even felt way too real for a dream. If this was a dream it was the first of this kind in a long time.
"Well who am I?" came the rhetorical question from his other self. He stood up and came nearer to the dome.
The dome sounded like a big bell as he punched it with his fist. "I'm the one of us both who has almost nothing. You have it all. Mind, Soul and engine!" the dome rung under another punch.
Now it dawned Shinji what stood in front of him. Either his mind used his own image to give it a body or it did that itself. This also wasn't a dream too.
"You are the Mind of Unit01." he was stating the totally obvious and got a corresponding answer.
"Wow if you keep up the detective work you would even win a prize!" laughing about his own joke he made a small break. "Since I was created from that thing I have been waiting. Shortly after my creation this woman appeared. She just lied there like a vegetable and stared holes into the air. From time to time she would mutter some words and that was it!" rage filled his or its voice.
"And then you appeared!! The most disgusting thing I ever have seen!! Even my backbone with a hole in it is stronger than yours!! I even had to empower her to save us all! Do you know how difficult that can be with multiple injuries and almost no power?!" he sighed deeply and took multiple breaths of air that wasn't even there. "At long last after killing that lowly creature unlimited power was almost grabable! But then silence!"
"Until one day ago. After somehow finding some kind of backbone you returned and changed it all. Now I'm stuck with you and can't even do much against it! You have it all and I..."
With a sudden shudder the dome, representing the S2​Engine, got brighter and began to hum.
"Pff....seems like our little meeting is going to end. But don't forget one thing! One day I will have it all and you will be the helpless one!"
Everything beyond the dome vanished with the increasing light.

Fuyutzuki was currently sitting in his little spartanic office brooding over the data from the last incident.
He had almost no clue how he made that happen yesterday.
Looking up at the door after it was opened Gendo stood in front of him. He did seem to be a bit stressed.
Without a word he took the frame and looked at the picture of Yui inside it. No one said a word.
"You have been active behind my back Sensei." Gendo's tone sounded stiff. "I have been to the accommodations of the Pilots. You taught my son well judging by yesterday."
He put the frame down on his desk again. "But I'm sure you have people from outside involved too." his voice became threatening. Fuyutzuki gulped at that.
"I want to meet them. If you want to have a chance against Seele you will arrange a meeting."
The door fell shut behind him leaving only Fuyutzuki in his spartanic office.
Gendo looked driven on his way out, Fuyutzuki thought. Driven by keeping what he now had once again.

A couple of hours earlier inside the Control Center:

After hurrying her to Nerv's hospital and threatening the personnel to fire them if they let anything slip outside, he went to the Control Center.
"Lieutenant Ibuki may I take your place for a moment? There is something regarding the Magi I want to do and only I can do." Maya was speechless for a moment. The Commander wanted her place for a moment? Stammering a "Y-Yes sir!" she hastily stood up. She still feared to be made responsible for the whole mess that occurred.
Gendo sat down immediately hammering away at the terminal, inserting his password and miscellaneous codes.
On the main display a map of the whole Geofront came up. Trio's of red markers showed the charges of N2 bombs that were part of the self-destruct mechanism. A final request opened and Gendo acknowledged the order. All of the markers turned green and with a alarm tone every of the charges disarmed. Later on they would cut the connection completely to make absolutely sure no one would be able to set even only one of them off.
He wasn't finished though. A couple of seconds later the three giant antenna towers and communication nodes on the surface exploded and fell to the ground.
The Magi were now no longer prone to any hacking attempt. Every connection to the outside world into the grid was now severed.

At Matsushiro Secondary Research Facility the link from Ritsuko's computer to the Magi suddenly went dark.
She didn't know anything of the things that had happened. Preparing for the worst she thought she has been found out and awaited her now guaranteed death sentence.

Matsushiro Secondary Research Facility:

People gave him curious looks in the corridors. The supreme Commander of Nerv at the Matsushiro Secondary Research Facility was an unusual sight.
Gendo had no time for their looks and rumours that were likely to come up.
He was rushing down the corridors against time. It was only a matter of time till Seele would put two and two together and began to move against Nerv.
He had to get someone before that would happen, although his reservations against getting that particular person were outmatched by the value of particular person against Seele.
The door opened upwards and Gendo was somewhat dumbfounded for a moment.
Ritzuko Akagi sat infront of him on a chair, a cigarette in her mouth and a glass of wine in her hand.
"So you're even coming yourself to kill me? Didn't expect that from someone like you."
Gendo's gaze shortly ran over the little apartment Ritzuko had resided in for the last three years. It didn't go unnoticed.
"Your Vice Commander was a bit more caring and even had a job offer for me." his expression got sour that Fuyutzuki was, in his self-absorption, able to even get her on-board. And all that behind his back. He would have to direct his eyes and ears to the more noticeable things that seemingly had no further meaning or they wouldn't stand long against Seele.
"How where the many glitches, I myself, tailored for you into the Magi? I hope Maya didn't go insane from them."
"That aside....I did come to get you."
"Oh and what makes you sure I even would go with you? I rather enjoyed my stay here. No crazy Evangelions and pitiful puppets to steal my sleep."
"The fact that Seele wouldn't be so forgiving and you are likely to be tortured as a accomplice, to get any information out of you, that could be used against Nerv." He pulled out a sheet of paper from his jacket-pocket. "And maybe you would like to see this."
Roughly taking the print-out she read the values and looked at the graphs on it.
Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open. "What did your son do Gendo?! He had the behaviour of pulling off miracles with Unit01 but this is no comparison!"
"He did what he thought was the only way to turn me against Seele."
"So he tried to get her out of Unit01 by simply switching place with her? The likelihood of success and causing Third Impact aside?" she sighed. This whole mess started to be even more crazy than the scenario of Seele itself. "Fine! I will come with you. But the whole thing between us isn't settled yet! Let me get a couple of things and we can...."
Ritzuko abruptly stopped as Seele's lapdog commanding Matsushiro Secondary Research Facility appeared behind Gendo in the door.
"Commander Ikari what leads you to my small base?" his question clearly asking why he was here talking to her.
A gloved hand balled to a fist and Gendo abruptly turned around, grabbed the bureaucrat by his collar and punched him so hard in the face that he went unconscious.
Gendo couldn't risk him reporting back to Keel as he needed any time advantage over Seele to fortify the Geofront and Nerv against them.
"I will take care of him." he dragged Seele's lapdog towards the bathroom.
Ritzuko hurried up and made a list in her head what she would take with her. She definitely would take her notes on further EVA improvements. Making bugs and glitches couldn't keep you occupied for three whole years.

Three minutes later Gendo emerged from the bathroom. He had tied the guy to the light with his head inside the toilet bowl. Would take time to get himself out of there and even then it would be painful. In his old day's it was a thing he was 'famous' for on parties with guys he didn't like. After the fight someone would usually end up like this.
Ritzuko could only catch a glimpse on the degrading state of the man before they left. It was funny though.

The mangled form of Unit01 stood behind her in Cage15. It was very late and almost no one worked currently inside the Cages. Only direly needed repairs performed by reduced crews were made on the other Units. Unit00 and 02 underwent equipment and technical tests. They and probably Unit04.2, 06α, 06β or 07 were somewhat combat-worthy.
Ritzuko sorted through the data of yesterday. Making sense of what had happened was hard.
Currently the engine wasn't producing very much energy and even less was directed at the body of the Unit itself.
"It seems that the energy is consumed in the engine itself. The question is why?"
Her own shadow danced for a second as the lights at the ceiling were pushed around by an invisible force. A slight crushing feeling followed.

The two of them waited for him to wake up. Asuka slept in her chair and Rei's eyes were heavy too.
Shinji hadn't woken up until now and they didn't know when he would wake up. He simply laid there breathing very slowly.
Suddenly Rei was fully awake and stood up.
The feeling passing over her akin to a Unit's A.T.-Field.
"R-Rei what is it? Did the idiot finally wake up?" Asuka was rubbing her eyes. Sleep still holding on to her.
Instead of giving an answer she left the room wordless. "Hey Rei what happened? Where are you going?"
After a second of uncertainty she rushed after her. The chew out of Shinji could wait, if he woke up now.

The feeling made her turn around but there was no one except her. Unit01 was still in its Cage and nothing had changed.
She could swear the right eye had moved for a second though. The right cover was blown away from α's beam and one could see the eye directly.
After a couple of inputs on her laptop the light inside Cage went dark. Shading her eyes the light once again lit up.
The green iris contracted and the whole eyes looked downwards away from the light. Only to focus on her after that. The left eyes lit up and Cage 15 was filled with a screaming whistling noise. Ritsuko almost went deaf.

"Tight! Tight! Tight!" the tightness on his limbs and the feeling of suffocation made him panic.
He ripped his arms out of the locks and pushed against the walls of Cage15.
The welds and bolts protested and the right side gave away with the whole walkway falling to the right. Ritzuko desperately holding on to the handrail tried not to look down.
Not thrilled by the 100 meter drop to the floor she hoped Unit01 wouldn't trash the Cage any further.
Both sides of the launch cradle hopped of their tracks and the whole thing penetrated the floor, riveting itself stuck.
Unit01 ceased destroying the cage and its look fell on her.
Instead of crushing her, what she expected, Unit01 lifted the walkway back to horizontal and pushed the sides back together holding the walkway once again.
Rei and Asuka stormed onto the walkway immediately stopping as they saw the once again active Unit01.
Its gaze shifted to the two before trying to breath. Like an organ the two air intakes on each side of the Unit's maw whistled. The intake and exhaust valve sat in a wrong position and the airflow through its maw collided with the other through the intakes which, together with the uncontrolled swallowing, prevented sufficient inhaling.
It's hand rose to it's throat. The look grew more and more desperate.
"Dr Akagi what is happening with Unit01." Asuka shouted over the giants suffocation.
"It's suffering suffocation."
"How do we stop that?"
"We shouldn't stop that. We don't know who or what is in control at the moment. It could kill us all after we've done that."
"But we can't let stay it like this!"
"Doc. Akagi Shinji still hasn't woken up." Rei remarked.
Ritzuko hadn't considered that possibility. Hesitantly she made her way towards the terminal on the walkway.
"What are you going to do?"
"You should know Asuka, that the EntryPlug's subsystems also control the body-functions. I'm lowering it down now."
Unit01 sunk against to one side of the Cage. It's whole body trembling and blood vessels in it's eyes exploded from blood pressure colouring it's eyes a scary red.
The Plug was ripped away from the transport arm. Unit01 bowed forward and the armour plate swung away. The arm reaching around trying to hit the cavity with the EntryPlug.
The arm went limb as the Plug sat slanted inside the hole and the EntryPlug finally was pulled in after it nudged around a bit.
Unit01 sunk to it's knees as the armour plate swung in place. It took a moment for the EntryPlug to boot up and the valves closed.
The maw opened wide and Unit01 took a very deep breath. Multiple others followed.
The intercom system activated and a coughing jumping voice said "Th-Thank you." gratitude was mixed into the coughing.
"Shinji is that you? What happened? What did you do?" Asuka felt very little as a pair of man sized eyes focused on her.
"That what I thought was needed to do." Shinji cleared his throat both mentally and physically. A cloud of steam coming out of his mouth.
It was distracting to have two bodies. His human body wasn't moving right now. He had to concentrate on one to do anything with it. Multitasking however was relatively easy.
"What do you mean to do what you thought was needed to do? That sounds like a very shallow excuse!"
"Asuka you know what resides within the EVAs. And my father only does all this to see my mother once again. So if I got her out he would have no reason to do anything towards the scenario. As a result we would gain all of Nerv in an instant against Seele."
"But what was the cost? Now you are trapped inside Unit01."
"Are you fine Shinji-kun? How does it feel?" Rei could understand the reasoning. It was completely logical. She didn't like the aspect of the Commander getting what he wanted and Shinji suffering for that though.
"I feel fine. Thanks Rei. And Asuka I'm not directly trapped inside Unit01. The S2​Engine hosts my Mind and Soul and also provides the energy to keep me active through supporting my A.T.-Field. My human body is also still connected to me."
Ritzuko listened with growing disbelief. Deliberately doing this was as crazy as trying to bring about Third Impact.
"How did you do that Shinji? How did you avoid the full awakening of Unit01?"
"I pushed the SynchroRating past 100% Doc. Akagi. The S2​Engine requested the Unification of my soul with itself but I turned it down. The exchange became possible during that.
Right now it keeps me awake and from falling unconscious like any of the other Souls did in the other Units."
"So you simply made a well placed guess and then simply did it? You toyed with all of humanity by doing that!"
Shinji sighed he knew that switching with his mother was very dangerous, but what where the alternatives?
"Doc. Akagi what would be the alternative? If the day finally would have come to take over Nerv we would have only Unit00 and 02 against Seele's Mass Production Evangelions.
Unit01 would have been a way to great risk to field with the S2​Engine, and it's behaviour, against them. And Fuyutzuki himself said that his outside friends didn't have much luck.
Now we have all of Nerv and three fully functional old Units. The new ones also would have been out completely by the time the Vice Commander wanted to take his move."
Ritzuko knew that Shinji was in the right. They would likely have lost in the end and maybe even caused third Impact themself. Still they taken risk was there.

"What the hell happened down here? I got multiple reports about noise and trembling from the Cages!" Misato, in her military persona, demanding answers from Asuka and Rei.
She noticed Ritzuko only a moment later and then the giant green eyes looking at her. They made her to take a step backwards.
Pulling herself together not to completely lose herself she shouted. "What the fuck had happened here??!!"
"You won't believe it Misato." Ritzuko took her glasses and cleaned them with her blouse.

Seele would later announce that Nerv had turned against humanity. The public simply believed that.
People were already in fear of the old Units after the completely brutal, and on Seele's side unplanned, slaughter of the three last Angels.
Seele themself also feared Unit01. After all, now after the incident, it could possibly stand up to the old and New Mass Production Type Evangelions they have been building in secrecy.
The area around NeoTokyo3 was closed up by UN and Japanese troops. People living on the surface evacuated out of the city. The UN headquarters moved to Germany and all weapons now oriented towards NeoTokyo3 and the Geofront instead away from it.
Today would find its way into history books as the Beginning of the End.
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So now finally completed the last chapter.
Till next week and hopefully again +3k words!
Some thoughts and comments on it are always welcome too!!
So now settling into the first of two large arcs that will be the main part of the story.
That could change though as I'm maybe splitting it into six smaller parts.
I'm also almost at the end of my as of yet planned story. I will have to plan out how it all will be coming about after this chapter.
Thank God I only have to do that for the first half of the fic as I have a rough plan how it will continue overall.
Also two more Pilots are introduced, which only leaves the Pilot of Unit05 to be revealed.
Enjoy the 5k words, I will properly correct tommorrow as I finally want this posted!

Chapter 9.: Beginning of the End 2

He didn't take part in the explaining for Misato and concentrated on himself. He, only once in a while, affirmed to points she asked him directly.

The body of Unit01 wasn't feeling that foreign. Clear the arrangements of internal organs and cybernetics felt strange and the pumping of the four heart chambers coupled to the lungs was the strangest, but he could get used to that. The cybernetics, making the Units cyborgs, on the other side were a completely another thing. The feeling of pipes and cables running through his body felt..felt...itching. It was like the constant feeling of oversensitivity that you got from a fallen asleep limb or body part. AND that was unnerving.

A thought struck him. Wait is this even 'my' body? he thought. He only resided inside the Core/S2​Engine implanted into Unit01. The body technicaly belonged to the Unit itself.
Although he didn't feel anything regarding it. There was no other presence beside him here. The presence of other A.T.-Fields however was there.
It was like Rei once described it to him. The feeling that there was a kind of wall surrounding people slightly rubbing against you. It only was strong enough in humans to know it was there. It was even visible to his green giant eyes.
His attention shifted to his fully human body. He could feel everything his two bodies felt simultanously. It wasn't irritating and even moving both at the same time was possible.

He pushed the sheets away and sat up in the hospital bed.
Hearing the conservation inside the Cage between Misato, Doc. Akagi, Rei and Asuka, he stood up. His clothes luckily were inside a wardrobe and he put them on.
Leaving the room a strong noise of someone snoring came from the neighbouring room. Compared to other people a strong A.T.-Field surrounded the snoring person. It felt absolutely cold and distancing.
There was only one person who could be like that.
Opening the door a bit he could see his father sleeping sunk together on a chair. His snoring honestly could rival the howling of a Unit.
In the bed slept his mother softly packed under the sheets.
He didn't want to interact with them right now. He needed some time to think about things.
"Shinji? Is that you?" the soft voice of his mother made him stop dead upon closing the door.
He absolutely couldn't resist the pleading look in her eyes. So instead of running away he had to face this. It would save him from Asuka cheewing him out for running away as a side effect.
"Well...hi mother." using the actual designation on the actual person felt awkward as hell after this many years.
Yui Ikari sat up and looked at him from feet to head. "Look at how tall you became! In my memory you barely reached over my hip."
"That was before you vanished inside Unit01 and father send me away." he didn't want that talk right now. Even though he knew they had their reasons as they devised the initial plan his anger got the better of him.
His mother's expression got sorrowful after hearing that. "I hope you can understand that. We had no other choice and...."
"I know that! Your former sensei already explained all of it to me in detail as he turned against father! But I still ask myself how you could leave me behind?!" he wanted to be angry at her or both of them. His mother's expression made that very hard though.

Shinji sighed. Being angry would gain him nothing and keep the status quo intact. He pulled himself together and fought down his rising anger.
"Currently we are at war against Seele and with you out of Unit01 father is on our side. If you want my forgiveness then earn it! Help against Seele and we can talk once this is all over for everyone."
Yui was somewhat surprised by that calm offer. "Was that the only cause you did that to yourself? To get me out? To win your father over? Shinji that wasn't worth it!"
"It was absolutely worth it. With you outside Unit01 isn't a walking Third Impact and instead a great advantage against Seele. Zeruel's S2​Engine keeps me up and active indefenitley. Even if it means that I'm bound to it like you were. It was a price and risk I was willing to take of my own volition. Nobody talked me into it and the Vice Commander even feared Unit01 and thought of it as the greatest risk."
His mother visibly went down the string of causes he presented and seemingly the result she herself got didn't please her.
"But still..to do such a thing to yourself for me or even your father..."
"He too will have too prove himself to me. If he continues what he started yesterday he will earn something from that." his father was still snoring like one hundred saws on the chair.
"Hmmm..." was the only thing his mother said to that. She looked at the man she once married. He could be a very big thick-headed idiot at times but he only did that what he thought made him worthy of her.
"However...." Shinji began to leave the room. "You should talk to Rei as soon as possible. After three years in one apartment with her I still don't know how she will react to her halfmother running around."
He looked once again at his sleeping father. A funny idea came to his mind.
Concentrating, his A.T.-Field expanded under the chair and lifted it up about 20cm above ground.
Gendo Ikari abruptly woke up, as he together with the chair, slammed back onto the floor.
He only could see the door falling shut and turned towards his wife. She laughed, but her face grew more and more serious.
Gendo Ikari had yet to face his share of it all and the slap was hearable down the whole corridor.
The reaction of the others as he showed up at the Cages was something else. Him standing inside the Cage and running around in his human body spiked up questions about the how from Ritzuko.
She wanted to make tests with him about everything. To his luck Misato intervened and prevented his end on Ritsuko's dissecting table.
The four of them returned to Misato's apartment. In the time he was unconcious Asuka and Rei already had moved their stuff out of the apartment.
To tired to do anything they simply went to bed. The day had changed many things and these things needed some thought-crunching.

Asuka stared at the roof. She had been delighted back then to know that her mother was still alive in Unit02. She wanted to get her out, but that dream vanished after hearing that it was completely impossible.
She definitely would try it when all of this had ended.
That idiot could realy ghave told her something. Making her worry like that about him.

Rei's thoughts wandered forth and back. She didn't knew what she should make of Yui Ikari. Was she her sort of mother? She and Shinji had a sibling like connection, but what was with the Commander who brought her up and his wife's the genes making up half her genetic material? Rei longed for something like a mother as she never had one.

Misato had drunk two beer to somewhat dampen the day. Three years ago she had accepted what the Units were with kind of a shrug. But now she had to get along with the actual consequences their true being entitled.
Speaking to Asuka about her mother was on her list too. As much as Asuka wanted her mother back as likely it was that she would try something like Shinji did.
She knew one thing. She wanted to get back at Seele for everything they had done. She would have to arrange herself with the rest over time.

Shinji was currently driven by a more frivolous thing. He had achieved his currrent goal and the conflict against Seele only was at it's beginning.
Getting to sleep however was incredibly hard. With the S2​Engine providing power he shouldn't have any need for physical rest. His mind on the other side needed it direly.
After two hours he finally could keep his eyes closed. Only to open them a second later to a red sky.
"Well there you are again!"
Shinji hoped he wouldn't go insane.

Central Dogma was almost empty at the moment. The Commander had ordered minimal rotating crew on every post.
This morning every news outlet said that Nerv had turned against humanity. The personnel was uncertain what would happen or what had happened.
One hour later every employee got an e-mail granting access to every top secret file regarding the Units and Nerv on the Magi. Gendo had personaly pushed the sending button. Without the people on his side to run the organisation Nerv was as dangerous as a paralytic elephant.
So he made steps to ensure they would work on for Nerv without pay and the risk of being shot on sight should they ever by attacked by Seele or the UN.

The two of them walked down the Cages. They had seen the gigantic sillouettes of Unit00 and 02 in their Cages. A strong airflow out of the next Cage made them curious though.
They weren't prepared for the lidless Unit01 breathing inside Cage15.
Fear and surprise grew as the eyes focused on them and a voice out of the speaker said. "Oh hello who are..."
Shinji stopped for a moment cheewing. His gaze got hollow and Misato, Asuka and Rei wondered what had happened.
The problem of the terrified Pilots of Unit07 and 08 unknown to them.
Around noon the whole 'core' of Nerv met up in the Commander's office. The whole upper command structure of Nerv with the Pilots and bridge bunnies was there.
He had ordered them here for kind of a status overview.
Surprisingly the room was unusualy lit so that you were actualy able too see who you were speaking to.

"For the people wanting a explanation of the current situation you should read the files made available to you regarding the true purpose of Nerv and the nature of the Units." it was directed at the new Pilots and the bridge bunnies specifically.
"In short we are now up against the Angels and UN/Seele at the same time as we have been made humanity's foe by them this morning." he let that set for a moment.
"Major Katsuragi how is your military assessment of our situation?"
Misato was honestly surprised to be asked for her military opinion. She took a second to think of it. "The Geofront is the most impenetrable fortress on the planet, even in her currently battered state. We have independent power supply and can become indepent on food by using the Geofront as a giant greenhouse. The biggest problem will be the supply of actual materials we cannot make ourself. For example we have a limited supply of replacement for our defensive capabilities and the Units. We will have to improvise when we run out of them."
"Is that all?" came the question from Gendo.
"That should be everything."
"Lieutenant Ibuki in which state are the Units?"
"The Units are in various state of damage sir. Unit03.2, 05, the sixes, 07 and 08 are all at the moment not combat-worthy. Unit04.2 will be when we have fully replaced the armour. The old Units are also ready when the checkups are complete. We can repair almost all of the new Units with the last delivery of replacement parts. Regarding Unit01... your son should be able to tell you yourself sir."
Everyones look's shifted towards Shinji, who shrunk a bit under the attention. The unbelievable thing of a living Unit pushed into everyone's attention.
Before his father could ask him he spoke. "I'm fully ready for any fight that occurrs. The missing chunks of armour don't realy bother me, but there is a couple of things I want to get done."
"That are which?" Gendo hoped it wasn't something too elaborate.
"Getting rid of the most cybernetics inside 'my' body. Yesterday made me horribly aware of me being reliant on things that won't almost immediatley regenerate. In addition they itch."
"They itch?" Hyuga thought louder than he thoought was thinking.
"Wouldn't that be very dangerous? Getting out the only things that limit you?" Ritsuko had to agree with John Hammond, pilot of Unit08.
Shinji turned towards thim. "Well I can simply rip them out. Doing that though would be very painful. Also you will wish the were out when an Angel breaks through the Geofront after I fell because of some stupid plug not sitting right in it's jack."
"We will do that." ended Gendo the discussion. "Lieutenenat Aoba what is the current status of the defences?"
"The defences are mostly operational. The problem is that the longer the conflict takes the more we will lose. Right now most of them are already in a status of dismaintenance and disrepair. We also will have to be economical with our ammunitions for them. Three more engagements against Angels and we will have used up every rocket or bullet we have." he especialy didn't like that possibility. The defensive platforms and positions were pretty much useless against the Angels, but good cannonfodder. When that cannonfodder was used up the Units won't last very long.
Gendo acknowledged Aoba's report. Getting support and supply of materials was the most urgent thing they had to accquire, which led to the next topic.
"Fuyutzuki who is that representative from the outside? You said he would be here."
"He should be here any second." said person was late to his dismay.
The door opened and a man breathing heavily came towards the group. "I am here Commander Ikari. Sleeping in a dark cell as a provisional quarter makes you oversleep."
Gendo had to thank Fuyutzuki's efforts he had carried out behind his back. Ryoji Kaji was a person perfect for the role he played.
"Irony is a sweet thing, don't you think? Now I help a organisation I was ordered to spy on, against the organisation the order once came from, with the third party I spied for." Kaji mused.
Gendo had to smirk at that. "What can our 'friends' inside the Japanese government do for us?"
"Not much honestly. Seele tightened it's grip on the government especialy. We weren't able to win much ground in Japan. Our efforts with the Chinese and Australians on the other side were much more succesfull."
"How successfull? Care to elaborate?"
"Half the current Chinese government is on our side including the prime minister. The whole Australian government is completely on our side although they will be very carefull with what they do. They do fear the possible repercussions by Seele and the UN. There is a problem with the Chinese too. Their military firmly doesn't think like the government."
"So can we exspect support from any of them?"
"Only from the Chinese, if their government bypasses their generals. With Australia being a democracy their people wouldn't aggree on helping Nerv. It would need something very exceptional to win them over. A real complete gamechanger."
That was atleast something more than he expected for.
"That would be it then. We can't realy act without the rest of the personnel having made their choice."
After that the people scattered back to their stations or whatever they planned on doing in the meantime.

Misato stepped through the door to see Ritzuko typing values inside her computer. "You wanted to see me?"
"Yes the tests I did with Shinji have brought some interesting results." "And that are?" Misato asked and sat down.
"Well do you know how powerfull the Units are compared to a human?" she turned around facing Misato.
"Very powerfull?" tried Misato the answer of a not knowing person.
"The Units have respective to their size three to four times the strenght a normal human would have at that size." she educated Misato.
"So they could lift something more than 100.000 tons??"
"Well maybe not that much because we limited their strenght, but they could. With every Unit, except Unit01, made from Adam we didn't have to do much to make them stronger and more durable. We only had to give them their human form." she took a sip of coffee.
"Aaaand Unit01 is different from that?" the exception didn't just pass by Misato.
"Yeah we had to genetically increase strenght, durability and alter the whole internal workings of the Unit. Compared to Adam Lilith is more frail, and with Unit01 created directly from her, we had to do that to get compareable perfomance." "I would say the perfomance is more than quite compareable to date.—But what has that to do with Shinji?"
"You know that after getting to 400% SyncRate his A.T.-Field collapsed and he vanished inside Unit01." after a nod from Misato she continued "So but why didn't it happen this time? Why has he two bodies?—The answer is relatively simple: The S2​Engine supplied the power to keep his A.T.-Field up as it wanted to unify itself with him. On the moment of the exchange with his mother his physical form did break apart and he was sucked into the core. And here it get's interesting. After that he reappeared inside the EntryPlugand and his plugsuit, because his A.T.-Field was still up. Currently it mostly fits the Units body and his human one."
"Okay so what does it have to do with the strenght and stuff?"
"His human body isn't as human as it appears to be. The appearance itself and the inner workings are but it still retains the physical abilities of the body of a Unit. His genetics were mixed with that of the altered genetics of Lilith we have in Unit01 while keeping his human appearance."
"So he's like Rei now? Half human half Lilith without the albino look?"
"Exactly! Everything is like Unit01 strenght, durability,unlimited live span, healing speed, but all respective to the size of the body naturally. And there's one more thing."
"Realy? What else is there he already is inhuman enough." it began to frighten Misato a bit. Unlimited life span?
"With his Soul inside the Core/S2​Engine he should have no connection to the human body. However inside his human body are similar particles we had with Ireul the 11th Angel. They are in fact kind of miniature S2​Engines connected to the engine in Unit01. They are what makes him move."
Misato didn't quite share the enthusiasm of her friend.
"Does he now this Ritzuko? How did he react?"
"He does. He even helped me with the one or another thing. He realy got into the stuff the Vice Commander taught him. Also he did react like it was nothing. I guess he exspected to not retain his human body as he got his mother out. To him it is kind of a lucky bonus."
Misato didn't like that attitude one bit.

Rei waited awkwardly infront of the door. For the last five minute she had been nervously standing there.
In the moment she wanted to push down the doorhandle, said door was opened and she looked squarely in the face of a brown haired woman.
Both of them froze in place through the shock.
"Do you want to come in? Yui finally asked.
Rei nodded stifly and followed her inside the room. Yui sat down on the bed and Rei sat down at the chair beside the bed.
Silence governed the space between them.
"Soo.. why are you here..?" Yui's try failed miserably.
Rei kept silent.
"You can realy talk to me about what you..."
"I wanted to talk to you about my 'connection' to you." interrupted Rei her.
She was visibly nervous with her fingerstips-pressing-together and her rushed speech.
"You wanted to speak about your connetion to me?"
"Yes — I wanted to know what I'm to you." Rei's fidgeting increased dreading her answer.
Yui could obviously see that this was important to Rei. She herself had no reservations against her and didn't hate her as a cheap copy of herself or anything like that.
"Too me you are kind of the daughter Shinji could have been."
Rei's blue hair jumped as she abruptly looked up at her. Tears were dwelling up in her eyes.
Yui could absolutely tell when someone was in dire need of some cuddling. She stood up and hugged Rei, which completely collapsed inside her arms. Yui pulled them both over on the bed and softly stroke her blue hair and rocked her Rei forth and back to calm her down.
They both stayed like that for a couple of minutes till Rei was ready to loose herself from the hug.
"You know that I made Gendo personally report what he did all those years. If he wouldn't have strayed from the plan you would have never existed. He will have to earn forgiveness not only to my son but me too."
"Do you think I will be able to forgive him too?"
"That is something only you can choose. His weakness is the sole reason you even exist, so you will have to forgive him much more than me."
They stayed like that for a couple more minutes.
"Whenever you need something a can ask me." Yui said as Rei left the room with a faint smile.

Yui waited till her husband arrived in the evening to visit her. She immedeatly demanded to get out of the hospital. She wanted to do more than sit around in a hospital bed.
Gendo was naturally pleased to do that.

Some of the personnel already had made their choice and was readily working away on the damage the Units had.
Some came from time to time looking at 'him' as some kind of proof.
He didn't bother though as it was something 'he' readily would endure, if it would keep the people working for Nerv.
A standing order of his father was that everyone available should foremost work on the old Units including 'him'.
Right now 'he' was flanked by platforms as they got the cybernetics out of him. The EntryPlug laid on the walkway with thick cables connecting him to the cybernetics in the 'his' spine.
The cybernetics kept any siganl reaching into 'his' brain without it being monitored and processed by the Plug.
Right now they removed the switch for breathing.
Shinji 'took' a deep breath and the guy wedged the switch away from the nerve circuit. After ten seconds the nerve circuit filled back the missing part and he once again could breath freely through his mouth.
The intakes would have to stay regardless that they were pratically useless now. Inside them were the speakers for outside communication. He would appear mute to anyone without a radio with them.
Modifications of the EntryPlug, as a computerinterface, would follow later with Maya or Ritsuko.
The large leftover of 'his' left pylon unlocked with a loud thud and a crane hauled it away. The would recycle it as patches for the damaged amour plating.

Down to 'his' left they were putting on the last plates on Unit04.2. To 'his' right tests with Unit02 were running. Asuka was eager to once again be in the EntryPlug and had scored a SyncScore of 89.23%.
That naturally made her try to surpass him and prolonged the test an hour.
Ritsuko and Maya were surprised to see such high scores after such a long time.
The wonders a bit peace of mind could bring.

The both of them couldn't realy believe all this crap.
They both were skimming through the files on the Magi about the Units and Nerv.
The 'Progenitor of Mankind' down under the Geofront inside Terminal Dogma? Seele, an organisation of control of the UN and many governments around the world, trying to cause Third Impact?
"What do you think John? Do you buy this?" Isabella Ferreira, Pilot of Unit07, asked.
"I don't honestly know Isabella. Part of this makes actual sense and completely fits what he told us, but some of this absolutely sounds like a spiritual science-fiction thriller."
Both of them were the second oldest Pilots after Asuka, Rei, Shinji, Toji and Kensuke at the age of 15.
The were brought into the fight after one year and 5 months to support Toji and Kensuke.
Daniel, Pilot of Unit05 was 14 years old and the twins 13.
"But he could also be lying." Isabella had problems accepting what the Units realy were and their purpose was.
"Why should he lie when he's a 120 meter tall cyborg standing in one of the Cages? He is the biggest proof to all what is written here."
The both of them terrorized by 'his' sight took some time till 'he' could explain everything to them. It was their introduction to Nerv's dark side.
The door to the Pilot waiting room was opened and Toji came in with his trusted cane.
"So what did you two want to talk about? You weren't very specific why you wanted to talk to me alone."
"Toji honestly do you believe all this? A clone, Souls and the unification of humanity in one being?" Isabella simply couldn't believe most of it.
To Toji this wasn't a question. "If you were here yesterday you would believe it. Do you have any clue how frightening it was as Shinji did whatever he exactly did? The whole Cage shook as Unit01 ripped it almost apart!
And I absolutely believe them! I went to school together with the three of them and they were the most unreal thing I ever saw at that time, but I saw what Nerv does to people! And this is exactly like that."
"What do the twins think? Are they sceptical like you?" he added.
"No they aren't. They don't mind what they fight whether it may be Angels or these Mass Production Type Evangelions. It's the same to them. They get deployed and thats it." John said dryli.
The twins were marked by year long training and indoctrination into their role as Pilots and thought about things accordingly.
"I don't know what you think, but I'm going to take part against Seele. They won't force anyone to pilot so it's your choice whether or not you will contribute."
Isabella and John exchanged looks. She could see that John was inclined to fight against Seele. He only awaited her choice. She looked at the camera footage of Unit01 ripping apart the 12th Angel Leliel displayed on the laptop before her. "Fine we will get in line, but remember this: I will watch what Nerv does and does not!"
"Good then it's settled." he stood up tediously and wanted to leave.
"Any news from Kensuke?" John rashly asked before he coul vanish through the door.
"Better. He will probably awake tomorrow or the day after." John and Isabella only could watch the bend Toji leave the room with his reluctantly trusted cane.
How went the saying? Bend, but not broken.

Even after the additional hour she still wasn't able to break Shinji's first new (and last) SyncScore.
But there were no problems with Unit02. Everything was well within optimal running conditions and she and Unit02 were ready fot the next Angels.
The new PlugSuit also was a very nice thing. Some advances in isolation made them a bit warmer and more comfortable. She would realy would like to know how Nerv got her new measurements. They were realy fitting every curve of her body. Normaly she would like to take a shower now as LCL hadn't the best smell, but Misato wanted to see her a.s.a.p in her office.
A stressed out Shinji waited, leaning against the wall, in the hallway.
"What bee did stung you? Did Misato tease you with her usual peverted mind?"
"No, but I got my mouthful from her for yesterday." he rolled his eyes at that. "I'm not 14 anymore for fucks sake!"
That did hit a spot inside Asuka. "Your punishement for not telling us a thing. So you should have expected something like this."
Shinji only could roll his eyes again at that. "You should better get inside. After me she didn't seem to have the best mood."

He didn't manage to take his eyes of her flowing back line ending in her hips and....... No! would be better to not think about that further, as she went inside.
The need of the PlugSuit to be form fitting was just plain stupid.

"So why did you command me here? I realy want to take a shower and get the horrible smell of LCL away from me!"
Asuka's complaint went on death ears. "First sit down young lady. I have something important that I want to get across."
The military tone was hint enough for Asuka to not be too cocky at the moment.
Misato took a moment to sort some papers on her desk and folded her hands once she was ready. "I spoke with Shinji about something similar and I want you too understand this as well."
"And what is the ominous 'this'?" she hoped it was something important.
"You will not try something similar with Unit02 as Shinji did with Unit01!"
"Why would you think I would try something like that? Do you think I'm stupid?" Asuka could hardly believe that Misato realy thought she would even try something like that.
"First: I know you. I was your guardian in Berlin and here in NeoTokyo3. I know what you would and could try and not try. Second: I received and read psychic evaluations. Your dependance on your mother isn't a secret."
"So you thought I would try something similar because of some eggheads? For information: I will not try something similar as Shinji!"
"Good that's the only thing I wanted to hear." Asuka took a moment to get the 180° turn.
"Fine! now I'm going to take a well-earned shower!" she said on her way out.
"Oh and Asuka..." Misato said as she was half through the door, were she stopped. "Yes? What else?" "If you meet Shinji, I hope he can keeps his eyes off you with that tight getup."
The door closed with an audible bang on the 'close' button.
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Chapter now corrected.
Also I know that people are reading this through the counter, but how good is it?
Without any comment I assume everything is alright (except the casual grammar and spelling misatkes) and I will continue like that.
With Karneval happening in Germany this weekend and some more free time I will maybe put out two chapters.
I mark, when out of Shinji's view, it's about the Units body with double ' .
For those who are wondering where this steers: It definitely will have a good ending with a unusual Third Impact that I think was never tried up until now.
It revolves around the question: Can you hijack the process and completely use it for something else or against itself?
The Pilot version will follow tomorrow with Unit13.​

New Standard Production Type Evangelion
(only for personnel with code red clearance or higher)


Height: all Units 78.5 meters
Width: all Units 19 meters
Length: all Units 9.5 meters
Weapons: close combat weapons inside pylons, any weapon compatible with the Type D(small) standard,
Armour: >45cm to <180cm, multilayered tungsten-titanium armour plates with ceramic and rubber layers inbetween (heat absoprtion and shock dampening) (compareable to Unit05)
built Units: Unit03.2, Unit04.2, Unit07, Unit08

The New Standard Production Type Evangelion is the most basic Evangelion. It replaces Unit02 as the New Production Type Evangelion with only slight deviations between the Units of this Type. The first Unit build was Unit03.2, but the first Unit to see battle was Unit04.2. Both of them were built in the US like their unfortunate predecessors. The New Standard Production Type Evangelion comes with a close combat weapon in each of the shoulder pylons and is the first to use the new advanced batteries allowing for a active time of about 3 minutes at full consumption and 15 minutes at reduced consumption (laying and occasional shooting).
Through the smaller size of the Unit and the new batteries the New Standard Production Type Evangelion is way more energy efficient than the old Units could ever hope to be.
The EntryPlug was developed further as well. A new ejection system was developed and the whole system is more powerful in terms of processing speed. Pilot interactivity was improved as well.
Further Units are under construction in Afrika, South Amerika and Russia.

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Unit13 however is a hell of a beast. Larger than even the old Units and a driving battleship, capable alone of warfare against any world power in possession of nuclear or N2 bombs.
Under Construction in China at the moment and more cybernetics than any other Unit.
The pilot is the oldest to have been drafted and trained at the age of 16.
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New Standard Production Type Evangelion
(for maintenance personnel and Pilots)

Height: all Units 78.5 meters
Width: all Units 19 meters
Length: all Units 9.5 meters
Weapons: close combat weapons inside pylons, any weapon compatible with the Type D(small) standard,
Armour: >45cm to <180cm, multilayered tungsten-titanium armour plates with ceramic and rubber layers inbetween (heat absoprtion and shock dampening) (compareable to Unit05)
built Units: Unit03.2, Unit04.2, Unit07, Unit08

The New Standard Production Type Evangelion is the base line for the production Evangelions. Unlike the Prototypes it is smaller and more advanced. The two first two Units of this type were supposed to be built as the old Production Type Evangelion, but were altered during construction to the new type. Each Unit comes with a close combat weapon inside the shoulder pylons and can use any weapon compatible to the Type D(small) standard. Active time in battle is 3 minutes at full power and 15 minutes at reduced consumption (laying and occasional shooting).
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New Type Evangelion
Unit13 Heavy Mobile Weapons Platform (wheeled)

(only for personnel with code red clearance or higher)


Height: 125 meters
Width: 80 meters
Length: 115 meters
Weight: 24000 tons
Weapons: 230 Chenglong-qui multi-purpose rockets, 80cm Liuxing Semiconventional Superheavy Artillery Cannon (right side), 15cm six-barrel Gatling gun (left side), two swords
Armour: >50cm to <150cm
Misceancellous: four rocket-thrusters for rapid acceleration

NTE Unit13 Heavy Mobile Weapons Platform (wheeled) is the first Unit with weapons attached to it. Similar in design to Unit05, but much more powerfull than it, Unit13 can deliver heavy close range support against any opponent.
The Unit possesses a similar system like Unit06α and 06β. With two Cores and two Souls inside empowering it to move. One core manages movement and the other the various weapon systems to give the Pilot complete control over everything.
The propulsion system is the same as on Unit05 with three turbines and a division of power of 60:40 towards the single aft wheel. Additional rocket thrusters provide rapid acceleration. Maximum speed is 100km/h.
Weapons are controlled directly by the pilot through a special advanced fire control unit made for cognitive input by the pilot.
The 230 Chenglong-qui multi-purpose missiles can be fired on any opponent while driving and are, partialy, stored verticaly on top of each other in 150 launch bays. The 80cm Liuxing Semiconventional Superheavy Artillery Cannon has a 10 shot magazine and a rate of fire of 2 shots per minute. The 15cm six-barrel Gatling gun has 500 shots and a rate of fire of 35 shots per minute.
Together they should be able to punch through any A.T.-Feld and tear the opponent apart with the missiles. The Unit also possesses two swords for close quarters defence.
Built by China.

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New Type Evangelion
Unit13 Heavy Mobile Weapons Platform (wheeled)

(for maintenance personnel and Pilots)


Height: 125 meters
Width: 80 meters
Length: 115 meters
Weight: 24000 tons
Weapons: 230 Chenglong-qui multi-purpose rockets, 80cm Liuxing Semiconventional Superheavy Artillery Cannon (right side), 15cm six-barrel Gatling gun (left side), two swords
Armour: >50cm to <150cm
Misceancellous: four rocket-thrusters for rapid acceleration

NTE Unit13 Heavy Mobile Weapons Platform (wheeled) is the first Unit with weapons attached to it. Similar in design to Unit05, but much more powerfull than it, Unit13 can deliver heavy close range support against any opponent.
The Unit possesses a similar system like Unit06α and 06β with two Cores.
The propulsion system is the same as on Unit05 with three turbines and a division of power of 60:40 towards the single aft wheel. Additional rocket thrusters provide rapid acceleration. Maximum speed is 100km/h.
Weapons are controlled directly by the pilot through a special advanced fire control unit made for cognitive input by the pilot.
The 230 Chenglong-qui multi-purpose missiles can be fired on any opponent while driving and are, partialy, stored verticaly on top of each other in 150 launch bays. The 80cm Liuxing Semiconventional Superheavy Artillery Cannon has a 10 shot magazine and a rate of fire of 2 shots per minute. The 15cm six-barrel Gatling gun has 500 shots and a rate of fire of 35 shots per minute.
Together they are able to punch through any A.T.-Feld and tear the opponent apart with the missiles. The Unit also possesses two swords for close quarters defence.
Built by China.​
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Edited the flags to a smaller size.
Also working on the next chapter now, so that I can release it tomorrow (maybe).
After a bit of thinking I came to the conclusion that I now can focus mostly on the characters and fit in battles as I like to do.
The timespan for the first half however shouldn't be over 1 year. For my 'event' at the end of the first half I have to do character development and development of the whole scenario.
For example 9 months surprises.​

Chapter 10.: Beginning of the End 3

Waking up no longer was the same. He more or less left his body over night and retreated inside the engine. That was his sleep now. Inside the strange place, the S2​Engine offered, someone another lingered.
The mind of Unit01 made very clear he despised him and his control over them both. The engine supported him, which enforced his A-T.-Field over the Unit, and not the Unit's own.
At night, however when Shinji wanted to rest his mind, it sat there with him. There he only had to ignore it, relax and the hours would fly by as they did in a dream.
In the morning he simply would stop and extend himself again. The human body would simply lay there, keep itself running or would twitch from time to time when he drifted around.
It was refreshing, but time lost some of it's meaning this way.

He sat up and looked around his new room.
Misato did get a much bigger apartment in the residental areas of the Geofront than her old one on the surface has been. It had rooms for everyone, a larger livingroom and a balkony.
To have actual windows with natural light that shines in your eyes made time more real than in their old apartment. When you could decide when was day and night you could loose your synchronity with the outside world.
Rei was their orientation at first. She stood up right in the morning and went to bed at fixed times. Over time however she too lost that, which had led to their somewhat warped day night cycle.

He put on some clothes and listened. Someone was already up and about.
Normaly he would wake up first as ever and make breakfast. With no need to follow any need to go to school or realy appear at Nerv punctual in the morning they would arrive there at ten to eleven am and do something.
That could entail some tests for Rei or Asuka with the Units and for him further modifications to the armour and Entryplug.
They already made progress in the last two days. They did cut through the back-armour to make it more flexible, removed the old batteries and modified the EntryPlug to serve as a assistant system for aiming and the remaining pylon. Armour was patched up and now he was as ready as Nerv could make him.

Going inside the kitchen he spotted Kaji brewing coffe.
Misato and him had established a kind of normal relationship in those three years. That he was living here right now was due to the fact that the farm near NeoTokyo3, he stayed at, isn't inside the zone secured by the UN and Seele.
"Good morning Shinji. Want some coffe?" Kaji wasn't the person to wake up early in the morning, but faking to be a farmer had stuck to him to a degree.
"Yeah, I do." he sat down at the table and took the cup Kaji handed him once the coffe was done.
"And how is it to be something more than human? Must be quite the different thing."
Shinji wasn't sure, if that was meant positively or negatively. "It is different and strange at the same time. These two bodies are similar and aren't. I live with both of them at the same time and yet I feel as one."
"Reminds me of being a double-agent. Working for two sides at once with only one true side."
"The question is which side am I. The one of a 120 meter warmachine or the human one." Shinji completed his thought.
"And which is it?"
"I honestly don't know. Maybe both." he hoped such a thing was possible.
For a moment no one said anything.
"Well that took somehow a turn for the deep. Let's talk about something other."
"What are you and Misato right now?" that question catched Kaji on the wrong foot this time.
"A-heem... We—we are a couple more or less I think."
Shinji thought as much. Through his eyes they were the role model of a couple or as far as he could tell.
"Then I take that you won't do something that would send her on a downward spiral like last time?"
"You realy do care about Misato, don't you?" it wasn't realy a question.
"I do care for those who are part of what I call family and friends. I don't want a chain reaction like last time to happen. Something like that could be our doom."
"Then tell me do you think something like that could happen to Asuka again? Or to Rei? You were with them and from what I could observe you three managed to hold each other up quite good."
"Without that letter from you it would have been almost impossible with Asuka. Only because of that she was willing to interact with us at all. And I'm not sure with Rei. She mostly learned from us two together and not from the single person. I think with me alone that I would have failed her."
"Now you are giving yourself not enough credit. To me you look like the pillar that the other two leaned on for support." the metaphor wasn't that fitting he had to admit.
"You think that?"
"Yes I think without you these two wouldn't even talk to each other. Even when a woman doesn't show it, in most cases they are not as independent as they would like you to think. The same goes for men regarding women.
Taking your parents as an example, your father is dependant on your mother as something he does everything for and your mother on the other hand depends on him as an orientation for herself. Or that is what I could get out of the Vice Commander." the use of his parents was something foreign to Shinji. They weren't the typical rolemodel for anything. All of the people he knew were honestly.
"In the end we have people that care for us. Misato does care about you too, judging by the lecture you got."
"How do you know that?" that lecture was still unjustified he thought.
"I got my sources. The biggest is the one who cuddles my shoulder in the night."

Asuka wanted to sleep for another five minutes, but she couldn't get back to sleep.
Frustrated she got up to look if Shinji had atleast already made breakfast.

To her surprise she found him and Kaji sitting at the kitchentable. "What are you two hatching here? And why is there no breakfast?"
"We're just having a little talk from man to man, Asuka."
"Well whatever." she surpressed the urge to yawn and looked at the clock on the wall. "You better make breakfast while I go and take a shower." three feminine apartment-members showering at almost the same time could lead to some chaos. Shinji and Kaji didn't want to reconcile that again.
"Then I go and get Misato out of the bed."
It took a moment for Shinji to realize that he was now left with making breakfast after Kaji was away. But before that he would have to wake up Rei.
He had to prod her two times till she woke up. She then looked on the clock and turned around again. That was normaly all that it took to get her up at a wanted time. Unless it was in the middle of the night and you havent't got a very good reason. Then she would simply ignore you.
The times of programmed sleep came to an end after the first year after all.

Rei had stayed up till late pondering what she wanted right now.
In the three years down there she came to the conclusion she wanted to expirience what life realy was. The manner how Shinji and Asuka interacted with each other lead to that. Constantly trying to make the other understand.
Her final purpose and what it entailed was now hollow to her and a dream that brought nothing. She actively resisted that.
The question of the Commander was still there though. He was the one who created her. His wife had welcomed her as a kind of adoptive daughter. She was glad for that, but how would the Commander fit?
She had no clue about that.

The smell of toast made her get up finally.
No one at the table could deny that they looked lik a family sitting together for breakfast. A family with very young parents and interesting genes to have such different triplets, but still like a family.

Maya was surprised to see her former senpai sitting in her chair in the Control Center typing away on the terminal. The second time someone other than her sat there this week.
"Mind if I ask why you're sitting there and doing something with the Magi?"
Ristuko didn't even look up from whatever she was doing. "I'm fixing some of the glitches and bugs I taylored inside the Magi in my 'exile'. Would be a shame to have a gigantic failure, because of them, during an Angel attack and cause all of our death.—Did you get the order from him?" she ended.
The Commander had put his wife in as the new Chief Medical Officer and made the Magi and EVAs, due to the numbers of Units Nerv had, their combined responsebility.
"So that was you who put all that into the system?" Maya had spent the one or another week with them.
"Because of you, Nerv's fight against the Angels was in danger! Do you know what I had to do in several cases to get rid of them? Right now the Magi are hampered in their ability to come to a any objetive conclusion and by that endangering all of Nerv's operations! How could you do that?!"
Ristuko took a moment to proccess Maya's reaction. "I—I look I...."
"Do you know what? Keep that lie to yourself!" and with that Maya stormed out of the ControlCenter.
She almost bumped into Aoba, who only could watch her vanishing down the corridor. The frustrated look on Ritsuko's face was answer enough.
"If you want to talk to her you will find her inside the Pribnow Box control center. She goes there regularly when she needs space to think."
"Thanks for the hint." Ritsuko sighed. "What did happen to her in those three years?" that Maya was able to be like that never crossed her mind.
"Do you want my honest opinion?"
"Just say it straight."
"As you 'left' it began. I don't know for certain what happened, but I guess your betrayal cracked something inside her. The rest were the last three years making her less kind and numb to some degree."
Ritsuko massaged her nasal bridge. What a freaking mess I caused! she thought. Somehow she would have to do something about that.

The five of them arrived at the Geofront at 10:40 am.
There they split up and went in different directions. Misato wanted to plan some things with Maya and Ritsuko for some simulated joint training of them, Kaji had things to discuss with Fuyutzuki, and Rei, Asuka and Shinji went to the Cages.
A person in a wheelchair was there infront of Unit00 and the maintenance crews were currently washing down all the dust that had settled onto the Units.
Now that they were clear for for combat they should shine in their colours.

Kensuke Aida could now, for the first time, look at Unit00 from a close distance. The single eyeball had him interested since seeing it from the schoolroof almost four years ago.
He could see a bit better, if he wouldn't sit in a wheelchair. The wheelchair was just a measure to fixate him and his smashed right side onto something.
In extreme danger and stress he had the behaviour to have a very high SyncScore of over 90%. That was a bad thing when he got close to an Angel. To him it was a surety to end in the hospital for a week then.
Kensuke heard someone behind him and turned around.
There they were as Toji had told him yesterday in the hospital.

"I thought Toji had gone insane as he told me about you all yesterday after I woke up."
"Did he already tell you everything about this idiots stunt?" Asuka pointed towards Shinji.
"Yeah he did! You realy went beyond anything possible with that Shinji!"
"That isn't realy a good thing! He could have killed himself and caused a Third Impact with that!"
"But he didn't. And.."
"Wait, Wait, wait you two. Slow down a bit." Shinji intervened. "Yes what I did had it's risks and it's advantages and disadvanteges. For now lets keep it to that." Asuka and Kensuke could argue about that for hours and he didn't like it that they did it without him and second he didn't want have this kind reunion with one of the only friends he had.
"Fine!, if you say that. Now I have to work with two stooges in battle. I hope that won't go wrong looking at you." the heavy bandages and casts were covering atleast half of Kensuke's body.
"Oh no worries I will be out for atleast two weeks if not way more."
"Why are you even bandaged up so heavily Aida-kun? Did you not fare well in the last battle?" Rei inquired.
"Well that is due to some issue with my EVA, that are a little bit complicated to explain.....Wait! I can show it to you." he pulled a laptop out of a pocket from the wheelchair and opened it.
He took a second to navigate through the files with only his left hand till he found what he sought. "Here it is." he turned the laptop around the show them the video it was playing.
"This is from half a year ago against the 29s." the video showed Unit03.2 evading a punch from an Angel at close quarters and being hit by the backswing. A graph at the bottom it showed his SyncScore of the last two minutes. It spiked heavily.
"So you have a SynScore that literally is going places. What is the problem with that? If it would keep that high it would be good."
"Look at when he is hit Asuka." Shinji looked up from the screen to Kensuke. "With that high and spiking SynScore you get very harsh feedback. Because of that you sit in the wheelchair, don't you?"
Kensuke nodded. "Under stress and danger my SyncScore with the Unit gets very high. I can dodge better then, but when I get hit it is guaranteed to hurt. It also tires you out."
"Is there no way to dampen that Aida-kun?"
"They would have to pump me full with happy-pills and other nasty drugs to do that. That isn't an option however and doing that over the EntryPlug would slow me even more down, says Lt. Ibuki." that image reminded Rei of herself.
Asuka had even some empathy towards Kensuke. He wan't responsible for any of this and yet as usefull a SynScore over 90% may seem, if it gets you into the hospital almost regularly it was a serious disadvantage not only for him but everyone.
"I guess Misato isn't placing you directly on the frontline with that?" it was more a statement than question.
"She doesn't, but luck isn't that friendly to you out there. Most times I get away with a blue eye, but only most times."
"Well you get healthy first as we are now here to shoulder the weigh together with you all." Kensuke was surprised too hear such words from his old friend. Sounded almost heroic.
"I saw that on video as you teared apart my last foe, Shinji. Didn't give them much of an opportunity, didn't you?" he chuckled at that.
Shinji could only shrug at that.
"Hey don't forget me and Rei!"
"I won't, any help is more than welcome."

Girlish laughter got louder and louder and the Twins came running inside Cage13. An angry cane-less Toji on their heels. He had to support himself on the handrail and was breathing heavily.
"Please stop them! I'm chasing them since Cage17!"
One of them, Xiaoli maybe, ran past Rei with the cane, which promptly no longer was in her possesion as Rei snatched it from her faster than she could react.
"Not fair give us that back." the older one of them, Xiaolian, prostested. She jumped to get her hands on the cane and Rei had to hold it over her head so that no one could catch it.
"Why should I give it back to someone it doesn't belong to?" she gave it back to the tired Toji.
"Thanks Rei." he faced the two thieves. "The next time you do that I'm not going to punch the vending machine till it spits out what you wanted."
"You will do that every time!" came the unified response. The two knew how to exploit his weakness towards little girls he had from being a big brother.
"Reminds me of you two during your joint training for Israfael. You were as cute as these two in retroperspektive." Asuka and Shinji could far to well remember that.
That remark by Rei made the Twins attention switch towards Shinji, who they now saw for the first time.
He was besieged by them immediatley. Their rapid questioning made him uncomfortable as his incident was in the middle of attention again.
"Why does always Shinji get the attention of girls and not we? Hm Toji?" revived Kensuke the old joke.
"If you don't want to be shoved down a staircase with your wheelchair I would be carefull what you say."
"No offense Red Devil...." the further part of the sentence got stuck in Toji's throat as Shinji shot him a very disapproving look.
And he even keeps it up! was his combined thought with Kensuke. They would get back to him with that some other time.

Misato met Ritsuko in her lab like two days before. She searched for Maya but couldn't find her so she turned to Ritsuko.
Only this time she wasn't typing values into the Magi, but in deep thought about something and visibly distracted.
"I wanted to ask you, if you had catched up enough, to plan some joint simulated training for the Pilots."
"There wasn't much cathcing up as I know about most new things through my Magi backdoor back in Matsushiro. We can do but beforehand we have to...." the thing, she forgot, simply didn't want to occur to her.
"Why so absentminded Ritsuko? Still thinking about your revenge on the Commander? We need him so it would be bad if had to shoot you before you shoot him."
"Haha. Very funny Misato. My revenge on Gendo is postponed for the moment."
"Then what is it? Come on spit it out! You now how bad keeping secrets went."
Ritsuko tapped a moment on the keyboard, then pushed it away and fully faced Misato. "It's about Maya." she finally revealed.
"She is angry at me that I was the one responsible for the bugs and glitches of the Magi and endangered the fight against the Angels by that. Also she thinks I betrayed her by that somehow including some other things..."
"Well those bugs had some realy nasty consequences in some cases so I think that's justified. But to be honest she did change and I didn't realy keep track additional to all the things I had to do so I'm at a loss there.
You should clear that up as fast as possible. Internal quarrels are something we cannot ahve at the moment. Against the Angels and Seele I need ready Units and not the heads of Projekt E quarreling with each other."
Misato knew she sounded a bit cold there, but the wooden-hammer method worked in the past with the old Pilots and Ritsuko wasn't deaf to reason.
"Yeah I will get that sorted as soon as possible and work on some joint training for the Pilots."
"Good that's all I wanted to hear." Misato wanted to leave the lab, but he door snapped shut infront of her.
Ritsuko let loose the keyboard-combination and turned back to her. "Now how is your little relationship with Kaji going? Luck for the pilots that the walls in the new area a thicker than paper, I guess."
Nothing came for free in her world.

To Kaji's surprise his meeting with Fuyutzuki included Commander Ikari.
So now they sat in his gargantuan office, that still was somewhere near properly lit. Maybe a indication of a change?
"Now with our survival tasked to mostly women we can focus how we want to make us look good."
"Are you hinting that the Units, Magi and Medical are in hands of extremely capable women?"
"Exactly. Mr. Kaji, how good are the capabilities of your outside group to get information in and out of the Zone? You already provided is with some information, but we need more exact intel."
"As long as they don't put a fence around it and automated turrets like the Berlin Wall, smugling information in and out will be fairly easy. And even then our highest ranking members should then be able to arrange some things."
"How high are the 'highest ranking members'?"
"I was able to establish through Mr. Kaji contacts to some further circles of Japanese society and it's fringes." Fuyutzuki elaborated. Kaji had to serve as the sleek mailman to establish contact over some of his own 'contacts'.
"Fringes? Are we talking about criminal elements?"
"Some of the Yakuza and other criminal organisations can be very patriotic, and companies that see a good chance to profit from collaboration are also welcome."
"Is it wise to do that Fuyutzuki? Those elements are only after their own goal. And that goal can shift very fast given the right 'motivation'." Gendo didn't like that. He could manage politicians, but not the even more egoistic elements. And relying on those could become very dangerous.
"The likes of those are fairly in hate of the tight control Seele established over the world. Some had even direct contact with it. The profit for them is less overview through it. Anything extra is a good bonus they readily take."
"Good I will leave that to you two then. There might be a way to get the rest too." Gendo's grin got a tad diabolic.
"And how so? Nerv's image is fairly runied already." Kaji was eager to know how the Commander wanted to do that magic.
"Oh there is someone who will help us greatly by that. He doesn't know it until now though."

Down inside the areas of Section two sat a person that wished he had left Nerv earlier.
All the other media had got out of Nerv as fast as possible, but he wanted to stay for a good story.
That however maneuvered him in this unfortunate position.

//Next time there will be some Seele shenanigans first.
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Little status update:
With school shoving test after test down my throat further updates will begin with the beginning of holiday's next weekend.
Then I will post multiple chapter in rather fast succession as I have all day to write.
My other work "What Happened to the Stargate Network?" will then also be updated and get a bit reworking.

Then till next weekend!
Little snippet till tomorrow afternoon when the next chapter will finally be released.
Although this is bound to be changed a bit.

Gendo stepped out of the elevator infront "Heaven's Gate", the last barrier an Angel would have to overcome till it reached Lilith.
He was oblivious of Lilith who hung at her cross liveless as ever. He knew the sight and there was nothing new to see for him.
Turning right Gendo walked down the path towards the Dummy Plant. Once it was the place of Rei's creation, but now it served a different purpose.
His right hand clenched with the usual tick he got with it. He scratched away the ice on the heavily insulated door, that now blocked the Dummy Plant.
After he pulled away his right glove it revelead the black prosthetic hand and took the key out of the artificial palm and inserted it into the lock.
Locks and clamps on the door released and with all his strength Gendo pulled on the handle.
The built up ice on its surface fought back but shattered after he set his foot against the wall and pulled even harder.
Should have brought an axe, to make this less strenous, already. I only get older.
Cold vapor flowed near the floor out of the chamber and revealed the repaired tube inside.
The walls were still lined with the tank that once housed the spares.
Now it housed a ton of dry ice.
The whole room was constantly kept cold to be able to safely house it's sole occupant.

Gendo rubbed the ice away from the tube and looked in Adam's eye.
His former right hand was deformed beyond recognition as Adam absorbed his flesh more and more.
With the extended Scenario he had to store him here safely. The human body simply wasn't able to surpress Adam for longer periods of time even in his embroic form.
Adam now again was in a frozen bakelite block, housed by dry ice, with cooling channels inside, where liquid Nitrogen flowed through.
All this to prevent Adam from ever reawackening again without his will.
Gendo checked the cooling unit and various instruments.
However there was nothing extraordinary besides its occupant.
A minute later the heavy door crashed with speed back inside its frame and the locks and clamps engaged once again after Gendo turned and pulled out the key.

Two eyes from black sockets followed his way back through the gate.
He who came down to her on a regular basis hadn't noticed the black mask towards her non existing legs.
She was as oblivious to the chambers contend as he to her change.
The next chapter will be a chapter with a fight in it I promise!
However before that we need still some preparation or would you want to fight without a weapon in your hands?
This also will be way longer than the other chapters to get a bit back on track with the fic after the long break.
Chapter 10.: Beginning of the End 4

It was the first time had come together in almost a decade. The recent incidents forcing them to.
Such fools! Arguing like children about our possible end! Keel thought.
Currently the other members were arguing about the approach how they would handle Nerv.
A ten kilometer perimeter has been established in the last few days around the Geofront trapping anyone inside it after the civilians were evacuated.
The French fool currently arguing about a decisive attack on Nerv.

Will our own creations be our undoing? The demigods we created? Or the possible God?
They had few intel what happened at Nerv until the severing of every outwards connection by Ikari.
Seemingly the Third Child had switched places with the Soul in Unit01. A blasphemy so unlikely should never have happened. And it even possessed a S2​Engine making it on pàr with the Mass Production Type Evangelions.
But here they were. Every asset taken away from them to initiate Third Impact and they are arguing like children!
He had to bring his foot down or they would just do what they wanted.

The wooden desk vibrated as he punched it with his fist.
"Fellow colleagues! We have to come up with a plan." they all went silent upon him speaking.
"We have lost our means to Third impact the moment Nerv, or Ikari, turned on us. One of us even has been humiliated by him. They have our assets available against us. Unit01 now is an even greater risk to our ambitions as it is
alive." He stared down the fool that wanted to say something dumb.
"So I say we let them have it! We will wait till Nerv has used up all their capabilities against the Angels! And then we will strike and take back what rightfully is ours!" he could see the surprise in their faces upon his very emotional
speech. Something entirely uncommon for him. But it fulfilled its purpose. They all would stay in line.

What a bunch of fools.

Toji was glad the Simulated Training Facilities were a good distance away from the Cages.
Currently he was "enjoying" training with Asuka and Rei. Due to the fact that the tactics Nerv now employed against the Angels were a mix of the hit'n run and ambush type he somehow got the blame for that from Asuka.

The new EVAs were not as durable than the old and because of that a frontal attack of an Angel was outright suicide. Nonetheless he had to do that in his first piloting weeks as he was the sole Pilot of Nerv at that time.
With Kensuke and Unit03.2 the tactics became way more of the ambush type. One of them would usualy attack the Angel at mid range and the other would shoot it with the biggest gun they got.
They simply wore them down.

As the Angels started to appear in pairs that got very difficult. Salvation came in the form of Unit07 and 08. With them they were able to do it again, although they got problems directing four Units in the hectic environment of the
battles. No one of them had proper training in tactical evaluation or anything related to real military stuff. They were only trained enough to handle the EVAs and not how to exactly use them on the battlefield. The addition of
Unit05 provided a division of the team. Misato herself gave Kensuke, as he was interested in it, lessons about military leadership to form a battle plan of her strategic commands.
Misato handled the strategic side and he the tactical side for him and Toji in the battles.
It worked surprisingly well.
With Toji as someone to give some input, what you could do and not do, the battles went in their favour most of the times.

A problem still lingered though.
With the Angels appearing in triplets the main weakness became more and more apparent.
It were the Units themself.
One battle not going how they wanted it could incapacitate almost all of them. A few mistakes here and there could have catastrophic consequences.
The Units were simply too frail to absorb more than two hits.
Even with Unit06α and β it wasn't anything near acceptable. In fact it got even worse. The old problem how the Units were directed arose anew. With Isabella in a similar position as Kensuke they were able to diminish that a bit,
however a more fundamental problem regarding Nerv's organisation became apparent.
Nerv now was at the maximum they could support. The whole organisational structure wasn't efficient enough to provide the Units with spare parts and get them ready for battle again and again.
Further funding for that was eaten up by the Units and that already included the cuts they made on the Geofront repairs and maintenance budgets.

All that lead to the current status.
Now they were worn down by the Angels.

The others looked and didn't say a word. Once again they could see the message "Simulation Failure All Units Destroyed" in thick red letters on the monitors.
The room were they were was a large hall with TestPlugs mounted on an angle to the floor. These plugs were connected to the Units in the Cages and the Magi for simulation.
It was a new system developed two years ago for Pilot training with up to ten Units.
Right now only one Plug was used as Asuka and Rei sat in their real EntryPlugs now connected to the system. The damage of the other Units not allowing for training at the moment.
They also couldn't plug Shinji in. His EntryPlug would have to act as a direct neural interface and Ritsuko and Maya had no clue how they would do that without the S2​Engine spurting out a huge amount of energy. As far as they could guess the engine's output relied on what Shinji was about to do. The engine matched the need should one arise.
So when they plugged him into the virtual reality and he wanted to do something the engine would follow that.
A small try resulted in a very nasty electrical shock and some fried fuses. Both for him and the system.

So the Pilots watched, not saying a word to not make the atmosphere any worse than it already was.
The mood between the Project E heads wasn't the best either and no one was dumb enough to make it worse.
Even Asuka held back mostly even though she was really frustrated.
And she was damning Shinji, that he wasn't here to have his share of it.

With the preparations finally complete they went over to the weapons for the EVA's. Only to discover that Nerv had scrapped most of them. The materials, they were out of, were very expensive and so Nerv mostly recycled them.
Apart from the weapons and equipments mounted to the Units only a rocket launcher, a Pallet rifle and a spear had survived. And all of them with a thick layer of dust on them and in serious disrepair.
So the crews no longer working on the old Units now were repairing them.
However Nerv still had some of the first weapon projects in some warehouse deep in the Geofront.
With nothing to do, except staring into 'his' own eyes all day, Shinji decided to search for them.

The deepest parts of Nerv were by far the oldest. Constructed somewhat in the first half of the 2000s they never received any renovation like the upper parts did.
So he was armed with a file and a flashlight down there. The first contained the location of the weapons and the other was for dark corridors that long lost power.
He had to get the file out of a very stale smelling storeroom as everything from that period wasn't even stored on the Magi.
His keycard also was useless down here. Only code locks on the doors with the last keycard reader ten levels above him.
Currently he had the flashlight between his head and shoulder putting in the code he got from his father. The neon tubes too weak too iluminate the corridor comepletely.
The light truned from red to green and the door began to slid open. Only to come to a halt after ten centimeters with a crushing sound. A second later the electrical motor shorted out.
Shinji turned from the gap to the smoking numberpad.
That was the last thing he could use now. He already was at the second site. The first was where they were supposed to be stored only to find it empty.
He put the flashlight on the ground and put his foot against the wall and tried to pull it open.
It moved a bit, but got comepletely stuck in the process. Even he couldn't open it. He who could lift 300kg with no problem as they found out in the tests.
When force wasn't able to help him destructive force would surely.

A minute later the door flew into the dark void past its frame and landed with a bang that echoed through the whole level.
The A.T.-Field had cut through the reinforced door like a knife through paper. Expanding the field to push it out made the door fly quite good.
No wonder that Ramiel was able to cut through all 22 layers of armour.

Stepping into the giant room behind the door he searched for the main light switch.
He switched them on, and four giant clusters twice the size of stadium lights, in each corner of the hall lit up slowly. A gangway running down the central axis.
And there they were. Nerv's first projects to arm the Units. In the whole hall several giant shapes laid there covered with blankets and dust.
It reeked of oil and dust like the rest of this long forgotten level.
He could count at least four bigger parts and several smaller ones. Ammunitions also dotted inbetween.
Climbing down a ladder he approached a mid sized shape. The folder attached to it read "60cm Heavy Rotary Handgun".
Turning around he made his way towards the huge doors leading to the huge corridor connected to the Main Shaft.
That one didn't even try to open. The hinges had long ago joined into one piece of junk.
Getting it out of here would be tedious.

Gendo stepped out of the elevator infront "Heaven's Gate", the last barrier an Angel would have to overcome till it reached Lilith.
He was oblivious of Lilith, who hung at her cross liveless as ever. He knew the sight and there was nothing new to see for him.
Turning right Gendo walked down the path towards the Dummy Plant. Once it was the place of Rei's creation, but now it served a different purpose.
His right hand clenched with the usual tick he got with it. He scratched away the ice on the heavily insulated door, that now blocked the Dummy Plant.
After he pulled away his right glove it revelead the black prosthetic hand and took the key out of the artificial palm and inserted it into the lock.
Locks and clamps on the door released and with all his strength Gendo pulled on the handle.
The built up ice on its surface fought back but shattered after he set his foot against the wall and pulled even harder.
Should have brought an axe, to make this less strenous, already. I only get older.
Cold vapor flowed near the floor out of the chamber and revealed the tube inside.
The walls were still lined with the tank that once housed the spares.
Now it housed a ton of dry ice.
The whole room was constantly kept cold to be able to safely house it's sole occupant
Gendo rubbed the ice away from the tube and looked in Adam's eye.
His former right hand was deformed beyond recognition as Adam absorbed his flesh more and more.

With the extended Scenario he had to store him here safely. The human body simply wasn't able to surpress Adam for longer periods of time even in his embroic form.
Adam now again was in a frozen bakelite block, housed by dry ice, with cooling channels inside, where liquid Nitrogen flowed through.
All this to prevent Adam from ever reawakening again without his will.
Gendo checked the cooling unit and various instruments.
However there was nothing extraordinary besides the occupant.
A minute later the heavy door crashed with speed back inside its frame and the locks and clamps engaged once again after Gendo turned and pulled out the key.

Two eyes from black sockets followed his way back through the gate.
He, who came down to her on a regular basis hadn't noticed the black mask towards her non existing legs.
She was as oblivious to the chambers contend as he to her change.

Gendo abruptly stopped on the other side.
A strectching Unit01 waited on the other side. Limbs and joints webend till their maximum flexibility as it was a warmup for an exercise.
The rifts cut into the back armour bulged as the Units back turned and stretched. The crews had done a good job on them. Overall flexibility was greatly increased allowing freer more unrestricted movement with a negligible decrease in protection. Patches also were applied to the various places where the armour had melted or was ripped apart.
Maybe some praise was in order for the maintenance crews? We will need them for the future without spares to really repair the Units with.
The unit came to an sudden halt as it bowed down and its eyes fell on him.
For a moment gendo looked directly in the widened black pupils visible beyond the shielding.
The speakers activated with a screec hing sound. "Father? What are you doing down here?"
He didn't expect his father to be down in Terminal Dogma right now. He didn't spoke a word with him since the general meeting a couple of days ago.
As he made sure to get the old Units combat ready and didn't show any signs of hampering their fight against the Angels and Seele there was also no reason for him to. He stayed away from him and vice versa.
His father knew that he would only get anything from him when he did what was necessary at the moment. Didn't make it less uncomfortable to stand infront of him though.
Even being 120 meters tall helped only a bit with that.

"What are you doing down here is the more urgent question. Weren't simulations planned today?"
"Not possible with me. As it seems I'm incompatible with the system. The S2​Engine almost killed the power distribution in my Cage after we tried it."
"Then why are you down here in Terminal Dogma? Here's nothing that could help with that."
"I...I did come here to move a bit after I got Nerv's first weapon projects out of the storage they were in. Do you remember an order, you signed, about reclycling almost all of the Units weaponry?"
Gendo did in fact remember that order. He was reluctant to sign it, in fact. He didn't want to hamper their plan B should they ever need it.
"So you decided to leave the Cage and retrive them yourself? We can't afford unresponsible behaviour when we want to face Seele Shin....?" he stopped as he wanted to use his name to make the accusation more effective.
"Um.. I asked Misato before I did that. She said it was okay and "there should be no danger to it" she said.—...Although I think she asked mother before." Shinji added hastily after his father got a very sour look on his face as he thought Misato simply okayed that when she was still his subordinate under the current conditions. The mention of Yui on the other side made it disappear.
Is this how kids get what they want? Asking one parent and quoting the other when the other parent sees you or says no? weird to have when it was about retrieving weapons or moving your 120 meter 'self' around.
Nonetheless Gendo would have to remind Major Katsuragi to not simply ask his wife for things.

"Then father...why are you down here?"
Gendo thought about not telling him or lie like he used to,. but he should tell them that Adam now was really inside Terminal Dogma. There was after all no reason to hide it anymore.

Two minutes later Shinji stood infront the former Dummy Plant with his father in his human body.
"What did you do to the Dummy Plant? Make a giant fridge out of it?"
"Something not unsimilar. Even when it serves the purpose of storing something way more dangerous than ice or vegetables."
He could feel the surprised look at his artificial hand after he put the key inside the lock. "Would you? You should be far more able to according to the test results from Doc. Akagi."
Shinji seemed unwilling but did it. The heavy door swung open far more easily as when a normal human would have to open it.
"So what are you storing right next to Lilith? Can't be that danger...ous." vapour flowed out and his look fell on the tube with Adam in it.
Shinji stepped nearer to really get a look at it. Indeed it looked almost exactly like the photo the Vice Commander included in their information box several years ago.
"As a trigger for Third Impact I would have used Rei to unify Lilith and Adam with each other. For that he was implanted in my hand. But I had to remove him after a year."
Shinji nodded. He knew that from the Vice commander. "Why? Why would you let him go again?"
"Adam was slowly absorbing tissue to rebuild himself. Would he have stayed in my palm he would one day infest my whole body like the 16th Angel did with Rei."
"So you remade the place where you made a Lilith human clone into his keep?" the irony was almost punching.
"It is after all still the safest place in all of Nerv even with Lilith only hundreds of meters away. They don't even know it. The temparature keeps Adam from becoming active ever again and Lilith can't look through concrete."
"Does anybody else know of this place? Did you ever intend to tell anyone? Would be good for the people defending this, if they knew."
"I did tell you. Further persons will be notified about this today or tomorrow."
Shini wanted to ask, if he would have ever told anybody would he not been down here today. He already knew the answer. Although it didn't change anything. Even before this was a doomsday treasury.
One thing more in her didn't make her more dangerous than it already was. He left his father in there and went outside.

Gendo made one last check on the instruments and closed the door again.
He wanted to go, but the way his son stared at Lilith made him pause. Nothing new. The legs were still missing, Lilith was unmoving as ever and stared holes into thin air with her pitch black eyes....
Impossible! The mask fell of her face. Why would she drop it?...
"Umm...father is Lilith alive and/or awake?"
"She...we are not sure to be honest. The contract with Seele included that she would stay put and bait the Angels towards her so we could destroy them. Whether or not she actually notices things is questionable.
Why the question?"
"Because I can't loose the feeling that she is staring right at me." Lilith's A.T.-Field was constantly pulsating and prodding everyone sensitive to feel it. And right now it spiked in his direction.
That would make sense. The incident could make her drop the mask. But then why did she stop at that? Uncertain if it was the right path?
In the end however it was not necessary why she did it. When she wanted to do something they would have to try and contain her. Without the Lance of Longinus that could be very difficult.

Back up he almost got a very harsh lecture by two women not in the best mood.
His father even made Maya and Ritsuko shut up for leaving the Cage and asking a very irresponsible woman for it.

In the end they now had two spears,a halberd, two additional knifes, a machete, two rifles (827 shots), one sniper rifle(46 rounds), a submachine gun (1140 rounds) and a heavy hand gun (68 rounds).
Further weapons would have to be scavenged from the defensive belt around the Geofront.
It was not a lot, but atleast now something to fight with.

A week later:

Rei emptied her lungs and brought the reticle carefully over the aiming solution the system showed her in the EntryPlug.
She fought Unit00 every step and then pulled the trigger.
A twenty thousand Volt spark erupted from one side of the chamber to the other, lighting the explosives, and the 400mm bullet shot out of the barrel at mach 9.
It took the bullet about 0.6 seconds to impact at a destroyed defensive battery postion and create a crater of about 100 meters.
She looked to her left and waited for the result from the Magi about how much she had to correct the aiming programm.
The less sophisticated fire solution unit of the old sniper rifle only connected to the EntryPlug and not misceancellous systems. It also was very unwieldy in their best attempts to connect it to them.
Whoever wrote the programm did one fuckup of a job. It was taylored especially for the gun and fire control unit and so special that it refused any connection short of an Entryplug.
Only the rather old base systems of Unit00 made it even possible to use it. Using it with the modern and smaller EntryPlugs was impossible.

It took the crews two days to assemble the thing and make it ready for shooting. After that began the unthankful task of measuring the chamber and barrel. They only had limited rounds of ammunition for it and didn't want to use any to make elaborate correction trials with it. They already had used two rounds out of 46.
The servo motors turned the barrel sideways and the loading unit began to put the next round and propellant inside.The rounds were subcaliber spearshots with a fragmentating tungsten sabot. Again special for the gun. The propellant instead came in form of pressed disks made of normal propellant used in any gun in the defensive postions.
They had no shortage of propellant but a shortage of bullets.
The loading unit was mounted to the frame of the gun with the bipod being the forward point to set the rifle up. Barrel and chamber were mounted turnable to the frame.
At least here someone thought of convenience. With pulling a simple mechanical handle the motor to turn the barrel and chamber could be disengaged and you could fold the rifle to 2/3 of its length.
Ideal for quick change of postion as you didn't have a long log in your hand.

Her fingertips danced on the joystick as she waited for the message to confirm her input. Rei's face became more and more murder willed towards the blinking command line.
Everyone looses their patience after putting in the value 10 times and waiting 2 minutes every time till the answer.
The system this time managed it the first time, what saved it from a frustrated punch.

The air outside the cages smelled and tasted better on the surface. There even was still the residual trace of burned and rotting Angel in the air.
Over the years the area around the Geofront did become more and more polluted with Angel blood and remains. The plants didn't quite like it and turned sick and slightly orange-reddish in their tone.
Or atleast there were still plants grew.

Shinji bowed down and touched the tips of 'his' heavily armored feet. After that he lifted 'his' arms as far up behind 'his' back as he could manage.
"For what the preparing exercise? Do you want to make a quick run around the lake?" Asuka jokingly asked in 'his' head.
The Entryplug relayed the information directly inside 'his' brain that the engine accessed. They talked more or less directly inside his consciousness.
"How would you feel after one week cramped inside a wardrobe, Asuka?" even when he moved with his human body he felt more and more cramped. The Units already had showed his dissatisfaction with that since multiple nights ago and got almost as unbearable as Asuka at her worst.
"Dunno. Very nervous and on the edge?" she did notice that with him too. Although he barely showed it after 5 days.
"Exactly." the Unit would hopefully be satisfied with the amount of "exercise" they got today. Maybe he would do this on a daily basis. The grey Cage where he spent most time of the day wasn't the most appealing surrounding.
It was way more pleasant on the surface or even the Geofront than down there.
This body had quite the uncommon needs despite being with its own energy source, quick self repair and without day night cycle. Theoreticaly it could run indefenitely. Only his human psyche limited it.

He picked up why they even where outside. After repair of the weapons some trials were in order.
With enough space to do so and no one daring to enter the vacated zone around the Geofront they could do what they wanted inside.
The heavy hand gun he found a week earlier really was heavy compared to the later weapons. Compareable to a .50 caliber handgun in human relation it was a very heavy and powerful gun.
Trial reports said "recoil compareable to a rifle" and "danger of additional wear on the Unit's wrist".
As they have to test every weapon available they will test this one too.
The gun was comepletely mechanical short of the sensors inside the stock to determine the inclination in all three dimensions.
It was by all means more or less a very huge revolver with a clip turned through the exhaust gases.
The rest was a revolver despite a very solid made butt, which resembled more a normal pistol.
Shinji assumed a more stable stance, put one of the clips inside and aimed at one of the targets three hundred meters away.
With a very loud "BOOM" the bullet left the short barrel and impacted on the destroyed concrete position.
The bulllet shattered on impact and shrapnel pulverized the whole thing into a cloud of dust.

"Wow that was....powerful." Asuka judged. She zoomed nearer to the now destroyed postion and looked at the damage it did.
It was. Even with a firm hold on the gun it nonetheless managed to let 'his' arm rock back. 'His' shoulder joint had to absorb most of the energy.
"Want to try it out? he asked.
"Naw I will stick to more personell means to kill." she rolled one of the spears in Unit02's fingers.
"Keep your new boytoy. I prefer something like this over any other weapon."
"Then you should have no problem when I take that machete too?"
"Hey I didn't say anything about that!" one of the things Shinji learned over the years with Asuka was to seize advantage, when she said something, and then refer to her when she objected.

"These two seem to really enjoy each other over there." said Dan Hershel Pilot of Unit05 and put the binoculars away.
He got out of the hospital the prior evening and was filled in by Kensuke and Toji about what had happened until now. He stood with the others near Unit00.
Toji was in the now repaired Unit03.2 to haul equipment around and was behind them.
"Still don't know how they manage to do that." he shook his head. The three now were so diffrent to the classmates he had three years ago. Atleast to each other.
Although the same went for him and Kensuke too.
"Were they different before?" Dan asked.
"Oh they were." Kensuke affrimed. "There is a cause for the nickname 'Red Devil' Asuka got. She used to be on the very arrogant and competitive side and could be a huge bitch to everyone, especially Shinji."
The radio near them awoke. "Three years incarceration with each other changed that. Aida-san."
"Really? And how do we have to imagine such a thing Rei?" Toji couldn't just keep his nose out of it.
"By having revealed our biggest problems and fears to each other. The Vice Commander used a rather hammer-like way to set us on an even ground with each other. And in the end it was necessary."
"Like you being a clone made by the Commander from his wife and Lilith?" joined Isabella the conversation.
Rei fell silent on that note. The others gave Isabella a much telling look for opening pandora's box.
They got a paniced action of realisation back and she whispered. "It was all over the papers! How should I know it was such a taboo?!"
Unit00's lone eyes traversed in their direction. "Nothing to be sorry about Ferrera-san. And yes that would be it in my case."
"So what is your connection to the Commander right now? Shouldn't he be something alike a father to you?" when it was allowed she poke to know more.
"My drugged, senseless and robotic old self would have agreed with you. But right now I'm not....sure." Rei fell silent once again.
The eyes traversed towards the horizon and stopped there. For a while no one said a word.

"You can keep the honorifics away when you like. We don't use them between us even."
That got a little smile on Rei's face.

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And I messed the the chapter number up again....
Should actualy take a look at the previous chapter before making the title.
Also I begun to really make notes about the chapters on cards. This should help with planning the whole course of the fic a lot better as I'm writing them in about four to five hours on Saturdays.
Here is a list of the names for all further chapters and where I aim how long this story will be all in all.
Chapter 12-somewhat.: Beginning of the End 6-until 'unspecified' //Not sure how long this will take from now on. Target is around Chapter 45 or so.
Chapter 49ish.: The End of lilithian Humanity // not ominous in any way....
Chapter 50ish.: Aftermath of the End​
And we are at the End of the first quarter here(200k+ words). The whole thing is going to have about 1 Million words. Or atleast I hope it will someday have.
And the next quarter begins.
Gods and Angels
Chapter 1-39ish.: Crusades of Organisations
Chapter 40ish.: Judgement Day and a new Beginning​
and the next....
Chapter 1-39ish.: The Successors of the Ancestral Race
Chapter 40ish.: Until the End of Time //plays in the year of AD​
to the very last....
Chapter 1.: Second Impact
Chapter 2-49ish.: Rewriting History
Chapter 50ish.: To come to an End​
Names are bound to change when I find better ones.
Update hopefully tomorrow.
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Another viewpopint for a start.
I really hope how i wrote the battle is good in any way.
I even managed to get the number of Toji's Unit wrong in almost all past chapters...sigh I will correct them all tomorrow.
Also there should be little mistakes with the tags of the Angels. I will correct those tomorrow too as I finally want this posted.
Chapter 11.: Beginning of the End 5

"...attack occurred yesterday at 7 am. Nerv Japan immediatley deployed four Units to engage the Angels and destroyed them in about six minutes.—None of the EVAs was destroyed. "
Behind the newscaster a short clip played and various pictures were shown.
"These pictures made by high altitude reconnaissance aircraft during the battle." the newscaster looked down to the cards in her hands. "And today we have an expert from the Matsushiro Secondary Research Facility here."
She turned towards the engineer at her desk.
"Mr. Izumo you work at the Matsushiro Secondary Research Facility in the weapon labs designing and producing weapons for the EVAs?" it was more a statement than a question.
" Yes I do. I and my peers develop weapons and further equip to be used by the Units in battle or miscellaneous uses. I am also the head of that particular 'division' there.
"Then you have an understanding what and how EVAs can perform actions and what they are capable of?"
"Yes, all in all I have. Without it the Pilots would get equipment that simply is useless to them."
For those who ever worked in any proximity to the Units that was something they all to good knew. The thoughts of engineers were a mystery in themself.
"The let's take a look at the Prototype Units and their performance. How do you assess the performance of the Prototype which were a huge surprise to the world."
"Well, to start they....."


The alarms went off all over the Geofront. Sirens howled their monotone song out into the deserted area topside and the first weapon installations came online, but stayed silent.
"How many?" came the question from Gendo.
"Three, Commander. They are almost directly above the Geofront!" Makoto shouted over the alarm noise.
"Fieldable Units?" that their foe was already above them wasn't good.
"Unit00, 02, 03.2. Uhm...Unit01 also and reports to be ready to launch." it was kind of weird refering to Shinji when the rest had only a number. On the other hand all EVAs were close to an actual human being.
"Pilot status?"
"Major Katsuragi reported in and they are on the way. Time till launch approximately three to five minutes!"
"Lieutenant Aoba can we occupy them with the defense grid?"
"That won't last long an we also don't have the capacity and resources to do that. It would cost us the whole grid in the first engagement when we want to occupy them solely with it."
Unfortunate. Let the enemy inside the Geofront or use all of our capabilities in the first battle?
The telephone on his desk interrupted him in his thoughts. Whoever that was had a rather good reason for calling now.
He answered.

"I could win us a bit time father."
"Are you sure? How?"
"Yes, just launch me and I will do it." that wasn't a comeplete answer and he hadn't any good other choice.
"Launch Unit01. He will buy some time." he put the receiver back to his ear. "How do you want to get their attention?"
"Dunno maybe they will just ouright attack me or I hope the Angels know how to play tag."

They ran towards the entrance gates to Central Dogma and Shinji suddely came to a halt after they were through them.
"What are you waiting for? We have to get to the Cages, Shinji!" Asuka turned halfway around and slowed down her run.
"No. You have to. I don't. My attention is needed somewhere else right now. Just go on without me!" he stopped as he could feel launch craddle shooting up the shaft.

His view shifted towards the shaft rushing past him and the brightness of the early morning once 'he' reached the surface.
The traces of single shots and rocket thrusters drew lines into the air as the defensive grid attacked the three Angels at a very low itensity.
It didn't had much effect on their enemy as they only came to a halt when big missiles or shots exploded against their A.T.-Field.
So how should this work out?
Atleast they all immediatley turned their full attention towards him.​

Asuka cursed herself for taking a minute too long to get into the PlugSuit and jumped into the EntryPlug.
The lid above the seat closed and the crane pushed the plug towards the units neck.
Directly after the 'rainbow tunnel' she opened a visual channel to show her what the hell Shinji was doing.
"What the fuck is he doing!? Doesn't look like fighting."
"More like playing tag with three fat kids." Toji was amazed how Shinji outmaneuvered them. Like a rabbit he was evading the particle beams directed at him.
"He bought us some time for you to change and get ready." added Misato.
"Alright! Listen up kids! As we only have you four, Asuka, Toji and Shinji will attack the Angels directly. Rei you will support them with the sniper we have."
"Understood Major." she already had expected that. She wasn't as good at melee to short range combat as Shinji or Asuka.
"Asuka and Toji you will be deployed to the south-west a couple of hundred meters away from the Geofront center and Rei to the south-east behind you. Weapons will be brought topside where you can pick them up."
She couldn't surpress the smirk at the "Hai!" chorus.
This was her army. And the best was she was their general.

The old prototype Pylon they had mounted to 'his' left shoulder already saved his live several times.
With an offset bodybalance he would surely already have been hit.
So even when it only it was a giant piece of metal he still was glad to have it.
Also the machete fit into the almost vertical slot it had.
The rather crude interface they had made out of the plug relayed that reinforcement had come.
'His' soles dug into the bare soil and he came to an sliding halt next to Unit02.

"Did you enjoy your little game?" seeing Shinji move around was abnormal in itself when it looked like a real giant human. The absurdity only grew with the game of tag.
"Pff...you can play tag the next time when you want." he picked up the heavy revolver and the machete from the launch craddle behind them.
"No thanks. You can keep that up. It looked fitting." Unit02's head turned towards Unit03.2. "Now I want to see some fighting stooge. Show us that you are able to do something."
"Oh I will show you. Just wait. Maybe I even will help you when I'm finished." he now had the most kills after all.
"Then show it to our enemy. He is here." interupted Rei. "Any abnormalities with them Shinji?" when more abnormal was even possible with Angels.
"Despite the particle beam and the visible ones? There aren't any I could see." he distanced himself a bit from Auka to give her some more room to fight.
"Then what are we waiting for?" with that she set into motion towards her enemy.
She did chose the middle one of the three Angels dubbed 28β and Toji took 28γ.
So he was stuck with 28α.

With the gun in his right hand he fell into a slight run towards α.
It's appearance was similar to the fourth Angel Ramiel, but way more irregular.
The front was a cube with triangles on every of the fronts corners and the body tapered off at it's back. Red lines covered the whole body in stark constrast to its black surface.
He wanted to cover the distance and engage it at a very close range so to get away from its probably strong beam quickly.
α begged to differ.

The upper right of the front's triangles warped, a segmented arm pushed outside and his A.T.-Field flashed barely up in time to absorb the attack.
He could feel the pressure as it pushed against it and he increased it's strength to block the attack.
28α pulled bag the arm, lunged out and threw it against the barrier again.
He could feel the jump in output as the engine supplied more and more energy to the field and tank the attack.
Pressure rose and rose the harder the Angel pushed.
The engine was about 50% at the maximum as α ended their strength duell. Another arm crashed into the field, localy overpowered it and three 'fingers' grabbed 'his' right shoulder.
With a grunt he took the gun into his left, pressed her against the front armour and pulled the trigger. The bullet impacted on the arm and the 'hand' was no more.
Bathing him in red 'blood' 28α pulled back the damaged arm.
The gun plunged next to him thanks to recoil, but he wouldn't need her.
Shinji drew the machete and made a break towards the Angel. Two other arms rushed towards him. Another shrik from α ashe cut hal of a 'hand' away.
Running around α he crashed into it's side and struck the machete inside.
A shudder ran through α and it tried to get him off by throwing itself around.
Muscles and tendons strained under the around 15000 tons that hung on them and α grew more desperate as the ProgKnife pierced it's side.
Giant teeth gritted together as the Angel got more and more desperate to get him off. A fountain of 'blood' gushed out as he pulled the machete out and stabbed it again further above.
An arm came around and its three finger snapped open and closed around him trying to pull him away.
Pulling himself up the pushed the machete forward. Blood blocked his sight through the wound and Shinji wedged his right elbow inside to get a clearer view.
That damn Core was nowhere to be seen!
An arm wrapped around his upper body pinning him down. Slowly a gap grew on the Angel's flank, glowing menacingly.
The beam shot out and scraped him over the hip. Armour plates and skin melted and were backed together.
His side burned, his grip loosened and the Angel threw him away.

Asuka had slight problems with her Angel.
She was way more on the defensive than she liked and there was no really big weakpoint. The Angel pushed forwards with every attack and the spear in her hands was too long for this distance.
Β lifted its massive arms and tried to hammer her into the ground. The opportunity she searched came. "Hab ich dich1​!" the tip penetrated both arms.
The sound of pain from it was message enough. Four green eyes looked into two black sockets.
But now her weapon was locked into the Angel's flesh. When it could β would have a very massive grin right now.
Gravity pulled her down as β lifted her up and an the edge of her view Shinji flew through the air and landed in the dust.
Unit02's legs swayed around and β did the same as α.
Weren't it for the massive projektile piercing it's leg.
"Asuka you should get some distance between you and β."
She was all to happy to obliege, swung the Unit's legs around and set them against the arms. Pushing she flew away with the spear in her hands.
"Thanks. For the save."
"Happy to be of help. But I have to support Suzuhara-san now."
"I could need it!" they heard a slightly desperate Toji.

Toji tried to get some distance between him and the Angel. Unit04.2 wouldn't take punishment as easy as the other Units.
There was only a slight problem. The Angel moved around like a snake and tried to wrap itself around him push all life out of him.
A broken finger was the result of that as he came too close once. Only thanks to the smaller build of Unit04.2 he was able to get his arm away in time.
He was half a second to slow and he had γ around the right leg.
The snatching maw tried to bite of his head.
It would take 20 further seconds till the sniper had reloaded.

His view turned multiple times till he got to a halt. The concrete barrier shuddered upon impact. Everything still was spinning around in 'his' head.
The pain where the beam had hit 'him' slowly subsidized as 'his' flesh began to regenerate under the armour. Come on get up! This isn't as bad as the 3rd or 4rd.!
Shinji reached up to the edge to pull himself up and felt for the hit part.
The plate hadn't melted completely and buckled under the thermal strain. Pain shot up from the area as muscles contracted and pushed apart burned skin.
The rest would 'his' body regenaration handle.
"Shinji are you fine?" Misato asked. Down in Command Center they had watched the battle with mixed impressions. Neither one had the upper hand right now.
Α was hit and so was Shinji. Asuka was fine and Toji stalemated with γ.
The defense grid now was completely silent to not hinder the Units. It's strongest weapons not even useable due to power shortage.
"I am. Nothing that will go away after a second." it hurt but to his luck the wound wasn't as severe as others he had felt.

Looking around the Angel hadn't moved one bit. 'Blood' trickled down its left side poisoning the soil.
Both his weapons were still stuck inside the Angels flank. He would have to get back there to finish it off.
'His' eyes found the revolver only steps away.
Dirt waves sprayed up under his feet and α reacted. 'His' finger wrapped around the trigger and he could raise it just in time to shoot the arm darting towards him. Another arm shot out of the smoke cloud and he ducked under it.
A gap once again appeared in α's front and vanished as he shot it.
Only two bullets left. Better make this quick! And he would need those.
He grabbed α's upper left arm and swung around the edge and grabbed onto the machete in the Angels flank. The wound already had begun to close itself but he cut him open again with it.
Time to try this again!!
Pushing his right elbow inside he forced the gap more open. The Angels pushed back with everything it got and wrapped it's arms around him to reduce him to a paper thin piece of metal and flesh.
All air was pressed out of 'his' lungs and the armor prostested under the pressure.
Shinji rammed the revolver into the wound next to his elbow. 'Blood' and pieces splashed out and he could finaly see the reddish tone of the Core.
The clip rotated around and the hammer hit the pin. The proppelant ignited and shot the last round straight into the Core.
Α's arms lost some of their gripp but tightened once again as the Core went critical and a bright cross illuminated the area.

Asuka ducked under β's swing and stabbed the left upper arm. The end dug into the ground as beta pushed and Asuka drew the PK-2 ProgKnife and made a deep cut at the 'shoulder joint'.
The whole limb tore apart and fell to the ground. Now on the Angel's backside she stabbed it multiple times till it angrily turned around to her.
The desperate swing didn't came even near her, the counter started to tick down as the UmbilicalCord was severed and she only had power for 58 more seconds.
Ignoring the counter she thrusted the knife deep inside the Angels's front and pulled down towards the Core.
Only mere centimeters into the Core Asuka was thrown sideways. β retaliated by moving it's right arm infront of himself.
She was thrown down to the ground with β towering above her.
Suddenly a shockwave ran past them and the Angel was distracted by it's brother death.
This was the opportunity she needed!
Seizing her she grabbed the spear beside her and rammed the weapon inside the core.

With a thought the Entryplug let him fall on his right weak side with the stiff prothesis. Pushing calf and upper leg together γ now was trapped inbetween the leg and wouldn get away from there.
The Angel pushed with all his strength against his grip. He slipped free and his maw closed around his left upper arm. Blood shot out of the fully contracted muscle.
A bullet hit the Angel at mach nine and it let loose screaming its pain out to the world. Black sockets locking on to the direction of the round and began to glow.
"Oh not on till I'm finished with you!"
The beam missed it's target as an uppercut crashed into the maw. Toji leaned in on the punch with the whole weight of Unit03.2 and pushed the head onto the ground.
The shoulder pylon shot open and he rammed his ProgKnife into the core in the creatures throat.
β's struggle came to an end and the Angel fell limb around Unit03.2.

Down in Command Center people eased up as the enemy was defeated.
Misato let out a breath she's been holding for two minutes. Our first attack since our 'betrayal'. And we managed to survive her.
No matter how many battles she had already commanded the job never lost it#s thrill. The enemy was simply to special every time for that.
However she had a question bugging her.
"How were the Angels able to jump on us without noticing them?"
"The commander destroyed our main anthena towers and connections to any outside signal source after the incident. Without these towers we are blind to anything out of viewrange and since the military or the government won't talk to us anymore, we also don't get any information from them."
Another problem to solve with a couple of hundreds others since their 'betrayal'.
She would have to inquire some personel from Section2 to stand post on the mountains or the Pilots would have to live in the Cages.
"Status of the Units, Maya?"
"Minimal or no damage. We have to take a look in case of Unit01 how severe it is, but it shouldn't be much."

"Rei can you see the purble giant idiot somewhere? He is nowhere to be seen from down here."
The giant eye made a sweep around the former city but Shinji was nowhere to be seen. The crater and burnt pieces of α didn't reveal where he could have gone.
Suddenly an arm from α flew out of lake Ashi. Or a part of it did. Bubbles formed on it's surface and a second later a head with a pair of white eyes pushed out.
A hand set down on the shore and slowly Shinji crawled out of the lake. Water and air rushed out of nostrils to take a deep breath.
"Everything okay Shinji?" she asked.
It took a moment before an answer came. "The explosion sent me flying into the lake. Not an expierence worth undergoing again." even more so when you can't swim and are not even able to due to more weigth than displacement. "Besides that everything is.....fine."
"Wouldn't have happened when you could swim."
"Wait you can't really swim Shinji? Toji asked surprised.
"No stooge, the grand 'Invincible Shinji Ikari' can't even swim. You can call you as surprised as me when I found out."
Sadly the three years weren't enough to loose that name. No wonder when he was proving him again and again.
"Do we have to discuss that here and now?" after killing an Angel he could use some quiet minutes to cool down a bit.
"No we don't have to. Also they say we can get back to the elevators." intervened Rei on his behalf.

The rest of the day was not so speacial anymore. They made a debriefing about the battle and that was more or less it.
Shinji spent the rest of the day outside more or less by himself with the one or another of the Pilots or Asuka coming to take a look.
The Angel corpses started to deteriorate almost instantaneously and so he threw them on a pile in one of the side valleys around Lake Ashi. They would simply rot away over time.
He had seen military patrols on the ground and in the air on the border of the zone they UN put around the Geofront. He made sure to stay a kilometer away from the border to not provoke a reaction or an accident.
For the rest of the day you could see a Unit sitting up against a concrete barrier above the Geofront doing almost next to nothing. That wasn't true however. With two bodies you can be at different places at the same time.

The EntryPlug extended out of the cavity and he set it down in a mounting on the wall. He no longer could stand the constant prodding it did to relay some information to him.
One of that was a message that came once a minute reporting it was functional and running. The area of 'his' brain where he felt the shock of the crude relay system they thought of had developed a nasty headache and it was easier to 'rest' when it was out. Also this thing felt like a foreign body inside the cavity and was essentialy a giant rod.

In the apartment Shinji folded his hands behind his head.
Slowly his conciousness drifted back towards the Units body and from there further back inside the S2​Engine. It hosted his Mind and Soul after all. The price for what he had done.
The strange room appeared infront of his inner eye and the Unit also sat there as usual.
"I must say I'm impressed that you didn't manage to kill us both again." the dismissive tone for the Angels all to clear.
"Mhm" he didn't really ever listen to it. So far ignoring was the best he could do. Just snoozing to get the things of the day sorted inside his head and ignoring was fine.
Luckily it was only active during the nights so he didn't have someone else constantly talking in his head.
"I also made a rather nice discovery while you were busy fighting." it got no answer from him so it just continued on.
"You are as readable as the others of your kind to your eyes. No maybe even more readable!" it sounded like a kid that got a new toy to play or torture.
"Do you remember someone with the letter A at the beginning of their name?" a sly grin appeared on his face it wore.
"Well I know two beings with such a name.—Here is one of them screaming like a little kid!"
All his efforts to relax cam to a crashing halt as a memory played out around them. The space around the red orb blurred away and showed him sitting inside his EntryPlug.
The comm system transmitted Asuka's voice as her mind was raped by Areal the Angel of Birds.
Her screams filled his ears and he could only watch the memory play out infront of him.
The image of him it used turned back around towards him. "Seems like we are more bound to each other than you thought. That little imagination in your head for example..." it snapped with its fingers.
"I can see them and bring them here. Like you are in my head I'm in yours!"
It's grin got broader and broader as the space around him sprung from one memory and thought of him to the other.

He could only watch and do nothing.​
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Made some corrections to the old chapters.
The next one will be out tomorrow or at Sunday.
Also a poll will be added as I seriously finaly could need some feedback on quality.
And yes I'm very sticky on that topic, but I would like to improve my writing and for that I would need to know how good I'm at the moment.
Little info:

I couldn't put out the chapter I promised for yesterday so it will be delayed till next weekend.
I will however release something in the science direction about the Units tomorrow. Thanks to the curriculum in Germany covering the energy generation of human cells I should be able to give an almost comepletely scientifical explanation how the Units run on electricity alone, while still being biological beings. Internal structure of them is also a point tomorrow.
For those curious how something alike the Units could even work in reality.

I hope I can keep it simple enough for everyone to understand.
Also as some might already have guessed I like to keep things rather imagineable.
The way how I write the battles will be a rather visual one so you can actually imagine how the Units and Angels tear each other apart bit by bit.
When there should be intestines flying through the air there will be intestines sprayed all over the area.
The series also was rather vivid with the demise of Unit03 so I will keep that up.
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Little update:

After I tried to write 20k words for my "training thread" I came to the realisation that I'm simply not able to write characters. I can extrapolate how they would most likely react but not what they feel or how they would feel.
I simply killed that part of me over the last years. I'm not able to 'connect' to people and what they feel anymore. Even more with fictional characters that require a certain behaviour and personality I simply can't comprehend.
I can write extremes such as love or hate in all their glory but the dosage is impossible for me.

So enough of that and on to the real talk regarding the thread.

I will overhaul this as a kind of 'storyboard'. I will write what will happen, how, when and so on. However it will not be a realy told story. To get this idea I have settled I will write it down here with outlines of the characters reactions and what they could feel but I will not write it as a really readable story.

Maybe someone takes this storyboard and finds it interesting enough to make it into a fully fledged fic based upon my ideas.
Rework beginning next weekend due to school.

Neepa out.
18+ May not be good to read while eating.​
Lost Report of 27.01.2017

.........watch out!!!"

The well minded warning came a fraction a second to late to be of any use. The Angel hit Unit03.2 and it went airborne in under a second. Its trajectory leading towards the northern part NeoTokyo3.
Weapon encampments underneath it on the ground where once the proud skyscrapers of a great city stood. Now replaced with an even uglier concrete desert and many barrels staring at one enemy.

Another Unit, similar in design, just could do nothing, and its eyes followed Unit03.2. The weapon in its hands falling silent for a moment at the sight. The very new Pilot trapped int the magic of the moment.

Inside the EntryPlug the orange liquid was pressed against one of the walls. One mechanical hand and one biological hand firmly holding on to the controlls in preparation of the sudden stop that would come.
Teeth gritted at the inescabeable pain that would follow.

Slowly Unit03.2 came nearer and nearer to the ground. No one deep underground thought that in the next very second the fight against the Angels would change. Everyone watched as Unit03.2 fell headfirst on the ground.

Normally there would be nothing special about a Unit falling on the ground. However as the head-armour ploughed through the soft foliage it hit something harder. Concrete and steel were cracked open.
Much to the horror of the humans underneath. Even before anybody could think a thought about this eleven and a half thousand tons of biomechanical robot and armour crashed into a large shelter.

A dust plume engulfed the place.

He was shaking his head to fight down the aching pain in the back of his skull and most of his body. Like he had trained he immediatley got up and turned towards the enemy.
But there was something wrong. His view was read tinted and he had a blindspot on his right side. A gaint head shaking to get whatever impaired it's view away.
Slowly the blindspot moved down and then fell of. Something soft and wet fell in his hand. It took a second to recognise the wrecked thing he was looking at.

Red coloured the giant black palm. The purpur of the colour reflecting the sunlight.

Internals flowed out of the underside in a mess. Both arms were crippled and the head like a deflated ballon. In shock the hand shock the remains away. The movement blew the dust away and a wreckage field littered with human corpses came into view.

Today the Angel War had its first major loss of civilian life in battle. The total number of deaths that ran around the world that day was 9,986.

....loading manifest of 2019/20

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currently thinking of complete rewrite
different perspective for a spin

Memories of 2020
The Orient Front

At the edge of the Orient, were once the border of Pakistan was, stood fortified positions of the International coalition against the threat of Nerv Japan and it's pawns the Oceanian Confederacy, China and Japan.
They were once built to house troops at the border against warband insurgencies into Iran after Pakistan and India did bomb each other into the next century right after Second Impact.
It did only take around 8 years till they ceased as they were met with overwhelming firepower from what Iran kept as an Army for itself in spite of the merge with other militaries under the UN.
After that it got relatively peacefull on the border.
Now they were once again stationed to the brim as a new threat did land there five weeks ago.

In the distance stood a skyscraper totaly out of place.
It was what was used as a mobile fortress by the terorist organisation Nerv Japan did become.
Innocently hovering in place and then landing to be a CIC for the assault that was to happen. A week ago it was joined by four tall objects. These were three Units and something other.

"Looks like we get another day of action in this god forsaken place."

Mike put his binoculars down and shot a stern look towards the Corporal who said it.
"Would you rather being stomped to paste by the Units of Nerv? I'm sure the kids controlling them would like to try the sensation of human smashed under the armored soles of their Units."
The whole platoon shuddered at the thought of a gigantic foot coming down on them or even worse being slowly crushed in their AFV by steel walls like tuna in a can.
"N-No Seargeant."
"Good. When you are done with wishing an early death keep your eyes on the horizon Meyers."
He looked down on the map in his hands. It was only five kilometers of flat terrain between their position and the enemy's camp.
By standards of modern combat it was a laughable distance, but bombardment had proven ineffective against the barrier above it. The brass said only nukes or a N2 would maybe be able to punch through it.
He would have liked these options, but it was to near to Iran to consider such a bombardment. What was left of Pakistan wouldn't be considered collateral damage, but even more Iranian land hit by fallout would be.
And that was to vulnerable.

Just as he was about to take a sip from his cup the tea in it shuddered. A drop flying into the air and landing again.
Hastily he took a look through his binoculars. What he saw was dust trailing behind tanks and other armored vehicles. The radio sputtered to life, engines were started and in the distance behind them artillery began to howl.

Then the earth shuddered even harder as one of the Units in the distance got into a slow jog.
Now in rewrite as I once again have the time to spare.
And I was very stupid when I began initially. Gonna have to alter things dramatically to make it fit the last episodes of the show.
It is supposed to be a continuation that makes sense throughout the story after all.

Also deleted all the Threadmarks of the old hideous chapters.