Gluttony [Worm/DBZ]

Interlude (Assault)
Interlude (Assault)

Assault was surprised things had went so smoothly.

The cape from the Lung incident was much less scary than what Armsy had shown them on the footage he had managed to get. She seemed like a nice enough gal, besides the whole she probably ate Lung and wow wasn't that something that was utterly terrifying. Especially with the fact that when they had gotten on the scene of what they had thought might be Lung fighting someone or a new Parahuman testing out any powers they might have, they find her in a mess of disfigured and wrecked hulls with flames licking at her skin. So not only did they have an extremely strong cape who wasn't registered with anyone, they had one that could turn people into sweets like it was magic and then eat them and gain their powers in a way.

The closest analogue they had to that was The Fairy Queen.

Not someone anyone wanted to be compared to.

From the moment they had stepped on base, he noticed that Djinn looked at everything with a giddiness that told him that despite how she restrained herself, she was at least firmly interested in the Heroes which was a blessing. He really didn't want to have to try and fight her, nor be the one to try and detain her if she suddenly decided that there base was the perfect place for her to suddenly betray them. It'd be especially bad since he'd been the one to argue for the soft-sell, not that it had been a hard argument. Even Piggot realized that despite the associated costs that would come with getting Djinn on their side, or at least make sure she wasn't turning towards villainy, it was much better than the alternative.

Assault liked to think the extra work that he got for it was worth it.

So here he was in a meeting to discuss what they had learned from meeting Djinn in person and the bits of info they managed to get out of her.

"Parahuman, codename Djinn, was invited on base today and as of today is officially classified as an Independent Cape." Armsy's voice was serious as he spoke, a picture of the cape in question coming up on the display. A close-up of her in the night sky right before she had flown off. "Temporary power designations are; Brute 8, Mover 6, Blaster 6, Striker 5, a tentative Changer rating of 7 as we presume that this form of hers is not her standard appearance to go along with her other acts of shapeshifting. Unofficially, she also has a Trump rating that has currently been undecided."

Everyone's faces went serious as the display played the video that Armsmaster had captured.

There was flames all around, the sound of earth being torn apart as what seemed like two monsters battled across the Docks.

Flames that Assault knew well enough could melt steel were either matched with blasts of pink and black energy or dived through as if they were merely a hindrance.

A high-pitched laughter played throughout the entire thing, it made him flinch a bit.

It wasn't a good laughter, it was the laughter of one who was enjoying this way too much.

The crazy kind of laugh that spelt trouble for those who heard it.

It wasn't natural.

It made it harder for him to parse that the cape that he had met today was the same as the cape that had fought Lung only a week ago.

The final shot of Lung being turned into a cupcake and being eaten before Djinn flew away made him wince.

The Wards in the room had went pale, he noted that even Shadow Stalker seemed shaken.

He saw MM's expression tighten a bit from the corner of his eye, Velocity and Battery did much alike. Triumph seemed to shake hard, as if he was holding himself back from saying something.

"She is dangerous, extremely dangerous, but Director Piggot has decided to try a soft approach until we figure out more about her, as despite her possible propensity for collateral damage and the action she took against Lung, Djinn claims to not be a villain and has further discussed the issue with us. Until then, Wards are to not approach her if she's seen in public. Call-in her location and merely continue on your scheduled patrol, if she makes contact first, be polite and try to disengage if you can. If you are unable, be as cautious as possible and try to do anything that would possibly upset her or set her off. Understood?"

Armsmaster's reply was the shaking nods of the Wards one by one.

"Wards, dismissed."

At once, the Wards stood up from the room and left one after the other, Stalker was dragging her feet looking particularly shook. He would have to tell MM to check on that for him later.

Armsmaster looked at the rest of us, Dauntless missing in action due to sickness, and the rest of us all feeling some sort of way.

"Assault, having interacted the most with her today, can you tell us what you think about her personality, her general mind-state, and any other information you managed to get from your interactions?"

"She was calm, almost strangely so at times really, but nice. It was easy to tell that she enjoyed being here, that she seemed mesmerized just a bit by being next to the heroes, especially you and Miss Militia. Djinn also eats a lot, like enough to be feeding several people minimum and fro her own words whilst she was eating it's because her power requires a lot of energy to actively use. The way she eats is a bit terrifying to be honest, her mouth stretches a bit to far and the way she gnashes at the food is a bit... beastly for the lack of a better term. It was only after several plates that she seemed to move away from that hungry, "I'm thinking that you smell delicious", look. After that she was a bit more chatty, laughing at my grade-A humor and just seemed more lively. She even made some jokes of her own. I think her hunger affects her mentality a bit more than she let on, and that might've been why she was at the Boat Graveyard today, besides whatever else she was dealing with. It was to help distract her from life, probably."

"Possible age?"

"Eh, if I had to take a guess she seemed college-aged, no older than 21 but definitely at least 18." Assault's answer came easily.

Armsmaster seemed to think to himself for a moment, before nodding.

"I got a similar reading from my equipment, so whatever issues she has would be something more personal..." Armsmaster was silent again, it was strange to see him like that. The man wasn't the best with the social aspect of things, too blunt and usually not able to show subtlety when engaged with people, but he could do it when he tried. Assault liked to think it was all the interaction with Dragon that helped Armsmaster out so much.

Triumph took that time to speak up.

"So we're just fine with having such a dangerous cape, with a blatant propensity for destruction and known murderer running around and acting like she didn't do anything wrong?" His words were terse, he was angry. Assault knew that Triumph had a strong sense of wrong and right, a bit too much so.

"Along with the fact that trying to bring her up and legally arrest her for the potential murder of Lung would not to be effective, we got her to reveal in a way that Lung is very much still alive. Our current working thought is that she has him locked inside her body in a way, as she refused to expand further. As for the damages, they are in expected parameters for a drawn out engagement with Lung, and me and Dragon estimate that less than 20% of the damage was actually caused by her. Director Piggot agrees that if she does something so blatant again then we will change tactics, but until then we do things safe. Having someone as dangerous as a ramped up Lung actively want to be good, or at least neutral was agreed to be more important than trying to throw her in jail for crimes that would likely not stick." His words were blunt in his retort.

Moving on before Triumph could speak, he turned to MM and I. Triumph definitely had more to say, to argue, I knew him well enough that I could tell he'd probably talk to Armsy and Piggot later.

"Director Piggot agrees that Assault and Miss Militia should be the ones that try and make more contact with her on if spotted. Assault as she's shown to be receptive to conversing with you, and Miss Militia to provide a strong female support if necessary as well as Miss Militia having the necessary skills to speak with a young woman of such an age and not accidentally offend her or do something that would be seen as socially awkward."

Armsmaster admitting that he wasn't that great at something, if indirectly? Wow, Piggot must be really serious about this.

"Any questions?"

The room was silent, Triumph seemed conflicted.

"Then, Dismissed."

Today had went much better than Assault had thought it would.

His only wish was that things could stay that way.

He'd rather not get turned into food anytime soon anyways.

He imagined being turned into a sweet would certainly be an Assault on the senses.
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"So we're just fine with having such a dangerous cape, with a blatant propensity for destruction and known murderer running around and acting like she didn't do anything wrong?" His words were terse, he was angry. Assault knew that Triumph had a strong sense of wrong and right, a bit too much so.
C'mon Triumph, re-branding capes is what the PRT does all the time.
"She was calm, almost strangely so at times really, but nice. It was easy to tell that she enjoyed being here, that she seemed mesmerized just a bit by being next to the heroes, especially you and Miss Militia. Djinn also eats a lot, like enough to be feeding several people minimum and fro her own words whilst she was eating it's because her power requires a lot of energy to actively use. The way she eats is a bit terrifying to be honest, her mouth stretches a bit to far and the way she gnashes at the food is a bit... beastly for the lack of a better term. It was only after several plates that she seemed to move away from that hungry, "I'm thinking that you smell delicious", look. After that she was a bit more chatty, laughing at my grade-A humor and just seemed more lively. She even made some jokes of her own. I think her hunger affects her mentality a bit more than she let on, and that might've been why she was at the Boat Graveyard today, besides whatever else she was dealing with. It was to help distract her from life, probably."

Is it just me or does it seem like keeping her in normal food, including piles of non-sentient candy, would barely be a blip in the PRT's budget or the kitchen's workload? Not to mention a great selling point to get Djinn!Taylor on the team.

Because I can honestly see Taylor, with her subscriptions-worth of issues with incompetent authority, not even realizing how readily the PRT could help her keep her belly full, nor how motivated they are to keep someone of her power on the side of the angels.

EDIT: ...oh god. I just realized something. When Echidna happens, the Echidna clones would basically be a socially acceptable all-you-can-eat buffet for her.
Is it just me or does it seem like keeping her in normal food, including piles of non-sentient candy, would barely be a blip in the PRT's budget or the kitchen's workload? Not to mention a great selling point to get Djinn!Taylor on the team.
That's a no go unfortunately, weak/non sentient things will not fill her up.

EDIT: ...oh god. I just realized something. When Echidna happens, the Echidna clones would basically be a socially acceptable all-you-can-eat buffet for her.
Also a dead end, clones taste bad.
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That's a no go unfortunately, weak/non sentient things will not fill her up.

Also a dead end, clones taste bad.
That's not entirely true. Remember, 21 was munching on quite a few clones in FighterZ. She said they weren't as tasty as the real deal, but they were still apparently more delicious than random people since she was explicitly going out of here way to eat them all and didn't bother eating random humans. A good chunk of the reason they aren't as delicious, if Android 21's comments are to be believed, is that they aren't as strong as the originals.

Then again, she also mentioned that she enjoyed her food struggling on the way down. Considering the only person that moves after being candified is Vegito, who she's never eaten or interacted with, it's also possible that she's just crazy.

Anyway, the point is while the clones in FighterZ were just pale imitations of themselves with less power and no mind, the Echidna clones have all the power, intelligence, and agency of the original (there was even going to be a big thing with a Tattletale clone that got away before Wildbow scrapped it), so they probably taste just as good.
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Okay this is creepy as f***.! And I freaking love it.! I don't know much about Dragon Ball Z but this has hit all of my buttons and I am much looking forward to more.
She's a potential hero who gets stronger by 'containing' parahumans. I'm sure absolutely nothing will go wrong if anyone decides she'll make a good replacement for the Birdcage.
I'm excited to see her try and eat an Endbringer. Calling it now, it works but she only gets halfway through eating it before it turns back and runs away.
This can only end in either hilarity or tragedy. If your particularly talented, it can be a hilarious tragedy.
I'm excited to see her try and eat an Endbringer.
"Armsmaster? I understand we've had our fair share of arguments in the past regarding turning people into food and eating them. I understand that you think I'm a monster for having a power that is trying to make me evil, and that you don't care about how much effort I've gone to to keep myself under control. But regardless of your feelings on the matter I'd like to make some things perfectly clear:

"I'm hungry. I've been hungry since I triggered. I've been constantly stressed since I triggered and that's done nothing but make my hunger worse. I've had any number of reasons to stop trying to be the better person and just give in, just eat every damn person I come across starting with your psychotic Ward and working my way up the chain of cover-ups and lies, and damn the consequences.

"But I didn't.

"So. I'm going to say this once, and you're going to listen.

"I'm hungry. Leviathan is coming. I am going to eat Leviathan. I'm going to turn it into whatever I feel like and go to town on it like there's no tomorrow. And you're going to make damn sure everyone knows to stay out of my way because, after everything that's been taken from me so far, I am NOT going to let you people take away my lunch."
Now, for Endbringer eating I'm seeing this

Piggot: Djinn, now might be a good time for you to get hungry.
Djinn: That's my secret, Director, I'm always hungry!

And then Leviathan was a giant fishcake
Maybe Taylor shouldn't candy-zap and consume things like Endbringers and other regenerators?

Tear off a limb and zap that instead. Get herself a snack so she can eat while waiting for the limb to grow back, then go back for seconds! It's an all she can eat buffet, and dinner is going to be horrified when it realises how much she can eat.
Maybe Taylor shouldn't candy-zap and consume things like Endbringers and other regenerators?

Tear off a limb and zap that instead. Get herself a snack so she can eat while waiting for the limb to grow back, then go back for seconds! It's an all she can eat buffet, and dinner is going to be horrified when it realises how much she can eat.

Taylor: Oh, was that your arm, that was your arm

If you rip off one of Alabaster's arms, does it vanish when he resets? if not, she has a local source of white meat
Aka standard shard behavior... They're set up so they don't carelessly waste resources. Capes who generate things, like Kaiser and Bitch, have the things they make degrade over time, capes like Purity have to soak up sunlight, Lung grows and shrinks instead of dropping excess bodymass. There's plenty of examples of capes who have this sort of thing applied to them. Hell, even Skitter has to survive on bugs she can find, rather than being able to make her own whenever she needs them.
4 - The Sweet Escape

Taylor felt pretty good about today.

Things had went well.

Better than she expected really.

She'd decided on the way there that she needed to be somewhat open, not so much tell them something like if she went too long without eating that she might go into a feeding frenzy because that'd be crazy. Taylor spoke very briefly on her hunger, letting them know that usage of her powers caused her to become extremely hungry and that she had to eat a lot more than a normal person might or she'd act a bit weird. It was meant to give her at least a valid reason if she did ever end up in a situation where she needed to work with the PRT and found herself spacing out for obvious reasons. Taylor knew going in that they had probably saw her turn Lung into a delicious treat, so she made sure to "accidentally" drop that he wasn't dead which was true. Better to think that then that she had killed him, she thought.

Lung was sitting there in her stomach, unconscious for as long as she kept him inside herself.

Only the best food got such special treatment apparently.

The others that she had eaten, they were gone.

Her only working theory being that because they weren't Parahumans, her body decided that after taking them in, to get rid of them shortly after. Her powers had taken the valuable things from them; memories and skills primarily. From Lung however? She got much more. That fire inside of her body that burned when she was talked down to, if she felt like an injustice was done to her, it wanted to escalate. It made her stronger, but more wild, the burning hot rage that came with it making her want to prove that she was above others, that she was Djinn and that she ruled through power. A remnant of Lung's that would be there as long as she kept him, it was only luck Taylor thought, that it hadn't affected her more.

His fighting skills were hers now, she shuddered at the things he'd seen, everything that was his was hers now. For better and worse.

Cape eats and/or kills other cape and gets there powers? There's only one other notable person like that.

The Faerie Queen herself. Taylor felt herself wince at that thought.

If even she could see the comparisons, then Taylor's would see them as well.

At best they might try and push her to go to the Birdcage, and that was probably the worst possible outcome. The Birdcage was filled with practically the most dangerous Parahumans, the ones that were too dangerous to merely put away in any other prison. If you went in, as far as she knew, you weren't coming back out. For her, it meant that she'd have access to an all-you-can-eat-buffet! Taylor wasn't stupid, she'd noticed that capes, gave off a certain scent. A scent that made them so much more tantalizing than any other average person, it wasn't until she'd eaten plates of food that was enough to fill several people that she'd been able to keep her mind off it.

At worst for her, they'd try to kill her immediately. She morbidly though that'd be for the best.

If it was up to her she wouldn't even have these powers anyways, she'd hit the jackpot some would say. She was strong, could fly, was extremely tough, could shoot blasts of energy, and that was ignoring the fact that she had felt more than what she was before after she'd eaten Lung. Looking from the outside in, she was sure that she probably looked liked the next Alexandria, the next big hero in the making. The cost was just the gnawing hunger that constantly plagued her and tempted her, that dark desire to just turn all of the delicious smelling food around her into the next meal to satiate her hunger and then she could eat and eat and eat and-.

She stopped her negative train of thought there, the meeting with the PRT had went well after all.

Flying through the sky as the sun started to set behind her, she turned her thoughts to the card she had in her pocket.

Searching through the pockets in the blue and red dress she had changed to earlier, her rage hadn't stopped her from realizing that being found taking out her frustration whilst in school clothes would've been really bad to say the least, she pulled out the card. They, specifically Assault, had talked to her about possibly signing up for being a member of the Protectorate. Her first reaction was to say she was still in high-school for one, yeah she'd gotten taller and looked a bit older, but she didn't look that different right?

That thought made her uncomfortable.

Regardless, she'd instead made her hesitance known, that she wasn't really sure on the hero thing, at least not yet anyways. Her reasoning being mostly issues within her personal life, which was technically true. They stopped pushing after that, though Assault did state that they'd be willing to help her with whatever the problem was and had given her a card containing his own info along with the standard hotline for the PRT. On the back was a small message and another number, one for a therapist named Sera Langley. The message had recommended her if Taylor ever felt like she needed someone to talk to.

She'd known she had been a bit weird, the heavenly aroma that pervaded their base had made it hard to think after all, but not weird enough that something felt off about her. Was her perception really so skewed that she couldn't notice herself being weird around others? Sure she'd been a bit reserved, combined with having to keep herself in check and not trying to fan-girl over the heroes she'd like to think her reasons were justified, but people could be shy right? Maybe she was just thinking over it too hard, trying to poke holes in what had been much better than the heroes going "Aha!" and deciding to try and arrest her.

They'd even fed her when they could've just left her hungry.

As she neared her home she told herself that everything was fine, she was just thinking too hard on it.

Things were going to be just fine.

Nearing her house, she dropped off a block away after checking to make sure there was no one nearby, her pink skin shifting back to normal just as her tail pulled itself back in. Her features shifted back to the ones that she was a bit more familiar, and then she was walking out of the alley-way, a smile on her face as tried to think positive. Her day, even though it had started off rather bad, had been good. She got to talk with heroes, she laughed at Assault's corny jokes, she'd even left on amiable terms with them, heck they had wanted her to join them even if they weren't pushing hard for it.

It felt good to have a day where things just didn't turn to shit.

After a short walk she found herself in front of her home, her Dad's car in the driveway.

Being careful as she walked up the steps to her house, she pulled out her key and entered her voice loud enough to be heard through the house as said "I'm back!".

There was silence for a moment.

"Dad?" She spoke into the silence, her instincts flaring at her that something was not right. A subtle pressure in the air that made her tingle. Dropping her bag at the door, she sniffed the air, something odd smelling pervaded the air.

Her feet rose slightly off the ground as she began to float, their house was old so it wasn't abnormal for the floor to creak when someone was moving over it, but she needed to be stealthy. Slowly inching her way forward, she tried to focus her ears on any weird sounds, to hear if there was somebody else there. Moving ever closer to the living room she felt her skin prickle as she heard a small sound.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Taylor's eyes widened as she changed forms, her body already moving as she realized what the sound was but she was too late. A flash of light, an explosion of sound as the living room was caught in the initial explosion, and then-


Her body flared up as if everyone of her nerves was on fire, and then... there was nothing.

Numbness as she felt her body drift, floating as if she was drifting down a river.

Was she dying?

Her senses felt blurry.

The world around her becoming greyed out, as if someone drained all the color from it.

She tried to turn her head, moving felt like she was in molasses, and there was no sound.

When had she got flung into the air?


She had blacked out, she couldn't tell for how long.

Minutes, maybe hours, it didn't feel like days had passed but Taylor couldn't be sure.

She didn't feel as hungry as she thought she would, but something else inside her burned. Was she trapped in this gray world, where everything seemed to go so slow? Her body still felt off, but she was alive, she was conscious of the world around her at something within her raged. Raged at the mere fact that someone thought they could ever imprison her, that they could ever cage her. Pink and black energy and the familiar orange flames licked at her skin as she focused herself, focused on that feeling welling up from inside of her. She'd been stuck like this before, had almost been stuck again only a few months ago, but her powers had already awakened by then. No, flashes of something else came from inside of her.

Taylor didn't like this, she hated it.

Her aura flared around her in the grey world as she felt the flames around her grow hotter, she was not going to die.

She refused!

Yes her life felt like shit at times, but it was hers!

Opening her mouth, she screamed as her energy raised more and more.

Not enough! More and more power rose from within as she screamed at the faded grey world around her that thought it could keep her here!

Either she would give or this world would.

As more power rose from within her, she knew it would be the world.

And then she felt it, the gray cracked as the lifeless world seemed to collapse under the power she was emitting.

A hole formed in the air in front of her, color visible from the other side.

Stopping her scream, Taylor pushed herself to move, her power gradually pushing her through the air as she moved with intention, not wanting to have her power fade and be unable to escape. As her body got closer she could feel her herself becoming faster and faster, feeling returning to her as her skin shifted to the pink of her other form, her hair changing, her ears becoming pointed, and her tail ripping a hole through the jeans she wore. Pushing more and more, it was with one last push of power that she shot through the hole the ring on her finger shattering as she shot into the sky.

The world erupted into sound, sirens from police cars, the occasional yells, and the distant and not so distant sound of explosions in the distance.

The moon hung over her head, her aura flaring around her as flames licked her skin and embers sparked off of her. She brought a hand up to inspect it, she felt different.

How long had she been trapped?

Where was her Dad?

Her stomach was oddly silent.

Looking down at her house she saw that the damage had been done, parts here and there having collapsed from the initial explosion, others having been buried underneath the rumble.

She'd always worried, worried about what would happen if she just let herself go. Taylor had thought about it, even had gave herself legitimate reasons as to why she shouldn't; her Dad would be disappointed in her, she'd be sent to the Birdcage, she shouldn't stoop to the level of those that pushed her, her Mom's face if she ever heard what she'd done. There were so many reasons that she could think of, but at the moment those things just seemed so much less than what she had built them up to be. The thoughts leaving her head as quickly as she tried to think of them.

Someone had attacked her, attacked her personally and in her home, the memories of one of the people she'd absorbed reminding her that something like that overstepped rules between capes, and even if they hadn't... something welled up from inside her. Her Dad was missing, she could only hope that he'd left the house before, but she couldn't be sure. If she searched through the rubble and she found a body she... she'd...

Taylor would find the person who did this and she'd enjoy eating them down to the very last bite.

She licked her lips, she hoped they'd taste delicious.
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Opening her mouth, she screamed as her energy raised more and more.

Not enough! More and more power rose from within as she screamed at the faded grey world around her that thought it could keep her here!

Either she would give or this world would.

As more power rose from within her, she knew it would be the world.
So... gray boy bomb is ineffective.
At best they might try and push her to go to the Birdcage, and that was probably the worst possible outcome. The Birdcage was filled with practically the most dangerous Parahumans, the ones that were too dangerous to merely put away in any other prison. If you went in, as far as she knew, you weren't coming back out. For her, it meant that she'd have access to an all-you-can-eat-buffet! Taylor wasn't stupid, she'd noticed that capes, gave off a certain scent. A scent that made them so much more tantalizing than any other average person, it wasn't until she'd eaten plates of food that was enough to fill several people that she'd been able to keep her mind off it.
Taylor, the new Birdcage!

...It's scary how viable option that seems.
They, specifically Assault, had talked to her about possibly signing up for being a member of the PRT.
Beep. Beep. Beep.

Taylor's eyes widened as she changed forms, her body already moving as she realized what the sound was but she was too late. A flash of light, an explosion of sound as the living room was caught in the initial explosion, and then-


Her body flared up as if everyone of her nerves was on fire, and then... there was nothing.
Bakuda just attacked a cape in their home in their civilian identity. She done fucked up now.
Taylor would find the person who did this and she'd enjoy eating them down to the very last bite.

She licked her lips, she hoped they'd taste delicious.
ABB's final countdown just started.