The Imperial Alchemists
Finding yourself in the midsts of an alchemical laboratory isn't exactly where you thought your journey of wealth would begin, but here you are. Across from you, just now finishing up some crucially important measurements and pouring a black, tar-like substance that flows similarly to water, is the Master Alchemist that is your current interest.
The woman you are speaking to is reasonably young, perhaps a woman just in her second decade in appearance. Though, with Master Alchemists, this means she is anywhere between thirty and over one hundred years of age. Light hair suggests an origin other than Greek, whilst tan skin marks her as a native of the area. As the last drop of liquid drips down into the glass alembic, it mixes into a low, red-black substance which she quickly caps up.
"Apologies merchant, the last batch of Greek Fire just required the final addition of naphtha," Her face is somewhat apologetic whilst you reconsider exactly how close you were to the afterlife.
"Ah, is that, exactly, safe?" You hazard a question, already fairly confident in the answer you'll get. "Well, it hasn't killed me in fifty years, so I'll say it's perfectly safe." She gives the grin of a deranged madwoman, brown eyes gleaming near-unnaturally whilst a book is pulled out and opened.
"Merchant, I will need exactly four-hundred thousand pounds of wood in two years." She plainly says, noting something down in her book whilst your mind comes over a quarter-million pounds short of production needed to give her what she wants, nevertheless, you smile and nod. "Of course, only some expansion should easily get you that."
Taking your word at its base meaning, she nods "Excellent merchant, I will write up the contract immediately. Remember that failure to provide the resources is a failure to the state." A chilling reminder of the possible cost of failure. Nevertheless, your nerve keeps and you sign various binding agreements before exiting the laboratory just as a small explosion sounds from it.
Contract acquired, the initial sale provides 227.5 Stavraton.
Finding a Source (Of Timber)
The first step to a successful bargain is acquiring multiple sources for completing that bargain. This is why you are seven hours into a series of idiotically fun activities with a magnate from the recolonized Wallachian territories by the name of Borislav.
Roll=99-50(Composure)-100 (Stavraton)=-49
"Tell me about that- Kakva ie dumata?-the story with the wife and the husband finding you again!" He laughs uproariously as he asks that, the wine having seeped straight through him as evidenced by flushed cheeks and a generally hammered demeanour. Putting one huge hand on the bar as you start to talk to balance himself, he listens intently.
"Well, it was a year back, when I was just barely a man! I was bouncing around this high society ballroom and, drunker than a sailor, stumbled into an absolutely beautiful woman." You yourself are feeling the liquor even if you have tried to keep the consumption low enough to be cognizant at great difficulty.
"We spoke like old friends and, of course, in a few minutes we did a lot more than just speak!" Borislav breaks into another bout of uproarious laughter, nearly falling off his stool whilst the crowd gathered around to join in the storytelling.
"Of course, the damnest thing happens just as I am, well, you know!" Tossing a grin around the room, they join in with the joyful expression you put forth. "Her husband walks in! Pulls a pistol on me!" You chuckle at the memory, continuing before interest is lost, "Of course, he missed, but the knife he pulled nearly didn't! Threw myself out of a window, landed in someone's cabbage pile and broke my arm!"
Shaking your head as the crowd cannot contain itself, you finish off. "Getting back home was interesting, explaining to my father why I needed to go to the physician for a broken arm was even more so!"
The night continues well enough, you keep the peace and joyful atmosphere and, at some point, get the contract you wrote up earlier and bargain for a price with the man, eventually settling on an amount. Despite how much you wish to argue the point, or maybe shoot the man, you let the night fade, enjoying what you can.
A settled purchasing of one Unit of Quality Timber for 2 Stavraton. Up to 125 Units total.
In Bed With The Alchemists
Roll=1(Here we fucking go)-50 (Manipulation)-100 (Stavraton)=-149 (Critical Success)
How you found yourself breathless and shaking from a night with Master Alchemist Cynna is a long story involving alcohol, a silver tongue and perhaps more bravery than you should have shown. The point of the matter is that she is nearly a century your elder and you were barely keeping up, but you did.
With that good first impression, you've managed to build a relationship of sorts, something the priests would certainly call impious, but that's very much their issue, not yours. Sitting in her shop every few days and making idle conversation as she speaks of alchemical precepts with the joy of a driven teacher and exceptional skill at making the concepts understandable, seeing as even your dense mind is beginning to grasp onto some basics.
"So, to summarize, quicksilver, otherwise known as the metal of mercury, is a crucial tool for binding admixtures, allowing one to combine otherwise incompatible substances to produce exceptional effects!" Her light Macedonian accent makes every word engaging due to its exoticism, something you compound on by leaning in and generally making yourself attentive.
"Ah, isn't it toxic, however?" You ask, worried about the effects of such things, she responds with a dangerous grin, "Of course it is! That's why you don't breathe it in, and when you do, brew up something to fix the mounting damage to your mind!"
"Of course, Cynna, of course." You sigh at her antics, counting exactly how much a serum to recover whatever damage you've suffered here will cost.
Gotten an in with a Master Alchemist and by extension a few hundred journeymen and a few dozen apprentices. Also, she is absolutely mind-blowing in bed and, so are you apparently.
How Much Wood Can a Woodcutter Cut?
100 Stavraton
Roll=54 (Success)
The first day you go to inspect the work environment, you get brought to a clearing in the woods stacked with logs, and a gaggle of men with splitting axes processing it in the most physically exhausting, inefficient manner possible.
Speaking niceties and applauding their inhuman work ethic, you head back to your home and start looking into options to make their efforts less mind-shatteringly stupid in their inefficiency.
A few solutions present themselves immediately, from alchemical enhancement of the workers which would cost an abject fortune to the solution you eventually settle on.
Buying a few dozen fourth-hand suits of clockwork armour from a decade ago during the second siege of Constantinople, you strip off much of the damascene steel that provides it with its armour, leaving just enough to protect the wearer from random impacts and selling the rest to make up the cost somewhat, you get them shipped to the woodcutters along with a few old soldiers that instruct them on how to use it.
A few weeks later, when you return to the camp, it is massively expanded as the forest has been cut back some four-hundred feet in every direction and you spot them using newly bought full steel axes to easily chop trees down in two swipes at most.
The people debranching them work with little tools, able to snap the branches off easily with armoured gauntlets and simply a large work blade to take away any remnant wood from them. Production rate skyrockets and you are nearly doubling the output of wood that is fed into stockpiles for sale.
Not quite enough to make up the difference needed, but certainly enough to make it much easier to do so in this Alchemists contract.
Quality Timber production increased to 130 per turn.
Paper Milling
50 Stavraton
Roll=54 (Near-Failure)
Construction of the paper mill does take place, all the space and probable equipment needed built just a few hundred yards away from your home. The issue, of course, is that you have no papermakers!
You've sent out dozens of requests, job offers and wage increases, but not a single soul will take your offer. You've absolutely no idea why. Perhaps it's the wages, you thought them fair, but evidently, others did not.
A paper mill is built, you just lack employees.
To Supply Ammunition
The hours you are forced to spend in an office, waiting for paperwork to be delivered and a bureaucrat to sign off on the transport of munitions they requested are some of the most gruelling in your life.
You go through six cups of chai as well as a small dose of opium to keep steady and calm throughout the droning procedure, then you finally sign off on the transport of the powder and shot. Leaving the office, you get in your now personal ochimata and make your way to the rail station for the trip to Targoviste, aiming to connect with the locals there.
You make a profit of 106 Stavraton, and have the means to transport more.
Targoviste Travails
Roll=48-50 (Charisma)-50 (Stavraton)=-48
Arriving at Targoviste via your own Ochimata, it strikes you as underdeveloped. Old stone buildings abound- relics of a previous, more primitive era. Cobbled streets lie caked with mud whilst simple draft animals carry the weight of wagons behind them.
The people are hardy in appearance and filthy to go along with that image, but generally friendly as you find out in a local bar, doing your best to associate and stop being a stranger and instead appear as a friend.
It works well enough. You meet hunters, leatherworkers and a dozen other professionals who all operate fairly independently of one another. You detect no real resource of interest here that is already being tapped, but you do, however, detect a need for manpower.
The place is underpopulated, with a few thousand mere colonists providing the bulk of the population. Anyone who came here could easily own property by the right of simply walking onto it and would likely pay a reasonable price to do so.
All you have to do is somehow convince people of that fact.
Open Contract-Targoviste Passenger Route-2 Stavraton Per Passenger Unit. No passenger source yet.
Spreading Faith
The missionaries load into your vessel a few hundred at a time, getting sent off to Trebizond in rhythmic, days-long trips. What takes an inordinate amount of space is the sheer quantity of gold holy objects they apparently must bring along.
Shaking your head at the eccentricities of the clergy, you accept their generous pay heartily and allow them to go on their way.
250 Stavraton acquired, the faith aided, I guess.
Trebizond Contracts
Sadly, with your time in Targoviste, you are unable to make a journey to Trebizond long-lasting. You do, however, manage to get into contact with the local miners and their guilds.
After months of back and forth letters, their needs are divined rather effectively. The mining guilds are currently operating with heavy machinery and the like. Unfortunately both black lung and other mining-related illnesses are epidemic so far from the Alchemists guilds of Constantinople, creating a great demand for medicine of any sort.
Additionally, the copper mines have recently re-opened after a terrible series of accidents which saw them collapse inwards, however, no one is currently pulling their output free, leaving it piling up en-masse without any place to sell it.
More Contracts Acquired.
New Contracts
Trebizond Mining Guilds Medical Contract-Medicine-7 Stavraton Per Unit-30 Units-Contract Length Indefinite.
Trebizond Mining Guilds-Copper-2 Stavraton Purchase Per Unit-Up To 300 Units-Contract Length Indefinite.
Targoviste Timber Magnate-2 Stavraton Purchase Per Unit-Up To 125 Units-Quantity Contract.
Open Contract-Targoviste Passenger Route-2 Stavraton Per Passenger Unit
End of Turn Profits
New Balance=483.5=Rounded up to 484 Stavraton
No Change in Upkeep
Next Turn Soon!