Girls und Panzer - For Glory, Praise and Honor

Salida del Sol, Puesta del Sol
Uploader's Note: I do not own the fanfic and its OCs nor Girls und Panzer. Credit goes solely to their respective owners.

A/N: Drama is over for now. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Also, if there are any artists out there let me know. I'd like to make a fan art for this story. It would be really great!

Notojima – Hotel – Hotel Lobby – Morning

The majority of Oarai's students were assembling to the town's square. Unlike the Sensha-do team, they were participating in the closing ceremony of the Winter Festival and would be departing right after. The team had a leave of absence, as they joined in the match. The Student Council thought that due to their efforts, they should at least get some time for some R&R. Afterwards, they would depart from the hotel in the afternoon.

There was no drama for Anglerfish last night. Miho slept well and greeted the other girls at roughly the same time they all went for breakfast. However, during breakfast, word got around about Yukari holding a meeting for the team commanders to discuss something.

Rirko and Ami didn't have breakfast at the hotel. They decided to have breakfast at a local café. As the sun rose on the town, they sat waiting for their order. Both are sipping on their coffee, they both noticed students slowly starting to trickle out of the hotel and form up into classes.

"Lot of students going to the closing event," Rirko noted as he drank his coffee. He was still groggy, after yesterday. It was a trying time, and he didn't get much sleep. Most of it was worrying about the relationship between him and the Sensha-do Team.

"Well, it's almost the entire school. As soon as the ceremony's over, they'll be heading back to Oarai."

"Right. Meanwhile, we're chaperoning the team here until the afternoon, yeah?" Ami nodded while taking a sip of her black coffee. Rirko put some cream and sugar in his.

"You don't take it black?"

"No. Why?"

"You get a more of a kick if you take it black. Putting all that cream and sugar dilutes the effectiveness."

"Did you know it takes about twenty minutes for the caffeine to hit?"

"Really? Didn't know that."

"I know it's bad, but I'd rather have an energy drink than take coffee if I need an extra boost."

"Won't you crash in the afternoon?"

"Depending what you're doing on that day."

Their food came. Ami had a traditional Japanese breakfast. Grilled salmon with rice and miso soup. For Rirko, scrambled eggs and bacon with some toast.

"Is that what western eat for breakfast?"

Rirko nodded. "It's a bit of a luxury. Sometimes, I don't even have time for breakfast. I'm busy hauling ass to schools for that day."

"So, you go to other schools? For what?"

"Meh, supply work. But that was before. As soon as I get back, I'll be back on the job hunt."

Rirko began to eat his breakfast. Ami just looked at him and was wondering about his career before coming to Japan.

"You didn't have a permanent job before?"

"Kinda. The work came in every day so you could call it a full time. Even though it was on-call, I still had to travel constantly to other locations in the city. Sometimes, I was there for long periods of time. From weeks to months."

"Kind of what we got here." Ami blew on her soup. "But our teachers don't seem to get sick as much, so we don't see supplies here. Especially, male staff."

"That's considering you're on a carrier school ship and all of the faculty are female staff. It's like being on a ship of the Valkyries."

"Valkyries?" Ami was confused by the Norse Mythology reference.

"Long story. It means that most of the population are female. Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Ami smiled. "I get it. It was the same in Kuromorimine. Although, the staff were a lot stricter. Due to high expectations of a traditional Sensha-do school."

"I can imagine." Truthfully, Rirko didn't want to talk about anything Sensha-do related. Mainly because of the drama that unfolded yesterday. However, he didn't want to be rude. As the pair ate, some of the students saw Ami and waved while they were heading out. The streets of Notojima have filled once again with people heading over to their jobs and other places.

The café started to fill up with regular patrons. Soon, a sizable amount of people took their place either outside to take in the cold, morning air or inside to be snug and warm. As soon as Ami was done, she looked thoughtfully at Rirko.


"I just…"

"Okay, what's up?"

She sighed. "If I were you, I wouldn't want to talk about it. But, it's from yesterday."


"How did things go? With Miho, I mean? And, did anything else happen? I mean, I was with the team when the match ended. Shiho made the call as the Federation chairperson, to end the match in a draw."

'Shiho did that? Holy shit!' That surprised Rirko, as he thought the judges were the ones who cancelled the match. He pondered on her words and thought it would be best to share everything.

"Well, Miho calmed down considerably. She rested afterwards. A few minutes later, guess who dropped by?"

Ami finished drinking her coffee. "Maho?"


"No surprise. Considering what happened to Miho, she would have every right to worry."

"That's not all…" Rirko started to think how to word the entire situation. How she expressed herself to him…her real self.

"What is it? If you're that silent, then I can think that things didn't end up so good."

"Huh…how to put this? The mask…it broke."

"The mask? Broke? What do you mean?"

"She showed me…what she truly felt."

It took Ami to process the information. Then, she understood. "Oh my God. So, stoic face Maho talked to you? Not formally, but a person?"

"It took some…prodding. I had to get Maho riled up. I thought at the time she still doesn't trust me. But I hope that all doubts are gone now."

"What did she say?"

"Well,…things got real. I'm not going to go into the details." Even though Maho wasn't Rirko's responsibility, what she said was with confidence. To maintain that trust, he couldn't tell Ami. "Let's just say that both her and Miho are in the same boat."

"…I get it. Both sisters had their share of Shiho's teaching methods. I'm surprised that Maho lasted this long and is still going. Just a testament to her own strong will."

"She is a remarkable young lady. But she has her own sets of issues she will need to work out in the future. Otherwise, it will affect her in the long run."


"For what? For telling you?"

"No. Miho and Maho. Knowing Miho from last year and Maho from back in the day, I think that they worked hard to get where they are. But there are times when I'm frustrated with them because they don't express themselves. But with you? You challenge them to do just that. Even after they won't talk to you. Even after they don't want to talk about anything because it hurts. You don't give up on them, even when they give up on themselves."

Ami's words were encouraging. Rirko thought himself a failure for taking Miho's passion away.

"Your words are comforting, Ami. Thanks. I needed that."

"I can see that you do. Even when the shit hits the fan, I'll be there to support you. Because you make it a priority to help these girls in any way possible. Remember that."

"I know, I know." Rirko smiled at her gently. With Ami's words, it made his job a whole lot more meaningful.

The pair finished up, paid the bill, and headed to the hotel. The last of the students trickled out of the lobby when they arrived. However, the two were both met by Mallard Team.

"Mr. Nagasawa. Miss Chono." Sodoko bowed, with her teammates.

"Good morning, Sodoko," Ami greeted. "What's going on?"

"Yukari has called a meeting with the other tank commanders to discuss the future of the team. She requests your presence."

Ami looked at her watch. "I actually have a meeting with a Sensha-do Federation representative this morning. I won't be able to attend. However…"

"I get the message." Rirko nodded to Ami. "Where will it be held?"

"One of the meeting rooms. The Student Council was able to get one, free of charge."

"Good for them. Just point me in the right direction."

Sodoko pointed towards the elevators, where there was a hallway. As Rirko headed there, Ami could only imagine what it could be referring to.

'I hope things don't get from bad to worse.' Looking at her watch, she walked to her room to prepare herself for the meeting.

Notojima – Hotel – Hotel Conference Room – Morning

When Rirko arrived, the door was closed. He already knew what it was about. But it didn't make it any easier.

'Just another day. Just another day.' He thought it just another day, but it was a nerve-wracking one. When he dismissed Miho, and he explained himself yesterday, he felt the girls were going to attack him. They were loyal, all right, but got their priorities mixed up.

'They should be concerned more about their friend. Not about how they're going to perform. What, they just don't have faith in Yukari?' Sighing, he put on his best stoic look and entered.

When he entered, the team commanders, Miho and Yukari included, with Momo, Yuzu with Anzu, stared at him. He gave a short nod, then took his seat at the back. Crossing his arms, he waited for the meeting to begin.

Yukari was confused. Typically, a teacher would have a place in the front. But he decided to stick to the back? This confused the others as well. "Um. Good morning, Mr. Nagasawa."


"Would you like to sit at the front? You don't have to sit back there."

Rirko squinted his eyes. "Sit, at the front? You want me to?"

Miho and Yukari looked at each other. "I believe it would be best." Slowly getting up, he passed the rest of the commanders and took a seat at the front. They waited for a few more moments for others to arrive.

"Where's Miss Chono," Yuzu asked.

"She sends her regrets. Unfortunately, she has another engagement with a representative of the Federation. You're stuck with me."

"I see."

As more team commanders came in, they all wore uncertain faces. Nakajima, Leopon's Commander, was given pats on the back and some hugs. She looked a bit worse for wear. It was understandable, after yesterday.

"I think everyone's here. Thank you all for coming." Yukari cleared her throat a couple of times. "As you know, there's been a change in the command structure. Some of you may not be comfortable with this. I get it. We will discuss that more in-depth later. However, our first item on the agenda…is clarification."

Yukari turned to Rirko. Everyone looked at him, and he knew he was about to go on trial. "Mr. Nagasawa. We understand that new Sensha-do rules prohibit any student participating if they are emotionally compromised. However, we wish to barter on these conditions."

Rirko was a little confused before realizing what Yukari was asking for. Nodding, he took the centre while she sat down. "Tank Commanders and other members of the Oarai Sensha-do Team. I understand your trepidation…"

"Trepidation?" Asked Azusa.

Ceasar explained it to her. "Fear and anxiety."


"However, rest assured, that Miho will still play an integral part of the team." The tank commanders looked around the room, confused.

"So, Miho's not suspended?"

"She is! Is she?"

"I don't know; I'm confused."

"Well think Yukari asked, huh."

Even Miho was confused by this revelation. So, when Rirko relieved her of command, what did it honestly mean?

"I don't think most of you listened to what I said yesterday about this. I'll repeat it: it's with a heavy heart that I temporary relieve Miho of command, until such time she has shown to me and her peers that she is able to once again take the responsibility of leadership."

The room was silent for a second. "So, it isn't a perma-ban?" asked Nekonya.

Rirko starred at her.

"Oh right, temporary."

"Now then. Federation rules state that they are to not participate in all aspects of Sensha-do. However, this rule when looking it up is up to the discretion of the presiding counsellor."

Murmurs started to fly again.

"Girls, please! Miho won't be going on the battlefield, nor will she be acting in a command capacity. Nor will she be able to ride tanks." Miho's heart sank, and she looked defectively on the table.

"That being said, I will allow her to act in an advisory role regarding mentorship, training and strategic planning. Ultimately, however, the contingency command must be respected. Yukari will make the overall decision on the team's course of action."

Rirko already mentioned it to the Student Council way back when. However, the only difference is that it was no longer a suggestion. It was an order, under the authority of the Federation.

Although Miho wouldn't be riding tanks for a while, at least she could still be with her friends. That consolation was better than nothing.

"Um, Mr. Nagasawa?" Kii asked. "When will Nishizumi-Sempai return to commanding a tank?"

"…that's up for your commander to decide." Rirko looked at Miho. If she wanted back in a tank, then she would have to step up her recovery process. However, understanding mental issues, especially ones that cause fear and anxiety, would be a long process. She started, at least, but still had some ways to go.

The team had yet to understand the seriousness of Miho's situation, but perhaps that would be for the best. If more people found out, Miho would be smothered with support. A person like her likes to keep her privacy. As Rirko sat down, he and Miho exchanged glances. He wanted her back in, but the way she was right now, it wasn't going to happen.

'What do you want me to do?' Miho wondered. 'What am I supposed to do to go back to the team?' Such questions could be used in a session, maybe?

"Thank you for that clarification…Mr Nagasawa." Yukari was moving on the list. "Now, on the issue of the chain of command. I know most of you don't think of me as a competent strategist or leader like Miss Nishizumi. I admit, she's a tough act to follow."

Yukari was right in this regard. Miho's job in commanding the team was unparalleled. So, how would Yukari's style differ from hers? Would it be business as usual or something different altogether?

"For now, we will keep most things the same. It doesn't mean it won't change. There may be some adaptations we need to implement in the coming weeks. The team commanders will still give out their input on strategies, and the teams will be working extra hard in doing their part. Each team will also be encouraged to 'think on the fly' when something goes wrong. That's our strength. To do the unexpected and surprise the enemy."

The tank commanders looked at one another. Some shook, others nodded.

"I am not like Miss Nishizumi. Nor will I act like her. I can only do my best to drive this team forward. But…I can't do it alone! I need support from every one of you. It wouldn't be Oarai Girl's Academy Sensha-do Team without you girls!"

Yukari was asking for help, from the heart. Some commanders could pick up on that. The ones that were sceptical about her experience and resolve were starting to think twice. She may have the makings of a team commander yet.

"All I'm saying that if you have an issue, let me know. I'll make it my job to listen. Also, if you have a suggestion, make sure you tell me. This isn't my team. This is OUR team. So, let's make it the best we can be."

Nodding, the commanders applauded Yukari for being frank with them. Miho wiped a tear of joy, proud that her protégé was able to rouse the team members together. The rest of the meeting spoke of restructuring. Since Leopon was one member short, they were to reassign their members to double duty until Hoshino was able to come back. Not only that, Anglerfish was in a similar situation. Yukari would have to pull double duty as a loader and team commander. They would still need to work out how they could operate a tank while its loader was coordinating the attacks.

Rirko listened silently to their plans. They weren't ordinary girls who would talk about the latest trend or boys. They were also smart girls with dreams and ambitions. And a deep love for one another as a team. When it was all over, the commanders were in high spirits. As Rirko headed out the door, Miho caught him.

"May I speak with you? Please?"

'Geez.' He knew he wasn't going to like what Miho had to say. However, he had to cut her some slack. It was some high-level stuff that went down with her yesterday, and he didn't expect her to get over it so soon.

Notojima – Hotel Lobby – Morning

The commanders regrouped with the rest of their team. Some of them went out into town to buy some souvenirs. Others stayed in their rooms, waiting for the departure time. Not wanting to intrude on the conversation, Yukari excused herself to begin packing for the trip back to Oarai.

Miho and Rirko sat awkwardly, as like in the office. She looked scared and stressed. Rirko did his best to keep an empathetic ear.

"Thank you for yesterday. I mean…"

"Well, you've been through a lot. I'm sorry things turned out the way they did."

She nodded. "I understand why you had to do it. I'm not happy, I admit. But…I'll take whatever I can get." She was still disappointed about not being able to ride the tanks. That was understandable as she spent most of her life around them. Now she's within their grasp but not able to ride one.

"I'm glad you're able to understand the reasoning behind it. Most people would put their emotions first, and allow their sadness and anger to direct their activities."

There was a silence between the two for a while.

"What you said in the conference room. What did you mean 'it's up to me?'

"Well, what do you think it means?"

"I don't know."

"Think about it, Miho. What does it mean for you to do?"

This was her thinking about her feelings again. Although she didn't like doing it, she had to. "Figure out why things are happening?"

Rirko nodded. "There's a reason for your attacks. The mind may not know, but the body seems to be reacting to some danger of sorts. When you have that attack, it kicks into a 'fight or flight' mode."

"Fight or flight?"

"When we're faced with a difficult situation we either face it head on or run away. The problem with you is that your body is reacting that way, even though you've faced your share of a stressful situation. Further, it sometimes reacts when nothing else is there."

"So…what can I do when that happens. I can…feel it coming…if that makes sense."

"That's good. You can take steps then to avoid an attack. Would you like to know?"

"Yes please!" Miho looked eager to learn. Rirko nodded.

"First, think about the situation itself. Have you've been in this situation before? What are the chances of you getting hurt? What is the worst-case scenario? Asking yourself these questions helps ground yourself to the present. Your body is maybe reacting to nothing…therefore, be afraid of nothing."

"If everything is fine, then I'm overreacting?"

"In layman terms, yes. It's a bit tricky, especially when you have an attack coming on. That's why you should try breathing techniques."

"Oh! I've been doing that…just not that much."

"Well, practice makes perfect. Trying doing it every day, even when you don't have an attack coming on. That way, when it does happen, you're ready."

"Be prepared for it. Okay."

"What else?" Rirko wanted to help Miho self-regulate herself. It would be a way to start off her self-recovery. "Your friends and teammates and your sister are there to support you. But, there may be times when they're too supportive. Do you know what I mean?"

"I think, yes. But I don't want to hurt their feelings."

'Sweet Miho, always thinking about others. So cute.' "They are maybe doing it too much. Let them know when you need your space. Even though being alone is frown upon in your situation, sometimes people need some time to think. It can be in a public place by yourself or a secluded place like the forest."

"Make time for me."

"Yeah." Miho seemed to be listening to every piece of advice. She wanted to get well. "Finally. Your emotions and feelings."

This was the hard pill to swallow. Miho braced herself.

"You still don't want people to know how you truly feel. That's okay sometimes. But if you need to get something off your chest, talk to someone right away. Don't wait. If you do, then your body will react to the negativity you have in your mind. That will be an onset of an attack."

She looked down, "Can you explain it to me a bit further?"

"Sure. I've noticed you're reserved when it comes to things other than tanks. You have an opinion, a feeling; these things can be shared. Find an outlet to let these feelings known."


"Activity. Painting, flower arrangements, making videos, be creative when expressing yourself. It doesn't have to be alone; it can be with others. Your friends or other like-minded people." Rirko was suggesting opening herself more to other people. Not just people in her school.

"I'm…I'm not good with meeting new people."

"There are a lot of ways you can meet people. Groups that are like-minded as you. Joining a class that teaches something new. Sharing your knowledge about certain things, volunteering for an organisation. Like I said, use your imagination. Explore the world around you. You'll be surprised how much is out there when you take that first step."

The suggestions he made were lifestyle choices that Miho had to go on her own. It meant getting her out of her comfort zone and explore things she has never considered before. It was scary…but she was intent on doing it to get back on the team.

"These things you're suggesting. Will they work?"

Rirko shrugged. "Well, we don't know unless we try, right?"

"And can I still see you? In the mornings?" He nodded.

"You have support. You'll get there." She was uncertain of this path but was sure she would be able to pull it off. She was confident that it would work.

"Then…what about Sensha-do? If I do these things? Will I be able to get back?"

"You never left the team, Miho. You're taking on another, less active role. You need a break, time to recover. Figure out things, the reasoning behind these attacks. Take time in getting that answer. You're still the Sensha-do commander for the team, right? That it'll still be there."

Just because she wasn't taking an active role, it didn't mean she was kicked off the team. But Miho liked riding in tanks. That was her passion. Although Rirko's answer was not the one she was looking for, she was enthusiastic about the possibility of things getting back to normal.

"I'll try Mr. Nagasawa. I'll try my best."

"That's all I ask. If you want it, you'll get there. You got to believe in that." She stood up and bowed, with a small smile.

"Excuse me? Are you Oarai's student counsellor?"

Miho's skin turned pale as if she saw a ghost. Inquisitively, Rirko closed his eyes and addressed the visitors. "Who wants to know?"

Notojima – Town Center – Morning

Ami looked at her watch. "9:25." In dress uniform, she sat on a nearby bench near the fountain. Oddly enough, it was the same fountain she and Rirko sat on a few days ago.

Twiddling her thumbs, repositioning herself slightly and sighing, her meetings would be just like any meeting. But she felt something different about it. Uneasy.

Suddenly, a figure approached her, and she stood up. Walking towards her, she was ready. She bowed.


Shiho, sporting grey coat and skirt with black shoes, folded her arms. "I almost didn't see you, Ami. Why did you choose a place like this?"

"Sensei, you said inconspicuous."

Shiho did say that to her. 'I didn't mean out of view from everyone, just not in plain sight.' "Don't act smart, Ami. It's not polite."

Both Ami and Shiho sat down on the bench. For a moment, they watched as the people walked about their business. The Pravda/ Oarai students leaving the centre to got back to the respective school.

"When I got your text, I was concerned. You don't usually text me unless it's critical."

Shiho nodded. "I feel that the situation in Oarai has gotten out of hand."

"You mean with Miho?"

"Hmm…" Wow, you figured it out Ami, I think I got a gold star somewhere. "I want to know exactly what happened and more specifically… Rirko Nagasawa."

Ami was speechless. Her conversations were with confidence. He trusted her to keep the things he said a secret and now her teacher wants to share said information with her?

"You know I can't tell you much. It was said in confidence."

"So, you do know something."

"I do. But I gave my word that I wouldn't speak to anyone about it."

Shiho chuckled slightly. "You never change, Ami. You're always so reliable. Perhaps to a fault." She stared at the fountain. "You are one of my joys in my entire career; you know that? With your skill, you were able to get far."

"I have you to thank, Sensei." The feeling was mutual. The relationship between teacher and student was strong. It transcended time and grows. Sometimes it becomes something more and other times, and they drift apart because of differences. "But I didn't know that. I just thought of myself of 'one of Shiho Nishizumi's students.'"

"But you were a student with a strong will," Shiho explained. "When people hear the name 'Nishizumi' they usually tremble with respect. And rightfully so. But when we first met, you were fearless. You didn't care who taught you, so long as you were able to learn."

"I was brash and foolish back then. I think I'm still am." Shiho could help but laugh softly at that admission. Then, she turned serious.

"Things are changing in the world of Sensha-do. I recognize that. Myself, Chiyo, we're all part of a dying breed. Trying to keep the old ways going but it's only a matter of time."

"What are you saying, sensei?" Ami was wondering where she was going with this. "You sound as if you're dying."

Shiho looked up at the sky. "I have a couple of years left, Ami. But I speak about the world of Sensha-do. I had hope my daughters, and you would be the ones to carry on the Nishizumi legacy and with it the old ways. I'm teaching Maho everything she needs to know, while she can still learn. As for Miho…"

She trailed off. As she spoke, she spoke in a sad voice. "She's so much like her father. Compassionate, idealistic, faithful. But she has diverged from me, going her way and forsaking generations of Nishizumi heritage. What she is trying to accomplish, I do not know. However, what I do know is that she is hurting now, and I don't know why."

Shiho was open with Ami about how she felt about her daughters and her responsibility as head of the family. It was a tough job; in which to keep the past alive. Ami listened. What she did, she did rarely but only for a few people that had earned her respect: she confided in her.


"Ami." The guise of a confident and intimidating woman, hidden in a stoic mask, was gone. This was the face of a mother's anguish. Of course, she could not show this to anyone, not even her daughters. It would be seen by all as a sign of weakness. "I need your help. Please tell me what is happening to Miho."

Ami sighed. Her loyalty to her teacher and her right to know as a mother won the day. She would tell as much as she needed to know.

But the question was: would Rirko understand?

Notojima – Hotel – Hotel Lobby – Morning

Darjeeling, Orange Pekoe, Kay, Anchovy, Katyusha and Nonna were standing there waiting for Rirko. Awe-struck, Miho sat down once again.

He recognized some faces. 'Oh, tea girl. Another tea girl. Fun sized and fun size's assistant.'

"Miho, dear!" Everyone, at once, rushed in. "How are you doing?"

"I-I'm fine, Darjeeling. Thank you for your conc-"

"Geez lady, you are nuts! What made you think of doing something so reckless!" Kay rushed in and gave her a huge hug. Miho felt the air leave her body.

"Don't ever do that again! I was so worried about you!"

"Kay, I'm sorry! C-Can you let go? Your hurting…"

"Oh," Kay released her, and Miho took deep breaths. "Sorry, I got carried away."

"I am glad you are well, Miho." Nonna walked towards her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I'm alright. Thank you for your concern." Katyusha hung back, not moving an inch and looked at Miho. Nonna, concerned about her captain's behaviour, decided not to press her to say anything.

Anchovy sighed. "We tried to see you as soon as we could. But we weren't able to because of those stupid-"

"What Anchovy is trying to say," Darjeeling interjected, "was that we wanted to see you on the field yesterday but got held up. Protocols and such."

"Makes sense…" Miho smiled and nodded while the captains were talking. At one point, Rirko and Miho's eyes locked with each other. It looked like she wanted 'out'. Her eyes looked as if she was pleading him to help her.

Rirko cleared his throat a couple of times. "Miho."

"Y-Yes, Mr. Nagasawa?"

"I believe that you're due to a debrief in Yukari's room. Talking to the other tank commanders about strengths and opportunities, yes? Or have you forgotten?" He tapped on his watch a couple of times. Initially confused, she smartened up.

"That's right! I-I must go. Yukari and the others are waiting for me!"

"Alright, Miho. Please keep in touch." Darjeeling and the others were still worried about her friend but were glad they were able to see her. As Miho bowed and said her goodbyes, he past Rirko and whispered to him.

"Thank you."

As she left, all attention laid upon Rirko. 'Oh crap. What do these girls want with me?'

"Please forgive us. We haven't introduced ourselves, have we? I am Darjeeling. Glorianna's Sensha-do captain. This is Orange Pekoe." The Glorianna girls bowed.

"Hiya! I'm Kay! Saunders' Sensha-do captain."

"Duce Anchovy of Anzio High!" She gave a solemn bow. "Captain of Anzio's Sensha-do Team. A pleasure."

"I don't think we need any introductions, do we?" Nonna smiled, and Katyusha nodded.

"There are more of us, however, due to other obligations at their school they are unable to meet you here today," Darjeeling explained to Rirko. He stared at them.

'Prissy rich girl much?' "So, now that we are properly introduced…what brings you here?"

"Oh, you're a smart guy, you figured it out!" Katyusha butted in. She was trying to act like herself in front of the others. Of course, this irked Rirko somewhat.

"Katyusha, be nice." Nonna sternly warned her. Not wanting an angry Nonna on her, she apologised quickly.

"I'm sure that you're not here for a social visit." He knew the reason why they were there. They all sat down around him.

"Concerned about Miho, are you?" The murmurs confirmed it.

"We are all here to see if we can help."

"It's nice to see you girls care." Rirko glossed over the girls. They were all worried and truly wanted to make Miho better. "I won't go into specifics, but if yesterday's match was any indication, she's dealing with issues. Lots and lots of issues."

"What caused that?" Kay asked, leaning forward a little. "I mean, Miho's been in danger before, and she never had that problem."

"Maybe she was hiding it," Anchovy suggested. She crossed her arms in thought. "Miho always has a smile and thinking about others. She didn't want to make us worry, maybe?"

"What make you come to that conclusion?" asked Rirko. She was right, of course, but how she arrived at that deduction was the question.

"When I faced her last. We had our post celebration. She was all smiles, with the rest of the team. Laughing, giggling, having a good time. But, I felt, something."

"Something?" Interesting. "What did you feel?"

"I felt...I felt she was not genuine. That smile and laughter that I saw. She was forcing it. She was, acting as if she was happy. I mean, I don't know. It's just a feeling, that's all. It made me uneasy."

Darjeeling understood how she was able to deduce that logic. "You're close to your teammates. You would have an affinity to sense how people are feeling, just by being next to them." Anzio was all about friendship and comradery.

"Can that happen?"

"Well, it's not out of the realm of possibility," Rirko explained. "Sensing energy: it's a skill that everyone has. Yours is more developed is all. If you spend a lot of time with people, your tank mates, you can develop a 'sixth sense' to feel the energies of others. Good observation, Duce."

Anchovy blushed and nodded.

"Anything else?"

"The way she treats her teammates. She truly does care about them and makes their problems her problems. Maybe too much." Kay had time to think about Miho and concluded that her relationship with her team was like a mother hen and her chicks. She took care of her own.

'Making other problems, your problems. That's just asking to be a doormat.'

"She's too soft!" Everyone turned to Katyusha, who had a serious look. "Mihosha cares too much!"


"What do you mean 'oh'? We all saw! She was willing to risk herself for others! Never had I heard her yell or scream at someone! I'm guessing she just caters to different situations, not addressing the issue."

"Guess?" Nonna asked.

"Nonna...shh." Nodding, Nonna let Katyusha explain further. "We have our styles of leadership, but sometimes a firm voice shows others who's boss. Her style makes her equal to everyone else. If there's a problem, it's always mediation and never directive."

'Too soft? Now that she mentioned it, she only yelled when breaking up that one fight. Other than that, she's always mediating conflicts and never demanding her team of anything.' Rirko was getting a good idea of what Miho was like to her rivals. It was beneficial information.

"You all identified problems with Miho, as well as validated her strengths. Going back to the original question: what can you do to help?" The girls leaned forward, awaiting the answers.

"Sometimes, a person wants to talk about something, but either can't find the proper words or too scared about the 'what ifs.'"

"What ifs?" Orange Pekoe asked.

"What if they hate me? What if they laugh at me? What if they won't be my friend anymore. Worst case scenario. Establish yourself as a friend who will be by her side. If you know, something is wrong, or feel it, address the situation. But don't push it too far. Some scenarios include constantly calling, pushing for more information, accusations. These things don't help. Rather they harm. I'm pretty sure you don't want to be hurting her, right?"

All shook their heads.

"Don't beat around the bush. If you have something to say, say it then. Most likely she'll know that you know something is troubling her. Above all else, be patient. Maybe she doesn't want to talk about that day, or she's not willing to share everything on her mind. That's okay. If you truly care for her, then let her come to you. Be patient. Wait and see."

Like Anglerfish, the captains were new when supporting a person with emotional issues.

"Take care of yourselves foremost. That's important. Caring for a person like this may be too much sometimes. I told Anglerfish the same thing. Take a break when you need too. You girls are doing this out of the goodness of your own heart. She's lucky! Not many people dealing with this problem have that support."

"I think I can say for all of us here. We've been touched by Miho's heart one way or another. She has always supported us in our endeavours. We shall support her in her time of need."

"Glad to hear it. It would break my heart if she lost all of you at this stage."

"What, you think we abandon her?" Apparently, Kay took offence to this. "I don't quite know what's going on, but you'll be sure as hell that I'll help her out!"

"Same goes for me. Anzio's way of life has always been to support one another. Miho may not be from Anzio, but she's a fellow practitioner of Sensha-do. Plus, I like her."

"We all do. And we'll do whatever it takes to help her on her feet."

Katyusha was quiet, folding her arms and waiting anxiously. "What's wrong, Katyusha? Do you want to go somewhere?"

"No! I mean, yes! W-Where's the girl from the other night?"

Rirko pointed them in the right direction. "You mean, Yukari? I believe that she's in her hotel room. It's on this floor, ask the front desk." Katyusha got up and headed towards the front desk. Nonna, bowing, made her way as well.

"I wonder why she wants to talk to Yukari suddenly?" Anchovy asked. "She's been acting weird as of late."

"Yeah, she's less of a prick." Kay was certainly blunt. Rirko rolled his eyes. 'There's such a thing called tact, Kay.'

"Well, me and Anchovy are gonna look around. There are some souvenirs we want to get the girls!" Kay, excitedly, headed towards the door, her head up high and skipping a little.

Anchovy sighed. "It's window shopping for me…I'm broke."

Rirko looked at her. "Broke? Then how the heck did you get here?"

"I was only able to come here because we restricted snacks from two to one. I didn't ask for it, but the girls wanted me and the others to come here. 'You three work hard, Duce', 'Have a great time, Duce, don't worry about us!' It was…ah…" She shook her head mournfully. Anchovy wasn't the type to look for handouts. Anzio had their pride, after all. She was just guilty that she wouldn't get souvenirs for her friends.

Darjeeling and Orange Pekoe looked with pity. "Anzio's still in cash restraints, huh?" She nodded.

Rirko watched the entire affair. "Ah! Damnit!" He quickly took out his wallet, grabbed the last 5000 yen and handed it over to Anchovy. The three looked on with surprise. Anchovy stood there with shock.

"I-I-I can't accept it. It's not…"

Rirko pointed his finger at her. "Not another word. Take it gracefully, don't mention it to anyone and buy dollar gifts for your girls to make it last longer. Now, get out of here."

Her eyes filled up with tears, and she stood there before bowing repentantly and headed towards Kay.

"Probably faking," Rirko said, sorrowfully. "Gonna be spending that cash on something for herself."

Darjeeling shook her head. "Not at all. Duce Anchovy is a girl with integrity. There's no way she would spend anything on herself. And it is true that Anzio is in dire cash restraints right now. It's a miracle that they were able to send her using a helicopter."

'So, I didn't get cheated, that's good.' It was a spur of a moment for Rirko. He didn't know if Anchovy would be taking advantage of his generosity, but a recommendation from Darjeeling made him feel better. It was improper for a stranger to give money to another stranger, but seeing Anchovy mournfully talk about not being able to bring something back for her team made him sad. Darjeeling was about to head out with Orange Pekoe.

"Your insight is invaluable, Mr. Nagasawa. Thank you so much."

"Your welcome, Miss Darjeeling."

"There's just one thing."

"Yes?" He didn't like her tone. She sounded concerned.

"I heard that a counselor's job is taxing at times and there are instances where a person takes said counsellor to their limits. Have you ever experienced this before?"

Now that she mentioned it, Rirko was getting snippy, and there were times where his patience ran thin.

"Have you ever heard of this saying? 'He who makes a beast of himself removes himself from the pain of being human.'"

"Dr. Samuel Johnson, right?"

"Yes. Sometimes, a beast is necessary to break down the walls of insecurities, deprivation and despair. But sometimes beasts can scare off the one thing they wish to protect."

Why did Darjeeling sound like a philosopher? "What are you trying to say, Miss Darjeeling?"

She sighed. "Miho is one of my dear friends. She has gained my respect long ago. But I also know that she can be bull-headed sometimes and wishes to handle these situations...personally. That is a recipe for disaster. Confrontation is necessary sometimes to get the intended result. Don't you agree?"

Rirko recalled what happened between him and Maho. He had to be direct with her to open her up. He faced that same problem with Miho a couple of times. Darjeeling was making a point. Being direct sometimes works. But it was a 50/50 chance.

"Thank you, Miss Darjeeling; I will take it under advisement."

Nodding slightly, she and Orange Pekoe left. Rirko was by himself again. It was thirty past ten. Reflecting on his talks, he thought to himself:

'Miho has friends left and right. It would have been problematic if I told them that she was suspended as a captain. Everyone wants to help, and that's nice and all. But that's just handling the symptoms. To get to the bottom of this, I need to know 'why' this is happening. So, that means cleaning out the closet. Fun times.'

Notojima – Town Center – Morning

When Shiho asked Ami about Miho, she was rightfully surprised. Since that match, Miho didn't even have one proper conversation with her. Forget Christmas, New Years or also well wishes. She conveyed all messages to Maho, and they were strictly about Sensha-do. Her wanting to find out about Miho's well-being was a surprise to be sure.

Even though Ami spoke to Rirko in confidence, Ami felt that as Miho's mother, she should at least be privy to what is going on in Oarai. She mentioned to her about Miho's stress and anxiety, her recent spell of panic attacks that affected her physically and emotionally. There was also how she was getting support from her friends and school.

She spoke, at length, about Miho's struggle with emotional distress and how to deal with it. The attacks have affected her to the point where her performance on the battlefield was changed as well.

Then, the topic about Rirko came up. It was a subject that Ami wasn't looking forward too. For the most part, Shiho had been understanding and patient. But when she mentioned Rirko's name, she turned hostile.

"He's a menace," Shiho said, matter-of-factly. "He's prying into private matters that don't concern him."

Ami shook her head. "So long as Miho is a student of Oarai, he has every right to be concerned about her well-being."

"He can't begin to imagine the life of a Nishizumi. A man like him…a foreigner like him has no place in our affairs."

"But he knows how to talk to Miho. The Nishizumi are strong-willed individuals, and that extends to both you and your daughters. But I've seen him break down mental resistances of some stubborn girls. He changes them in a way that benefits them. That especially goes for Miho."

"What ridiculousness is this, Ami?" Shiho had trouble believing that a man like Rirko could ever connect with a Nishizumi. Granted, Miho was a black sheep, but she was taught to keep her guard up always. The enemy could be lurking anywhere.

"Call it what you want Sensei. But thanks to him, she's been getting a better handle on what to do about how she feels. And, more importantly, be a supportive figure when things get tough."


Sighing, Ami had to make Shiho realize the gravity of the situation. Like the majority of Japan, she didn't think that mental health was that much of a problem because no one sees it.

"The first time Miho suffered a panic attack. She went to the counselor's office and…"

Ami went silent. Talking about an issue that sensitive required the right words. But Shiho was impatient.

"What happened Ami? Tell me. Now."

Ami stared at her. "She broke down. Completely. She was a total mess. Miho spent half a day in the infirmary."

Shiho may have looked stoic, but inside she was horrified. Total mess? Infirmary? Just what was happening with her daughter? 'Why is this happening to you Miho? What is going on in that head of yours?' She took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a minute and re-established her bearing.

"So, now you know."

"And is that everything, Ami?"

She sighed. "No, that is not everything. But it's all you're going to get right now until he says otherwise."

"Then I need to speak with Mr. Nagasawa then."


Regardless of the service, he rendered to Miho, Shiho couldn't trust him. His ways, his methods, his style. "The west and the east have always had a difference of opinion. Where he may see my methods in raising children harshly, it is perfectly normal here."

"That may be true. But he is a man of honour. He cares for the people around him. Connects with them."

"Emotions are nothing more than a hindrance on the battlefield, especially in Sensha-do. To have such emotions is to invite weakness. A weakness that your enemies will exploit." The Nishizumi had always strived for excellence. One of the ways they tried to obtain that was to show as less emotion as possible. That way, their opponents have no idea what they are thinking.

"One final question: what does he think about me?"

Ami knew that this was coming. "He fears you. He doesn't want anything to do with you."

Shiho rolled her eyes. "The feeling is mutual. Ami, tell him this message the next time you see him."


"Tell him. If he meddles in our affairs again. Then, there will be hell to pay. And you know how serious I can be."

With this threat, the meeting was over. Shiho left without saying another word. Ami felt guilty about giving her information when Rirko trusted her with its secrecy.

"What am I going to do? How should I explain it to him?"

Notojima – Hotel – Hotel Lobby – Afternoon

When Ami arrived back at the lobby, Rirko was in the seating area. Most of the students waved and greeted her, but she walked right past them. They had concerned looks, as to wonder what happened to her. Rirko saw her and noted she was different. He went up to her.

"What happened?"

Ami was surprised. She couldn't say a thing to him when he was so direct. "I…uh…"

"Come on." He motioned her to a secluded area in the lobby. There, she sat with him. They looked at each other.

"I guess your meeting didn't go well."

"How…how the hell do you know?"

"You're quiet. You're not usually quiet. You're usually chatting it up with the girls and waving. But this time, you moved right passed them. What's up?"

Ami swollen hard. Her heart was racing. "You know that Federation rep I met?"


"It was Shiho."

Rirko looked at her blankly. She turned away from him. "Jesus f***ing Christ."

"Yeah. Tell me about it."

"Yeah. Tell me about it."

"So, I suppose she knows everything now, right?"

Once again, Ami was in shock. "You…how?"

"Hey, if I was her, I want to know what the hell is going on."

She sighed. "I tried. I held as much information as I could. And I did. But she knows some of our conversations. I'm sorry. I am."

Ami looked guilty. She failed to keep her promise. Rirko was silent. For a few moments, they just sat there.

"Rirko, stop with the silent treatment, okay! I made a mistake, but she cornered me! Understand where I'm coming from! I respect her! She was my teacher! Just yell, scream, how much of a traitor I am, just say something!"

Rirko smirked and took Ami's hand. He gave her wrist a light tap.

"There. Now we're even."

Amazed about what happened, she had to think about what he did. "A slap…on the wrist? Are you screwing with me?!"

"Shiho was going to find out eventually. Sooner rather than later. But I admit if Shiho starts asking questions, and Miho catches wind, and she freaks out…I'm throwing you under the bus, okay?"

She understood. He would say that Ami was the one to tell her all about the goings-on in Oarai.

"I'm really sorry, Rirko. I really, really am sorry."

"It's done. I could freak out on you, call you all those things. But, will they change the situation?"

"No. It won't."

"Anything else she said?"

"Yeah…There was this one thing." It was going to be interesting. What did Shiho say?

"It was a message: meddle in our affairs again and there will be hell to pay." Rirko squinted one eye for a minute, before smirking. He got up and rejoined the girls.

'That went…better than I hoped.' Ami felt that she would have to make it up to him.

'At least Ami was truthful. But now, Shiho know some things about Miho and her condition. I'll have to be more careful about what I say to Ami from now on. Even though she's a confidant, her connection with Shiho is a problem. But then again…I could use that.'

He had choice words about Shiho's message. But decided to be the better man and let her have that small victory.

The bus came. Some team members were carrying bags. As the driver started to load their luggage, Anglerfish arrived. At once, some members went to talk with them. Words of encouragement and love. Miho nodded and smiled a little. When it was all said and done, the bus left Notojima and back to Oarai.

The mood on the bus was sombre, mainly due to the match. Once again, the girls little talk much. Only some idle chatter and some chuckles were heard.

Even Ami and Rirko were quiet. While Rirko forgave Ami for giving up information, he was disappointed that after her assurances of confidentiality, she told anyway. But, he should have seen it coming. Shiho was Ami's teacher. A relationship between teacher and student can exist long after the student left the school. Ami knew he was not happy with the turn of events and resolved to make things right.

Anglerfish slept on the way back to Oarai, except for Miho. As the bright lights and sounds transitioned to the calming sea, she only thought about what she could do to get back in her tank and lead the team. The gears in her head were undoubtedly turning.

'Talk more. More friends. Join people. I've never done any of that stuff before. He says explore? How do I do that? How do I get myself out there?'

Rubbing her temples, the anxiety of meeting new people and talking about things not related to tanks. Other than tanks and Boko, there wasn't much else. What could she do?

'Mr. Nagasawa suggested these ideas. I can ask him later.'

They were nearing the ship, their home. Soon, they would all rest and begin a brand-new day.

A/N: Sorry for the ending. Don't know why but it's weird to me. Perhaps it could have ended better, I don't know. Anyways, with the match over and done with you'd think things would calm down but nope. There's a few more chapters with some heavy stuff. Just a fair warning. Thank you all for your support on this.
Let Go
Uploader's Note: I do not own the fanfic and its OCs nor Girls und Panzer. Credit goes solely to their respective owners.

A/N: And everything comes full circle. Part of the chapter will look very, very familiar. Very emotional chapter and it'll get real at one point. Fair warning. Anyways, hope it goes well.

Oarai Carrier Ship – Rirko's House – Morning

6:30 A.M. Rirko got out of bed and rubbed his eyes. Stretching a little, he opened the curtains. It was raining.

"Fantastic. Great day."

Although the Sensha-do Team returned late last night, they still needed to go to school. Rirko was wondering if some, if not all, of the students, we're going to call in sick, just to get in that extra hour of sleep in. Turning on the TV, making himself some breakfast (toast with peanut butter and jelly with coffee), he watched the morning news.

"In sports, we are nearing the Sensha-do Federation Nationals. Last year's upset with Oarai Girl's Academy coming out on top has enthusiasts and new fans alike excited about this year's turnout. The powerhouses of Pravda and Kuromormine will have a chance at redemption as Oarai, with some newcomers, enter the Sensha-do ring. Who will dominate this year's competition-"

The Nationals were coming up. With all of the practice matches Oarai has put in, it was apparent to everyone that Oarai intended to stay on top. But with the situation unfolding as it was, could that even be possible. Turning off the TV, he sighed and started to get ready. Today was a Monday so he would have to arrive at the school early. He checked his e-mail, in the off-chance Miho wrote about canceling.

No such luck.

It wasn't the fact that Rirko didn't want to see Miho. It was the fact that he had to get up early and he was already exhausted. But professional obligation demands his attention to the issue. Gathering all of his essentials, he headed out the door.

Oarai Girl's Academy - Rirko's Office – Morning

He arrived at his usual time. Booting up his computer, he made himself a cup of coffee before sitting down. Getting comfortable, he sat down and stared at the window.

"Still raining." As 7:30 approached, he looked through his e-mail. Checking his inbox, there was another sent by the J.M.H.I.

Dear Mr. Nagasawa,

We are delighted that you will be attending our workshop. Already, professionals from other fields will be joining you to discuss with others the importance of a healthy mental health lifestyle not only for students but for all. Bellow are the time and locations of the workshop:

Where: Kuromorimine High School – Main Auditorium

When: Dec 16, 20XX 10:00AM

Please contact administrative support of your school to finalize travel details and times. We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to seeing you.


Ibuki Sawa, Regional Head, J.M.H.I.


Rirko had expressed an interest in attending before he left for Notojima but started to freak out on where the venue was taken place:

Kuromorimine High School

"Kuromorimine?! You can' t be serious?! There's just no way!" A lump formed in his throat, with the possibility of meeting an angry Shiho asking about her daughter. If he had known it was going to be held in Kuromorimine, then he would have declined outright. But then, he thought to himself:

'Why am I freaking out over this? It's only Miho's mother who has a twisted sense of discipline and lifestyle. If she wants to speak with me, I'm game. I shouldn't have a problem with this.' He sighed and reaffirmed his stance: Shiho was a deterrent that had to be dealt with if Miho was to have a healthy relationship with her family.

He heard the ticking of the clock and looked up.

"7:45?" And Miho was not there. He was so focused what was in front of him that he forgot Miho. But she would have knocked. "She's usually on time…" Walking to the door, he opened it and looked around. No Miho.

"What in the hell?" Miho was punctual, if not dedicated to her self-recovery. She would have let him know if she wasn't coming in. 'Maybe she's still pissed off about that suspension. Or maybe she's tired?'

Regardless, Miho wasn't there. How could he have a session if the person in question wasn't there? Shrugging it off, he decided to ask her friends, if they came in and Ami as well. Shutting the door, he continued with his work.

Oarai Carrier Ship - Miho's Apartment – Early Morning

Yukari knocked on the door. "Miss Nishizimi, are you up?"

Yukari and the rest of Anglerfish waited for Miho. "She's not there."

"You know what?" Saori realized, "I bet that Miporin's with Mr. Nagasawa."

Hana confirmed it. "It is one of her session days. She could be at school already." Mako wore a worried look.

"Y-yeah. Let's get to the school. She's probably there." As Anglerfish started to leave, Yukari looked at the apartment door again. She had an uneasy feeling.

That feeling was warranted. Miho was still in her bed but was wide awake. Hidden under the covers, he body ached all over. Trying to force herself out, she felt the cold air crawling on her skin. She went back inside.

'So cold.' She could only think about the cold. Miho knew that she had to get up. Her mind said 'yes' but her body said 'no.' And she didn't know why.

Gathering up her strength, she shot out of the covers and shook herself awake. She looked at the clock. 8:10am. Miho sighed as she slowly walked towards the bathroom.

After getting ready and putting her uniform, she went into the kitchen. There, on the countertop, was two medication pills; one for the morning and the other for the night. The pills helped her keep some normalcy in her life. But, as of late, their effectiveness started to wane. Taking the pills for the morning, she was about to open the bottle when she realized something.

Miho wanted to get better, to have everything back to the way it was. How long would she have to take those pills? How long would she have to see a therapist to talk about her 'feelings?' How long will her friends stick around her until she drove them away with her depression? How long will her condition keep her from Sensha-do?

How long would it take not for her to feel like this?

Breaking out of her lethargic spell, these questions in her head screamed aloud demanding answers. Filled with sadness and anger, she cried as she slammed the pill bottle unto the ground. It bounced on the kitchen floor and skidded across the room.

Her outburst had her shaking, and she began to breathe slowly. Remembering to breathe helped her calm down. Sighing, she grabbed her key and her phone heading out the door.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Homeroom – Morning

"Nishizumi? Nishizumi?" The homeroom teacher called out loud. She was taking attendance, and everyone noticed that Miho wasn't there. "Saori, where's Miho?"

Saori swallowed nervously. "I-I don't know, sensei. When me and the girls dropped by her apartment this morning, there was no answer. We assumed that she was already at school."

Hana and Mako looked equally as nervous. 'Where the hell is Miho?' wondered Mako.

The homeroom teacher was picking up this edgy vibe. "I'm sure there's a logical explanation for her absence. Class, I'll be out for just a moment, turn your books to page 132 and start reading up on page 140. Answer the questions at the end of 140. Excuse me." She briskly made her way to the door and closed it. As the class began their exercises, Anglerfish was concerned about their friend.

Heading to the staff office, she opened a cabinet containing student information. Grabbing Miho's file, she used the staff phone to call the number. After ten rings, there was still no answer. She then called another name.

"Headmistress, we have a missing student."

Oarai Girl's Academy - Rirko's Office – Morning

"Thank you, headmistress. Let me know of any future developments." Setting the phone down, he swore under his breath. "Cock."

Miho was missing. It wasn't like her to skip school unless it was an illness. Japan's high schools weren't mandatory, so there weren't attendance officers that could look for her. Headmistress Raidou already notified the carrier ship security so they would be on the lookout. However, she wondered if Rirko heard anything. He did not.

Rirko assumed that Miho would be at school, so he didn't worry before. But she wasn't, and that concerned him. Knowing that Ami would be out in town before heading to school in the afternoon, he texted her:

"Miho is AWOL. Keep an eye out for her. Thanks." He received a reply.

"I will, thanks for letting me know."

He couldn't do much to remedy the problem, so he went back to work.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Cafeteria – Afternoon

Yukari closed her phone. "Nothing." Anglerfish sighed collectively. Miho didn't contact anyone, and it was already the afternoon.

"Do you think something happened to her?" Hana asked them.

Mako finished eating her lunch. "I hope not. If something did…"

"So, we won't talk about it!" Saori said, adamantly. Her outburst had them staring. "I'm sorry. I'm worried…that's all."

"We all are."

Yukari looked out of the window. "It wasn't like this last year."

"You mean with Miho?" Yukari nodded. They were all feeling the effects of dealing with Miho and her issues. It was the type of thing that Miho was worried in the first place.

"I'm not leaving her!" Yukari said, finally. "I'll stick by her no matter what!" The rest of Anglerfish looked at Yukari's passion. Touched by her resolve, Hana smiled.

"None of us would leave her."

"But I'm getting tired of Miporin handling things alone." Saori's frustration was evident, even though she tried hard to conceal it.

"Mr. Nagasawa told us this would happen," Mako pointed out. This realization hit the rest of the girls.

"Yeah, you're right. Take care of yourself. It's hard caring for someone." At the time, Anglerfish thought they could support Miho and her issues. However, as Miho's symptoms worsen, the more time and effort the girls put in to help her.

"Saori, if you need time for yourself, go right ahead." Hana and the others were sympathetic to the situation. They wanted to help her friend, but it was a lot of work. "We can be there for her."

Saori felt guilty about thinking about herself and not about Miho. Teary-eyed, she stayed silent. Mako put her hand on her shoulder.

"So long as we have each other." Not only did they have to think about Miho's well-being, but theirs as well.

Oarai Girl's Academy -Sensha-Do Sheds -Afternoon

By the time practice rolled around, Miho was still missing. The clouds loomed over the field, spitting water towards the ground. It wasn't as bad as the afternoon; that was a total downpour that lasted a few minutes.

'Even in Sensha-do?' Yukari wondered. The team started to gather with Yukari, with the rest of Anglerfish, in the center. Looking around, the teams began to whisper.

"Miho's not here again."

"Think she's okay?"

"Well, it'll be the first time that she won't be leading."

"Maybe she's not happy with the arrangement."

"Who knows?"

The murmurs didn't go unheard. Anglerfish sensed the uneasiness of the group.

"Should we tell them Miho is missing?" Hana asked.

Yukari had to think. There would be a lot of noise if word got out that she was missing. However, she couldn't start practice without them being in a proper frame of mind. Ultimately, she felt that the team needed to know. Silencing them, the attention turned to Yukari.

'All those staring eyes. How does Miss Nishizumi do it?' "We have a situation, girls." The team started to whisper again.

"You noticed that Miss Nishizumi isn't here. That's because…she's gone missing." At once, talks began.

"Miho's missing?"

"Where did she go?"

"Did she leave the ship?"

"Someone would have seen."

"She's still on the carrier…"

"I want you girls to know what's going on. And I want your honest opinion…what do you want to do?" Anglerfish looked at her. Was she letting the team decide?

At once, someone from the back shouted, "Let's go find her!" Agreements erupted from the crowd, all naming their support. As they saw, Anglerfish was touched once again by their loyalty.

"Got your answer, Yukarin?" Yukari nodded. A part of her wanted to search for Miho as well. So, it was decided. As soon Turtle organized the group and Anglerfish set up communications in one of the empty classrooms, the Sensha-do team cleared the training ground and scoured the carrier to find Miho.

Oarai Girl's Academy - Rirko's Office – Evening

"Still haven't found her."

Ami skipped Sensha-do practice looking for Miho herself. Rirko dealt with school issues all day.

"Damn it, where is this girl?!" Rirko was stressed. For the entire day, a student was missing. A student he knew that needed help. A sigh was heard on the other end.

"I checked all of the local hanging spots. Security already searched high and low for her. I hope she's okay."

"She didn't leave the carrier so that would limit options. If we were docked, then that would be a different story."

"Just be lucky this shit didn't happen in Notojima."

"Agreed. Spend as much time as you can but take care of yourself, Ami."

She laughed, "you worried about me?"

"Someone's gotta. Let me know what's up. Good hunting." He hung up the phone and rubbed his temples. "This is starting to be a real pain…" Another call came in. Picking it up, he hoped it was good news. "Yes?"

"Is this Mr. Nagasawa of Oarai Girl's Academy?"

"Yes, to whom am I speaking with?"

"My name is Ibuki Sawa. I'm coordinating the guest speakers for the Mental Health Japan Initiative (M.H.J.I) workshop, how are you?"

'How am I? Feel like crap!' "I could complain, but no one would listen."

Ibuki seemed to laugh genuinely at the joke. "It's great to hear you have a sense of humor. The reason for my call is just to confirm your attendance. Will you be able to participate?"

"Of course." Like I have a choice. "I look forward to presenting my ideas to the major players of Sensha-do."

"This is important for the initiative, reason because we now have a platform with which to plead our case. That the sport of Sensha-do, while recreational, still present risks to the human psyche. Especially to the participants."

"So, do you oppose Sensha-do?" Rirko wanted to know if the initiative was intent on banning Sensha-do. He had met other people that were passionate about the sport. They wouldn't take that lying down.

"That's the misconception we're hoping to clear up during this workshop. The initiative is only concerned about the unaddressed long-term effects of the participants. Like consecutive head trauma or continued strenuous repeated activity. We're all for Sensha-do; we just feel it needs to address the fact that it's simulating live warfare."

Makes sense. "They are driving world war tanks around and shooting at each other. But, Miss Sawa…"

"Ibuki. I'd rather be called by my first name. It's much easier."

"Right. Ibuki. You realize you're going to have resistance going into this thing."

"I am aware, especially from the traditional style households. They are one of our fiercest critics and would love nothing for this thing to fall apart. Thankfully, we have just as dedicated volunteers and staff in our pocket."

"And how would I be contributing?"

"You will be proving a perspective look at the cultural differences of mental health. East vs. West, as I'd like to call it. There's a lot that we can learn from each other."


"Do you have time to discuss some of the topics you'd like to cover?"

"I would lo-" Just then, the door opened slowly. Standing there, was Miho. Her hair disheveled, her uniform wet and dirty as if she was dragged through the mud, and her eyes. Her eyes looked empty, forlorn and looked at Rirko.

His heart and jaw dropped, and he stared at her, wide-eyed. 'Oh my God.'

"Mr. Nagasawa?" Ibuki was still on the phone. Still holding the phone, he answered.

"Um. Something came up that requires my immediate attention. Can I e-mail you the details?"

"Of course! I look forward to your e-mail."

"Thanks, Ibuki, take care." He swiftly hung up the phone. Both looked at one another. Finally, Miho slowly walked through the door. Getting up, he rummaged through the drawers to find an emergency blanket. He draped it over her. At once, she collapsed on her knees and kept staring forward.

Her mind was absent.

'F***ing hell!' He sat on the floor with her. They stayed like this for five minutes. Finally, Rirko started asked her some questions.

"Can you hear me, Miho?" Looking at him, she nodded her head a little.

"Are you hurt badly?" She shook her head.

'So, she can answer yes and no questions. That's a start.' "Can you get up off the floor, Miho?" Looking at him for a moment, she slowly started to stand. Rirko helped her up.

"Great job. Would you like to sit down? Anywhere is fine." Slowly, she sat on a chair. Rirko took some cups and a jug of water to her. Pouring a cup, he offered it to her. Taking it, she drank it slowly.

Setting up a chair adjacent to her, he waited for her to respond. He waited for what seemed like an eternity. The rain from before was letting up, and some of the sun's sunset rays shone through.

Slowly, Miho looked like she was snapping out of whatever trance she was in. Taking in her surroundings, she breathed a sigh of relief. Noticing the blanket around her, she cuddled it close. "I'm sorry for the intrusion," she said, meekly.

Rirko stared blankly at her. 'Intrusion? You went what looks like physical and emotional trauma, and you're worried about manners?!' "It's fine. All good. How are you?"

Miho stared at her cup with a troubled expression. Her physical appearance and her silence was an easy guess.

"You're not okay…are you."

She had to think about that question for a while. She shook her head. "No. No, I'm not okay."

"Tell me, then. What's going on?"

She sighed. Rirko was no stranger to this behavior. She was reserved about talking about her feelings openly. But she did.

After her outburst in the kitchen, she headed outside in her Oarai uniform, with the intent of going to school. However, on the way, she felt lost. She wandered into one of the park's forests for most of the day. She forgot to charge her phone that night and was completely dead. Panicking, she called for help, but no one came. She was alone; her biggest fear.

She continued to wander the forest until she somehow reached the school. Relieved that her friends might be there, she rushed with all her strength…only to find the Sensha-do field empty. For the entire day, she was alone. No one by her side. No one to comfort her. This was beating a dead horse. Disheartened, she felt being in and out of reality.

She saw Rirko's room light. She pushed herself towards the school, opened the school doors and headed towards his office. As she opened the door, her mind went blank.

Finishing her story, Rirko could only look at her. She sat uncomfortably in the chair. 'What kind of a kid goes through that kind of a day?!'

"Um…Mr. Nagasawa?"

"Huh?" Rirko snapped at Miho's question.

"C-Can I take off this blanket? It's getting hot."

"Uh, sure." As she was talking of the blanket and folding it neatly, Rirko was at a loss for words. 'She just went through hell and back, had what seems to be a psychogenic blackout, wandered into the school and to my room and is now talking to me. That's just crazy!' He didn't know where to start.

Sighing, Rirko needed to start somewhere. "Well, you had quite the ordeal." She nodded.

"And you were alone the entire day?" Miho shut her eyes as if she was in pain. She was in pain of being alone.

"I tried calling for help, but I couldn't find anyone."

"You then reached the Sensha-do sheds and found…no one there?" Her silence confirmed his suspicion. "Were you angry that you did 't find anyone there?"

She didn't want to admit it to him, but he was right. For the entire day, she had hoped that someone, anyone would find her. When she saw the school at a distance, she remembered how her team and friends were supportive of her and in that moment of hope, it gave her the strength to move on.

What she found, however, was emptiness. Nothing. Her heart ached just from thinking about it. After they pledged their support for her, she saw nothing.

"And this all started this morning?" She nodded.

"May I ask, how?"

Rirko saw some anxiety while waiting for her response. Twitchy fingers, shifty eye moments and the silence. She didn't want to talk about it. But, to get to the bottom of why this happened, he needed to know the 'why.'


"Take your time. Don't rush, remember?" Taking advantage of the silence, Miho formulated her answer. And it was a simple one.

"I wondered…when will I be normal again?"

He understood. The panic attacks, medication, her suspension. They were all factors to this recent event. She wanted to get better but felt with the steps she was taking; it was hopeless.

"I can't answer that, Miho. Because people cope through different means. People have different circumstances. For some, not long. For others, years."

"YEARS!?" She stood up. "I can't take years to get better! I need to get better now!" Miho's outburst, although surprising, gave Rirko insight to her state of mind. She was frustrated with her lack of progress. He was silent and looked at her.

Realizing her inappropriate behavior, she sat down slowly and looked at the floor. "I-I'm sorry. It's just…"

"Frustrated?" She nodded her head. "Yeah, I hear you. You want things to happen, so you can go back to the way you were. Without the meds, without the suffering, and doing Sensha-do, right?"

She looked at him when he said 'Sensha-do.' "How do you feel, right now?"

"Right now,…right now, I don't want to feel anything." This was a surprising answer.

"What does that mean?"

"I don't want to feel. I don't want emotions. If it means I have to feel sad and depressed all the time."

"They are a part of you. No matter how much you may deny it."

Miho fell silent once again. He started to notice a pattern. Every time they spoke about feelings or emotions, she was quiet. A torrent of emotion was within her, but she didn't show it. Just like her sister.

"My emotions are getting in the way. Getting in the way of everything! If I didn't feel anything when I remembered that one time, then…"

"Hold up. Remembered what?" It was at this point that Miho might have said more than she wanted to.

Knowing she said too much, she was silent, once again.

Rirko figured that she wanted to talk about whatever she mentioned before, but was afraid to. Once again, they were both in a silent deadlock. Miho was waiting for him to drop the issue while Rirko was waiting for her to tell him.

'What was she referring to? 'Remember that time?' That time. That time. Was there any point in her recent years that she was traumatized?' Then, he realized. 'Oh God, I'm so stupid!' Miho was still waiting, looking anxious.

"You're referring to Kuromorimine, aren't you?" She flinched at the name. Her action confirmed his suspicion. 'If she's still hung up about what happened, those emotions are being bottled up. I must get her to open up. But how?'

"Confrontation is necessary sometimes to get the intended result. Don't you agree?"

Darjeeling's words echoed in his mind. In the therapist's world, a confrontation was a 101 no-no, but he knew that Miho wouldn't appreciate 'beating around the bush.' And he certainly didn't want to keep her long for fear of her physical state. He would have to risk it. A 50/50 shot.

Taking a breath, he went into the breach. "I spoke to your sister in Notojima."

Miho was confused. 'What is he doing? Where is he going with this?' "Maho? Yes, she was there."

"I spoke to her before while you were sleeping. She had grievances about what went down during the final match." Miho felt her heart stop. He was going to talk about 'that'?

"Since we're about feelings, I got to understand her point of view. How she felt about the entire affair. Now the question becomes, 'how do you feel?'"


"You don't want to talk about it? Maho was kind enough to tell me how she felt. To fully understand the situation, all parties must be willing to contribute. If this doesn't happen, then I only have half the story. And I want the full story. You understand?"

Miho sighed again. 'Why? Why is he talking about this? I don't want to remember. I want to forget!' But she was tongue-tied. She didn't know how to react to such a direct line of questioning.

"Miho. I can only imagine the kind of crap you went through. It must have been horrible. All your efforts into saving those girls, the type of risk involved, you think you would be hailed as a hero. But no, you were scolded, shunned and shamed. I would be pissed off a long time ago, and you would have that right today."

"Please stop…please."

Rirko shook his head. "You want to get better, right? Sometimes, we do what we need to do. Are you willing to go all in?"

Miho didn't want to be reminded of her failure. But Rirko was challenging her to do so. If she left, then she would never get better. But if she told... She was trapped.

You could cut the tension in the room. After a few moments, Miho slowly shook her head.

"I can't…," she mumbled to herself. "I'm not…"

"You can't?" Rirko asked. "You can't feel? You can't be sad? You can't be happy? You can't be upset, angry? Because if I were in your position, that is what I would be feeling. Miho, you can feel these things."

"But my friends," Miho answered, looking at him with her tear-filled eyes. "Everyone."

"Right now, we are focused on you. This place…is not a place of judgment. No one will condemn you or think less of you. Here, you are free to express yourself in whichever way you see fit."

Miho stared at the floor again and wiped her face with her hand. She nodded.

"It's ok to feel these emotions you have right now. If you want to scream, then scream. If you want to swear, then by all means. If you want to cry…"

Miho took a deep breath. Soon her expression changed from sadness to anger. With tears streaking in her face, she made a fist and raised her arm slightly. Slamming it on her leg, she did it again, with a grunt.

And again.

And again.

Rirko watched as she did this. She had never shown emotion like this before. To express oneself is to be human. To say that you have no emotion would be lying to oneself. Everyone, especially the young, need an outlet; a chance to let loose and say something.

To say, "I need help" or "I need to talk to someone." This is something that Miho obviously have not done before.

"Why?" Miho asked in a whisper. "Why me?"

He leaned slightly towards her.

"Why am I feeling this way?" She looked at Rirko, awaiting an answer.

"What are you feeling right now, Miho?"

"I feel upset. Upset that I lost everything. Upset how everyone judged me for what I did!" As she said this, her voice was rising, and she began to breathe heavily again. "My home, my sister, who I am. Just because I wanted to save them! Why then! Why was I punished! Why was it me?!"

At this point, she was practically yelling. Rirko did or said nothing. He simply listened.

"Why didn't my sister defend me from mother that time?! Why does my mother treat me the way she does! Did she hate me?! Was I not supposed to save them?! Was I supposed to let them die so we can win?!"

He continued to listen.

"I hate this! I hate feeling like this! I want to forget about all this! But I can't! I just can't! It won't leave me alone!" Her words became mixed with sobbing.

"Are you angry with anyone, Miho," Rirko asked in a whisper.

"No! I don't know! I…I'm just sad and angry."

"With who? Your mother? You sister?"


"Your classmates? The girls in the tank? Who?" Rirko's voice was firm to match Miho's emotion.

"I'm angry at myself!" she cried. "Because I didn't make the right call!" At this, she immediately sat down. She covered her face as she sobbed. Rirko reached for a tissue box and handed some over to her.

"Because I did something that I wasn't supposed to do. But I couldn't…"

"So, here we are. Even after all the matches with the other schools, the university, the beginning your own way of doing Sensha-dō, and reconnecting, to some degree, with your sister, you still harbour these feelings of what happened."

Miho didn't say anything. She wiped her tears with the tissue, looked at him, and nodded. "I guess so."

"Then is it safe to assume that you still blame yourself for what happened to you and your family?"

Miho looked at him silently. She looked at the ground again. "Yes, I still do."

With eyes of sadness, Rirko put his hand on her shoulder. Miho stared into his eyes.

"Recognizing your faults, admitting to them and doing something about it. That's the easy part. The hard part is letting go."

Drying her tears, she answered him. "Letting…go?"

"To begin again. Let go."

"How can I let go? If I feel this way, then how?"

Rirko thought about it. 'She blames herself for what happened, even though it wasn't her fault. A great injustice was done, even though it's acceptable here in the east. All she wants is to be acknowledged by everyone that what she did was right. She wants…'



"You feel that this was all your fault. That you didn't make the right call. But think about it. If you didn't save those girls, they would have died."

She nodded, confirming that fact. "Someone's daughter. Someone's cousin. Someone's sister. Someone that cares for them. You risked your life to save them not only because it was the right thing to do. Because no person with a heart would ever leave a person hanging like that."

"No victory should cost a human life."

"And I agree. In our western world, it's common sense. Here, however…" Rirko knew little about the differences between Eastern and Western culture. But what he did know was that everything he knew back home, was backward.

Men were not supposed to cry. Family is above all else. Being part of a legacy is important than one's happiness. Miho was different, to be sure. She had a heart. A heart that could feel pain and sadness and shed them for others. Values and traditions meant nothing to her so long as the person in front of her was happy.

But who was worrying about her?

"How…how do I make them understand that?" Miho was referring to her sister and mother.

"Simple. Just tell them."

Miho went wide-eyed. "I can't tell them! I don't want to hurt Maho! And mother! I tried telling her, but she refused to listen! What's the point!?"

"The point is never to quit, or give up!" Rirko answered. "You know as well as anyone to retreat is not an option. If you truly feel that you did the right thing, then you will fight for it!" Rirko wanted her to advocate for herself. To say, 'this is not right.' Playing the doormat routine didn't give her that skill. But she was going to develop it, like it or not.

"You asked if you made the right call. We make choices each day. Some choices are so insignificant that it means nothing in the long run. And other choices so substantial, that it changes your fabric of history. During that moment, when you saw that tank go down. Who were you thinking of? Yourself, or the girls in that tank?"

Miho had to admit that she was worried about her tank mates. She didn't think about the ramifications of her choices in the long run. So long as they were safe, that's what mattered to her.

"You made that call because you cared when no one else did. When eastern values got in the way of common sense, you said 'to hell with all of that' and went in to save them. That takes moral courage. Those kinds of action are what defines a selfless heart. And those are the actions that define you."

Miho was listening to him, silently. She knew she made the right choice, but needed someone else to validate her. Yukari did it for her once, but only because she sympathized with her situation. She was a friend so, of course, she would support her. But Miho needed someone with an impartial mind to come to this conclusion.

When no one stepped forward, however, this caused her to second guess herself. That because of this, she had created for herself all the grief and pain. But, thinking back how those girls looked when she saved them. They were smiling. They were thankful. They were happy because someone cared.

"When people concern themselves with the opinions of others, it warps them into something they are not. Stay true to yourself and the path you choose, and you will never falter. You choose your path the moment you decided to save those girls at the cost of your happiness. And with this decision, you set in motion changes that affected not only you; but the people around you. These are positive changes. Changes that your friends are thankful for. Don't sell yourself short, Miho. You've accomplished a great deal with your actions."

"Your words, Mr. Nagasawa." Her eyes looked down again. "They're…they're too kind. I want to believe them. I truly do. I just feel…that they're wasted on me."

Rirko heard those words before. She was inadvertently echoing Maho when he spoke with her. Now he found himself using those exact words of comfort for her sister.

"No…I don't think so. Do your best and move forward. Isn't that the Nishizumi way?"

She perked at the word 'Nishizumi way.' The Nishizumi style always strove to move forward, to overcome any adversity. But now, she was creating a new path forward. Not her mother's or her sister's. She was striking it out on her own. Her family legacy had laid the foundations, and now she would build upon them.

Something new. Something that everyone can be happy for.

Speaking to Rirko was nerve-wracking, but necessary. Miho felt much better about herself and how supportive he was of her. Even though he did things to make her uncomfortable, he challenged her to be a better person. It was this revelation that hope started to form. That, in time, she would be able to cope with what she had and move on.

To let go.

A/N: Well, here it is. I hope I did the counselling session, as well as the entire chapter, justice. Your reviews and comments are really appreciated. Thank you.
Pressing Matters (Part I)
Uploader's Note: Once again this is a very long chapter, and I am going to split it into two parts. The first part is here.

I do not own the fanfic and its OCs nor Girls und Panzer. Credit goes solely to their respective owners.

A/N: Major revelations ahoy. The story is moving along in its own pace. If anyone is hoping for a rushed story, I'm afraid you won't find one here. Chapters are being thought out carefully to keep the flow and facts of the story true. Please be patient. Thanks.

Oarai Girl's Academy - School Classroom - Early Evening

Anglerfish was still working the radios, coordinating the effort in their search for Miho when the security guard came. At first, they thought that he was there to kick them out and cited permission from Student Council to use the room. What he said next shocked them. Rirko called them. Miho was with him.

All of them rushed to the counselor's office. When they got there, all of them burst through the door so hard; they fell over. Rirko looked at them and shook his head slowly. Miho was still sitting on her chair. Looking at her hands, her back was towards them, face hidden away. Knowing that this was a tender moment amongst friends, Rirko excused himself and walked past the girls. The door closed.

Anglerfish and Miho. Once again, Miho had brought them into her mess, and she was incredibly guilty about it. No one knew what to say or where to begin.

It was like Miho to take the leadership role and start things off. "You're probably wondering. How could you do this to us, Miho? Why did you leave? Don't you know we love you?"

"That thought did cross our minds," Hana silently answered. "We were worried."

"I know you were. My behaviour was unacceptable. I was thinking and only cared about myself. All of the things that have happened until now."

When Miho wandered into the forest, she was fatigued; her mind being pulled in all directions by the stress and anxieties. When she came to her senses, she was lost and helplessly tried to find her way back. But she couldn't. She was alone.

"…I was lost. I was lost and scared and didn't know what to do." She started to quiver in both fear and sadness. "When I saw that school…I thought everything would be okay. That everyone would be there. But when I got there…"

Anglerfish realized where she was going with this. The team split themselves up to find her, so no one was there when Miho arrived. So, it was like…

"Did you thought we abandoned you?" Hana asked. "That because we weren't there, we didn't care?"

Once again, Miho's fear of being alone reared its ugly head. But this time, this concern was reinforced. When she called for help, there was no answer. For the entire day, it was spent wandering the forest without any sense of direction. Cold, hungry, miserable, any ordinary high-school student would have broken down and cried. But now Miho. She had a strong will, and her friends were what kept her going. It was when she found the empty Sensha-do field that she was utterly broken.

"That's…that's no excuse for what I've done to everyone. I-" Miho was about to go on when suddenly Saori rushed in front of her and hugged her. Miho was taken aback. Saori looked at her with eyes of sadness.

"Miporin. Miporin, why would think that we would ever leave you?"

They were kind words of reassurance. But, no matter how many times it was repeated, Miho always believed in that small chance that they would leave her in a mere instant.

"Because…it happened to me before." Letting go, Saori stayed knelt while the rest of the girls surrounded her. It wasn't going to be easy to relay her darkest fear to her friends.

"I thought I had friends. My sister, my teammates. During my time at Kuromorimine, I thought I had made bonds with those girls. We loved each other. No matter what, we would support one another. But, after that match…"

Everyone gave their utmost attention. Miho swallowed hard and continued to speak. "After that match, there was no one who supported me. My entire school turned their back on me. My 'friends' too. Even my own sister. Because…because I did something wrong? Something that I wasn't supposed to do?!"

Her saving the team instead of striving for victory was out of the norm. Her school and teammates shunned her for fear of retribution. Her sister ignored her for the sake of the 'Nishizumi style.' She was her lone island; a black sheep amongst the hundreds of others who thought victory was more important than life.

"I know everyone cares about me. I know that. I just…don't want to be alone like that again. Not again. So how?"

"How do you know the same thing won't happen here…" Hana was perceptive. She and Anglerfish realized that Miho had been burnt once. Miho trusted them and thought of them as friends. But, she went down that path before, and it hurt her when it mattered the most. They finally understood the pain she went through. Rejection and shame. It happened in Kuromorimine. It could happen in Oarai.

"That won't happen, Miss Nishizumi. And I'll tell you why." Yukari had a stern voice. She and the other girls felt the same way. Angry and sad that something like this happened to a compassionate and strong-willed person like Miho. "You have shown everyone, not only us, how much you care. You shed tears, risked your life and even endured pain because you didn't want to lose anyone. Do you earnestly believe us to be that shallow? That we would abandon someone with such honour, courage and commitment to their teammates and friends?"

It was right that Miho showed these to her teammates. But to Miho, they were more than that. This was her real self; all that she was. She shook her head slowly. Putting her hand on her shoulder, Yukari firmly pressed her point.

"No matter what happens. No matter what trial everyone goes through. We will always be there for you. I believe in you. We believe in you. The team believes in you. So, please. Believe in us. That the loneliness that you felt will never happen here."

So strong of Miho's fear of abandonment that at every turn, she questioned Anglerfish's commitment to her. But, what Yukari was saying made sense. She didn't have faith because she was afraid it would happen. She was expecting it to happen. The words that Yukari spoke made her realize that the doom she feared would never come. So long as her friends were by her side.

She cried aloud, relieved that her traumatic experience wouldn't happen. Giving herself in Saori's arms, it seemed that her experience today was nothing more than a bad dream. Her cries were contagious for Anglerfish started to cry with her.

After a solid five minutes, everyone gained composure and decided to head over to the empty classroom where Anglerfish set up the communications hub. As they exited the room, Rirko was leaning against a wall, with his arm folded and his eyes closed.

"Is he sleeping?" Mako asked. "Because if he is, I wanna learn how to do that."

Suddenly, Rirko slowly opened his eyes. "I was resting…"

"What's the difference?"

"Never mind." Rirko wasn't going to go into a conversation about sleep with Mako. It would have been a lost cause. "Are you all squared-away?"

Hana and Saori had blank looks. "Huh?"

Yukari explained. "He means if everything is alright. Isn't that correct, Mr. Nagasawa?" He nodded his head.

"Where are you girls going?"

Hana took the lead. "Right after we let the other teams know about Miho, we'll be heading over to my place. It's not too far from here."

"Alright then. I'm glad your safe, Miho. You're among friends."

Miho blushed. "I know. I'm with good friends."

"Alright. Off you all go then." Satisfied with their answers, Rirko let them leave together. He then opened his phone.

"Found her." Rirko was talking to Ami on his cellphone. There was a sigh of relief on the other end.

"Thank God! I thought we were screwed for sure!"

"She looked worse for wear too be sure when entering my office. I was able to talk to her before her friends did. I think they wrapped it up quite nicely."

"Good. She's lucky she has friends like those girls."

"I know. Very fortunate. I hope that there won't be any more drama for the rest of the night."

"Where is she now?"

"She's with Anglerfish. They're going to relay about Miho's whereabouts to the rest of the team and then head over to Hana's."

"Well, as long as she's with someone. I'm still concerned though. You sure she wasn't badly hurt?"

"I didn't see any serious injuries other than a few scratches and dirt on her. I think it was more emotional exhaustion than physical."

"I'll give her credit. She was able to survive an entire day out in the woods. A normal high-schooler would have crawled up into a ball."

"But, of course, Miho isn't a normal student. Is she?"

"Nope. But I'm glad she's not." If they didn't find Miho or she was in a critical state, then things would have been different. There was a lull before Ami spoke up again.

"So…what are you going to do now?"

"Well. I was thinking of going for sushi. There's a nice place in town that I wanted to go to. And I'm pretty much-done work, and it's not that late so…"

Another lull in the conversation. 'What does this lady…wait…oh…OHHH.' "You wouldn't want to…I don't know…uh."

Ami giggled. "You're bad at this, aren't you?"

"Well, I've never done it before so. Yeah, you wanna join me?"

"Sure. I'll meet you there. I think I know which place you're talking about. It's the only place nearby."

"See you in an hour." Closing his phone, he sighed. Here he thought he was going to have a nice, quiet dinner. But, when Ami's around, he had to make sure she got home without wrecking the place in the process.

Oarai's Carrier Ship – Hana's Apartment – Evening

When Anglerfish delivered the news about Miho's safety, all comms went wild with cheers. They were all happy that Miho was found. Miho didn't know it, but the entire team skipped practice to fan out and search for her. That's why the field was empty when she arrived. She wanted to cry but held it in. She had shed enough tears for one day.

Yukari took Miho's key and headed back to her apartment, to grab her medication and a change in clothes. The rest of Anglerfish prepared dinner, with Saori's instruction, of course. They were able to catch some quick ingredients on the way over, but nevertheless, the dinner was fantastic. As they ate, Miho couldn't help but smile. She now knew that regardless of what circumstances she's in, she wouldn't be abandoned by anyone from Oarai.

They had pledged their loyalty to her. The girls stayed up after dinner and just talked about random things until…

"Something interested happened in Notojima," Yukari said. Everyone was watching as she told her story. "It was while Miss Nishizumi and I were getting ready. She was in the shower when the door knocked."

Notojima – Hotel – Hotel Room – Morning – YESTERDAY

The door knocked. 'I wonder who it could be?' Yukari, already in her Oarai uniform, opened the door. She found Nonna and Katyusha standing there. Katyusha was fidgeting with her fingers.

"Miss Nonna? Miss Katyusha? Good to see you. I hope you are well."

Katyusha looked at Yukari. "Where's Mihosha?"

"I'm afraid she's in the shower right now, getting ready for the trip home. Can I help you in any way?"

Katyusha was flustered. "No! I mean, y-yes. I…" For a second, she looked towards Nonna, who gave an encouraging nod. "Listen…um…"


"I knew that, Nonna!" She turned back to Yukari. "I'm here. I wanted to…apologize for what happened yesterday."

"For an accident?" Yukari was confused. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I…I didn't see you and…and…"

"Katyusha, you're doing fine, keep going," Nonna reassured her what she was doing was the right course of action.

"I know that Nonna! Stop interrupting!" Sighing, she turned back to Yukari. "I…ordered my gunner to shoot while your girl was still there. If…if I had known…"

Katyusha started to shake a little. 'She's probably going to yell at me now.' Instead, Yukari smiled.

"Thank you for letting me know. I'll be sure to pass on the message to Leopon."

"No message, necessary. H-Here." She took an envelope out of her pocket. It was addressed as 'Oarai Team.' "This is an apology letter. I didn't know which team to address it to, so…"

Yukari took the note. "I'll be sure to deliver it to them. Your apology is greatly appreciated. Thank you." With that, Yukari took a slight bow.

"Y-yeah." Katyusha and Nonna bowed as well. Katyusha then ran to the other end of the hallway. Nonna smiled.

"It took her a lot of strength to do that. I'm very impressed."

"She's not usually like this, is she? What happened?"

Nonna began to take her leave. "You have your counsellor to thank for her change in disposition. I just hope that it will stick." As she went, Yukari wondered about the entire exchange. How the arrogant and proud Katyusha started to change a little to a humble and considerate person.

Oarai's Carrier Ship – Hana's Apartment – Evening – PRESENT

All parties looked with surprise. Even Miho "Wait, Katyusha did that?!" Yukari smiled and nodded.

"Did Leopon get the letter?"

"I delivered it to them," Yukari explained. "When they received it, they were in tears. They promised me they would give it to Hoshino."

Hana wondered, "do they have any ill will towards Pravda?"

"No. It was an accident. She didn't know. And yet."

"Katyusha believed it was her fault," Miho pondered. "But for her to apologize like that. It's not easy."

"Did Mr. Nagasawa speak with Katyusha? When?" Saori wanted to know how he could convince a person like Katyusha to change, let alone hold a conversation with her.

"I don't know. But, it's like they say. 'Words are powerful.'"

Miho couldn't help but agree. Words were indeed powerful. It had the power to change a person's mood or even their frame of mind. Used for good or ill, it could potentially change people for the better or for, the worse.

Oarai's Carrier Ship – Sushi Shop – Evening

"Table for two. Thanks."

The waitress bowed and escorted them to a booth. As both sat down, each of them felt an uneasiness.

'It's just dinner. So, why do I feel stressed?' But he knew the answer already. For all intent purposes, it was a date. Both knew that. Ami, still in her dress uniform, looked around the restaurant. As they watched over what they wanted, Ami started the conversation.

"Is this your first time?"

Rirko sipped on some water. "First time, what?"

"First time on a date, duh!" He almost spat out but was able to drink instead.

"If you must know…yeah. It is."

"Funny…same with me." Rirko stared at her for a moment. Didn't Ami have a boyfriend? Looking at her now, through a different lens, he couldn't see any reason why any man would not see her approachable. She was not only good looking, but she had her charms and wit as well. As for himself. Not much to offer.

The two scoured the menus. Once they decided, Rirko held up his hand to signal the waiter. Ami suddenly burst out laughing.


"Is that how you call a waiter where you're from?" Ami then stood up and raised her hand. She then shouted, "Suman!" The waiter soon came swiftly and took their orders. Once finished, he quickly returned to his station.

Rirko couldn't help but notice the difference. "That's how you call a waiter?"

"That's how you have to call a waiter. Either your deaf or didn't you notice the amount of noise that's here?"

He didn't want to point it out, but it was loud. But, he assumed it was just the nightlife. "I thought it was like that all the time."

"Even when dead, you still got to call them the same way. It's the only way they'll respond." Rirko then thought he was lucky to have Ami. If he didn't, he would have had his hand up all night. However, it was a perfect segue into another conversation; one that he felt would benefit him.

"There's a lot I don't know about Eastern cultures. When I got here, I just made sure I knew the bare minimum. Maybe I should take an effort to learn some more."

"I could teach you," Ami suggested. Rirko, looking at her, noticed a serious look. "I mean if that would help you."

"It would. Especially with that workshop coming up."

"Workshop? First time I heard of it."

"Yeah." Taking a sip of water, he continued. "So, the Japan Mental Health Initiative wants me to attend this workshop, citing the difference between Eastern and Western culture in mental health."

"I heard about that. The J.M.H.I raised a stink in the Federation. They were one of the groups who advocated for the counsellor rule."

"I'm in talks with Ibuki Sawa, the regional head. I have to send her an e-mail about what I'll be covering."

"Sounds like fun."

"Well, it would be. If it wasn't for the venue."

"Oh?" Ami was surprised. Why would he worry about where it would be taking place? "You know the Student Council will take care of transportation, right?"

"Transportation is not the problem. Remember, the venue." He leaned towards her. "It's at Kuromorimine."

She became wide-eyed at that fact. "Oh shit."

"Yeah. So, I'm expected to talk in front of the shakers of the Sensha-do Federation. So, you'll know who's going to be there. Especially, when it's home field."

Ami moaned. "Shiho. Oh, that sucks to be you."

"Oh no! Really?" Rirko said, in a sarcastic tone. Ami smiled and nodded.

"You better get cracking on knowing those differences. Otherwise, Shiho will have your head on a platter."

"Figuratively or literally?"

"She's not that crazy, Rir. Come on." It was a small tic, but Rirko noticed it. Just now, she called him 'Rir'. Was it some sort of endearment, or something more? The food came, and it looked appealing, to say the least. As they ate, they continued their conversation.

"East vs West. That's what Ibuki liked to call it. And rightfully so. Our core values in the West are so much different than the East."

"That's true. Maybe that's why you have a problem with Shiho and this whole 'situation?'"

That statement gave Rirko pause. He had never considered culture differences the reason for the Nishizumi drama.

"Think about it, Rir. Shiho was raised in a traditional family. That's the most Eastern you're going to get. Is it any wonder why Miho and Maho were raised the way they were?"

"I can see that her parenting style is based on Eastern values. But surely, she would have seen the emotional ramifications of her actions."

She shook her head. "To her, the only thing important to her is family. To keep the Nishizumi legacy alive. That's her responsibility. She has a one-track mind. Everything else is just noise to her."

"So, my talk about emotions and feelings…"

"Would be just noise. Yes." That was a blow for Rirko. He thought he could have instructed her on emotional distress but if what Ami was saying correct, she wouldn't care.

"Sorry to burst your bubble like that. That's how we do things here."

"I've noticed. Obey all orders without question. Family comes first. Hide all emotions. Preserve the family lineage. These are the things that I've learnt when talking to Miho and Maho. God, it must suck to live here."

"But if you were born here, then it would be totally normal." Ami was halfway done her meal. Rirko was slowly getting there. "They would see the West as the place 'where it must suck' to live."

All this time, Rirko focused on the Western values, but Ami helped him realize that he was on their turf. He would have to understand and play by their rules. However, he instilled some Western values to not only the staff but the students as well. What did this mean for Miho and Maho and their family?

This discussion was giving Rirko another lens to consider. He was so set in his ways; he didn't notice the other paths that were in front of him. He started to second-guess himself. "What have I been saying to these girls…are they wrong?"

"Hell no. You're right about all the things you said. It's just the fact that for the longest time, they've been doing things one way. You've given them an opportunity to explore another. That's what you're supposed to be doing in life. Exploring and discovering new things! Don't feel bad because you just realized you weren't respecting our way of life. You've been experiencing and embracing our ways ever since you came here."

Ami was correct in that assumption. Slowly, Rirko found himself doing things that he didn't see himself doing back home. Bowing respectfully, table manners, no tripping, etc. While he embraced some aspects, it didn't mean he agreed with some of them.

"Look at Oarai. You notice how the moral committee doesn't crack down on dress code. That's because when they tried conformity, it blew back right in their face. They accepted that everyone had a characteristic they wanted to share. It's because of Miho. She showed the girls it was okay to be different. If she wasn't here…"

"Everyone would look and act the same." It was the social norm. No student wanted to stick out like a sore thumb. To be called out, because of a difference in appearance.

Or perhaps a difference in ideology.

Ami continued. "When tourists travel, they're treated like D-level celebrities. People want pictures, shout to get your attention, and other crazy crap people do. They stick out. They want to meet someone different because it's interesting."

Rirko was surprised that he wasn't mauled as soon his plane reached Japan. Maybe, because he dressed like a typical Japanese business salaryman that they left him alone?

"When a foreigner acts the way they do, people are attracted and excited about that. But, when your average Japanese person tries to be different..."

"Fear, rejection and shame." Now, Rirko understood the impact of culture. It was because Miho acted out beyond what was socially acceptable. She was expected to follow all orders and traditions. But when she did something so unprecedented, so absurd, Shiho and the entirely of Kuromorime shunned her. Could he blame them? It went against everything they were taught.

"You gonna eat that?" Rirko's thoughts were shattered by Ami's voice. She was asking if she could have the rest of his sushi.

"Uh…no. I lost my appetite."

Taking a sushi from his plate, Ami knew that he was shook by this revelation. "I know this is something you don't want to hear. This may, in fact, unravel everything you knew about Eastern culture. But it doesn't mean it will remain constant."

"What do you mean?"

"You encouraged the team to support each other. How does a team get together? Normally by running drills and striving out of necessity. But what is Miho doing? Get to know your teammates, grow together, learn, teach one another. All her ideas stem from the fact she just wants to have fun. No family obligations, or worrying about other people. Having fun. And I'm sure having fun in a sport at the end of it all is not an Eastern norm."

Society, East or West, is ever changing. Like a gem, it is polished and cut to make it even better than before. It was a process, to be sure. It took time and sometimes progress moved at a snail's pace. But it improved.

Ami had flipped his entire way of thinking upside down. But, it was necessary. It made Rirko realize that all this time he had broken a cardinal rule of therapy: to keep a holistic view on all aspects of the situation. He had painted Shiho as a stone-faced, maniacal, disciplinarian with no heart or soul. But this opinion was based on his Western views.

To truly understand the Nishizumi family, he would have to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Goddamn it, Ami." Rirko wore a weary expression. "I guess there's some more work that needs to be done. If I truly want to know the truth, I must give everyone an opportunity. Even…her."

Ami, who finished Rirko's plate, sighed. "Making sure you have reliable, and all intelligence is part of any strategy. It gives you a chance to plug up any holes in your case. People don't think like you, Rir. You understand that, right?"

Rirko nodded. He was grateful to Ami for her advice. Had he gone to the workshop on how the Sensha-do Federation should act accordingly to Western ideals, he would have been shot down by all those present. Shiho would have relished in that fact.

"Enough of the gloomy chatter!" Ami called the waiter over. "Two of your finest beers, sir!"

Sighing, Rirko resigned the fact he would have to be a drinking partner whether he liked it or not.

"Fine. But I am not hauling your drunk ass home, got that?!"

Ami grinned a mischievous smile.

Oarai's Carrier Ship – Hana's Apartment – Night

The girls were getting ready for bed. Like Miho, Hana had to move around a few things before each girl was nice and comfortable. However, it was cosy for them. No one complained about it. Tomorrow would be another day. As each girl prepared for sleep, their thoughts were on Miho. She wasn't alone, but rather in the middle of everyone.

Each girl said their goodnights to one another. Weary of all the excitement, it didn't take long for them to sleep.

The events of the day rolled in her mind, as she tried to get to sleep. How she got lost, how Rirko made her come to grips with her situation with her family and how her friends would be there, no matter what. Thinking about how her friends and teammates supported her made her heart go pitter-patter. She liked the feeling.

Her eyes began to become heavy. Although rested, she was still exhausted from the day. Surrounded by her dear friends, she allowed herself to fall asleep.

Uploader's note: Second part will be posted. Please wait warmly.

P.S. Do you guys agree with the OC x Ami pairing? Leave your reply for those who want to I guess.
Pressing Matters (Part II)
Uploader's Note: Second part of the chapter is here. Enjoy reading.

I do not own the fanfic and its OCs nor Girls und Panzer. Credit goes solely to their respective owners.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Rirko's Office – Morning – NEXT DAY

Rirko's night with Ami was an interesting one. She drunk five beers before acting crazy. He quickly paid the tab and hailed a cab. Looking into her purse, he found an address to her place. After being dropped off, he escorted Ami to her apartment and was able to open the door. All the while, she was yelling off lyrics of favourite songs.

Ami was utterly shit-faced when Rirko left. He gently laid her out on the couch. She was already passed out at that point. He wanted to get out as soon as humanly possible. He had never done that in his life and was hoping it was his last. Escorting a woman back into her apartment was nerve-racking. That, and finding his own way home.

Arriving late at night and waking up early didn't help his mood. Although the sun was out, he still felt horrible. He started to work on his e-mail to Ibuki:

Hello Ibuki,

I wanted to write to you about the various topics I wish to cover. Please let me know what you think -

He only got to that point when someone knocked on the door. Sighing, he knew he had to answer. "Come in!"

The door opened. A timid, shy young woman with white hair walked in. Her short stature couldn't be overlooked. "Mr. Nagasawa?"

"Himiko. Himiko Yasagana, right?" She nodded. Closing the door behind her, she sat down on a chair. He got up and walked towards her. Sitting down, she noticed that she was staring right at him.

"So, Himiko. What can I do for you?" This was the first time talking to Himiko. She usually kept to herself during meetings and other events. She was a whisper in the school, and no one really knew about her. She kept on staring.

"Are you okay?" Suddenly, her eyes filled up with tears, and she started to cry.

'Oh boy, here comes the waterworks.' Sitting down, he grabbed a napkin box and offered it to her. She took some, wiping some tears away.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just…overwhelmed, that's all."

"What's causing the problem?"

She sighed. "I don't think I'm cut out to be a teacher."

"How come? What makes you say that?"

"I don't know! The students are nice, but the amount of work involved it's too much."

"How much is your caseload?"

"Sixty students."

'That's two classrooms of thirty students each!' "Two full caseloads? That's gotta be tough."

Himiko sighed. "When I got the job at Oarai, I thought it would be straightforward. But, when the school year began, the work kept on piling up! The students are great, don't get me wrong. I'm just doing a lot of marking and lesson plans and classroom management…"

"So, regular teacher stuff, I see. Do you have admin support?"

"I…I didn't ask for it."

Rirko raised an eyebrow. "Oh? So, the headmistress or your department head doesn't know? Which begs the question: does anyone else know?" She shook her head slowly.

"We are, what, three months into the school year. You're telling me that you've been handling two full student caseloads by yourself without any support whatsoever?!" Himiko shrugged.

"And, you decided to tell someone about your problems now, because?"

"I'm sorry…"

Rirko shook his head slowly. "Himiko. I'm not upset, and I don't want you to be sorry. I want you to be able to do your job. So, please. Tell me."

"I…I didn't want to burden anyone."

'Where did I hear that before?' She was reminded how Miho did the exact same thing. How she said nothing to avoid the confrontation with others. "I can see that you are an individual that cares. Perhaps you care so much that it has started to affect you. Surely, someone must have noticed."

"W-Well, some people…" She trailed off. Looking anxious, Rirko knew she wasn't telling him everything.

"Who? Do you know?"

"Well…some other teachers from the history department."

"How many teachers in that department?"

"Five, six. Including the department head."

"And what are the comments they make?"

"They ask if I'm okay with everything. It used to be the odd time but now…I think they know. I didn't say anything to them."

"But you did."

Himiko was confused. "What? How?"

"Your non-verbals, Himiko. The lips can say 'I'm fine' but your facial expressions, body language, even how you unconsciously react to things. People pick up on these quirks; they're not stupid."

"I know they're not stupid! It's just…I…I don't know how to put this."

"Try your best. We got time."

Taking a moment, Himiko tried to find the words to describe her situation. "I just don't want them to think I'm useless. I mean, I've only been teaching for two years now. If I ask for help…"

"…people will think you're an idiot and shouldn't teach?" She nodded her head. "That's a very juvenile way to think, isn't it?" Himiko stared at him.

"I don't know everything. If I don't know something, I ask a person who does. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Everyone needs a little help once and a while. It doesn't make you useless."

Himiko's fear of asking for help because of what others may think. That's what kept her from seeking help in the first place.

"Always learn from your mistakes and move on. If you are overwhelmed, you'll be surprised at how much talking to someone helps. Especially, if it's someone who can provide you with support. The support that you need."

She sighed. It sounded like she was getting a lecture. But it made sense. She needed assistance, pure and simple. Himiko's problem was like Miho. She wanted help but didn't ask for it because of what might happen. Loss of respect, ridicule of abilities, or even shouting.

"Your department head should be your go-to for concerns like this. That, and your colleagues as well."

"I-I can't go to the department head! What happens-"

"Who's your department head?"

"Um…Miss Rikia Ruta?"

"Come on. We'll go see her. Together. No excuses."

Resigned to follow him and not wanting to upset him by refusing, the pair made their way to the History department. Himiko stared at the door.

"I…I don't really…"

Rirko knocked on the door. "Come in!" A firm, but gentle voice answered. As he grabbed the door handle, he looked at Himiko and gestured his head towards the room. He entered, and so did he.

Inside the history department, there were desks full of papers and textbooks. Sitting near the windowsill, was the old Miss Ruta.

"Himiko-chan? And, Mr. Nagasawa as well. Seems that we have guests today." Ruta spoke with a gentle, but firm tone. "So, what brings the two of you to me?"

Rirko gestured Himiko to speak. "Miss Ruta…I..."

"Yes, Himiko-chan? What is it?"

Tears started streaming down her face, and she suddenly dropped to the floor. "I…I need help. I'm sorry but please!"

"Himiko-chan." Getting up, she walked slowly with a cane. She patted her head and smiled. "I was wondering when you were going to say something."

Himiko looked up and wiped her tears. Rirko wasn't surprised. A woman with her experience would have picked up on her distress so easily.

For the next half hour, Himiko poured out to Miss Ruta with her struggles with grading, assignments and classroom management. Taking on two full classrooms was a daunting task. As she spoke, Ruta listened attentively. When Himiko finished, she smiled once again.

"Himiko-chan. I know the feeling. Because I've been there. It's only your second year here. Don't think for even a second that you are alone in the education of these young minds. Like I stated in the department meeting, we are all here to support one another. Don't be afraid to ask for help. No more of this solo nonsense, understand?"

Himiko nodded. "Yes. Sensei."

Ruta laughed at the thought. "I was your sensei long ago. Now, we are both sisters in education. Grab your plans. I wish to see what you've been doing."

Bowing, she swiftly walked out of the room. Rirko turned to leave.

"Mr. Nagasawa?"

"Hmm?" He turned to see Ruta smiling.

"Thank you for looking after Himiko-chan. Understand that she wanted to be reliable. That's why she took more than she could carry. This will only prove a valuable lesson."

"Everyone makes mistakes. It's what you do afterwards that counts."

Ruta pondered a bit. "Yes…Mr. Nagasawa. I've been around this school a long time. This year will be my last. I am only asking but try to engage more with the staff here."

"Oh? And why should I do that?"

"I hear nothing but good things about you. While initially surprised by your different ways, the staff have come to respect you and your different way of thinking. Especially the students. While we don't agree with all of them, we do agree that a new breath of life in our school is what was needed."

"You're too kind."

"Listen. We have a social coming up next month. I don't need an answer right away. Give it some thought. Let me know when you can."

"Thanks for the invite. I'll let you know." Giving a slight bow, he left the office. The praise received helped Rirko figure out where he stood with the rest of the staff.

'So, I'm not overly hated. I get a few smiles from students and teachers here and there. But, I never knew if I made an impact. I help them solve their problems and come up with solution benefiting them. So, why do I feel that my ears are burning?'

Deep down, he thought that the staff were saying things behind their smiles. Being paranoid didn't help his social life. And he wasn't keen on going to a social where he was the only guy. But Ruta's endorsement meant something. He could see from afar, but she was an influential member of the entire school. Her words held so much respect that even the headmistress heeded her words sometimes. Her name was worth its currency.

Rirko decided to put the problem on the back-burner. There were many other pressing matters to attend to.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Cafeteria – Noon

Miho and the rest of the girls were sitting down for lunch when the tank commanders approached them. All of them.

There were a lot of hugs, words of encouragement and advice. Lots and lots of advice. Miho took it all in, knowing that they were only looking after her well-being. They also wanted to eat with her, to discuss adopting different battle tactics for situations. And, to run safety drills, once again. The whole affair with Hoshino was still fresh on their minds. Especially for Nakajima.

Jotting down notes, Yukari took the bare basics. Each commander was to make a draft for 'rules of engagement.' At the next meeting, they would decide which plan was the best and draft it to make it the official word for Oarai's Sensha-do team. As Yukari was finalizing the time and date for the next commander's meeting, Caesar took an opportunity to speak up.

"Miho. You've been through so much. More than any of us altogether. Believe me when I say that each of us is concerned about you. If you have a problem, come to anyone of us, and we'll help as best we can."

"I agree," Noriko said with a grin. "This is a team effort! No 'I' in team!"

Nakajima dried some tears away. "You saved our friend, Miho. I mean, come on! We have to make it up to you! Whatever you need, say the word."

Each commander said, to an effect, the same thing. Miho would before listen, be happy, and then question their sincerity. But now that she knew that such a thing would never happen in Oarai, she was touched by the words being said. They were sincere. They would do everything in their power to help her, and the team succeed. Although the cloud of worry hanged above their heads, none of them said anything as to not ruin the mood.

The meeting ended on a high note. As each tank commander departed, Anglerfish in its entirely was the last group to stay.

Yukari noticed Miho's troubled face. "What's wrong, Miss Nishizumi? Shouldn't you be happy?"

Miho was happy for her team rallied with her. But, she felt guilty. "It's nice of them. But I just feel so bad that I…didn't trust them."

The emotional scarring at Kuromorimine left Miho with trust issues. Afraid of a repeat, she distanced herself even from her friends. But now, with her friends' support, she wanted to feel it was genuine and believe in their good intentions.

"Miporin, it takes a while to gain trust. Even though we've been through a lot, we're still a new team. Don't feel bad about not trusting them fully."

"Everyone has their secrets, Miho." Hana sat beside her. "When people trust each other, it's because of the bond they share is unique."

"So, create bonds with them?"

"You've been saying for the teams to get to know them. Now, maybe you should take your own advice?"

Her friends were right. Trusting people took a great deal of time. It was easy to break trust, but it was harder to obtain or regain it.

"What are you going to do, Miho?" Mako asked, curiously. "What can we do to help?"

Surprised that Mako was the one to ask such a profound question, Miho had to think about it. She would just settle for their company for now. "Just be there for me. Please?" Nodding collectively, the bell rang for classes to begin once again.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Sensha-do Training Grounds – Afternoon

After school, the teams assembled as usual. Rirko took his place at the watchtower, overseeing the training session. Although they won one match and drew in the other, Oarai still had some ways to go before the tournament began again. As the teams formed up, Rirko saw Ami at a distance walking slowly.

He didn't want to talk to her, especially regarding last night. He overlooked the team and pretended he was in thought. But then, in the corner of his eye, he saw Ami looking guilty. She was walking slower and slower as she approached him. It seemed that the feeling was mutual.

"Rir?" Rirko looked over at Ami, who she was now face-to-face. It was a guilty look.

"Listen, Rir. I'm…sorry about last night."

No shit you are. "Well, it's done, right?"

Ami shook her head. "When I woke up, I had a bad hangover. Couldn't get out of my place until the afternoon. Then I wondered, 'how did I get home?' The last thing I remembered was drinking a lot and hanging out with you."

He would have to talk about it. "Huh. You were totally shit-faced when we left the place."




"Anyways, I paid for the tab and hailed a cab to pick us up. I couldn't exactly leave you alone, so I searched in your purse for an address. When I found an envelope with a return address, I told the driver where to go."

As Rirko was recollecting the events, Ami made a thinking pose and looking directly at him.

"Getting to the door, I used your key to open it. I called if anyone else was there, which no one was. I took you over to your couch where I laid you down and got the hell out of dodge. Look, I'm sorry for touching your stuff, entering your place without permission and make you look like a victim of date rape. Forgive me."

Finishing his story, he waited for Ami's response. She looked like she wore a variety of emotions. Mostly guilt. As she spoke, it looked like she was holding back tears.

"Damn it, Rir. If you weren't there, I would still be passed out on the front steps of that restaurant. I should never have gotten so out of control. God damn it!" Rirko saw she was upset about it.

"Take it as a life lesson. Always have a plan in place. Alternative accommodations, friends to go to after a night out. We didn't exactly have a plan; it was a spur of a moment kind of thing."

"Yeah…yeah. I get it." Sighing, Ami still felt guilty about the entire affair. "I can't apologize enough for my behaviour. Especially, not towards a friend."

'Friend, huh?' Before, her relationship was strictly professional. Now, it seemed the relationship had taken a different turn. And he did not like it.

"It's over, Ami. Like I said, learn from it and move on."

Sighing, she accepted it. "Alright. Thank you, Rir." Bowing, she climbed up the ladder of the watchtower.

"What a mess." Saying this under his breath, Rirko had to deal with a depressed Ami and what appears to be a budding relationship.

Oarai Carrier's Ship – Hoshino's House – Evening

"I've been better."

Leopon visited Hoshino at her house. Still recovering from the accident, she was in a sling, her sides bandaged up and were bed-ridden. When the girls read the letter for Hoshino, she wept a little for she never blamed Katyusha for her situation. The girls wanted to write her back once everything was back to normal.

"Just get a lot of rest, okay?" Nakajima, with Suzuki and Tsuchiya, tried to make her as comfortable as possible. "You'll be up and about before you know it!"

Hoshino chuckled lightly, then buckled under the pain. Before any of the girls could rush in, she stopped them. "Sorry. It's still too early to be up and about. Besides, mom wouldn't want me on the field, anyways."

Tsuchiya didn't like the tone. "What do you mean?"

"After I got discharged, mom and I got into a fight about Sensha-do. She would still allow me to do maintenance but riding in a tank? Forget about it."

It was to be expected. Suzuki sighed. "Her daughter almost died out there. I don't blame her."

"Well, she can't keep me from the team! I'll sneak out if I have too!" Hoshino was fired up, but in no condition to move.

"Calm down, Hoshino. You don't want to crack more bones." Nakajima fluffed her pillow and made sure that she was comfortable.

"I don't want to stay here for long. I want to be able to fix tanks and hang out with you guys. And…to thank Miho."

The girls sighed. "We still haven't told you about Miho, did we?" Hoshino shook her head. "Then I'll explain."

As Nakajima explained the events that unfolded, Hoshino started to tear up again. Remembering an event so traumatic was devastating. But she had a strong will and was determined to get better. At the end of it, Hoshino was in disbelief.

"So, you're telling me that Nagasawa suspended her because of her 'condition?' Hoshino sighed and reflected on her actions. "If I hadn't gotten out of the tank to try to repair it. You told me so, Nakajima."

Nakajima gave her the order to stay in the tank and take the loss, but Hoshino was stubborn and thought she could get in and out quickly. Apparently, that wasn't the case.

"And now, I'm paying for it being stuck in here. With mom telling me not to go into a tank again and god knows how long I have to recover."

"Be patient. I know waiting is not your thing, but it's gonna have to be." Suzuki tried to be realistic. "The more you do things, the longer it will take to heal. So, just relax."

"Fine…I'll try." Hoshino didn't like the fact that she was stuck in her house. But, at least she was with friends who cared. Leopon was together again; albeit minus one.

Oarai's Carrier Ship – Rirko's House – Evening

The last couple of days gave Rirko pause. Thinking about the Eastern and Western values, he potentially may have painted Shiho wrong. She was only doing what she thought was right. According to social norms, it was acceptable.

"But it doesn't make it right."

Sitting in the living room, Rirko thought about what kind of case he could give to the Sensha-do officials not only in lessening the restrictions on Sensha-do practitioners, but also embrace new ways of doing things. Miho's leadership and Oarai's ascension in the world of Sensha-do fanned the flames of change. Not only in Japan, but also in other parts of the world. Tankery, as Sensha-do was called there, had now been created as an official sport.

Some rules were different, however, as the tanks used were not restricted to world war tanks. Modern tanks were acceptable. Free-for-all matches were one of the playing styles. Now there were talks amongst the universities to make it into a program. What would be next? A career in Tankery? A lifestyle?

And it all started when one girl did the right thing, only to be punished for it. Rather than fade into obscurity, she forged herself a new path and brought life into a dying sport. Everyone in the Sensha-do Federation, even in the entire world, owed her a debt of gratitude. But knowing the type of person Miho was, Rirko figured she wouldn't like the worldwide attention.

Feeling tired, Rirko decided to lay down on the couch for a while and processed everything that happened the last couple of days. He had a new lens to see the Eastern world with, a relationship was forming between him and Ami, and Miho was dealing with some high-level anxiety that without her friends' support, would have been screwed a long time ago. He laughed at the irony on how the girl that changed the world through her actions, who suffered ridicule and jeers at the hands of her old school with a smile, was suddenly felled by fear and sadness because of trauma caused by her own school and family.

People who thought less of mental illness would find it laughable. But when suffering through it, one wonders how they could go on living.

"Friends, support, love. Love is the most important thing." Rirko said this aloud so he would remember how even from the pit of despair, someone could climb out. Miho would need these things, and more, to move on with her life. Like it or not, she was no doubt destined for great things.

"I have to help her. Help them. I have no choice." Resolving to solve the Nishizumi mystery, Rirko closed his eyes. He would help Miho. He had too. For she had a lot riding on her shoulders for one so small and great.

Kuromorimine Carrier Ship – Nishizumi Residence – Night

O, broad valleys, O heights,

O, beautiful, green woods,

Devoted place

Of my desires and sorrows!

Out there, in constant betrayal,

Pounds the tawdry mart.

Draw, once more, around me

Your canopy of green!

When the dawn is breaking,

The earth steams and gleams,

The birds fly merrily past,

As one's heart resounds:

There, dull, earthly sorrows

Pass and fade

There, one can rise again

In youthful splendour.

There, the wood prescribes

A quiet, serious word

Of proper life and conduct

And what belongs to man.

I have read in my devotion

The words so plain and true

And, surging through my being,

They became inexpressibly clear.

Soon, I shall leave you,

A stranger entering foreign lands

By way of well-used paths,

Where the theatre of life is seen;

And, in the midst of life,

The power of your solemnity

Will raise me from seclusion

And my heart will never age.

Maho couldn't sleep. One of the things that helped her relax was to read German literature. At random, she picked up her literature textbook and read random poems. She came across 'Abschied' by Joseph von Eichendorff. As she read, she began to feel very depressed.

Abschied translated to 'farewell.'

And how fitting, after everything that had happened in her family, that she was reading of one's departure to foreign lands for one reason or another. Miho, with her difference in ideology, had been cast out to a foreign land and Maho had a hand in her departure. Perhaps Rirko was right. If she had said something, Miho would have stayed, and she wouldn't be alone.

Maho shook off the thought. She couldn't afford to think about herself. But then, that's what she had been doing all these years. She denied herself to further Miho's dream of freedom. And what did she have to show for it?

"I wish…I wish I could just go somewhere far away. To never deal with my mother, my responsibility, my sad life!"

"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it." Maho mumbled the words over and over again. She was trying to convince herself that what she did was all for Miho's sake. For all of these years, this was the rationale, and she accepted it. But now, for the first time since Miho's departure, she questioned it. Whether she made the right choice not only for her sister but for herself.

"If you want it. Go get it."

Rirko had given her an opportunity to reflect on her own self-worth. It was always for others, never for herself. "Do I want it? I don't want it. I don't."

It was a scary thought. For years of being told one thing, a stranger comes along and says the exact opposite. Scarier still that Maho would start believing in what he was saying.

"Forget house and bloodline. Forsake your ordained path built by those before you, if you so wish. Forge yourself a new and better path. Just like your sister."

"Is that even a choice? Can I do that? What would people say? What would mother say?" Maho mumbled these questions as she set the book on the floor. The light from the lampshade still on, she rubbed her forehead, weary of these questions and memories. "Forsake my path? Forget house and bloodline?" She had been taught that family was the most important thing. But now, she was being told to put herself first; something unheard of in her family.

Maho would think about it some more. Doing something so critical at this stage would spell disaster. An example of this would be what happened with Miho. Turning off the lamp, she crawled into bed again and thought about the changes that were happening around her. Change for the better, or for the worse?

"Mother's way. Miho's way. My way?" How Sensha-do was developing in Japan and Tankery in the West. The world was certainly changing rapidly. Soon, there would be no time to think, only to act. For the moment, she resolved to help Miho anyway she could. Not only because she loved her.

But because she believed that there was none more qualified than Miho to lead the Federation into the future.

A/N: Future developments will prove very interesting. Tell me what you think. Your support is greatly apperciated. Thank you for all the PM, favourites and views.
I Hear You Knocking
Uploader's Note: I do not own the fanfic and its OCs nor Girls und Panzer. Credit goes solely to their respective owners.

A/N: Short chapter. I've been playing so much Pokemon: Ultra Sun but I've been putting an effort into writing. The comments I have been getting have been supportive. Thank you.

Oarai Girl's Academy - Hallway - Late Afternoon

The Student Council called a meeting of the tank commanders after practice, one day. It was one of Anzu's 'spur of the moment' kind of deal. This meeting included Ami and Rirko, seeing how much they were involved in the team's development.

As the practice wrapped up, Ami and Rirko made their way to the Student Council room. Not happy about spending part of his evening in an impromptu meeting, Ami was subject to Rirko's complaints.

"I just hope that its news worth listening too." Sighing, Rirko thought about that lost evening while Ami rolled her eyes.

"You have no obligation to go."

"Yeah, well she said anyone who is involved in the team's development. So, I have no choice but to go."

"Well, at least get rid of the pissed-off look for the girls. You're setting a bad example." She looked out of the window and saw the tanks being rolled into the shed for the night. Then, a small group of the tank commanders walking towards the building. They all had sour faces.

"Are they pissed off too?" Rirko asked, with a smug.

"…shut up." The feeling was mutual. No one wanted to stay for a late meeting after a long training session.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Student Council Room – Late Afternoon

"I'm glad that you were all able to make it!" Anzu said this in a cheery voice. However, some of the people in the room glared at the council, including Rirko. Silent contempt.

"Don't give us that look. This is actually important!" Momo tried to look intimidating while crossing her arms. However, Risa wouldn't be taking that.

"I sure hope so. If it's something stupid, then I can't be held responsible for my actions!"

"What you say, smart-mouth?"

"You want me, I'm right here!" Risa was already irritable from spending more time in school.

"HEY!" Momo and Risa stopped their standoff, looking at Rirko. The entire room as well.

"The sooner we get this done, the sooner we all get to go home. And I, for one, have an appointment with a warm kotatsu. So, I would be pleased as punch if girls would settle down and get on with it!"

The girls, including Ami, looked at him as if he had two heads. Momo and Risa looked at each other.

"Fine. I want to get home as soon as possible too." Crossing her arms, Risa sat down. Saying nothing, Momo did the same. Everyone settling down, Yuzu and Anzu were happy how things turned out.

"Always count on the counsellor to be the voice of reason." Anzu shoved another chip into her mouth. Yuzu started the meeting.

"Thank you all for coming. As you well know, the draws for the Nationals will be happening soon. Training during the coming weeks will be crucial. That's why…"

"We'll be facing Kuromorimine in an exhibition match!" Anzu sound both excited and proud. Everyone's jaw dropped, except for Ami.

Rirko looked at her. "You knew about this, didn't you?" She shrugged.

"This was in the works right after we got confirmation about the match in Pravda. They were very forthcoming with their request."

"And who made the request?" asked Nakajima.

"The headmistress of Kuromorimine, through the Sensha-do Kommandant."

Miho had a blank look, while Yukari looked on concerned. The rest of the tank commanders were unsure how to feel. The last time they faced Kuromorimine, they barely won. Could they still pull off the same miracle, especially with Miho out of commission?

"The decision was made before Miho's suspension. But we can't cancel the match. We would lose face." Momo shifted her monocle around her eyes. "Therefore, we shall move forward and work with whatever we got." All eyes turned to Miho.

Them winning off the seat of their pants was not acceptable this time around. Kuromorimine was now privy to Oarai's tricks. Miho and the others would have to be creative in their approaches. Just because she wasn't allowed to ride a tank, didn't mean she couldn't contribute to the strategies utilized.

"Kuromorimine, in the past, has followed a strict battle style. Using formal strategies, they were not flexible in changing tactics on the fly. But now, they know this. They will change something. That is why we must be one step ahead. To continue to act on the fly, so our moves cannot be predicted."

Kii was listening attentively and didn't contribute to the overall team strategy. But, something in her screamed to say something. "Nishizumi-sempai. How can we plan if our moves 'are on the fly?'"

"Don't get me wrong. We'll still have a strategy. However, our moves must not be so easy to read. We will complete the strategy using guile and misdirection."

If Kuromorimine had problems reacting to the stratagems of Oarai, they may have a chance to win. It would be brain vs brawn. Rirko was impressed by Miho's resourcefulness.

"Live. Familiarize. Triumph."

Miho giggled and smiled. "That's the gist of it. Perhaps we can work on the finer details later?"

Everyone seemed to be keen on the idea. Momo, however, wanted to plan right away but one look at Anzu changed her mind.

"Not too long," she said, crossly. "Our match is in two weeks time, so we'll need to step up training!" She turned to Miho. "Nishizumi, wrap things up."

Miho had a different idea. "Actually, Yukari should be the one to wrap things up." Yukari was caught unawares.

"M-Miss Nishizumi?!" Miho gave a gentle nod and Yukari swallowed hard. It was her show now.

"Um…I know that things have changed that made our situation unfavourable. However, with the Nationals coming up, it is now more important than ever to find new ways to engage our opponents, to keep them guessing. So, we can win."

"Our strength comes from thinking out of the box. And although we may seem weak, we have proven the mighty and powerful wrong. We are riding on last year's momentum. Let's keep on going! Now is not the time to rest. Now is the time to move and to show everyone that Sensha-do is not only about winning or glory. It's about having fun!"

To be with teammates who care. To enjoy one's self. To grow in both mind and spirit through Sensha-do. These were the values that Oarai cherished. These were the values that they would protect.

Murmurs of agreements filled the room. Smiles and laughter dissipated the tired air that hung around them. Satisfied, Momo adjourned the meeting while Yukari letting the other commanders know when the next meeting would be.

Ami and Rirko spoke in the hallway.

"Well, it works well for me."

"Oh? How so?"

"The match is on the same week of the workshop. I can attend both. I just have to be there way ahead of you girls."

"Good for you." Ami looked at Rirko and even though he sounded enthusiastic, she knew he was tired.

"Listen, are you doing okay? You look really tired."

"Worried about me?"

"Seriously Rir. Tell me."

Ami was perceptive, and Rirko knew that. Sighing, he knew he couldn't bluff his way out of his predicament.

"Have you heard of emotional fatigue?" Ami shook her head.

"It's when you're so tired feeling for others that you become apathetic or withdrawn. I'm most likely feeling the effects of this."

"Hence the reason you snapped at Risa and Momo?"

"Oh, that? No, I was just worn-out of their bickering. No one wanted to be in that room."

"What are you going to do?" Ami sounded a lot more concerned, than curious.

"Maybe call in sick for a day. Relax. Have time for myself. Then, I should feel right as rain."

"Right." She didn't sound too convinced.

"I'll e-mail the headmistress tonight and leave a voicemail for the school. Probably be off tomorrow."

"I better not see you here tomorrow, Rir. Otherwise, I'll knock you out and drag you home myself!" She sounded serious, but he knew she was only concerned about him. It was touching. Someone cared for 'him'.

"Aye, ma'am."

"I'm with the defence force, not the Marine Corps, stupid."

"You keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means."

"I-" Ami stopped herself before talking more. Rirko was teasing her and having a good time. "Don't be a stranger, Rir." Walking off, Rirko thought about his relationship with Ami and how it was changing.

'This is getting more difficult.' He didn't know why, but every time he thought about her, he felt he had butterflies in his stomach. Was he getting sick? Or, was it something else?

Rirko was seemingly alone. Him, the hallway and a potted plant. A potted plant that shook a little.

He sighed. "I know you're there. Come on out."

Miho popped out of her hiding place. "How did you know I was there?"

"I didn't. But, I felt I was being watched by someone. Turned out to be you."

Miho was silent and was looking guilty.

"Where's Yukari?"

"I said I would be going home late because there was some other stuff I needed to take care of for the Student Council."

"Which was a total lie." Miho nodded. She felt bad lying to Yukari but really wanted to speak with Rirko.

"Come on, let's go to my office. We can talk there."

"B-But how about your-"

"I'll be up all night, thinking about what you wanted to say to me. I care enough to at least hear what's on your mind."

Rirko figured that she overheard his conversation with Ami. She probably wants to speak to him after the meeting. Hence, the reason she hid and looked guilty when discovered. Once she heard about his emotional fatigue, she didn't want to burden him.

"One more thing, Miho. Don't eavesdrop on conversations, it's rude."

"I-I'm sorry." As she bowed, Rirko began to leave. She immediately trotted after him.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Rirko's Office – Early Evening

Rirko was still feeling the effects of emotional fatigue. However, he did his best to shake off the feeling and tried to keep an empathic ear to Miho. Even though it wasn't one of their session days, her coming to him meant that it was worth a discussion.

Taking their usual places, Rirko and Miho began their session. "I'm sorry about intruding like this, Mr. Nagasawa. I know how tired you are and-"

Rirko held up his hand. "Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself, you know. But, your concern is appreciated."


"I actually wanted to know if you met with Dr. Tendo recently."

"Dr. Tendo? Oh, you mean Shinzuka?"

"Yeah. She goes by first-name basis?" Miho nodded her head. 'An informal way to present yourself to a patient, but whatever works for her.'

"I met Shinzuka after the day of our…last talk." Remembering it once again, Miho shuttered at the memory of being lost and alone in the forest. "I spoke to her about my medications not working so well so she increased the dosage. But that was after a lengthy discussion."

"I see." Rirko didn't push the issue about the conversation. If Shinzuka wanted to share information, she would say so. "And how do you feel?"

"Better. Much better. I don't feel that depressed unlike before. I'm able to do things and focus on my life."

"Good to hear." Rirko was relieved that Miho was on the right track to her recovery. A favourable outcome would be for her to take back command of the team before the match with Kuromorimine. But, it was still quite a way before progress like that could be made. But it was a start. "What else happened?"

"I…I was able to speak to my sister in Notojima."

Rirko remembered that Maho dropped by and he left her with Miho while he took a walk. He had no idea how that turned out. "Did it go well?"

"Huh…" Miho, remembering her discussion with Maho, was a conversation that was not only tense but heartwarming.

Noto Battlegrounds – Oarai Main Tent – Pravda Match Day - PAST

Maho and Miho were once again together, albeit in unfavourable circumstances. Miho was lying on a cot, trying to wrap around what had happened to her and her subsequent suspension from the Sensha-do team. Maho was sitting right next to her; her hand on her shoulder.

Miho turned around to see her sister and she was happy. They were face-to-face for once. Not, as a voice, but a physical person. Like back in the day. But then again, remembering such times caused her nothing but pain. Gingerly, Maho ran her fingers through Miho's hair and couldn't help but tear up.

"Miho…A-Are you…alright?"

Miho nodded. "I have people who are supporting me. But sometimes, it isn't enough. I make due with what I have. Being…resourceful is part of a commander's traits, right?" Smiling gently, Maho felt herself breaking her strong façade. She was heartbroken. The sister she had sought to help was suffering right in front of her.

And she could do little to help her.

"I'm sorry…I wasn't there for you."

"Maho, it happened during the middle of the match. You couldn't exactly jump down and rush to me, can you?"

Miho thought she was referring to what had happened during the match. However, Maho was referring to the Kuromorimine/ Pravda match and how she didn't say anything to support her. Maho didn't have the courage to correct her.

"I…couldn't no. But I would."
Miho sighed. "Why are we meeting always like this?"

"What do you mean, Miho?"

"We're always meeting when there's something bad happening. School getting closed down, during a Sensha-do National Championship, a gathering of the Federation schools in a showdown against a superior team. I miss…"

Maho crept closer to her. To encourage to say whatever was on her mind.

"I miss…I miss the days when we were just there with each other. Where we did things together, like how we used to."

"I miss those days too. I truly do."

Those days are gone now. There's nothing in the world that can change that. No matter how hard we wish for it…" As she talked, Miho started to cry again. Not wanting to see her cry, Miho turned her back. Each word she spoke was drawn.

Maho couldn't say anything. Hearing Miho cry was agony. She wanted those days back too. But circumstances prevented them to have that wish. With Rirko's revelation and seeing Miho in such a delicate state was too much for her to bear. Tears flowed down her cheeks and unto the cot. Covering her eyes, she wept as well.

Showing such emotion was unheard of for a Nishizumi but the emotional baggage each girl carried was getting to a point where it was unbearable.

"What do you want, Miho?"

"W-What?" She turned and saw her sister crying. Shocked, Miho stared at her and wiped some of her tears off her face.
"What is it do you want me to do, Miho?! What is it going to take for you to not feel this way anymore?! Because I…I can't stand seeing you…like this!"

The sight of Miho's anguish was upsetting. Maho was desperate and would do anything to make her feel better. It was hurting her emotionally. It was a hurt she had never felt in a long while. She wanted to make it disappear. Hers and Miho's.

Miho couldn't answer that question. Maho was upset that she was upset. It was confusing to comprehend. She was expressing herself on how she truly felt. But now Maho, the sister that she loved, was unhappy. She needed to fix that.

"Talk to me more. I know we are miles away from each other. But, hearing your voice reassures me. It makes me happy to know that I still have you. No matter how much apart we are from each other physically, we can still be together."

"Oh, Miho!" Maho embraced her in a hug. Letting out her sorrow, Maho cried on Miho's shoulder. It was an action of love. Shedding tears not for yourself, but for a person that you love. Miho couldn't help but replicate that feeling for she did the exact same thing.

It took a while for both sisters to calm down. After reaffirming their support for one another, Maho agreed to check up on Miho on a bi-weekly basis and to make sure that her sister was supported in all aspects of her life.

As Maho was leaving, Miho sat on the cot and sighed. "Thank you for coming. It means a lot to me."

"You mean a lot to me as well, Miho. It's like you said. We'll always be together no matter how far we are from one another."

Maho left, leaving Miho's eyes glistening with the tears of joy.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Rirko's Office – Early Evening

"It…went well."

"Went well, huh." Gauging Miho's response, Rirko decided to not press the issue. The conversation that Miho had was only meant for her sister. "Let's just leave it at that, then. So, what did you want to talk about?"

It took a minute for Miho to organize her feelings and words. But she spoke. "It's about what you said last time. About having 'closure?' I've been thinking about that."


"I know that what I did went against everything my school and my family was taught."

"And, do you regret your decision? If you would do it all over again, would you?"

Miho knew she made the right choice. She believed in the sanctity of life trumped over victory. That the lives of her teammates, her friends, was worth a sacrifice. "I don't regret my decision. And if I had to do it all over again. I would."

So strong was Miho's conviction that Rirko couldn't help but admire her. She knew exactly what she wanted. She wasn't her sister, and she was definitely not her mother. Miho was happy where she was.

"So, what are you going to do now? Now, you are sure that you made the right choice. Where to go from here?"

This was a question that Miho tried to figure out for the last few days. When Rirko spoke about confrontation, she wasn't too keen on the idea. To talk directly to someone about a sensitive topic like this, especially if it's your own family. Miho believed, at the time, that confrontation was not an option. But now.

"I…I need to let them know how I feel about this. I tried explaining it once, but they wouldn't listen. I just need to frame it right."

Rirko felt that confrontation was necessary. However, that was before his conversation with Ami about Eastern and Western cultures. Now, he felt he may have been over-zealous about his ideas about Miho confronting her family.

"Before we continue this conversation, there's something I wanted to tell you." Miho didn't like the tone of his voice. He sounded hesitant. "When I came to Oarai, I was so set on my own beliefs and values. I truly believed in what I was taught back home. But that also meant having no tolerance for other cultures. Especially Eastern. Miss Chono spoke to me, at length, about this shortcoming. I may have been forcing my own sets of values on you. I'm sorry."

This was something that Miho was not expecting. Normally no one, especially someone of authority, would announce their shortcomings. Here, Rirko was. But, what did it mean for Miho? Was everything he said just random stuff off the top of his head?

Miho shook her head. "It's okay. Thanks for letting me know, Mr. Nagasawa. But, regardless of this, the things you say. They make sense to me."

"What?" Then Rirko remembered that he wasn't dealing with a typical high-schooler. Miho held her own set of beliefs. Beliefs that was like Western ideology. "Right. I guess I still have a lot to learn about the differences between Eastern and Western cultures. But, I'm glad that you understand what I've been saying to you."

"Maybe I still need to think about this a bit more?"

"You don't have to let me know, Miho." She looked at him.

"Don't you want to know what happens?"

"Partially, yes. I would be lying if I said otherwise. However, this is your family we're talking about here. You make the choice. You follow through. And if you need support in this, I can provide for it. All you need to do is ask."

She was happy to hear that and smiled. "Thank you. That makes me feel a whole lot better."

Talking to Rirko about this situation, she felt that a weight was lifted off her shoulders. "I don't want to keep you, Mr. Nagasawa. You've been very helpful. I'll be going now." As she was getting ready to leave, Rirko spoke.

"If I can give you one piece of advice. If you believe your ideals are being contradicted by someone, especially someone of authority, then you must do what you think is right."

Both looked at each other. Miho's hand was on the doorknob. She turned around and opened the door. He couldn't see her face, but Miho looked dejected.

"I wish we had met sooner, Mr Nagasawa." As she whispered this, she left. Closing the door behind her, she sighed and put her hand on the door. If he was there to help her back then, would anything change? If Rirko was that one supportive person that stood up to her mother, what would her family look like now?

"Nishizumi?" Miho turned and saw Sadoko standing there with Pazomi and Gomoyo on each side of her. Both Pazomi and Gomoyo wore concerned faces.

Miho didn't consider Mallard would be here this late. She didn't expect anyone would be in the school. Then she remembered that the moral committee usually patrols the halls and write a report to security before leaving school. Why, of all nights, did she have to meet Mallard?

No one from the Sensha-do team knew of her counselling sessions. The only thing the team knew was that she was dealing with emotional issues and was getting help. They didn't know, she was receiving help here. She felt her heart beat fast. She was discovered and there was no way she could talk her way out of it. The only thing Miho could do was stare back. No one said a thing for a while.

"What are you doing here, this late?"

"I…I-" Miho stammered while trying to figure out an excuse. However, Sadoko rose her hand.

"Never mind that. You've been good to the school and a good student overall. I'll let you off with a warning this time. But know that the school closes at 5 pm daily, with the exception of any extracurricular activities and designated events. Any student staying in the school after hours is strictly prohibited and will be subject to penalties from the moral committee. Now, off you go."

Not sure what to think about the situation, Miho started to speed past the three as fast as she could. But before she could, she heard Sadoko speak.

"Commander Nishizumi?" Miho stopped, without turning back. "Do you best, okay?" Smiling slightly, she left Mallard alone in the hallway.

A/N: Once again, short chapter. Things will pick up in the next one. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to leave a review or PM me. I'm good about getting back to people. Once again, thanks for the support on this.
Can You Find It In Your Heart
Uploader's Note: I do not own the fanfic and its OCs nor Girls und Panzer. Credit goes solely to their respective owners.

A/N: I usually update on Mondays. I'm updating today. Why? Because I can.

Oarai Girl's Academy - Rirko's Office - Early Morning

After a day off, Rirko felt refreshed and ready to do his work. Although short, he appreciated the fact that he was able to take time for himself. Recognizing your limitations was an important skill to develop. It teaches people to be humble and to find the strength to ask for help. As he entered the office, he carried a box with him.

The box arrived a few days ago, but he didn't have time to put it away in his office. He also had a book with him. 'East + West: A Study of Cultures.' If he was to understand the difference between the two, research was required. Closing the door behind him, he placed the book and the box on the desk. He then proceeded to make coffee.

With coffee in hand, he opened the box and looked at the contents. Smiling, he closed it again and placed the closed box inside one of the cupboards. It was time to get to work. He had started reading last night and was in chapter three when there was a knock on the door.

"Wonder who it could be? Especially early this morning." Rirko pondered aloud. "Come in!" When the door opened, Headmistress Raidou was standing there. 'Oh no, what the hell?'

"Good morning, Rirko. I'd thought I find you here early again." Standing, Rirko bowed slightly. "And I see you've gotten the hang of showing respect. Excellent!"

"Well, three months in Japan has been beneficial headmistress."

"May we talk?"

"Of course." Closing the door behind her, the headmistress took a seat. She stared at him thoughtfully.

'So, what does she want? She doesn't usually visit.' The headmistress had complete faith in Rirko's abilities, so she did not need to visit. Her presence was understandably surprising.

"You can call this an informal evaluation of your skills, Rirko. No need to worry. Nothing major, just feedback from myself and the rest of the staff." With this revelation, Rirko breathed a sigh of relief. At least, it wasn't bad news.

"I have been getting a lot of positive vibes from the staff. They're appreciative of your insight and helpful nature. Not only that, the students seemed to be more receptive and relaxed. It's because some of the staff has utilized some of your advice which is yielding positive results. Well done."

"Thank you, headmistress."

"Miss Ruta has also commented on your skills as a counsellor. But, both Ruta and I have agreed on one point."

"Yes?" Although it was good news, Rirko couldn't help but know where Raidou was going with this.

"You're too closed off from the school community. Oarai has always been a school that prides itself in not only in the development of its students, but its staff as well. You know, as well as anyone, that being an introvert in your field is counter-intuitive to your professional standard."

'Knew it.' Rirko was spot on. His introverted nature was one of the opportunities he needed to address. "I understand, headmistress. This has always been an opportunity of mine for the longest time. It's part of my personality that I'm trying to change."

Raidou nodded. "It's admirable that you're trying to change that. I encourage you to know the staff a bit more. Attend some of the events that the social committee puts on. Don't be apprehensive about attending because you're the only male staff. You'll find most of our staff is approachable."

He had a tinge of fear about approaching people. Being a hidden introvert, Rirko had a hard time connecting with people. Especially, with strangers. However, the headmistress was asking for him to change a significant part of him. And he was already turning a little.

"The concern about being the only male there did cross my mind."

Raidou laughed. "Don't let that stop you from meeting new people. There's also the matter of your relationship with the Sensha-do team. Your support has been extraordinaire and has helped the girls develop more socially. However…"

Raidou was making compliment sandwiches left and right. He wished she would get the gist of it.

"Your relationship with Miss Nishizumi."

Rirko became concerned. 'Ah, crap.' "Yes? What is the problem?"

"The Student Council debriefed me on the situation in Notojima, and her M.I.A status a few days ago. While I am glad she is recovering steadily, these past few instances have left me uneasy."

Shifting his chair, Rirko leaned closer. "What are you saying, ma'am?"

"Have she seen you regularly?"

Rirko nodded his head. He couldn't deny it. "Yes. We have been speaking during some counselling sessions."

Her eyes widened. Nodding slightly, Raidou crossed her legs and folded her hands. "I see. Then I can assume she has been dealing with issues?"

"Yes. Personal issues."

Raidou sighed. "The reason why I brought this up is that of your request to leave Oarai for a workshop in Kuromorimine. Both myself and the Student Council, after speaking with the J.M.H.I Regional, have approved this request."

"That is good to hear."

"Does Miss Nishizumi or any other students know about your leave of absence?"

"I was going to tell them this afternoon."

"Good. I'll be blunt. If she is pouring out to you her private thoughts and feelings, that can pose a problem. Most teachers don't do a proper debrief with their students, and they feel the effects of withdrawal when finding out they left without saying goodbye. I do not want the same thing happening to the Sensha-do team. Especially, with Miss Nishizumi."

'Jeez, I forgot about that!' Letting students know what was happening was important. Regardless of if it was a short or long leave, students were entitled to know promptly. If not, they would have…unpleasant feelings.

"I appreciate your concern, headmistress. Rest assured, I will complete these tasks before the end of the day."

Satisfied with his answer, Raidou smiled. "Your input to both students and teachers are invaluable. But know that your ways are still foreign to us."

"I am aware. Miss Chono told me about this shortcoming. I wasn't fair myself. I wasn't tolerant of Eastern cultures because I was set in my ways. I'm working to change that."

Raidou was surprised how Rirko was talking about his flaws nonchalantly. "I'm glad that this experience is not only extended to our students and staff. But, to you as well. East and West have always been at odds and sometimes this created conflict. If more people were more accepting and admitted their faults like you, we would be in a better place."

"But, that's in an ideal world, Headmistress. There are some who are stubborn to change."

Raidou was inclined to agree. "Indeed. That can be said for our world and Sensha-do."

"Sensha-do?" Rirko asked, but he already knew where she was going with this.

"Japan's two most prominent styles. The Nishizumi and the Shimada. Long have they been a part of Sensha-do. But now, with the world being reinvigorated by Sensha-do or Tankery where you're from, people are looking for ways to change the aspects of the sport. Of course, the family heads are opposed to this. They may be prominent now but."

"…their time will soon pass." As Raidou nodded, Rirko couldn't help but think about the future of Sensha-do. If what was Raidou said was correct, and the people wanted a more progressive way of doing the sport then that would make the families a relic of the past. They would be obsolete. Sensha-do what defined the Nishizumi so if that was taken away from them, what future would they have? Would there be a future for them?

"Nothing stays. Everything changes."

"Exactly right. You are preceptive to see that, Rirko. It's a shame. The families are so driven to make a name for themselves in the annals of history, that they fail to see what is happening in front of them."

"Or maybe they know, and are just waiting for the inevitable."

The sun was rising, and the students started to trickle in. Soon, it was going to be the start of another school day. Raidou sighed. "There's been growing tension between the liberal and progressive Sensha-do practitioners. Soon, this issue will need to be addressed. But for now, we focus on what is in front of us. And that is to support our girls here in this school. No matter what their affiliation might be."

"I second that." Rirko raised his coffee mug. Smiling, Raidou got up.

"How time flies. Do you have any plans once your assignment is up?"

"I was thinking about job hunting again. I already saved up for three months."

"Well," Raidou opened the door. "Come see me near the end of the school year. I have some contacts who would love having you. Give it some thought."

"Your confidence in me is appreciated, headmistress. Thank you." As he bowed, Raidou took her leave.

Leaving Rirko alone with his thoughts, he sat back down as he saw the steady crowd of students walking, running, talking, laughing and everything else that high-schoolers did. Drinking his already cold coffee, he mused to himself.

'Miho. Your dreams and your aspirations. What is 'right' to you?'

Oarai Girl's Academy – Homeroom Classroom – Morning

It was another day in school for Anglerfish. Yesterday, they noticed Rirko's absence. When questioned, Ami said he took the day off. Everyone wondered why he would do that. But, Miho knew. She had eavesdropped on the conversation prior yesterday.

As the girls worked diligently on their seatwork, Miho's mind was preoccupied with various things. She was feeling better due to the medications and the new strategies Shinzuka taught her. However, she was still suspended from active Sensha-do participation. But her input in the various strategy sessions Yukari and the team commanders had proved valuable. Even if she wasn't at the helm, she was still an essential part of the team. Especially, when she had intimate knowledge of Kuromorimine's tactics.

The problem was that now Kuromorimine may have changed considering last year's loss. What kind of surprises awaited them during their exhibition match? But these concerns paled in comparison to what was happening in her personal life. Her entire life was turned upside down. Emotions that she had rarely felt were surfacing at an alarming rate. Sometimes, it was so overwhelming that her body couldn't take it and she would shut down.

Had it not been for the intervention of the staff of Oarai and the support of her friends, Miho would have given up long ago. But now, knowing that she had the support no matter what and someone who was willing to listen to her concerns, she felt better about herself. That, perhaps with time, things would turn back to the way they were. Or close enough.

"Miho?" Her thoughts were broken by the voice of the homeroom teacher. She was standing beside her. "Everything okay?"

"Uh, yes ma'am. Sorry, ma'am. I was preoccupied, that's all."

"Well, work isn't going to get done unless your pencil is moving."

"R-Right." As she scrambled to find her pencil, her case and book fell on the floor. Embarrassed, she picked her items up and set them on the desk. As she did this, some of the other students chuckled a little. She had to go back to work. Miho would have time to think later.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Student Council Office - Morning

"What is so important that you need to get me personally?" Rirko was walking with Momo briskly. When she suddenly burst through his office door, he almost jumped. All Momo said was 'come with me. Now.'

As they climbed the stairs, Rirko wanted to know the reason but was being stonewalled by Momo. At last, they reached the Student Council room. Suddenly, both heard shouting. Lots and lots of shouting.

Rirko, wide-eyed, wasn't keen on getting into a mess that the Student Council may have created themselves. "I'm not going in there until you tell me what's going on."

"Do you not hear what's going on in the room?" Momo sternly said. There was a sudden noise of shouting rising.

"What is even going on in there? Where's Yuzu and Anzu?"

"They're…they're in there." Momo, who did her best to hold her stern façade, was apparently affected by this.

"And, Anzu sent you to get me?" Rirko then noticed that Momo went quiet. She started to shake and was tearing up.

"I thought. I thought I could handle it. I thought I could control them. But then, everything when to hell!" She walked closer to him. "Admit it! You like to see me like this?!"

'What the f***?!' Rirko was dumbfounded. Although they never saw eye-to-eye on some issues, he had never hated her. He couldn't say anything because she cut him off.

"Fine! Whatever! I can't do this! I can't handle this situation! I need help! I need you!"

This was the first time Momo spoke to him this way. While a small part of him enjoyed seeing the normally hard-nosed Momo panic, the larger part of him felt it was his job to help. Looking at the door, still hearing the noise of screaming and crying, he swallowed hard and opened the door. When he did, he was greeted by five girls, two on one side and three on the other. Each of them was trying to yell louder than the other.

Yuzu and Anzu looked uncomfortable. They had tried to calm them down but to no avail. Momo was equally as flustered. With a stoic look, Rirko looked around until he found a big, heavy book. Taking the closed book, he held it up high on the two corners and slammed it as hard as he could on the ground. Everyone suddenly stopped shouting and looked at him.

"Hi!" Rirko firmly said. "How's it going?" At once, the five girls looked around and greeted him nervously. "Uh, how long this meeting went for?"

"About forty-five minutes," Yuzu replied. Rirko clasped his hands together.

"Okay! Why don't we take a fifteen-minute break? Use the washroom, eat something, take a drink, whatever. Afterwards, we can talk because the way I see it right now, we're not all exactly calm, are we?"

The girls looked at him. "Do we have to come back?" asked one of the girls.

"Uh, yeah? You do. Alright, break starts now!" Two of the girls sat back down on the couch, without talking to one another. One girl looked at her phone while standing and another left the room. Another still took out her iPod and started listening to tunes. Anzu, Yuzu and Momo were all surprised. How he was able to get the girls from shouting to calm in only a few minutes.

Rirko was looking on his phone when Anzu approached him. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"School..." Rirko mumbled the answer.

"But you weren't even phased by this." Yuzu was dumbfounded by Rirko's nonchalant way of handling the situation. "Do you do this kind of thing all the time?"

"Used to," Rirko shrugged. "I guess I got used to it?"

If people who spent their time in one job, they become desensitized by the everyday occurrences of the situation. Rirko, who spent his time in the school system, had been trained, taught and learnt to deal with specific types of problems. This, included. A calm mind was needed to handle this particular situation. Diplomacy, at that point, was long gone. They required a directive. Tthe girls returned to the room and sat in various places around the sitting area. Anzu requested Rirko to stick around, as a moderator. He sat on one of the loveseats.

He began his moderation right away. "Let's get on with it then."

The fight was between the Student Leaders of various Committees the council set up. The committees in question are shown below:

Oarai Naval Studies

Oarai Student Social Committee

Oarai Finance Committee

Oarai Human Resources/ Volunteer Committee

Oarai Public Works Committee​

"Before the fight, we were having disagreements with the allocation of resources." Yuzu fidgeted with her fingers a little. "Each girl was stating her case to us, but each of them was interrupting each other."

"Then everything went to hell." Mono sighed.

Rirko looked at each of them. He noticed that some of them had red eyes. With the yelling and screaming, one would think it was more than a disagreement of resources.

"You girls wouldn't happen to know each other, would you?" The girls looked at each other.

"They were all part of the Oarai School Action committee a while back. It lasted until the end of last year."

"What happened to it?"

The naval representative spoke. "Disbanded, due to disagreements in the committee future programming."

"So. Let me guess. You were all friends once, huh?" Everyone exchanged glances.

"Not anymore." The fight was more about resources. It was a broken friendship. "We argued over what vision each of us had for the school."

"You guys were in an advisory role only." Momo shifted her monocle and crossed her arms. "Decisions like that are left to the council."

"We weren't told that!" The Public Work representative stood up. "We thought we had a say in what goes on in our school!"

"That's right! We were told that we would play an integral part in the development of the school!"

From what he was being told, the representatives were promised positions of power within the council. "And who told you this?" Rirko asked.

The four turned their heads to Momo. Momo, herself, was looking down and was being very quiet.

"Momo?" Anzu had her serious face on, again. "Care to explain?"

She sighed. "When we were practising Sensha-do last year, you wanted a committee to run the school in our steads. And you said you needed the members on such short notice. I had to promise them something!"

'Goddamn it, Momo.' The very fact she lied for them to cooperate was already in bad taste. The situation was now that they were promised something that never existed. The five girls who were friends once got greedy, and each wanted their vision. That cost them their friendship.

"Did you all happen to know exactly the conditions of the agreement?" Shaking their heads, he continued. "Was it said or was it in writing?"

"It was said," the Finance committee member said, adjusting her position on the couch. "We thought the council would act in good faith."

Looking at the council, Yuzu and Anzu had sour faces while Momo looked ashamed. It was funny. It wasn't too long when the council were in such a position. The MEXT official reigned on his promise of shutting down Oarai. It was only when Anzu forced him to sign an agreement, and winning a match, was the promise enforced.

"Okay, let me get this straight. You were told that you would influence what goes on in your school. You assumed that the four of you would have control. However, rather than having one unified vision you were all greedy. Each person had a vision for the school, and each person wanted the other to agree unconditionally. That led to a fallout between all of you. Thus, the Action Committee disbands, and since it was near the end of the school year, the council technically had no obligation to keep good on that promise." Frowning, Rirko crossed his arms. "And, how exactly were you roped into your present roles."

Everyone looked at Anzu. She could only shrug.

"Of course. You were told too. Right. This wasn't about a disagreement about resources. If you girls buckled down, then it would have been resolved. No, this is about a friendship that turned sour, and everyone still pissed off at one another." For him to say it so bluntly caught everyone off guard in the room. There were some tears shed and sad faces all around. Rirko turned to the Student Council.

"Remember ladies; it wasn't so long ago you were in the same position." That statement hit the council hard. How they were promised something, only to be denied because of a technicality. He turned to the five girls.

"You all wanted your vision of what the school should be. Need I remind everyone in this room, that your responsibility is not to yourself. It is to the students you are representing. They have minds and hearts of their own. Represent them well. That is the job of any committee member." Silence filled the room. Now being presented with the cold, hard truth, everyone needed to make a choice.

Both the social and financial committee representatives got up. Wearing a face of sadness and anger, they walked out of the room without saying anything. Momo sighed, and Yuzu looked down. Either they would return, or someone would replace them.

"Is it too late to start over?" The Human Resource committee member asked. Rirko shook his head. "Because I'd like to do that."

"Well, how do we know if the Student Council is not going to screw with us again?" The committee member for Public Works was sore with the revelation. It was understandable that she would be distrusting of the council now.

The naval officer vouched for them. "We and the rest of the student body will hold them accountable. They have to be." She then looked at Rirko and the council girls.

"For the sake of the student body, we are willing to give the council one last chance. If something like this happens again, you girls can find other people to run your school for you. Regardless of the consequences, we will not be made fools of again!"

"Duly noted. Do whatever you see fit," Rirko said grimacing. The three girls got up, bowed before Rirko, before heading out the door.

The council and Rirko were the only ones left. He folded his arms and closed his eyes. 'I wasn't expecting the council to be capable of such deception. They're more crafter than I thought. Or rather, Momo is craftier.'

"Say it, then." He looked up and saw Momo shaking. "Say that I'm stupid. That's what you're thinking, right?!"

Rirko rolled his eyes. "This girl right here- I don't think you're stupid!" He was upset that Momo would assume him to be that heartless. " Do you regret your decision?"

"Yes, of course, I do!"

"And will you do it again?"

"No, never!"

Looking at Anzu and Yuzu, they both looked at Momo. She knew that she was going to have it when Rirko left the room.

"Mr. Nagasawa, the Student Council will make reparations to those girls. You have my word."

"And try not to give Momo a hard time, alright?" Anzu and Momo were surprised by that request. "This was the only thing I saw she screwed up on. Other than that, she's a reliable, hard-working person."

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Anzu made a huge grin.

Yuzu bowed. "I'll see if I can talk to the Public Works and Finance committee members later in the week. If they refuse to join us, then we'll have to find new members."

"I will personally apologize to each of those girls. I caused this mess; it's my responsibility to fix it." Rirko was happy that Momo was taking responsibility. At least, she wasn't acting like a drama queen.

"Thank you, Mr. Nagasawa. Your help was greatly needed here." All three girls bowed.

Rirko got up and headed towards the door. "You approved of my excursion to Kuromorimine. I have to return the favour, no?" Closing the door behind him, he gave out a huge sigh. Walking towards his office, he learned that even the council, like everyone, was with flaws. But flaws such as those could be overcome.

"Momo." Anzu had her serious look on her. When Yuzu and Momo saw that face, she was serious.

"Yes, ma'am president? I know I messed up, but-"

"Shhh…" Sighing, Anzu went towards her hand held her hand. "I know I ask the both of you to do a lot for me and the school. I don't say it as much as I should. But, I truly appreciate your support. Promise me, if you find yourself in that position again. Please, let me know right away. You're more than a Student Council member. You're my friend. And that goes for Yuzu too."

Not only Momo had tears in her eyes, so did Yuzu. Momo broke down on the floor and wailed loudly. Anzu put her hand on her head and patted it.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Sensha-do Training Grounds – Afternoon

When the afternoon came, all the teams were wondering what kind of exercise they would be doing. More importantly, what kind of drills would Yukari be running. This being her first official training session as iterant commander, she was understandably nervous.

However, with the support of Miho, Yukari decided that they didn't have enough information on Kuromorimine as of right now to practice any strategies. It was agreed that they would be running basic drills. Shooting, running, stop and gun, run and gun, and so on. What the team discovered was that they were rusty on some of their drills and needed to run them a couple of times before getting it down pat. Precision and speed counted. One slip was too many, especially in the eyes of Kuromorimine.

Rirko and Ami took their spot on top of the watchtower. With a set of binoculars, Ami made some observations of her own.

"They're running regular drills. Is this what Yukari decided on?"

"If you don't know the basics, then you won't get the advanced stuff, right?" Seeing the tank move and shoot, Rirko wondered about their chances with Kuromorimine.

"Well, whatever works for them. I think I heard Yukari talking about holding a meeting for the commanders again in the sheds after this."

Rirko frowned. "Will it be late?"

"Oh, we don't have to go. It'll be for the commander's ears."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God. Because I need to work on my spiel for the workshop."

"Speaking off," Ami looked at him. "Did you tell the girls you were leaving?"

Rirko admitted that he forgot, again. "I'll tell them when everyone is being brought in."

"Alright then." He made a sigh.

"Do you think they care?"

"Huh, what kind of a question is that?"

It was a question that was hanging on Rirko's mind. For the past few weeks, he had been trying to get to know each day on a name-by-name basis. He didn't know how much headway he made with this effort.

"Just a question, Ami."

"I'm pretty sure, they do. When the girls are assembling, don't you always wave at them?"

"I'm saying 'hi'. Just being nice."

"Really? You also go up to some of them and converse about random crap. Is that part of your job?"

"Actually, yeah. I have to get to know them."

Ami sighed, out of exasperation. "It's been three months since you came to Oarai. I think it's safe to say that you can't be called 'new' anymore."

"Huh." Rirko pause to think about it. Every day, he came to Sensha-do practice, and he had no obligation to do so. He interacted with the girls, and he had no obligation to do so. He engaged in conversation, knew their likes and dislikes, and he had no obligation to do so.

Ami continued, "And besides. I think they appreciate your support over Anglerfish. Especially with Miho, right?"

"Right." He also thought about his professional relationship with her. Would she react well if she knew he was leaving? But, he had an obligation to let everyone know of his departure so that they wouldn't be caught off guard. And that sooner or later, he would have to leave Oarai. He would need to step up his game to make sure she was okay when he went.

"I know they will care."

Rirko smiled. "Thanks. You're too kind."

"Don't mention it. You deserve to know what you've been doing and how much of an impact it has on the team. I didn't use to interact with the girls until the beginning of the year when you started too. I thought it would have been awkward. Seeing you, relaxed and open with them, it made me do that too, you know?"

'So, Ami was learning from me?' He didn't know about relaxed. There was a lot of stuff on his plate, but he made an effort not to show it. It wouldn't be fair. "Well, just as long as you learnt something."

"So, you'll be telling them?"

Rirko still needed to tell them but felt awkward about it. "I don't know how to word it."

"Geez, look tell you what. I'll make the announcement, and you give them the details."

Rirko looked at her, surprised. "You'll hook me up like that?"

Ami grinned. For her to make the announcement and then filling in the details, it would make his situation a whole lot more tolerable.

The teams assembled at the end of practice. Ami told Yukari about an announcement, and they both went with Yukari and Miho. Everyone wondered what was happening.

"What's Mr. Nagasawa and Miss Chono doing up there?"

"Do they have something to say?"

"They have too."

"I hope it's not bad news."

"Nah, it shouldn't be, I'll be alright."

Even Miho wondered what he was going to say.

Grabbing everyone's attention, Yukari started her brief speech. "I know everyone is wondering what we're going to do with Kuromorimine. We're trying to figure that out. And by 'we' I mean myself, Miss Nishizumi and the other commanders. But an answer will be forthcoming, and that's when we expect everyone to be on their game."

As agreements filled the air, Yukari continued, "Miss Chono would like to make an announcement. Ma'am?" Bowing, she took a step back. Ami cleared her throat.

"Mr. Nagasawa will be taking a leave of absence in a few days time." She was about to say more but then was interrupted by gasps and whispers.

"Wait, he's leaving?!"

"Why, does anyone know?"

"He doesn't like it here?"

"Think it's the school's fault?"

"What did he do?"

"This is bullshit, why is he leaving?!"

Miho had a blank look on her face. Rirko was leaving? Why? Where was he going? Her heart started to beat hard, and she began to feel faint.

Everyone looked at Rirko. He knew they were all jumping to conclusions by looking at their faces. Confusion, anger, sadness. He didn't expect these reactions from them. He figured that no one would miss him.

"It's only for a week. I'll be attending a workshop in Kuromorimine and will be meeting up with you all before the match day. So, chill out!"

There were sighs of relief and some nodding. He wasn't leaving for good. But he would be away for a while. That was one hurdle he was over. The other…

Rirko turned to Miho. He didn't like what he saw. She was looking at him, shaking only a little bit, with both of her hands on her chest. Raidou was correct in her analysis. Had Rirko not told Miho, or anyone, about his departure they would have felt hurt and betrayed? This was a pain that he had no intention of inflicting on anyone. Especially, not Miho.

"That's it, girls! Commanders are to report to the Sensha-do sheds for our strategy meeting. The rest of you are dismissed." Everyone started to leave, but something was off. The girls went a little quieter than usual. Not the typical laughter, or interesting conversations, or anything. Just, quietly.

Even Rirko and Ami noticed the change in atmosphere.

"What's their problem?"

Ami shrugged. "You think the problem with you leaving may have something to do with it?"

For three months, Rirko worked hard on building a positive rapport with the girls of Oarai. However, it was just another assignment for him. It wasn't a permanent job. It was contractual. Soon, he would leave, and the girls would forget him and carry on like business as usual. He created relationships for the sole purpose of helping those he served. That was his experience for the last five years of his career. Travelling from one place to the other. Staying for long periods of time, only to leave and the students he helped forget about him. He did it because it was part of his job.

It hurt him at first. But, only after looking at it logically that he became desensitized with loss relationships with students and staff.

Rirko looked forwards towards the Sensha-do field and thought how drastically different his experiences have been between the East and the West. He shrugged at Ami.

"Maybe. Could be. It's a thought."

"It's a true thought. Don't think anything different." Both of them saw Miho and the others walking towards the sheds. His eyes and Miho's eyes met, and she smiled brightly.

Rirko thought of how he met Miho and the drama she inadvertently sucked him in. But, oddly enough, he was happy. Not only had he had the opportunity to help others, but he was improved as well. Pointing to the group, who at that point was halfway towards the sheds, Miho turned and saw. Bowing quickly, she turned and ran…and fell on the ground. Blushing and dusting herself off, she trotted away.

Giving a nod to Ami, he turned to leave; he walked back towards the school. He knew that he was making a difference in Oarai. But sooner, or later, they would have to part ways. He knew, Ami knew, and he was sure deep down, Miho knew. Her attachment to him was raising potential problems. If he didn't address them soon, then it could as well strike back at him later.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please let me know, as always, if anything is up. Your support, as always, is greatly appreciated. I wouldn't be writing without people reading. Thank you.
Eyesight To The Blind
Uploader's Note: I do not own the fanfic and its OCs nor Girls und Panzer. Credit goes solely to their respective owners.

A/N: Another chapter. Thank you all those who PM'd and left reviews.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Rirko's Office – Early Morning

With the workshop beginning in three days, Rirko had to go overtime in digging up differences and similarities between Eastern and Western cultures. Further, he wished to know everything he needed to know about Shiho. It wasn't an easy task. With school duties keeping him busy during the day, he re-evaluated the need to go to the Sensha-do field for the afternoon. At least, until the workshop was over.

"Another morning. It's getting colder too."

Rirko sipped on his coffee and looked out. It was still dark, and the horizon was a dark blue. Looking down, he saw the school grounds. Not a soul in sight. Or was there? Looking at his watch, he saw the time: 7:25 am. Today was a session day. However, it would be their last until after the match between Oarai and Kuromorimine. Rirko would go on ahead, attend the workshop, then the match. It was a feasible plan. It had to be; it was the only plan he had.

Looking down on the school ground again, he sighted a figure making its way towards the school. It was running. He couldn't make out who it was very well however he could make an educated guess. Who else would be running into school at 7:30 am? He saw how the figure almost tripped on almost nothing, stumbled a few steps and started to run again.

Rirko smiled. "Yeah, it's totally her." Setting his coffee down, he stood to wait for his visitor. A minute later, a few raps on the door. The door opening slowly, Miho stood waiting with her bookbag on her shoulder. She looked winded from all the running she was doing but otherwise looked good for a morning person.

Miho panted a few breaths before trying to get a word in. "G-Good…mo-morning, Mr. Nagasawa."

"Morning, Miho. Try breathing…slowly. It'll help." Taking his advice, she breathed deeply for a minute. She regained her composure.


"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry I'm late."

"Late?" Rirko looked at his watch. "You're on time."

"What? Really?" Miho pondered a bit. "Maybe I set my alarm early. I thought I was late."

"Well, regardless you're here. That's what counts, right?"

"Right!" Closing the door behind her, Miho took her seat, with Rirko preparing the water and cups. Soon, they were in their usual positions.

"Today will be our last session before I leave for the workshop in Kuromorimine. I mentioned this yesterday to the rest of the team. I think you were there too." Miho nodded. She understood, but she looked troubled.

"Miho? What's going on? You wouldn't happen to be stressed about this, would you?"

"I, uh. No, I'm okay with this." Miho tried to crack a smile, but she knew that Rirko would catch on. And he did.

"That doesn't sound convincing to me. Well?"

Thinking for a moment, Miho processed what was being asked. "Okay. I feel…stressed about it."

"Glad your opening up a little," Rirko said, shifting his chair. He needed to address the issue. The fact that Miho may have been leaning too much on him for support. It was his own fault. He opened himself as a support for her to use. However, with all that had happened during the last few weeks, he suspected that she thought she couldn't handle herself without him being around.

"Changes are inevitable, Miho. They happen to us each day. Just because I'm not here, it doesn't mean that you'll be alone."

Miho looked down and then shook her head. "I was able to make it far with you and my friends. You're always giving me good advice. Now that you're leaving, I don't know."

"Don't know, what?"

There was a moment of silence, as per the usual. Rirko was gently prodding to get answers, and Miho was apprehensive about revealing how she felt. The weeks they spent together, however, and the events that happened in Notojima made Miho felt comfortable confiding in him.

"I'm…scared. What happens if another attack happens and you're not there. What will I do?"

'Should have seen this coming.' "Well, other than myself, who do you have to support you?"

"…my friends? My team? The teachers? Shinzuka? My sister?"

Rirko smirked a little. "See, you have these people ready to support you. You've been learning how to deal with your anxiety attacks. Shinzuka has given you tools to help cope, and I've been teaching you what you can do in different scenarios. We've spent a good three months on this. You'll be fine."

"I'll…be fine. Be fine." Miho was touched that Rirko had faith in her ability to deal with her issues. Before, she feared about not having his support if a repeat of Notojima happened. With him reminding her that she had others waiting in the wings, she felt more comfortable. But this led the way to another question that was on her mind. An issue that made her heart skip a beat. It was a question that she pondered after Rirko made his announcement. She went silent again.

"That's not the only thing, is it?"

Miho shook her head. "You're leaving now but coming back. But…"

'Oh boy, here we go.' "Yes?"

"At the end of the school year…you'll be leaving Oarai, won't you?"

Rirko sighed. "Yes. My contract with Oarai will be up then. I'll be returning to my home country."

Her heart dropped like a rock. Closing her eyes, she hung her head and sighed. She folded her hands and tried to slowly breathe. The thought of the man who had been supporting her…leaving at the end of the year. It was depressing.

Rirko knew that Miho was hurting by this fact. But for her to ask his question and him confirming it was a good thing. She knew that one day, he would leave. That was why it was important for Miho to get the training and techniques necessary to deal with her crises. So that she would learn how to cope, without him.

"Yeah,…sucks doesn't it?"

"Yes. Yes, it does. I'm sorry. I had to ask."

"Which is fine. You now know."

Miho looked at him with a puzzled look. "Know what?"

"That we have a limited time together. Before the school year ends, I want to be sure that you'll be okay. And the only way to be sure is to teach you all I know about dealing with emotional crises. That, and your 'other issue.'"

Miho knew full well what he was referring to. "You'll be going to Kuromorimine. Will you see mother?"

Rirko scratched his head. "Perhaps, if she'll allow me. She's pretty mad about my involvement with you."

Shiho's involvement in Miho's recovery was non-existent. At least, according to both Rirko and Miho. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why is she angry with you? What did you do? Aren't you doing your job?" Inside of her, Miho had a righteous fury. Why was her mother angry with a man who cared for her more than she did? While Rirko was supportive, Shiho did nothing but rag on her, her style and everything she did. Talking about Shiho's intentions would no doubt open another can of worms. There was just no time to speak about this issue.

"I have no idea, Miho. People do things for a reason. It is up to the person if they reveal their intentions to others. I'm not going to speculate without getting all the facts. However, know that we all have hearts and minds of our own. Our intentions, whether good or ill, makes or breaks us in this world. How we interpret these actions, however, can be just as fatal."

"What do you mean by this?" It sounded like a riddle. Miho wanted to know. She leaned closer to Rirko.

"We do things for a reason. For the sake of others or ourselves. For good or evil. For honour or self-interest. Our actions can be seen as ill or good, depending on the viewer's ideals. For example, I had a problem with Eastern cultures. I saw things differently the first time I came here. It was only after learning 'why' people do certain things, that I understood. That's the trick. Learning the reason 'why.'"

"The reason, why? So…" The gears in Miho's head was turning. 'Why is mother angry with him? Why is she not speaking to me? Why did Maho leave me alone that time?'

Rirko continued. "It's important to get all the facts straight before confronting. Otherwise, what you'll be saying is conjecture."

"A lie?"

"Conjecture. A guess. Once you understand a person's reasoning, you begin to understand that person."

Humans sometimes lived by the 'shoot first, ask questions later' rule. It was important that dialogue is established between parties before anything. Otherwise, misunderstanding could take root through fear and misconceptions. And those fears could twist into something people would call 'truth.'

Miho had been questioning her sister and her mother's actions in Kuromorimine. It was now she started to think. Was the reasoning her mother gave back then, the actual truth? Or, was there something more to it? Did Maho really abandon her? Or, was there something more? All these years, she had formulated an automatic assumption that her family hated her for going against her family traditions. But what if that wasn't the case. There was another reason?

"I…it's a lot to think about," Miho said finally. It was a lot to take in. However, Rirko's insight gave her a new approach. How would she address the issue with her family?

"I know. Try not to dwell on it too much. Finding out the reason 'why' is just as bad."

"How so?"

"Paranoia. We start guessing the ill intentions of others. Humans, being the social creatures, we are, can't afford to be alone. If you try to figure out 'why' then you might be inclined to keep your friends at arm's length. Where you are right now, you can't afford that now."

She needed her friends and the people around her. "I understand. I will trust my friends, my team, and all those who support me."

"Glad to hear it," Rirko said, with a smile. "You have people, Miho. Good people. Remember that."

"I know." Giggling, she noticed the time on the clock. It was ten after eight. "I better get ready for class. I hope your workshop goes well, Mr Nagasawa."

Rirko sighed. "So, do I, Miho. Talk to people if something's up. They'll help you on your way."

Miho felt elated. Knowing that supports were there and had a new lens to consider her situation, she bowed and happily left the room.

"At least, she's happy." Rirko got up and heading towards the window. It was cloudy, but not raining. He could see the students clearly. All sorts are walking towards the school for another day of learning. He returned to his desk, knowing that he still had a way to go before he could say that he was ready.

"All right, Shiho. What do I know about you?

Oarai Girl's Academy - Rirko's Office – Morning

For the next two hours, he was heavily engrossed in working on his East vs West speech, as well as learning as much as he could about Shiho.

Knowing that he wouldn't have time to speak with anyone, he posted on his door, before the day began, 'Do Not Disturb.' If he was to have any success in Kuromorimine, he would have to dedicate some school time to the upcoming workshop.

It would have been easier if Shiho had an autobiography. Unfortunately, she wasn't that vain. There were some articles about Shiho, her exploits in the Sensha-do world and events she attended. She was a recipient of multiple awards pertaining to Japanese culture and heritage. Some of the articles and photos dated even back twenty-five years ago.

'So, she's been in the game for that long?' Scratching his chin, it was safe to assume that Shiho knew the ins and outs of Sensha-do. She also made a few rivals during her younger days. Notably, one name continued to pop up.

"Chiyo Shimada." Deciding to do a quick site search, he found out about the Shimada style and Chiyo's involvement in the university strain of Sensha-do. She even had a child who was a prodigy named Alice.

'Both of their families are heavily involved in Sensha-do. But, did their children have a choice? I mean, what about-'

Rirko shook his head fiercely. 'No, no, these are Western values talking! Impartial.'

After reading the book on the differences on cultures, Rirko knew that in the East, a lot of things were passed down to their children. Traditions, duties and whatever the family was doing at the time. So, children had no say in the traditional sense. It was expected. It was the norm.

Accepting this, Rirko closed the tab about Chiyo and focused on Shiho once again. Doing a more refined search, he then came across something interesting.

It was a video interview. It was dated back fifteen years, in Kuromorimine. Conducted by the Japanese Federation Editorial. Clicking on it, he wondered what she said. But when he saw, it was entirely different. Much, much different.

She still had that severe air. She displayed a zeal and conviction for the sport, like her current self, but was more flexible, using open gestures and her face lacked any stressed-out features. The interviewer introduced her as the incoming chairperson of the Federation. There were some points that Rirko took note:

Her need to modernize Sensha-do

- Creating a rapport between MEXT and the Federation

- Having schools participate in the sport

- Work in safety features for the betterment of the participants​

'Where the hell did this woman go? He had to admit, if Shiho was this open, he would have had no problems approaching her. So, what changed. Little did he know; his question was going to be answered.

Miss Nishizumi, it seems that you have a vision for Sensha-do.

That I do, yes. It is ambitious, but I have the support of the Federation and its members. I seek to transform the Federation into something that future generations can look forward too. A future in which the spirit of sportsmanship, fairness and skill are required.

Aren't you worried about the pushback you may get from traditionalists, not to mention from your own family?

I understand the apprehension when it comes to change. But in these modern times, changes are necessary for survival. It is through one's skill and perseverance that we pave the way into the future. Not for ourselves, but for the next generation. People may think that Sensha-do is an old sport. This is due to the misconceptions in the past. Misunderstandings that I wish to rectify.

Sounds like you're serious about this.

I am. When it comes to the future of Sensha-do, and my children, I am ready to do whatever it takes.

"Whatever it takes, huh?" Rirko made a note of this interesting line. She was the type of person who would get her hands dirty. Sounded like someone she knew. This raised more questions than answers. The optimistic Shiho that he saw was not the same one he had come to know. So, from that time to the present, something must have changed. But what? He had to know.

Suddenly, he heard an e-mail notification. Minimizing the search tab, he checks his e-mail. The e-mail was a throwaway (meaning a person could sign up for an e-mail on a site and after 24-48 hours, it would be deleted). There was no subject line. The e-mail only contained a pdf attachment.

He knew better than to open a suspicious e-mail from an unknown sender. But curiosity got the better of him, and he opened it. What he saw next, shocked him.

Marked 'confidential', it appeared to be a police report containing details of an incident. An incident that regarded one Tsuneo Nishizumi.

"What the hell?" Rirko didn't know if someone up in the sky liked him or if this was an elaborate prank. How did this person know about his investigation into the Nishizumi? More importantly, how did this person know who he was and his involvement? Rirko read the report, in part:

"Tsuneo Nishizumi. Status: Deceased.

Cause of death: Succumbed to injuries following a gas explosion, one hour after the incident.

Details of incident:

At 11:46 am, multiple witnesses heard yelling in the Sensha-do tank sheds located in a JDF base in the suburbs of Tokyo. At least 14 people ran from the sheds.

At 11:48 am, explosions came from the sheds, engulfing five heavy tanks and three light tanks. At the time 13 of the 15-tank maintenance crew were accounted for. Yelling from the sheds were heard and assumed to be the missing two crew members.

Tsuneo Nishizumi ran towards the shed, without any regard for safety and into an opening of the blaze.

At 11:52 am, the two missing crew members were retrieved by firefighters. Suffered from smoke inhalation and 2nd-degree burns. When asked about Tsuneo Nishizumi's whereabouts, both pointed inside of the blaze.

At 12:00 pm, firefighters were able to contain the blaze. Firefighters began a search for Tsuneo Nishizumi.

At 12:16 pm, firefighters found Tsuneo Nishizumi under a broken tank cover, with 2nd and 3rd-degree burns covering 75% of his body. Emergency crews rushed him to the nearest medical centre.
At 1:16 pm, Tsuneo Nishizumi was pronounced deceased, next of kin notified.

There will be no further investigation, and the incident will be treated as an isolated incident. An information blackout has been enforced."

Rirko's heart sank, and his jaw hit the floor. For a few moments, he was shocked about what he just read. 'Information Blackout' 'no further investigation?' Quickly, he opened a new tab and searched for the name 'Tsuneo Nishizumi.'

Nothing. Completely nothing. No name existed on the search engine. Not even an advanced search. It was a total information blackout. The family must not want anyone to know. Scratching his head, he closed his eyes and thought.

'The initial stages of the investigation were done. But then, an information blackout was enforced. Also, the name 'Tsuneo Nishizumi' has been erased from public knowledge. But, surely someone with half a brain would want to know the father of the two Nishizumi heirs. Someone must have wanted to know.'

His fingers are shaking; he searched for 'Nishizumi father'.

There were some articles that raised the issue. An official response that was posted was Shiho saying to 'respect my privacy' and 'a man that left long ago.'

He had enough. Removing himself from the computer, he went over to the couch to lie down. "Are you f***ing for real?"

The revelation of Miho and Maho's father, his death and subsequent denial by his own family was all too much. Thinking about it now, was it any wonder that Shiho did what she did to Miho? She must have been afraid of a repeat of what happened to her husband. Shiho's berating Miho for saving her mates and then leaving Kuromorimine. She must have wanted Miho to have a life without Sensha-do. Shiho already found an heir in Maho, so her obligation to fulfilling the Nishizumi legacy was met. Now, it seems, that Shiho didn't want anyone to know what happened to her husband.

But someone did know. And that someone gave him a police report explaining everything. But who was it? Who would be privy to this incident, other than the family members and witnesses?

There was only one person that knew of his intentions. Rubbing his eyes, Rirko texted to Ami.

"Need to talk. Important k?"

He got his reply:

"K. During practice."

Putting his phone away, Rirko sighed. "Guess I'm heading to practice after all."

His office phone started to ring. Sighing heavily, he went over to the desk and picked it up. "Nagasawa here?" He recognized the voice on the other end.


Kuromorimine High School -Headmistress Office – Afternoon

"I believe I've been more than accommodating."

"And we thank you for that, headmistress. I assure you that this whole thing is worth the effort."

Ibuki and Shiho were looking over the final details of the whole workshop in which the Sensha-do officials would participate in. When it was suggested to use Kuromormine as a venue, Shiho was…less than pleased. She denied it outright, citing it as a waste of time. True to Nishizumi form, Shiho was not afraid to state her opinion.

In the end, Ibuki was able to twist Shiho's arm by reaching a deal. If Kuromorimine was used as a venue, then the J.M.H.I would let up with some of the protests that were happening around the school. At present, demonstrators were protesting outside of the school gates for a safer Sensha-do. But Shiho was still the headmistress and could allow who to come and who to bar.

She was indifferent in the lineup of participants. Until…

"What…is…this?" Shiho pointed to the 'East and Western Culture Presentation' that Rirko was presenting.

"That is our presentation regarding cultural differences."

"And the man presenting is…"

"Rirko Nagasawa, a visiting counsellor, stationed in Oarai." Shiho flinched at that name. She folded her arms and looked sternly.

"I do not want that man here."

Ibuki couldn't afford that. Rirko's presentation was the J.M.H.I's entire case. "With respect, headmistress, we need that particular person for this presentation."

"You can find someone else for this presentation. That man will not set foot in Kuromorimine." Shiho was a strong-willed individual. So was Ibuki.

"Then we have a problem." Both women stared each other down. Dealing with Ibuki, Shiho knew that she wouldn't be backing down. She would either must relent, or compromise.

"What will it take to agree with my point of view?"

Ibuki was interested in why Shiho want Rirko around. "Tell me the reason why."

Shiho folded her hands. "That particular man…he is embroiled in a personal matter involving my family. We do not see eye to eye on anything."

"So, it's because of a grudge that the two of you have?"

"I wouldn't call it a grudge. But, I have it on good authority that he does not agree with the way I run things."

"With Sensha-do?"

"Hmm…" Shiho was ambiguous with her answer. Ibuki knew there was more than what she was letting on.

"Have you even met the man?" Ibuki looked at her, inquisitively. How can one hold a grudge if the two never met? Was it a one-sided grudge?

"I trust my sources, Miss Sawa. My sources are sure of his hostile intent."

"Hostile…that's a strong word." 'The headmistress must really hate Rirko. I wonder what he did?'

Shiho knew she wasn't going anywhere with this line of questioning. She wouldn't get Rirko out of the presentation, but she could at least compromise.

"He can participate, but he cannot stay on the school grounds." Shiho was adamant about it. She didn't want his influence near Maho or her students.

Ibuki thought about her offer. "I'll let him know, then. We will provide for his accommodation."

"I care not what you do with the man. So long he is not disrupting anything in this school, he can do what he wishes."

Satisfied with the solution, Ibuki turned to leave. "I don't want to keep you any longer, headmistress, so I'll be leaving to make the necessary changes to the venue."

"You do that," Shiho mumbled the words as Ibuki started to leave.

"Headmistress Nishizumi," Ibuki looked at Shiho, with piercing eyes. "Just because you may have a grudge, does that mean he has one for you?" Leaving that thought in the room, Ibuki made her exit.

Shiho shook her head, 'That woman is insufferable.' The only reason why Shiho was putting up with her was that of the backlash she and the J.M.H.I have been causing in the Sensha-do world. Rumors about schools participating in an unsanctioned play style called 'Tank-a-thon' was causing quite a stir. With the decline of Sensha-do proper and with the public's lust for supposed bloodshed, she was disturbed where the future of Sensha-do was going.

Looking at the list of presenters, Shiho glared at Rirko's name. Although Ibuki was insufferable, Ibuki had a point. How could someone know someone only out of word of mouth alone? But then she thought about what he was doing back in Oarai. How Ami said, he didn't agree with Shiho's parenting or her way of handling Miho's situation.

'What does he know? He understands nothing! He is nothing!' Thinking about Rirko made Shiho's blood boil. She wanted nothing more than to make the man threatening her family disappear. Easier said than done. The phone then rang.



Shiho rubbed her eyes. 'Not this woman again.' "What is it, Chiyorin?"

Chiyo Shimada, Shiho's rival and university representative of the Sensha-do Federation. Her job was to create a smooth transition for a Sensha-do practitioner from one of the carrier schools to a university program. She also oversaw the University Selection Team in which her daughter was the commander.

"What? You sound annoyed."

"Try talking to that Sawa person every day. You would be annoyed too."

"Ah yes. The workshop. You'll be there, won't you?"

"Yes. I must be. The initiative wants the entire Federation board to go. That includes you, of course."

"Of course. But, I'm open to changes if they are worthy."

"Well, that makes one of us." Shiho was dead set in not changing anything in the Nishizumi style, regardless if she learnt something. "I would have thought that the Shimada would not be changing anything regarding their style."

Chiyo sighed on the other side of the phone. "Well. There's been some talk. I am a strong advocate in the old ways, as are you. But some in the family who have started advocating for a shake-up of sorts."

"Shake up?" What was going on in the Shimada household?

"The initiative's talks have convinced some that the Sensha-do household styles are…outdated. Therefore, it is due for a major overhaul."

"You can't be serious, Chiyorin! You can't let that happen!"

"And I won't. We, Shimada, have a proud history. One that I intend to keep and pass down to Alice when her time comes."

"Yes." Shiho had wished that her daughters were more like Alice Shimada. "How is your daughter?"

"Alice is…growing. I hate to admit it. She's becoming more distant from me. Even though I try to be around her more, she's insistent in spending time alone in her room and on the Sensha-do practice field. I still think your daughter had something to do with her change in disposition. I expect full compensation."

"Miho hasn't done anything; I thought I explained it to you before!" After Alice's match with Miho, Alice became more vocal in what she wanted. She also asserted on her desires and wants, even though she was still a child. Chiyo believed it was due to Miho's influence.

"How about your daughters, Shiporin?"

"Maho has been learning from me about the Nishizumi style and has grown to a point where I feel comfortable in leaving delicate matters in her hands. As for Miho…" There was a lull of silence in the call.

"Yes. I saw that match. Is she alright?"

Shiho didn't want to admit it, but she had no idea how Miho was doing. The last thing she heard about her was when she was in Notojima. "She's doing alright, Chiyorin. Her friends are with her."

"Well, it's nice to have friends, isn't it?" Chiyo sighed, paused and spoke again. "Our time is ending, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. You know what I mean. Changes in Sensha-do, the family styles struggling to keep relevancy. The winds of change are blowing. The Shimada, the Nishizumi. We are some of a dying breed. That's what I mean."

Chiyo made a good point. Shiho recollected her conversation with Ami about the same thing in Notojima.

"It doesn't mean we can't put up a fight. The Nishizumi intend to survive this change regardless. Can that be said for the Shimada?"

Another lull. "Ha, always like you Shiporin to light a fire right under me. If you intend to fight, then I'm resigned to do so as well."

"Survivor wins then. See you." Hanging up the phone, Shiho welcomed the distraction. Regardless of their status of being rivals, Shiho did think of Chiyo as a close friend. Perhaps, one of the few she had. Turning her eyes back to the paper, Shiho studied Rirko's name again. Calmed down, she now had an opportunity to reason.

Rirko didn't do anything personally. It was true that he was assigned to Oarai. Miho, being a student of Oarai, meant that he was responsible for her. He was trained in Western ideology and values. Was he imparting these values to her daughter? Miho had always been one to do things differently, but she didn't directly disobey her.

Now this made Shiho unsure. Was he indeed the villain she made him out to be? She shook the thoughts out of her head. 'He's disrespecting my family and turning my daughter against me. He is corrupting her. Whatever it takes, I will make Miho see reason.'

Oarai Girl's Academy – Rirko's Office – Afternoon

"Alright then. I'll leave you to it. Say hi to mom and dad for me. Okay. Bye." Sighing, Rirko put down the receiver. "Damn it all to hell."

Rirko's brother originally planned to stop over in Oarai. Unfortunately, he changed jobs and now was no longer able to keep that arrangement. While disappointed, Rirko understood the situation. Looking at the cupboard, he shook his head.

"Now what am I supposed to do with that thing?" Checking his e-mail, he received one from Ibuki.

Hello Rirko,

There have been complications regarding your accommodations in Kuromorimine. I don't know what you did, but the headmistress was adamant about you not staying on the grounds. Don't worry, though. We'll make alternative accommodations so that'll be near the school.

Just please, don't anger the headmistress any further. This is her school we'll be in.


Rirko could only laugh. Shiho shut him out? He typed a reply:

Hello Ibuki,

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you and the JMHI. I have been dealing with a personal issue that involves the headmistress. Therefore, it's only understandable that she holds a degree of hostility.

I was planning to make alternative accommodations myself. Your assistance and input are much appreciated. I will meet you in a few days.

Regards, Rirko


Rirko was able to head out when he thought about writing to Maho. If she wanted to talk, then it would be an opportune time. Knowing that practice would be starting soon, he hastily typed his e-mail:


I don't know if you see this, but the Federation will be holding a workshop that'll be stuck in Kuromorimine in a few days. I just wanted you to know.


He put 'R' there, on the off chance that Shiho was reading Maho's e-mail. He didn't put it past her. Grabbing the key, he turned off the lights and headed out the door.

Oarai Girl's Academy - Sensha-do Training Grounds – Afternoon

As Rirko walked over to the watchtower, like countless times before, he had time to think about what he was going to say to Ami.

She was, no doubt was the one who sent out that mysterious e-mail with the police report. He did not know what were her true intentions. Was she trying to make up for what she did in Notojima? Or, was she merely trying to help him understand what was going on in Shiho's head?

As he slowly approached, he saw Ami alone, standing alone overseeing the girl's practice. He had arrived late, so they started already. Climbing the ladder, he was still in debate on what he was going to say.

The two were now right beside each other. Breaks in the clouds revealed the sun, shining its glow upon the ground periodically. The roaring of tanks and shots filled the area, making knowledge of the team's intent to master their craft and win against any foe.

"Hey." Rirko stood right beside her. No teasing, no silliness. It was serious.

"Hey yourself." Ami's mood matched his.

"So, I can assume it was you who sent me that e-mail?"

She was silent for a moment. "Yeah. It was me."

"How did you get that document? It was undoubtedly sensitive information."

"The incident happened in a JDF base. I was the highest-ranking officer there visiting at the time. I was also the first responder there. The police reported to me."

"And the information blackout?"

"Happened a few days after. Shiho didn't want anyone to know. She asked me to destroy all information regarding the death."

"But you didn't." Ami shook her head.

"I told her I did, but I made a copy of the report in case…" There was a silence between the two. Apparently, it was painful to discuss.

"In case?"

"…that the girls ever wanted to know what really happened."

Rirko's eyes widened. "The girls don't know."

"No, they don't."

Rirko scratched his head in frustration. Inevitably even at a young age, Miho and Maho would have asked what happened to their father. Especially, if he was part of their life. "How did Shiho explain it to them, then?"

"No idea. When Shiho asked me to destroy the information regarding Tsuneo's death, I knew I wasn't supposed to ask anymore."

"A cover-up, huh?"

"You can call it that."

"But what Tsuneo did was courageous and brave. He sacrificed himself for the sake of his friends."

"I'm not denying that, Rir. But Shiho saw it differently."

Sighing, Rirko stopped to think about the information presented. What would have happened if people found out about Tsuneo's death? Why was Shiho so intent on keeping this a secret, even from her own daughters? What ramifications, if any, would be felt and by who?

There was no one in the world that could know of Shiho's intentions. Her own family as well. She had fooled them all.

Rirko laughed sadly. "And now it seems that the same, sick drama is playing out again."

"With Miho, you mean?" She pondered a bit. "Actually, that makes sense. What happened to Tsuneo could have ended the same way with Miho back then."

It was still conjecture, but a high possibility. What if the reason why Shiho condemned Miho's actions was not that it went against the family norm, but because she didn't want a repeat of what happened to her husband. The family and cultural norm was a convenient excuse.

"What will you do with this knowledge?" Now that Rirko knew about the circumstances behind the Nishizumi's actions, Ami wondered what he would be doing.

"For the moment, nothing. Sooner or later, however, this secret will be revealed. Regardless if I share it or not."

"Are you going to tell Miho?"

Rirko scoffed, "Are you for real? Not only don't I have the right to do that, but it's also confidential privy only to a select few. And it must be kept that way."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Ami was thankful for Rirko's confidentiality. Her sharing the report was risking him, to tell the truth to everyone.

"Did you know him?" Rirko asked a while later.


"Tsuneo. Did you know him?"

"Yes, actually." Ami smiled at the fond memories of him and Shiho, speaking, at length, about the differences of Sensha-do ideals. "It reminds me of this one time."

JDF base. Ami was visiting some other officers there for a separate function. It just so happened that Shiho was visiting after a long day in the Federation office. Tsuneo was working on maintenance for the tanks. As per usual, a seemingly innocent remark heated up in a difference of opinion between the two. At this point, Shiho and Tsuneo were dating. But, the relationship was kept secret from everyone, save for Ami.

"Sensha-do is not a sport; it's a battle of wills." Shiho had her hands on her hips. As if to look more prominent. Tsuneo scoffed.

"Sensha-do is a sport. Meant to be enjoyed like any other sport. Why are you so serious about this? Aren't you having fun?" A simple question for a person like Tsuneo. Laid-back, hardworking and honest, he didn't understand the responsibility Shiho had bestowed upon as a member of the Nishizumi family.

"It's not supposed to be 'fun'"

Tsuneo's eyes widened and wore a frown. "Then you're doing it wrong."

"And you know because you're a Sensha-do practitioner…oh, wait!"

"Keep talking like that. See if I want to repair your team's tanks again."

"Go ahead; I can care less! I have other capable mechanics out there that can do the job just as well."

Tsuneo smiled. "Not as good as me! I'm the best; you should know that by now!"

"Ughh!" Shiho crossed her arms, closed her eyes and sighed. "You're impossible. Really, is teasing me the only way you pass the time? Don't you have some tanks to oil up?"

"Hey, I can only do it because it's you. Besides, the team is in no rush." He stood there with a gentle, warm smile. He was enjoying every minute of it.

Shiho glanced at Ami, who was unconsciously wearing a smirk. "Is this amusing for you, Ami?"

"N-No, sensei! I'm sorry!"

"Wow, taking it on your own student. If that's not the pinnacle of a healthy student-teacher relationship, I don't know what is."

Shiho then marched over to Tsuneo, who was holding a rag. She punched him in the arm.

"You're not setting a good example for your student, Shiho!"

"Shut up!" Shiho kept hitting him again and again. Tsuneo laughed while trying to block Shiho's punches. Suddenly, Shiho started to crack up.

"It's not funny, Tsuneo! Stop laughing!" But Tsuneo continued to laugh, running around the shed with Shiho not far behind.

It was only the three of them. No one else was around. Ami couldn't help but hide a smile while the two of them were chasing each other. This was the only time when she saw her teacher smile openly.

Remembering the happy moment, Ami wept some tears. Heartbreaking. The only person Shiho show any happiness for was long gone.

"I-I'm sorry. He just made her happy. His death hit everyone hard."

Rirko swallowed a lump in his throat and stared. She was hurting. What could he say? What could he do to make her feel better?

Sighing, she continued speaking. "When Tsuneo died, Shiho was in hysterics. Lucky, Maho and Miho were off with the maids doing an errand at the time. She locked herself in the manor for an entire week. The girls were confused and scared."

"Goddamn it."

"Afterwards, she was colder. She hardly showed any emotion. She focused all her energies on Sensha-do and resolved to keep the Nishizumi line going. And, here we are." Suddenly, she gripped the safety bar with both hands and shook. She was hiding her eyes under her hat, but Rirko knew she was crying.

"Why did he have to go, huh?! Why did he go back to save those two?! He knew he was screwed the moment he went back into the flames! Didn't he know what would happen? How could he be so stupid! So unbelievably, impossibly –"


Ami looked at Rirko with tear filled eyes. Her rage and sadness overflowing, he could feel it off her. She was hurting. He went close to her and put his hand on top of her.

"You asked why he went back for those two?" Rirko whispered gently to her. "Why he couldn't just leave those two to burn? Because no man with a heart would ever do such a thing."

Tsuneo had always been kind and considerate. Even when teasing Shiho often, he knew when to draw the line. Above all else, he treated his crew as his own family and cared for them as such. When Tsuneo died, the entire maintenance crew for the base collapsed. It took three months to get everything to at least working order.

Letting go, Rirko stood and waited for her reply. Ami stared at him and considered his words. After a moment of silence, she closed her eyes.

"A lot of people miss him, Rir. He was irreplaceable."

"People with that type of character and spirit. They're a dime a dozen in this day in age. I have no doubt about it. That is why, in our own way, we honour the spirit they represented. Doing our best, for the memory of that person. It's one way we can do that person justice."

The tanks were coming into the sheds. The team was assembling right at the front. The practice was over for the day. Ami walked over to Rirko and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you." As she climbed down the ladder, Rirko was left dumbfounded. He just received a kiss. It was unexpected for him.

Standing for a few moments, he then made his way to the sheds, following Ami from behind.

A/N: I think this was a short chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I don't have really much to say but: thank you.
Anywhere I Wander (Part I)
Uploader's Note: Yet another long chapter. Splitting this into two parts.

I do not own the fanfic and its OCs nor Girls und Panzer. Credit goes solely to their respective owners.

A/N: I believe a change of scenery is needed to keep things interesting, don't you agree? Anyways, thanks for the support. FYI, updates may be slow because of the holidays.

Oarai Girl's Academy - Rirko's House – Early Morning

Rirko was slated to leave 8:00 am for a noon arrival in Kuromorimine. Planning to stay for a week and three days, he packed as much as he could in his small luggage. Triple checking everything, ensuring that the house wouldn't burn down in his absence, he locked the door.

As he made his way to Oarai's helipad, he thought about what happened yesterday. His rage for Shiho who failed to watch over her children has given way to pity. She was dealing with an unresolved heartache. Her strong will and perseverance was the only reason why she was where she was today. She may need help just as much as her daughters. The entire family, although appearing as stable on the outside, was an emotional mess.

He couldn't help feeling he was partially responsible for the emotional upheaval that they were going through by imparting Western values to the two daughters. But, it was too late to do anything about it. The seeds were planted. She couldn't stop this.

Then there was his relationship with Ami. It was now evident to him that something was forming between the two. Something that was less professional than he'd like to admit. He never was in any relationship before. This was unknown territory, and it scared the hell out of him. The reason why he avoided relationships was that he was afraid to be shut down. To confess your love to someone only to be shunned. Why take the chance?

'Maybe I should break it off. Avoid her like the plague. No, we've been through a lot together already, it wouldn't be fair.' Would the brief repose in Kuromorimine give him the time to think about what he could do about it? Letting his mind wander, he was surprised that he arrived at the helipad already. Taking a seat on a nearby bench. The sun was slowly rising, he shivered from the cold air.

"Early morning sucks." Trying to warm himself up, he was approached by one of the student naval officers.

"Excuse me, si-" The student stopped at mid-sentence and looked him down. "Mr. Nagasawa, is that you?"

"How do you know?" He couldn't see her face, but the voice sounded familiar. "Wait, weren't you one of those student representatives in that Student Council meeting?"

She nodded. Wearing a light white coat with black leggings, she held two flight beacons in each hand. She sat down next to him. "Thank you for the other day. I'm sorry that I wasn't…myself."

Thinking back to the meeting, Rirko had wondered what became of the committee members but was too busy to do anything about it. "No harm done. Emotions can sometimes run high. When that happens, we think of instinct rather than rational thought. Old wounds sometimes take longer to heal."

"The Student Council PR manager also came to apologise for what she did. She approached us individually."

Rirko was not surprised that Momo would follow up on her actions. He thought she would take more time to get an apology ready. "How did it feel."

The girl had a blush. "Awkward. It was my first time to see her that way. Most of the time, she's yelling at people to get things done." Her description fit Momo's personality to a tee.

"How have your interactions with the others?"

She sighed. "I tried talking again to the others. It's been steady, and we were able to clean up some miscommunications. Maybe, if we talked more back then, we wouldn't be in this mess."

"But you learnt something, didn't you?" She looked at him. How can one learn something from a horrid experience?

"What do you mean, sir?"

"You now know that there are people who do not share the same views as you. That everyone has a different vision. That change in perception, if not respected, can tear apart the best of friends. True friends would put their differences aside and work through compromise and sacrifice. Do you have such people in your life, right now?"

She pondered on the question. "I do. The two other girls who stayed in that room. We're finally on speaking terms after an entire year."

"Then be sure to keep that friendship. Treasure it. Rare in this day and age where people like that still exist."

Although Rirko preached about acceptance, love and respect, a part of him also believed in self-preservation. People would be so eager to jump on top of each other if only to further themselves. He found that 'chivalry was dead.' Case and point, the former action committee.

"I will. I will remember this lesson as long as I live. Thank you." As she bowed, a sound went off on her watch. "There's a scheduled landing in twenty minutes. Are you here for that?"

Nodding his head, the girl continued. "Please come with me to the waiting area. It's much too cold, and the helipad is only for naval studies students who are on duty. That's why I came out here."

'It is kinda cold.' "Lead the way."

Rirko sat in the waiting area, and it was eerily quiet. Moments ago, a few more students with coats headed out the door. The girl she spoke with was directing them. With a window overseeing the helipad, he had a front-row seat to their movements. There were ten minutes before his departure. He was about to watch the television that was on in the room when he heard footsteps. Thinking it would be one of the naval studies students, he thought nothing of it.

"Mr. Nagasawa?" It was a familiar voice.

'No way. It couldn't be.' Turning, he saw Miho and Ami smiling. Miho gave a shy wave while Ami grinned. 'They showed up? This early?'

"Told you we make it, Miho." Ami punched Rirko's arm. "You forgot to tell us when you were leaving, stupid!"

Rirko had forgotten. In all the busyness of the week, he neglected to let anyone know when he was leaving. "Sorry ladies. It slipped my mind."

"You were trying to sneak out, were you?" Ami crossed her arms and stared at him.

"I swear to you, I forgot! Really!"

"Luckily I know some of the girls here, and they were kind enough to send me a schedule. Making my way here, I saw Miho."

"So, how did you know, Miho?"

She gave a slight grin. "When you told us you were leaving, I asked the Student Council how and when. I wanted to give you this." Taking a box, wrapped in a bright red cloth, she gave it to him."

"I-It's bento. I asked Saori to help me make this."

"Did Saori asked why?" Ami was interested whether Saori knew the reason.

"Um…" Miho was hesitant to answer. Sensing this, Rirko changed the subject quickly.

"It's great Miho, thank you!" Miho smiled brightly. Ami took the hint when Rirko interjected quickly.

Attention: Flight is departing for Kuromormine Girl's High School now arriving on the helipad. I repeat-

"And there it is." Rirko prepared to pick up his luggage but not before giving his farewells to the ladies. However, when he saw Miho's face, although he saw a smile, there was a tinge of sadness and anxiety. He didn't have to see it. He knew. He would have felt the same way if he was in her shoes. Kneeling on one knee, he looked at her.

"Miho. You'll be fine." The smile disappeared and was replaced with depression. Looking at Ami for a moment, he turned to her. "As I recall, while you are still able to be part of the strategy meetings, you can't be inside of a tank."

She nodded her head but was confused. Why would he tell her something she already knew?

"That is… officially." He said this with a straight face. "Miss Chono will be in charge while I am away." This statement surprised Ami, as she raised an eyebrow. "But remember, you will be facing Kuromorimine in a week's time. Do what must be done."

It took a few moments to register. When she realised what he was saying, she looked straight at him, her eyes widened, and they burned with a fiery passion. Nodding, Miho quickly hugged him; eyes welled with tears.

"Thank you."

"I don't need your thanks, Miho." Ami then realised what Rirko was getting at. With him in Kuromorimine, he couldn't enforce his suspension on Miho. He left that part to her. But he knew the type of person Ami was. His statements only meant one thing.

He wanted her back on the field.

Rirko looked at Ami one last time. She nodded, and so did he. Without saying a word, Rirko conveyed his intent. Grabbing his luggage, he made his way to the entrance with the two ladies standing there. The two of them didn't say anything for a while.

"Miss Chono?"

Ami sighed. "I swear if I didn't get he was saying it would have been a real problem. You know what he said, right?"

"I'm warning you right now, Miho. If things get out of hand, I'm pulling you out. But as of right now, during practice…you know. You'll have to talk to Yukari and the rest of your friends. I'll handle the team."

"Miss Chono...I would like it if Yukari told the team." Ami was surprised but understood. It was their team. They needed to do what they saw fit. Ami originally wanted to tell the team herself with the assumption that Yukari would be sore about Miho reassuming command. But, how are birds suppose to fly on their own without leaving the nest?

Ami grinned. "He's giving you a chance, Miho. Don't blow it."

"I know, ma'am. I won't. I promise."

"This way, Mr Nagasawa!" One of the naval students directed him to the Eurocopter AS532 Cougar that was slowly running its rotors. As he gave his luggage to one student, another one opened the door to the copter. When inside, Rirko could see five women looking him down with interested faces.

One of the women, a lady with long black hair, blue eyes, light makeup wearing a semi-casual wear outstretched her hand.

"Rirko Nagasawa. At last. I'm Ibuki Sawa, pleased to meet you."

"Likewise, Ibuki. Thank you for having me." In his head, he had hoped he made an excellent first impression to not only her but the others as well. The door closing behind him quickly, Rirko found his seat across Ibuki. The copters roared to life, and minutes later, he was in the air. They were all on their way to Kuromorimine.

En-Route to Kuromorimine – Mid Morning

The trip to Kuromorimine was four hours since the two carrier ships were in the same sea. It would take a few more days before the two ships met up, then travel together to the battleground for the exhibition match.

Rirko was able to make friends with the women there. After introducing himself correctly, he started discussing with Ibuki about his professional history. In turn, she shared hers. Formerly part of a faculty of Psychology in European college, she returned to Japan after a study into mental stress and Sensha-do concluded its three-year investigation. While the issue was gaining traction in the east, it wasn't gaining anything in the west. This was due to the influences of the style households and Eastern culture. She found like-minded individuals who were concerned with the direction of Sensha-do practitioners. Especially, if the majority of them were young high school girls.

Thus, the JMHI was born out of a need to address not only the danger of mental stress in Sensha-do, but also change the culture of Japan where psychological health was widely dismissed as a minor irritant.

Finishing her story, Rirko could help by being admired with Ibuki's resolve of helping those who are mentally distressed. She and the rest of the JMHI were trying to change something that had long been enforced before they were even born.

"That's quite the tale. No doubt that you had a considerate amount of blowback."

"That is true." She looked around the copter, then back to Rirko. "When we started this thing, the style schools were less than thrilled. They tried to shut us down through proper channels. There were times when they almost succeeded. Thankfully, we had backing within MEXT and the Federation, albeit only a few."

"And then you became so influential within Sensha-do that the style schools were forced to accept the new ruling about mental health?"

She gave a small grin. "That was our greatest victory. The matches that were held in the Nationals looked like an actual battlefield. That touched a lot of nerves, especially war veterans and those who served in the military. They, in turn, helped us by contacting their government constituents and they applied pressure to MEXT and the Federation."

"The power of the people, eh? Impressive." The masses always held sway within democratic governments. It was no surprise that when they rose the issue, government official became jumpy.

"We got what we want. In the end, we were able to a ruling regarding mental health in effect for this year's Nationals. That way, we don't have to worry about anyone entering a psychotic break. Although…"

Ibuki leaned closely to Rirko and folded her hands. Her eyes stared at him. He didn't like where she was going with this.

"You were assigned as a counsellor to Oarai. You technically had no obligation to fulfil the role MEXT and the Federation had for you since you were part of a teacher exchange program. While I am thankful you took that role, and have been helping the students there; one thing concerns me."

'Ah, damn.' He did not like where she was going with this.

"I don't know if you're aware, but Sensha-do matches that are Federation sanctioned are televised live nationally. We've seen the matches Oarai has participated in. I think you already know where I'm going with this."

"I can take a guess, yes." Now the others tuned an ear to the conversation.

"This student is entrusted to your care?"

"That student is entrusted to my care. Just like all the students in Oarai. So yes, that student is entrusted to my care."

Ibuki looked at Rirko. She knew both were talking about the same person and he intentionally made a double entendre. He confirmed that the student was a client of his.

"Alright then. This student has a lot of responsibilities, it seems. How has she been dealing with it?"

"She's trying. But, of course, as you well know, her stresses date years back. They have been compounding."

"Compounding?" She nodded her head a couple of times. "The soda can is about to pop?"

"No. It already has."

Ibuki gave out a sigh. "I was afraid of that. I've been keeping tabs ever since the last Nationals. Her relationship…Hard to believe that a student like that would be okay after all that has happened to her."

"Yes. Being part of a family, you should know full well the consequences of being a member. If one diverges from the stream, it is the irritant which is expelled."

The other women looked at each other, confused about what was being discussed. But not to Ibuki. She knew about the jargon and the asides that Rirko was using. They were talking, of course, about Miho, her previous association in Kuromorimine and the Nishizumi clan.

"How bad is it? Mentally, emotionally or physically?"

"All three."

Ibuki's eyes widen, and her jaw dropped. "All…three? How is she-"

"She's not. Until she can handle it, she's been temporarily suspended."

"You suspended her?" As Rirko nodded his head, Ibuki took a thinking pose. The rest of the group were wondering what they were talking about it. Whispers started to swirl around the copter

"It's obviously about a student in Oarai on the Sensha-do team. But which one?"

"You think it's that Nishizumi kid? The Sensha-do commander?"

"I believe so. Why are they talking like that though? Are they afraid that we might say something?"

"I think so. For them, confidentiality is a big thing."

"So, they're covering up using words?"

Ibuki shook her head; her eyes piercing Rirko's soul as he stared back. "You can't keep a student like that from Sensha-do. It's a livelihood for them."

"I know. But she is, at present, dealing with the fallout of years of family expectations, military training and 'the incident.'"


"You know. The one that happened two years ago. At the end."

"Hmm…ah. I see. I see what you mean." He was referring to Kuromorimine's final match with Pravda. "Her actions that time was admirable, but went against the family's doctrine."

"And therein lies the problem. While Western culture would award such behaviour, Eastern culture would see it as disobedience and disrespect. She's not exactly an apple fallen near the tree. It could have been the catalyst that started her present state."

"That's quite a bold statement. Do you believe it?"

"…I've seen the evidence."

Ibuki then noticed the group were looking at them. "Well, let's leave it at that then. We can discuss this later. I'm sure that you have that situation under control. Is there someone to enforce the suspension on that student."

Rirko nodded. "Yes. But it's like you said. There's no way I could ever keep a student like that from Sensha-do."

"And her mental state?"

"Supports are in place, Ibuki. I've made certain."

Seeing the confidence in his eyes, Ibuki nodded. As the helicopter continued its way to Kuromorimine, the group were genuinely confused about the entire exchange. They weren't sure if it was Miho or not. However, that was the intent. To keep confidentiality, they couldn't use names. Therefore, they used events to identify the student and the issues that they had.

'If Ibuki caught all of that, then she's truly a woman of the West.' Looking at her, Rirko noticed that she held the same, determined eyes that Miho had shown him.

Oarai Girl's Academy – Cafeteria – Noon

Miho and the rest of Anglerfish were sitting in the cafeteria, eating lunch. She discreetly took them what had happened this morning. As she spoke, Yukari's face went dark. When she finished, Anglerfish had to process the information."

"So, are you going back in the tank, Miporin? How are you feeling? Are you sure you're okay?"

Miho nodded gently. "If I don't feel good, I'll let you girls know." She then noticed Yukari being very silent. "Yukari?"

"Yes, Miss Nishizumi?"

"You do realize that you're still in command, right?"

Yukari jumped in surprise. Quickly composing herself, she stammered. "B-But, Miss Nishizumi…I-I assumed that you would be taking back command."

"You assumed wrong, Yukari." Miho took Yukari's hand. She blushed violently. "I want you there as a leader. I'll still be there to help, but you have a better handle on things than I do…right now."

Everyone collectively sighed. It was depressing to hear Miho speak of such a resigned fate. But it was true. If Miho had retaken command, then the chain of command would change again, and the team were already used to Yukari calling the shots.

"Maybe after the match with Kuromorimine. But for this match, I want you. I need you to be there. For them."

Miho thought it wasn't fair if she suddenly retook command of the team. After all the work that Yukari did for them, only for her efforts to be for nought. Always like Miho to think about others than herself. Besides, if the team needed to learn to work without her at the helm, it would be now. Yukari quietly accepting the responsibility, with Saori, Hana and Mako happily looking on, Miho wondered how Yukari would be breaking the news to the rest of the team.
Anywhere I Wander (Part II)
Uploader's Note: This is the second part of the chapter. Enjoy reading.

I do not own the fanfic and its OCs nor Girls und Panzer. Credit goes solely to their respective owners.

Kuromorimine Carrier Ship – Helipad – Noon

After four hours of travel, the copter arrived at Kuromorimine's Carrier Ship, the Graff Zeppelin. Rirko looked out at the window and saw that Kuromorimine had a lot of architecture reminiscent of Germany. He felt as if he travelled four hours to Europe. His mind didn't yet comprehend he was still on a ship.

As the group departed, Ibuki gave Rirko a few documents.

"Here's the schedule for the events for the workshop and the date and time of your presentation. Also, there's your confirmation of your accommodations off school campus. Now I know the reason why she doesn't like you too much."

"Comes with the territory, Ibuki." As Ibuki laughed at the comment, the group saw a couple of Kuromorimine students walking towards them. They formed up in a straight line. One of them broke rank and address them.

"My name is Erika Itsumi, Vice-Commander of Kuromorimine High School Sensha-do Team. We welcome you on the Graff Zeppelin, at the pleasure of our headmistress." As the girls bowed, Erika glanced at Rirko quickly before continuing. "At the request of our headmistress, we have been assigned to you as liaisons between the JMHI and the school regarding the upcoming workshop that will be held in a few days time. Everyone, please follow us to the main entrance, I'll explain more in-depth there."

As the group were escorted off the helipad and into the hospitality building, Rirko noticed that the Kuromorimine girls were whispering and staring. As if he was some alien. Staring straight ahead, he took in the surrounding area. German architecture was all around, and Kuromorimine's uniforms were like military uniforms.

'And Miho came from a place like this? It's so rigid you can barely breathe here!'

At the main entrance, Erika spoke again. "We're waiting for a shuttle bus to take us to the school proper. It'll be approximately fifteen minutes, so please be patient. Um, Mr. Nagasawa, may I have a word with you please?"

Seeing as Rirko was the only mister out of the entire group, he assumed she was referring to him. Following Erika, the two were also followed by another student. Short brown wavy hair and dark blue eyes, she slowly followed hoping that Rirko wouldn't take notice. Erika stopped in front of Rirko, and the girl joined right beside her.

"Mr. Nagasawa, this is Koume Akaboshi, part of the Sensha-do team." As Koume bowed, Rirko couldn't help but noticed that the two-looked nervous. Every few seconds, Erika's eyes shifted while Koume fidgeted her fingers. "I apologise for calling you out, but we didn't know how to go about this."

Rirko raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and what would 'this' thing be?"

"Unfortunately, the headmistress has forbidden you from the school grounds until the day of the workshop. You won't be staying with the rest of the group. I'm sorry." The two of them bowed, but Rirko was confused.

"Sorry? Sorry for a situation you had no control over, let alone had something to do with?"

"W-Well we're supposed to be serving as your liaisons for this event," Koume explained nervously. "You being unable to enter the school is problematic for you, no?"

Rirko shook his head. "Not at all. The headmistress and I have a…dispute of sorts. I understand her hostility towards me. Fortunately, I have alternate accommodations near the school, and I plan to tour Kuromorimine proper in my free time. So, there's no need for you to be guilty about this." As he talked, the two relaxed a little. His words of reassurance meant he held no ill will towards them.

"Let me guess. Your Commander asked you to keep an eye on me? Not your headmistress?"

Erika didn't bother hiding her shock. "Wait, how?"

"I wrote her a while back and told her I would be coming here. We met a few times during Oarai's matches."

"The Commander wanted to make sure you were taken care of, without the knowledge of the headmistress. Though, I do not know why." Erika and Koume looked at each other. Koume only shrugged.

Not knowing the reason 'why?' "Well, in any case, we should get back to the group. Just let me know when to get off the bus." Rirko was prepared to leave when.

"Mr. Nagasawa! One last thing."


"It's…it's about Miho." Rirko froze in his tracks.

"What about her?"

"Is…is she alright? We watched the match in Notojima a few days back. The Commander looked lost when she got back here. I'm wondering…what's going on with her?"

Staring at the two for a moment, Rirko thought to himself. 'These two have no idea what's happening with Maho? Is she not telling anyone about this?' "Let me answer your question with a question. How many friends does your Commander have?"

Both baulked at the question. "F-Friends?"

"Yeah. And I'm not talking about teammates or any other extra circular activity members here. I'm talking about friends sharing stories, having a good time, enjoying each other's company. That sort of thing. Do you know?"

Erika and Koume looked blankly at him. They seriously thought about the question. After a while, Erika spoke. "The Commander doesn't have anyone like that."

Rirko was wide-eyed. "Not a one?" As they shook their heads, Rirko closed his eyes and dipped his head slightly. He was aghast. Maho was suffering alone, with no support whatsoever, for how many years?! Indeed, she was a strong-willed person. But, that resistance was beginning to wear down.

"Why do you ask, sir?"

Rirko sighed. He couldn't tell them what was happening with Miho directly. But at least, he could help Maho a bit. "You two may be the only close thing she can call 'friends.'"

Suddenly, Erika walked briskly towards Rirko and stopped in front of him. "Is the Commander in trouble?!"

'Wait, what?' "You're concerned about her?"

"Yes! I am!" Erika was loyal to Maho. She held a deep respect for her and everything that she did for the team. "If she is in any trouble, I want to do whatever it takes to help!"

Rirko had to think for a moment. 'Obviously, Erika has a deep loyalty to Maho. But even she's not even aware of the emotional turmoil that she might be in. I don't know if I should tell her.' But then, Rirko saw Erika's eyes, glaring at him. His comments about them being the closest thing to friends may have tipped off Erika enough that she assumed that Maho was in danger of sorts. She wasn't in any danger, but she was dealing with issues.

Issues that no one should take on by themselves. No matter how strong-willed they may be.

"Can the same be said for Koume?" Erika looked at her. Koume nodded her head.

"Vice-Commander, the bus!" One of the other girls called.

Erika shook herself a little. "Please sir, may we talk later?" Appreciating Erika's eagerness to help Maho, he nodded. The three made their way to the shuttle while the rest of the group were loaded on. The two girls looked uneasy with Rirko's revelation.

It was more with Erika. 'If the Commander is in trouble, why wouldn't she say anything? Does it have something to do with Miho? It has too. What else could it be?'

Oarai Girl's Academy – Sensha-do Training Grounds – Afternoon

When the team assembled for practice, they were surprised that Ami was among Anglerfish. Miho looked shy, and Yukari's eyes monitored their faces. How would they take the news?

Some members look towards their tank commanders, but all they could offer was a shrug. Everyone would have to wait until Ami made her announcement. After Yukari settled them down, she spoke.

"With the match just weeks away, we'll need to step up our training game. Many thanks to the tank commanders and in particular, the efforts of Miss Chono, Mr. Nagasawa and Miss Nishizumi." Cheers and applause were heard everywhere. The sentiment was surely shared. "Going forward, it is decided that Miss Nishizumi would take a more active role in training…by being on the field."

There were excited gasps everywhere. The team was happy that Miho would again be there with them. Even Momo grinned at the prospect.

"But it doesn't mean I will be taking over!" Miho interjected. "Yukari will still be in charge. I want everyone to listen to her instruction!"

Although initially confused, they had to think about it. Miho was coming back, but not the one in charge? The situation had taken a strange turn. Even in practice, this issue was a subject of debate.

Platypus and Tortoise

The two new teams were able to distinguish themselves well enough that they could be trusted in performing well. Kii and Risa brimmed with pride. However, Sodoko and Momo, in their way, warned them not to let it go over their head. Finishing up a practice on the firing range, the two groups met up for a ten-minute break.

Kii, Maki and Risa were separated from the others. The rest of Platypus and Tortoise were grouped, talking about school and the such.

"If Nishizumi-sempai is not taking over, what's the point of her coming back?" Risa was annoyed that Miho wasn't taking the opportunity to recover from whatever issues she may have.

"You just answered your question, Risa. 'Nishizumi'. You can't take Sensha-do from her too long; she'll crack!" Maki handed a bottled water to the both of them. Kii pondered in thought.

"What's up, Kii?"

"With Nishizumi-sempai coming back, maybe she's returning as the tank commander for Anglerfish and not as a team captain?"

"That's certainly possible, but I still think she needs to rest." Maki frowned, eating a rice ball. Kii and Maki saw that Risa was displeased with this arrangement. Dusting herself off, Maki made a point.

"Like it or not, she's coming back. If you want to stop her…"

"I didn't say anything of the sort!" Risa got up quickly and stared Maki down. However, the both of them smiled. "But, I hear what you're saying. Nishizumi-sempai made this choice. I'll have to accept it and defer to the judgement. Even though, I may not like it."

"You may not be the only one in that opinion." Kii then called to the others. "Hey, break's over! Let's let moving!"

Anteater and Duck

Anteater and Duck were practising on speed manoeuvres before taking their break. Nekonya and Noriko, as tank commanders for their respective teams, were talking about the return…in their lingo.

"When coaches come back, it sometimes means that the team is not doing so hot." Noriko took to put a paper fan from the tank before sitting down. She fanned herself with it.

"That wouldn't be necessarily true. Maybe because she misses the field that Miho decided to return."

"Then what about the suspension?" The two saw Momoga and Nekonya walking towards them. "Won't Miho get in trouble if she defies the GM's wishes?"

"She wouldn't do it without admin support," Momoga explained. Noriko turned to Nekonya.

"Can you girls speak normally? I don't understand NEET."

Nekonya slightly blushed. "Oh, right sorry! Girls, irl!"

"Okay!" Both girls nodded.

Noriko sighed. "So, what did she mean?"

"She meant that Miho would do anything so reckless as in to disobey a teacher's ruling. If she's doing this, she must have received permission."

"Oh! Gotcha!" It wasn't in Miho's personality to disrespect anyone, and she's certainly not a delinquent. She did this, probably, because she was allowed to do so. "Sorry to change the subject, Nekonya, but are we still on for that joint training day?"

"Of course! Me and the girls have hit our level ca- uh, plateau in our physical training. If you can help us out on this, that would be great!"

Noriko grinned and gave a thumbs up. "You can count on Duck on that!"

Taeko's voice was heard across from them. "Anteater, Noriko, that's time! Back to the game!" The girls waved to the other group and headed out.


"This is stupid."

While Leopon gauged the performance of their tank, Momo grumbled with her arms crossed with Yuzu and Anzu enjoying the reprieve from training. Leopon kept to themselves, still affected by Nakajima's absence.

Anzu responded with another chip in her mouth. "Don't ask, don't tell." So long as their star player was back on the field, she was content. However, Momo was not.

Yuzu sighed. "There's just no pleasing some people." Momo scrounged up her face at the comment.

"Our shogun has spoken!" From the open field, Saemonza announced.

"And our prelate's order is absolute," added Ceasar. Erwin said nothing, but she grinned.

Mallard came from another direction. "Don't they mean the same thing?" asked Sodoko in a deadpan voice. Confirming by nodding their heads vigorously, Sodoko and Mallard sat far from the others.

Mallard, especially Sodoko, had decided to keep the encounter with Miho a secret. They knew full well that a meeting with a therapist after school hours was necessary. No one else needed to know.

However, Moyoko and Nozomi still had reservations about the decision.

"Are you sure you want to keep it a secret? Sensha-do captain or not, she still broke one of the rules." Moyoko crossed her arms as if to protest. However, Sodoko silenced her.

"There's such a thing called consideration. Although we enforce the rules, it doesn't mean we can't bend them once and a while for 'special cases.'"

"And Commander Nishizumi is a special case?" Although the two held the school rules in high regard, the only reason why they were protesting was that they feared repercussions from admin if they found out about this infraction.

"As the leader of the morals committee, the responsibility falls on me. So, I'll say it slow for you two to understand! You. Both. Saw. Nothing."

The two girls looked at each other. Nodding, they understood that they would not pursue the issue further.

For Sodoko, it was more than consideration. Back in Notojima, Rirko gave out an order: to support Miho and Anglerfish. And she intended to follow the request to the letter.

Anglerfish and Rabbit

Anglerfish and Rabbit were busy running evasive manoeuvres, as they would be part of a division team in the upcoming tactic against Kuromorimine. It required Azusa to think on her feet. As a result, Rabbit got shook up quite a bit before the teams took a break.

Yukari was still new to command, so she again made some mistakes. Miho, taking the role of the loader (which was Yukari's past role), smiled and gave her some tidbits of information from time to time. That helped Yukari by getting rid of some anxiety she had about being in charge.

During break, they both went over what Yukari did right and what she could do better in the future.

"How do you do it, Miss Nishizumi?" she said finally after the review. She sounded exhausted. Yukari had gotten used to some of the work as a commander, but not all. She seemed exhausted.

Miho smiled at her. "By learning and making mistakes. No one is perfect, and it takes a while to be comfortable with giving commands. You're doing great, Yukari. You'll get the hang of it!"

Yukari blushed furiously with the accolades. Shaking it off, she saw that she was the amusement of both Anglerfish and Rabbit team. While telling them off, Miho smiled at her friends and reflected.

Not having to deal with the burden of command did indeed get rid of some of the anxieties. But a part of her wanted to get back to it. To lead, again. The old her would have lamented the fact that she wasn't the leader. But now, knowing of the support she had, she resolved to get better. To be truthful as well as ask for help when she needs it.

'I will get better. And I will lead again. That's where everyone wants me to be!' Thinking this, she unconsciously made a huge grin. Miho being happy made Anglerfish happy as well.

When the tanks were brought in, Yukari took her place in the centre as usual. After the debriefing, Ami came to the Anglerfish team.

"I need some help bringing some stuff from my car to the sheds. Do you mind helping me out? I also need to speak with Miho quick." Anglerfish was happy to oblige. That was, however, before discovering that there was a whole trunkful of medium sized boxes packed in. Her backseat was also full of boxes. Hana, Yukari, Mako and Saori carried the boxes in, wondering what the contents might be.

"Maybe, if we can just take a good look…" Saori was seriously considering it, but Hana stopped her.

"Don't even. Miss Chono will get angry with us. She's trusting Anglerfish to get this done."

"And what are we getting in return?" asked Mako, who was carrying a small box. She was expecting some compensation.

"Just a fuzzy feeling of doing a good deed." Yukari was undoubtedly cheerful, but Mako didn't share her enthusiasm. Like worker ants, it took the group a while to get the task done. At one point, Saori saw Ami and Miho speaking. However, Miho's back was towards them.

"I wonder what Miss Chono want with Miporin?"

Yukari couldn't help but be concerned. "I hope Miss Nishizumi isn't having any problems."

"She promised she would tell us," Hana said, reassuring everyone. Mako was silent. She didn't like when Miho was moody.

"How are you feeling, Miho? Truthfully now." Rirko entrusted Miho to her care. Although it was a spur of the moment, she felt obligated to him to look after her. Miho was quiet in her response.

"I…It's been a while since I took orders from anyone," she truthfully said, eyes looking down. She was depressed by the fact that while able to ride in a tank again, she wasn't in her command position. The change in roles had affected her emotional state…and perhaps her self-worth.

"This is a humbling experience, to be sure. I can say I've been there."

"You have, Miss Chono?"

"Yes. I remember when, during my time in Sensha-do, I broke my arm and leg during a training match with an international school. The shell hit us so hard that the impact flew our tank right against a wall. Anyhow, I was bedridden for two weeks, and then confined to do menial tasks for another week."

"That must have been horrible."

"It was. Although I was an officer, I was regulated to grunt work. It was not pretty. I felt…I felt that I didn't matter, at the time. Everyone was doing their tasks while I was stuck doing inventory, strategy and training guides. I had limited contact with the team. It was a hard patch in my career." Listening to Ami, Miho felt a little better. She wasn't the only one going through, albeit similar circumstances. "I'm wondering, Miho. If you're feeling the same?"

Miho couldn't help but tear up a little. The team was going on…without her. The team that had been united by her was slipping away. Or, that's what she thought. True, she wanted the team to act independently, but not to the point where she wasn't needed.

She nodded slowly. Wearing a frown, a few tears rolling down her cheek. Ami knelt and gently held the top of her shoulders.

"Listen, Miho. I can't say I can understand what's going on with you or how you're feeling. But from personal experience, I can say with confidence that everyone who's involved in a Sensha-do team, matters. Regardless of what role you play, someone will always be needed to do something. Always."

"Yes…yes, Miss Chono." As she wiped some tears with her sleeve, Anglerfish started to head towards her.

"Also, you need to make sure that your team knows. I didn't have anyone to talk to about this when I was out."

"No one?" Ami sighed and shook her head. So, not even her mother even though she was the coach for the team, helped her during this time?

"But you're lucky. You got people. Make sure you use them. Make sure, they know. Don't be afraid to ask for help. That's what we're here for." Anglerfish was behind Miho. Literally. Turning around, she saw her friends smiling at her. Miho took Yukari's hand, gently.

"Um. Do you girls have a minute to talk?"

Ami stared at the sky, in all its pale orange glory. "How the hell do you do this every day, Rir?"

Kuromorimine Carrier Ship – Hotel – Early Evening


"Thank you." A bellhop politely blessed Rirko while he was waiting on the ground floor. The hotel was decent enough, even though it was listed three and a half stars out of five. Before the bus arrived at the school, Rirko was sure to give Ibuki his number so she could text him about any developments. Since he was barred from entering the school until the day of the workshop, Rirko thought it best to practice his speech, as thoroughly explore Kuromorimine proper.

Erika was anxious to speak with Rirko about Maho. However, he wasn't comfortable giving his number to a high-school student. He gave out his work e-mail instead. It would work; he checked his mail every hour, especially when he was expecting something. Just then, he received a text from Ibuki:

The group will be touring Kuromorimine tomorrow, and they'll be showing us where everything is. I guess it'll be up to me and the girls to show you what's going on the day off. Make sure you're ready for the day. No pressure, but we want to make a strong impression on the Sensha-do executives. Let me know if there are any issues. Good luck!

Rirko simply replied. "KK" No pressure? It seems that Ibuki and the rest of the JMHI were banking on Rirko's presentation. They had put their trust in him to deliver. Who was he to disappoint? He already finished his piece but needed to proofread as well as memorise it. It would be a stressful two days.

Checking his e-mail, he saw one from one Erika Itsumi:

There's a park nearby the hotel you're staying. In the middle of the park is a massive fountain with some benches on the side of it. Can you meet us there?

The e-mail was written five minutes ago. Rirko was waiting for this. He replied: "Twenty minutes." With his luggage in his room, he took his essentials and headed out the hotel door.

Kuromorimine – Grand Park – Fountain – Early Evening

Rirko found the benches, so he sat down and waited. The sun was already setting, but there was a healthy amount of people still outside. The lights went on, and he could see the high school from where he was sitting.

'That is one big ass school.' If the outside looked like that, what did the inside look like?

"Mr. Nagasawa?" Looking forward, he saw Erika and Koume in civilian clothes. It took Rirko a minute to register.

"Oh! Sorry, you just look different in civvies."

"Civvies?" Erika turned to Koume, who shrugged.

"Civilian clothes."

"Oh. Why didn't you say so?" Erika sat beside Rirko while Koume stood nearby. "About the afternoon…"

"Yes. You wanted to know about your Commander." Looking at them, Rirko saw Erika glaring intently. Although Koume had her back turned to them, she was still listening. "You know how she and Miho are close to one another."

"I know full well," Erika said this with some hostility. Rirko sensed that she might have an issue with Miho. "She was the vice-commander for the team before…she left."

"Yes, yes, I know," Rirko stopped her mid-sentence. He was tired of hearing about 'the incident that started it all'. "I've been told this many times."

"Did she also tell you that she saved both our lives?" Koume glanced slightly, and Erika looked down. Rirko starred at them for a while.

"Are you for real? You two were there?!"

"Shh! You're yelling." Erika wanted to be discreet as possible. "We were some of the girls that Miho saved. A few weeks afterwards…she was gone."

'Gee, I wonder why?' "Okay. If she saved your life, what's with the hostility?"

"What hostility?! I'm not hostile!" Rirko knew she was lying. Her arms were crossed, and she wore a frown. Koume sighed slightly. He knew they didn't want to speak about it, but he got in a comment before moving on. "Erika, let your hair down girl, it's Sensha-do! Team sport."

Touching her hair, a couple of times, Erika was confused. "My hair is down. What does my hair have to do with Sensha-do?"

'Oh God.' "Forget about that. I'm legally not supposed to tell you anything regarding Miho's well-being but what I can say is that your Commander is affected by the ongoing developments in Oarai."

"Can you be more specific?" Rirko's brief explanation didn't help her understand.

"She's been bottling up all of her emotions inside of her, and now she's on the point of cracking."

"What do you mean 'bottling up?' Her emotions? I don't get it."

"You know a soda can? You keep shaking it and shaking it. What do you think will happens if you keep shaking?"

"It'll…pop?" Rirko looked at her, to see if she needed any more explanation. Thankfully, she seemed to get it. Her eyes were filled with revelation.

"My Commander doesn't show emotion…at all. But, as of late, she's been acting peculiar. You think it's because of this?"

"Explain." Rirko was interested in hearing what Erika had to say.

Kuromorimine High School – Sensha-do Office – Early Morning

Erika always arrived early to do administrative work for the Sensha-do team before classes. Answering e-mails, set up events, she was pretty much the PR person for the team on top of her Vice-Commander duties. She didn't mind it, though. The morning by herself was a nice distraction before heading out into the everyday life of a Kuromorimine student.

Usually, she was the only one there in the morning. However, it was different today. As she was about to enter the door to the office, he heard mumbling on the other side.

"I only what's best for her."

'Who is that?' Erika looked around, to see if there was anyone there. She then put her ear on the door.

"But I can't go against mother. My family. My responsibility."

'This person is arguing with herself.'

"My responsibility is to her! No, no, to my family. But, she is my family!"

Erika realised that only two people had a key to that office. She had one. Maho had the other. 'Is that the Commander?' She then heard soft weeping.

Deciding she had enough, she put the key into the keyhole and opened the door. There, by the window, was Maho with her back turned.


"Erika. Good morning." She said in her usual, stoic tone.

"What are you doing here? You're usually are out in the sheds, looking over the tanks."

"I decided to come here after checking them. I'm rehearsing for a play that the drama classes are putting on this Christmas."

"Oh. You're…participating in a play?"

"It's for extra credit. I want my portfolio to be diverse. Erika, could you not mention this to the others? It's embarrassing."

"I see…understood Commander."

"Thank you." As Erika took her seat, she couldn't shake off the feeling that Maho was hiding a lot more. That entire conversation, Maho had her back facing her.

Kuromorimine – Grand Park – Fountain – Early Evening

Finishing her story, Rirko looked at Erika. His jaw slightly agape. Then…he laughed.

"What? What's so funny, sir? Why are you laughing?" Koume was looking at him as if trying to make sense of this behaviour.

Rirko laugher died down, and he wore a solemn look. "Bullshit."


"Bullshit. Do you know if there's an actual play going on?"

Erika didn't have to think. "No…there isn't."

"And you didn't press any form of questioning because she was your Commander?" She nodded her head.

"Do you know what she is talking about then?"

"If I had to guess…it would be her personal life? But, Mr. Nagasawa, I have no right to pry into the Commander's affairs!"

"That may be so. However, there's nothing wrong with lending an ear."

"What do you mean?"

"Koume, are you listening?" Still keeping a watch, she nodded. "Obviously, your Commander is dealing with some high-level stuff. Stuff that would cause a person to break down."

"It's a testament to the Nishizumi will."

"True. But these are things I'm sure she has never dealt with before. Things that are affecting not only her personal life but her school life. And she's doing it. Alone."

That was the problem. If one tried to deal with a mental issue alone, then they would assuredly fail. Help is needed to help deal with the problems that person had. Friends and family were a pillar of support that was required. Maho didn't have any.

"Take a walk in her shoes. If you were overwhelmed with issues, would it help if someone knew?" Erika pondered a bit, then nodded her head. "Offer your ear to her. Say that if she needs to talk to someone, you will be there for her. And just leave it like that. Let her come to you."

"I…I don't know if the Commander would like this."

"Erika, I'm telling you this now. And the same goes for Koume. You don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. But your Commander has no-one. You know how the headmistress is. Probably going to tell her to suck it up. Her sister is dealing with her crap, and that is affecting her. And now she's out here with no support whatsoever."

To Rirko, Maho having no support was unacceptable. If she was questioning her place in her family, she couldn't keep these feelings bottled up. It would reveal itself. Like it or not.

"You want to do good by her? Take care by listening and, if possible, helping her. Or don't. It's your choice."

Erika thought about the information given. She genuinely wanted to help Maho of she was in trouble. But, she was dealing with things she had no experience with. That made her uncomfortable. Koume was silent and only listened to Rirko's words, considering her course of action.

"Thank you…Mr. Nagasawa. I will…think about it."

"That's all I ask, Erika. Thank you." Their business concluded, the two girls bowed and was about to head back towards the school.

"Erika? About Miho?" The two turned towards him. "How do you feel about her?"

Shaking her head slowly, there was a pain that she felt ever since she saw Miho's match in Notojima. How she writhed in pain while comforting an injured teammate. There was no question that Erika was jealous of Miho's relationship with Maho. She would give anything for that.

She denigrated Miho, her style and as a person under the guise of being a traitor to the school. However, this was merely an excuse. Truthfully, she did this to get back at her. For hurting her precious Commander. Also, Miho's departure hurt Erika on a personal level. Miho went out of her way to be her friend. While she wouldn't admit it, Erika enjoyed Miho's company. So, when she left, she was devastated and angry about that.

Seeing the guilt on her face, Rirko confronted her. "What did you do?"

Now thinking how she treated Miho may have affected her, she quietly replied, "I acted unfairly and inconsiderate to her."

"You are going to apologise to her about that in the future, right?" Rirko, knowing that Erika may have acted out of spite, was willing to lend an ear to her. She nodded, sadly. Getting up, he gave a short bow and made his way to the hotel.

Koume and Erika walked silently on the lamplit streets towards the school. It was dark now, and only a handful of people were heading out towards the gates. They felt the cold air against their skin, with the stars beginning to show upon the darkened sky. Both were quiet, affected by this turn of events.

"You didn't have to come, Koume." Erika was still looking down while speaking to her.

"I wanted to, Vice-Commander."

"Was it for Miho's sake?" The question gave Koume pause, to think.

"You're half right. The other half is that I want to help my teammates and support them as much as possible."

"Hmm..." Rirko's comments about Maho being alone gave Erika enough insight into her own life. She didn't have many friends, as well. Would this not only help the Nishizumi but herself as well?

"The Commander is alone, then?" Koume pondered aloud.

"Even though she has her team, and everyone adores her. Even though she has all the power, wealth and status that the Sensha-do world could give. Regardless of these things...why did Mr. Nagasawa paint her as being empty?"

"Who knows, Vice-Commander. A man in his profession can see things that we have yet to see." Erika stopped with Koume looking at her.

"Yes? Vice-Commander? Is something wrong?"


"Excuse me?"

"If we are to support our Commander, then I don't want you to keep calling me by my title when I'm off duty. It's Erika, alright?"

Koume didn't know what to think about this. She was shocked that the Erika she knew, was insisting not to call her by her station. But, her saying this might have been an order. "Of course, Vice-I mean. M-Ma'am."

"And only when I'm off duty. And when I'm not around people! You call me by that name anywhere else, and you'll be doing inventory for the rest of the school year!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

The girls continued their walk towards the school. Erika would have to concede having Koume calling her 'ma'am', at least for now.

A/N: I got the name of the ships off of a picture I saw. Don't know if that is canon. Thanks again for reading. I got nothing else to say. Yeah.