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Follow the journey of a young man who suddenly finds himself transported into the mystical world of Naruto. But as he navigates this new and unfamiliar world, he begins to realize that things are not quite as they seem.

As he struggles to find his place in this mystical realm, he is faced with a series of challenges that test his mettle and his resolve. But with each new obstacle, he also discovers new opportunities and potential within himself, as he delves deeper into the secrets of chakra.

As he grapples with the darkness that lurks around every corner, he must also confront his own inner demons and fears. Will he be able to resist the pull of the dark side, or will he succumb to its seductive power?
This Naruto fan-fiction offers a more realistic portrayal of a person transported into the Naruto world. The protagonist doesn't become overpowered too quickly and doesn't kill hundreds of people with ease. Instead, the story delves into Jutsu creation and fuinjutsu, providing technical information that adds depth to the narrative.

The story isn't a harem novel, and while there may be love interests, the focus is more on the adventure and exploration of the Naruto world.

Please give this novel a chance and I sincerely believe that it will offer a unique and refreshing take on the Naruto world.

There may be instances of graphic violence, blood, and gore in the story. I advise readers who may be sensitive to such content to approach the novel with caution.
You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon:
I do not claim ownership over any of the characters in this Fan-fic other than my OC's. The cover pic is also not mine.
Chapter 1 - A Surreal Nightmare
Opening his eyes had never felt so difficult to him. It felt as though he had been tossed into a rough sack and thrashed mercilessly with a blunt object. His body was compressed, as if he were crammed into a tightly-packed suitcase, leaving him unable to move any part of his body, including his fingers. The sensation was suffocating, and he struggled to even breathe. The pain was overwhelming, and it took every ounce of his willpower to push through it and try to open his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt an external force pushing him in a particular direction, as though he was being forcefully propelled through a tightly confined space, like a narrow tube. The experience was excruciatingly painful and filled him with terror. He couldn't help but entertain the possibility that he had been abducted and taken hostage.

After what seemed like an eternity, he suddenly felt a release of pressure and his head was free. He gasped for breath, and in doing so, he heard a cacophony of screams and voices around him. Though he couldn't understand any of the words being spoken, the tone was unmistakable – panic. With a newfound sense of freedom, he wiggled his arms and legs and was relieved to find that he could move them again. The tight constriction around him was gone, and he summoned all the strength he had left to pry his eyes open. With a great effort, he managed to force his eyelids apart, but everything was still blurry and hazy.

As he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, he found himself disoriented and confused. His vision was blurry, and he could barely hear anything beyond a muffled sound. He felt like he was in a dream, where everything was hazy and distorted. The shapes he saw were humanoid, but they seemed gigantic, almost otherworldly in size. It was a jarring experience for him, as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. He could feel his limbs moving, but it was as if they were operating on their own accord, without his conscious direction.

Suddenly, he realized that he was being cradled in the arms of someone or something, like a helpless infant. The realization sent a shiver down his spine, and he tried to struggle and break free, but his movements were feeble and ineffectual.

Despite his confusion and disorientation, he was acutely aware of his smallness in comparison to the large, looming shapes around him. The experience was so surreal that he briefly considered the possibility that it was all in his mind, but the sensation of fingers brushing the back of his head made it clear that something real was happening to him.

He racked his brain trying to recall any event or activity that might have led to his current predicament, but nothing seemed to fit. It was as if he had been plucked from his life and placed into an entirely different world.

Gradually, his eyesight became less blurry, and he could see the face of the enormous being that was holding him. Any hope he had clung to, that this was all just a figment of his imagination, evaporated instantly. The truth was staring him right in the face: a giant was holding him, and he was entirely at its mercy. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks, and with it came an overwhelming sense of fear, accompanied by a feeling of impending doom.

He was overwhelmed with confusion and disbelief as he started questioning his very existence, his purpose in life, and whether he was even real. These introspective thoughts were interrupted when he caught a glimpse of his hands from the corner of his eyes. To his horror, he realized that they were tiny, infantile hands, not his own. Panic set in as he struggled to comprehend the impossible situation he found himself in.

He was in disbelief and denial, repeatedly thinking to himself that this couldn't be happening and that it wasn't real. "This is not happening. This can't be real. How the hell am I a baby?" he thought, panic and frustration overtaking him. Suddenly, he was enveloped by darkness, and all his thoughts came to an abrupt halt.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
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Chapter 2 - New Beginnings
With a sudden jolt, the man sat upright, gasping for breath as though he had just emerged from underwater. His heart was pounding, and he was covered in sweat. The room was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything beyond the four walls of his bedroom. The only sound was the thudding of his heart, which seemed to reverberate through his entire body.

As he struggled to catch his breath, he looked around the room frantically, trying to ascertain his whereabouts. After a few moments of disorientation, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, and he could make out the outlines of the familiar objects in his room – the dresser, the bookshelf, and the window.

The relief that washed over him was palpable, and he let out a long, ragged breath. He had never been so grateful to be in his own room before. It was as if the walls were embracing him, providing him with a sense of security and comfort that he had never experienced before. He had always taken the familiarity of his surroundings for granted, but now he realized how much he relied on the stability of his home.

As he calmed down, he realized that he had just woken up from a nightmare. The details were hazy, but he could remember a sense of impending doom, as if something terrible was about to happen.

He took a deep breath and tried to steady himself, reminding himself that he was safe and sound in his own room. He could feel his heart rate slowing down, and the sense of panic that had consumed him began to dissipate. He leaned back against the pillow and closed his eyes, willing himself to relax.

As he lay there in the darkness, he felt a sense of gratitude for the small things in life – the familiarity of his bedroom, the softness of his bed, and the safety of his home. He realized how much he had taken these things for granted and how much they meant to him. He vowed to never take them for granted again and to appreciate them fully, every day.

In that moment, he felt a sense of peace wash over him, and he knew that he would be able to fall back asleep. The nightmare was over, and he was safe in his own room, surrounded by the familiar comforts of home. He closed his eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep, grateful for the walls that surrounded him and the safety they provided.

He contemplated taking the day off to recover from the harrowing dream. However, before he could finish his thought, something strange happened. The walls of his room began to transform, changing colors from their familiar hues to an ominous red.

The once-peaceful ceiling started dripping with blood, and the objects in the room were consumed by menacing shadows. As the shadows grew thicker, a colossal face emerged, the same one that had tormented him in his previous nightmare. The face drew closer and closer to the man, filling him with an overwhelming sense of dread.


Shikaku received the news of his firstborn child with mixed emotions. He had been away on a mission for two long weeks, and it was unfortunate that his wife Yoshino had gone into labor during his absence. However, as the Nara clan head, he was grateful for the abundance of servants at his disposal, which would allow him to concentrate on his missions without worrying about his wife.

But his joy was short-lived as he received the distressing news that his newborn child was behaving abnormally. Although the delivery had gone smoothly and Yoshino was in good health, the baby did not cry at birth and lost consciousness during cleaning. Despite seven hours having passed since birth, the child had not woken up. The doctors warned Shikaku that the situation was critical, and the baby's life was in danger.

As soon as Shikaku entered the ward where his wife Yoshino was recuperating, he could sense her uneasiness and trepidation just by looking at her. She had deep bags under her eyes, and they were red from crying. As soon as Yoshino saw him, she broke down and couldn't stop her tears from flowing.

But Shikaku knew that he had to be strong for both of them, so he spoke gently to her. "Sshhh, it's going to be alright, Yoshino. Our baby boy is going to be just fine. He's probably being all lazy just like a proper Nara should."

Yoshino sniffled and looked up at him with teary eyes. "But the doctor said that he could have some serious problems, Shikaku. What if something happens to our baby? I don't know if I can handle it."

Shikaku took her hand in his and squeezed it gently. "Don't worry, Yoshino. Our child is a Nara, and we're going to do everything in our power to help him. We have the best doctors in the village, and they're doing everything they can to ensure his safety. We just need to have faith and trust that everything will work out."

Yoshino nodded weakly, still crying softly. Shikaku stayed by her side, offering her comfort and support as they waited anxiously for news about their newborn son.

"I think i should spe..." Just as Shikaku was about to finish his sentence, a loud wail was heard from the room next door, catching his attention.

"Was that him?" Shikaku asked, hope and concern lacing his voice.

Yoshino nodded, her eyes widening with relief. "Yes, the doctors put him on the ventilator in the room next door. I don't think there's anyone else in the room. I'm going to check on him," she replied as she started to get up from her bed, her voice laced with urgency.

Shikaku didn't stop her, recognizing the importance of a mother's presence at such a critical time. Despite her weakened state, Yoshino was a fully-fledged chunin and more than capable of taking care of herself. He accompanied her to the room next door, his heart beating fast with anticipation.

As they entered the room, they saw their newborn son hooked up to machines, the sound of his cries filling the silence. Yoshino approached him and gently stroked his cheek, tears rolling down her face. "You're going to be okay, little one," she whispered, her voice shaking with emotion.

Shikaku stood by her side, his hand resting on her shoulder, silently lending his support. Despite the uncertainty of their son's condition, they knew that they would face this challenge together as a family..



As he opened his mouth to scream, all that came out was a babies wail making him feel even more helpless. He tried to sit up but realized he couldn't move his arms and legs properly. The crying intensified as he saw the giants getting closer, their faces looming above him like mountains. He felt small and vulnerable in his tiny body.

He could see a woman with outstretched arms and a kind smile on her face approaching him. Behind her, he noticed a man with a fierce expression and a deep scar running across his cheek. The man's presence made him feel uneasy, but the woman's warm demeanor gave him some sense of comfort.

Yoshino hugged the baby tightly, whispering soothing words to him as he cried. As she looked up, she saw the doctor walking into the room.

"Doctor, thank goodness you're here. Please check on our son, we're very worried about him," said Yoshino with a worried expression on her face.

The doctor approached the bed and carefully picked up the baby. After a few moments of examination, he placed the baby back on the bed and reassured the worried parents.

"Congratulations, he's perfectly fine. He's a healthy little boy," said the doctor with a smile.

Shikaku let out a sigh of relief while Yoshino had tears of joy streaming down her face. "Thank you so much, doctor. Can I hold him now?" she asked.

The doctor nodded and handed the baby over to Yoshino. "Of course, but I think he's just a little hungry. You should feed him," he said before leaving the room to give them some privacy.

Yoshino smiled and looked at her husband. "Our little boy is finally here, Shikaku. I'm so happy," she said as she cradled their newborn son in her arms.

As soon as the doctor left, Yoshino's relief turned into tears of joy and Shikaku comforted her with a tight embrace.

"I was so scared, Shikaku. I didn't know what I would do if something had happened to him," cried Yoshino.

"But look, our boy is perfectly fine. I told you there was nothing to worry about," said Shikaku reassuringly, holding their baby in his arms.

Yoshino joined him at the bed, and the new parents admired their little bundle of joy. The baby's eyes were wide open, taking in his surroundings.

"He's got your eyes," Yoshino commented, looking at Shikaku with a smile.

Shikaku chuckled. "Shikarai Nara," he said, deciding on the baby's name.

"Finally, I thought you'd never decide. Nevertheless, I like the name," said Yoshino, feeling Shikaku's embrace from behind.

The happy family spent the rest of the day in the hospital room, getting to know their new addition and feeling grateful for his safe arrival.


As Shikarai's memories flooded back, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of loss. He had been content with his old life, despite its hardships, and had accepted it as his own. But now, everything he had known and loved was gone. He was in a new body, with new parents, in a world he didn't recognize. It was overwhelming, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

He started to cry again, feeling helpless and alone in his confusion. He couldn't express his feelings, couldn't make anyone understand what he was going through. He was just a baby, and he was trapped in this new life without any control over it.

Shikarai's parents noticed his distress and quickly went to him, trying to soothe him. They held him close and whispered soft words to him, trying to calm him down. And eventually, their warmth and love began to seep into him, easing his pain and fear.

For a moment, Shikarai forgot about his old life and simply basked in the comfort of his new parents. He had been an orphan in his previous life. He felt safe and loved, and he knew that he could count on them to take care of him. Slowly, he drifted off to sleep, his little body finally at peace.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
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Chapter 3 - Rediscovering the Simple Pleasures of Life
Year 57 (after konohoa was established)

"Any updates on the situation at the Kusa front, Shikaku?" inquired the Third Hokage, his expression betraying his concern.

"We've detected several squads of Iwa jonin and chunin moving along the border," replied shikaku, his brow furrowed. "Our ANBU have engaged in skirmishes with some of their Hunter nin squadrons as well."

"Have we been able to gather any intel on their movements or intentions?" asked the Hokage, leaning forward in his chair.

"Team Kai has been conducting surveillance along the Kusa border," Shikaku reported. "We've been able to thwart three infiltration attempts from Iwa so far. Additionally, Team Ro captured two spies attempting to blend in with a group of traders crossing the border from Kusa. Both of them committed suicide before we could proceed with the interrogation"

The Third Hokage's expression darkened. "Casualties?"

"Unfortunately, we've lost three chunin and twelve genin to minor skirmishes with Iwa," Shikaku replied somberly. "All of the genin were part of the genin corps and were on C-rank missions in the area. The chunin were on border patrol duty when they were attacked by what we've identified as the Iwa Explosion Corps squadron.

The situation is becoming increasingly dire. We cannot afford to remain on the defensive anymore. Our intel suggests that Iwa is preparing for an all-out war, with more than an 80% probability," Shikaku informed. "They are moving a significant amount of resources towards their borders and commissioning a vast number of kunais and shurikens from their blacksmiths."

"So it has finally come to this. A war all over again. Did any of our attempts to solve any conflicts diplomatically with the Earth Daimyo bear any fruit?" asked the Hokage, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"No, they weren't even allowed inside the palace. Subtle threats to their lives were also made. As things stand, there is no way of resolving this conflict peacefully. Soon enough, we're going to have a war on our hands," answered Shikaku, a somber expression on his face.

"It's a shame. The cycle never ends. First we go to war to attain peace and then to preserve that peace, we again go to war. It's a never-ending vicious cycle," sighed the Hokage. "It would seem that we have no choice now. Shikaku, call a meeting of the Jonin council tomorrow at 1300 hrs. Make sure all the shinobi clan heads participate in the meeting."

"As you command, Lord Hokage," bowed Shikaku, turning to leave. Just as he reached the door, the Hokage called out to him, "Oh, and congratulations, Shikaku! I heard you had a boy."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage. We had some complications at first, but he pulled through. He's a quiet kid, only crying when he's hungry or needs changing. I thought being a father would be a drag, but it would seem that I was wrong," answered Shikaku, scratching the back of his head.

"Well then, you're lucky. I still remember when I had my first boy. I don't think Biwako and I slept for the first six months. I would give you some time off, Shikaku, but due to the current circumstances, I can't have my jonin commander on leave," said the Hokage.

"I understand, Lord Hokage. It's why I didn't apply for leave either," replied Shikaku.

"Before I forget, what did you name him?" the Hokage asked.

"We named him Shikarai, Lord Hokage," answered Shikaku with a proud smile on his face.

"A fine name for a fine boy. Now, you better get back to your work," said the Hokage with a smile.


"It's been a week since my rebirth, and though it still seems surreal, it is the truth. During this past week, my days have been filled with nothing but eating, sleeping, and well, you know the rest. Despite being grateful for having parents in this new life, the idea of being breastfed by my mother at the age of 24 was jarring, to say the least.

It's not that I am unappreciative of her efforts, but the situation is both awkward and embarrassing. I try my best to be mature about it and to understand that this is how infants are typically nourished, but it's a difficult adjustment for someone who has lived a full life before. Nonetheless, I am trying to make the most of this second chance at life, and I hope to grow and learn as much as I can.

The lack of mobility has been a source of frustration for me since my rebirth. As someone who's accustomed to being active and mobile, the feeling of being confined and restricted in movement is suffocating. It's a constant struggle to keep myself entertained and stimulated within the limited scope of my environment. I can only wiggle my hands and feet slightly before I start to tire out.

Despite my efforts to communicate, I can only produce incoherent sounds from my mouth, which can be quite frustrating. However, my parents seem to find it endearing and shower me with affection whenever I make any noise at all. It's a strange feeling, being so dependent on others, but I suppose it's all part of the process of starting a new life.

Despite the difficulties of being immobile and unable to communicate clearly, there is one positive aspect to this situation: I don't have to stay awake for long periods of time. I'm not sure how long I am able to stay awake, but I estimate it to be around 4-5 hours per day. This may seem like a small amount, but it's a welcome respite from the monotony of eat, sleep, poop, and repeat.

I have also learned my new name, which my parents have given me. It's Shikarai Nara, which has a distinctly Japanese ring to it. However, since people around here speak English, I'm not sure where exactly I am. I feel fortunate that I don't have a curious personality, or I would be desperate to know more about the world beyond my immediate surroundings.

As the baby boy, was ruminating on his new life, his mother, Yoshino, entered the room."Rai-chan! You're such a little cutie. Mommy is going out today with some friends, so Daddy will be taking care of you while I'm gone," Yoshino said as she picked him up.

Rai held on tightly to his mother's kimono, feeling a pang of disappointment that he couldn't go with her. He tried to make more sounds, hoping that maybe this time he could communicate his desire to go along.

"Aww, do you want to come with Mommy? Is that it?" Yoshino asked as she kissed his cheek. "Hmm, Tsume said she wanted to meet you, so maybe I should take you with me. Shikaku would be happy to go out with his friends, and I'd love to show you off. Okay then, you're coming with me! Let's get you dressed," she decided as she went to the cupboard to pick out some clothes for him.*


Yoshino had been eagerly anticipating this day for months. Since finding out she was pregnant, she had been confined to the Nara clan compound. Despite the benefits of being married to the clan head, such as security and financial stability, she had grown restless being stuck in the same place. She had only left for necessary doctor's appointments, and the vastness of the compound only provided so much distraction.

But today was different. Today, she was finally going out with her friends again. It felt like a long-awaited liberation. What made the outing even more special was that her precious Rai-chan would be joining them for the first time. The thought of introducing her baby to her friends filled her with excitement and joy.

Yoshino had dedicated the entire afternoon to prepare for their outing. She took great care in choosing the perfect outfit for her son, selecting a comfortable and warm onesie and wrapping him in a soft, blue blanket. She also dressed herself in her most comfortable kimono and added a sweater to stay warm if it got chilly outside.

After finishing up, Yoshino sat in the living room waiting for her husband to come home. It didn't take long for Shikaku to arrive as she heard the front door open just five minutes later. Yoshino quickly stood up and greeted her husband with a smile. "Welcome back, dear," she said, holding the baby in her arms."


Shikaku was momentarily taken aback and he couldn't help but stare at his wife with wonder. He felt like he was seeing her in a whole new light, as if he was meeting her for the first time. Yoshino looked stunning, her long brown hair cascading down her back in soft waves. It framed her delicate features and drew attention to her radiant complexion. Her skin was smooth and flawless, with a natural glow that only enhanced her beauty. Her eyes sparkled with warmth and love, and every movement she made was graceful and effortless.

As Yoshino walked towards him, her hair swayed gently like the branches of a tree in the wind, and Shikaku couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. He wondered how he, a self-proclaimed lazy slob, had managed to win the heart of such a beautiful woman. He noticed the blush that crept up on Yoshino's face, complementing her pink kimono perfectly, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for his wife.


Yoshino had been apprehensive as she had not been physically close to her husband since finding out about her pregnancy. She had been feeling self-conscious about her weight gain. However, all her worries vanished when she saw Shikaku's intense stare fixed on her. She felt a bit bashful at the attention, as it had been a long time since he had looked at her with such intensity.

Yoshino was hesitant about being intimate with her husband since discovering her pregnancy. She felt self-conscious about her body changes, but when she saw the intense stare from Shikaku, all her worries disappeared. It had been a long time since he had looked at her with such intensity, and she felt a bit bashful at the attention.

" look beautiful," said Shikaku, his ears turning red. Yoshino thought it was cute, and she blushed feeling both flattered and embarrassed by the compliment. She smiled up at him and thanked him for his words.

"I was waiting for you to come home. Both of us are ready to leave," said Yoshino.

"Wait, both of us?" asked Shikaku in confusion.

"Me and Rai-chan, of course. He wanted to come with me. He couldn't bear to see his mama leave. You should've seen the way he grabbed my kimono with his little hands," said Yoshino excitedly.

Shikaku chuckled at the thought of their son grabbing onto Yoshino's kimono.

"Well, Since you're going out I'll see what Inoichi or Choza are up to," Shikaku said.

"Sure. I should get going now. Noriko, Tsume, and the rest are probably waiting for me," Yoshino replied.

"Alright, take care," said Shikaku as he left the house.

As Yoshino and her son stepped outside, the cool breeze felt refreshing. She inhaled deeply, savoring the sensation of being outside again. Her little one seemed fascinated by the sights and sounds around him. They strolled down the street, admiring the scenery and exchanging greetings with neighbors they hadn't seen in months.

After a while, they arrived at a nearby park where Yoshino was supposed to meet her friends before heading off to Yakinku Q. She scanned the area, searching for her friends. She was relieved that Noriko had organized the meetup, as it would have been chaotic if it was Kushina who had organized it. Not that there was anything wrong with Ichiraku's, but it could feel a bit cramped with so many people.

As she walked around with her son, Yoshino began to feel emotional, realizing how much she had missed being outside and experiencing the world. She had taken for granted the simple pleasures of going for a walk or sitting in a park, but now it felt like a whole new experience.

As Yoshino finally met up with her friends, she felt a mix of emotions. She had been eagerly waiting to introduce her new bundle of joy to her friends, and now that the moment had arrived, she was nervous about how they would react. But as her friends rushed over to greet her, she was enveloped in their warm hugs and congratulations, and her nerves quickly melted away.

Of all her friends, Kushina seemed to be the most excited to meet the baby. Her boundless energy and enthusiasm were infectious, and Yoshino couldn't help but laugh at her friend's antics.

As they made their way to Yakinku Q, Yoshino's friends couldn't help but coo over the adorable baby in her arms, admiring every tiny detail from his soft skin to his little fingers and toes. Yoshino was thrilled to see her friends fawning over her baby and was filled with joy that her friends shared in her happiness. The group spent several hours catching up and chatting about everything from their latest missions to their personal lives, all while taking turns holding the little one.

As the day began to wind down, Yoshino felt a deep sense of gratitude for her friends. She was thankful for their unwavering support and for the love they showed her and her baby. It was a heartwarming and unforgettable experience introducing her friends to her new bundle of joy, one that would remain etched in her memory for years to come.

After a joyous day with her friends and baby, Yoshino returned home feeling content and at ease. As she walked into her house, the familiar sights and sounds of her home embraced her, providing her with a sense of comfort and relaxation.

As she gazed around her living room, Yoshino couldn't help but feel proud of the inviting and comfortable space she had created. She had spent countless hours picking out the perfect pillows, curtains, and other decorations to create the ideal ambiance, and now it all felt worthwhile.

Feeling grateful for the simple pleasure of home-cooked meals and the warmth of her own kitchen, Yoshino headed towards the kitchen to prepare dinner. While cooking, she couldn't help but reminisce about the laughter and joy of the day. The memories of her friends' laughter echoed in her mind, bringing a smile to her face and warming her heart.


You can read up to ten chapters ahead on my patreon.
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Chapter 4 - Baby's day Out
Shikarai was struck by the brilliant sunlight, the sweet melodies of the birds, and the verdant greenery around him. The dazzling lights and unfamiliar terrain overwhelmed him, but his mother's warm embrace and the cozy blankets offered a sense of comfort and safety.

The gentle breeze that brushed across his cheeks carried with it the gentle chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. As he took in his surroundings, he was captivated by the beauty of nature and the hustle and bustle of the village. His young mind was full of curiosity, and he was eager to explore everything that lay ahead.

As they made their way through the lively streets of Konoha, his eyes widened with wonder and excitement. The sounds of people chatting and laughing, the aroma of food wafting from nearby restaurants, and the sights of colorful shops and lively vendors all stimulated his senses.

As they rounded the corner, Shikarai was taken aback by the sight of the massive, imposing stone faces that loomed before them. It was the Hokage Monument, a towering structure that paid homage to the three great Hokages who had ruled over the village. Each face was intricately carved, and the detail was remarkable.

Shikarai couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he gazed up at the faces. They represented something powerful and important, something beyond his understanding. He felt a tingle in his spine as he considered what kind of people they must have been, what they had accomplished to earn such a lasting legacy. He wondered whether any of them were still alive, and what they might think of him, a mere child, staring up at their likenesses.

All of these questions were looming in his mind when his mother noticed that he was staring intently at the Hokage monument.

Yoshino observed the expression on her son's face with a mix of pride and tenderness. As she watched Rai's eyes light up with excitement and fascination at the sight of the Hokage monument, she felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. She remembered the same sense of wonder and awe she had experienced as a young girl, walking these same streets with her own parents.

"I hope you become a shinobi as splendid as they were, my child," she said, her voice filled with love and pride. She patted his head softly and looked up at the Hokage monument

Rai was left pondering about the unfamiliar word, "shinobi", that his mother had just mentioned. He was deep in thought, trying to understand what it meant, but it seemed to escape his comprehension..

While he was contemplating the meaning of the word shinobi, Yoshino had started walking again and before long they reached a park.

He was brought out of his musings as he could feel his mother turning left and right as if looking for something.

"she's probably looking for her friends." thought Rai.

Soon enough she found her friends and she started walking towards them. As they drew closer to the group of women, Rai watched with curious eyes. He had obviously never seen these people before other than Woman with light-blue eyes who he knew was named Noriko, but he sensed his mother's excitement and joy. He felt safe in her arms, but also a little uncertain about these strangers.

It was probably because of how they looked. One of his mother's friends had lush natural looking red hair. The other was a considerably healthy women wearing what seemed to be a martial arts outfit. One even had spiky brown hair, Weird looking tattoos on her face and very pointy canines.

As the mother's friends approached, they greeted the baby with warm smiles and cooed at him, trying to win his affection. Despite being a grown man trapped in a baby's body, Rai couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable as his mother's friends cooed and fawned over him like he was an infant. He tried his best to play along, smiling and giggling when they made silly faces, but inside he felt a sense of awkwardness and embarrassment.

As they walked towards Yakiniku Q, Rai couldn't help but overhear snippets of his mother's friends' conversation. They were talking about all sorts of adult topics, from work and politics to relationships and gossip.

Eventually, they arrived at the restaurant and were seated at a table. Rai was placed in a high chair and given a small toy to play with, while the adults perused the menu and ordered drinks. Rai watched with curiosity as his mother's friends chatted and laughed, marveling at how different their lives were from his own.

As the night progressed, Rai watched with a hint of amusement as his mother's friends tried to hold him and make him laugh. Despite being trapped in the body of a child, he maintained his composure and didn't fuss. However, the tantalizing aroma of the barbeque wafting from the grill was almost too much for him to handle.

The thought of sinking his teeth into a succulent piece of grilled meat made his mouth water. He could almost taste the savory flavors of the marinade and the tender juiciness of the meat

Rai observed the scene before him with a mixture of fascination and frustration. He was entranced by the tantalizing smell of the meat grilling on the barbecue, and his mouth watered in anticipation. However, he knew that he was unable to eat the meat, being trapped in the body of a child. It was a bittersweet moment, as he longed to join in the festivities and enjoy the company of his mother and her friends, but he couldn't shake off the sense of loss and separation from his former life.

Despite his inner turmoil, Rai did his best to remain composed and quiet, closing his eyes and trying to rest. As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but think back to all the good times he had shared with his old friends, the laughter and tears they had shared. He missed them terribly, and the thought of not being able to see them again weighed heavily on his mind. However, he knew that he had to make the best of his situation and try to adapt to this new life, as difficult as it may be.


As he opened his eyes he could see the ceiling of the room he had grown familiar with in the past few days.

"i must've fallen asleep" thought Rai.

As Rai's mind began to clear, he became acutely aware of the time he had lost while sleeping. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had missed out on important information that could have given him a clue as to where he was. The thought filled him with a sense of regret and despair, making him feel even more trapped and powerless than before. He tried to push the feeling aside, but it lingered, a constant weight on his mind.

But despite these negative emotions, Rai tried to focus on the positive aspects of the day. He reminded himself that he had gained valuable insights into his surroundings.

He took a deep breath, reminding himself that he couldn't change the past. Instead, he focused on the present, on the things he had learned and observed during his outing. Despite the disappointment of missing out on conversation, he managed to glean some important details about his location.

He knew that he was likely somewhere in Asia, as all the people he had encountered so far had Japanese-style names. However, he couldn't be sure which country he was in, as none of the people he had seen looked distinctly Japanese. Additionally, everyone spoke English, which was both a relief and a mystery.

The environment around him was also a major clue. The air was fresh and fragrant, and the lack of city noise and chaos suggested that he was likely in a rural area. The abundance of trees and low-rise buildings further supported this theory. He had never experienced anything like this before, and it was both fascinating and terrifying at the same time.

These observations gave Rai a glimmer of hope that he might eventually be able to piece together the mystery of his situation. However, there was an immediate and pressing issue that needed his attention. He was still unable to control his bodily functions, and the thought of remaining dependent on others for such basic needs filled him with a sense of dread.


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Chapter 5 - Shinobi and Death
It had been six months since Rai's rebirth in this mysterious new land, and in that time he had been awed by the diverse and breathtaking scenery that surrounded him. The magnificent mountains loomed in the distance, casting their shadow over the village, and the air was fresh and invigorating, a welcome change from the polluted city air he was used to.

The sky was an ethereal shade of blue that he had never seen before, and it filled him with a sense of wonder and awe. In these six months he was also able to gather some more info about the village he lived in due to some outings he had with his parents.


Since his earliest memories, Rai had lived in an orphanage. He spent his days with the other children, longing for the love and affection of a family. However, he was never adopted and remained there until he was old enough to leave. Unfortunately, he was left with nothing but the clothes on his back and had to fend for himself on the streets.

Throughout his childhood, he never knew his parents or any family members. This left him with a feeling of loneliness and abandonment. The pain of feeling unwanted weighed heavily on him, and he often wondered why he was never given a chance to experience the love of a family. Despite the hardships, he was determined to make something of himself and worked hard to survive on the streets.

"Initially, adapting to this new way of life was a difficult task for me. After all, I had been used to living as an independent adult with a job, watching TV, and spending time with friends. The routines and regulations of my previous life had become ingrained in me, making it hard to let go of the past.

However, over time, I began to see the beauty of my new life. The presence of my parents, made a significant difference. Shikaku and Yoshino have become the loving parents that I had always yearned for. They have shown me immense patience, kindness, and care, and have done everything in their power to make me feel cherished and appreciated. Their love has made me realize that I am truly blessed, and that I now have a second chance at life.

During my outings with my father, I began to observe the way people in the village regarded him with a mix of fear and respect, which indicated that he held a position of great importance in the community. I sensed a certain reverence in their tone and mannerisms whenever they spoke to him, often addressing him as "sir" and thanking him for his service. The admiration they held for him was clear, with many acknowledging his bravery and skill.

From these interactions, I couldn't help but surmise that my father was part of a militant organization, especially given the uniform he wears to work every day and the scars on the right side of his face that added to his fierce demeanor. Despite his rough exterior, he has become an important figure in my life and a great father. He is very lazy though and reeks of alcohol most of the time but these two things aside, I couldn't have asked for a better father.

It must have been several months since my rebirth in Konoha, and I have come to the realization that this place is vastly different from where I came from. It's a strange place, unlike anything I have ever seen. Although they have modern conveniences like electricity, refrigerators, and microwaves, they do not have telephones or mobile phones.

The medical facilities are quite advanced, but there are no cars or even bicycles for transportation. I have not seen any horses in the area either. All of these observations lead me to believe that I am no longer on Earth. The technological and social differences are too significant to be merely another country.

At least I don't have to remain stationary anymore. Crawling is probably the greatest thing I've achieved in the past few months. Although i am able to fumble out words now but I haven't done so in front of my parents yet. I wanted to surprise them. Call me childish but both of my parents were probably the greatest blessing in this life." thought Rai feeling content with the progress he had made in his mobility and speech development.

However, his peaceful thoughts were interrupted when he noticed a dark figure lurking in the corner of his room. He became startled and unsure of what to do. He wondered who or what it could be and why they were there. Fear began to creep into his mind as he waited to see what would happen next.

As the figure moved closer, Rai was able to make out that it was his father, dressed in all black. He heaved a sigh of relief. He was amazed at how his father could move with such grace and stealth. Rai couldn't comprehend how his father could appear in the corner of the room, without making any noise, despite the door being closed and only the window being open

Shikaku, sensing his son's curiosity, approached him slowly and carefully. He reached out a gloved hand and gently touched Rai's forehead.

At this moment, Yoshino walked in through the door with a spatula in her hand. "Why can't you just walk in through the door like a normal person would. Every time you do that you probably give Rai-chan a scare." said yoshino as her hair started to flair up.

Usually, Shikaku would playfully act scared to appease his wife, but this time he remained somber and serious.

Rai could sense that something was off, and he looked up at his parents with a worried expression. He wondered what was going on and why his father was acting so different.


One hour earlier->

Hatake Sakumo was an exceptional shinobi of Konohagakure, renowned as the "White Fang of the Leaf" for his immense strength and prowess in battle. Despite his status as a famous and powerful ninja, Sakumo remained humble and dedicated to his village and those close to him. He was greatly respected by many young shinobi in Konoha who looked up to him as a role model.

His loyalty and devotion to his allies was unwavering, and he always prioritized their safety and well-being above everything else. Little did he know that his commitment to his allies is what would spill his doom.

Sakumo's heart was heavy with guilt as he made his way to the Hokage's office. He knew that he had failed his mission and that the consequences could be severe. Upon entering, he immediately lowered his head in deference to the Hokage, a person whom he deeply respected.

The Hokage regarded Sakumo with a solemn expression, clearly aware of the severity of the situation. "Sakumo," he spoke in a low voice, "I have received reports of your mission's failure. Can you provide me with an explanation?"

Sakumo took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "It was a trap, Lord Hokage," he began, "They were already aware of our presence. Although we did find the shipments, we were vastly outnumbered. The number of guards protecting it was at least four times greater than what was reported. Moreover, the enemy had set up numerous traps and had even stationed members of the explosion corps in ambush. It is clear that our operation was compromised, and our plans had been leaked to the enemy."

The hokage listened carefully to Sakumo's explanation, nodding his head as he spoke. When Sakumo finished, the Hokage leaned forward and spoke in a serious tone.

"Tell me Sakumo, with your strength and experience, wouldn't you still have been able to complete this mission? Then why abandon it? You of all people know just how important it was for this mission to succede."

Sakumo lowered his head, feeling the weight of his failure upon him. The Hokage continued, his voice calm and measured.

"Sakumo, I need you to understand the gravity of the situation. This was not just any ordinary mission. It was of utmost importance, and its failure could lead to dire consequences for our village. As a shinobi of Konoha, it is your duty to do everything in your power to ensure the safety and security of our village. Your actions have put us all at risk, and that is something that cannot be overlooked."

The Hokage's words weighed heavily on Sakumo's heart, causing him to feel a deep sense of shame and regret. He knew that the Hokage was right, and that his failure to complete the mission would have severe consequences for the village. As he sat there, head bowed in silence, he felt a sense of despair wash over him.

"Tell me Sakumo, what prompted you to abandon this mission and endanger the lives of the people of your beloved village?"

Sakumo took a deep breath before speaking, his voice laden with remorse. "As you said, Lord Hokage, I could have completed the mission, but it would have required sacrificing at least four of my comrades as bait, which I knew would have resulted in their deaths. I couldn't bring myself to make that call, to send them to their deaths without a chance of survival. They have families and loved ones who depend on them. I couldn't bear the thought of being responsible for their deaths."

He paused, his eyes filled with pain. "I understand the gravity of my actions, Lord Hokage, and I know I have failed my village and my comrades. But everything I did was for the well-being of my fellow shinobi. I couldn't abandon them in their time of need, and I couldn't turn my back on them. I know what I did is unforgivable, but I stand by my decision to protect my comrades at any cost."

The Hokage regarded Sakumo with a mix of sadness and respect. He knew that Sakumo's decision came from a place of deep loyalty and love for his comrades.

The Hokage took a moment to compose himself before responding, his voice measured and steady. "As Shinobi, we carry a great responsibility to protect our village and its people. We are the ones who must make difficult decisions, even if it means sacrificing ourselves or our comrades for the greater good. Death is not something we can fear, for it is a natural part of our duty."

He paused for a moment before continuing. "I understand your concerns for your comrades, Sakumo. However, they knew the risks when they became Shinobi. They were prepared to give their lives for the sake of the village, just as you were."

Sakumo listened carefully, his gaze unwavering. "I would give my life for this village without hesitation, Lord Hokage."

The Hokage nodded solemnly. "I believe you, Sakumo. However, we must remember that our duty is not just to our comrades, but to all the people of the village. We cannot let our emotions cloud our judgement and endanger the lives of those we have sworn to protect."

The hokage continued "We could have gained an enormous advantage over Iwa had we been able to destroy the shipment, but now we have no choice but to engage them in a direct confrontation.

Your comrades were prepared to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the village, and as a senior member of the team, it was your duty to ensure the success of the mission. By abandoning it, you have put many lives at risk. While I understand that you did it to protect your comrades, it is not an excuse to put the entire village in danger."

Sakumo hung his head in shame, knowing that he had let down his village and his comrades. The hokage's voice softened slightly as he spoke again. "As things stand, you are not fit for duty. You will stay in the village until further notice. Dismissed."

As Sakumo left the room, the hokage said to seemingly no one in the room "Iji summon Shikaku Nara and send someone to fetch Jiraiya from Tanzaku town. It is time we stopped being on the defensive."

Iji, who had been silently observing the conversation from the shadows, replied, "Yes, Lord Hokage. I will see to it immediately."

The hokage knew that they had to act quickly to protect their village and its people. He trusted Shikaku Nara and Jiraiya to come up with a plan to counter Iwa's aggression. The fate of their village depended on it.


You can read up to ten chapters ahead on my patreon.
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Chapter 6 - Is my father Houdini?
Shikaku had been anxiously awaiting orders for months and when they finally arrived, he felt the weight of his duty bearing down on him. As he sat in the living room with his wife and newborn son, his emotions were in turmoil. He felt the burden of leaving his family behind, uncertain of when he would be able to return to them.

He tried his best to maintain a calm exterior for the sake of his family, but inside, he was overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation. His thoughts were consumed with worries about the dangers that lay ahead and the possibility of not returning to his loved ones.

As he held his son in his arms, Shikaku couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for leaving his family behind. He knew that his duty to his village was important, but he couldn't help the feeling that he was abandoning his family in their time of need.

As he sat in their living room, trying to process the news, Yoshino could sense that something was wrong and asked him what was going on.

Shikaku mustered the strength to tell her about his deployment, knowing that it would crush her. Yoshino's heart shattered as she heard the news. She couldn't bear the thought of being apart from her husband for an extended period, especially with a newborn child to care for. But she put on a brave face for Shikaku, trying to stay strong despite the overwhelming emotions.

Shikaku clasped Yoshino's hand in his, feeling a lump form in his throat. He tried to put on a brave face, but he couldn't hide the overwhelming emotions that were coursing through him.

"I'll be back before you know it," he reassured her, his voice faltering slightly. "I'll be thinking of you and Rai every single day, and I'll do everything in my power to return to you both unscathed."

Yoshino tried to keep her composure, but her tears betrayed her as they streamed down her face. She knew how dangerous the war could be, and the thought of losing Shikaku filled her with dread.

"Please promise me that you'll come back," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of her weeping.

Shikaku's heart ached at the sight of his wife's distress. He squeezed her hand tightly, trying to offer some comfort.

"I promise," he said firmly, his voice quivering slightly. "I will do whatever it takes to come back to you both. You mean everything to me, and I love you more than words can express."

As they clung to each other, Shikaku's heart was heavy with the knowledge that he would soon have to leave the warmth and safety of his family behind. He tried to memorize every detail of the moment, from the soft scent of Yoshino's hair to the gentle rise and fall of Rai's breathing. He knew that these memories would be his anchor, his lifeline, as he navigated the chaos and danger of the battlefield. Despite the pain of separation, he was grateful for the love and support of his family, and he prayed that he would return to them safe and whole.

Shikaku was deeply immersed in his thoughts and almost unaware of his surroundings when he heard a small voice calling out to him. He was brought back to reality by a soft, high-pitched sound that filled the room. "Da-da," the voice said again, making Shikaku's heart skip a beat. He turned his gaze towards Rai, his baby boy, who was looking up at him with curious, innocent eyes.

It was the first time Rai had ever said anything and the word "Da-da" was like music to Shikaku's ears. A wave of emotions washed over him as he realized that he would miss many more of Rai's firsts while he was away at war. It was a bittersweet moment that he had been anticipating for months but the timing of it was heart-wrenching.

Shikaku felt a deep sense of regret that he wouldn't be there to witness all of Rai's milestones in person. He couldn't bear the thought of missing out on his son's first steps or first words or any other moment that he would cherish forever. But he knew he had to leave for his duty and serve his village to the best of his abilities.

As he held his son close to his chest, Shikaku promised himself that he would do everything in his power to protect his family and return to them as soon as possible. He would hold onto this moment with his son tightly as a reminder of what he was fighting for.

He felt a sense of pride and love swelling inside of him. He looked down at his son, who was still smiling up at him, and he felt torn.


That was the last straw as tears started streaming down his face. He held his son even closer. He felt Yoshino hug him from behind and for a moment he felt all his worries vanish. He dearly wished that he could stay in this moment forever. But The reality was completely different. He had to go to war, leaving his newborn child and wife behind.

He knew that his child would be safe and well-cared for by his loving wife, but he couldn't help but feel anxious about being so far away from them. At least, the fact that Yoshino had retired from active duty helped lessen his worries. He couldn't imagine how he would cope if both he and Yoshino had to go to war, leaving their child behind.

"Are Inioichi and Choza going with you as well?" asked Yoshino

"Inioichi is. Choza has received orders to standby at the village. I need to take care of some logistics but...aah who cares I'll just send a shadow clone. Dealing with logistics is such a drag." Said Shikaku as he created a shadow clone.

The clone disappeared with a complaint about being tasked with the tedious duties, muttering, "Ugh, why do I always get stuck with the boring stuff?".

For Shikaku and Yoshino this was something completely normal, but little did they know that they had just broken their little Rai.

As Rai was embraced by his father, he reflected on the timing of his first words. He had always planned to surprise his parents with them, but now that he had blurted them out in the midst of his father's departure, it felt anticlimactic.

However, he also knew that he had made the right decision. He had been waiting for the perfect moment to say his first words and surprise his parents, but fate had a different plan. In that moment, he realized that life was unpredictable, and he couldn't take any moment for granted. If anything were to happen to his father, he would never forgive himself for not speaking up when he had the chance.

"...cares I'll just send a shadow clone. Dealing with logistics is such a drag" , he heard his father say and suddenly there was a puff of white smoke. What walked out of the Smoke was a complete carbon copy of his father.

Rai's eyes widened with shock and felt confused as to how his father could suddenly appear at multiple places at once.

"Ugh, why do I always get stuck with the boring stuff?".

He watched in fascination as he heard the clone sound exactly like his father but the very next second, the clone vanished. He felt as confused as he felt amazed. All the times his father suddenly appeared in the room. It wasn't a dream. He had been right all along and then it hit him...



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Chapter 7 - Answers
Year 58 (After Konohoa was established)

"Rai-chaan, Nishimura-san is here. " Said Yoshino as she she gently opened the door to Rai's room.

"Nishimura-san, my tutor, is responsible for teaching me basic literacy and etiquette, a service my mother acquired for me. Although I am naturally gifted, I cannot simply go around teaching myself at just one year of age. There is a delicate balance between intelligence and monstrosity, and I am keenly aware of it.

Despite my advanced learning abilities, it was a pleasant surprise to hear Nishimura-san acknowledge my intelligence. He had mentioned to my mother that he had never encountered a child with such rapid comprehension skills. I suppose this is because I am not entirely a child, but it was heartwarming to see my mother smile with pride."

"Good morning, Shikarai. I trust that you have been keeping well since our last meeting," greeted the venerable mentor as he entered the room.

He moved with a measured and deliberate pace, his footsteps emanating an air of poise and composure, as he made his way towards the center of the room. His countenance exuded a sense of sagacity and astuteness, with his soft, kind eyes reflecting the profundity of his knowledge and experience.

The creases on his face bore witness to a life filled with both joy and challenges, and his serene and unhurried demeanor commanded respect and admiration. He wore a black kimono that accentuated his snow-white hair, which he had tied up in a neat bun.

His bag brimmed with books, notes, and teaching materials, evidence of his lifelong pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. His voice carried a soothing and comforting quality, yet held a firm and authoritative tone when required. His graceful movements and dignified bearing were the product of years of practice and refinement.

"Good morning sensei," Rai greeted with a respectful bow as the wise old teacher entered the room. Nishimura was a regular presence in Rai's life, teaching him for an hour every day except weekends. Rai deeply admired his sensei's steady presence and the wealth of knowledge he imparted.

Seated in front of his teacher, Rai eagerly asked, "What are we going to learn today?"

Nishimura replied with a warm smile, "Today, I'll be sharing with you the story of how our village was established."

Rai's excitement was palpable, his eyes lighting up with anticipation. He had been waiting for this moment for months, and now it had finally arrived. Rai felt an immense sense of gratitude wash over him, as if all his wishes had been granted at once. Nishimura's calm presence and the promise of a new lesson filled Rai with a sense of purpose and joy.

Nishimura's smile grew wider as he sensed Rai's genuine enthusiasm. In their previous lessons, Nishimura had sensed a certain level of disinterest and lack of motivation from Rai. It was as if Rai was merely going through the motions of learning. However, on this particular day, Nishimura could see a noticeable change in Rai's demeanor.

Rai's eyes shone with a newfound sparkle and a sense of anticipation and excitement that was completely new to him. It was clear to Nishimura that Rai was eagerly anticipating the story he was about to tell.

The wise teacher began to narrate the ancient tale of Konohagakure, the village's history, and its founding. He spoke with a deep sense of reverence, as if he were conveying a sacred story passed down through generations. The teacher spoke of a time long before Rai's birth when the village was established by the two powerful clans: the Senju and Uchiha.

He went on to elaborate on the history of the village and spoke about the legendary first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, and his rival, Madara Uchiha. The teacher passionately described the fierce battles that took place between these two skilled warriors, and how their battles finally led to a peace treaty that laid the foundation for the village of Konohagakure.

Nishimura began to regale Rai with tales of the early days of Konohagakure, detailing the impressive abilities of Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. He spoke of how they worked together to establish the foundation of the village and create a balance between their clans.

The old teacher spoke of how the village was divided into clans and how each clan had its own leader who worked under the Hokage. He went on to explain how Tobirama Senju took up the mantle of the Hokage after Hashirama's death, and how he contributed to the village by creating the shinobi academy. Nishimura also explained how the academy was designed to train young shinobi in the art of combat and espionage, and how it became a central part of the village's culture.

As the teacher continued to narrate the story, Rai listened with rapt attention, soaking in every detail. He felt as if he were transported back in time to witness the epic battle between the two great clans. He was fascinated by the story and listened intently, eager to learn more about the village's history.

Nishimura's voice was filled with wonder and reverence as he spoke of the many heroes of Konohagakure. He described the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, as a wise and just leader, who was beloved by all the citizens of the village. Rai listened intently, his eyes fixed on his teacher as he recounted the stories of the many battles fought by the shinobi of Konohagakure.

Nishimura also spoke of the many different clans that made up the village, each with their own unique abilities and techniques. He told Rai about the Uchiha and the Hyuga. He also mentioned the Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Inuzuka, Sarutobi and Aburame clans, and how each one had contributed to the strength and prosperity of Konohagakure.

Nishimura's words had a profound impact on Rai. The teacher's storytelling ability had left him in a state of amazement, as he listened intently to the intricate details of Konohagakure's history. He explained to Rai about the various other shinobi villages and their respective elements. Nishimura spoke of the numerous wars and conflicts that the village had to face and overcome with the help of their skilled shinobi.

As the story came to a close, Rai was left feeling inspired and motivated. The wise teacher had not only given him a glimpse into the past but also imparted valuable lessons that could be applied to his present and future. He realized that bravery, determination, and loyalty were traits that would always be necessary in life, and that the stories of the past could help him understand and navigate the challenges of the future.

Rai's heart was filled with gratitude and appreciation towards his wise old teacher. He realized that the knowledge he had gained today was invaluable and would stay with him for the rest of his life. It was as if a fog had been lifted from his mind, and he now saw the world with a newfound clarity.

"Thank you so much, sensei!" exclaimed Rai, as he bowed deeply to his teacher, his eyes brimming joy and gratefulness.

The old teacher smiled at him, pleased to see the spark in Rai's eyes. He knew that he had given the child something priceless, something that would stay with him forever. To the teacher, this was just another day of teaching, but to Rai, it was a moment he would cherish forever.

"It's my duty to educate and guide you, Shikarai. You need not bow, for it's not necessary," Nishimura replied, acknowledging the gratitude Rai felt.

As Nishimura got up to leave, Rai stood up to show his respect. "Thank you once again, sensei. Until tomorrow," Rai said with a smile.

Nishimura nodded and gave Rai a warm smile before leaving the room. Rai stood still, deep in thought, reflecting on the story his teacher had just told him. He realized that he had so much more to learn and that he had a lot to be thankful for.

Rai was filled with a newfound understanding of the world around him. Learning about the history of Konohagakure and the life of a shinobi was like a missing puzzle piece that had finally been put into place. However, his thirst for knowledge was not yet quenched.

Rai's mind was buzzing with new questions that had surfaced during Nishimura's lesson. What exactly was jutsu, and how did it work? How did one person create the entire infrastructure of the village, and how did they learn to harness such incredible power? Rai wondered about the time before the village was established and how people became shinobi in the first place.

He knew that Nishimura was the only one who could answer all of these questions, but he also knew that he had to be patient. For now, he would continue to learn from his wise teacher, soaking up all the knowledge he could and eagerly anticipating the next lesson.


You can read up to ten chapters ahead on my patreon.
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Chapter 8 - A Festive Introduction
Year 59 (after Konohoa was established)

Yoshino was carefully adorning her Kimono and styling her hair, while Rai was growing increasingly restless. He kept adjusting his outfit and glancing at the clock, his impatience mounting.

"Mom hurry up. We don't wanna be late, especially today," whined Rai

Yoshino chuckled at her son's eagerness. "Don't worry, Rai. We still have plenty of time. Besides, we don't want to show up too early and interrupt the family's time with their new baby."

Rai let out a deep sigh, trying to calm down his nerves. Today was a big day for him, as he was going to attend his first party in this world. He wanted to make a good impression on everyone, especially his mother. He didn't want to disappoint her by acting inappropriately, so he made a conscious effort to control his behavior and manners.

Rai watched as his mother put on her delicate, silver earrings, gently adjusting them until they sat just right. As the wife of the Nara clan head, Yoshino knew she had to dress in a certain way during formal occasions. She wore a beautiful kimono with intricate patterns of cherry blossoms and pine trees. The fabric was soft and smooth to the touch, and the colors were rich and vibrant.

Even though it was one of her close friends that had given birth, and the party wasn't going to be a large one, Yoshino knew she couldn't dress casually. She took great care to ensure that every detail of her appearance was perfect, from her hair to her makeup to her shoes. She wanted to represent her family well and show her respect for the Inuzuka clan.

Rai, on the other hand, was dressed in a traditional mini hakama in a soft blue hue, with a matching pair of tabi socks. His hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, a signature look of the Nara clan. He knew the importance of presenting himself well, especially at events where his family's status was on display.

Once they were both ready, Rai and Yoshino made their way out of their home and headed towards the Inuzuka clan's compound.

As they got closer to the gates, Rai's ears caught the sound of dogs barking and energetic music playing in the background. Rai had learned about the various clans residing in Konoha during his studies the previous year, which included the Inuzuka clan famous for their bond with their ninken companions.

Although he wasn't fond of dogs, Rai was curious to see how the Inuzuka's ninken behaved compared to the typical canines he had encountered before. He wondered if their training was unique or if their bond was just that strong.

Rai noticed two people standing near the gate of the Inuzuka property, meticulously examining invitations before allowing entry. They were both clearly members of the Inuzuka clan, dressed in traditional garb that highlighted their loyalty to their heritage. Rai couldn't help but notice their ninken, standing tall and alert by their sides, seeming almost as proud as their masters.

As Yoshino and Rai approached, one of the Inuzuka women with piercing green eyes and a long braid stepped forward to greet them with a respectful bow.

"Good afternoon, Lady Yoshino," she said in a polite tone. "Lady Tsume has been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Please follow me."

Yoshino returned the bow with a smile and followed the Inuzuka woman, with Rai trailing closely behind. As they walked towards the party, Rai couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the ninken walking alongside them, but he was determined to put on a brave face and make a good impression.

As Rai stepped inside the Inuzuka compound, he was instantly mesmerized by the lively atmosphere. The joyful sounds of barking dogs, happy conversations, and the rhythm of the music filled the air, creating a festive ambiance.

He gazed in awe at the sight of the Inuzuka clan members and their trained dogs, all joyfully dancing and reveling in the merriment of the occasion. The energy was infectious, and Rai couldn't help but feel his own spirits lifting as he took in the surroundings.

The party was taking place in a spacious courtyard located at the heart of the Inuzuka compound. The area was festively adorned with bright lanterns and streamers, which swayed gently in the light breeze. The courtyard was buzzing with energy, as guests chatted excitedly and mingled with each other.

The tables were laden with a mouth-watering spread of delicacies, featuring everything from succulent grilled meats to delectable dumplings and scrumptious sweets. Rai's mouth watered as he surveyed the feast laid out before him.

Rai was struck by the impressive display of the Inuzuka clan's bond with their ninken. The dogs were more than just pets or companions; they were partners in every sense of the word. He watched as they demonstrated their agility and discipline in various performances, leaving him in awe of their skills.

The playful interactions between the dogs and their owners showed a deep sense of mutual respect and understanding. Rai, while not actively participating, enjoyed observing the unique and intricate relationship between humans and their canine companions.

As the evening progressed, the festivities only grew more exuberant. Rai was drawn in by the infectious energy of the celebration, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the people around him.

As he looked around, he saw his mother engaging in conversation with her friends, a rare moment of lightheartedness for her as the wife of the Nara clan head. Rai felt a twinge of happiness seeing his mother let her guard down and enjoy herself.

Rai sighed, feeling a weight of sadness and frustration in his chest. "It's been almost a year and a half since I last saw Dad. It's a difficult situation to accept. Just when I finally had a father, we were separated because of this wretched war."

Rai couldn't help but notice the toll the war had taken on his mother. Though she tried to hide it, he could see the worry etched onto her face. Her once-smooth skin was now lined with wrinkles, and she seemed to have lost weight. She did her best to take care of Rai, but he could tell that she wasn't taking care of herself properly.

She skipped meals, rarely exercised, and hardly slept. Her anxiety over her husband's safety seemed to consume her every thought, and Rai could see how much it pained her to be separated from him for so long. It was heartbreaking to see his mother like this, and he wished there was something he could do to help ease her pain.

Despite his efforts to support his mother, Rai felt helpless seeing the toll of his father's absence on her. He wished he could do more, but as a child, he knew his capabilities were limited. He tried to keep his mother's spirits up by spending time with her, telling jokes, and making her laugh, but he knew deep down that it was not enough.

He could see the sadness in her eyes, and it pained him to know that he couldn't take it away. As much as he wanted to ease her burden, he knew that the only thing that would truly make her happy was to have his father back home, safe and sound.

Despite the absence of his father and the toll it had taken on his mother, Rai was grateful for the presence of his mother's friends, especially Noriko, who had been spending a lot of time at their place. Her husband, Inoichi Yamanaka, was also fighting in the war with Rai's father, so they could understand each other's pain and concerns. It was a relief for Rai to see his mother having someone to confide in and share her thoughts and feelings with, even if it couldn't completely ease her worries.

Despite receiving letters from her husband every three months, Yoshino was still struggling with the constant worry and fear about his safety. The uncertainty of whether the next letter would arrive or not only added to the stress and anxiety she was already experiencing. Though the letters provided some comfort, they couldn't fully replace the comfort of having her husband by her side.

On a brighter note, I'm now two years old. I can now go to the bathroom on my own, eat proper meals, and, most importantly, NO MORE BREAST MILK. That is probably what i am most thankful for. Soiling my clothes and having to be changed by mum took some getting used to, but that was it. Breastfeeding, on the other hand, was a misery. For fucks sake, I was 24 years old when I died. Whoever or whatever brought me into this world probably gets off on my misery."


You can read up to ten chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 9 - Learning and Growth
Year 60 (after konohoa was established)

"Excellent work, Rai," Nishimura exclaimed, feeling a sense of pride for his student's progress. Nishimura had been teaching Rai for two years.

At the start, Rai was eager to learn and took an active interest in the subject matter. However, as time passed, Rai's enthusiasm waned, and he became increasingly lazy. Despite this, Rai persevered and always managed to complete his assignments on time.

Over the course of two years, Nishimura had witnessed Rai's growth and maturity. Rai had learned to push through moments of disinterest and to continue striving towards his goals. Although there were moments when Rai could have done better, Nishimura was proud of Rai's accomplishments and was confident that he would continue to excel in his future endeavors.

As Nishimura concluded the last topic of the academy curriculum, he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that Rai was well-prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

He spoke with a tinge of melancholy in his voice. "Rai, my time with you has come to an end. You have grown so much in the past two years, and I am proud of all that you have accomplished. However, I want to remind you that this is only the beginning of your journey.

While you may have completed your formal education, there is still so much to learn in life. Do not become complacent in your accomplishments, but instead continue to push yourself to grow and learn. Remember that true success comes not from what you have achieved, but from the person you become in the process." Rai listened intently, nodding his head in understanding, as he realized that his journey of learning had only just begun.

Nishimura paused, taking a sip of water before continuing. "I'm not saying this to discourage you, Rai. On the contrary, I want to encourage you to keep pushing yourself. Never stop seeking out new knowledge and challenges, and never lose that hunger to be the best that you can be."

Rai nodded his head thoughtfully. "I understand, sensei. I will keep that in mind," he said.

Nishimura's smile widened as he saw the comprehension in Rai's eyes. "I have no doubt that you will continue to make strides in your learning, Rai. It's important to keep in mind that being content with your achievements can lead to stagnation. Always be willing to challenge yourself, to step outside of your comfort zone, and to learn new things. That's the key to continued success."

Nishimura, despite his years of teaching experience, had never encountered a student from the Nara clan before. The Nara clan had a reputation for being highly intelligent, with members known for their strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities. However, what many people didn't know was that members of the Nara clan were also infamous for their inclination towards laziness.

As Nishimura began teaching Rai, he soon realized that Rai possessed the typical traits of his clan, with an exceptional intellect but also a tendency towards lethargy. Despite this, Nishimura was impressed by Rai's determination to learn and his ability to complete all assignments on time, even if he didn't always put in the maximum effort.

Nishimura was pleased with Rai's progress over the past two years, and he was confident that Rai had the potential to become one of the most brilliant minds of the Nara clan. However, Nishimura also knew that it was essential to keep reminding Rai to keep pushing himself and not get too comfortable with his achievements.

"Lastly and most importantly, Rai, have you ever come across the term chakra?" asked Nishimura seriously.

"Yes sensei. I know that it is something that is very important to a Shinobi. I tried asking mom but she said that I'll learn about it when the time comes and no matter how much i tried, she didn't give me an answer." answered Rai.

"Chakra, Rai, is a vital concept that distinguishes a shinobi from a regular person. Essentially, chakra is an energy that is present in everything in the world, but only shinobi have the ability to harness and control it. It is the source of power that enables shinobi to perform jutsu and use their unique abilities. On the other hand, a regular person possesses only a tiny amount of chakra, which is insufficient to accomplish what a shinobi can do.

As a future shinobi, Rai, the things we've learned in the past two years are not as relevant to you as the shinobi-related studies that you will undertake in the future. Typically, I would have only taught you for six months before you moved on to the Leaf shinobi academy for further education.

However, your ability to quickly and easily understand all of the subjects we covered impressed your mother. As a result, she believed it would be beneficial for you to complete the entire academy curriculum in the "mundane" subjects before beginning your shinobi-related studies.

Despite the fact that the subjects we have covered may not be as directly applicable to your Shinobi career, Rai, they are not without their value. In fact, they form the foundation upon which your future success as a Shinobi will be built.

Although we have covered all the material that the academy would teach you in these subjects, your time at the academy will still be highly valuable. The curriculum is designed to teach these subjects within a Shinobi-context, which will be crucial for developing your tactical and strategic abilities later on.

You're three years old now Rai. In two years you'll be joining the academy, but I am sure arrangements will be made so that you can get started on your Shinobi related studies beforehand. Remember Rai, whether we consider what you studied up until now or what you're going to study in the future, you won't be able to excel in anything without hard work.

Keep in mind, Rai, that no matter what you have studied so far or what you will study in the future, hard work is necessary to achieve success. Remember that success in the shinobi world is not just about natural talent, but also about dedication, discipline, and perseverance.

I have no doubt that you possess remarkable talent, but that alone is not enough to succeed in becoming a splendid shinobi. Hard work is equally crucial, and you must put in consistent effort to hone your skills and abilities.

However, remember that hard work alone is not sufficient either; you must also have unwavering self-belief. Believe in your capabilities and trust in yourself to overcome any obstacle in your journey to becoming a great shinobi. With talent, hard work, and self-belief, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

And lastly, Rai, as you prepare to enter the world of Shinobi, I urge you to exercise great caution in all your actions. Always be mindful of the potential consequences of your actions and the impact they may have on others. It's important to be vigilant and cautious, but that doesn't mean you should be fearful or hesitant. Instead, use your intelligence and reason to guide you in your interactions with others.

Be respectful and considerate, and always try to see things from the other person's perspective. By doing so, you can avoid unnecessary conflicts and earn the trust and respect of those around you. Remember that as a Shinobi, you have the power to influence the world around you, and with that power comes great responsibility. So always be mindful of your actions and the impact they may have on others.

As Nishimura got ready to leave, he looked at Rai with a smile and spoke, "I have complete faith in your abilities, Rai. You are destined for greatness, and I am confident that you will make a name for yourself soon enough."

Rai, still in awe of his sensei's words, asked, "Will I ever see you again, sensei?"

Nishimura smiled reassuringly and replied, "This is not a farewell, Rai, but simply a goodbye. My doors will always be open for you, whether you need someone to talk to or just want to share a cup of tea with me when you're older."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Rai bowed to Nishimura and said, "Thank you for everything, sensei."

Nishimura returned the bow and said, "It was my pleasure to have been your teacher, Rai. May your future be filled with success and happiness."

Rai had developed a deep respect and appreciation for Nishimura, who had been an exceptional teacher to him. Even though Rai had already known most of what was taught to him, he was still able to gather new knowledge and expand his understanding through Nishimura's unique approach to teaching.

Teachers are like beacons of light, illuminating the path for their students. With their wisdom and guidance, they nurture the potential in each and every one of them, instilling confidence and helping them to grow. Though the time comes for students to part ways with their teachers, the lessons they have learned will stay with them forever, shaping their journey ahead.

As Rai watched his beloved teacher depart, a bittersweet feeling washed over him. He was grateful for all that his teacher had taught him, and knew that he was now equipped to embark on a new adventure. The world of the shinobi awaited him, with all its dangers and mysteries. But he would carry with him the lessons and values that his teacher had instilled in him, guiding him along the way.

As he embarked on the next stage of his journey, Rai would come to realize the profound significance of his teacher's parting words. For it is only in hindsight that we truly understand the impact of those who have guided us along the way.


You can read upto ten chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 10 - Mastering the Art of the Flexible Spine
As the sun's warm rays gently seeped through the windows of his bedroom, Rai slowly opened his eyes, feeling a sense of exhilaration mixed with a tinge of apprehension. He knew that this day would mark a significant milestone in his life, and he was determined to make it count.

As Rai approached the backyard, his eyes scanned the area until he saw his mother, Yoshino, standing tall and poised. Her long hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, and her green shinobi gear appeared to glow in the soft morning light. Her face displayed a calm and focused expression, and her sharp eyes were alert and ready.

As he approached her, Rai's heart began to race with anticipation and a slight hint of uncertainty. Today was the day he would begin his training with his mother, and he knew that this would be no easy task. But he was determined to become a skilled shinobi.

With a deep breath, Rai greeted his mother, his voice filled with respect and eagerness.

As Yoshino gazed at her son, she felt a twinge of pride mixed with anxiety. She understood the gravity of the path Rai had chosen for himself. She knew firsthand the trials and tribulations of being a shinobi, the constant danger that lurked around every corner. But she also understood that Rai had made up his mind, and it was her responsibility as his mother to guide him along this journey.

She had seen the toll that the shinobi life could take on a person's body and mind, having lost friends and comrades to the brutal reality of shinobi warfare. She knew that it was impossible to completely shield her son from the harsh truth of their world, but she would do everything in her power to keep him safe and prepare him for the challenges ahead.

As she looked at Rai, who was eager and excited to begin his training, Yoshino couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. She knew that the journey ahead would be long and difficult, and that her son would face countless challenges and dangers along the way.

But despite her reservations, Yoshino knew that it was her duty as a mother and a shinobi to prepare Rai for what lay ahead, especially in the absence of his father. She steeled herself, pushing aside her own doubts and fears, and focused on the task at hand.

"The path of a shinobi is fraught with danger and unpredictability." She began, her voice serious yet compassionate, "It is a journey that demands your unwavering commitment, rigorous training, and immense sacrifice. You will encounter numerous challenges and risks, and it is crucial that you face them head-on, with unwavering courage and determination."

Rai's expression faltered slightly, and he looked at his mother with uncertainty. "What kind of dangers?" he asked

As a shinobi of Konohagakure, you must understand that danger is an inherent part of our way of life. You will face foes who will relentlessly try to harm you and your village. To complete your missions, you may have to put your life on the line, and witness atrocities that could leave a lasting impact on your psyche.

Moreover, the path of a shinobi requires you to make tough choices, some of which could lead to grave consequences that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. It is a path of honor, duty and it is not one to be taken lightly."

Yoshino observed the apprehension in Rai's gaze, realizing that her words were not easy for him to absorb. However, she also knew that it was imperative for him to comprehend the reality of the path he was about to embark on.

Yoshino rested her hand on Rai's shoulder, her eyes unwavering, and spoke in a gentle yet serious tone. "I am here to back you up and assist you throughout your journey, but I want you to comprehend the challenges and the obligations that come with your decision to become a shinobi.

It is a path that demands perseverance, diligence, and bravery, and it will require you to put yourself in harm's way to protect our village and the ones you love." She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in, and then continued, "You will need to be prepared for the worst-case scenarios and make tough decisions that will determine the fate of many. If you are sure that this is the path you wish to take, then know that I will be with you every step of the way."

Rai took a moment to reflect on his mother's words. He understood that the path he had chosen was not an easy one, but he was determined to become a skilled Shinobi.

Rai nodded slowly, his expression still uncertain but also thoughtful. Yoshino observed Rai's reaction and felt a sense of pride in her son's willingness to take on the challenges of the Shinobi path.

She knew that he had a long and difficult journey ahead of him, but she had faith in his abilities and determination. She was confident that Rai would become a strong and capable Shinobi, one who was guided by wisdom as well as power, and not just brute force.

"From this day on, we will establish a daily routine for your training," Yoshino said, her tone firm but encouraging. "You will need to commit yourself fully to your training, both physically and mentally, and strive to improve every day. Our training sessions will be challenging, but I have faith in your abilities, Rai. From today onwards we're going to do the following everyday except for the weekends.

In the mornings, Rai would begin with a series of warm-up exercises, which included stretching and basic movements to prevent injuries and improve his flexibility. He would then move on to stamina-building and body conditioning, pushing himself to his limits to build his endurance and strength.

In the afternoons, Rai would focus on reviewing and memorizing important theoretical concepts that were essential for a shinobi. He knew that success in his line of work required not just physical strength, but also a sharp mind and a deep understanding of the art of the shinobi.

Finally, in the evenings, Rai would engage in agility and balance training to improve his reflexes and coordination, essential skills for a successful shinobi.

Yoshino had planned out each session with care and consideration, ensuring that Rai had a well-rounded training regimen that would help him become a skilled and powerful shinobi.

Yoshino looked at Rai with a stern expression, emphasizing the importance of her words. "I expect nothing but the utmost dedication from you. Your physical and mental training is crucial for your success as a shinobi, and I will not tolerate any laziness or complacency. You must follow the regimen I have set for you without fail, and only then will you be permitted to engage in combat training."

Rai met her gaze with equal seriousness. He knew that his mother's expectations were high, but he also understood the gravity of the path he had chosen. "I understand, Mom. I will work hard and follow the regimen diligently," he said firmly.

"Alright then, Let's start with some basic stretches. " She motioned for him to stand facing her.

- Neck stretch: Gently tilt your head to the left, bringing your left ear towards your left shoulder. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat on the right side." she started off slowly.

-Shoulder stretch: Bring your left arm across your chest and hold it with your right hand. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

- Arm stretch: Reach your left arm up towards the sky and bend your elbow so that your hand falls behind your head. Use your right hand to gently push your left elbow towards your head. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

-Side stretch: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and raise both arms above your head. Lean to the left, reaching your left arm towards the sky and your right arm towards the ground. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

-Hamstring stretch: Sit on the ground with your legs extended in front of you. Reach forward towards your toes, keeping your back straight. Hold for 10-15 seconds.

-Quad stretch: Stand on your left leg and bend your right knee, bringing your right foot towards your glutes. Use your right hand to hold onto your right ankle and gently pull your heel towards your glutes. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

-Calf stretch: Stand facing a wall with your hands on the wall at shoulder height. Step your left foot back and press your left heel into the ground. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

As they continued with their training, Rai began to match Yoshino's movements with a fluidity and ease. He felt his muscles loosen and become more pliable, and he found himself breathing more deeply and evenly as he moved through the exercises.

Yoshino's expression shifted from one of concern to one of pride as she watched her son's progress.

"Remember Rai, before engaging in any physical activity, it is crucial to warm up and stretch your muscles. Doing so will help to prevent injury, increase flexibility and improve your overall performance," Yoshino explained with a firm but gentle tone.

"Additionally, stretching can improve blood flow and oxygenation to the muscles, reducing soreness and fatigue, and ultimately decreasing the risk of injury. So, make sure to never skip this step in your training routine," she added, looking directly at Rai to emphasize the importance of her words.

Rai listened attentively, nodding in understanding as he internalized her advice. He knew that following her guidance would be crucial to his success as a Shinobi, and he was determined to do his best to learn and improve under her guidance.

Rai couldn't help but reflect on how different his life was now that he was training to become a shinobi. While he had some experience with physical fitness from his previous life, the expectations and demands of a shinobi were on a whole other level. He was glad to have his mother by his side, guiding him through the proper techniques and emphasizing the importance of warming up and stretching.

He recognized the wisdom in her words and knew that the physical demands of being a shinobi required more than just brute strength. Agility, balance, and flexibility were key components in a shinobi's skillset, and he was determined to develop these qualities to their fullest extent.

His experience at the gym in his past life had taught him the significance of stretching and its role in preventing injury and enhancing performance. The trainers at the gym had always emphasized the importance of flexibility, quoting the saying, "You are only as young as your spine is flexible." Rai knew that in order to become a skilled shinobi, he needed to have not only strength and power but also agility, balance, and dexterity.


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