After months of training, a week of decision-making of what you really wanted your new cell to have to work with, and a several hour bus ride, your new life as a Dullahan is finally starting for real.
The vehicle has just arrived at Askach Manor, and as your party disembarks, you're greeted by a man with a full head of spiked hair and a set of bushy facial hair wearing a floral-print shirt. He's also a Dullahan if the thin line on his neck is anything to go by.
As you approach, you greet the man with "Hello there, I'm Kennedy."
He greets you with "Braw tae meit yoo; name's Henderson. I'll be helpin' ye gie sit up these first few weeks afair Ah kick th' buckit. Anyway, Ah see yoo're aw fairly stumped at th' moment. Let's gie ye aw inside an' remedy 'at."
Indeed, Henderson's description of your entire group as 'stumped' is fairly accurate at the moment, seeing as none of you are currently wearing heads. Soon enough, you find yourselves inside the Manor's dining room. Before the nigh-incomprehensible Henderson can speak up again, Victoria asks "Excuse me, but where in the world is your accent from? I don't think I've ever heard one like it before."
The apparently ancient Dullahan chuckles, before saying "Noo, 'at is a secrit aam takin' tae mah grae." He continues, saying "Anyway, let's see whit ye swatch loch wi' heids oan, shaa we?"
Henderson's advice is followed, and the boxes containing Dullahan Heads are swiftly emptied onto the table. There are three heads of each Gender, making six in all. After a quick read-through of what each head does, Crube asks "So, commander Kennedy, who's getting which head?"
Indeed, this is an important question to consider; matching powers to each team member's skills will greatly improve their effectiveness. Not only that, but your team having consistent faces that aren't likely to change on a regular basis will greatly improve their ability to go out in public.
[] Write-in plan for who gets what head (current head supplies can be found in the resources tab of the OP). Mismatching head/body genders will make the recipient feel uncomfortable. Adrian will be pissed no matter what unless you give him first pick. Henderson's just fine with the head he's currently wearing, thank you very much.
After you've all been recapitated, Henderson notes "A'richt, noo that ye'v a' git yer necks topped, let me tell ye a bawherr aboot th' situation 'ere in Machi. Th' gey foremaist thing is that aside fae th' equipment ye lot brought, th' manor, 'n' th' boathouse, ye dinnae hae ony ither resources."
You can't help but ask "Really, nothing at all?"
Henderson simply confirms what he already said, saying "Aye, whit ye brought in is a' ye hae am free tae ye."
At least, you think that's what he said; it's nearly impossible to tell through the accent.
After that initial introduction, the team quickly goes about settling into the absolutely massive manor you're all set up in. Everyone quickly finds their room and preferred downtime activities, and the next day, you call your first strategy meeting over breakfast. Or at least, you will once you've found everyone.
As you search throughout the building, the first place you think to check is the armory. There, you find Brett and Crube, both maintaining their weapons. As you enter, you tell them both "Strategy meeting in the dining room in ten."
Both of them salute you with a "Yes Ma'am!", lifting the heads they're wearing slightly off their necks in the traditional Dullahan salute. Afterwards, the two of them quickly clear out of the armory and make their way to the dining room.
The next room you check is the garage, where Maxwell is currently digging around in the engine compartment of the Headsman, the head you assigned to him on a nearby workbench.
You inform him "Strategy meeting in the dining room in ten."
Maxwell extricates himself from the vehicle, replying "Sure thing; I'll be there as soon as I close this up and put my tools away. See you soon."
After that, the next place where it occurs to look for your team members is to check if they're still in bed. The first few rooms you check are empty, raising the question of where Victoria is. That said, when you open the last room, you finally realize what Adrian has been doing.
More specifically, Adrian has been using the head you gave him to do
extremely inappropriate things in bed. Looking at the mess he's made, you order him "Get yourself cleaned up before coming to the dining room. We've got a strategy meeting in a few minutes, and if you aren't there and looking at least somewhat presentable, I'll need to discipline you."
As you leave, you get a text message from Victoria, saying "I'm in the dining room, the meeting's just waiting on you and Adrian."
With that, you make your way to the dining room, finding that Brett, Crube, Maxwell, Victoria, and Henderson are already there. You nod to them, and say "Let's wait a couple more minutes before we start the strategy meeting, just so Adrian has a chance to show up."
Even with the extra time, you're still twenty minutes into the strategy meeting when Adrian shows up, looking smug.
Intelligence Report
General state of intelligence: Your current level of 'visibility' is comparable to a blind alcoholic stumbling around in a cluttered basement and hoping he doesn't accidentally knock over something important.
Known Dimensional Weakpoints: none
Known Faerie Collaborators: none
Known Faerie Presences: none
Known Notable Individuals: none
Advice from Henderson: Git some speirins oan whit's gaun oan, or ye'r aff tae git blindsided whin th' faerie throw something yer wey. Letting th' authorities ken we're 'ere is an' a' a guid idea.
Espionage Actions
(pick two Espionage actions, may be converted to General Actions)
Resource Gathering
[] Send Someone Headhunting
[] Buy something on the black market
-[] Write-in what
[] Surreptitiously acquire a new base (requires money or RP)
Information Gathering
[] Check dimensional strength levels
[] Search for Faerie cults
[] Plant a mole in a known organization
-[] City Hall
-[] Machi Police Department
-[] Machi Fire Department
-[] Machi General Hospital
Subversive Activities
[] Assassinate someone
-no targets available
[] Abduct someone
-no targets available
[] Brainwash someone
-no targets available
[] Raid a location
-no targets available
[] Write-in (must be realistically possible to keep under wraps)
Requisition Actions
(Pick up to one 'BUY' action, and up to one 'SELL' action. You have zero Requisition Points.)(both of these actions can be converted into a singe general action)
Heads & Related
[] Soul Ash [1 RP, 1 metric ton]
[] Heads, Donated [1 RP, 18 count]
[] Heads, Hunted [1 RP, 10 count]
[] Head, Dullahan [4 RP]
personal equipment
[] Ashforged Swords [1 RP, 12 count]
[] Ashforged Armor [1 RP, 6 count]
[] Normal guns [1 RP, 30 count]
[] AS-tipped bullets [1 RP, 10 metric tons]
[] Ashforged Firearms [1 RP, 6 count]
[] Ash rounds [1 RP, 1 metric ton]
[] Ashforged Grenades [1 RP, 256]
Military Hardware & vehicles
[] Normal car/van [1 RP, 2 count]
[] Dullahan Deployment Van [3 RP]
[] Cold Iron mini-tank [4 RP]
[] Headsman IFV [5 RP]
[] Eliminator MBT [6 RP]
[] Guillotine Attack Helicopter [5 RP]
[] Lunette Transport Helicopter [7 RP]
Base Facilities
[] Ashforged Guillotine [1 RP]
[] Artificing Lab [4 RP]
[] Ashforge [3 RP]
[] Cranial Cremator [3 RP]
[] Propaganda production equipment (Everything you need to make your own TV show, magazine, or similar)[4 RP]
[] Associate (basically an intern who's donated their head. Because they aren't actually Dullahan they're no good in combat, but Associates are useful for various support tasks, including running head donation centers.)[1 RP, 2 count]
[] Green (fresh out of training, comes with a Dullahan Head)[4 RP]
[] Veteran (has at least a year of experience, comes with a Dullahan Head)[12 RP]
[] Elite (comes with a Dullahan Head)[36 RP]
[] Legendary (comes with a Dullahan Head)[150 RP]
[] Write-In [price variable; may be impossible to obtain]
SELL (only things the Requisitions Department are actually interested in)
[] Income from front businesses (toggles on/off)(current value: 0 RP per turn)
[] Heads [1 RP for 20]
[] Expended Heads [1 RP per two tons]
[] Dullahan Heads [4 RP each]
[] Soul Ash [1 RP per ton]
[] Ashforged Steel [3 RP per ton]
[] Equipment [Same as purchase price]
Note: If you should happen to recruit any new Dullahan, they are immediately sent off to be trained. You then decide whether to send Requisitions their head. If you do, you gain 4 RP. If you don't, you lose the same amount.
General Actions
(pick four actions)
Public Relations and Diplomacy
[] Open relations with the local authorities
[] Open a publicly-accessible 'front base'
[] Produce your own work of media/propaganda (requires Propaganda Production Equipment)
-[] Describe
[] Try and popularize 'headless' as the trendy new look (Requires own media)
[] Try and recruit more Dullahan
[] Write-In
Resource Acquisition
[] Open a Head Donation program (front base required)
[] Open a front business to get money (front base required)
[] Buy something legally
[] Begin harvesting heads from corpses for Soul Ash (requires relations with local authorities)
[] Write-In
Training (One training action can apply to the entire cell at once, if you want.)
[] Cross-train (One character teaches another a skill they know that the second character doesn't. Fastest progress, but still slow)
-[] Select Teacher
-[] Select Student(s)
-[] Select Skill
[] Improve (Characters attempt to advance a skill they already have to the next rank. This can take months of actions for Rank 2, and several years for Rank 3.)
[] Innovate (Characters attempt to develop a skill that they do not have, without any help; this is very slow and can potentially carry significant negative consequences if things go wrong.)
[] Discipline (Try and correct a character's poor behavior)
Manufacturing, Artificing, and R&D
[] Design a blueprint for mass-production
-Allowable magical effects: compressed-space storage, vehicle-scale nullgrav, vehicle-scale Directed Energy Weapons, vehicle-scale forcefields, exotic (lighting, cryo, acid, petrifier...) explosive compounds, useful `pseudosouls' for robot minions.
[] Produce a pre-existing blueprint
-Blueprints involving Ashforged Steel require an Ashforge
-[] Ashforge
-[] Cranial Cremator
-[] Artificing Lab
-[] Propaganda equipment
[] Custom-make something Artificed
-Allowable magical effects: compressed-space storage, personal-scale nullgrav, personal-scale Directed Energy Weapons, personal-scale forcefields, exotic (lighting, cryo, acid, petrifier...) explosive compounds, useful `pseudosouls' for robot minions, rudimentary teleportation (requires a receiving station).
[] Add a non-technical room to a base (Converts from storage room)
-[] Command Center
-[] Storefront
-[] Training Area
-[] Garage
[] Attack something all-out
-no targets available
[] Strengthen Dimensional Barriers (will use Soul Ash)
-[] Select grid square on map
[] Reserve an action to respond to Events
[] Write-In
[] Write-In (can be anything you could realistically attempt)
Fluff Actions
(Pick one, write-ins encouraged)
[] Team bonding activities
[] Bad Movie Night
[] Run a campaign of Outer Worlds RPG
[] Write-In