Genesis of Nothingness

You stare in disbelief at the reflection.

This couldn't be real.

Of all the people!

Then you began to feel it.

Things wriggling beneath your skin.

It hurt.

It hurt.




You could barely resist crying out as each wriggle sends waves of pain through your body.

What was a few seconds seemed like an eternity for the r you before they settled and the pain receded.

(You have gained Crest Worms - Rank F)

But you didn't get a break.

Then your mind felt like it was bieng hit by a chisel.

"AAAAAAARGH" you couldn't hold back a scream as pain overwhelmed your senses. But as quickly as it came, it disappeared. You were left panting for breath as sweat poured down your body.

In that brief instant you experienced everything Kariya had.

Your souls were in contact with each other.

You felt his plea.

He pleaded to you.

He pleaded to you to save Sakura for him.

He was willing to even give up his soul happily if it meant Sakura was safe.

He thought you were a demon of some kind.

You agreed mentally, not willing to think what might happen if you rejected, him.

Then... You had his soul in the palms of your hands metaphorically.

You had two choices.

You could let his soul go, you've already gotten all his memories.

Or you could consume his soul completely devouring him.

You didn't know what would happen in either case...


[] Let his soul pass on. He has already sacrificed so much. Let him rest.

[] Devour his soul. You didn't know what would happen but maybe you might get something?

Each action has consequences. Choose wisely.


I'm going to sleep THIS VOTE WILL BE OPEN TILL I wake up and declare the vote closed.
[X] Devour his soul. You didn't know what would happen but maybe you might get something?
The Man had suffered enough already.

He had gone through so much. So much that he didn't even have to. All for the sake of a child that wasn't even his.

To spare young Sakura from Zoukens training.

Zouken had agreed to wait until he brings back the Grail.

But that was simply to make him squirm, to make him work harder rather than kindness.

He had no belief that Kariya would ever win the grail.

The man had gone through enough.

You let the man's soul go as you felt him disappear, you could feel his relief. Even if he was willing to sell his soul to you that didn't mean he had to like it.

You opened your eyes as that you felt the last bits of his soul leave.

(???????? ????? points gained (+20))

You felt good, even if the physical pain was still lingering.

Looking back at the mirror you begin to form a plan.

Kariya's rushed "training" was done, now he was only waiting for the grail war to begin.

For now, Zouken had let him be to do as he wished until the grail war had begun.

There are a few people who would be willing to help.

Could he go to Tokiomi? Would the man take action if he provided proof of what his daughter had gone through and will go through even more if he fails to save her?

Tomomi was a magus. There was a likely chance he would instead see it as beneficial to Sakura instead of for the torture it is.

Then there were two other people.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Kirei Kotomine.

Kirei Kotomine wasn't evil at the moment, simply lost.

He could go to him for help as he was a member of the Burial Agency. He was also skilled in spiritual surgery and could likely remove anything Zouken had implanted in Sakura especially since it has only just begun, instead of years.

If he could turn him around to the side of good, that would be even better since Gilgamesh hasn't corrupted him yet.

Kiritsugu was a practical man and would likely agree to help for an alliance in the grail war. Though he probably will ask me to kill my servant with command seals at the end or maybe have me sign a self geas scroll for that or something.

[] Plan Kirei
[] Plan Kiritsugu
[] Write in a plan.
[X] Plan Kirei

Tell him to be a child dentist after the HGW or something, might be enough to sway him from total evil.
[X] Plan Kirei

Similar reason as too @Caldon, but instead I suggest a prosecution lawyer. A respectable position while still causing suffering to others.

Edit: Actually, a divorce lawyer might be a better choice. Someone is usually pretty miserable at one of those.
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[X] Plan Kirei

There are a number of jobs that can cause suffering while doing good, such as a divorce lawyer/prosecutor (as previously suggestedby others), something like a hitman/assassin that only goes after corrupt people, or a businessman (In this case rival/corrupt businesses and the people running them would suffer, e.g selling correctly/better priced insulin)