You sniff, reflexively lifting your armored hand up to your helmet. Normally, you'd run the back of your hand across your mouth, but your command suit helmet and glove are in the way. So, you grind your teeth as it occurs to you that your harvesting operation is basically wide open for a quick hit and run. They might not do it, of course. But if it were you, you would. Shit, what do I have over there, what do I have... you begin thinking. The Mammoth. Great. Goddamn tubby-ass piece of shit.
"Mammoth tank, move to sector B6 immediately and engage targets. Keep them away from the non-combat units. Reinforcements are en route. All combat-effective units, form up on me and move south immediately." You order, quickly checking your LMG's ammo count - still green according to your heads-up display. Your eyes pivot to the map, where you watch the gold icons converge on your location as you begin a light jog to the designated rendezvous point.
Something hard hits the back of your armor, and you turn around, weapon ready. "Get out of here, GDI scum! You brought them here!"
The source appears to be a group of people who have suddenly found their courage (coincidentally after the flame tanks have driven off and the shooting has stopped); mostly wearing ratty clothes and what look like breath masks at least two generations old. No red scorpion markers or anything, so probably the local inhabitants.
What? you mouth. Little bastards, we just saved your asses!
Another rock comes flying at you, dinging off your left shoulder. There's no way that a random scrub tossing rocks is going to actually hurt you physically, but you clench your jaw anyway, trying and probably failing to contain your anger. I can write it off as self-defense if I gun these ungrateful little shits down, right? you catch yourself thinking.
"Captain." a voice comes through your comms, accompanied by a tap on your shoulder from a fellow command-suited individual as he jogs up to you. Your exec, based on the suit markings. "All units have arrived at rendezvous point, waiting to move out."
You spare another glance at the small crowd gathered outside the building, noting that they've stopped screaming at you. A quick glance downward shows your weapon aimed at them, your finger on the trigger. You quickly pull your finger away and turn around, giving yourself a quick boost with your jump jets to catch up to the rest of your team, then let out a breath which you didn't realize you've been holding. "Thanks for the status update, Lieutenant." and for distracting me, you add. "Let's go."
As you predicted, the Brotherhood force decide to swing by your harvesting operation to see if they could blow it up. The harvesters, refinery and MCV take some damage while your zone armor units and remaining functional Predator run and trundle up, but nothing is permanently disabled, thanks to the Nod units having to engage your Mammoth. By the time your team shows up, most of the raiders have already escaped to the east, avoiding the (purely symbolic as it turns out) bombardment by your Overseers. The exception being a lone Scorpion tank that gets a little turned around, which your troops do their best to corral and eliminate, but it escapes as well, eventually. Thankfully, that "extra" refinery in C6 was already taken apart by the time the Nod units got there, otherwise that would have been unfortunate.
In a hurry to reinforce your harvesting operation, you only make a note of a Nod harvester leaving the edge of sector B5, heading east. Taking out a stray harvester doesn't seem worth it to you when you could lose your whole operation (a fear that doesn't materialize), so you skip dispatching a search party for it.
Other than designating construction locations for the structures you want your work crews to deploy and inspecting the damage, that leaves you with little to do. Scorch marks and melted wall sections (and footage of blue-tinted flames) indicate Tiberium-enhanced flamers. That's the sort of thing you really don't want to try to see if your zone armor can withstand.
But that's neither here nor there. You relocate your Mammoth tank and the zone armor squads to C6, from where they can respond to any attacks on your base, while the Predators and damaged Pitbull move to the factory for repairs. You could see that militant squad hanging out in sector C5 earlier when you dropped, but no it's no longer there. You hope they weren't just a Shadow Team masquerading as a militant squad.
Your construction crews display good efficiency, filling up most of the available space in sector E6 with newly-erected structures - two silos, the airfield and the armory go up within a forty-eight hour period. The harvester crew chief explains in nauseating detail how they managed to jury-rig the left-side claws to repair the damage from a buggy's laser. You listen patiently and politely as he describes the usage of duct tape and a "scavenged welding torch", but honestly, you have no idea what the hell he's talking about except in the most general terms. The bottom line is the harvester works "just fine". For now.
Combat Results: Inconclusive
Nod force escaped
Moderate damage to harvesting operation (repaired)
Battlefield control... established.
EVA Report Follows: Accumulate sufficient credits and logistical support for second orbital drop (secondary command directive)
-credits: 2859/4500 -logistics: 9/3
OR Otherwise maintain capability to rapidly deploy units to sector C1 (secondary command directive)
Anticipated elimination target arrival in sector C1: 5 days
Note: this is a double turn
Power (available/total): 90/450
Logistics (available/total): 9/24
Building Slots B6: 2/7 (-1 Tiberium)
Building Slots D6: 0/8
Building Slots E6: 1/8
Tiberium Credits: 2859 (+3000 overspend)
Tiberium Storage Capacity (available/total): 2141/5000
Tiberium Income: 3000/turn for 3 turns
Construction Capacity: 1 building/turn, 1 defense/turn
Infantry Requisition Capacity: 1/turn
Vehicle Requisition Capacity: 1/turn
Aircraft Requisition Capacity: 1/turn
B6: ConYard, Refinery
D6: Factory, CommPost, Tech Center, Plant U, Space Command Uplink
E6: 3x Silo, Barracks, Plant U, Airfield, Armory
Miscellaneous Options:
[] Satellite Scan (-300 credits, reveals contents of designated sector)
-May be taken up to 1x per turn
You currently have zero clue where anything is; tasking your command post's computational equipment with processing satellite scan data will correct that problem.
[] Refit vehicles with ablative plating (-50 credits per)
-Vehicles will move to sector D6
You can install ablative plating on your vehicles. With the laser-equipped buggies all over the place, it may not be the worst idea, although it's not nearly as helpful against vehicle-grade flamethrowers and plasma cannons.
[] Orbital Drop (-4500 credits, drops 2x Raider, 1x Trooper from below list into designated sector with potential scatter)
Good lord, coordinating orbital drops is expensive. Mostly because you then have to shuttle everyone back up to orbit; the drop pod is not the most reusable thing in the world, either. But, for your money, you get three zone armor squads that can kick some serious ass, pretty much anywhere you want.
[] Air Strike - Orca (-500 credits)
-[] Specify anti-air/anti-ground loadout
-[] Specify entry point and exact route to destination
Call up an Orca air strike package at the designated coordinates, deploying three A-16 Orcas with a loadout of your choice to engage targets of your choice. Your experience with coordinating air traffic allows you to plot the exact route the Orcas will take to their target.
[] Air Strike - Firehawk (-1000 credits)
-[] Specify anti-air/anti-ground loadout
-[] Specify entry point and exact route to destination
Call up a Firehawk strike package at the designated coordinates, deploying two Firehawk fighter/bombers with a loadoput of your choice to engage targets of your choice. Your experience with coordinating air traffic allows you to plot the exact route the Firehawks will take to their target.
[] Air Strike - Apollo (-2000 credits)
Deploy Apollo fighter with a wingman drone to the designated coordinates to enforce GDI air superiority. Your experience with coordinating air traffic allows you to plot the exact route the Apollo will take to the target location.
[] Ox Transport (-200 credits per unit transported, unlimited use)
-[] Designate entry point, route to pick up location, unit to pick up, route to destination
Call in a V-35 Ox to pick up one of your units and deliver it exactly where you need it along the flight path you want it to take, in case you want the pilot to avoid anti-aircraft fire for example.
Construction Options (pick up to 2x, designate B6, D6 or E6 for location where appropriate):
[] Power Plant (-500 credits, +100 power, -1 building slot)
-[] Extra Turbine (-300 credits, +100 power)
If you want to put up more than one or two additional structures, this standard pre-fabricated nuclear power plant will address your power generation needs.
[] Airfield - Hammerhead Expansion (-500 credits)
-Allows Hammerhead requisition
The Ox is a perfectly good transport, but if you're flying over hostile territory and tangling with interceptors or anti-aircraft fire, what you really want is a Hammerhead. While slower than the Ox, the Hammerhead is capable of fighting against attackers, both with its built-in rotary cannons and modular weapons system, similar to that of the Guardian APC. You can expand your airfield's fabrication capabilities to spare parts and consumables for the Hammerhead, thus allowing you to requisition them.
[] Armory - Marauder Expansion (-500 credits)
-Allows Marauder squad requisition
You've used Trooper, Raider and Captain suits to excellent effect throughout your career, but you have yet to see the Marauder in action. Capable of engaging all kinds of targets with its dedicated rocket pods, the Marauder will provide your zone armor squads with some much-needed anti-air capability. You can expand your armory's fabrication capabilites to spare pars and consumables for the Marauder zone armor suit, thus allowing you to requisition them.
Defense Construction Options (pick up to 2x, designate B6, D6 or E6 for location):
[] Defensive Turret
-[] Sentry MG (-540 credits, -22 power, tall, +10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored)
-[] Railgun (-540 credits, -36 power, +20 vs tanks, may not engage aircraft)
-[] Anti-air (-540 credits, -22 power, +10 vs aircraft, -10 vs ground targets)
-[] Anti-air missile (-540 credits, -22 power, +20 vs aircraft, may not engage ground targets)
-[] Point Defence (-540 credits, -22 power, negates first single-projectile attack vs self or supported unit)
-[] Sonic Turret (-1800 credits, -68 power, +30 vs ground units, +10 extra vs any units utilizing Tiberium, may not engage aircraft)
A an automated defensive weapons emplacement designed to counter a specific type of threat. A tall machine gun turret can fire over walls to engage infantry and lightly armored turrets; a railgun can engage heavy armor; anti-air installations engage enemy aircraft flying overhead; point defense turrets provide protection against stray artillery shells and tank projectiles. A heavy-duty sonic cannon emplacement may be deployed to counter ground assaults and keep away encroaching Tiberium.
[] Sandbags (-500 credits)
You can't believe you're considering doing this, but you do have some infantry sitting in your base. You could build them dedicated fighting positions with good fields of fire to help them repel incoming attacks.
[] Concrete Walls (-1000 credits)
Putting up walls around a sector of your base will allow that sector to hold back hostile incursions for longer, giving your reinforcements more time to respond to any attacks and preventing stray weapons fire from hitting your critical structures. Additionally, artillery units and mortars behind walls may fire over them with impunity.
[] Jackhammer Artillery Battery (-1350 credits, -36 power, -1 building slot)
-4x Barrels may be activated by paying 25 credits/barrel beyond the first
-Precision Shells may be activated by paying 25 credits/barrel
Despite factories in GDI home territories pumping out artillery shells by the barrel, getting those shells out to the front in time has proven to be a challenge. You can fabricate shells at the War Factory, however, to shorten your supply chain, assuming you have the credits, to run the four 155mm barrels in this self-contained artillery park and fire control center simultaneously. You can even order them loaded with precision shells if you have appropriate spotters nearby to designate targets.
Infantry Requisition Options (pick up to 2x, arrive at E6):
All infantry may be upgraded with:
[] Advanced Medical Kits: regenerate to nearest 20% or 50% depending on squad size
[] Infantry Squad (-450 credits, -1 logistics, 1 speed)
A basic infantry squad, armed primarily with GD-2 rifles, disc grenade and rocket launchers - the proportion of particular weapons can be adjusted as desired. Can be transported by APC or Ox when available. Excel in defensive operations, but may be used for assaults in a pinch. Extended deployment in Tiberium patches is not recommended.
-[] Standard Loadout: cannot engage aircraft, -5 vs armored
-[] Rockets: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
-[] Grenade Launchers: +15 vs infantry, -5 vs fast, -5 vs armored, cannot engage aircraft
[] Engineer Squad (-450 credits, -1 logistics, 1 speed)
A specialized infantry squad, armed with sub machineguns and flash grenades. They can also carry specialized equipment used to compromise network security in Brotherhood buildings, allowing you to take control of them; alternately, they can repair your vehicles in the field and operate bridge-laying equipment among a multitude of other technical tasks.
-[] Repair equipment: 2x vehicle repairs/turn
-[] Capture equipment: 1x repair/turn, may capture buildings
[] Sniper Team (-900 credits, -1 logistics, 1 speed)
-Stealth, Detector, Observer
A specialized sniper/spotter team capable of sneaking through hostile territory without being detected. Most of the time. Capable of designating targets for artillery and rapidly eliminating unarmored infantry in addition to having the equipment and training to locate units operating under optical camouflage.
[] Zone Trooper (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-jump jets, regen/25, detector
-Railgun (+20 vs vehicles)
Power-armored infantry wearing suits designed to operate in yellow and red zones for extended periods of time while easily absorbing most small arms fire. Jump jets drastically increase mobility over standard infantry, allowing the Trooper to ignore most rough terrain; an advanced sensor package can defeat previous-generation optical camouflage systems. The Trooper model carries a railgun, making it highly effective against vehicles of any kind. Its performance against infantry is acceptable but not optimal, and it needs assistance against aircraft.
-[] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
[] Zone Raider (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-jump jets, regen/25, detector
-Sonic Grenade (+15 vs infantry, -5 vs armored, -5 vs fast, cannot engage aircraft)
-Rocket (+10 vs fast/aircraft, -5 vs infantry)
Power-armored infantry wearing suits designed to operate in yellow and red zones for extended periods of time while easily absorbing most small arms fire. Jump jets drastically increase mobility over standard infantry, allowing the Raider to ignore most rough terrain; an advanced sensor package can defeat previous-generation optical camouflage systems. The Raider model carries a hand-held sonic grenade launcher and shoulder-mounted rocket pods, making it reasonably effective against all kinds of targets.
-[] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
Vehicle Requisition Options (pick up to 2x, arrive at D6):
Any vehicle may be upgraded with:
[] Ablative Plating (-50 credits)
Negates first laser attack against target; 1/2 of first plasma attack against target; degrades after receiving any damage or negating an attack
[] Guardian APC (-600 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed)
The ubiquitous transport unit utilized by mechanized infantry everywhere, including yourself. Depending on the loadout, this can engage any kind of target or provide defensive support for a task force while transporting infantry and zone armor squads rapidly to their destination.
Loadout options (1 weapon slot):
-[] Rotary cannon (default): +10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored units/aircraft
-[] Guided missiles: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
-[] Grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -5 vs fast, -5 vs armored, cannot engage aircraft
-[] Point defense: Cannot attack, mounts Predator-style point defense systems
[] Guardian Spotting Vehicle: -900 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed
-Light Rotary Cannon: +5 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units, cannot engage aircraft
-Sensor package: detects stealthed units in sector, sensor pings in adjacent sectors
-Enables use of precision artillery shells against detected targets
-Grants +10 to artillery attacks against detected targets
While snipers can call for artillery fire, they are not specialized in the management of artillery like this modified APC. Replaces much of the passenger compartment with computers and workstations for two specialists, while the commander loses the flexible weapons mount in favor of a broad set of radar, lidar and optical sensors crammed into the turret, barely leaving room for a light machine gun for self-defense.
[] Pitbull (-700 credits, -1 logistics, 4 speed)
-detects stealthed units
-Missile Launcher: +10 vs aircraft, -10 vs infantry
-Mortar: +10 vs infantry/structures, may not engage aircraft
This fast little recon vehicle has two purposes - one, to fire guided missiles at vehicles and aircraft and two, to detect Nod stealth units with its advanced sensor system. The mortar allows it to effectively engage Nod infantry or structures. The sensor system can now be tuned either for stealth unit detection or long-range scanning, although the process is somewhat time-intensive. Given that you don't have any fast recon capability at the moment, you strongly consider getting one or two.
[] Predator (-900 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-Railgun: +20 vs vehicles, cannot engage aircraft
-hit points at 125%
-Point Defence: negates first incoming rocket/shell attack per combat round
This heavily armored tank's railgun can punch through just about any armor the brotherhood can bring to bear and can target fast-moving vehicles effectively due to the projectile's incredible launch velocity, but it struggles against infantry and fixed defenses. Its point defense systems excel at shooting down low rate of fire Nod projectiles, but tend to be overwhelmed by concentrated fire from multiple angles and have no effect against lasers or rapid-fire weapons.
[] Pacifier MAV (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
Hovercraft: ignores most terrain movement restrictions
- Targets units up to 1 hex away
- +25 vs infantry/structures; +10 from hill
This high-tech vehicle is a quad-barrel artillery piece on a hover chassis. Not the fancy anti-gravity kind, just an assembly of heavy lift and drive fans. Launching magical (not really) sonic shells on glide wings instead of standard chemically-propelled artillery, this artillery piece is capable of keeping up with Predator tanks. The hover chassis allows it to ignore all but the worst of ground terrain, while the sonic shells prevent accidental detonation of any blue or liquid Tiberium deposits. Like its older Overseer cousin, it still prefers to have real-time targeting data from a dedicated spotter unit.
Aircraft Requisition Options (pick up to 2x, arrives at E6):
[] Orca (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
-Railgun (may engage all targets)
-[] AtA Missile: +15 vs Aircraft, may not engage ground targets
-[] AtG Missile: +15 vs Vehicles, -15 vs Infantry, may not target aircraft
The A-16 Orca is now the mainstay of GDI ground forces' low-intensity airpower. Capable of rapid maneuvers using its multi-vectored thrust pods, it can carry up to eight missiles on external hardpoints for maximum mission flexibility. It also sports a rapid-fire railgun for backup firepower. While perfectly capable of engaging Venom-class craft, the Orca's performance against dedicated fighters is mediocre at best.
[] Ox (-1000 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
-May transport non-superheavy units
The V-35 Ox is the GDI's standard transport aircraft, capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) operation, used for rapid delivery of light, medium and some heavy ground units across long distances. While combat insertions are not recommended, they happen sometimes anyway.
Operational Area Map:
A1: Rocky
B1: 13x Tiberium
|C1: 5x Tiberium
|Likely Nod Base
|Air Tower?
|Likely Nod Base
D2: Likely Nod Base
|Likely Nod Base
|Plant U
C3: 2x Scorpion PD?
2x Buggy LE?
2x Flame Tank?
A4: 6x Structure
B4: 4x Structure
|Militant R?
D4: Likely Nod Base
E4: Likely Nod Base
A5: 15x Tiberium
D5: 9x Tiberium
E5: 9x Tiberium
B6: 6x Tiberium MCV
2x Harvester
C6: Mammoth
2x Trooper
1x Raider
D6: Command Post
Tech Center
Plant U
Space Command
2x Overseer
2x Predator
2x Pitbull
"Hold up there, warrant." you begin, looking at your G-Pad - several plating installation requests have come across your virtual desk. "I appreciate you wanting to up-armor our vehicles, but that ablative plating isn't very effective against flamethrowers or plasma cannons."
"True, ma'am, but those Predator drivers and the kid in the Pitbull are sitting here in the factory workshop bitching about laser buggies; I figure a hundred fifty credits is worth it to shut them up - and we may as well install that plating now since we've got their tanks opened up here."
You bob your head up and down a little, considering the warrant officer's request. On the one hand, you have a limited amount of time and credits - every little bit will count. On the other hand, he's right - you probably won't get the chance to mount ablative plating on your armored units once the next phase of the mission starts. Not to mention you'd prefer to have your technical personnel free to focus on keeping your combat units operational rather than fending off obnoxious tank operators.
[] Allow ablative plating installation on 2x Predator, Pitbull, Mammoth (-200 credits)
[] Tankers can suck it up (free, complaining continues)
The damaged harvester is just a gift that keeps on giving. While it's been working fine, the harvester crew chief tells you that there's a non-zero chance that the welded-up/duct-taped claw will fail at some point - and then the harvester will be down for the count until repaired. Driving it over to the factory and back to the Tiberium field will take four days, which is basically all the time you have, which is kind of a non-starter. You need the credits, and the estimated failure chance (according to your EVA) is pretty low (you imagine that the "8%" number is based on some statistical amalgamation of failure rates for harvesters that have suffered that kind of damage then kept operating), so you decide to tell them to keep harvesting for the moment.
Other than that, you've got a very low amount of information about the various Nod facilities in the area. Other than the contents of their raiding force, having also spotted a militant and a harvester, plus the presence of an air tower, you just have no idea what they've got. So you'll want to figure that out as fast as you can. But at least you've got the two Pitbulls for that. Maybe you could take them around the south edge of the southern Nod base - or maybe just push through and see what's in the northern base, heading west or east without actually entering it. Alternately, you could requisition a sniper team and drop them off via Ox for some slow, long-range recon. Or maybe just use the satellites you've got, although it's a painstaking and expensive process.
[] Write-in recon plan using Pitbulls and/or other assets
Hmm... think we may want to get Marauders, and some Orcas with AAMs (or other AA capability) is probably a good idea given that they likely have a number of aircraft of their own. Other than that... not sure, I'll consider it tomorrow.
Recon results:
Probable Specter D4
Large structure D4
4x small, 3x medium structure E4
October 13, 2060
Even though a Pitbull is very fast and maneuverable, you still get nervous when your EVA calls out an attack warning. But, your Pitbull drivers are on the ball, changing their vectors and rapidly relocating eastward - so the artillery shells flying south from sector D4 are more of a communication rather than a means of attack. Something to the effect of "stay out - restricted area".
The D4-E4 facility is devoid of vehicle contacts. D4 has one large structure, likely either a refinery or a factory - you don't think that the Brotherhood would put a construction yard this far out. E4 has a plethora of smaller structures - likely silos and supporting structures. Your conclusion: the area is mostly a Tiberium refinery and processing plant. Normally, it would be a prime target for you to hit, but that's not your objective here - your directives are pretty clear that your job is to eliminate a specific target then mount a fighting retreat. Which means not spoiling the Brotherhood's local Tiberium operations. At least not yet.
"Satellite scan... completed." your EVA informs you, interrupting your analysis of the Pitbulls' sensor data. Sector C1 is obviously the "rear area" of the Brotherhood base - it has been cleared of the Tiberium that was supposed to be there. Instead, an air tower sits above an operations center and a tech lab, dwarfing the squat, rounded structures. Two carryalls take a flight to the south then return near the end of the scanning period, occupying a landing pad each. The main thing that you like about sector C1 is that it has no fixed defenses - nothing on the satellite data indicates the presence of the Brotherhood's beloved underground turrets.
You still don't feel like you have enough info on the surrounding zones to just blindly drop units in there, though. But that's cool, you've got almost a week before the scheduled arrival. And when it's time, you've got the credits to drop a world of pain on them.
The monstrosity's metal legs pump as it runs rapidly across your field of view, the feet echoing dully as they stomp across the metal floor. You fire your grenade launcher at it, but by the time the grenade reaches where it was, the green bubble-head is meters away - the grenade flies past, impacting a conveniently-placed crowd of people who disappear in an orange flash, screaming.
You sit back down at your desk, looking up at the three-member tribunal panel who all glower at you from above.
"I'm sorry your honor, I cannot continue representing the defendant, as the case is, frankly, indefensible." your advocate begins, his voice familiar, muted. You look towards him, your gaze first going to the cybernetic legs then up the lightly armored torso then to the green mist bubble helmet. You hear a click and a hiss, with the mist escaping - you frantically flap your arm around, trying to wave the mist away from yourself - you really don't feel like breathing in Tiberium fumes. To your surprise and dismay, your cybernetic advocate is Victor, who looks down at you with a smirk. "Additionally, I believe there may be a conflict of interest here." he adds with a wink.
Your mouth hangs open. You want to say something, that it wasn't your fault, that those people just appeared out of thin air. But some part of you doesn't really believe it. You wanted to do it. The only thing that stopped you was your on-the-ball exec. What'll happen next time? you mouth silently.
"Luckily." Victor says, pulling his laser pistol out of his holster, green mist still emerging from where the helmet was attached to his armor. "... I have a way of resolving this particular conflict."
Your face twists in rage at the betrayal, and you spring up, trying to wrestle the weapon from his hands. It fires repeatedly, no doubt hitting someone in the packed courtroom. In the end though, you don't have a chance - he's bigger and stronger, and your motions are all too slow.
You wake up in a cold sweat, your right arm numb - you must have been resting your head on it. I have to lay off those beans, you mouth silently, as you lift yourself up, waiting for the pins and needles that indicate normal blood flow returning to your arm. As is usual for you, you have no desire to go back to sleep and the incredibly creative nightmares that your brain comes up with, so you spend the rest of the three hours you've got left before you go back on duty staring at your G-Pad, scrolling through pictures of dogs and watching clips from pre-Third Tiberium War football games.
EVA Report Follows: Accumulate sufficient credits and logistical support for second orbital drop (secondary command directive)
-credits: 4859/4500
-logistics: 9/3
Otherwise maintain capability to rapidly deploy units to sector C1 (secondary command directive)
Anticipated elimination target arrival in sector C1: 4 days
Note: this is a double turn, for real
Power (available/total): 90/450
Logistics (available/total): 9/24
Building Slots B6: 3/7 (-1 Tiberium)
Building Slots D6: 0/8
Building Slots E6: 1/8
Tiberium Credits: 4859 (+6000 overspend)
Tiberium Storage Capacity (available/total): 141/5000
Tiberium Income: 3000/turn for 2 turns
Construction Capacity: 1 building/turn, 1 defense/turn
Infantry Requisition Capacity: 1/turn
Vehicle Requisition Capacity: 1/turn
Aircraft Requisition Capacity: 1/turn
B6: ConYard, Refinery
D6: Factory, CommPost, Tech Center, Plant U, Space Command Uplink
E6: 3x Silo, Barracks, Plant U, Airfield, Armory
Miscellaneous Options:
[] Satellite Scan (-300 credits, reveals contents of designated sector)
-May be taken up to 1x per turn
You currently have some clue about the Brotherhood's base layouts and force disposition, but you can always use more info; tasking your command post's computational equipment with processing satellite scan data will correct that problem.
[] Orbital Drop (-4500 credits, drops 2x Raider, 1x Trooper from below list into designated sector with potential scatter)
Good lord, coordinating orbital drops is expensive. Mostly because you then have to shuttle everyone back up to orbit; the drop pod is not the most reusable thing in the world, either. But, for your money, you get three zone armor squads that can kick some serious ass, pretty much anywhere you want.
[] Air Strike - Orca (-500 credits)
-[] Specify anti-air/anti-ground loadout
-[] Specify entry point and exact route to destination
Call up an Orca air strike package at the designated coordinates, deploying three A-16 Orcas with a loadout of your choice to engage targets of your choice. Your experience with coordinating air traffic allows you to plot the exact route the Orcas will take to their target.
[] Air Strike - Firehawk (-1000 credits)
-[] Specify anti-air/anti-ground loadout
-[] Specify entry point and exact route to destination
Call up a Firehawk strike package at the designated coordinates, deploying two Firehawk fighter/bombers with a loadoput of your choice to engage targets of your choice. Your experience with coordinating air traffic allows you to plot the exact route the Firehawks will take to their target.
[] Air Strike - Apollo (-2000 credits)
Deploy Apollo fighter with a wingman drone to the designated coordinates to enforce GDI air superiority. Your experience with coordinating air traffic allows you to plot the exact route the Apollo will take to the target location.
[] Ox Transport (-200 credits per unit transported, unlimited use)
-[] Designate entry point, route to pick up location, unit to pick up, route to destination
Call in a V-35 Ox to pick up one of your units and deliver it exactly where you need it along the flight path you want it to take, in case you want the pilot to avoid anti-aircraft fire for example.
Construction Options (pick up to 2x, designate B6, D6 or E6 for location where appropriate):
[] Power Plant (-500 credits, +100 power, -1 building slot)
-[] Extra Turbine (-300 credits, +100 power)
If you want to put up more than one or two additional structures, this standard pre-fabricated nuclear power plant will address your power generation needs.
[] Airfield - Hammerhead Expansion (-500 credits)
-Allows Hammerhead requisition
The Ox is a perfectly good transport, but if you're flying over hostile territory and tangling with interceptors or anti-aircraft fire, what you really want is a Hammerhead. While slower than the Ox, the Hammerhead is capable of fighting against attackers, both with its built-in rotary cannons and modular weapons system, similar to that of the Guardian APC. Its main drawback is that it can only transport infantry and zone armor suits. You can expand your airfield's fabrication capabilities to spare parts and consumables for the Hammerhead, thus allowing you to requisition them.
Defense Construction Options (pick up to 2x, designate B6, D6 or E6 for location):
[] Defensive Turret
-[] Sentry MG (-540 credits, -22 power, tall, +10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored)
-[] Railgun (-540 credits, -36 power, +20 vs tanks, may not engage aircraft)
-[] Anti-air (-540 credits, -22 power, +10 vs aircraft, -10 vs ground targets)
-[] Anti-air missile (-540 credits, -22 power, +20 vs aircraft, may not engage ground targets)
-[] Point Defence (-540 credits, -22 power, negates first single-projectile attack vs self or supported unit)
-[] Sonic Turret (-1800 credits, -68 power, +30 vs ground units, +10 extra vs any units utilizing Tiberium, may not engage aircraft)
A an automated defensive weapons emplacement designed to counter a specific type of threat. A tall machine gun turret can fire over walls to engage infantry and lightly armored turrets; a railgun can engage heavy armor; anti-air installations engage enemy aircraft flying overhead; point defense turrets provide protection against stray artillery shells and tank projectiles. A heavy-duty sonic cannon emplacement may be deployed to counter ground assaults and keep away encroaching Tiberium.
[] Sandbags (-500 credits)
You can't believe you're considering doing this, but you do have some infantry sitting in your base. You could build them dedicated fighting positions with good fields of fire to help them repel incoming attacks.
[] Concrete Walls (-1000 credits)
Putting up walls around a sector of your base will allow that sector to hold back hostile incursions for longer, giving your reinforcements more time to respond to any attacks and preventing stray weapons fire from hitting your critical structures. Additionally, artillery units and mortars behind walls may fire over them with impunity.
[] Silo (-100 credits, -1 building slot, +1000 Tiberium storage)
A (relatively) long-term storage facility for refined Tiberium, this is more or less a cylinder lined with T-Glass to greatly reduce maintenance and power requirements. If you need to keep some amount of Tiberium in reserve, this is a very cost-effective option.
[] Jackhammer Artillery Battery (-1350 credits, -36 power, -1 building slot)
-4x Barrels may be activated by paying 25 credits/barrel beyond the first
-Precision Shells may be activated by paying 25 credits/barrel
Despite factories in GDI home territories pumping out artillery shells by the barrel, getting those shells out to the front in time has proven to be a challenge. You can fabricate shells at the War Factory, however, to shorten your supply chain, assuming you have the credits, to run the four 155mm barrels in this self-contained artillery park and fire control center simultaneously. You can even order them loaded with precision shells if you have appropriate spotters nearby to designate targets.
Infantry Requisition Options (pick up to 2x, arrive at E6):
All infantry may be upgraded with:
[] Advanced Medical Kits: regenerate to nearest 20% or 50% depending on squad size
[] Infantry Squad (-450 credits, -1 logistics, 1 speed)
A basic infantry squad, armed primarily with GD-2 rifles, disc grenade and rocket launchers - the proportion of particular weapons can be adjusted as desired. Can be transported by APC or Ox when available. Excel in defensive operations, but may be used for assaults in a pinch. Extended deployment in Tiberium patches is not recommended.
-[] Standard Loadout: cannot engage aircraft, -5 vs armored
-[] Rockets: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
-[] Grenade Launchers: +15 vs infantry, -5 vs fast, -5 vs armored, cannot engage aircraft
[] Engineer Squad (-450 credits, -1 logistics, 1 speed)
A specialized infantry squad, armed with sub machineguns and flash grenades. They can also carry specialized equipment used to compromise network security in Brotherhood buildings, allowing you to take control of them; alternately, they can repair your vehicles in the field and operate bridge-laying equipment among a multitude of other technical tasks.
-[] Repair equipment: 2x vehicle repairs/turn
-[] Capture equipment: 1x repair/turn, may capture buildings
[] Sniper Team (-900 credits, -1 logistics, 1 speed)
-Stealth, Detector, Observer
A specialized sniper/spotter team capable of sneaking through hostile territory without being detected. Most of the time. Capable of designating targets for artillery and rapidly eliminating unarmored infantry in addition to having the equipment and training to locate units operating under optical camouflage.
[] Zone Trooper (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-jump jets, regen/25, detector
-Railgun (+20 vs vehicles)
Power-armored infantry wearing suits designed to operate in yellow and red zones for extended periods of time while easily absorbing most small arms fire. Jump jets drastically increase mobility over standard infantry, allowing the Trooper to ignore most rough terrain; an advanced sensor package can defeat previous-generation optical camouflage systems. The Trooper model carries a railgun, making it highly effective against vehicles of any kind. Its performance against infantry is acceptable but not optimal, and it needs assistance against aircraft.
-[] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
[] Zone Raider (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-jump jets, regen/25, detector
-Sonic Grenade (+15 vs infantry, -5 vs armored, -5 vs fast, cannot engage aircraft)
-Rocket (+10 vs fast/aircraft, -5 vs infantry)
Power-armored infantry wearing suits designed to operate in yellow and red zones for extended periods of time while easily absorbing most small arms fire. Jump jets drastically increase mobility over standard infantry, allowing the Raider to ignore most rough terrain; an advanced sensor package can defeat previous-generation optical camouflage systems. The Raider model carries a hand-held sonic grenade launcher and shoulder-mounted rocket pods, making it reasonably effective against all kinds of targets.
-[] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
[] Zone Marauder (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-jump jets, regen/25, detector
-Rocket (+15 vs fast/aircraft)
Power-armored infantry wearing suits designed to operate in yellow and red zones for extended periods of time while easily absorbing most small arms fire. Jump jets drastically increase mobility over standard infantry, allowing the Marauder to ignore most rough terrain; an advanced sensor package can defeat previous-generation optical camouflage systems. The Marauder model carries multiple rocket launch pods capable of engaging all types of targets, favoring lightly armored vehicles and aircraft.
-[] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
Vehicle Requisition Options (pick up to 2x, arrive at D6):
Any vehicle may be upgraded with:
[] Ablative Plating (-50 credits)
Negates first laser attack against target; 1/2 of first plasma attack against target; degrades after receiving any damage or negating an attack
[] Guardian APC (-600 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed)
The ubiquitous transport unit utilized by mechanized infantry everywhere, including yourself. Depending on the loadout, this can engage any kind of target or provide defensive support for a task force while transporting infantry and zone armor squads rapidly to their destination.
Loadout options (1 weapon slot):
-[] Rotary cannon (default): +10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored units/aircraft
-[] Guided missiles: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
-[] Grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -5 vs fast, -5 vs armored, cannot engage aircraft
-[] Point defense: Cannot attack, mounts Predator-style point defense systems
[] Guardian Spotting Vehicle: -900 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed
-Light Rotary Cannon: +5 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units, cannot engage aircraft
-Sensor package: detects stealthed units in sector, sensor pings in adjacent sectors
-Enables use of precision artillery shells against detected targets
-Grants +10 to artillery attacks against detected targets
While snipers can call for artillery fire, they are not specialized in the management of artillery like this modified APC. Replaces much of the passenger compartment with computers and workstations for two specialists, while the commander loses the flexible weapons mount in favor of a broad set of radar, lidar and optical sensors crammed into the turret, barely leaving room for a light machine gun for self-defense.
[] Pitbull (-700 credits, -1 logistics, 4 speed)
-detects stealthed units
-Missile Launcher: +10 vs aircraft, -10 vs infantry
-Mortar: +10 vs infantry/structures, may not engage aircraft
This fast little recon vehicle has two purposes - one, to fire guided missiles at vehicles and aircraft and two, to detect Nod stealth units with its advanced sensor system. The mortar allows it to effectively engage Nod infantry or structures. The sensor system can now be tuned either for stealth unit detection or long-range scanning, although the process is somewhat time-intensive. Given that you don't have any fast recon capability at the moment, you strongly consider getting one or two.
[] Predator (-900 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-Railgun: +20 vs vehicles, cannot engage aircraft
-hit points at 125%
-Point Defence: negates first incoming rocket/shell attack per combat round
This heavily armored tank's railgun can punch through just about any armor the brotherhood can bring to bear and can target fast-moving vehicles effectively due to the projectile's incredible launch velocity, but it struggles against infantry and fixed defenses. Its point defense systems excel at shooting down low rate of fire Nod projectiles, but tend to be overwhelmed by concentrated fire from multiple angles and have no effect against lasers or rapid-fire weapons.
[] Pacifier MAV (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
Hovercraft: ignores most terrain movement restrictions
- Targets units up to 1 hex away
- +25 vs infantry/structures; +10 from hill
This high-tech vehicle is a quad-barrel artillery piece on a hover chassis. Not the fancy anti-gravity kind, just an assembly of heavy lift and drive fans. Launching magical (not really) sonic shells on glide wings instead of standard chemically-propelled artillery, this artillery piece is capable of keeping up with Predator tanks. The hover chassis allows it to ignore all but the worst of ground terrain, while the sonic shells prevent accidental detonation of any blue or liquid Tiberium deposits. Like its older Overseer cousin, it still prefers to have real-time targeting data from a dedicated spotter unit.
Aircraft Requisition Options (pick up to 2x, arrives at E6):
[] Orca (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
-Railgun (may engage all targets)
-[] AtA Missile: +15 vs Aircraft, may not engage ground targets
-[] AtG Missile: +15 vs Vehicles, -15 vs Infantry, may not target aircraft
The A-16 Orca is now the mainstay of GDI ground forces' low-intensity airpower. Capable of rapid maneuvers using its multi-vectored thrust pods, it can carry up to eight missiles on external hardpoints for maximum mission flexibility. It also sports a rapid-fire railgun for backup firepower. While perfectly capable of engaging Venom-class craft, the Orca's performance against dedicated fighters is mediocre at best.
[] Ox (-1000 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
-May transport non-superheavy units
The V-35 Ox is the GDI's standard transport aircraft, capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) operation, used for rapid delivery of light, medium and some heavy ground units across long distances. While combat insertions are not recommended, they happen sometimes anyway.
Operational Area Map:
A1: Rocky
B1: 13x Tiberium Likely Refinery
|Ops Center, Tech Lab
|Air Tower
|2x Carryall
|Likely Nod Base
D2: Likely Nod Base
|Likely Nod Base
A4: 6x Structure
B4: 4x Structure
D4: 1x Large Structure
E4: 3x Medium
4x Small Structure
|2x Pitbull
A5: 15x Tiberium
D5: 9x Tiberium
E5: 9x Tiberium
B6: 4x Tiberium MCV
2x Harvester
C6: Mammoth
2x Trooper
1x Raider
D6: Command Post
Tech Center
Plant U
Space Command
2x Overseer
2x Predator
The results of your recon are incomplete, but give you an idea of the opposition you'll be facing. With the C1 Tiberium field clear, it's likely that the Brotherhood has started harvesting from the B1 field - thus, there are likely to be structures and possibly defenses there. The presence of the tech lab, ops center and air tower indicates that you're going to be seeing laser and plasma-equipped units (not that you didn't know that already), including aircraft.
Buzzing your Pitbulls around the northern side of the harvesting operation is an option, although they'll likely come under further artillery bombardment. Most likely symbolic, but who knows, the Specter(s?) might get lucky. And also the Brotherhood may decide to put a stop to your little recon run. But on the other hand - "I'm the leader, need the info" is a statement that still applies to your current situation. Granted, you wish the Pitbulls had better sensors and optics, like the stuff your command suits have. But you suppose that's not an option for the moment.
Pitbull disposition:
[] Loop around the north of the likely harvesting op to get more sensor data
- may get shelled or intercepted
[] return to base
You consider the possibility of sending your Overseers to the north, accompanied by a couple of Predators for counterbattery fire interdiction, to run that Specter off. Both to give them something to do and to focus attention on that engagement rather than your Pitbulls zipping around. Of course, chances are, the Specter will simply remain under optical camouflage and you don't want to level the harvesting operation just yet. But maybe you do want to signal to the Nod commander a little bit where the diversionary attack will come from so that he puts his units close enough that they can actually be diverted and can't respond to attacks on C1.
Overseer + 2x Predator disposition:
[] Move to D5, conduct light shelling on Brotherhood position there
[] Remain in D6
[AN: Looks like I goofed on the income - you guys should have 6000 credits over two turns, four loads of 1500 each. So, I made this update a single turn instead.]
Hmm... definitely want to get a Marauder or two, and possibly some extra Troopers/Raiders; exact number depends on if we're doing a combined arms assault or having our vehicles be a diversion while the ZA units go in for the main mission. Also, having an Apollo or two around just to make sure that the target can't escape by flying out might be useful.
[X] Plan Prepare for Orbital Strike
-[X] Airfield - Hammerhead Expansion (-500 credits)
-[X] Silo (-100 credits, -1 building slot, +1000 Tiberium storage)
--[X] E6
-[X] Zone Marauder (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
--[X] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
--[X] Advanced Medical Kits: regenerate to nearest 20% or 50% depending on squad size
-[X] Guardian APC (-600 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed)
--[X] Guided missiles: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
--[X] Ablative Plating (-50 credits)
-[X] Guardian Spotting Vehicle: -900 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed
--[X] Ablative Plating (-50 credits)
-[X] Orca (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
--[X] AtA Missile: +15 vs Aircraft, may not engage ground targets
-[X] Orca (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
--[X] AtG Missile: +15 vs Vehicles, -15 vs Infantry, may not target aircraft
-[X] Loop around the north of the likely harvesting op to get more sensor data
-[X] Move to D5, conduct light shelling on Brotherhood position there
Also, question. Can we launch more than one drop in a turn? Assuming that the answer is no, then the plan is to drop a 3-pack of Zone Armor when the time comes, while the Hammerhead brings in the fourth squad and our treads bounce around causing a stir with air support (including the Ox) to be decided.
I was under the impression that the drops would be additional soldiers, not us sending some of the ones we currently have back up -- did I miss something?
Also, question. Can we launch more than one drop in a turn? Assuming that the answer is no, then the plan is to drop a 3-pack of Zone Armor when the time comes, while the Hammerhead brings in the fourth squad and our treads bounce around causing a stir with air support (including the Ox) to be decided.
I was under the impression that the drops would be additional soldiers, not us sending some of the ones we currently have back up -- did I miss something?
To be clear, I asked because the phrasing of the proposed plan made me think that I was missing something, but now I see it's that he was missing something (or maybe I just misunderstood what "drop a 3-pack of Zone Armor when the time comes, while the Hammerhead brings in the fourth squad" means).
EDIT: To be clear, I read that as "send three of our four current squads back up and drop them again, while the last one goes in by Hammerhead" -- if it means something else, I'd certainly like to know.
To be clear, I asked because the phrasing of the proposed plan made me think that I was missing something, but now I see it's that he was missing something (or maybe I just misunderstood what "drop a 3-pack of Zone Armor when the time comes, while the Hammerhead brings in the fourth squad" means).
EDIT: To be clear, I read that as "send three of our four current squads back up and drop them again, while the last one goes in by Hammerhead" -- if it means something else, I'd certainly like to know.
Maybe, but if that's the case he really should have phrased it better -- also, unless I'm misunderstanding, we'll need multiple Hammerheads to deploy all of our current squads (unless he literally just means to send one of our squads that way and otherwise rely on the drop, but that seems like a bad idea).
Yeah, the "orbital drop" option could be worded a little better, as it could theoretically be read as "your zone armor squads fly back up to orbit then drop down again". Definitely not the intention though - it's three fresh squads.
Scheduled vote count started by NickAragua on Oct 25, 2022 at 11:04 PM, finished with 9 posts and 3 votes.
[X] Plan Prepare for Orbital Strike
-[X] Airfield - Hammerhead Expansion (-500 credits)
-[X] Silo (-100 credits, -1 building slot, +1000 Tiberium storage)
--[X] E6
-[X] Zone Marauder (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
--[X] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
--[X] Advanced Medical Kits: regenerate to nearest 20% or 50% depending on squad size
-[X] Guardian APC (-600 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed)
--[X] Guided missiles: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
--[X] Ablative Plating (-50 credits)
-[X] Guardian Spotting Vehicle: -900 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed
-[X] Orca (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
--[X] AtA Missile: +15 vs Aircraft, may not engage ground targets
--[X] AtG Missile: +15 vs Vehicles, -15 vs Infantry, may not target aircraft
-[X] Loop around the north of the likely harvesting op to get more sensor data
-[X] Move to D5, conduct light shelling on Brotherhood position there
Yeah, the "orbital drop" option could be worded a little better, as it could theoretically be read as "your zone armor squads fly back up to orbit then drop down again". Definitely not the intention though - it's three fresh squads.
So we'll need transportation for our four current squads when the time comes, assuming we stick to this plan... unless of course we send some of the squads to do something else, but that seems like a poor idea given what our job here is.
[X] Plan Prepare for Orbital Strike
-[X] Airfield - Hammerhead Expansion (-500 credits)
-[X] Silo (-100 credits, -1 building slot, +1000 Tiberium storage)
--[X] E6
-[X] Zone Marauder (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
--[X] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
--[X] Advanced Medical Kits: regenerate to nearest 20% or 50% depending on squad size
-[X] Guardian APC (-600 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed)
--[X] Guided missiles: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
--[X] Ablative Plating (-50 credits)
-[X] Guardian Spotting Vehicle: -900 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed
--[X] Ablative Plating (-50 credits)
-[X] Orca (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
--[X] AtA Missile: +15 vs Aircraft, may not engage ground targets
-[X] Orca (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
--[X] AtG Missile: +15 vs Vehicles, -15 vs Infantry, may not target aircraft
-[X] Loop around the north of the likely harvesting op to get more sensor data
-[X] Move to D5, conduct light shelling on Brotherhood position there
Your base hums with activity as aircraft fly in and out - an Orca being transferred to your airfield, and two Ox transports flying in a Zone Marauder squad as well as a Guardian spotter APC. The pre-fabricated add-on to your armory is being put up by your construction crews There's nothing terribly distinct about it - just another metal shed that has a bunch of equipment used to manufacture Marauder-specific replacement parts. Thankfully, the universal rocket launcher system standardized missiles somewhat across the GDI so you can just use the ones you've already got.
The Marauder armor looks more like the Trooper than the Raider in terms of thickness. However, where the Trooper has a hand-held railgun, the Marauder has a big rack on the shoulders with twin rotating missile launchers. It kind of impedes peripheral vision, if you're being both honest and understating for emphasis - but it's not really meant as a forward scout. It's meant as a heavy fire support platform. You suppose they can roll the missile rack back, but then... no weapons? You shrug. Maybe they can carry a hand-held weapon in their hand.
The other stuff you've already seen, so you don't spend much time dwelling on it, instead ordering your Predators to accompany the Overseer battery to undertake a "sensor data confirmation salvo" on the large structure detected to the north while the Pitbulls loop around the northern edge of the smaller base.
As predicted, some artillery fire comes from sector D4, but is easily picked off by your Predators' point defense systems while the Overseers set up; your artillery returns fire, blasting a good chunk out of whatever the large structure was - sensors show the shell landing on its exact coordinates. Even though you're technically not supposed to blow it up, you still hope that your shelling punctured a Tiberium storage canister or something equally unpleasant.
As your Overseers start unpacking (you catch a little grumbling over the comms), you turn your attention to your Pitbull recon team. For a while, they do pretty well - confirming the position of multiple structures in sectors E2 and D2, but no vehicles. It's when they get to sector C3 and begin scans of the rest of the suspected Nod base to the north that they run into trouble.
"... two large structures, five mediums. Probably an Obelisk, they show up as medium even though they don't take up much space - it's more a power signature thing anyway..." the lead Pitbull driver begins the report.
"Focus, Pi-One." you tell him. "Vehicle contacts?"
"Yeah, we got three big ones, stationary, four mediums and two lights moving..." he begins.
"Moving where." you ask. But you already know the answer, you can read a RADAR map as well as anyone.
"... shit, intercept course. Disengaging!"
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. Dammit, I should have known they wouldn't just let us run around out there like that. you think to yourself. The moving contacts are the scorpions, flame tanks and buggies that you ran off earlier, apparently repaired and looking for payback. You look frantically around for something that you can do - but there's nothing. The Pitbulls are already following the best escape vector they can take, and you have absolutely nothing anywhere near where they are. And any further instructions you issue are, at this point, just going to be distracting and unhelpful. So, you watch with your jaw clenched and your fists squeezed tight.
The buggies make the interception first, blasting away with their laser cannons. One of the buggies takes a missile to the front, its laser cannon going silent as it turns around and retreats to the Nod base, giving you a breath of hope. However, one of your Pitbulls is forced into evasive maneuvers against the other buggy, which brings it into range of the Scorpion tanks. Two plasma bolts later, the light recon vehicle ceases to exist, other than a rapidly dissipating cloud of green-tinted smoke and a half-evaporated wheel.
Somehow, the other Pitbull manages to survive. Maybe it's thanks to the ablative plating - if it wasn't for that, that buggy's laser would have sawed it in half. Despite the missile rack and mortar assembly having been evaporated by a plasma bolt, the driver manages to swerve out of the way of worse damage, then hits the gas, eventually outrunning everything including the buggy. The latter could have kept up, but by itself. Which would eventually become inadvisable.
Sorry. you mouth. I should have known better. But I needed that info.
With the B6 Tiberium field tapped out and more aircraft flying in to your base - the Orca to stay, the Ox to deliver the Guardian APC directly to the war factory for ablative plating installation, you've got a two-day delay until you can resume harvesting operations in sector A5 - the quickest available zone. Based on the original Tib field data you got and your current sensor data, and also the fact that you saw a Harvester running away from it as fast as its stubby little treads could carry it, you're pretty sure the Brotherhood has been picking away at it. Slowly.
But the timing of your diversionary attack is such that Nod is unlikely to contest your harvesters and MCV driving northwest from their current position to set up operations. Speaking of diversionary attacks, you go over your final attack plan with your squad leaders and the guys in orbit, your usually empty setup in the command post suddenly cramped. You catch yourself wondering if you should put more seats in there now if you're going to do this more often.
"Delta, Epsilon, Zeta squads will drop, then proceed to sector C1. Your target is this guy, right here." you tap on your G-Pad to highlight a picture of a Brotherhood officer, likely taken while yelling at his subordinates for being "incompetent fools" or something similar. "What we know is that he'll be landing at this air tower in a carryall. Your ultimate job is to kill him. Period." you pause. "I'll leave the tactical approach to you, Lieutenant. Known opposition and base layout is with your EVA, but, to summarize, we know there are two buggies, two flame tanks and two scorpion tanks there, plus at least one militant squad, in addition to three unidentified heavy contacts. Likely Centurion-class mechs."
"Uh, ma'am, we've got three zone armor squads, we can't take all that plus unknowns." the 2nd Lieutenant (the bald male one whose name you continue to fail to remember, despite it being right at the bottom of his picture as he talks).
You nod. "Correct, Lieutenant. To help you out we will be doing two things." you lift a finger. "First, we will be mounting a diversionary attack on this Nod facility here. The faster Nod units will likely move to respond to it, drawing some of that firepower away. Which means you'll still be contending with anything slower that remains at the base. Second... " you lift two fingers, drawing a projected travel route for your transport aircraft. "... we will be inserting additional zone armor units via standard airlift. Details are still to be determined, but you won't be by yourself."
"Once we have eliminated the target, the top priority is to disengage immediately and retreat to safe distance for airborne extraction. We are not here to wreck that base." you wrap up. "I would recommend a retreat to the north, west or east - south is likely heavily fortified with fixed defenses."
"Does that mean we can't shoot back at hostiles or buildings, ma'am?" the 2nd Lieutenant pipes up again.
You shake your head. "Do what you have to do to keep your people alive and accomplish the mission, Lieutenant." your respond. "But understand that our only objective here is to eliminate this one guy. That's it. If he's hiding in a building, or if you're taking heavy fire from somewhere," you pause. "... or if it looks at you funny..." that one gets a few chuckles. "... it's fair game."
You still haven't gotten used to being the one to give briefings.
EVA Report Follows: Anticipated elimination target arrival in sector C1: 2 days (Orbital Drop Prepared)
Power (available/total): 90/450
Logistics (available/total): 5/24
Building Slots B6: 3/7 (-1 Tiberium)
Building Slots D6: 0/8
Building Slots E6: 1/8
Tiberium Credits: 502 (4500 locked in for orbital drop by default; +3000 overspend)
Tiberium Storage Capacity (available/total): 998/6000
Tiberium Income: 3000/turn after one turn
Construction Capacity: 1 building/turn, 1 defense/turn; temporarily disabled
Infantry Requisition Capacity: 1/turn
Vehicle Requisition Capacity: 1/turn
Aircraft Requisition Capacity: 1/turn; temporarily disabled
B6: ConYard, Refinery
D6: Factory, CommPost, Tech Center, Plant U, Space Command Uplink
E6: 4x Silo, Barracks, Plant U, Airfield, Armory
Miscellaneous Options:
[] Satellite Scan (-300 credits, reveals contents of designated sector)
Will be too late to make a difference by the time you can do it.
[] Orbital Drop (-4500 credits, drops 2x Raider, 1x Trooper from below list into designated sector with potential scatter)
Locked in, will activate by default.
[] Air Strike - Orca (-500 credits)
-[] Specify anti-air/anti-ground loadout
-[] Specify entry point and exact route to destination
Call up an Orca air strike package at the designated coordinates, deploying three A-16 Orcas with a loadout of your choice to engage targets of your choice. Your experience with coordinating air traffic allows you to plot the exact route the Orcas will take to their target.
[] Air Strike - Firehawk (-1000 credits)
-[] Specify anti-air/anti-ground loadout
-[] Specify entry point and exact route to destination
Call up a Firehawk strike package at the designated coordinates, deploying two Firehawk fighter/bombers with a loadoput of your choice to engage targets of your choice. Your experience with coordinating air traffic allows you to plot the exact route the Firehawks will take to their target.
[] Air Strike - Apollo (-2000 credits)
Deploy Apollo fighter with a wingman drone to the designated coordinates to enforce GDI air superiority. Your experience with coordinating air traffic allows you to plot the exact route the Apollo will take to the target location.
[] Ox Transport (-200 credits per unit transported, unlimited use)
-[] Designate entry point, route to pick up location, unit to pick up, route to destination
Call in a V-35 Ox to pick up one of your units and deliver it exactly where you need it along the flight path you want it to take, in case you want the pilot to avoid anti-aircraft fire for example.
Infantry Requisition Options (pick up to 2x, arrive at E6):
Arriving units will not be able to participate in combat unless somehow transported; and even then with a delay.
All infantry may be upgraded with:
[] Advanced Medical Kits: regenerate to nearest 20% or 50% depending on squad size
[] Infantry Squad (-450 credits, -1 logistics, 1 speed)
A basic infantry squad, armed primarily with GD-2 rifles, disc grenade and rocket launchers - the proportion of particular weapons can be adjusted as desired. Can be transported by APC or Ox when available. Excel in defensive operations, but may be used for assaults in a pinch. Extended deployment in Tiberium patches is not recommended.
-[] Standard Loadout: cannot engage aircraft, -5 vs armored
-[] Rockets: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
-[] Grenade Launchers: +15 vs infantry, -5 vs fast, -5 vs armored, cannot engage aircraft
[] Engineer Squad (-450 credits, -1 logistics, 1 speed)
A specialized infantry squad, armed with sub machineguns and flash grenades. They can also carry specialized equipment used to compromise network security in Brotherhood buildings, allowing you to take control of them; alternately, they can repair your vehicles in the field and operate bridge-laying equipment among a multitude of other technical tasks.
-[] Repair equipment: 2x vehicle repairs/turn
-[] Capture equipment: 1x repair/turn, may capture buildings
[] Sniper Team (-900 credits, -1 logistics, 1 speed)
-Stealth, Detector, Observer
A specialized sniper/spotter team capable of sneaking through hostile territory without being detected. Most of the time. Capable of designating targets for artillery and rapidly eliminating unarmored infantry in addition to having the equipment and training to locate units operating under optical camouflage.
[] Zone Trooper (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-jump jets, regen/25, detector
-Railgun (+20 vs vehicles)
Power-armored infantry wearing suits designed to operate in yellow and red zones for extended periods of time while easily absorbing most small arms fire. Jump jets drastically increase mobility over standard infantry, allowing the Trooper to ignore most rough terrain; an advanced sensor package can defeat previous-generation optical camouflage systems. The Trooper model carries a railgun, making it highly effective against vehicles of any kind. Its performance against infantry is acceptable but not optimal, and it needs assistance against aircraft.
-[] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
[] Zone Raider (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-jump jets, regen/25, detector
-Sonic Grenade (+15 vs infantry, -5 vs armored, -5 vs fast, cannot engage aircraft)
-Rocket (+10 vs fast/aircraft, -5 vs infantry)
Power-armored infantry wearing suits designed to operate in yellow and red zones for extended periods of time while easily absorbing most small arms fire. Jump jets drastically increase mobility over standard infantry, allowing the Raider to ignore most rough terrain; an advanced sensor package can defeat previous-generation optical camouflage systems. The Raider model carries a hand-held sonic grenade launcher and shoulder-mounted rocket pods, making it reasonably effective against all kinds of targets.
-[] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
[] Zone Marauder (-1170 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-jump jets, regen/25, detector
-Rocket (+15 vs fast/aircraft)
Power-armored infantry wearing suits designed to operate in yellow and red zones for extended periods of time while easily absorbing most small arms fire. Jump jets drastically increase mobility over standard infantry, allowing the Marauder to ignore most rough terrain; an advanced sensor package can defeat previous-generation optical camouflage systems. The Marauder model carries multiple rocket launch pods capable of engaging all types of targets, favoring lightly armored vehicles and aircraft.
-[] Attach Command Suit (-300 credits, adds extra LMG attack and observer trait to squad)
Vehicle Requisition Options (pick up to 2x, arrive at D6):
Arriving units will not be able to participate in combat unless somehow transported; and even then with a delay.
Any vehicle may be upgraded with:
[] Ablative Plating (-50 credits)
Negates first laser attack against target; 1/2 of first plasma attack against target; degrades after receiving any damage or negating an attack
[] Guardian APC (-600 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed)
The ubiquitous transport unit utilized by mechanized infantry everywhere, including yourself. Depending on the loadout, this can engage any kind of target or provide defensive support for a task force while transporting infantry and zone armor squads rapidly to their destination.
Loadout options (1 weapon slot):
-[] Rotary cannon (default): +10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored units/aircraft
-[] Guided missiles: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
-[] Grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -5 vs fast, -5 vs armored, cannot engage aircraft
-[] Point defense: Cannot attack, mounts Predator-style point defense systems
[] Guardian Spotting Vehicle: -900 credits, -1 logistics, 3 speed
-Light Rotary Cannon: +5 vs infantry, -15 vs armored units, cannot engage aircraft
-Sensor package: detects stealthed units in sector, sensor pings in adjacent sectors
-Enables use of precision artillery shells against detected targets
-Grants +10 to artillery attacks against detected targets
While snipers can call for artillery fire, they are not specialized in the management of artillery like this modified APC. Replaces much of the passenger compartment with computers and workstations for two specialists, while the commander loses the flexible weapons mount in favor of a broad set of radar, lidar and optical sensors crammed into the turret, barely leaving room for a light machine gun for self-defense.
[] Pitbull (-700 credits, -1 logistics, 4 speed)
-detects stealthed units
-Missile Launcher: +10 vs aircraft, -10 vs infantry
-Mortar: +10 vs infantry/structures, may not engage aircraft
This fast little recon vehicle has two purposes - one, to fire guided missiles at vehicles and aircraft and two, to detect Nod stealth units with its advanced sensor system. The mortar allows it to effectively engage Nod infantry or structures. The sensor system can now be tuned either for stealth unit detection or long-range scanning, although the process is somewhat time-intensive. Given that you don't have any fast recon capability at the moment, you strongly consider getting one or two.
[] Predator (-900 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
-Railgun: +20 vs vehicles, cannot engage aircraft
-hit points at 125%
-Point Defence: negates first incoming rocket/shell attack per combat round
This heavily armored tank's railgun can punch through just about any armor the brotherhood can bring to bear and can target fast-moving vehicles effectively due to the projectile's incredible launch velocity, but it struggles against infantry and fixed defenses. Its point defense systems excel at shooting down low rate of fire Nod projectiles, but tend to be overwhelmed by concentrated fire from multiple angles and have no effect against lasers or rapid-fire weapons.
[] Pacifier MAV (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 2 speed)
Hovercraft: ignores most terrain movement restrictions
- Targets units up to 1 hex away
- +25 vs infantry/structures; +10 from hill
This high-tech vehicle is a quad-barrel artillery piece on a hover chassis. Not the fancy anti-gravity kind, just an assembly of heavy lift and drive fans. Launching magical (not really) sonic shells on glide wings instead of standard chemically-propelled artillery, this artillery piece is capable of keeping up with Predator tanks. The hover chassis allows it to ignore all but the worst of ground terrain, while the sonic shells prevent accidental detonation of any blue or liquid Tiberium deposits. Like its older Overseer cousin, it still prefers to have real-time targeting data from a dedicated spotter unit.
Aircraft Requisition Options (pick up to 2x, arrives at E6):
Aircraft may only be used in the upcoming combat if delaying the orbital drop.
[] Orca (-1200 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
-Railgun (may engage all targets)
-[] AtA Missile: +15 vs Aircraft, may not engage ground targets
-[] AtG Missile: +15 vs Vehicles, -15 vs Infantry, may not target aircraft
The A-16 Orca is now the mainstay of GDI ground forces' low-intensity airpower. Capable of rapid maneuvers using its multi-vectored thrust pods, it can carry up to eight missiles on external hardpoints for maximum mission flexibility. It also sports a rapid-fire railgun for backup firepower. While perfectly capable of engaging Venom-class craft, the Orca's performance against dedicated fighters is mediocre at best.
[] Ox (-1000 credits, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 6 "speed")
-May transport non-superheavy units
The V-35 Ox is the GDI's standard transport aircraft, capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) operation, used for rapid delivery of light, medium and some heavy ground units across long distances. While combat insertions are not recommended, they happen sometimes anyway.
[] Hammerhead (-1500, -1 logistics, 1 aircraft slot, 5 "speed")
-May transport infantry units
-Carries vulcan cannon (+10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored units/aircraft)
-Pick secondary weapon system
-[] Rotary cannon (default): +10 vs infantry, -5 vs armored units/aircraft
-[] Guided missiles: +10 vs fast units/aircraft, -5 vs infantry
-[] Grenade launcher: +15 vs infantry, -5 vs fast, -5 vs armored, cannot engage aircraft
-[] Point defense: mounts Predator-style point defense system
A squat, ugly, dual-propeller helicopter, the Hammerhead is effectively an airborne armored personnel carrier, meant to clear a landing zone and drop off an infantry squad (or preferably zone troopers), then staying in the area to provide fire support as long as the ammo and fuel hold out. In addition to the standard vulcan cannon system, it can also mount a modular secondary weapons system for additional firepower or point defense system for survivability.
Operational Area Map:
A1: Rocky
B1: 13x Tiberium
(probably less)
|Ops Center, Tech Lab
|Air Tower
|2x Carryall
|2x Large, 5x Med Structures
| 3x Heavy V, 2x Scorpion PD
| 2x Buggy LE, 2x Flame Tank
D2: 4x Medium, 4x Small
|2x Med Structures
A4: 6x Structure
B4: 4x Structure
D4: Likely Nod Base
1x Specter?
E4: Likely Nod Base
3x Med,
4x Small Structure
A5: 15x Tiberium
D5: 9x Tiberium
E5: 9x Tiberium
2x Harvester
C6: Mammoth
2x Trooper
1x Raider
D6: Command Post
Tech Center
Plant U
Space Command
2x Overseer
2x Predator
Guardian APC
Spotter APC
You currently have 5002 credits, and your Tiberium field is tapped out. 4500 of that is going towards the orbital drop, leaving you with 502. On the day of the target's arrival, you'll be able to re-start the harvesting operation. Eventually. After you take apart the existing refinery and one of your other structures or their expansions. By T+2. That'll let you call in as many Ox-class transports as you want to airlift your people to where you want them to go. You can delay the drop until that, and the diversionary attack are ready - later on in the day. Or even later. However, you don't know how long the Nod warlord is going to be there. He could be coming by for a while, to inspect every rivet and insignia on the base, or do whatever else it is Nod warlords do. Or he could just be dropping in for a cup of tea and some CSTRCH biscuits then leaving. It'd be pretty embarrasing to whiff this mission because your target decided to fly off before you could marshal your troops.
You'll also need to decide what your diversionary attack will consist of and how hard you'll be pushing. You could hit sector D4 again with your artillery. You already kind of telegraphed that move, and it'll take out a refinery, which is always good. But you kind of wonder if it's enough. Maybe they don't care about that refinery? Maybe you want to hit the buildings to the east of it?
You also want to make sure that you bring enough backup for the artillery to make it a credible threat. If the Brotherhood decides to respond, you want to be able to engage and run them off; but you don't want to make the diversionary force so overwhelming that they decide to just give up their position instead - that'll screw your drop team over pretty hard.
Diversionary attack target:
[] Sector D4 - Target is refinery
[] Sector E4 - Target is multiple smaller structures
Diversionary attack force composition (pick any # - anything used here can't participate in primary target assault):
[] Predator (up to 2)
[] Pitbull
[] Mammoth
[] Overseer (required)
[] Spotter APC
[] Rocket APC
[] Marauder Squad
[] Zone Trooper (up to 2)
[] Zone Raider
[] Orca AtG
[] Orca AtA
[] Infantry (up to 2)
You also give some thought to the orbital drop site. You can try to drop the squads right on top of the target. If they land on target, you'll have some serious element of surprise, and your people will be able to exit the pod without Nod having time to come over and shoot at them while they're climbing out. Of course, if the pod scatters the wrong way, then your drop team could possibly land in the fortified part of the Nod base or somewhere off in the hills - meaning they'll have to hop to the target's location. And the target may get wise and decide to reinforce his position or fly off.
Or, you could try to drop slightly off to the west, reducing your odds of landing directly in a bee-hive, but increasing the odds of the pod landing so far off-target that you have to put the assault off by up to twenty four hours while your guys hoof it to the destination.
Now that you think about it, this plan hinges an awful lot on the drop pod landing on target, and you really wish it didn't. Which is when it occurs to you that you could drop the pod (for example) 24 hours early and have your guys ready to hoof it in on time instead. The only problem you can see with that approach is that your drop troops may get detected as they mill around, and then they're in trouble. But you don't anticipate the Nod base running too much in the way of patrols to the north of it, other than arriving Carryalls, so your people should be fine as long as they stay away from projected flight paths.
Nominate drop pod target:
-[] Write-in; may scatter up to 2 spaces; may be above the board
Drop pod timing:
[] 24 hours prior to target arrival
- Gives your drop troops time to set up, they may get detected
[] On day of target arrival
- Element of surprise, scatter may cause problems
[] 24 hours after target arrival
- You'll be completely ready, but target may not stick around that long
Attack timing:
[] Right away
- Fighting will likely be difficult until reinforcements arrive
[] Wait for any arriving reinforcements
- Target may escape
Drop Unit Reinforcements (note - 200 credits/unit except for the first one):
-[] Write-in
(may use anything from diversionary force list that's not in the diversionary force; no mammoth either)
[AN: The way it worked out is that your Tiberium field ran out, so unless you want to cancel the orbital drop, any further units you call in will be need to be flown to where they're going by Ox for 200 credits a pop. You could delay the attack by 24 hours, but that has its own risks.]
You ran out of time - there's a Tiberium harvesting "hiccup" which prevents you from building anything on O16 (turn 7) unless you dismantle structures or delay the orbital drop until later in the day on turn 8 (thus risking missing the target).
So actually, if you want to do that, I'll add the aircraft back in.
[X] Final Turn
-[X] Ox Transport (-200 credits per unit transported, unlimited use)
--[X] Pick up Marauder Squad, loop around to the west and insert at C1 from the north
-[X] Ox Transport (-200 credits per unit transported, unlimited use)
--[X] Pick up Zone Raider, loop around to the west and insert at C1 from the north
-[X] Diversionary Attack
--[X] Predator
--[X] Predator
--[X] Pitbull
--[X] Mammoth
--[X] Spotter APC
--[X] Zone Trooper
--[X] Overseer (required)
--[X] Infantry
--[X] Infantry
-[X] Right away
-[X] 24 hours prior to target arrival
--[X] Drop north of C1
Alright, the plan is that the hit is carried out by the zone armor. Three squads dropping in from the north and attacking, supported by two Oxs ferrying in two more squads while the APCs carry the remaining two squads (escorted by the Orcas) while the rest of the armor and the infantry stir up a big mess at the southern base. Hopefully, seven ZA squads with two APCs and two Orcas will do the trick.