I'd like to think that the major reason for red's victory was, ironically enough, Nani's poor luck in partners prior to me joining the game. It allowed him to go under the radar and gave me ample material to make reads of the board for maximum effect.Speaking of Joanna Roivas, she had a double-edged sword in her night-immunity. It protected her from being roleblocked, framed or converted by the cult. It also protected her from protection. Even if @TehChron wasn't able to break through protections, Azrael still would have died as @tankdrop24's protection would have fizzled.
The remaining roles were mostly self-explanatory. Nottheunmaker had 5 guilty targets on Night 1. By Night 2 he had 6. NSMS as Amber Espinoza actually was pretty successful on the watching, and tankdrop... just unfortunately protected someone who couldn't be the night she needed it.
It also let me get a pretty good grasp of the game board, with my only real fuckup being the day phase when I died. I had misread my role PM and thought I could protect myself, and thus drew unnecessary attention to myself from people able to do something about it.
Killing Bailey, then Azrael, then NSMS completely altered the game state and led to a Scum faction's inevitable victory. Honestly, if JBJ hadn't role revealed then it likely would've been a blue team victory, since the lynch would've gravitated towards Andev next and Nani preferably would have offed Estros that night phase instead. Whether Nani would have survived or not, who can say?
It's one of those what-if things, I guess.