Game of Thrones the wheel spins

Ned Stark looked at the parchment but didn't bother picking it up, he was trying to calm his mind, to settle down his uncontrolled emotions, yet he found himself remembering or perhaps imagining the image of his nephew John Snow and his wulf Ghost.

The image of his nephew staring straight at the red dragon, filled him with worry, for he didn't recall ever seeing the man within his dream and yet he was present in his memory.

Perhaps this was his curse, his punishment, for doing what he had done.

Hus children wolves were a special free Dire wolves, he had found them just after they had been born, their mother had been killed by a deer's antler, the prey had been able to fight back. Normally this wouldn't have been out of the ordinary, except, it was the number of cubs present that now seemed incredibly odd.

There was a wulf pup, for every one of his children, including one that had separated itself from the litter, that one went to his nephew, altho people only knew the young man as his bastard son.

Perhaps the gods had sent them to his family and now that he had killed one, the Gods anger was directed towards him.

He couldn't help but look back into the fleeting memory of his dream and the image of the man wielding the twin swords, that image alone sent chills down his spine, as he remembered the events that occurred so many years ago.

He tried to forget but every attempt made the memory of his dream become even more clear, yet when he concentrated in those memories they seemed to grow ever more distant, like if he was only meant to know the time called for it.

Ned reached for the document and the moment his hand made contact with it, he found himself shaking and quickly being covered in a cold sweat.

He could feel the air entering his lungs and the world turned dark once again, there within the darkness stood that same young man, however, this time there was no wolf at his side. He was about to call out to the young man, when the image of a sword being drawn filled his vision, the vision quickly changed and it was quickly replaced by the image of ships setting sail.

The temperature quickly dropped and Ned found himself standing in the lands of the north once again, only that there was fire everywhere, yet even the flames could not melt the ice, all of a sudden Ned found himself facing at a golden lion, that stood only inches from his face, behind it stood the shadows of an unknown army, who's armored bodies did not match.

Again the young man stood before him and theg both looked at each other, yet neither of them said a word.

Ned Stark found himself gasping for air, as the door to his office suddenly opened, it was in of the guards of the castle, apparently, he had a visitor, one that claimed to have urgent news. Who could, who would dare to call out to him like this, Ned didn't know, what he did know, was that if this really wasn't important, then both messengers would die, for wasting his time.

He followed the guard to a small inn, what made him stop when reaching the entrance was the fact that it was one of the many brothels within Kings Landing.

"This better be really important" Ned thought to himself, yet the moment he stepped foot inside the brothel he found his wife waiting for him, right on the other side of the door.

He took his wife and held her, her worried expression told him that this was of true importance, after all he had left her behind, in the lands of the north.

He heard as she spoke about their son falling from one of the towers, the man that tried to kill him in his room and how the boy's pet wild killed the would-be assassin.

But overall he felt himself fill with rage and fear, for the knife used by the attacker was one owned by one of the Lannisters, the malformed dwarf of the Lannister family.

Seeing his worried expression, his wife demanded/asked to know what was going on.

So he told her about the events that had been going on, the encounter with the strange creature that fateful night, how he killed his eldest daughter wolf and how both girls were now at odds with each other.

He also told her about the strange mountain/island that had shown up and how the Tywin Lannister, had done everything within his power to stay away from the royal court, so he could deal with the strangers personally.

That fact alone, was all that was needed to know that the old man didn't have anything to do, with what had happened to his son, yet there was always the possibility that it had been planned before the arrival of the strange island/mountain.

Ned ordered his wife to return to the north and veggie setting up defenses should an attack come, he did this as the memories of what he had dreamt earlier returned to him, secretly Ned Stark hoped that what he had seen, weren't visions of things to come.

He returned to the castle and it was only after looking at the parchment that he handed it over to a messenger, no doubt the elder Lannister would be laying his eyes on it, but it didn't matter, this was a personal invitation from the king himself.
(Arthur/ Arturia)

The sound of metal hitting flesh echoed through the throne room, as the blond woman wearing red armor fought against Klein.

The crowd watched the two of them as the quickly parted from one another, hoping to gain some distance, the two of them kept their eyes locked on each other. Klein smiled faintly, while his opponents only grinned, like a cat, that knew it would get its rat.

Slowly the crowd of cheering onlookers drew quiet, as if knowing that any sound made by them could affect the outcome of the fight.

Arturia, had to admit she was enjoying the show, even if she had to watch it from her throne room. Just who was the woman, that seemed to come and go from Mordred's home, she certainly wasn't a servant, that was for sure considering how she and Klein spoke to each other and the fact that she was putting up, such a good show, made Arturia wonder if Mordred had taken up a student.

The girl certainly had,the mans fighting style, but when Mordred fought like a calm fire that only grew stronger as time passed, the girl fought like if she was a raging infernal that had been suppressed for too long and was now doing what it was meant to do.

The sounds of metal hitting metal echoed, as the cheers of the crowd only grew, as more and more people were gathering to see the ongoing fight.

The coliseum was ideally filled with knights or novices training, none of them remained now, they had all wisely gotten out of the way as the lunatics fought.

"Say it!" Klein screamed at the woman as he forced her back, using his larger body weight and strength, while using his sword to keep the woman's own held in place.

The woman, however, only let out a roar before punching the man in the stomach and forcing him back.

The next few seconds became a blur, as the two charged at each other and both their hands and swords vanished from sight, the only sign of either things existing, was the sound of metal that could be heard now and then.

Then it was over Klein fell on top of the woman completely exhausted, he was gasping for air, the woman, however, didn't move.

"Say it" he repeated, but he struggled to say every word.

"Alright, alright already. I'm a girl" the woman said, before losing up her hand and taping on Kleins back.

He immediately rolled over, Arturia smiled, the two of them had a lot to learn, but were fairly decent fighters.

She turned to look at the man that sat on the floor beside her, his triangle shaped hat, singled as he turned to look at her.

"Well that was entertaining don't you think?" She asked her jester, the man was a fool, it was his job to keep her entertained, but the man was no idiot and Arturia often found herself listening to his advice.


Arturia could see the troubled expression on the man's face, but for whatever reason he refused to tell her what he had noticed.

"It's a crime to lie to your king" Arturia told the man with a cold voice "And it's an equally punishable crime to keep secrets from him" that last line seemed to make the man act.

"My king, I am a fool- an idiotic- an invincible..." He stopped as if trying to pick his words wisely.

"Let's look at the facts" he said as casted an illusion to show Arturia what he meant with pictures.

"When my king leaves the castle, she wears a mans set of armor, that hides her form from head to toe. A cart that holds no one, is taken, for people to believe that the queen goes with him, for what safer place, could there be, other than at the king's side." He said as the image of Arturias armor was displayed before her.

"Yet when my king, is in her kingdom, she wears a dress and acts as queen or a peasant depending if she wants to get some air or not"

"Lord Mordred wears an armor that his him from head to toe, but no one ever sees him without it, yet now in times of peace a woman leaves his mansion and is able to fight using his method" be said as the armored form of Mordred stood besides Arturia's own armored form, while the woman's stood besides Arturias own unarmored form.

As Arturia looked at the illusion before her, she couldn't believe her eyes, it made perfect sense, but why hadn't Mordred told her, after all her own situation wasn't any different, granted she was king and Mordred a Lord, but it was only the scale of things that was different.

But as Arturia looked at the illusion she couldn't help but detect a hint of familiarity, with the blond woman's face, that she now knew was Mordred. It was like looking at a wilder, younger version of her self and for a moment Artura remembered a mistake she had done.

She had wanted an inheritor, but she couldn't get pregnant herself, so she had her mistrusted magician turn her into a man, just so she could impregnate a woman. The catch was she couldn't remember who it was, but that's the problem with magic, its a real headache, when it wants to be.

Yet it was only now that she looks at the results of her mistake and it took a fool to show it to her.

"You're dismissed for the day" Arturia told her jester, the man quickly ran out the door, as if knowing he had stumbled onto something he shouldn't have. Any other king would have the man executed for what he knew, but it was for reasons like these that Arturia, kept him around.

She walked up to her throne and sat down, she needed to think about what she needed to do about her little mistake. Her inheritor had to be a man, a woman couldn't do the job, at least not alone.

She knew this because of her personal experience, not everyone gets to have loyal subjects like the ones at her side and even then, in the years past, some had tried to assassinate her.

A man could do it for two reasons one his queen could keep an eye on things with her own spies and loyal followers, two the king could fight the wars that would undoubtedly occur, while his queen helped keep relations with the nearby kingdoms.

If Mordred was, in fact, the result of her actions, then she would have to prove she deserved the throne.

The smell of hot potatoes drifted into the air and Kirito watched as the hot steam nearly blinded him to its contents. He had come home to help with the relocation of the villagers, normally as let regulation, he would still be with the rest of his team in electing the borders, but apparently being a Lord, had some perks.

In his case, however, it was both a curse and a blessing, a curse because his team was one man short and a blessing because he could both be with his family and remind himself, why exactly they were fighting for.

The villagers/ refugees, or perhaps they were called settlers now, where all gathered together cooking their own meals, this caused the feeling of some sort of union to settle in, the various families had their children playing near them, either by kicking around balls made of animal skins, playing tag or simply helping the elders carry firewood.

Kirito had to admit that it would be a lot easier to just teleport everyone back home, but the truth was that in case of an emergency, the people themselves would need to know their way back to the city, should something happen to the escape route and something stopped them from teleporting away.

The people looked at him with eyes filled with worry, however, Kirito had to admit that was mostly his fault, both Asuna and Yui had interacted with the villagers from time to time and built some sort of working relationship with them.

Apparently, she had been speaking to them and learning about the things they needed just to live, like what they normally used daily and what was commonly in demand when they were working.

An unfortunate result of that, was that a rummer had begun to spread within the people, both the villagers and the people within the city. Apparently, the story told by them was this, Asuna was the light of day and anyone that saw her, couldn't help but acknowledge both her beauty and her grace both in battle and in life.

She moved like the wind and her white sword shined with the light of stars, a caring mother and laydy to all. She was loved by her people and even went as far as to walk within them.

He, on the other hand, was seen as a distant man, cold and uncaring who lived for the thrill of battle. His black clothes and armor resembled the blackness of his heart and his swords were said to never go a day that they weren't covered in blood.

Apparently, he only returned home when his lustful urges overcame him and even then he was always distant from his people. No one knew anything about him or ever saw him, unless he was in battle, carrying his wife to the bedroom or taking his caught out on walks.

"Just how did people even start telling these stories to each other?" Kiriro thought to himself,as Asuna placed a bow filled with potato soup in his hands, the now was hot, but not too much, so the heat wasn't unbearable.

Yui ran up to them and immediately sat down on the grass and Asuna handed her her own now, before she to sat down.

Acalm mood began to set in between them, even though they were just eating, the only sounds around them, were the people talking amongst themselves, the animals that are the grass near them and the sound of birds flying nearby.

Kirito couldn't help but smile as he ate, he hoped these days never ended.

(Ned Sark)

The Small Council had been gathered, each man present was one if not the most important person within the seven kingdoms, second only to the king and queen. In times past they themselves would have been called kings or by the very least lords, lords, who held such power that they themselves could have overthrown kings and queens.

Now they were nothing more than high-class servants, servants who's words could end the lives of thousands of people. A wrong word spoken, could cause an entire town to be so heavenly taxed, that the people would prefer slavery over living that way.

A dot misplaced in a document could have an entire regions food to be taken away from them and that regions people left to starve.

All of them had eyes that no one ever saw and ears that heard the whisper those beneath them spoke and the yet despite all of this the king could control them.

Each man held an exhausted expression, the kings festival was taking a tow on them, the cost of all of the wine-food-whores and guards were making Coin of the King, the man responsible, for managing the funds of the kingdom frustrated considering just how much he was having to pay.

The kings hand, the man that managed the security of the kingdom himself was equally as troubled, in one night alone, the guards had stopped five rapes, ten robberies, a woman's head was found floating in the river, her body was still missing and now he had to worry about the strangers when they arrived.

The rest of them were in no better condition, the master of whispers, whose job was to find any threat to the kingdom and by extension, the king, had heard troubling reports, from the lands of the east a growing danger was starting to move, the people from the north had begun to act as if they were getting ready for war.

To any onlooker, they would have just looked like if they were getting their supplies ready for the harsh winters that occurred in their part of the world, but to those that knew how the north moved when getting ready for any major conflict, knew something was wrong.

Swords were being sharpened and men who could fight were being separated from the rest, like if they were waiting for someone to say the word and for them to begin their attack.

Further up, in the lands where few dare to walk, there are whispers amongst those whose job is to keep the savages and unholy creatures that feel beyond the realm of men, that strange creatures have been sighted and the savages beyond the wall, are moving as if fleeing from something.

Yet these men and the few that have yet word their troubles, could all see the writing on the walls and for the first time in years they all agreed on one thing and thing only, war was coming, but against who no one truly knew.

Was it the north that armed themselves without reason, was it the growing threat of a discarded princes, from a time long passed, from the east, those beyond the realm of men, or perhaps it was the strangers.

None of them could say.
One by one each man exited the room, their discussion was over, the fact that none of them had even spoken a word didn't matter, for they had passed to one another each piece written down information, of course, they kept the most important things to themselves, not because they affected anyone else, but rather for the fact that any small portion of those documents could easily put the well being of the kingdom in jeopardy.

Truthfully everyone present knew where to get those documents and had copies of them, written by the very men themselves, this was so that if any of the died mysteriously, the rest could put together what had happened.

Soon only Ned himself remained, he hadn't left the room not because of any particular reason, he simply had nothing better to do, ever since arriving at Kings Landing, his days had consisted of desk work, seeing the glimpses of spies that the various councilmen had, as he walked passed them, or listening to his old friends loud boasting.

Robert Baratheon, was a plump man, but he didn't use to be, before he was fit and his strongly built body was a testament to it, however, the life of a king had taken its time on him and so he threw himself towards his worldly desires.

Soon wine-whores-festivals and whatever whims he wanted, were his only release from the chains of leading the seven kingdoms.

It was incomes like these, that Ned wondered if he had taken the throne for himself that fateful day, would he have ended up the same as his old friend. Where he only had one kingdom to worry about, Robert Baratheon had seven, granted they both had Lords, Knights and so on, but only one of them had to worry about, the dangers that would come from afar.

Ned listened to the sounds of the festival and he felt himself wondering how it must feel to be able to enjoy such simple things, He imagined himself, walking amongst the people, without fearing assassins sent after him, or an enraged mob of villagers attacking him and his family for any wrongdoings that may have befallen them, because of an order he gave.

The sounds of strings, bells and the singing of the people were faint and Ned had to strain himself, just to listen to a single note. The north didn't have anything like this, the closest thing they had, was when the various houses, gathered to within his northern home Winterfell, to pass the long winters, they would drink, sing and laugh with each other.

Daughters would get pregnant and bastards would be put within their mother's bellies, needless to say, no one ever spoke against, some random man forcing himself on a lady, for during those times no one knew if they would be frozen corpses the next day.

The same went for a little persons daughter being taken by a lord, there were no titles during this time and anyone that protected against this, would soon end up dead, killed by everyone else. This was the truth about the north, beyond things of honor, loyalty and so on, the survival of one's family name took priority over all.

Soon the sound of wooden stick colliding with one another slowly took over the sounds of the festival until it was the only thing that could be heard, Ned turned his head to see who was making such noise and saw his youngest daughter, learning how to use a sword.

He smiled at this, she had his sisters character and secretly Ned hoped that she wouldn't follow his dead sister's path, so many had lost their lives because of it.

His mind shifted to his eldest daughter and how she was now to be wed to the kings oldest son, the boy had the Lannisters appearance, meaning that he had their hair, eye color and skin tone, but one only had to spend a minute speaking to him and they would see his fathers attitude everywhere, from the way he walked to the way he looked at random women.

The boy was a Baratheon, if not in looks, then in nature.

The sounds of wooden swords colliding was growing more and more distant and soon it would be replaced by the sounds of the festival once more.

Then like a light of day the king's daughter walked in.

"Lord Stark" Myrcella said to him as her eyes looked around the room.

Ned stood up to greet her only for the girl to lift up her right hand, informing him that such an act wasn't needed.

"My topologies for interrupting your rest, but have you seen my father?" She asked, the girls bright smile carried a warmth that didn't exist within the castle and for a moment Ned wondered, if this was unit to the girl.

"The king is out, with his guard enjoying the festival." Ned answered the girl, however, the girls smile slightly faltered before she unrolled a something in front of him, her bright smile returned just strongly as it was before.

"Grandfathers scribes drew this for me, it's a drawing of one of the animals, that one of the girls kept as a pet, it can become bigger when it want to. I also have a drawing of the girl herself." Myrcella said to him, as she happily placed the drawings in front of Ned and Ned felt his blood run cold.

The drawings were of a young brown haired girl, wearing a strange armor, who's sigil Ned didn't recognize, but what was frightening, was the creature at her side... a living dragon.

"I bet father and uncle Tyrion will like them too" Myrcella said, completely ignorant of the threatshe had just shown Ned

Yet as Ned looked behind the girl, he could see her guard lowering their heads to him, confirming that what she was showing to him was I deed true and not a product of a young woman's imagination.
"Who else knows about this?" Ned asked Myrcella and the girl looked at him with a happy expression

"Everyone that went with grandfather and I" she immediately answered before taking back the drawings and rolling them up again

There was no reason for either of them to be in the same room anymore, so Myrcell simply said her goodies to him and walked away, her guards, however, took a slower step then they normally would have taken and Ned realized that had he been anyone else, they would have killed him.

Once again the sounds of the festival began to return, but they seemed to have grown even more distant than before and so Ned found himself working even harder to hear a single note.


The smell of saltwater lingered as he and his team walked deeper and deeper into the cave, they were careful not to set off any traps, then slowly they all stopped walking, right in front of them was a massive black stone door.

None of them dared to so much as touch it, for there was a chance that if they did then they wouldn't be able to escape, whether that reason was due to some monsters protecting the area suddenly becoming aware of their presence and so act accordingly- a bunch of traps suddenly activating or the main boss behind the door forcing them to stay, didn't matter, the results would be the same, they would all end up dead.

"I've already sent out the location and the alert. Everyone should be here in three days" Dale said to them, before pausing and activating a teleportation crystal, the last thing any of them would see, would be the walls around them begin to move.

The guild of Fuurinkazan, soon found themselves at the entrance of the cave they had just been in, they stood there silently waiting, normally some kind of creature would show up and attack after they had left the are, granted that creature was ideally several creatures but who cared about the details.

None of them said anything, there was no need to, three days, in three days they would fight the floor boss beat it and move on, the wall of overly aggressive monsters that kept people from going up, would be gone and yet for the first time, none of them wanted to leave.

They had met some good people on this floor, hell they had even made some friends, but if there was a chance for them to go back home, they had to see if that chance was real or not, so they had to move on and that meant it was time to stay away from those people, they had met.

They each marked their location on their maps before heading back towards the city, they would resupply everything from potions, weapons, food and water.

As each man walked they briefly stopped as they felt a small spark of electricity flow thru them, however, it was so small that not even the animals around them even care to acknowledge it had happened at all, so the guild simply moved on.

( Arthur/Arturia)

Arturia swung her sword, carefully remembering the battles of the past, remembering every detail, every impact and even the blood that flowed onto her hands. She moved faster than any mortal man, but it wasn't anywhere near her true speed.

In times like these, even her persona guards would leave her alone, less their presence hinder her training.

Then suddenly a small pulse echoed through the realm, her sword instantly reacted to it, forcing the pulses energies away and yet Arturia found herself standing upon a frozen land starting into the distance. There was nothing in this land only a massive wall made of ice that was far into the distance, in front of her was a large tree, that had a face carved into its bark.

To her left stood a boy with short black hair, no it was more like if it was the spirit of a boy that stood at her left. She still held her sword and Arturia beloved that it was only because of its influence that she was even herself at the moment.

The bark of the tree was white, almost as if was made of white paper and from its mouth, eyes and nose, it bled red blood. Arturia was certain it was blood, the smell of iron and milk was present, but what was disturbing of all, was the sensation Arturia felt, it was like if something was calling to her, to thrust her sword into the tree and unleash its power into it.

Arturia desired the urge to do so and she soon found herself standing before an army, but not an army of living, but if the endless dead, yet as she watched the cursed walk, a man walked up to her with spear in hand.

He was made into ice and ice was his armor, his eyes were blue, but a shade that made them look as if they had been made of marble. The man lifted his spear and even if he had never uttered a word, Arturia felt the need to unleash Excaliburs power upon the spear.

Again she resisted and Arturia wanted to scream, upon a hill of swords she stood, holding Mordreds corps be used them, her knights and her most trusted friends laid dead and the state around them doubled with blood, as if something that was once there had sunk beneath the sea.

Arturia suddenly realized that she was back in her throne room gasping for air.

[Sistem restoration process complete, beginning analysis...time remaining before Aincrad can once again fly...procesing]

(Character change Asuna)

They had finally returned to their small cottage and it really did feel like home Asuna, prepared herself to organize the people and tell them what to do, only to realize that the men were already doing it and had begun to prepare everything for the work ahead.

Behind her Yui, looked at all the people gathered her bright smile and big black eyes made her seem almost like an angel, unbeknownst to Asuna, however, Yui's help screen had suddenly alerted her that a point had been reached and she would soon have to choose, between leaving Aincrad within the sea or return it to the sky.

Asuna turned to look at a message sent to her from the guild, but it had the stamps of every guild leader, making the thing urgent, but it also had the option of yes and no on it, so she was free to choose whether she participated or not.

An invitation had arrived from the main kingdom, within the mainland and the guilds would send their representatives, unfortunately, the scouts had just found the floor bosses area and so both the scouts and the cleaners would soon be completely occupied with either the defense of the border or killing the monster in that room.

Apparently the only reason she was even given an option at all, was simply because of her daughter and the fact that Kirito, couldn't watch over her, since he would be sent back to the cleaners to sleep guard.

Asuna couldn't believe what she was seeing, they had just returned home and they were already being told to leave, so I thought thinking she pressed No, I'm the help screen and decided to spend what little time she had with her family together, as best as possible.
(Character change Tywin)

Tywin Lannister listened, he listened to the silence, there was nothing to disturb it, from time to time the steps of the servants or his knights walking could be heard or one person speaking to another, but other than that there was nothing.

The world was quiet...the world was quiet.

He had read the letter sent from Kings Landing to the strangers, he did so because, the letter hadn't been sealed at all, it was just a folded up letter, no wax to keep it closed and no strings for it to be secure.

He hadn't bothered to add a letter of his own, for the simplest reason that everyone knew that in order to travel within a lord's lands, a person needs the permission of that lord.

Tywin held the letters that had gone between himself and the strangers, who were asking for permission to travel thru his lands, normally he wouldn't have bothered to answer as he had, but there were still so many unknowns.

So he sent a letter asking to know how many people would be passing thru, for no other reason than to stop his own men from fulfilling their duties and attacking them, thinking that they were preventing an early invasion force.

The stranger's answer, was both pathetically small and at the same time worry some, only a few people would be going to Kings Landing, of course, they would all be knights, no servants would be accompanying them.

This answer alone confirmed two theories that Tywin had when he had seen the gathering group of children and what his granddaughter had to him. The strangers were thought to multitask, so there was no doubt that they would be trained beyond the common things thought to any knight or lord.

Tywin knew just, by the way, the small town or perhaps it was a city, that he has visited, that writing was a common thing to the people there and from what his master was doing, innovation was something the people there desired.

Meaning that the strangers would only become stronger as time passed and yet he could see no immediate threat from them.

Their numbers were small and if what his men, the servants and his granddaughter had told him was true, the assortment of creatures present within the city, suggested a level of danger that the people there lived in, was exceptionally high.

But there is a difference between a little threat and none at all, the strangers wanted nothing to do with the outside world, their actions alone spoke of this and they did what they had to do to stay away.

Unfortunately, that would never happen.

No immediate threat, didn't mean no threat at all, their school alone could train-teach and form binds that only occluded between houses over various years within a short period of time and the way that the knights walked, all spoke of combat experience, meaning that if the matter was needed they could and would put up one hell of a fight.

Still as things stood, Tywin gave his permission, but only after asking if they would be carrying anything extra, like wagons-horsed or weapons. He was trapped between bringing the kings anger upon him or simply annoying the strangers, to the point that they become frustrated and decide to simply head to Kings Landing by Ship.

The fate of his lands-his people, the seven kingdoms all depended on the meeting ahead and now something like this happens.

Tywin turned to look at the masked man who was so rounded by his personal guard, at the masked man's feet laid the body of a young woman. The man made a motion of himself, pulling at his face and one of Tywins personal guards looked to Tywin, for confirmation.

Tywin simply looked at the man, there was no need for any action or words, the man had known him for years and so knew what Tywin said with one look.

The knight reached out and pulled the woman's face, only for it to come off and the face of a small boy be left behind, the knight pulled again and the face of a man, he pulled again and the black face of a woman from the south.

"Enough" Tywin ordered the man, he had seen enough, the assassins of Esos the Faceless men were walking around his lands, but why was the question.

"There are more kingdoms within the island. No one wants a war, we keep our selves in check, you keep yourselves, as well" the masked man said to Tywin.

"That's not for me to decide" Tywin answered the man and in a puff of smoke the man vanished.

"But it is, you see you've managed to do something not even the kingdoms of Aincrad could. You've managed to get the trust of the Adventurers" the man appeared behind Tywin, yet Tyein did not show any fear, if he even had any.

"To think that an ordinary man, without power or skills in magic, would be able to go as far as to write letters to those that kill giants-dragons- armies, for fun. Beings that have ended entire kingdoms, would ask for something as ridiculous as permission" the man spoke as a knight tried to pierce him with a spear, only for him to turn to smoke once again.

"So I ask you once gain, keep your dogs in check, for the kingdoms of Aincrad know that if you are attacked, they will answer." The man spoke.

Tywin now understood what was happening, this was interrogation, whatever/whoever hose kingdoms were, they wanted to know what Tywin was planning or how had he made contact with the strangers.

"I hold no such power" Tywin answered.

The man simply moved his hand and placed it on his chin "Perhaps, perhaps not, but one wonders how did your people access their libraries and why are your slaves happily building a wall alongside their servants" he stopped before vanishing again.

"Take it as a peace offering, she was a long at you, you were in luck that I was sent to speak to you." The man's voice seemed to come from every direction, but his body was nowhere to be seen.

Again Tywin stood in silence, no one present dared to speak or make a move.
Dude, I really love this fic.

If you need someone to beta for grammar, just PM me.
They say that when times change, it's a great thing, for none can miss the vents that occur. Truth be told only a few people are even so much as capable of noticing the events at all, for it is not one or several big events, but a gathering if multiple small things, happening around something big.


The sound of footsteps could be heard for miles, from every directing they marched only stopping when they reached their destination, soon the smells of the various meals began to spread through the forest and as one would expect, the creatures of the forest desired the Mel for themselves.

Unfortunately for them, the Adventurers would kill them, long before any creature could so much as eat anything, already the forest floor was stained with blood and it was only due to the fact, that there were so many corpses laying about, that any creature managed to escape at all.

A clear line had been formed, take the dead and leave was the message sent to all, altho no one ever spoke it.

Mordred watched from afar, using her dragons core to strengthen her vision, besides her Lancelot stood, quietly observing.

"So it's true" Lancelot said.

"What?" Mordred asked, however, her question was more of a demand than a question.

"You've bonded and the one you have bonded to, is someone impossible for you to be with. I swear, you're just like your father." Lancelot said before jumping back, in order to dodge Mordred's fist.

Mordred looked at Lancelot, but for some reason, her instincts didn't act like they should have, instead, her body did react but her heart was accelerated unesesarely. Mordred couldn't help but shake, it was a mixture of fear and embarrassment.

"How? How did you know?" Mordred asked Lancelot

"You may always have your helmet on, but you still turn your head in order to look at the king, like a lost child, calling to its mother." Lancelot answered Mordred, an uncomfortable silence began to set in.

"As for your second question, your smell. You smell so strongly of female hormones, that even the nearby animals are starting to pick up on them. Like it or not, but it's only because of your power and your power alone, that you haven't been attacked" Lancelot answered Mordred.

Mordred stood motionless digesting Lancelot's words, her white armor covered her from head to toe and her helmet couldn't be removed by anyone else but her, all of this convinced made many think of her as if she was just another man.

Yet if what the man in front of her said was true, any attempt to keep up her charade was meaningless, her nature had begun to work against her.

So slowly Mordred reached for her helmet and took it off, for the first time allowing herself to be seen by anyone, while she was still wearing her white armor.

Lancelot stood silently taking in the sight before him, before smiling. "You look like a younger wielder version of your father" he said before exhaling.

"Can you at least tell me how you bonded with him?" Lancelot asked Mordred, there was no point in hiding anything so Mordred told Lancelot everything.

She told him about them drinking and eating together, the children competitions that they would have and the fights that would break out between them and she also told him about her red armor, the one that showed to everyone that she was indeed a woman.

Lancelot simply stared at Mordred before pulling her towards him and giving her a right hug, their armors letting off a slight sound of metal hitting metal.

Mordred quickly pushed Lancelot away and she was about to draw her sword, when she noticed the mans worried expression that somehow looked at her with pity.

"What!?" Mordred demanded.

Your smiling and laughing even now, while you have your hands on your swords handle, your smiling. Do you know that there is a chance that you will have to kill him, never once have you ever done any of those things with any of us, you have always stayed away and now that you open up to someone, its someone that will undoubtedly hurt you.

The sounds of twigs shaping made them turn and see more and more adventurers gathering, something big was about to happen and the king needed to know about it.


It was like a timer had been set, no a timer had been set, the guilds were gathering their people and the teams were arming themselves, the only thing they were waiting for was one word, just one word from the scouts for them all to move.

The Army at one point was the line that kept the lower floors safe and did the most to pass every floor, now they had other problems, to deal with.

Ruling over people and keeping your lands both within and out of their borders was an issue, so many rats wanted in, not all of the Human. For the first time in years the army found itself on the losing side, hundreds of miniature had begun to move towards the lower floors, as if sensing their weakness.

So like the defenders they were, the guild fought this new threat, at first it went well, they were cutting down miniature by the dozens, but the enemies numbers alone were simply overwhelming.

So slowly they were being pushed back, soon they all found themselves concentrating on their weapons and a change began to occur, slowly their hammer-swords-spears-guns-arrows all began to glow, it was as if the weapons themselves, had been given new life.

The fighting went on, until every healing potion, every special crystal was completely used up and for the first time in years, the Army stood alone, in a field of corpses and blood the Army stood as one.

Unbeknownst to them a man dressed in black watched from afar, his skull-shaped mask hid his face from the world, he watched only for few seconds more, before vanishing in a puff of smoke.
It began with light of first sunrise, the adventurers had gathered all of their tools and weapons alike, potions and crystals were prepared in advance.

Mordred watched from afar, she watched as the adventurers went into the cave, slowly and it was only when she and Lancelot were certain that no one would see them that, they advanced.

With each step they took, the sounds of battle became louder, they walked until they reached the entrance of the cave and found themselves becoming speechless, as the sight before the was one, only those that had seen war could bear.

Orcs and goblins alike hung from the ceiling and walls of the cave, the cave floor was painted red, with the blood of the dead, neither of them truly cared, for none of the dead were human.

The walked deeper and deeper into the cave and found that they themselves were being followed by men dressed in black, spies and assassins, yet none of them dared to attack.

The sound of metal hitting metal echoed through the cave and once in a while the light of flames could be seen, finally, they stopped and Mordred felt her instincts take over, for the adventures were fighting men and women dressed in strange box-like armors.

Yet as Mordred watched, she found herself realizing that this was a hopeless battle, for the adventurers were not fighting mortal beings, no instead it was something far simpler.

They were fighting illusions, depending on the magician, the illusions could be cereal that everything about them could be mistaken for a real human, or be nothing more than black shades of color moving about.

People used this kind of spells to weaken those stronger than them and when they were exhausted, simply cut their throats.

The fight continued for what seemed like hours and slowly the illusions began to lose form, when the last one fell, never to reform, the cave walls began to move, revealing a massive door.

It was then that the men dressed in black moved and it was then that they died, right before they had even had a chance to attack. The dead had risen, if only for a moment and Mordred felt a familiarity with the magic that gifted the dead with life.

It had the feeling of something familiar, something only a child would recognize, her mother was watching from the shadows.

The cave floor broke revealing a sleeping red dragon, yet when it rose to fight those that feared to enter its home, Mordred, saw that it had it's she's broken, like if someone had taken a massive hammer and brought it down upon the beast.

It took less than minute, but the dragon fell, the adventurers drove a spear thru it heart, and using a war hammer, they drive it in deeper. Yet after the fight had ended the adventures realized they needed a bridge and so they nailed the red dragons mouth shut and hammered both its arms and legs to both ends of the cave, forcing it to be their bridge.

Yet as they reached the other side, the door did not open and so they took turns breaking the ancient stone doors down. When the final piece of the doors fell, a vast field was revealed on the other side and far into the distance was a massive wall.

(Arthur/ Arturia)

Arturia watched the images sent to her by Mordred, her guard, her most trusted knights and even Merlin himself felt it, the moment the doors were broken an ancient power had just been unleashed, one that stayed away, not because it was afraid.

No, not because it was afraid of her and her power, but rather it feared what stood within the cave, it feared the Adventurers.
For a thousand years the wall has stood and for a thousand years we stood as guards. We defended the realm from beast, magical beings and the savages of the west.

Now something comes, no army can stand against them, no beast can devour them, the wall cannot stop them, magical being die before them.

Each one is a legion, kill one and it will rise again, bun it and flames will not work again. We will guard the wall, we ill hold, but we cannot stop them, Emperor the Adventurers have finally come, we need reinforcements.

The men speak of the dead rising behind them an army of the dead is rising and there are whispers, whispers from our scouts beyond the wall.

They whisper that the savages we have encountered until now are but primitives, that there are kingdoms further to the west. Emperor arm the defenses and gather the guard, they are coming, I can hear the wall breaking.

Emperor help us they are coming.

Arturia heard the calls for help, someone on the other side, was calling for aid, she tightened her grip on her sword, the times of peace would soon come to an end.

(Tywin Lannister)

The sound of water splashing could be heard as horses exited the edge of the border between the mainland and the island. Normally Tywin wouldn't have bothered to greet anyone that crossed his lands, but this was a special case, his encounter with that magical man, had thought him one thing.

The strangers had granted him special treatment, treatment he would soon put to use. Whoever had sent both the faceless man and the man of smoke, needed to be paid for doing such things d Lannisters always paid their debts.

"Welcome guild leaders and companions, I have prepared an escort for you." Tyson said to the strangers as they all gathered, those on horses simply rode , while the rest crossed by boat.

The men just looked at the knights in front of them, confused, before smiling.

"I see you thought ahead, thank you to be honest, we really didn't know where to go." A man said to Tywin, before a young girl opened up a chest filled with gold.

"We figured it was best to pay you for the wool you sent over, now that we had the chance." The man said before bowing and following his escorts away.

Tywin just watched them leaving, perhaps it was time to look for something else, a place that had minerals in it. He knew that the island had enough wealth in it, so why not kill two birds with one stone.
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The sound of horse hooves walking could be heard one after another, alongside the sounds of armored boots crushing, stone, wood and the ground itself beneath them. The people didn't utter a word, they simply took in the sight of a forest that didn't have any creature waiting to kill them or do something worse.

They passed by the towns, villages that had no name and the various people within them all, none dared to make eye contact, yet the people themselves, seemed well fed, despite wearing very simple clothing.

The villagers looked at them with curious and fearful eyes, yet even when none of them would dare to look at the stranger's eyes, they nonetheless noticed that every single stranger was wearing armor, including the young children.

Slowly they soldiered on for two days only briefly stopping to take a rest for the night and get something to eat, they exchanged stories with the Lannister soldiers, stories about fairies, tools and trolls, while the Lannister soldiers returned to them tales of men of ice that reanimated the dead, creatures known as Children of the Forest, who once stole infants from their cribs and sacrificed them to their Gods.

The last story, the Lannister man gave in return, was of the events that occurred when the Targaryans first arrived, altho the soldiers themselves, made sure to make the stories much more mystical in nature.

Perhaps the Lannister soldiers, believed that they were only exchanging stories for children, things for both entertaining and teaching lessons, unbeknownst to them, however, the players comparing them, rook their words, as if they were the vivid memory of people that were glad their problems had ended.

For where some simply called such things as fantasy, the Adventurers called them reality, these were things they had to deal with daily and so, they simply asked how those things were beaten, the sword and fire, was the only answer they received.

So as the day came they once again moved out, soon the sounds of bells, string instruments, horns and trumpets could be heard, as the smiling faces of people walked past them, however, each was careful not to touch any of the strangers or even to dare make eye contact with any of them.

(Ned Stark)

Ned was eating his meal as his two daughters sat together alongside their septa and the daughter of the king and her septa, the girls spoke about meaningless things, while he ate comfortably, granted it wasn't time for him to eat, but he hungry nonetheless.

It seemed as if the anger between his daughters had softened somewhat and by the very least, the two were now on speaking terms, still when they spoke to each other, they held a slight edge to their words, but nothing time couldn't deal with.

Suddenly a guard rushed in, "Lord Stark, sir, forgive my interruption of your meal sir." The guard said as he gasped for breath.

Ned just looked at the man, waiting to know what was so urgent the man had to rush in and dare to stop him from eating. The man finally caught his breath and spoke again.

"Lancaster men accompanied by men and children all wearing armor and sigils, none recognize are asking to enter, sir." The guard informed Ned

It seemed as if time had finally come, to see just who these strangers were, so Ned followed the guard back to the throne room, soon all of the members of the small council would be present, alongside their own guards.

As he enters the throne room, Ned saw his old friend was already seated upon his throne made of a thousand swords, melted by Dragonfire and molded into the throne itself, by his side stood his queen, still as beautiful as ever, next to her was her oldest son.

Ned soon saw Myrcella walk past him and stand next to her father's side, away from her mother and soon a small figure of a boy with golden hair passes by, it was the Kings youngest son, besides them, were the royal guard, all dressed in armor painted gold.

"Let them in" the king ordered with a powerful voice, only blaming his war hammer for dramatic effect.

Room a man wearing red armor walked in first, next to him were two men wearing white armor, but the sigil of a red cross was painted on them, while a red man wearing the red armor bore a white cross on his shield.

"This was the one to watch out for, this is their leader" Ned thought to himself.

Next followed a girl with pink hair, who held a small war hammer at her side, besides her stood a girl with brown hair, who's neck was decorated, with a strange necklace, the necklace was shaped like a blue lizard with wings.

He was a southern man thought question, his armor was not remarkable by any way but on his back he carried a battle ax.

Next was a man who wore blue armor, from head to toe and only removed his helmet out of sheer respect, as not wanting to cause any problems.

No one spoke a word, the silence was only broken when a dog half the size of a man walked in and stood beside the man wearing the blue armor.

"Greetings from the land of Aincrad, we have come to greet the king of the Seven Kingdoms" the Southern man spoke.

Rober Baratheon just looked at the man, before smiling and roaring in laughter. "Good, God man I was wondering which one of us would break first. To think that all that was needed was a four-legged beast" the king laughed.

"Come on now, I am King of the Seven Kingdom, Rober Baratheon, this is my wife, my sons and daughter" Robert Baratheon introduced himself, before pointing at the young girl with the necklace shaped like a blue lizard with wings.

"My daughter told me about your pet, I don't like being fooled." The king told the girl.

Instantly the girl looked up towards the men with her, both men simply nodded, telling her to do so.

She reached towards her neck and the lizard immediately came to life and jumped off the girl's neck, the creature stood between the girl and the king, before it grew to the size of a large dog, instantly the entire throne room was filled with murders and gasps from the people gathered.

Ned could see his old friend tighten his grip on his war hammer, as he looked at the beast.

"Tell me, girl, what's your name?" Robert Baratheon asked the brown hair girl, however, Ned could see that his old friend was just waiting for the girl to say the wrong answer.

The girl timely walked forward and spoke. "He...hello, my name is Silica Keiko and this is my pet dragon Feather." The girl spoke, hesitantly.

"King that sits upon the throne of a thousand Kings, I am Michael of the Blue frontier, I come in place of my Guild Leader, for he is ill at the moment" spoke the man in blue armor, his voice was powerful, as if he was trying to take attention away from the girl and her fire breathing beast.

"Forgive late introduction, my name is Andrew Mills, I represent the merchant guilds of Aincrad" said the southern man.

"My name is Heathcliff, Leader of the Knights of the Blood and these are my honor guard" some the man in red armor.

Both the king and queen alongside his children and honor guard looked at the men and animals before them before a small voice spoke up.

"Hello, my name is Lisbeth Rika, its a pleasure to meet you, my lord."The girl's voice was rash and unladylike yet she waved at the princess as if she was eagerly waiting to see her again.

The prince's for her part smiled and waved back to the ill-mannered girl.
For a brief moment, Ned felt the world go quiet and the same black-haired young man walked into the throne room, yet his feet made no sound as he walked, for a brief moment that seemed to stretch eternally no one moved.

Every person and animal present was a statue, Ned was about to call out to the young man, when he suddenly felt the heat of fire near him, the only thing Ned could see was a massive sword, the size of which, was to greate for any man to carry, but the only thing Ne could focus on, was fire covering the sword.

The silence of the world vanished and Ned immediately heard the gasps and shocked voices of everyone present, as the two girls waved at each other, and suddenly the sound of the king's war hammer slamming onto the stone beneath him, suddenly made everyone become quiet.

"Have both of you forgotten your manners" Robert Baratheon scolded his daughter and the pink haired girl.

"There will be enough time for the two of you, to speak of pointless things, for now, we have to finest what has started. Now, how does a mountain suddenly show up, on the border of one of my houses?" The king asked the strangers.

There was a moment of silence before the elder man wearing the red armor spoke.

"We have no idea, in fact as you know, no one from Aincrad has so much as attempted to leave, for fear of letting loose, the things that are in that island. King of the Seven Kingdoms, as you know, we have contacted Lord Tywin Lannister, in hopes that he would build a wall to keep the dangers away."

"First let me sure you, that it was only luck that he was starting a settle meant there and its only under mutual protection that we will only be trading with him." This last part made many present just look at each other, before several cages covered in cloth, were rolled in by servants.

"I hope you understand, that saying something like that to a king, is the same thing as declaring war. After all, you are taking one house and declaring it as the only important one" The king said in a very restrained form, however, his anger was barely contained.

"We know, which is why, we brought proof. Uncover them!" The elder man ordered the servants.

The room was suddenly filled with screams of horror, the brown haired girl's blue dragon, assumed a protective stance between the cages and its master, its mouth, displaying the fires it was ready to use at a moments notice.

The entire guard, drew their swords, while the blue armored man's dog, prepared itself to defend its master, the dog's teeth were shown to everyone present.

Four creatures the likes should not exist, roared at the sight of all present, their claws stretched out, towards the people and the only thing that kept them away, were four metal cages.

"Orcs-goblins-trolls and a giant insect, they are the weakest creatures on the island. We came here hoping for peace, to tell you not to go inside Aincrad, because you could end up bringing things even worse than this into your kingdoms" the elder man spoke, but stopped for a moment, waiting for the king's answer, when he received none, he continued speaking.

"The people of Aincrad will stay on the island and never come to the mainland, in exchange, no one ever sets foot on Aincrad, place your guards on your side of the wall yo make sure of that, if that's what you want." The elder man said, before finally stopping.

"...You and your creatures will stay there and not set foot on Westeros." Robert Baratheon said.

"Kill the beasts in the cages, I won't have them on my lands" He ordered the strangers and instantly the guards wearing the white armors killed the creatures inside the cages.

"...Anyone else would have you killed for bringing those things here, but anyone that has ever fought any wars would know, that just putting those things in cages, would be next to impossible...I have seven kingdoms to rule and your power would be a great addition to my own..." The king spoke as if knowing, that his next decision would affect the seven kingdoms, former.

"...Deal, stay on your island, but you're forbidden from sailing anywhere near any lands, or training with anyone except Tywin Lannister and that's only because he's right next to you." Robert Baratheon made his decision right there before everyone present.

"Take those things back with you and clean up the blood" he ordered the strangers, the king was not even going to entertain the thought of letting them stay long enough to rest.

Immediately servants began to clean up the blood in front of everyone, before handing the strangers the blood covered rags and buckets filled with filth.

"Thank you" said the southern man, as several servants brought in sixteen chests filled with gold and gems of all sorts, there was no need for words, this was nothing more than someone saying, ill give you this much, just so you can leave me alone.

Soon the strangers had left and the king sat upon the throne grounded by everyone else.

"...Did you see it Ned?" Robert Baratheon asked his hand.

"My king?" Ned answers his old friend.

"They're scared, either there's something on that cursed island or they're scared of us, doesn't matter, they're scared." Robert Baratheon said as he tight end his grip on his war hammer.

"Tell the masters to look into every story about magic, everything from childhood fairy tales, to ancient writings, Tommen, Joffrey come with me, the rest of you leave me." Robert Baratheon ordered everyone present.

Ned saw something in his friend, something he hadn't seen in years, his old friend was motivated, there was a fire in his eyes, but Baratheons were only known to have those fires when times of conflict come.

Ned saw the first sighs of snow falling, before the snow touched him, however, he noticed that it was in fact ashes, as n

Ned looked for the origin of the ashes he saw the servants burning their clothes, the servants had cleaned the creature's blood, were being made to burn their clothes
I really think tywins pov was on point, and this is definitely quite a believable Sao crossover which is pretty rare,
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The slight screams of several women reached Ned's ears, two, in particular, belonged to his daughters, he could hear the sound of metal sliding, no doubt swords were being drawn by the guards.

Yet there was a feeling in the air, something Ned knew all too well.

It's the feeling one gets when he's in way over his head, whatever was going on in castle halls it was better to end it now, so he made his way out, yet even as he walked towards the door leading to the hall, Ned felt his heartbeat, becoming faster and faster.

The feeling was nearly overwhelming and had Ned been a weaker man, he would have never managed to set foot outside the door.

What his eyes saw was something that filled him with fear, the blue dragon was now the size of a horse and a castle guard had managed to get ahold the brown haired girl, long gone was the dog-like creature, now the dragon's mouth was spilling fire.

Ned had no doubt, that the moment the girl died, there would be no stopping the beast from burning everyone to ashes.

The only thing Ned's eyes could see was the blue dragon's mouth spilling flames, as it looked at the knight that was cowering under the beasts sight.

"That's enough, we didn't come here to fight. Just let go of her and we will leave." The voice of the elder man reached everyone's ears, as he attempted to stop the conflict from becoming something that could no longer be contained.

Ned watched the guard slowly loosen his grip on the girl, only for the girl to simply stretch out her hands and hold the beasts head, the same way one would hold onto a lover.

Ned had seen, stable boys do the same thing with horses, but what caught neds interest, was the way, the girl had dismissed the guard's attack, it was like if the man's sharpened sword and grip, were nothing to worry about, for her.

Yet again, having a guard, like the one she has, probably made her fairly confident in her safety.

"Let them go" Ned ordered the castle guards, his voice was carried through the entire hall, the knights lowered their swords, however, none of them dared to put their swords away.

The hallway was quiet now and Ned could see that the man wearing the red armor was now walking in front of the group of strangers, the southern man was at the back while the two knights wearing white armor, now stood protectively around the two young girls.

As the group walked Ned found himself walking behind the strangers, just to make sure that no one else tried to attack them anymore, as he followed Ned began to see the blue dragon, shrinking in size and sit on the top of the brown haired girls head.

Slowly the small group made their way back to the walls protecting Kings Landing and Ned found himself ordering the guards to stand down, slowly the strangers alongside their Lannister escorts vanished from view, taking with them the cages that still held the corpses of the creatures with them.

For a moment he stood there watching them leave, wondering why his old friend would have let the girl live, despite having seen the beast himself.

Things had just gotten a whole lot more problematic, more than one person had laid eyes on the girl, her escorts and the dragon, yet again, more than one person had seen every one of those people, obey and listen to the king.

Not only that they themselves had agreed, to stay away from the Seven Kingdoms, but even if that was true, those facts wouldn't stop the daring and stupid alike, from trying to get to that is d and its treasures, as well as people.

The elder Lannister would no doubt, make sure no one would so much as approach the island, Ned felt the cold wind on his face and for the briefest of moments he felt, as if he was once again in the northern lands.

The festival continued and as Ned walked past the many people, he found himself entirely alone, everywhere he went, the people would move and leave a wide breath, between themselves and him, as Ned walked back to the castle, he soon caught sight of both his daughters watching the strangers leave, behind the protective walls of the castle.

(Character change)

They had just left Kings Landing and it hadn't gone well per day, on one hand, they had basically been kicked out and told to never come back, and the other hand that's exactly what they had wanted to begin with.

The players already had enough problems as it was, to add a bunch of medical kings and knights to it all, so maybe it was a wine, still, it would have been nice to at least, have been able to enjoy the festival the people in Kings Landing were having.

So they walked back for hours, only stopping to make camp for the night, the moment the first bags fell on to the ground, was the moment all sound around the small group stopped.

The Lannister knights had already drawn their swords and the Knights of the Blood Oath soon followed their lead, however, no one could see anything, that resembled any form of danger.

"I assume you have been following us, ever since we left Kings Landing, I'm afraid you have already given out your location," said Heathcliff.

The silence injured until the sound of cloths moving in the wind made everyone looks above them, it was there that man stood watching them, he wore a black rag over himself, a skull mask covered his face and a black bodysuit covered him.

"I come to ask a question and nothing else, however depending on the answer, you will either live or die." The skull masked man said, as smoke began to rise from his body.

It was but a brief flash of light, but in that brief moment, the masked man found himself under the spear of the Blue Frontiers representative.

"Wrong, we're the ones asking the questions here" Michael said, before the as a sin vanished in a puff of smoke
"Wrong answer" the voice if the masked man said, somehow sounding like it was coming from every direction.

"Adventurers, warriors of great skill and power, yet anyone that dares to look at you for an extended period of time will know one thing... You don't kill Humans" the assassin's voice lingered, almost as if the surrounding forest itself was holding every word in place.

"Looks like we won't be resting tonight" Michael said as he let his power flow into his spear, making it glow slightly.

The wind began to blow slowly and with it the sounds of leaves and branches, Michaels' eyes hardened as he listened carefully for the sound that would give away his opponents location, then briefly, the sound of something moving in the wind could be heard.

It was at that instant that Michal moved, his dog ran next to him, already knowing what it had to do.

Two knives were thrown at Michaels direction, only for him to block them with his spear, however, his opponent had already given away his location entirely and so Michaels dog used him as a platform and jumped onto the nearby trees.

The assassin moved trying to avoid the animal and he was about to stave it, only for Michaels spear to plunge itself into the man's hand.

"Adventurers don't kill you say." Michael said as he walked closer to his opponent, his dog was already placing the man's neck between his jaws.

As Michael stopped in front of the fallen makes man, he removed his right club, revealing a coffin tattoo, that seemed to have a laughing face drawn on the center of it.

"Why?" Michael asked

"..." The as assassin didn't answer

"Are there more of you out here?" Michael asked only to be met with silence.

"...Capture me if that's what you want, but neither you nor your friends will be able to stop what's coming. We know your planning to attack, after all why else" the man stopped speaking and began to choke on his own blood, as Michaels dog bit down on the man's neck and immediately let him go.

"It's talk like that, that gets a person killed." Michael said as he brought down his spear on the fallen man's heart and skull learning them both, there was no point on taking the man back with him, so as his dog began to eat Michael simply walked away.

The slight glimmer of the light of his spear, made him stop for a brief moment and kneel down so that he could pick up his opponent's knives.

Michael had to remind himself, that this wasn't a game anymore and the next wrong move he makes could be his last. He could hear his dog eating away at the deadman's corps, the fog would catch up to him when it was done, so he began to walk back to the group that was waiting for him.

"He's dead" Michael said to the group as he walked up to them, he let the man's knives fall in front of the group, confirming the man's death.

"Another one that kills himself?" Heathcliff said, altho sounded more like a question than anything else.

Michael simply nodded at the least of the Knights of the Blood Oath.

"Well no need worrying about a dead man, but we should get moving. If someone passing by, finds that corps we're all going to ha e problems" one of the Lannister knights said to them.

Like it or not, but the man was right, so they would have to walk back during the night as well and because of the would-be attacker, they would now be forced to walk back with ought any form of light, to guide them.

(Character change Ned Stark)

Ned walked up to the king's throne room, it had been a while since the king had a hut himself away with his two sons and now as Ned finally saw his old friends face again, he swore the man looked somewhat older than before, despite it only being a few hours since then.

"One is too young and believes that being nice to people can stop wars, when people only go to war, when being nice is impossible"

"The other just wants to watch everyone in front of him die" Robert Baratheon said as Ned entered the throne room.

The king looked up for a brief moment and spoke. "It about time you got here" it wasn't much the way those words were spoken, had made Ned's senses scream with warnings.

"Tell me, Ned, did you know that the last two Targarians are alive in Esos? A simple yes or no ned. Robert Baratheon asked Ned directly.

" Yes, everyone knows that" Ned answered this old friend.

"Good, because I'm having her dealt with right this moment. I've already given the order, the only thing that's left is for you to say why this is a bad idea." Robert Baratheon said to Ned and Ned could feel his heart speed up.

"I heard she was to be wed to a Dothraki, someone that would never even try to cross the sea." Ned answered his old friend, hoping that reason might prevent his old friend from making a huge mistake.

The king however simply scratched his chin, as if he was expecting that answer.

"She is to marry a man with an army, an army that with the right motivation could invade, but your right they would never try to cross the sea."

"...You saw it with your own eyes and felt the beasts power, no doubt it was still an infant...imagine more than one dragon attacking us, or two dragons fighting each other."

"There would be no winners Ned, you know that, I know that. Hell, the Seven Kingdoms know that!"

"It would be a repeat of the dance of dragons! Ned, if I attack this girl, then those inside that island will retaliate and use everything including those things to fight us, but if the Targarians are killed no harm will come to the realm." Robert Baratheon said to his Hand, however Ned hoped his last attempt would make his friend stop.

"My king if you go thru with this, then your honor would be lost." Ned said to his old friend hoping that his honor, both as king and as a man would make him stop.

"Honer! I have Seven Kingdoms to rule Ned!"

'Seven Kingdoms! One king, you think honor keep them inline! No, fear does!" Robert Baratheon, the king, said to his old friend and unfortunately, Ned couldn't help but see that the king, his old friend was right.

"Leave" Robert Baratheon ordered everyone.

Like it or not the meeting was over and as Ned looked at his old friend one last time, he noticed that his old friend, was not the king at this moment, no, now he was just a man looking outside his window, at a comet burning red in the sky.
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(Character change Mordred)

Her skin felt tight, the cold touch of the uncaring wind combined with the rain that managed to enter the cave made it nearly impossible to stay hidden. Not much had happened so far, the adventurers had just exited the cave, walked around a bit and set up camp.

A few of them walked to the entrance of the cave and at the edge where both ends of the dragons ended and placed something, about the size of a grain of sand. For a moment Mordred felt the need to examine what it was, until the familiar voice of her mother made itself known.

There were no words spoken, for the woman's words were sent directly into her mind, a marker had been placed, this tiny insignificant object ensured that even if the caves were brought down and anyway for both sides of the caves to meet, were entirely cut off, for the adventurers, that fact would be meaningless.

They would simply teleport to the other side, if the cave was completely lost, then the markers at the entrance of the cave would work, if the bridge were to fall, well who needed a bridge, when you can just show up at the other end.

A clever trick, one that made both enemies and allies fight over a useless bridge, when the important things were, in fact, the markers themselves.

From time to time, smoke would move quickly, sometimes avoiding the adventurers, sometimes taking advantage of their distraction to move past them, in either case, the smoke would make sure to not be noticed.

Unfortunately for them, Mordred had already sent working to the king and by extension, the lower kingdoms of the lesser floors, the shadows, the spies that nearly everyone employed are their move almost immediately and we're now tracking the black smoke.

Lancelot had gone on ahead to see what the adventurers were doing, he did so not by any form of trickery or even hiding at all, but by simply walking up to the adventurers and asking them.

Mordred expected the man to be attacked immediately, but to her surprise, the adventurers were completely open to telling him what they were doing.

Apparently this cave was the only way to go up the mountain and to prove this they summoned that illusion magic, apparently, every adventurer could use, this was a problem one that was a lot more telling then what Mordred ever truly wanted to know.

What had been casually shown to Lancelot, was a detailed map of all of the lesser kingdoms, areas that marked where the adventurers could go, just by teleporting, her father's kingdom was amongst the areas mapped and apparently, the adventurers had somehow been inside the castle and made a complete map of it.

Apparently, the only reason they were staying put, was simply because moving into an in known region, I thought reinforcements was completely insane even by the adventurer's standards.

The monsters weren't the problem, nor was the climate, not even the lack of food, apparently, the issue was the people.

The adventurers wanted to avoid killing anybody and that would be a problem, up until now the only real threat so far were the monsters and ending up broke, with no money whatsoever, that wasn't the case anymore.

Mordred watched the images sent to her by Lancelot as he himself was being shown the images by the adventurers. There were lots of monsters, there were ruins, dungeons, towers and caves to explore.

These things were the adventurer's specialties, but there were a number of dots all over the map that displayed a certain set of words that made the adventures hesitant to go forward.

Hostile Humans

That was troubling, but what fought Mordred's attention was the massive wall in the distance, someone had to have built it and that meant another kingdom, one that was right next to her fathers own, that knowledge alone was troubling.

Before the adventurers advised Lancelot to leave as soon as possible, they told him that should he be around when things go bad, then any form of deniability the lower kingdoms may have would be completely lost.

It was a weak defense, but still it was a way to avoid war, reluctantly Lancelot left the cave leaving her completely she wasn't alone, somewhere close by her mother was watching her and the adventurers, from where ever she was her many spells made sure that no one would ever notice her, until it was too late.

(Ned Stark )

The festival was ending, slowly the sounds of the string instruments, the voices of the people that weren't originally from Kings Landing were slowly vanishing, it had been two days since the strangers had left and unfortunately, he found himself doing manual work.

Unfortunately, that meant he was now forced to sort out the troubles of the crown and that meant he now had to find out just how many bastards his old friend had, of course before that he had to know, how many bastards, did the original king and prince have.

And now Ned found himself having to drink more than he normally would have, from as far as the Baratheon line went, every child had black hair, at first Ned thought that perhaps this was a mistake and surely some other family must have fathered or given birth to children with different hair or eye color.

Yet no matter how far back Ned searched it was just black hair, the eye color changed from time to time but the hair was always the same.

Ned drank his fifth cup of wine and closed the last page, every page that marked the bastards were the same, black hair, there was no denying it anymore, none of the king's children were his own... He drank another cup and began to weigh his options, his heart was beating, the consequences of his next decision would have consequences that would be felt by everyone.

It's too early for the strangers to aid the Lannisters should a war start, but if they believed that they might be invaded, then it would be an unknown number of soldiers with unknown weaponry marching across Westeros.

It would be something comparable to the Andals invasion of Westeros, but not telling his old friend would be comparable to treason and he wouldn't do it again, but back then, who was he to betray, his old friend or his own sister.

Ned lowered his next cup, he needed to tell the queen, the chance that her father would take her back was high, if not then her and her children would have to flee to the east and hide amongst the commoners.

First he needed to send his daughters away, lest something goes wrong and they get caught up in all of the problems, again he drank another cup and felt the words begging to move, the wine was finally doing its job.

(Arthur/ Arturia)

She could feel it flowing thru her veins, the swords magic was fighting an unknown poison, whether it was a magical one, or one she had eaten/drunken or simply breathed in didn't matter, what mattered was that someone had tried to kill her.

A figure emerged from a cloud of black smoke and stood directly in front of her.

"My, my, I must say, it's impressive that you're alive" said the woman wearing a skull mask and wearing a right black body suit.

Arturia didn't answer, instead she sat perfectly still and acted like if her body had become something like a statue.

"...Interesting, it seems you can't move, the gas has never done that to people before" the woman said as she walked right up to Arturias throne.

"Well, it's time to die" she said as she drew a large knife, it was but an instant, but in that one instant, the skull masked woman lost both her arms.

Arturia rose from her seat and stood over the failure of an assassin, her form towering over the fool, no longer did the king hid her power, no instead she let it flow freely and the supposed killer screamed like a pig.

Mordred's warning paid off, the smoke figures were in fact from that other land, suddenly several dead men fell from the ceiling, as shadows began to surround Arturia.

"My king, we've dealt with all of the intruders and the ones sent below have also been dealt with, but we bring words" the lead shadow spoke to Arturia, altho his words seemed troubled.

"..." Arturia

"The shadows attacked the nursery and the school of the Adventurers..." The shadow paused as if he had difficulty even saying the next set of words.

"The adventurers have people called Elites, there were no survivors, every attacker was crushed, not by spells or with weapons, but by simply being near them" the shadow said before Arturia closed her eyes, telling him to leave and take the filth with him

The shadows graved every corps and dragged them into the darkness with them, Arturia looked at the remains of her would be killer and realized that soon she would have to move again.

Ever since she could remember, she had always defended her lands, now for the first time it seemed as if she was going to have to be the one to invade, but for now someone had to come and clean up the crushed remains of the pig she had just killed.

A servant walked in with several lions and dogs, it was interesting seeing both kinds of animals share their food and Arturia began to think of her next move, perhaps it's time to speak to the adventurers directly.

Mordred's wife seemed to be more of a scout, the ones people send just to gather information, so if any deals were going to be made, then they would have to be within the main kingdom of the Adventurers, bit going there herself was a double edge sword.

On one side she would appear weak, on the other she would seem like an invader, giving those lower than her an ultimatum.

What was she to do, Mordred seemed infatuated with that man, so perhaps a political marriage, that would certainly get rid of one headache, but would only make more later on. So what was she to do?
( Kirito )

The clouds were starting to cover the sky, they were starting to show up more and more, unfortunately, because of that everyone now had to figure out what to do, one of two things were going to happen, either it was the time for the raining season, or winter had come, so they would have to worry about everyone not freezing to death.

Granted there were floors that were in a constant state of cold, but that didn't change the fact that the people living near them weren't from those areas at all, in fact, Kirito didn't even know, if Aincrad had ever experienced the changing of the seasons.

So that meant that as the ruler of his small patch of land it fell upon him to get coats and all of the warm clothing for the people living near his home, unfortunately, that meant he had to search for the lowest prices and like it or not, most of all of the lowest priced clothing was in the surrounding kingdoms.

One rule was made, it was unspoken and only recently was it even written down and agreed by everyone,

No one would do anything to antagonize any of the nearby kingdoms, this meant everything, from attacking the people, verbally or physically, harming them economically or affecting the people by, illness. This included affecting their animals and that meant a variety of things.

It didn't mean the players couldn't enter the kingdoms, it just meant they couldn't buy or sell too much, no long term deals, just get in and get out. This was done, due to the fact that the surrounding kingdoms could easily just declare war, or send in assassins to deal with the players and if not the players themselves, the people around them.

Ordinary people don't enter dungeons just to explore or hunt monsters, most if not all people would rather just live their lives never experiencing those kinds of dangers, its one of the reasons the players had simply slowed down and started living their lives.

So materials weren't the problem, it's the time and people needed to make the clothing itself, when they needed to concentrate to tending to their fields and building their homes, so cost was also a factor because things would be needed further down the line, so here he was stuck buying warm clothing from every one of the lower floors.

The cold wind blew and slowly the temperature began to drop, until small specks of white snow began to fall, kirito stopped walking and looked up at the sky and exhaled he, watched his breath become mist.

All of a sudden an alert from Aincrads main system was sent out and Kirito felt his eyes widen at its implications.

Aincrad defense system realization complete, water stable, air stable, soil and minerals stable, surrounding environment adequate for all Human life. Due to the continued adult of the entities of this world, a vote must be taken.

A barrier has maintained all entities within Aincrad, the only exceptions being creatures that are similar to those with this world, however, due to the repeated attacks by the Fish Men, the Astral projectors and the beings of ice, along with the fact that the inhabitants of this world have set foot in Aincrad.

All players must choose whether to keep the barrier up, Aincrads defense system will continue to terminate all intruders, however, no longer will the creatures of Aincrad be forced to remain, within its borders.

Mountain barrier YES)( No...awaiting answer

Korito stood there watching the snow fall around him, as people walked passed by, watching the counter go up, for both the yes and no options.

Still he had to get all of the clothes be had just bought, back home, so he couldn't just stand there looking at the sky, this was his last job around, because of the attack he was given two extra days to stay with his family, but he had to get back to work.

(Robert Baratheon)

He swung his hammer, making his sweat fly with every move, his large gut was just getting in the way, he remembered his youth, the fights he had, the maidens he took to bed and the married women that pulled him into their room.

He remembered the war all those years ago and how he killed that Tagarian, he remembered every soldier, every knight and the Targarians sword that was melted into his hammer, the Targarians sword was better left lost, but as a reminder of everything he lost all those years ago, he had that mans swords melted and used to repair his hammer.

An insult and a trophy, he tried to stop himself from feeling the loss from back then and he found himself trying to control his anger at the memory that that girl was alive in the east and the fact that another dragon was living nearby.

His hammer fell to his side with a loud thump, he couldn't swing his hammer anymore, he needed something to clear his mind, maybe he needed to go hunting, yeah that was it, Ned could deal with the kingdoms issues.

When he got back, he would lead a single at the stranger's island, but something like that took time and effort, but right now he needed to rest.
"And in life, it is all about choices we make. And how the direction of our lives comes down to the choices we choose." – Catherine Pulsifer

"This is as true in everyday life as it is in battle: we are given one life and the decision is ours whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind, or whether to act, and in acting, to live." – Omar Bradley
( Character change Klein)

They had been walking for hours and if they didn't find anywhere dry they would be forced to teleport back to the cave, just so they could stay warm, there was no point on dying like this, slowly the sounds of people talking began to reach his ears.

One by one his teammates begin to assume their positions, just in case they had to fight off any would-be attackers.

One by one they exited the tall grass and found themselves staring at a large village, paper lamps were light, it made sense considering that it would soon be dark.

"Got it" Dynamm said as he looked at the village in front of him, there was no point on meeting the locals at the moment and the temperature was still dropping, so being able to get to the village and back was the best option at the moment.

"Why don't we go meet the locals" said a feminism voice behind them.

Klein instantly tensed up, before spinning around and letting out a breath, when his eyes met with the owner of the voice, she wore a school girls dress, a typical sailor dress, only that it was all black and had a red belt tied to her waist. Her long black hair and dark almost black eyes, made her looks almost like a doll, especially considering the girls cream skin, long black socks and red shoes.

"It's too dangerous, there are a lot of red marks. There are enemies everywhere" Klein answered the girl.

She just looked past him and walked forward. "Good, you heard about the attack on the nursery, right? Isn't it strange, that the moment we crossed to this floor, everyone was attacked...I just want to talk" she said as she walked passed Klein and his guild.

There were no orders given, hell when one of the elites tells you to do something, you don't question it, you just do it, but she hadn't given any orders, so they were free to leave and Klein was just about ready to order his team to head back when she spoke once again.

"It would be interesting to try out the local drinks, why don't you boys join me." She said as she walked further and further ahead, she never once bothered to turn back.

"Excuse me, where can I get a warm drink?" She asked a passing by woman, however, the woman just ignored her and kept on walking.

Like it or not, Klein knew that he and his team were now going to go along with her, wherever she wanted to go and they had no choice but to do it.

Again she asked the same question to a boy that was running by, but he to ignored her, Klein could hear the people talking to each other, so it wasn't that their languages were any different, considering he could understand them.

Finally, she stopped in front of an old man sitting on a bench, his cane at his side. "Excuse me elder, where can I get something warm to drink?" She asked the man.

The old man simply looked at her for a long moment before speaking. "Outsiders aren't welcomed here, if you want to spread your legs do it somewhere else." The man's words were filled with anger and disgust as he spoke.

She just looked at him and smiled. "Hummmm, hmmm, hmmm" he began to move her hips side to side playful.

"Mister what do you know about people that can turn into smoke?" She asked the old man, get even long before she had even finished her question, the old man jumped at her, sword in hand, unfortunately for him, his sword didn't last.

With her right hand she cut the old mans sword, the metal flying away, while with her left hand she held the old man by the throat.

The sounds of metal unsheathing as the men of the village drew their swords, immediately Fuurinkanzan drew their own, Klein watched her just looking at the old man, she smiled as she held him firmly in place, Klein watched as the old man's eyes began to fill with fear, as the realization began to set in.

They couldn't beat her.

"The wall, I don't know anymore" the old man said, as he struggled to speak, while being held by the through by her.

"...I see...Gentlemen, I understand that you are only defending your homes and loved ones, but if you don't put those swords away, then every man, woman and child dies. I'm not in a good mood today" she said, her voice holding no signs of humor.

The men slowly lowered their swords.

She smiled "Now, where can I get a warm drink?" She asked the old man, who just pointed at a small wooden house at the edge of the village.

She let go of the old man and began to walk towards the small house, however as she walked forward Klein and his team could feel something was off, it was like if the villagers didn't want to get anywhere near that house, swing as the area around it was almost completely empty.

As she walked forward a man wearing green smooth form-fitting armor stepped out, his helmet seemed to have need carefully crafted just for him, the man just looked at the approaching woman in front of him and drew his sword.

Just like that it was over, the man fell over unconscious. "He's alive" she said before turning to look at the spot where the old man stood, his eyes now filled with fear.

Klein watched as the woman walked in and walked out. "The House is empty, only pots and pans, along with things people need to live...take the prisoner back with you, teleport Now." She ordered

There was no point in staying behind, what could they do, Klein and his guild just picked up the fallen soldier and teleported back to the cave, leaving the woman alone, the last thing Klein heard, was the sound of a sword being drawn
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(Point of view change)

The sound of gunshots spread through the land. Bloom, boom, boom, only for the sound of a sword colliding with the projectiles to immediately be heard after every shot.

The villagers that once believed themselves strong, could only watch in horror, when the strangers arrived they believed they could fight them off and now they had all been disarmed and were at the stranger's mercy.

No, no that wasn't right, if the stranger didn't enslave them for their arrogance, then the empires soldier would execute them, for failing to help that soldier that had been carried away.

The sound of metal falling as the empires soldier unloaded his gun and reloaded, this was the lifetime and each time he stopped to do so, the woman in the black cloths would shorten the distance between them, each time getting closer and closer.

It was a sight to be held in its truest sense, the woman dressed in black was fighting completely blind, never had her opponent shown himself, or perhaps it was herself, but nonetheless, it didn't change the fact that the stranger was fighting an unseen enemy and to everyone that was watching, it looked like if she was winning.

Each time closer and closer to her target, each time her sword neared her enemies neck, the old wind of winter had come and slowly snow had begun to fall, but despite not really wearing much of anything at all, the stranger fought on, never caring for the climate.

Again the sound of metal hitting dirt and sound of a tree falling.

Ping! That was it, the sound of metal hitting metal, the stranger had found her target, long gone was the silence in between each gunshot, like if the sound of silence that lingered before and after, each gunshot was stopped by the woman's sword, never existed.

Now all that there was, was the sound of constant strikes of metal, boom, the sound of a gunshot and nothing more, slowly the sounds of footsteps alongside the sound of something dragging could be heard.

The villagers watched, wanting to turn and run away, but despite their instincts telling them to flee, they couldn't help, but stand there and watch, hoping to see who had won.

Slowly a figure began to form from the surrounding darkness, until the woman dressed in black walked towards them, behind her a soldier, wearing the average armor worn by the walls watchers laid, as she dragged him behind her.

"I want a warm drink" the woman said and quickly the villages woman ran to their homes before returning as quickly as possible.

The stranger simply smiled and drank a single cup, from the many around her, before vanishing from sight, taking the soldier with her.

(Point change)

The cold wind blew, soon winter would fully arrive and the wall would be even more difficult to defend, the men stayed vigilant, it helped that many had formed families at the wall and each member was now finding its place, within the walls function.

The greater wall kept the empire safe from the savages of the west and it had stood for thousands of years, no beast, creature or savage, had ever brought down a single stone.

"Os this true?" He asked she assassin in front of him.

"Yes" was all the assassin answered.

He folded the piece of paper before burning it with the fire from a nearby candle. "...All of them are dead..." He said as if trying to understand what he had just read, his mind could barely understand the words he himself had just spoken.

He exhaled "...Tell me off the record, what do you know." He told/ordered the assassin.

"Off the record?" The assassin asked.

"Off the record" he confirmed.

"...My lord the people of the west aren't as savage as we once believed, further west there are kingdoms, creatures and beast that we have never encountered walk the lands and each kingdom has creatures and worries that we would need an army to stop."

"Either an army or one of the empires strongest to defeat those creatures. However, the moment the Kings and their strongest get involved, we might not win." The assassin said before hesitating.

Noticing this the man looked at him, before looking at the man and simply wordlessly, ordering the man to continue.

"...There are diapers that the dead are rising and that the stranger's font die, we kill one they size again, but there are those that if hurt that method won't work again, we burn them and flames won't work again."

"We attacked them and they are coming in retaliation." The assassin said before a short sword cut off his head, a member of his order, killed him for showing so much emotion.

The man watched as the corpse was dragged away and the blood was cleaned off the floor. "...The savages will have to hold the invaders off for now." He thought to himself, before beginning to search for solutions, things needed to prevent deserters, when the fight finally arrived.

Perhaps concubines for every soldier along with a significant pay raise, it didn't matter anyway, after all, every gold and gem spent always returned to the control of the walls treasury. Still, orphans and children from the lower classes would have to be brought in, how many would live and how many would due, was never known, until the fighting finally ended
(Ned Stark)

Ned Stark walked down the castle halls, he passed his eldest daughter Sasa, sitting alongside the kings eldest daughter, alongside both their Septas, knitting their various garments.

No, Ned reminded himself, the girl wasn't his old friend's daughter, whoever fathered the bastard girl was her father, his old friend had merely given her his name. He stopped for a moment and looked at the two young women, both were at marriage age.

The outcome of his decision would be felt for years to come, so it was better to warn the girl's mother before he told his old friend, better that she and her bastards flee the lands before it was too late for them.

Things like this were not rare, in fact it happened nearly all the time amongst the little people, the husband goes to work and while he is gone, his wife spreads her legs for someone else, whether she did it out of fear or lust, didn't matter the results were always the same.

One the husband either discarded the woman and her bastards, forcing them to stay away and never return, even while they be fed for forgiveness.

In truth this was what Ned was hoping for, that his old friend would cast the queen and her children out, never to return.

The next option, was that, all those involved would be executed on the spot. That was the king's woman and those kids should have been his, it would be nothing more but an example, for the next woman that took the current queens place.

The last option, was one Ned himself had seen happen, the girl would be taken to the kings private room, she was already at childbearing age. She wasn't the kings daughter and her appearance was fair, there was no reason to get rid of the Queen, the king would simply impregnate them both.

Ned began to walk again, if his old friend chose, any other option than the first one, then the Lannisters would surely retaliate, what was once an assured victory, was now completely uncertain, the strangers changed the battlefield and having so many unknowns, would surely affect the outcome of the war, that was certain to come.

Ned walked past the various fires that gave light to the castle halls, the cold winds had yet to truly affect the inside of the castle, but soon even the hot halls would be freezing cold, already it was getting dark far too quickly, soon the only source of light available, would be the various fires inside the castle.

The sound of wood connecting as it hit another piece of wood, soon reached Ned's ears and he found himself staring at his youngest daughter training, as she tried to learn how to use the sword.

Ned thought back and began to think, he needed to speak to the council, perhaps they had thought of something he hadn't, perhaps they could stop his old friend from killing someone that was no threat to him at all.

Perhaps they could help him find his old friend a better wife and if they couldn't, his own eldest daughter would suffice, like it or not, their marriage would accomplish the same thing, as what was originally intended, between the bastard and his daughter.

The relations with the north would be strengthened and no one would have broken any promises, as he thought this Ned felt a smile cross his face, yet there was a light in all of this chaos.

"Ned!" The voice of Peter Baelish the kings Coin, reached Ned's ears as the man called out to him.

Ned just turned to look at the man, altho he didn't bother to answer him.

"Good I caught up to you." Peter Baelish said before pausing as he looked at Neds face, the man's smile slowly vanished as he looked at Ned.

"So you know that the king's children aren't his, its written all over your face".Peter Baelish said to Ned.

" How did you?" Ned began to ask before Peter Baelish cut him off.

"The king knows Stark, the man is a drunk, not a fool. The king beds every woman he wants and the queen she hops into bed with however she wants, the kingdom has, its princes and princesses...Word of advice Stark don't overstep your boundaries" Peter Baelish warned Ned.

Ned just looked at the man before Peter Baelish walking in front of him. " I was going to tell you something interesting, but I think it's better if I show you something just as interesting." Peter Baelish said to Ned.

Ned followed the arrogant man closely and he soon found himself feeling more and more like a rabbit that would soon be seen.

"See that guard over there" Peter Baelish said, as he pointed at a guard standing watch. "He's one of the queens spies"

"See that boy carrying wood" he's one of the master of whisperers spies.

Then Peter Baelish did something that made Ned's heart speed up. "See that woman serving your daughter a warm drink...shes one of mine." Ned had already drawn his sword fully prepared to kill the arrogant fool.

Yet even as Ned held his sword at Peter Baelishe's neck, he found himself feeling as if he was in a fight he could not win and so slowly Ned lowered his sword. The Kings Coin, however, never stopped smiling.

"Stop thinking that a sword will always save you and realize that you are now invoked in a bigger game then what you're used to." Peter Baelish said, before walking away and leaving Ned standing at the side of the window, he and the king's coin were looking thru.

"Kings, queens, bastards and so on don't matter Stark, along as the realm lives, think before you act." Peter Baelish said, as he walked away, never bothering to turn back and look at Ned.
Peter lying to and threatening Ned like that could come back to bite him.
Ned watched the man walk away and replayed the situation in his mind, slowly he began to realize that something wasn't right, how had Peter Baelish known that he had discovered the truth about the king's children, unless he had already been spying on Ned.

Clearly, that was the reason why the man had shown Ned some of the spies that were running around the castle, yet as Ned replayed the conversation in his mind, he realized that something else was hidden amongst what the man had tried to tell him.

Whatever that thing may have been, Ned couldn't see it, no matter how hard he tried.

Slowly the sun completely went away, it was now night time and the only light inside the castle was that of the torches, Ned turned to look back in the direction where his eldest daughter was and realized he could no longer see her.

The light of the candles and fireplace light the room where she was currently in, but as hard as Ned tried to see her, he found that he no longer could.

There was no point in standing there anymore, two things needed to happen, first he needed to talk to the queen and then speak to his old friend, both of those were related, so they counted as one thing.

The second thing was, that apparently there would be no fall this year and so, he would need to start figuring out how to ration the food around the kingdom.

Ned walked down the halls of the castle once more and once again he found himself standing at the entrance of a room, this time the sound of bone hitting flesh could be heard, alongside the voice of an older man.

"Don't fear the dark boy, embrace it. If you're going to die, then take the son of a bitch with you, that way you don't go to the afterlife alone." Said the elder man's voice.

Ned watched trying to see who the elder man was talking to, only to realize that he was speaking to the youngest of the boys, each time the boy heard the elder, the elder would strike either disarming the boy or sending him to the ground.

Ned watched and smiled briefly, however, his smile soon vanished, that training was meant for the king's son and the bastard clearly wasn't the king's son, he knew that now and because of that, he could no longer look at the boy in any sort of respectable way.

He decided to leave the room behind and not interfere, it was better not to destroy whatever mood the boy may have had at the moment, soon it would all be over for him anyway, what destroy it before it was time for him to go.

Finally he reached his destination, the main dining hall, the doors were open, as Ned walked in, he found himself staring at the queen she was still as beautiful as ever, her golden hair that reached just below her waist, her long elegant dress and pale skin, along with her blue eyes, truly made her a beauty to be seen.

An elegant meal of meats, fruits milk and wine were carefully placed in front of her, while to the side Ned could see several prisoners held by chains. They were all so thin that the bones were already striking out of their bodies.

It was a harsh punishment, but one fit, for those that stole from the kings personal hunting grounds.

Candles decorated the room and somehow the stone within the dining room seemed to be painted red with their light.

Ned took in the sight for a moment and noticed the difference between the queen and her daughter, where the princess deemed to radiate light and shine everywhere driving away the darkness that would otherwise, make a room feel cold and unwelcoming and replacing it, with the feeling of warmth.

The queen was the exact opposite, the room around her was dark and the only light around, was that of the candles and fire being burned for warmth and light.

Somehow, someway the light seemed to be drained by the queen herself and somehow the woman looked even more beautiful, a golden beauty that stood within the darkness, the only light amongst the dark.

Ned had to admit, his breath was taken away as he watched the woman eat, but he had a duty and he was going to do it and so he walked up to the queen, until he stood right next to her.

"Lord Stark, have you come to join me in my meal or have you simply come to get a closer look?" The queen asked him, before putting a piece of chicken in her mouth.

Ned swallowed he suddenly felt like a cornered rat. "There's no easy way for me to say this, but I know your secret. I'll give you until the king returns from his hunt to escape the castle, take your children with you and run." Ned told Cersei Lannister.

She didn't even bother to stop eating.

Slowly her chewing began to slow down until she finally stopped "... Is this a joke?" Asked him.

Ned just looked at her before answering "No"

Cersei just wiped her mouth using a bright red napkin and turned to look at him." There are only a few ways this can and will end one I leave with my children, two you and I go to my room and do what men and women do. Finally, I can have you killed, for threatening me, your daughters will be taken as prisoners and raped publicly, as an example" she said as she looked at him, her bright blue eyes, were now cold as ice.

"Sit down and eat, we're negotiating and the fact that I'm eating all of this is proof that it's not poison. Eat from my plate, if that makes you comfortable." She said before continuing to eat.

"Why?" Ned asked.

"Because you are a fool, that doesn't even begin to realize what he has gotten himself in. I planning to kill both your daughter for what the bitch did to my son, but now, now I know, that even if I did that it would be meaningless." She said as she ate a grape.

Ned was about to draw his sword, when an arrow flew right past his head.

"Eat" Cersei repeated.

Ned couldn't see where the attacker was and even if he was on guard he couldn't hope to stop another a row, if they were shot from multiple directions. He slowly turned to look at the queen before she began to speak again.

"Kill me and you will have to explain, why and knowing the king, he won't care." She told him.

Reluctantly Ned lowered his sword and pull out a chair.

"Your daughter's engagement will end, the North has nothing to offer us. It's much too cold, you see, now choose which one you want to keep, a hostage for a hostage. I know your secret Stark, I know who the bastards mother is.