Galaxy of Newtonian Durasteel (Star Wars RP) (Ships have Souls) (Based lightly on AoBS)

"Miyu Hinomaru to all Galactic Remnant forces! Incoming on Superluminal sensors. Let's give em a warm welcome!"
As the Barsen'thor continues to maintain battle meditation, 250 Munificents, 25 Lucrehulk Battleships, and 5 Providence Class battleships are forced out of hyperspace, the gravity mines doing their job.
Endeavor had felt her Force senses warning of the incoming fleet just before the gravity mines dragged the reinforcements back into real space. She frowned briefly at the sheer number of contacts but shrugged as Pellaeon began to give her orders.

"Endeavor, target the Munificents with your turbolasers, target the Lucrehulks with you MCPS. Concentrate your fire on their central spheres, it shouldn't be too hard to rupture their primary reactors from there. Ignore the Providences until those are dealt with." the admiral ordered.

"Aye, sir." was all Endeavor said as her banks of turbolasers swung about and targeted the Munificents by the dozen before they began to fire in sequence. Most of her targets popped like bubbles before the barrage but a few had had enough warning to start maneuvering and were thus only taken out when the second salvo hit a moment later, wiping them from existence. The scant few Lucrehulks in the enemy fleet died to a one under her MCPS barrage. Nearly forty bolts of silvery energy targeted each and every one of the massive battleships, the majority of them striking true on the central command spheres while some slammed into the circular arms of the ships. The end result was that as the battleships tried to turn and accelerate to engage the combined Republic and Remnant forces, their central spheres deformed and either crumpled like a tin can or burst apart into innumerable fragments. The difference was largely academic as barely a fraction of a second later their main reactors either barely managed to SCRAM successfully or they vanished into spheres of fire as containment was breached.

Despite the ease with which she'd dealt with the vast majority of the enemy reinforcements, Endeavor couldn't push the frown that had formed off her face. Something was just...

"-Off, Endeavor?"

She looked over to see Pellaeon smiling slightly at her as the man continued, "And yes, you were speaking out loud."

"Ah, my apologies sir." She offered.

"Don't worry to much, Endeavor. I've told you before, if something feels off then it very likely is. You have those Force senses of yours and if they tell you that then I'm willing to take you at your word. As it is though, it's likely something we'll need to investigate later. Now fight your ship."

"Aye sir!"

Endeavor, I'm commencing a tactical jump to the grav well. Wish me luck."
"May the Force be with you, Courage," Endeavor replied, briefly paying attention to Courage's chosen course before she turned

Actions Taken:
-Enemy reinforcements engaged, Munificents heavily ravaged with a hundred or more likely destroyed. Lucrehulks annihilated by MCPS. Providences are next to be targeted by turbolaser batteries after the Munificents are dealt with.
-Continuing to listen to the Force for additional warnings.
Shaking off her awe from her master's battle meditation, Courage began barking out orders to her ground complement.
"Prep Skytroopers for Orbital Drop! The Jedi and Clones will just have to deal with droids being on their damned side!"
"Knight-Captain copies Courage. Skytroopers are prepped for insertion once we've established orbit."
"Courage, we've got incoming on superluminal sensors!"
"Miyu Hinomaru to all Galactic Remnant forces! Incoming on Superluminal sensors. Let's give em a warm welcome!"
As the Barsen'thor continues to maintain battle meditation, 250 Munificents, 25 Lucrehulk Battleships, and 5 Providence Class battleships are forced out of hyperspace, the gravity mines doing their job.
"Feuer!" Courage yells, guiding her crew's aim. Her entire broadside slams into the enemy fleet (Who have been grav mined right near the Republic Fleet), destroying at least five munificents. "Protect the Venators! This fleet is abnormal, no historical records of a fleet this size over Geonosis!" Courage yells over tactical net.

It is almost for naught, as the concentrated firepower of the Separatist Fleet slams into two of the outer Venators, disabling them.

"Endeavor, I'm commencing a tactical jump to the grav well. Wish me luck." Without waiting for a response, the Bellator jumps to lightspeed for a fraction of a second, reappearing between the Republic Fleet and the Separatist Fleet. "Shields Double Stardboard! Let's see if we can't kill a few of them as well. All squadrons, you have tactical command. Free for all it shall be! Knight-Captain, reorient the drop pods for Boarding. I want one of those Providences Captured. We need intel, badly."

Separatist? Fleet jumps in
Two Venators Crippled, currently evacuating
Roughly 3 Lucrehulks, 75~90 Munificents, and one Providence destroyed by our fleet's alpha strike
Courage Micro Jumps between the Republic and Separatist fleet
Shields Double Starboard
Skytroopers prepare to be dropped into a Providence marked as VIP on Tac Net.
Separatists launching Ground forces
Courage prepares to launch ground forces (Shock)

OOC: All these Separatists? Ships are to the tech standard of roughly the Galactic Civil War. The Munificent are still glass canons, but they're much more of a threat firepower wise.

(Yes, this is the Enemy)
'2nd Company of 2nd Battalion, and the Commando Raiders, are to report to ground hanger for planetary insertion mission.' A dry voice spoke out over the intercom, it was quite sudden, but some preparation had been put into the potential of a landing as soon as it had been identified that there was a battle occuring. The fact that both battles were highly documented and very well recorded (the first both more and less so, in certain areas) sped things up quite a bit.

Inde could feel them scrambling to their positions, the heavy footfall was rhythmic. She hoped that she would feel the same rhythm when they came back.

Her bombers quickly returned to rearm, and a few squadrons of fighters moved into position to follow her.

Inde quickly jumped into hyperspace, and out again in short order. It was a shorter jump than that of her fleetmates. She worked better at range anyway.
Mere seconds after she transitioned to realspace many a MAAL shot out from her ground/ventral hanger, blazing through the void to make planet-fall as quickly and (as the theory went) as safely as was possible.

Axial defence guns (meant mostly for closing engagements, but with some close in capability) let rip first, striking a Providence and greatly depleting her shields. Inde made sure that it wasn't one of the ones that Courage was attempting to board; she hoped that it would provide a decent distraction to the other Providences and their escorts.

They took the distraction. Many a turbolaser bolt and fighter flying Inde's way; though thankfully with a poorer accuracy than she had, and only a few dozen shots managed to hit.

As she closed in her axial guns let rip once more, followed by heavy ion cannon fire. The Providence's shields were disabled, and then a number of her turbolasers were (the design being resistant to ion cannons due to sheer size, as well as something else that Inde just couldn't put her finger on).

Two and a half dozen heavy shots came in and struck Inde, from the many Munificents forward heavy turbolasers, depleting her shields to just over half of their normal capacity.
Lighter and less accurate fire was also kept up, the occasional hits not doing much.

The first part of the fighter swarm had come into range, not for their own weapons but for Inde's light turbolasers, which began rippling fire off at an impressive rate. Combined with the much more mature director and ECM equipment it was a slaughter; it was a good thing that droids didn't care about such conditions.
The survivors kept on pushing, trying to get into concussion missile range.
Two squadrons of Inde's Avengers dropped out just behind her. Once the droids came into point defence range they would join in.

The axial defence guns let rip again, joined this time by the heavy turbolasers, blowing the bow from the ship as it attempted to turn to present a smaller target.
Following this a less focused firing solution was followed, with heavy and medium turbolasers being allowed to let rip into any exposed part of the ship.

The CIS fighters finally managed to get in range for their concussion missiles and with that the range of the point defence. A hundred concussion missiles at most managed to fire off, impacting heavy armour and leaving many craters dotting it.
In return they were shredded by the point defence and the Avengers, with perhaps twenty eight surviving to return to their ships.

In the meantime fire continued to ripple off of Inde towards the Providence. A lucky medium turbolaser bolt found itself hitting a power relay that ran straight to the main reactor, causing a chain reaction that detonated it within the still functioning ship.
In less than a second there was a great flash, blinding a number of unfortunately focused sensors. The Providence was gone, blasted into many shards that shot off at high velocity in every direction.

Now Inde had to focus upon her vengeful fleetmates.

-Inde continues focusing fire upon the newly arrived fleet of ships, in particular those surrounding the Providence she killed, taking care not to target those singled out for boarding.
-Ground force includes special forces (which incorporate Dusk Order members), and some DO leaders (Nox and Yugure) which are going to follow plan to take high value targets.
-Fighters are to continue performing CAP.
Shaking off her awe from her master's battle meditation, Courage began barking out orders to her ground complement.

"Prep Skytroopers for Orbital Drop! The Jedi and Clones will just have to deal with droids being on their damned side!"

"Knight-Captain copies Courage. Skytroopers are prepped for insertion once we've established orbit."

"Courage, we've got incoming on superluminal sensors!"


"Miyu Hinomaru to all Galactic Remnant forces! Incoming on Superluminal sensors. Let's give em a warm welcome!"

As the Barsen'thor continues to maintain battle meditation, 250 Munificents, 25 Lucrehulk Battleships, and 5 Providence Class battleships are forced out of hyperspace, the gravity mines doing their job.

"Feuer!" Courage yells, guiding her crew's aim. Her entire broadside slams into the enemy fleet (Who have been grav mined right near the Republic Fleet), destroying at least five munificents. "Protect the Venators! This fleet is abnormal, no historical records of a fleet this size over Geonosis!" Courage yells over tactical net.

It is almost for naught, as the concentrated firepower of the Separatist Fleet slams into two of the outer Venators, disabling them.

"Endeavor, I'm commencing a tactical jump to the grav well. Wish me luck." Without waiting for a response, the Bellator jumps to lightspeed for a fraction of a second, reappearing between the Republic Fleet and the Separatist Fleet. "Shields Double Stardboard! Let's see if we can't kill a few of them as well. All squadrons, you have tactical command. Free for all it shall be! Knight-Captain, reorient the drop pods for Boarding. I want one of those Providences Captured. We need intel, badly."

"Kriff... That's a lot of ships..."

"W-what are your orders, captain?"

The clone rubs his chin.

"There goes our deployment plan... We'll stay in orbit, fire at these damn clankers. Prepare all gunships. They'll be going in first. Kriff, maglock some AT-TEs. We'll need all the guns we can get."

"Divert power from engines to point defense. We should still be at slightly above Venator max speed. It'll be absolutely swarming with vultures. Turbolasers fire at long range. Thunder, you're attacking that battleship."

"Copy that."

"Something's... Not right, captain."


Relentless shakes her head.

"What troops do our "allies" have?"

The girl scratches her head.

"Dunno. Just ask."

Divert power to weapons
15 fully loaded LAAT/I, led by Lieutenant "Thunder" attack marked Providence
51 LAAT/I and 10 LAAT/C on route to Geonosis, all fully loaded
4 LAAT/C deploy AT-TEs on Relentless
Firing turbolasers at long range, full power, targeting Munificents
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Space Above Geonosis

Separatist? Fleet jumps in
Two Venators Crippled, currently evacuating
Roughly 3 Lucrehulks, 75~90 Munificents, and one Providence destroyed by our fleet's alpha strike
Courage Micro Jumps between the Republic and Separatist fleet
Shields Double Starboard
Skytroopers prepare to be dropped into a Providence marked as VIP on Tac Net.
Separatists launching Ground forces
Courage prepares to launch ground forces (Shock)
Courage screamed in pain as an ungodly amount of turbolasers slammed into her starboard shield facing, collapsing it momentarily. A few turbolasers punched through her armor, breaching her hull.

"Damage control, fix the breach! Apprentice, are you okay?" Miyu yells, directing the frantic damage control parties.

"I'm... Fine master. Sorry for putting you all in danger, again.

"You're forgiven. Your heart was in the right place, there is no doubt. Think it through next time though."

"Hai! Have the Skytroopers launched?"

"They are onboard now." Miyu says, grinning almost ferally. "Looks like our mercenary friends have just linked up with them."
Jägerbomb is deployed with full infantry compliment and AT speeders. She is to jump as close as she reasonably can to the closest entrance to her target's main hanger, and is to be escorted by the 400 manned fighters of Hangover's compliment, the refurbished Vulture Droids hanging back to provide a fighter screen for Hangover. After Jägerbomb has entered the ship, the fighters are to jump back, and resume screening duty.

Jägerbomb is to enter the hanger, using her laser cannons and turbolasers at low levels of power to sweep the hanger clean, after which the infantry will deploy, more fully secure the Hanger, then wait for further orders.

Hangover is to maintain a steady bombardment of the area around the VIP, the Ion Cannon's priorities being keeping the VIP disabled, but otherwise firing for maximum effect.
Your boarding party successfully enters the hanger, causing absolute chaos. But the enemies within confirm the fleet's worst fear. The enemy is here.
You do successfully keep the enemy ships you've targeted disabled, and destroy a good amount of munificents.
- Assist Courage in protecting the Venators. Target priority: Munificents, followed by Providences, then Lucrehulks. Approach from below the Enemy, facing them and focusing shields towards the front. All guns and warheads are to focus-fire whenever possible.
- Commence landing ops via volunteer Jedi in Lambda shuttles. They are to fly together and cover each other, while leaving room for evasive maneuvers. Their objective is to reinforce the allied forces planetside.
- Scramble most StealthXs to commence anti-ship strike ops, with the same target priority as Serenity. One squadron is to cover the landings instead, while another squadron is to handle fighter screening. Force melds are to be established for better coordination.
- Volunteer Jedi are to support Courage's boarding ops.
- Luke maintains battle meditation.
- Maintain ECM and other defensive systems.
- Ship power distribution: More to shields than to weapons, with engines as normal.

- 15 Munificents destroyed
Your boarding party has linked up with the skytrooper force and Party Botes' boarding party.
Land Invasion of Geonosis begins
You kill a good amount of munificent
-Enemy reinforcements engaged, Munificents heavily ravaged with a hundred or more likely destroyed. Lucrehulks annihilated by MCPS. Providences are next to be targeted by turbolaser batteries after the Munificents are dealt with.
-Continuing to listen to the Force for additional warnings.
The Force Screams in warning once more, just as a force of 40 ISD IIs jump into the system right outside the Planetary ring system.
-Inde continues focusing fire upon the newly arrived fleet of ships, in particular those surrounding the Providence she killed, taking care not to target those singled out for boarding.
-Ground force includes special forces (which incorporate Dusk Order members), and some DO leaders (Nox and Yugure) which are going to follow plan to take high value targets.
-Fighters are to continue performing CAP.
Ground Invasion portion begins
Divert power to weapons
15 fully loaded LAAT/I, led by Lieutenant "Thunder" attack marked Providence
51 LAAT/I and 10 LAAT/C on route to Geonosis, all fully loaded
4 LAAT/C deploy AT-TEs on Relentless
Firing turbolasers at long range, full power, targeting Munificents
Ground Invasion Portion begins.

Ground Invasion Stats:
Geonosian Arena is over (That was Guaranteed)
You may:
Assist in taking down Droid Control Ships
Joined the MORONIC charge towards the Sep HQ
Set up defensive positions
Take out a few (Or a lot) of Droid Foundries/Factories
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Your boarding party successfully enters the hanger, causing absolute chaos. But the enemies within confirm the fleet's worst fear. The enemy is here.
You do successfully keep the enemy ships you've targeted disabled, and destroy a good amount of munificents.
Leaving Jägerbomb's turrets on auto to keep the hanger clear of CIS, the boarding party stormed towards the bridge and engine room, the everpresent battle hymn of hardbass following them. Battle droids fall like wheat to a scythe before them.

Jägerbomb leads the bridge spear, dual wielding a pair of automatic blaster pistols, laying out a withering hail of fire in front of her, and allowing for her signature acrobatics. When confronted with a hallway of B1s, she leapt onto the side of the corridor and kept sprinting, on the wall. The group was moving as fast as they could, aiming to secure the bridge before a self destruct command could be issued.

At the same time, Cess and his crew were carving their own path through security, heading straight for the main reactors, to keep a manual detonation from occurring. Employing similarly inventive methods, the spear left the passages behind them burnt, broken, and warped. Though less explosive methods were used when approaching their target.

Meanwhile, with the boarders safely(for a certain value of safe) on the Providence, The Midweek Hangover turned its attention to the new arrivals. Changing tactics from focusing down a single target, to maximizing spread of firepower, Hangover targeted the entire reinforcing fleet, Hangover laughing all the way.

The boarders are to split up, heading for the bridge and the main reactor, to properly secure the ship, it's data, and prevent it from being scuttled. Jägerbomb goes to the bridge as she has the most experience with the systems there, Cess to the reactor because he's the best one to disarm any explosives.

Hangover is to lay down fire on the newer, more dangerous arrivals, focusing more on stripping shields and disabling ships than eradicating them, to let less powerful ones finish the job.

Geonosis Orbit
Target Rich Environment

Hundreds of blips on the Tacmap signal the arrival of the new fleet, as well as them stumbling head-first into our trap. A few sighs of relief escape from the lungs of several officers and techs in the CIC, while I allow a smirk to show on my face before reality punishes me for daring to believe I have the upper hand.

I gasp in pain as several volleys of turbolasers manage to get through and strike at my shields, bringing them down momentarily.

That wasn't part of the plan. They weren't supposed to be this strong.

Whatever. Leave them for Endurance.
We have bigger, or rather, more numerous fish to fry.

My eyes were on the map, anticipating many, many blips and cotnacts to show up in a certain region.

And now, for the second act. With Endeavor busy deleting entire rows of Munificents in the main CIS force, the task of dispatching the new arrivals falls to whoever is available.

Luckily, I am about to get a surplus of pilots, refueled and rearmed.

"Control, Gold Leader. We have expended all munitions and are RTB. We have sustained damage during the engagement. Can you get some guys to give us cover, over." comes the call from a formation slightly reduced in number. Their emblem is displaye don the tactical map. A design reminiscent of a gold coin, heraldry and insignia of an old dynasty readily apparent on it. Fitting, considering their origins.

"Gold, Control. We read you. The way is cleared for you. Be advised, though. New orders are coming in. All returning squadrons are to engage the enemy reinforcements that just arrived."

"Gold Leader, copy. Out."

I keep my attention on the tactical map. My attention is tied down by a few blips busy carving their path through the Separatist fleet. If it weren't for the results other pilots were showing, I'd think the CIS ships were just rubbish. That isn't the case, though. Those Munificents have AA enough to cover themselves and their immediate vicinity, not to mention their anomalous firepower. That didn't seem to faze those pilots, though. It seemed to rouse them into a greater frenzy if the incoming datastream was anything to go by.

Azure and Walker Squadrons. Just this battle has already earned them their Ace credentials. The other squadrons are doing nicely too. A casualty rate less than 8%, and over half are already Aces.

Endeavor is mowing through the CIS. Spirits, that woman could grind up most of the galaxy. Are we even needed here?

"Uh, ma'am?" a technician looks at me witha quizzical expression.

"Did I say that out loud?" Please tell me I didn't. Please.

"No, no." the tech deflects the indirect accusation sheepishly. He isn't being that convincing. "The fighters have rearmed and refueled. They are ready."

"Send them out. Concentrate on taking out their point defence."

"As you command."

Gold, Azure and Walker Squadrons boost towards the new hostiles. Their radar positively screams with contacts indicating everything from Munificents to Vultures, Hyena bombers and even the nigh-mythical Tri-fighters, impossibly enough.

"Those aren't supposed to be here." Gold 3 announces the painfully obvious.

"No shit. None of this is supposed to be here. Why can't it ever be us who has the upper hand?" Gold 4 whines in the usual manner.

"Kriff knows, now shut up and form up. We'll mbe making our attack run soon." Gold 1, Leader snaps at them. "Azure, Walker, this is Gold. Did you guys get the game plan or do we have to go over this for the benefit of our denser members here."

"Already forgot?" Walker 2 chimes in, like the cocky ass he is. "We run escort and SEAD for you guys while you deliver the presents. Simple and easy."

"I don't think running the gauntlet through that tight of a formation, dodging point defence and interceptors by the hundreds while we go straight with torpedos is considered easy in any galaxy." Walker 5 admonishes his squadron mate for the fifth time that day.

"That's pessimist talk. We've managed to get this far, this is nothing. Hey, why don't we ask Primer over here? Maybe he's finally got something to say to the rest of us, right?"

Walker 2 let the end of his sentence roll off, prompting his wingman to say ANYTHING, to no avail. The apocalyptic war against the Enemy hadn't garnered as much as a single word form the pilot. The chances of a battle like this causing him to speak are nil.

"Seems like you've been outvoted, Fairey. You owe me 5 creds. Again." Azure 1 Leader's smug and satisfied voice echoed across the comm channel.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. We've just run out of time for banter anyway."

The swarm of enemy interceptors and AA fire kicks the entire attack force's minds into overdrive, banter forgotten for the time being.

Save for Fairey, but he is a cocky asshole who can back up his claims.

Azure, Gold, Walker. Thirty-six starfighters of the Enterprise, all of them Aces, blast full speed into the enemy fleet.

"This is it, buddy. Here's where the real fun begins. Time to dive into the fireworks!"

Actions Taken
- Enterprise takes light damage from Turbolaser fire
- Squadrons are rotated for Refuel and Rearm, and repairs if necessary.
- Several squadrons achieve Ace status multiple times over, Azure and Walker stand out for anti-ship kills and anti-fighter work.
- Redirect fighters to engage enemy reinforcements
Geonosian Space
To support the ground ops

Space Above Geonosis

Courage screamed in pain as an ungodly amount of turbolasers slammed into her starboard shield facing, collapsing it momentarily. A few turbolasers punched through her armor, breaching her hull.

"Damage control, fix the breach! Apprentice, are you okay?" Miyu yells, directing the frantic damage control parties.

"I'm... Fine master. Sorry for putting you all in danger, again.

"You're forgiven. Your heart was in the right place, there is no doubt. Think it through next time though."

"Hai! Have the Skytroopers launched?"

"They are onboard now." Miyu says, grinning almost ferally. "Looks like our mercenary friends have just linked up with them."

Your boarding party successfully enters the hanger, causing absolute chaos. But the enemies within confirm the fleet's worst fear. The enemy is here.
You do successfully keep the enemy ships you've targeted disabled, and destroy a good amount of munificents.

Your boarding party has linked up with the skytrooper force and Party Botes' boarding party.
Land Invasion of Geonosis begins
You kill a good amount of munificents

The Force Screams in warning once more, just as a force of 40 ISD IIs jump into the system right outside the Planetary ring system.

Ground Invasion portion begins

Ground Invasion Portion begins.

Ground Invasion Stats:
Geonosian Arena is over (That was Guaranteed)
You may:
Assist in taking down Droid Control Ships
Joined the MORONIC charge towards the Sep HQ
Set up defensive positions
Take out a few (Or a lot) of Droid Foundries/Factories

Talk about being at a massive advantage! Seeing the massive barrage of turbolasers is a sight that would be hard to forget. Endeavor might as well be firing an energy wall for all that she's doing.

I wince as a cluster of enemy fire hits my shields. I'm not actually hurt, but I could still feel the impact. Still, I keep going.

I once more receive a bad feeling from the Force, and I realize what it's telling me when more ships arrive. What's absurd is that they're Imperial Star Destroyers, which are an anachronistic presence. The Empire's ships shouldn't be here! Yet they have that same dark feeling as the Enemy ships we encountered a while ago. They must be more of the same. Even the Jedi boarders report of that same sensation in the Force.

I feel the presence of the ground teams arriving on-planet. I mentally wish them good luck as they begin their missions, though I feel the pain from what happened at the arena. So we weren't able to save them...

Actually, about how we can still do something... "Master, could we support the ground forces instead? I see Droid Control Ships trying to run."

"Are you sure? We need to support the boarding teams from here."

"But Endeavor is already handling most of them, along with the other ships."

It's a bit of discussion before we finally decide on providing orbital support. My engines flare as their thrust is vectored accordingly.

- Serenity: Shoot down the Droid Control Ships. If friendly casualties can be avoided, bombard the Separatist HQ afterwards.
- Jedi Ground Teams: Sabotage the Droid Factories. Blowing them up is ideal, but disabling or crippling them is also welcome. They are to work in groups and primarily employ indirect combat.
- Anti-Ship StealthXs: Strike the enemy ISDs, focus-firing on them one at a time.
- Close Air Support StealthXs: Cover the Jedi ground force as they advance.
- Boarding Jedi: Cooperate with the other boarders, prevent the Enemy from scuttling their boarded vessels, gather intel, disable their systems.
- Luke: Battle meditation
- Maintain ECM and other defensive systems.
- Ship power distribution: More to shields than to weapons, with engines as normal.
Staring at the command center, Commander Ravager stares at the situation on the ground.

"Guard, take positions on top of that dune. Facing away from the action, second line, that's our base. Land the armor."

"Right, Commander."

"Thunder, peel away from that attack run. 450916, Beamer, Edge, Player, you too. Make for Geonosis. Secure the perimeter."

"Right. At least I don't have to look at that thing any more. Warhawk's been itching to shoot that ship. Right boys, Geonosis it is! Double time! 404, you got command of the attack force now!"

"Relentless, you got command of... Yourself."

"Got it! Won't let you down, sir!"

"And tell Gears not to scratch my Walker's paintjob. Gunships should be coming back up soon."

"Oh yeeaaahhh… No big deal." Relentless laughs.

"He got it wedged in a ditch."

"When he was a shin-"

"Can't hear ya." He replies, with a small smile on his face.

He gestures to the Providence "Anyway, we got a buncha clones on that ship. Troopers, Medics, Heavy Weapons, and a squad of engineers. Let's hope they stay cooperative. Awful lotta explosions coming up. Can barely hear Bolter."

"Attacking force, you got clones coming up behind you." Says the commander over the comms.

Hangover is to lay down fire on the newer, more dangerous arrivals, focusing more on stripping shields and disabling ships than eradicating them, to let less powerful ones finish the job.

"Hold your fire! Kriff! Hold fire! What are you doing?! Those star destroyers are republic!" Yells the commander over the comms, clearly agitated.

"Hey... Comma-"

"Not now, Relentless."



Tracking star destroyers.
8 AT-TEs deployed


Setting up defensive positions around temporary base.
Landing Walkers
Landing Troopers
Commander Ravager lands on second wave.
Gunships return to assault ship.


5 gunships diverted to Geonosis
10 Gunships hold position in hangar.
Some clones hold position in the hangar.
Remaining clones split up.
Clones moving to support attack on bridge.
Clones moving to support attack on reactor.
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SSD Endeavor
Space above Geonosis
In Harm's Way

One hand cupping her chin while the other propped up her elbow, Endeavor continued to follow the flow of the battle. The CIS reinforcements were more or less destroyed now save for a previous few vessels that had either been completely disabled or been boarded. Her escorts had dispatched troops to the surface, their small craft moving down towards Geonosis like a swarm of insects.

By every measure, the battle was nearly over and they should've been able to start relaxing, but the warnings coming to her through the Force had kept Endeavor on edge. The steadily steadily growing sense of wrongness that had begun to seep into the space around them only served to heighten her instincts still further.

So when the Force blared with the twisted presence of the enemy, Endeavor immediately turned her attention to the same sector of space where her group had first appeared, her sensors rapidly scanning outside the planetary ring.

The Force Screams in warning once more, just as a force of 40 ISD IIs jump into the system right outside the Planetary ring system.

Endeavor bit back a frustrated growl as the returns from her scans came back and pennant numbers began to register in her system. They had tried so damn hard to escape those monsters and yet here they were, even chasing them back in time!

She was prepared to order her long range batteries to open fire when Pellaeon began dispensing orders on a battle group-wide comm channel.

"All ships, come about into a tight formation, and put your sterns towards the planet. We can't get leave with our troops on the ground now so we'll need to hold our position here. Comms, get a line to the Republic fleet and ask them to take up formation with us. Venators don't stand a chance against ISDs under normal circumstances let alone in our engagement."

"Any orders for me specifically, Admiral?" Endeavor asked.

"Keep all of your guns ready and scramble your small craft, Endeavor. I know you could take that fleet but it's best that we let them come to us for now."

"...Aye sir."

Actions Taken:
-Has detected and identified incoming enemy forces.
-Orders to reposition given to battlegroup with the Republic fleet requested to join formation.
-Launched full compliment of fighters and bombers in preparation for battle.
'2nd Company of 2nd Battalion, and the Commando Raiders, are to report to ground hanger for planetary insertion mission.' A dry voice spoke out over the intercom, it was quite sudden, but some preparation had been put into the potential of a landing as soon as it had been identified that there was a battle occuring. The fact that both battles were highly documented and very well recorded (the first both more and less so, in certain areas) sped things up quite a bit.

Inde could feel them scrambling to their positions, the heavy footfall was rhythmic. She hoped that she would feel the same rhythm when they came back.

Her bombers quickly returned to rearm, and a few squadrons of fighters moved into position to follow her.

Inde quickly jumped into hyperspace, and out again in short order. It was a shorter jump than that of her fleetmates. She worked better at range anyway.
Mere seconds after she transitioned to realspace many a MAAL shot out from her ground/ventral hanger, blazing through the void to make planet-fall as quickly and (as the theory went) as safely as was possible.

Axial defence guns (meant mostly for closing engagements, but with some close in capability) let rip first, striking a Providence and greatly depleting her shields. Inde made sure that it wasn't one of the ones that Courage was attempting to board; she hoped that it would provide a decent distraction to the other Providences and their escorts.

They took the distraction. Many a turbolaser bolt and fighter flying Inde's way; though thankfully with a poorer accuracy than she had, and only a few dozen shots managed to hit.

As she closed in her axial guns let rip once more, followed by heavy ion cannon fire. The Providence's shields were disabled, and then a number of her turbolasers were (the design being resistant to ion cannons due to sheer size, as well as something else that Inde just couldn't put her finger on).

Two and a half dozen heavy shots came in and struck Inde, from the many Munificents forward heavy turbolasers, depleting her shields to just over half of their normal capacity.
Lighter and less accurate fire was also kept up, the occasional hits not doing much.

The first part of the fighter swarm had come into range, not for their own weapons but for Inde's light turbolasers, which began rippling fire off at an impressive rate. Combined with the much more mature director and ECM equipment it was a slaughter; it was a good thing that droids didn't care about such conditions.
The survivors kept on pushing, trying to get into concussion missile range.
Two squadrons of Inde's Avengers dropped out just behind her. Once the droids came into point defence range they would join in.

The axial defence guns let rip again, joined this time by the heavy turbolasers, blowing the bow from the ship as it attempted to turn to present a smaller target.
Following this a less focused firing solution was followed, with heavy and medium turbolasers being allowed to let rip into any exposed part of the ship.

The CIS fighters finally managed to get in range for their concussion missiles and with that the range of the point defence. A hundred concussion missiles at most managed to fire off, impacting heavy armour and leaving many craters dotting it.
In return they were shredded by the point defence and the Avengers, with perhaps twenty eight surviving to return to their ships.

In the meantime fire continued to ripple off of Inde towards the Providence. A lucky medium turbolaser bolt found itself hitting a power relay that ran straight to the main reactor, causing a chain reaction that detonated it within the still functioning ship.
In less than a second there was a great flash, blinding a number of unfortunately focused sensors. The Providence was gone, blasted into many shards that shot off at high velocity in every direction.

Now Inde had to focus upon her vengeful fleetmates.

-Inde continues focusing fire upon the newly arrived fleet of ships, in particular those surrounding the Providence she killed, taking care not to target those singled out for boarding.
-Ground force includes special forces (which incorporate Dusk Order members), and some DO leaders (Nox and Yugure) which are going to follow plan to take high value targets.
-Fighters are to continue performing CAP.
Ground Invasion portion begins
Ground Invasion Portion begins.

Ground Invasion Stats:
Geonosian Arena is over (That was Guaranteed)
You may:
Assist in taking down Droid Control Ships
Joined the MORONIC charge towards the Sep HQ
Set up defensive positions
Take out a few (Or a lot) of Droid Foundries/Factories
The Force Screams in warning once more, just as a force of 40 ISD IIs jump into the system right outside the Planetary ring system.

OOC: I'm sorry for how late this is, and how small it is (comparatively speaking).

On board of the MAALs the characteristic droning of repulsor engines moving quickly through a planetary atmosphere was at the forefront of everyone's minds, knowing that before long they would be thrown into perhaps the biggest meat grinder that the galaxy had ever seen (although others had seen proportionally larger casualties the sheer numbers present on Geonosis outstripped them).
Within seconds the droning was overpowered, and quickly forgotten, the surviving anti-fighter batteries opening up at the large craft -having long come to prioritise them, as they often meant the complete destruction of the battery-, rocking them about as ghastly black clouds burst from nothing all around them.

Owing to decades of advancement -and aided by fact that there were many more targets than themselves- the MAALs all managed to touch down at their objectives, none the worse for ware other than their paintwork.
They would carry out their orders to the best of their ability.


In the orbit of Geonosis Indefatigable kept pushing forwards, having already destroyed three of the remaining Munificents that had been escorting the Providence.
Although not the most effective of manoeuvres it did keep Indefatigable 'open' as far as radically changing objectives and commands went.

Such as:
She was prepared to order her long range batteries to open fire when Pellaeon began dispensing orders on a battle group-wide comm channel.

"All ships, come about into a tight formation, and put your sterns towards the planet. We can't get leave with our troops on the ground now so we'll need to hold our position here. Comms, get a line to the Republic fleet and ask them to take up formation with us. Venators don't stand a chance against ISDs under normal circumstances let alone in our engagement."
"Acknowledged, moving into a defensive position." Rear Admiral Conobruc replied, ordering the re-positioning of Indefatigable and her fighter squadrons.

Actions Taken:
Indefatigable moves into a defensive position with the rest of the Future Fleet.
Indefatigable's fighter squadrons will provide support to the down-time Republic fleet, engaging the fighters of the ISDs if they are released.