Future pop history myths about today

"Strange block like humanoid insects called "Lego" were prone to infecting households, these creatures took over the minds of infants, commanding them to create vehicles and houses for them, such infections were cured by natural ageing, these insects are believed to be extinct nowadays, but we should keep our children safe from infections either way, so as soon as your infant is born, please take immune system implements to prevent any infection from occurring in their childhood"

extract from a parents pamphlet discussing infections concerning newborn children.
Wonder how the society that believed that would respond to a discovery of The LEGO Movie.
"Strange block like humanoid insects called "Lego" were prone to infecting households, these creatures took over the minds of infants, commanding them to create vehicles and houses for them, such infections were cured by natural ageing, these insects are believed to be extinct nowadays, but we should keep our children safe from infections either way, so as soon as your infant is born, please take immune system implements to prevent any infection from occurring in their childhood"

extract from a parents pamphlet discussing infections concerning newborn children.
*Looks at own Lego collection* Natural aging is not a cure, lemme tell you.
The Death Cult Ant'ivacks believed certain disease-preventing medical procedures invited the spirit (which they considered a demon) Aw'tizm into their children. They believed this fate worse than a painful death, or crippling brain damage, or indeed widespread death and disease from the lack of these procedure, and would respond to any criticism of their priorities with a recitation of their prayer "aivd'unmaree'surch".

People believed to be influenced by Aw-tizm's behaviour bear a striking resemblance to those diagnosed with Koodleguh Syndrome in our more enlightened age.

The cult had tacit support from a large proportion of the population, who also believed Aw'tizm a demon, but were unsure about the medical procedures inviting said demon in. They proceeded to infiltrate the healing professions and spread their religion, leading to many being convinced by their supposed 'authority' and perhaps being partially responsible for the Fall.

The people supposedly 'possessed' by Aw-tizm attempted to represent themselves and tell others that Aw-tizm was 'simply a spirit' and that while they were different it was not an evil difference, but it is unsurprisingly difficult to convince people of something when they believe you to be possessed by a demon, no matter how absurd the idea may seem to our modern sensibilities. Indeed, another group that believed Aw-tizm to be a demon passed themselves off as a church of the spirit, pretending to spread the word of how non-malign the spirit was while actually subtly propagating the idea that they were a demon. This group, known as Aw-tizm Speaks, even went so far as to ask for donations for the temple from people believed to be possessed and their families, so they could turn the population against them.


Sorry about the necro, I had it in my head when the thread was active, but decided not to post it. Then today, I saw some more idiocy from Anti-vaxxers and despicable behaviour from Autism Speaks, and wanted to post this again. I wish we could get those bastards classified as a hate group, already.
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It's a rough attempt at phonetically representing a degraded form of "I've done my research", which is a thing anti-vaxxers often spout when they've Googled, ignored anything that doesn't match their preconceptions, and found one article on the third page of google results that PROVES IT!!1!
It's a rough attempt at phonetically representing a degraded form of "I've done my research", which is a thing anti-vaxxers often spout when they've Googled, ignored anything that doesn't match their preconceptions, and found one article on the third page of google results that PROVES IT!!1!
Under that logic I can "Prove" that the world is flat.
Yeah. You can see why I'm so frustrated that the anti-vaccination movement ever gained any real legitimacy or acceptance.
It's caused various fatal diseases to come back from near extinction. The guy who invented it was found to be a fake. It got so terrible that vaccinations have removed a key ingredient for storage and keeping them fresh because they were worried about it which only gave them more ammo.

God. If it were only adults suffering I wouldn't mind the genepool getting cleaned out, it's the fact that they're effectively dooming their children that pisses me off. That's child endangerment for God's sake! They're one of the only groups that I want to punch the crap out of! If I ever meet someone in real life who believes in anti-vaccination I will be sorely tempted to punch them on principle.

EDIT: Anyways.

"The 'Gamersgate' is known as an ancient forbidden word, speaking it will bring only strife and pain as arguments appear from nowhere." -Excerpt from 'Mythologies for Idiots'
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Y'know what's also frustrating, though? The anti-vaccination movement did not start with one corrupt doctor trying to line his own pockets a few decades ago. It's always been there. You would think that such a movement would only appear once the effects of said fatal diseases are mostly out of living experience, but they've been around since Jenner was injecting people with cowpox to immunise them from smallpox! There are political cartoons from back then that have people turning into cows from vaccinations, and the most outspoken groups from back then use the same arguments you see now: "it's unnatural", "we don't know what goes into these injections", "the disease isn't that bad, anyway", all of this shit, and it was from naturopaths whose business was being affected, preying on people's fears and ignorance from a position of authority!

The modern anti-vax movement can directly trace its ancestry back to the same idiots who objected to the medical treatment that allowed us to wipe out one of the most dangerous illnesses in human history! And then, with the corrupt idiot pinning Autism on a life-saving medical treatment, they use rhetoric designed to convince parents that a painful death, or severe brain damage thanks to a raging fever is better for their kids than the autism that is supposedly a risk. And I would be pissed off if they were only threatening their children, but all the immunocompromised kids, or the ones who are injured or sick with something else, so even though they've been immunised, their immune system can't fight the disease off, or the kids who are allergic and couldn't get the vaccination...

All while the people doing the damage are safe, because their parents were responsible, and had them immunised. They're at no risk, but they're risking countless lives with this, because apparently their kid being autistic is a fate worse than (multiple!) death(s). I'm autistic. So is my brother. So are my uncle, my maternal grandparents, and my maternal great-grandparents, as well as many of my friends.

We are not a fate worse than death.

Sorry about that, shouldn't have cluttered up the thread with off-topic ranting. Left it, because it's important to me, but Spoilered it so no-one has to read it who doesn't want to.
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Sorry about that, shouldn't have cluttered up the thread with off-topic ranting. Left it, because it's important to me, but Spoilered it so no-one has to read it who doesn't want to.
Too many people are retarded. I just, I'm tempted to be a ninja vaccination. Go out and sneak into children's bedrooms when they haven't been immunized and vaccinate them in their sleep.

It's a nice thought, not going to ever happen but it's a nice thought.
I'm somewhat skeptical considering the fact that even a public library in a small town contains more information than most grand ancient libraries that such basic misconceptions would exist.
I'm somewhat skeptical considering the fact that even a public library in a small town contains more information than most grand ancient libraries that such basic misconceptions would exist.
Remind me how many grand ancient libraries remain standing with their books today?
I'm sure there's some, but they're known for being destroyed.
OTOH, our most common methods of information storage are hilariously undurable.

Well what's happening in the future? Is there an apocalypse? What?

Remind me how many grand ancient libraries remain standing with their books today?
I'm sure there's some, but they're known for being destroyed.

yeah good thing we have this thing called "copying" that somehow managed to keep some of these books

Considering the sheer volume of books in existence I have my doubts this would not be the case
I'm somewhat skeptical considering the fact that even a public library in a small town contains more information than most grand ancient libraries that such basic misconceptions would exist.

I think the spirit of the thread is about pop culture misconception thing. Young people today already get things wrong about 20th century.
I'm somewhat skeptical considering the fact that even a public library in a small town contains more information than most grand ancient libraries that such basic misconceptions would exist.
Well, we don't remember things like "the Apollo program was pushed through for ideological reasons against widespread popular dislike" or "people within living memory wore bread bags over their shoes" or "most "classic" cooking is what poor people copied from richer people in the 20th century."

Availability of information is probably going to change a lot, but it is also really easy to forget things.
I can actually imagine a garbled pop-history account of the anti-vaccer movement being that it was an overreaction to a legitimate concern. It would be very easy for thimerosol/mercury in vaccines to be conflated with things like lead in paint and CFCs by uninformed people, leading to a common misconception that there was an actual problem which was fixed by better safety standards.

That seems a much more straightforward way the historical record might get garbled than future people thinking the controversy was about people thinking vaccines allowed demonic possession.
Well, we don't remember things like "the Apollo program was pushed through for ideological reasons against widespread popular dislike" or "people within living memory wore bread bags over their shoes" or "most "classic" cooking is what poor people copied from richer people in the 20th century."

Availability of information is probably going to change a lot, but it is also really easy to forget things.

I don't doubt that, but a lot of what people are talking about in thread is totally absurd misinformation the likes of which would require the destruction of the whole knowledge base of modern civilization.
Twitch.tv is a video website founded in CE2011 and currently believed to be the historic site of one of the greatest acts of oppression via digital media in history. It has never been a subject to be studied by anthropologists because of its confusing nature. Prior to the digital-excavation recovery of this website's database from a derelict corporate server in city #3EA112, it has only be considered as a mystification of a regular video hosting website, created by a population extremely detached from the internet. In public records accessible before the digital-excavation, Twitch.tv has been almost never been mentioned by or contributed to studies, therefore the obscurity is understandable.

The website provides relays of video games being played, which is a concept not even those who participated in the digital-excavation could picture as existent in any historical context we know of. The key to understanding the service Twitch.tv provided is revealed through reading the in/out records. The main attraction is to see staged actors enjoying the pursuit of happiness. It was in fact dedicated to controlling a massive population. We have always presumed digital entertainment to be readily available to the whole human race since the late CE1990s, but the existence of Twitch.tv questions this idea. The digitally excavated records of the website show more than 100 million accounts connecting to the server over a typical month, unknown if from the third world or lower classes in developed countries, through a very rudimentary delusion of entertainment. The typical viewer is predominately male and aged between 18 and 34 years of age. To satiate 1/30th of the global population on CE2000s' Earth, a mind-numbing 1.5 million entertainers provided video footage, sometimes live action. The shortest work hour is around 4; some only leave their camera one day per week.
"The 21-century overlord known as Obama faced significant pushback from the elite of the American empire due to having been born in Africa."
Sadly plausible; after all, one of our primary sources on some of the early Roman emperors is Suetonius, which as I understand it would be like if two thousand years from now, the major source on some presidents was Bill O'Reilly.
It wouldn't even require much loss of historical knowledge, just average people being unfamiliar with the details of early twenty-first century US politics.

"A common misconception about Barack Obama is that he was a Muslim immigrant from Kenya, making him the first foreign-born and non-Christian President as well as the first non-white President. He was, in reality, native-born and a Christian. The first foreign-born and non-Christian President did not actually serve until 2032-2040."
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It wouldn't even require much loss of historical knowledge, just average people being unfamiliar with the details of early twenty-first century US politics.

"A common misconception about Barack Obama is that he was a Muslim immigrant from Kenya, making him the first foreign-born and non-Christian President as well as the first non-white President. He was, in reality, native-born and a Christian. The first foreign-born and non-Christian President did not actually serve until 2032-2040."
Huh, We either had a coup or a constitutional convention by 2032.

Actually, what is most likely to be left over for future archeologists to pore over?

Shopping malls might be misinterpreted as muster points for massivemmitary formations, perhaps?
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I'd say coup is more likely. No-one seriously wants a constitutional convention, as that would let all the Crazies, y'know, the ones on the Other Side peddle their Loony Ideas, and they might actually get listened to. Or at least, that's the impression I get from our American board members.
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