Fu Leng Quest (L5R)

[4] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.

Unicorn is first because Fu Leng likes Shinjo. Let's leave the Dragon and Crane for last, because they are dicks.
[4] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[2] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
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(You have yet to work out what being able to meditate beneath a waterfall is meant to prove, precisely, but the monks seem to regard it as being really quite important.)
It's like having a beard for wizards, it's just a thing that comes instinctually.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
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[5] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[2] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[5] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[4] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.
[5] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.
[3] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.
[1] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.
[2] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.

Fisrt of all, make sure that Togashi is dead. Then new experiences, mortal peasants, also we pay respect to our sister. Then punching bad guys in a back alley. Then we exploit our powers of deception, or strangle some fools. But please no Crab while we are still tainted.
Maybe a stupid question - but world does not end on Rokugan, correct? Fu Leng never had change to see what's outside of borders. If this incarnation is for reconnaissance it may be interesting idea to visit.

Also, if he wanted to build cult, it may be easier to do it outside, instead of place where everyone are aware of taint, and know to be homicidally wary about anything that can resemble to dark kami.
[4] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[1] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.
[5] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.
[3] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.
[4] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.
[2] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[5] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[4] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[1] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[3] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.

Because Fu Leng assisting peasants strikes me as hilarious, he's on better terms with Shinjo than any of his other sib
Maybe a stupid question - but world does not end on Rokugan, correct? Fu Leng never had change to see what's outside of borders. If this incarnation is for reconnaissance it may be interesting idea to visit.
There is more to the world, but most of the apocalyptic event happen in Rokugon, so the world probably will end in Rokugon. Its is also where all of his brothers' shit is, and he wants to wreck and/or take that stuff.
Did we learn any of the monks more mystical skills, like the stuff that allows us to paralyze with a touch or something?
[3] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
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[4] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[ 5] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[ 2] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[ 4] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[ 1] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[3 ] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[1] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[2] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
Lo, as much as I like the Dragon Clan, I must say the same as some people here.

Fuck Togashi.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[2] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[4] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[1] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[5] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.
[5 ] You will go to the lands of the Crane, there to attend upon a samurai's court and offer sage advice. Assuming you can restrain yourself from strangling the pompous fools.

[1 ] You will go to the lands of the Crab, there to join the retinue of a Kuni witch-hunter and hunt down the tainted. The irony is worthy of a play.

[4 ] You will go to the lands of the Scorpion, there to assist in rooting out a pernicious criminal syndicate... even if your hosts would rather you not.

[2 ] You will go to the lands of the Dragon, there to participate in theological debates and/or sparring matches with the tattooed monks... and to make sure that fucking Togashi is actually dead.

[3] You will go to the lands of the Unicorn, there to assist the local peasants with... whatever kind of problems a peasant faces in day to day life, you suppose.