What? Outside of dumb accidents, the medbay is generally a much better option; it's rare that I get into a situation where I can't extract my teleporter team before they die even with a level 1 teleporter, and the clone bay all but guarantees that my teleporters are going to be suffering repeated deaths due to attrition, with the resultant experience loss (and god forbid the clone bay gets taken out of commission). As for the random events; a) I can always just choose the option that doesn't risk my crew or even better pick a blue option; b) some events don't allow you to revive lost crew.
Well first off, the bit about some events not letting you receive lost crew is 100% false in my experiance. I've had crew get eaten by alien spiders, burned to a crisp, blown up while trying to disable a space mine that latched onto the ship, and
outright winked out of existance by a Zoltan hermit wielding a rip in the fabric of space and time, and they've all come back just fine. The
only exception to this in the entire game is that one event involving the Engi virus that will assimilate one of your Engi crewmen if you pick the blue option, and that particular instance is completely negated seeing as right after the resulting battle you end up getting the Virus as a crewman, and it comes in the form of an Engi with max XP in all his stats. All in all, the immunity to crew deaths by random events alone more than justifies the status of the clone bay as being the superior pick in my opinion.
Second, from a purely tactical level, the clone bay is still better since unless you have someone actually dying on you, you can leave the thing totally unpowered and it'll still heal your crew. A maxed out clone bay will passively heal 33 HP to everyone on the ship each jump even if it's unpowered, which is enough to fully heal everyone who isn't a Rockman inside of 3 jumps even if they were on the brink of death. Considering that if you're in a situation where your non-boarding crew (and with them you can still always just go a few jumps without actually sending them through the teleporter if you really need to heal them up) are consistently taking enough damage that 33 health per jump isn't enough to keep them alive, you've almost certainly fucked up enough that a medbay isn't going to help you regardless, I can't really see that as being a point against the clone bay. Even the XP penalty for them being brought back is a non-issue since unless you have them assigned to door control or sensors (in which case XP doesn't matter
anyway since there aren't stats that improve a crewman's ability to use the doors or sensors) or otherwise just have them doing absolutely nothing, the drop in XP is small enough that you'll almost certainly get it back with interest by the time you're a third of the way through the sector you're on.
Plus, using a clone bay allows for what is possibly the second most sadisticly hilarious strategy in the game, where you take a ship with a few Zoltans on the crew, a teleporter and a clone bay* at which point you use the Zoltans as
motherfucking suicide bombers that get sent onto the enemy ship, explode once they run out of HP, get remade in the clone bay then get get sent back by the teleporter, at which point the cycle repeats until the enemy crew is dead. It's not the most efficient use of the Zoltan by any means I'll admit, but
goddamn if it isn't funny as all hell.
*The Federation Cruiser Type C is absolutely
perfect for this strategy since it starts out with all of these things right off the bat. Hell, I am at least 95 percent certain that the devs deliberately designed it so that this would be it's primary method of combat, since otherwise it's weapons and shield system suck ass at the start of the game.