From Under the Shadow(LotR/???)

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Sauron has risen once more, his full, terrible power restored. Aragorn lies dead in front of the...
Sauron has risen once more, his full, terrible power restored. Aragorn lies dead in front of the Black Gate along with almost all that followed him. Only Gandalf escaped to carry the message of the defeat.

Both King Brand of Dale and King Dain II of Erebor were slain by the easterlings. When word came of Sauron's defeat at the Pelennor Fields, the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain and the Men of Dale roused themselves, and threw back the invaders at a bloody cost.

Dol Guldur is in ruins, its mighty walls cast down by the Galadhrim before Sauron reclaimed the One Ring. Mirkwood and Lorien stand in alliance against the encroaching darkness, but with Lady Galadriel now unable to use Nenya there is no power on Arda able to contest with the enemy.

Hope has failed, and the valor of the Free People will only delay the inevitable. Running from the enemies reach is the only path left open to the people of Arda, else they resign themselves to slavery.

You are:

[] The Chieftain of the Dunedain, rightful king of Arnor and Gondor, now that Aragorn has passed into shadow and the Line of Anarion ended. Though, how long that remains true, remains to be seen. Evil things come down from the Misty Mountains, assaulting the scattered villages and towns of Eriador. The Dunedain that are left gather at Dor-En-Egladil, in preparation for a march to either Lindon or Dol Amroth.

[] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.

[] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it may be time to abandon these lands.

[] When Theoden King road away to war, the full might of Rohan could not go with him. The muster was rushed, in light of Gondor's peril, and some had to stay behind to defend the Mark from Sauron's forces. Now Theoden and Eomer are dead, and only Eowyn remains of the Eorl, and she is far away and within the enemies grasp. As the House of Eorl withers, the people of Rohan are left without leadership. The captains of the Mark meet now, to decide their kingdoms fate.


Need to reserve some posts.
State of the Hall
State of the Hall
  • Morale: Decent
  • Ale: Running Low
  • "Religion": Veneration of Mahal
  • Political Ties:
    • Eriador (Trading Partners)
    • Hobbits of the Shire (Trading Partners)
Current Population: 4,000 adult dwarves.


Mining Income
Iron Mine - 800 Wealth
Coal Mine - 200 Wealth
Mining Income Subtotal: 1,000 Wealth
Mining Income Total: 1,000 Wealth

Trade Income
Raw Iron - 400 Wealth
Forges -1350 wealth
Total Trade Good Income Subtotal -1,750 Wealth
Total Trade income - 1,750 Wealth

Total Mining Income: 1,000 Wealth
Total Trade income: 1,750 Wealth

Current Hold Income: 2,750 Wealth
Current Reserves: 10,000 Wealth

Current Military Forces:

400 Full-time Dwarven warriors: Dwarven men that have dedicated their lives to the axe and sword instead of the forge and kiln. These men carry the best weapons and armor that you are capable of making into battle, and are fierce combatants.

100 Veterans of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs: These venerable Dwarves answered Thrain's call to war. They fought in the long campaign against the Orcs of the Misty Mountains, and have been scarred by their battles in Gundabad and outside the Gates of Moria. These dwarves aren't getting any younger though, and may soon pass on.
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[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.

[X] The Chieftain of the Dunedain, rightful king of Arnor and Gondor, now that Aragorn has passed into shadow and the Line of Anarion ended. Though, how long that remains true, remains to be seen. Evil things come down from the Misty Mountains, assaulting the scattered villages and towns of Eriador. The Dunedain that are left gather at Dor-En-Egladil, in preparation for a march to either Lindon or Dol Amroth.

Now i want a Dwarf Fortress/LOTR crossover...
[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it may be time to abandon these lands.
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[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.
[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.
[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it may be time to abandon these lands.

The only option with boats, which are kinda essential when running the fuck away from Sauron.
Be Dwarf! Dig deeper!
He expects us to run on the map, not escape straight downwards.
Hey, that never backfired before.

[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.
Have you not learned from Durin that you shouldn't dig too deep?

[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it may be time to abandon these lands.
[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it may be time to abandon these lands.
[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it may be time to abandon these lands.
[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it may be time to abandon these lands.
[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.
[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.

First order of bussiness: Build a magma railgun. Our guests deserve a warm welcome.
[X] A proud lord of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor is still strong. Your father followed the new king to the Black Gates, and perished for it. Your two elder brothers followed him in death, and now only you and your sister remain. Your father ruled a rich and powerful city, and controlled a good part of the remaining Gondorian fleet. Now that Sauron has risen, it may be time to abandon these lands.
[X] A Dwarf Lord of the Ered Luin, descendant of those that fled from the ruins of Belegost and Nogrod. Long had you dwelt here, even after Thorin and Dain reclaimed Erebor. Now the time comes, that you may have to flee. Orcs, goblins, and worse creep down from the misty mountains. They've become bold now that their master has returned, and you cannot weather their assaults forever.