From snake to dragon (SI ASoIaF)

Chapter 5
Chapter 5. Bloodraven.

The boy soon would fly, he just needed a push to learn the mysticism of greenseers. Bloodraven's avatar, the three-eyed crow, flew across the sky and looked satisfied by how things were going. They had a chance, they could suceed if he learnt the secrets. If he did, all that came behind it would fall into place.

The raven's wings swung as he soared across the bizarre sky of blue and red and green. Something looked strange, there in that clearing.

Bloodraven approached and stopped still. The place was filled with savines and pine trees. Bloodraven felt nothing dangerous, as if this place was a safe haven. Yeah, he felt this place soothed him, made him comfortable.

He didn't understand how this could be so. Because a lion of majestic mane and size, rearing on its hindlegs, stood in front of him.

It walked quite well on two legs, to be honest.

Behind the lion slept three dragons: one was of gold so pale it almost seemed white; the second was a green one, emerald; the third one was a massive black dragon.

They are safe for now, but the winter comes. Be ready. They cannot bear yet the song of ice and fire. You need to pick the mantle.

Bloodraven was now flanked now by two beasts: a wolf and another lion, this one walked on its four legs.

Then all of a sudden, the air became chill, the sun was covered and the darkness took the field. The dragons still slept. Now a fog crept towards the dragons. Black shadows of undescriptable cold stretched their hands towards them as they closed in the gap.
The great lion roared and charged the shadows. Its claws shatered the attackers and his jaw crushed them. He still took damage, as the enemies' own claws rended his flesh.

Be ready!

It was then that Bloodraven woke.


His eyes opened wide as if a spring had been activated. He jerked his head and almost surprised "Leaf".

"What's has happened greenseer?"

"A dream," said flatly the old greenseer.

Normally this would mean the issue would be handwaved. Of course normally wasn't a word that applied to a greenseer quite often, if at all.

"Leaf I need you and another of your kin to do something very important."

"What is?"

"There are two more potential greenseers but they are too far away to learn the path from me. Your kin knows of it well enough to teach it. You must go beyond any of your kin has ever gone.


Coughing blood and with a red stream gently flowing beneath my left nostril. Waking up frantically I grasped my nose and covered it.

Whatever that had been it couldn't be good. First and foremost it wasn't in my plan, a potentially dangerous deviation of the course I had set. And it hadn't even begun.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6. Riven.

That had been weird, bloodraven and the three dragons and the wolf and the lion. I suppose the dragons symbolized Dany Jon and Aegon while the wolf was possibly Bran. The standing lion I mean, I was living in Viserys body but I wasn't a Targaryen and I guess the closest thing to represent me would be Bes' lion (I mean, it wasn't really big, stood on its hindlegs. It only needed a cock that reached its ankles and it would be a perfect representation of the god), considering I hailed from his "sacred" island. Sure I hadn't been never a great believer, though I had a bit of respect for the ancestral legacy, up until me dying. Was it possible this had been an ordeal of his? I mean, all of the three choices I had been given sucked balls, they were BAD. A test to see wether or not I could fend off the "evil"?

Dunno, dreams aren't for me to be honest. I'm a "Tax-Engineer", not a prophet. I won't get a response by worrying now so better go to sleep again.


Whatever part designed my dreams needed to be pumped of gray matter ASAP. Same place as before? C'mon! Originality, are you somewhere in the vicinity? No? Well, pity.

I turned and saw a blur heading straight out for me.

Reeling in pain from the punch I fell to the floor only to see Viserys Targaryen glare at me with a furious set of eyes.

"You bastard, what do you think you're doing to a dragon?"

I being a rather young man at the age of twenty one, and being not very hotblooded, did the most rational thing one could think off: I grabbed him by the leg and dragged him down.

The blonde fell to the ground and I took it as a chance to lurch onto him. Unluckily for me, he had two legs which meant one was free to kick me (luckily for me, it didn't land on my ballsack). Sent backwards again I stumpled and tried to fend of Viserys who threw himselft with ferocity.

I turned over myself in time to avoid getting hit and got space and tme to rise on one of my knees. This time I had the chance to return a punch. My knuckles landed over his cheek and clashed against skin and bone. I remembered something: hitting someone without protection can hurt too.


The Targaryen's head turned a bit, enough to let me rise on my second foot but not sufficient for me to get into proper position to counter Visery's attack. His fist landed in my stomach and my poor footing made me fall again. Viserys climbed on my and hammered my face with his clubbed hands thrice. By the time He made the third strike I managed to grab his hands with mine and we were locked into a standstill.

"Look, I can explain it okay!" His brows furrowed in wonder and I proceeded. "I can explain, I swear, just let me rise."

He rose too and gave me space to manneuver. Once I rose he suckerpunched me but, reacting quickly, I got to his back. With a quick move my left arm grabbed his right arm and twisted it as I did a takedown and pinned him in the floor. I was flabbergasted.

Holy shit Juan, what you taught me about self-defence actually worked!

"I can explain my ass," grumbled Viserys. "How dare you strike the dragon?"

"Stop saying it that way, it's sounds like a corny line from a corny porn-movie. What will follow: the dragon blows into your hold?"


"Oh, yeah, sorry, you guys are all a bunch of medieval bumpkins. No offense"

"You bastard, how dare you insult ME, I'm going to kill you and- AGH!" I pushed on my grip upwards and strained his arm's muscles. "Okay, I'm calming down!" he wimpered as the pain grew too much.

I freed my grasp from him and we both nursed a bit our wounds, him his arms, I my cheek.

Time to go full clean, I guess.

"Look I'll tell you as much as I know: I died in a truck accident. And before you ask me, a truck is a large carriage that doesn't need horses and can go quite fast."

Viserys stared at me, weirded out by my words.

"Don't give me that stare of: oh god, this guy is insane! I'm literally inside of your head controlling every move you're making this last days so I think you don't have much room for skepticism."

"Not...really," grudgingly admitted Viserys."Still I demand you hand control of my body back!"

"Not happening," I deadpanned.

He tried to strike me but I made, reflexively, a haiwan uke, my fist rose, one to my temple, the other to block the attack. I quickly coiled my legs to make a mawasi geri, so a roundhouse kick, that landed brutally on his ribcase. It drove him to his knees.

Man, Juan, I'm actually using the karate you taught me. And it's working... of course this is a dream so there's that too.

"I'm going to explain something to you: where I am from you're a book's character. Now don't ask me how that's possible. I mysefl don't get it."

"You're insane," said Viserys as he recovered his breath."You are out of your mind, nutjob!"

"The pot called the kettle black. Look, let me tell you something: you'd (or will) die in a couple of months according to what I read. Khal Drogo would ran out of patience with a weak idiot like you, because that's what you're: you're no king, not even a pretender, you're barely an after thought in Robert's plan of killing all dragonspawns. Just a delusional fool who even his own sister will end up loathing."

At this point Viserys lashed in anger at me... I guess my attempts at diplomacy maybe hadn't been the best. His fists flailed madly and I did my best to block all of them. Luckily for me, I had been a very defensive type of karateka (a very half-assed at that, though) so I got to parry most of the blows. When he started to tire out a bit, I managed to snuck what was a very faithful recreation of the heian shodan's second sequence: my right arm downed in a cross block up until it alineated with my leg as to block his incoming left punch, then it... twirled for lack of a better word to fend off the right fist. Now I had an opening and concluded it with a straight punch.

He got open to an upper hook and sent him straight to the floor. Panting and feeling the hurt, I turned and sat on my knees, placing them over Viserys' arms. He'd not move easily.

"Let me get this straight: you'll die in this whole clusterfuck if you keep your average course of action. People are about to get fully fed up with you. Now I could pull a Miguel de Unamuno and kill you but I think it would be detrimental for both of us, not only you. So here are your options, you airhead bombshell: either we die horribly or I pull a massive and glorious stunt for you and get the crown and fuck that dornish bimbo until we die of old age. What's your pick?"


We laid on a grassfield, arms crossed on our own chests while we stared the sky. We had a few additional bruises from the other fights that broke off as we spoke to each other.

"So that's a plan, I guess," I added. "Still my plan wasn't that bad."

Visery's made me a dead fish's face at the comment.

"Robert's warhammer is subtle by comparison," now it was his turn to make the deadpanning."You're the intrigue equivalent of an elemphant entering a myrish glassmaker."

Then again, my idea of subtlety involved having no indoor voice and maybe shouting: no one expects the spanish taxation! or, knock knock, the royal administration calls mothefuckers! But to be called blunt by Viserys fucking Targaryen?

C'mon it couldn't be that bad, guy surely was exaggerating.
By 'tax engineer', do you mean accountant?

Not exactly. Sure we do accounting but an "ingeniero de hacienda"'s (which I'm not sure how does that translate to english, which would be its analogue) job goes a bit beyond that: amongst other things we evaluate wether or not a tax is good or not (does it provide enough money, it is a convoluted mess, it is an opaque way to get a buck, etc.) wether or not it is a good idea to apply it (will people throw a chimp-out because they don't see it to be fair at all? is the impositive base you want to tax mobile and cause mobility of rents,"taxative trasnferences", etc.) and once it comes to make the taxes we design them to make them as simple as possible and design and determinate the profile of the tax (which are it's exent minimals, how will its progressiveness rate evolve, will it be progressive to begin withr? What will be its deductions and reductions? will there be any limits to them)
chapter 7
More Tommen related stuff, because I liked writing about him and maybe give him relevance to the story.

Chapter 7. The laughing stag.

Be ready!

Tommen woke up all of a sudden, shivering from the dream. It had been just plain weird, specially now that this was the fourth time in a row he had that dream, every three or so days in the last forthnight. Speaking wolves, ravens and lions? Dragons and... whatever that had been. Just thinking about it made him shiver in fear. Whatever it was, he didn't want to think about it.

With a heavy heart he'd depart winterfell, he left behind poor Brandon and his uncle parted ways with them to go and see the wall at the edge of the known world. He had asked to go, only to be kindly shut down by his mother and be mocked in snickering tones by his brother.

Thus they made their way back home. And like always he'd be chaffing insde the stuffy house her mother had insisted on bringing. It broke too often and wasn't really that spacious. Tommen would have liked to camp better, make a bonfire and tell tales around it. That would have been fun.

Sigh, it was a pity mom wasn't too fond of it, well, girls weren't too fond of it. Luckily for Tommen he could go ride outside from time to time.

Buttershot, his pony which had a color similar to its name, snorted as he sped up a bit. That startled Tommen a bit but he managed to hold on the reins and his pony.

Joffrey saw that and snorted, rolling his eyes dismissively. Tommen pouted a bit, seeing his brother had yet another thing to add to his repertoire of insults and mocking.

And he'd add mind you. Joffrey was very mean and never let down anything.

With a sigh and a slighly saddened smile, Tommen decided to ride ahead, his guard, Ser Brandon of house Marlon, following him quite close. Marlon was an average man in all espects of the word: neither tall, slim, fat or small. Neither ugly nor pretty, just plain. Chestnut hair and eyes and nothing to write home about. Still he was a very kind and nice man, unlike a few members of the kingsguard who where quite scary if he was asked.

Now the convoy was halted, preparing the food to break the fast and letting the nobles rest. They were still in the north, about to pass the swamps of the neck. He remembered that place. it was a bit spooky with its swamps and the strange crannogmen... though he had come to learn they were very nice and welcoming, specially the son of the lord, Jojen who was a very interesting boy who Tommen hoped to see again, he liked him. Though, to be honest, Tommen liked a lot of people. And it should be so, why should he want to mourn and perpetually frown like grandpa? He didn't want to be grumpy when he was old, nor hated. No, he'd do a good job and make people happy. He'd a good lord who'd do father proud.

He heard a noise: of wood clashing, like practice swords. He commanded his horse to go faster and sped his way towards the noise's source.

Two boys were playing with wooden swords. Tommen recognized them: one was a butcher's son he'd seen quite a few more times in the convoy and the other... wait the other wasn't a boy. It was Arya Stark! He almost gasped in surprise at that.

The two other kids turned in surprise at the young prince's arrival. The young butcher boy dropped to his knees to bow but Arya rose him up almost inmediately.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Arya in a barbed tone, skitish like a shadowcat. "Are you going to tell dad about this, aren't you?"

Tommen shook frantically

"No, no! I was just riding when I heard you fight and wondered what was going on!"

Her eyes clenched bit, slits of distrust now. No one said nothing for a couple seconds until Tommen decided to dismount and approach.

He was a bit nervous to speak with them, considering he didn't have many kids his age in king's landing he wasn't sure what to say.

"Uhm... can I play with you?"

Arya's, Ser Brando's and Mycah's (that was his name... Tommen thought) eyes went wide open.

"YOU!? But you're a prince, what if I hurt you!"

"I'll say I'm practicing with Ser Marlon and that I told him not to hold back, that harm me would make me stronger. At least that's what my father says."

Arya stared at him skeptically until she grumbled. She could say no to the guy when he was making such puppy eyes and such a beaming and wide smile.

"Fine, but if you hurt yourself you've gotta say you hurt yourself! Promise?"



"Wow, look at them," said a marvelled Arya Stark.

Tommen himself was too surprised when he saw again the towers of Moat Cailin. It wasn't that they were magnificent. They certainly were nothing to write hom about and they were old. But it was the contrast the supposed between the massive savage realm of the swamps the crannogmen (and many, many, many flies) called home.

"It's incredible they are still standing here, they look so old!" was all Tommen managed to say.

"Say, do you think we will see more castles like this one? Asked Arya in wonder.

"We still have Harrenhal, that one is massive!" Said Tommen as he stretched his arms as much as he could to give a bit of the impression of the gargantuan hold. "It's like you could see the seven kingdoms from it's top! I'm sure of it! Oh and uncle Arryn's house on the Vale too, that place is so high I think we could see the home of the seven from there"

Her eyes gleamed with anticipation to see Harren the Black's home. To see the vale. He made a wide grin.

"It's incredible. Do you think it will take us too long to make it to Harrenhal?"

At that moment Tommen swore he had seen something move thrugh the foliage something strange. Like a kid, but one that was blindingly fast.

Surely he had imagined things.


"You know, I've seen that our two young boys are getting along very well," commented Robert as he downed his second flask of wine this morning. "More, c'mon you crap-for-brains good-for-nothing squire!" Roared Robert as he commanded Lancel to pour him a third (and soon the fourth) flask of wine.

"Indeed," Eddard made thin smile. Tommen was a good boy and maybe he'd make Arya a bit more ladylike if they grew fond of each other. "It is good two boys of their age get to befriend and bond, she generally didn't have anyone of her age at winterfell.

"Maybe Joffrey's and Sansa's won't be the only ties of blood between our families, hahaha!"


"Can I touch her?" Asked a dubbitative Tommen about Nymmeria.

"She's very touchy of strangers but you can try," said Arya with half a grin.

Nymmeria by now was very large, only a head smaller than Tommen in height but very tall nevertheless. She was as skittish as her owner and looked the most savage of the stark direwolves.

With shaky hands, Tommen caressed the direwolf's fur.

Nymmeria panted happily, barked, and licked Tommen's cheek. Both children, Arya covering her mouth with her hands and rolling into the ground upon seeing Tommen's face of surprise. made silly giggles when the direwolf repeated the act.


They kept meeting on to play with the swords and practice. Tommen fell quite often and lost most of the time but they had a lot of fun. Quite a few times they had made a meelee a trois and fought until they were so tired they fell to the ground laughing.

But today it wasn't like always.

They had spent quite a while, almost a moon or so, and they had made it to the riverlands. There they stayed at an inn for a few days to rest and repair the massive house-couch of his family.

And today Joffrey and Sansa found them. Just when Mycah had striken Arya's hand by accident. She made a very loud ouch when they approached.

"Arya what are you doing here?" Asked Sansa in a high-pitch tone, surprised to see her sister in a very unladike activity.

"I'm practicing with the sword with Mycah and Tommen."

Joffrey snorted and chuckled obnoxiously then put a bit of thought into the matter and made a vile grin.

"Say... whatever your name is. Seeing that you're eager on attacking high-born ladies, why don't you try your luck with," with a slow motion he unsheathed his sword. "A real fighter? Not some wobbly mess like my craven brother. I'm sure it would be an... enlighting experience."

Mycah's face blanched and he went to his knees.

"Please my lord, it wasn't an accident, I only-"

"QUIET YOU WORM!" snarled Joffrey as he startled everyone, specially Sansa who freed herself from his grasp and went a step backwards."You think you can get away with striking your betters?" Asked Joffrey as he closed the distance and pointed his sword at the boy. "Do you think you can get away with your acts of treason? You want to play a knight, go and play with a real warrior, c'mon you craven shit!"

"Joffrey, please calm down," tried to say Tommen before his elder brother stroke him down with a thunderclap.

"Don't butt in you pathetic blob!" Shouted Joffrey. "I AM THE CROWN PRINCE, YOU MAGGOT!!"

He went to strke again poor Tomment but at that time Arya shouted a command.

"Nymmeria attack!"

And at that same time Nymmeria had started to ready its legs to jump over the prince. Pinned down by the great dire-wolf, the prince screamed in fear and impotence.

"Don't hurt him Arya!" Pleaded Sansa as she grabbed her little sister by an arm.

"Then he better not hurt my firends!" Arya roared in anger. She conced quickly, though. "Nymmeria get out of him, least you get food poisoning."

The wolf groaned and showed its teeth at Joffrey who made a scared whimper. When he could rise, the Prince sprung and went running away.

He was going to tell mother, Tommen though grimly.


They argued about who had done what. Joffrey said both him and Tommen had been manhandled and assaulted, almost killed if it hadn't been for his superlative swordsmanship. Arya and the Butcher said the truth. In the end it all fell to him.

Joffrey's murderous stare stabbed daggers at Tommen. Arya's stare begged him to tell the truth, to save her pup and their friend. Because if Joffrey won Nymmeria would die and so would, most likely, Mycah. Just for playing and being the target of his bully brother.

It wasn't right, they didn't deserve it.

His brother would be angry. So would his mother. He shivered in fear at the prospect of the brutal beating. His body almost convulsed in terror. Joffrey would be very angry, he'd torment him and bring it to a new sickening degree. He might die, considering how intently Joffrey glared at Tommen. After a few seconds of thinking about that horrible that awaited him should he speak against Joffrey, Tommen realized he could say only one thing. He could only betray.

A small part of him died then as he uttered those words that would brand him a traitor:

"Joffrey attacked Arya and the boy, they were just playing with me and we've been doing this for weeks now," He gulped, his hands tremble Nymeria just defended us."

Silence struck the hall. Joffrey's eyes bulged and menaced with leaving their orbits. Arya made a sigh of relieve and gave Tommen a weak smile. Cersei gasped. A random dog pissed on a knight who cursed: "you bloody bitch!"

King Robert perched on his chair at stared at his son with inquisitive eyes:

"Are you sure of it, that's a very different story than your brother's."

"Yes, father," sentenced Tommen, his voice barely hiding his shakiness. Still he managed to strike a solemn voice and pose. Or at least he thought it would be that way.

He didn't turn his head, his eyes were locked in his father's who in urn stared into Tommen's very souls. Tommen feared he'd melt in any second and he'd be afraid of what would his lord father say. Robert just nodded and rose from the chair. His voice was cold as ice when he spoke.

"Joffrey, tomorrow I'll have a talk with you."

"What about the beast and the butcher boy?" Asked Cersei in an increasingly outraged tone.

"Tomorrow I'll talk with the father's boy and say I'm sorry for my little spitbrain of an heir," Robert's voice was close to erupt in anger now. Everyone flinched and expected an impending backlash. "And I expect to see them fine and well tomorrow. Or else I'll speak with whomever that harmed them," he finished as he gripped his hammer.

There was no more to say, the queen simply shrugged in defeat and walked straight out of the room, not before giving a disappointed glare to her second son.

People left, many sighing in relief and tiredom.

Arya's eyes gleamed as she turned to see Tommen while her father hurried her away to sleep.

It was then he noticed something very grave.

Joffrey's face was a mask devoid of any emotion. Tommen realized he was so angry he couldn't even articulate it.

"You traitor," he said in a strangled whisper as his lower lisp trembled. Then he stormed off the building with the Hound in tow. He'd make him pay dearly.

It was the right thing. They deserved it.

Tommen told this to himself and realized that, even though he'd see seven hells from now, he didn't care. The part that was afraid of his brother had died at that moment . For that single moment. That single smile and sigh of relief and, most importantly, the knowledge his friend would live had justified everything that was to come.


Just a question, do you think its believable for an eight-year (I'm going for him being that age while Arya is about to turn 10 now) old's behavior? On the other hand I'm so proud of this guy *sniff*
Remember, Arya grew up in Winterfell: biggest castle in the North and eight thousand years old. She's also known to be somewhat stubborn and partisan. She seems a little too impressed by other castles, where she should likely be explaining how Winterfell is much better ...
Remember, Arya grew up in Winterfell: biggest castle in the North and eight thousand years old. She's also known to be somewhat stubborn and partisan. She seems a little too impressed by other castles, where she should likely be explaining how Winterfell is much better ...

Then again she's never really outside of winterfell (gotta re-read, though, to make sure) so it's more of the novelty and the stark contrast of the castle respect Winterfell (which somehow is still standing in that treasonous swamp, and that's the main reason to be surprised) rather than the size of it. It's more like that time you're told a joke: you laugh at it. Then you hear it again and start to nitpick the joke's reasoning and methodology.

Now, if people here seem to think this to be too jarring then I'll just changing to a mild interest mixed in with pride to winterfell and an explanation of Tommen about Harrhenal.
Last edited:
Chapter 8. Slingshots.

I was lying on the sabine and pine clearing, the sounds remembered of the forest near my grandparents' house. Calm reigned supreme in this place.

I closed my eyes and rested, the rhythm of my breath a soothing lullaby to me in this silent realm.

Something moved, a noise shattering the calm being the alarm's trigger. I opened inmediately my eyes.

My my my.

"Three eyes on a raven, too far off the wall, aren't we?"

Bloodraven himself in front of me, now this was curious.

"A rarity like you, deserves study," said the crow matter-of-factly. "And sincerity. Given you seem to know a bit more of me than I know of you, I have little with which to hide. That and I can learn more out of you if you're willing."

Fair enough I guess, he was letting himself be carried by the flow as long as it benefited him, don't we do the same whenever we can?

"So tell me, what kind of 'rarity' am I?

"That much I don't know, you're strange: your blood is old but not connected to the green dreams and the forest, nor to the blood accursed realms of the Valyrians. Something along the lines of the rhoynar perhaps. I do wonder what will you turn out to be. Strange for sure, after all what else could be used to describe the soul of a man trapped in another's body?"

"There's someth-"

Before I got time to get data (to give credibility to my act) Bloodraven disappeared all of a sudden.
"The leaves blow," was the last thing he heard.
From the clearing emerged a regal lion walking on its hindlegs. Giant and majestic, he exhuberated confidence and despite being a predator exuded an air of calm and gentleness.

I woke up after that. I hadn't got anything new to get by. My chance of getting it, seemingly on a silver plate, had flown off.

God fucking dammit.

"Stupid and bloody bows," I grumbled as I did what I should have done weeks ago.

To say I was bad with the bow was a misunderstatement. I simply had no bloody talent into it and resulted disastrous misfires that made a few dothrakis chuckle.

I was to get their respect, not be (again) the but of their jokes. So I did what any self-respecting Balear should have done. I made myself a sling.

On our stop in Qohor I managed to snug a couple of agave leaves, lucked into what seemed to be esparto, a bush from my homeland, in the dothraki sea... and well this was a dothraki khalassar. I'll be damned if I wasn't able to find myself some animal's mane.

I worked for a couple of days in secret, crafting on the afternoons when the khalassar stopped. Damn it, two years and my memories about it were rusty as hell. My grandfather would have been disappointed. Still I managed a few acceptable exemplars that would work fine.

The end result was a slightly thick braided cord. In the midst, as if it was a slit belly, the cord separated into two thinner streams. They joined back together on their way to the extrams. One was simply a bit of cord that I had barely braided, the other had a smaller noose big enough to fit in my thumb,and avoid the sling fleeing my hand, had happened a few times when I was a kid. I sniggered when I remember that time my sling was sent flying straight into my elder brother's face. That had been worth the chase.

I whipped the sling and it made a cracking noise that cutted the air. I grinned.

Just like grandpa's.
Khal Drogo had accepted to let me accompany them in the hunt. I had gathered a bunch of pebbles to fill a leather pouch and took to ride with them. This was the first time I'd be using a sling on the move, wonder if I'd fail too often. Hope not, or else I'd feel like this decade of using slings had been for naught.

Over twenty riders ran their horses through the endless grassfields. They'd be hunting a couple of hrakkars today, or so they hoped. The scouts had sighted a few of them close by so it would be better to kill them off, least they have any funny ideas with the dothraki's horses. Not common but possible.

I wore leathers similar to those of the dothraki, blending fine in the fahsion department.

"Hrakkar!" shouted one of the scouts.

The white lion appeared out of the grass, which reached the horses knees. The beasts quickly moved aside as the hunters took position. Acting on instinct, I readied myself a stone, swirled the sling thrice and by the third roll I thrusted the stone with all my might. The shot landed square on its foreleg, sawing it off in a bloody manner.

Drogo took this opportunity to go and wrestle the lion in hand to hand combat. I, just in case readed the shortest of my three slings.

The burly dothraki lurched onwards to fight off the wounded beast. With its remaining claw, he stroke that Khal, wounding him slightly on the left arm. The khal grabbed the remaining leg and twisted it, a swift and brutal motion set into a direction anathema to the beast's bones. I cringed at the eery crack I heard. Quick as lighting Drogo grabbed the lion's head and snapped it with sickening ease. The lion's head moved at blinding speed towards an angle it wasn't supposed to. This time the sound was more muffled.

And right as he was finishing off the beast, a second lion appeared from the grass, very close to Drogo.

Oh right. They had used the word lions. That meant plural.

Kind of an oversight on our part, wasn't it?

The Khal's back was exposed but luckily his bloodriders were preparing quickly. I, having made the effort prior, was the first to attack The stone flew fast as it was propelled at blinding speed. The rock-hard stone crashed straight into the face. The beast was sent backwards, it's face's left side now turned into a bloody mess as the stone cracked upon the soft surfece. I could see the iece of shrapnel land into the soft flesh as blood spread and flew around while the limp body fell dead.

Drogo stared at me, dumbfounded for a second, then he made a grin and we both laughed at the situation, soon enough the others followed suit.

Who needs a bow when you have good old slings?

What I'm saying is a bit of a wanking off but it's rather accurate. Balearics' slingers became so famous that our people became sinonimous of the term during the roman times.

Roman historian Diodoro Siculo said Balearic slingers were the best of men in the art of slinging rocks and, judging by his own experience, made them analogous to a catapult's effects. And trust me it's not far off the truth if you're using lead balls (which we made weight around 500grs) instead of stones. Anibal (and Caesar) considered them irreplaceable soldiers as they were excellent defence force, harrassers and very useful for storming enemy fortifications.

Titus Livius said they were superior in both range and precision to a roman bow (which is a recurve bow... though I'm not sure wether or not roman bows were very good). Then again the assholes trained a lot. Tradition was that children would get bread on a white post. The boy couldn't reach the bread and he'd not eat until he'd knock it with a stone. You can imagine how huge an incentive that was, and it was a very big tradition in my home of Ibiza.

Also it's the only weapon I have a (very) solid knowledge off. Viserys was never a great fighter. And before someone asks, that was something similar to what once happened that one time two friends and I decided to go hunt with slings.

Well, I've wanked enough.

P.S. Before anyone asks me: but that's not honorable! he'll be shunner by the westerosi! Like I care, I'm not going to the bow and I'm not stupid enough as to get myself into harms way. They want to crack skulls? Fine, I'll help them from a distance, though I may crack their sternums too.

Next chapter? We will be a bit childish.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9. Childhood's end.

Leaf and Black Knife sprang onwards towards the Wall's gates. The Nightfort had been for very long time and thus the humans were unaware on that crack in their mighty wall against the dark.

It felt so strange and unnatural, stone carved into odd shape, an unnatural eveness in its form. So where the mauled wood and clubbered steel forming this... stools and pots was it that Bloodraven called them? They were odd. Something on them unnerved Black Knife.
Leaf shook her head, the tangle of autumn colored leaves, vines and withered flowers that was her hair. Black Knife understood what she wanted to say: don't bother in trying to figure out everything.

When they left the fort they found themselves sitting in front of an expanse of flat land that extended to the horizon.

"It's so different respect our homes, on step more and there's no turning back." Said Black Knife with a fatalistic tone. "Not that we have a chance to go back."

No, certainly not. Unless they wanted the Long Night to last eternally.

With a nod, and after a few moments of rest, they again sped their ways. They found many ruins of stone in their way outside and then a blinding light as they emerged to the surface. In that area there were trees surrounding the abandoned fortress but in front of them, not too far away, laid a massive expanse of land, devoid of any trees and sizeable nature.

Black Knife gasped in surprse, shocked by the sheer change it supposed. Leaf placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded with understatement.

"Be ready, this won't be the last nor the bigger of the changes respect what we're sued to."

"Where we go now?"

"South and walk until our feet hurt, then some more."


"This is BORING as hells... then again, what are you actually going to do? You said you'd convince the dothrakis to become more like those "mongolians" yours but how do you think you'll convince them?" said Viserys as he laid on the grass. He got no response so he turned and shouted."Hey, I'm talking to you!"

I for one, was trying to sleep, lying atop a sabine branch. Considering that, prior to this whole event, my average sleeping night was about 4-5 hours long, I was trying to make the most of it.

Yes I was sleeping in my dreams, I'm that hardcore.

A rustle of leafs and a pinch make me rise in annoyance. It's Bloodraven.

"The children come," said the three-eyed crow matter-of-factly.

"And you woke me for that? Go fuck off!" I said, totally pissed off that my sleep had been interrupted.

Then, a second later, my eyes went open.

Bloodraven. AKA: Visions of the "current" future.

I spring upwards and try to ask the crow something but I see he's gone now. Again, I've lost my chance.

Fuck I'm such a fucking moron.

His words made me wonder. He said a couple of nights ago: "the leafs blow" and now he said... "the children come."

Did that mean there were children going outside the wall? Was that even possible. Still, it gave me something more to keep those two Essosi in the loop of my skills and still think me as something more valuabe than a pawn.

At that moment a stone hit me in the face and threw me off the sabine.

"Are you listening me now, you bastard!?" Screeched Viserys.

As a response, I did what any rational man would do. I charged onwards and we started beating each other. Such is our deep and cordial friendship.

The royal party would arrive tomorrow. That meant the key events King Viserys had predicted were about to kickstart. Which in turn meant Varys' acts would have to be quicker and even more subtle than usual.

His majesty was of the mind that Eddard Stark's death would be a perfect way to divide the North, but it could also make the change a point of no return. No, Varys saw something with more potential, visions of the future be damned. So he needed to act quickly all while maintaining the spirit of the plan that would led to the civil war.

Perhaps, those guests the likes of which men hadn't seen in a long time his majesty had spoken off during the last missive, may be of use. He wondered who they were.

According to the letter they'd be found either on the godswood or close to the kingswood. This was a bit strange but Varys thought it was a good way to start, so he sent his birds to inspect. Nevertheless, they found nothing albeit one of them swore he had seen a strange shadow around. Frowning, Varys decided to go inspect by himself.

The gentle and precious trees of the wood seemed to sing as the breeze swept across their foliages, still green and vibrant even though summer was coming to an end. Varys allowed himself a second of relaxation and basked in that calm.

A second disrupted by a strange rustle.

Varys turned, as if powered by a spring. He stared warily at the source of the rustle. He gasped upon seeing it.

By the seven.

More details of their journey will appear in flashbacks in following chapters.
Oh because that's what Varys has gasped about. It was a secret but I see no harm in telling you as I'll spend about a week doing the editing with my beta.