[X] Create Goblinda, Mother of Goblins
-[X] Created on the shattered remains of the Spike, Goblina is the opposite of Gobbus. Where he is cruel, she is kind. Where he wishes to dominate lesser creatures, she wishes to protect them, to teach them, to raise them to the best they can be. And while Gobbus is a coward, Goblinda would stare down Darkness itself to protect those under her care. Goblinda is immortal, although her protection is more obvious, as no weapon or force can harm her. In appearance she is short and plump, with a long warty nose, but her eyes hold an inner glow.
[X] The broken made whole. Those slaved dragons find their curse of obedience lifted and their stone scales absorbed however the celestial realm shall be denied to them for the stone is a part of them and the void pulls them down.
[X] Gravity Dragon: As the Hungering Pit destroys all matter, more esoteric life forms. The Gravity Dragon is a being made of gravity, specifically the Hungering Pit's concentrated gravity which gained a life of its own. It's survives by funneling matter or energy into its maw/ It spirals throughout the galaxy, where it detects Pyralis.
[X] Void Dragon: As the Hungering Pit destroys all matter, more esoteric life forms. The Void Dragon is a being made of gravity, specifically the Hungering Pit's concentrated gravity which gained a life of it's own. It's survives by funneling matter or energy into it's maw/ It spirals throughout the galaxy, where it detects Pyralis.
[X] Void Dragon: As the Hungering Pit destroys all matter, more esoteric life forms. The Gravity Dragon is a being made of gravity, specifically the Hungering Pit's concentrated gravity which gained a life of it's own. It's survives by funneling matter or energy into it's maw/ It spirals throughout the galaxy, where it detects Pyralis.