There is only one path fowards! Well, actually that's not true since you can roam into any direction, but walking through the dirt road seems like a sensible decision.
Soon the open clearing surrounding the cliff was replace by a florest. The trees here were very large, and big. You don't think you would be able to hug them even if you streched your arms wide.
You never hugged anything before, did you? You run towards one of the trees and try to hug it. You can feel the rough texture of the tree bark in your arms. You really were right in the fact you wouldn't be able to hug it, in fact your arms don't even seem to be able to reach the halfway point. This tree seems to be some sort of cedar tree, maybe. It looked different from what you'd expect from a cedar tree though, not that you have ever seen one before.
Leaving the tree behind you continue your treek trough the woods when you start to
hear a sound in the distance. It starts faint but grows louder the longer you walk. You have an idea of what it is, but for the life of you it doesn't seem to come to the front of your mind.
This is the longest you have ever walked. Your own cyan light combined with the moon's green light make the path visible yet it's still pretty dark, especially here in this road. The treetops block most of the moonlight and trees that are not close to you are just seem like black outlines. Yet it's also calming, just walking without having to punch things or go into weird rooms.
You stop when you reach a point in the road blocked by a fallen tree. It's the same big kind of tree you saw before, but this one seemed to have been slashed at the base. Jumping over it is not hard at all. With that out of the way you continue to wander.
Soon you find yourself in a crossroads. From what you remember, one path would lead you in the direction of the building you saw before, the one with 4 floors and a chainlink fence surrounding it. The other path would lead you towards this pleasant sound you've been hearing and you really want to find out what it is.
Where to go?
[] Go towards the other building
[X] Go towards the sound
[] Go back
-[] Why?
[] Write-in