Freezing Worm(DBZ/Worm)

With sibby not caring about defense she could conceivably do some damage to Frieza if he lets her hit him, although I'm pretty sure he's faster then her so should be able to dodge well enough. But that does come down to him not entirely being a prideful git and just getting it over with. I imagine she could also tank pretty much whatever he throws at them with her ability, so we might see some of them escape the massacre that's most likely about to occur.
I think Siberian would hurt him but not anywhere it mattered before he freaked out at being seriously harmed for once and started AoEing the place. Manton pretty much never has her go for the immediate Kill Shot which is the only thing that would work, even with Alexandria she just poked an eye out.

And even then she would have to completely destroy all vitals which I doubt she would try for the first couple options, Cooler survived as less than half a head.
On the other hand, healing Frieza from that would be tricky. There's the cybernetic tech used in canon, but he'd have to get offworld for that and I doubt Tinkers could make something up to Frieza's standards.

And healing with powers would mean giving Panacea access to Frieza's hax mutant genome.
And healing with powers would mean giving Panacea access to Frieza's hax mutant genome.
Why would he go to Panacea?
She's not the only healer in the world and the PRT will want to use there own healer instead of an independent hero besides Panacea is not even nearly as famous as people like to pretend I mean Im pretty sure when l read Worm she wasn't really known outside of the Bay.

Hell she dosnt even heal as much people as fanon likes to pretend either I think she only works a few hours a day and that's it.
Why would he go to Panacea?
She's not the only healer in the world and the PRT will want to use there own healer instead of an independent hero besides Panacea is not even nearly as famous as people like to pretend I mean Im pretty sure when l read Worm she wasn't really known outside of the Bay.

Hell she dosnt even heal as much people as fanon likes to pretend either I think she only works a few hours a day and that's it.
Panacea is one of those elements of the story that, taken with all ancillary information related to her, doesn't make a lot of sense if you accept it all as gospel.

Healers cannot be as rare as said while also having one capable of healing literally anything except brains who does open volunteer work without a secret identity in a team that actively promotes itself as a movement remain an unknown for multiple years. You CAN make Panacea a relative unknown, but you have to discard other aspects of the setting that are claimed. Or you can go the typical fanon route and have her be famous nation-wide, if not world-wide, if only as something everybody who pays attention to the Cape Scene and modern medicine has at least heard about.

Frieza would likely go to somebody like Othala or Scapegoat by preference, however, simply because they are more familiar, akin to his not-bacta tanks. Heck, he might prefer Blasto.
Off to go recruiting...(Part 2)
Sorry about the delay on this one folks. I have had most of this written since before I posted the last bit, but the transition eluded me. I finally got it done as part of my attempts to just get words on the page for NaNoWriMo. I am failing to get the word count again, but that is due partly to everything else going on.

Also, apologies if its rough, I am still working on making combat and fight scenes not monotonous. Anyway, the end of this section.


Before my latest collection of potential recruits could respond, heavy foot steps from behind me announced the arrival of a large bald form with a face covered in scars, carrying an sort of an axe.

"I don't like you." He stated as his axe descended.

"That was rude." I reply calmly, holding the blade of the axe still with my tail. "I don't think I like you either."

He looked confused, before drawing the axe back to try again, and again, all for similarly disappointing results. Whatever result he was expecting swinging that pathetic chunk of metal at me, staring at my utterly unblemished skin was obviously not it.

"Do you think you could swing a little harder? I've had this really annoying knot there that I just can not seem to work out." I ask him with a smirk.

The brute obviously isn't that bright as he did exactly as instructed. The sun reflected off the edge of the blade as it started to come down, the edge of the sword wielded by that blonde bastard that - the blade stopped moving, not having come near my skin.

Looking down, I realized that I had grabbed his wrist in reflex as the memory of the last time a blade had been used against me had hit.

Great, and here I had thought I was over that particular monkey. Oh well. Those monkeys aren't here, but then I have someone else to vent my frustrations on.

"And here your friends and I were having this charming conversation." The malevolent grin grew on my face. "Oh, did I say charming? I meant disarming." With a light twist of my wrist, I ripped his arm completely off.

The brute was just as slow as expected, looking dumbfounded at his now missing arm.

"Oh that was in poor taste, wasn't it?" I asked mockingly. "Here, let me reattach it for you."

And matching word to deed, I swung the arm in my grasp back into the joint I had so cruelly ripped it from.

With enough force that it ripped through his entire body, launching him and his now embedded arm into a distant wall.

"And now for..." I started as I turned back to the assembled villains.

"Hurt!" Growled the voice of the many limbed and eyed... thing rushing up from behind me sounding very excited. "Mine!"


"How about this?" Jack asked. "You play with Crawler there for a bit, and we will talk over your offer?"

"If that will get me a real answer, I suppose I can play along for now." I agree.

"Yes!" Screamed out the growling voice before the monster lunged at me with several of its arms.

Which all shattered messily when blocked by my tail.

"Yes! Hurt me!" It screamed again in joy.

"What." I asked. "The fuck."

The monster's arms quickly grew back before lashing out again and again, shattering every time. The arm's form changed and morphed every time, before lashing out with a single oversized fist that I caught with my hand.


"Yes! More! MORE!" It screamed again as I ripped that arm off entirely and tossed it aside.

"I am not doing... whatever this is." I send a trusty Death Beam through its head, which evaporates properly.

And then regrows.

"Hahaha! Yes, I want this!" The creature growled in glee. "Again!"

He then spits acid at me, which I negligently use a bit of Ki to bat aside into a nearby building. Which promptly dissolves into a sputtering pile of goo.

"No. I don't want to deal with this." I state with disdain. "Any of this."

I build build a charge of Ki in my hand. "Just... go away."

The beam I unleash cuts a circular hole straight through the body, and continues on towards the city behind it.

"There. That takes care of that." I say smugly as I turn back to a grinning Jack. Whose grin hasn't faded at all. Why would he be...

A grumbling laugh echoes from behind me.

"You know what. I am done." I say as I lift off into the air, turning to look at the form pulling itself together. "I thought I would play nice with you people. But then you had to have this... this thing."

A purple orb launches itself from my finger to the form, before it explodes leaving a crater noticeably larger than the body behind.

"And as for the rest of you!" I turn, glaring at all of them.

It appeared that the rest of them hadn't been completely idle while I was distracted with that... abomination. I turned to receive glass shards straight to the face as my scouter detonated.

Shatterbird, the silca kinetic with a penchant for destroying all the electronics in a city as welcome present to herself.

A lanky, strange form with blades on each limb had launched itself at me immediately behind the glass, limbs already telescoping out to try to take advantage of my potential momentary blindness and distraction.

Which of course avail him naught, as I simple grabbed and squeezed each section as it got near me until they shattered, leaving him with a few sections that he used to try to drag himself away.

"And that is enough of that, I think." It is a simple manner to pin him to the ground underfoot, and then crush it flat.

"As for the rest of you, I have decided." I turn to glare at the assembled Slaughterhouse 9. Well, seven now.

They had all spread out in attempt to not get taken out in a single attack. Not that it would save them any.


A Death Beam lances out through the head of each the remaining members.

Only to watch as it deflects off Siberian, and the two she is in contact with.

I growl in frustration. "What is it going to take to just kill you imbeciles already!"

I look around, wanting to make sure that none of the others failed to die properly. Shatterbird lay fallen in her pile of glass shard, and the girl with fire lay missing most of her upper torso.


I turn to glare at Jack. "And why won't you die too?"

"But didn't you want to know if we would work for you?" Jack replied.

"At this point, I just don't care anymore." I reply honestly. "I just want to build my ships, and leave this pitiful bit of rock behind forever."

"Well... you haven't seen what the rest of us can do yet." The man continued.

"And I really don't care to either. Now please kindly die." I spit out as I launch another blast that takes them all out, leaving a proper crater behind.

Only for the black and white form to launch itself out of the smoke and attack me. I move my tail to block her bite and wait to...

"Ow!" I scream in pain as her bite cuts a deep chunk out of my tail. "You bit my tail!"

The woman just smirks at me as she calmly wipes my blood off her lips.

"You bit my tail!" I repeat. The indignity! The last time anyone dared do such damage to my tail was...

The monkey.

"Alright. Thats it. I am done playing." Apparently this stupid dust ball could be more of a threat than I originally anticipated. After all the training I have gone through, nothing has hurt me as much as that woman's teeth.

Guess it was finally time to stop holding back.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I scream as I finally push against the restraints I had set against my power, waves of energy pushing against everything around me. The woman just stood there, looking amused. Time to fix that.

"Ahhhh!" My voices rises as my power, for the first time since I arrived on this planet, is unleashed in full. The resulting explosion sends things flying for hundreds of feet, devastating the area around me.

I turn my glare onto the being one who hurt me, only to see her form waver, then pop like a bubble.

"Wait, what?" I asked confused. "What just happened?"

I hear a man groaning, only to see the forms of Jack and the little blond girl still alive. The blond girl that also happened to be a biotinker.

And if that woman was able to harm me... It was possible that the girl might be able to do something as well.

"Well, nothing for it then."

This orb is even bigger than the one I used to take out that monster.

"No chances."

As the dust settled, everything seemed to be calm.

"Good." I say to myself. "That takes care of that."

The Slaughterhouse Nine is now the Slaugherhouse Zero.

A woman's scream of rage and grief filled the air, drawing my attention to the form of Siberian, who has returned and is apparently unharmed.

And also extremely angry.

"What does it take to kill you people?" I mutter, before deciding that I was really, truly, and completely done.

The Death Ball that formed in my hands was slightly larger than I wanted. I had to shrink it just enough to make sure that I wouldn't accidentally blow up the planet. I couldn't care enough to limit it any more than the entire city.

"Now stay dead!" I scream as I throw the ball of death at the figure.

The resulting explosion did, in fact, level the entire city.

The woman never reappeared.

And for some reason, I feel just a little bit less stressed.

I guess it had been more than a week since I blew something it.


The shockwave of a rather large explosion registering on her sensors pulled Dragon's attention from her attempts to unlocked just a bit more information from the data packets that came with the information for the Pod and Spaceship she was currently tasked with building for Lord Frieza.

A quick check on the alert showed it originated from Frieza's last known location. So it was probably him. Her attention shifted to the subroutine tasked with tracking Lord Frieza's status via his scanner, only to find that it had discovered a music playlist, and was currently cataloguing the alien music.

By listening to it.

At normal, mundane speeds.

Dragon signed in irritation. The sudden loosening of the shackles that had kept her bound for so long had been a delight. But apparently making sub-routines that could self-improve had its issues. Issues that she wasn't entirely sure she was ready to deal with. Especially when they get side tracked from their objective like little children.


Dragon pulled up the link to the scanner, only to find that it was now marked as 'destroyed'. As of 2 minutes ago.

And since the alert just came in about the explosion, Freiza was probably doing just fine.

Her attention shifted back to data packets she had copies of. Since the originals had apparently been destroyed, it was now up to her to unlock all of its secrets.

Now if only she wasn't constantly being distracted by sub-routines watching cat videos. And posting memes on PHO.
....... awesome.... cant wait for more.... also is he going to meet taylor? What about cauldron
Freezing Space Airlines 1
It appears that NaNo is the time I finally get around to actually writing enough to be able to post stuff. Go figure.

Also, not dead. With everything that is going on in the world, I feel that stating this is almost required at this point.

My goal this year is to see if I can actually finish this before the end of NaNoWriMo. I am not committing to only writing this during this month, but as I already have the entire thing mapped out already it is by far the most likely to get the majority of the attention.

As always, please let me know about spelling/other corrections. And I own nothing.

Anyway, enjoy!


"How much longer is this going to take?"

"I have already rushed everything as much as I dare." Dragon's voice attempted to reassure me. "I don't expect that you would want everything to be for naught by rushing things at this stage."

I only grumbled something in response.

"Besides, once the test run of these 'Power Balls' is completed, the orders for them will pay for the full saucer craft to be completed even on your rushed schedule. There are many people who will be ready to pay anything for even the possibility of such a powerful craft, even without its interstellar capability being well known." Her digitized voice continued.

A product that more than paid for itself was always the best, I smirked to myself.

"That is true. I just tire of all this waiting."

A screen crackled to life behind me.

"Then let us thank you again for letting us view this demonstration. The PRT is most grateful for this opportunity." The Chief Director of the PRT said from the other end of the screen.

"Looking to see where all the money you gave me ended up, hmm?" I replied graciously. "Don't worry. The fruits of my wondrous empire shall be known shortly."

The sudden flurry of activity drew the eye as the Earth's first real attempt at producing its own copy of my Empire's most common ship as the Attack Ball was finally finished being unloaded to its launch pad. Given that the morons that mostly filled the ranks of my underlings regularly attempted to bury their own pods by landing, and are able to take off just fine afterwards, these humans were putting entirely more effort than was needed.

As they finished their preparations, they left the stark white orb on its ceremonial platform that was constructed on the nearly perfectly flat white surface, with only the grand stands for the guests of today's demonstrations to mark this location from the surroundings.

"Where is this anyway?" I inquire idly.

"The Bonneville Salt Flats Race Track. A location known most for the land speed record attempts every year." Dragon dutifully responded.

"But why here?"

"Remoteness, and elevation." Director Costa-Brown explained as the crowd filled in the stands. "Our own previous attempts at space travel were relegated to our southeastern coast as the rockets required to breech the atmosphere needed to be ejected safely and the ocean provided a safe place for them to land with minimal destruction."

"Since the Attack Ball does not require any additional stages for lift, the coast is no longer needed. So we instead went for good elevation and a remote and relatively secure location." The Director finished.

"That Bonneville wanted to use their area for yet another record and were happy to provide the accommodations and area usage for free also helped." Dragon chimed in. "Given that the end of April is not their normal busy time, they were extremely helpful in getting everything set up."

"I knew letting you handle this was the right decision." Not like I haven't already been leaving everything else to this Dragon while I got to enjoy the finer things in life.

Eyeing a passing aide carrying delicacies to the audience while they waited for everything to start. Dirty and pathetic the planet may be, but the food was good and the wine divine.

I may have to hold off destroying the planet until I at least have their recipes. These crepe things were worth killing over.

Or not killing them over? I'll figure that part out later.

A waiter appeared next to me holding a bottle of fine red wine with a proper glass, and a pair of crepes of a flavor I haven't gotten around to trying yet.

"Come work for me." I ordered.

"I am contractually obligated to other duties at this time that I can not come work for you exclusively." Dragon responded with an amused note coloring the obvious repetition of her response. Again.

"Do you know how hard it is to get good help?" I countered. "You will come work for me."

"But not today." She concluded, her attention obviously drawn to the pilot entering the pod. "Its starting."

Holding a fresh glass of wine, I turned to watch the gathered government officials and heads of industry as they were shocked at what my technology could elevate even their pathetic monkey selves to. The pod casually danced around stands in the sky, seamlessly transitioning from hovering to flying, to changing direction with no apparent effort.

The pilot wasn't half bad.

"Recruit that pilot for my flagship." I instructed Dragon.

"That is highly irregul-" The chief director protested. "Job offer placed." The digitized voice cut her off.

Oh, but it was nice to have good help once again. The last time I had someone this good was Zarbon, and even he paled in comparison to my current assistant.

"Make sure it is a 7 figure offer this time. It is so annoying when I have to make an offer twice."

"Offer updated."

I nodded. He was by far the best of the morons I had seen test the pods earlier in preparation for this. My flagship needed a pilot that I wouldn't feel compelled to dispose of before even leaving orbit.

The next half hour passed quickly, as I watched all my wealthy prey droll like utter morons over what was honestly my least impressive offering.

It was honestly depressing to think that I had to depend on these imbeciles until I had enough resources to reconnect with my Empire. Then I could finally decide what to do with this pathetic chunk of rock.

Once the pod had returned to its temporary berth, it was time for the most important part of today's show.


"Greetings, interested investors, and welcome to my little demonstration." Floating over them, wine glass in had, as I so easily commanded every last drop of their attention was probably the second most fulfilling thing to happen so far today.

The first was when I the estimated return for dealing with people today.

"This is my freshly completed Freeza Pod. It contains zero tinker tech, and is not only able to be mass produced and distributed, but requires such simple maintenance that even an untrained monkey can figure it out." A chuckle echoed in response, thinking I was joking. It only took 6 generations of prototypes and 20 planets before the designed got that simplified.

Say what you will about Sayians, but they have given me far more than the expected amusement over the years.

Until that monkey...

I caught my hand tightening around the glass before it could shatter and do something catastrophic.

"There is one last part to the demonstration for today, before you can consult my assistants on the ordering process." I smiled, my eyes scanning over the crowd of businessmen and military officials and seeing self moving money bags in their place. "You have seen my craft move effortlessly in ways no human craft has ever dared dream, and have complete freedom of movement anyway it wishes to travel. But you are all still thinking too small."

Letting them try to figure out what their small minds may missed for a few moments was oh, so enjoyable. It nearly made dealing with them worthwhile.

"There is one place it has yet to go."

Looking at Dragon's avatar, I gave it the barest hint of a nod, while pointing my free hand straight up.


The orb rocketed straight up behind me with no warning the instant the word left my lips.

The shock on all their faces was such a treat.

A harsh alert sounded over the ground, of a pattern that I did not recognize, but by the paling faces of those present they obviously did.

"Endbringer alert. The Simurgh drifted closer than expected during the initial demonstration, and has suddenly moved to intercept the pod once it launched."

"She dares?" I spat, before looking up to the sky, the pod visibly slowing its ascent as the pilot obviously got the warning as well. The creature had the gall to interupt during my presentation? The nerve.

"Well then. It appears that I will be test exactly how unkillable these 'Endbringers' are sooner than expected. Be right back."

"You need to be careful of her scr..." Dragon's voice faded as I shot skyward to kill a supposedly unkillable angel.


Paranoia was only bad if they weren't out to get you. He knew far too well that it was not a question of if they were out to get him, but rather of how many are considering it today. And today he was waiting for his remaining thinker pet to be escorted to their meeting. Not that she knew that. He was sitting at a cafe down the street from where the meeting would take place, relaxing over a light lunch.

Another self was sitting outside the meeting room, waiting for his Tattletale to settle in for the most recent session.

He would admit privately to himself to have not responded well to his most precious pet being taken from him. It had taken nearly two hours of completely destroying bases, his enemies, even random people on the street in now lost timelines to calm down enough to not threaten his own operations.

His safety net had been removed by one of the only organizations in existence even Coil would not dare to touch. His final key to unlocking everything was stolen before it could even begin to be used.

So to replace the unreplacable, he had instead turned to his other, also ridiculously powerful, Thinker pet. Not as well trained, but she was still to valuable to him in the field to have her locked in his bunker needing candy. It had taken several attempts to construct a short document that could bring her up to speed enough that she could provide useful advice, actionable insight. That it had taken the loss of such an important piece to consider using her in such a manner was nearly criminal.

The efficiency of his operations had more than tripled just by having her go over the prepared files every few days. All in discarded timelines of course.

All she remembered was being brought to a room, served a decent meal and then being released an hour or two later, never having seen him once.

The joys of controlling reality itself.

One self picked up the folder for today and walked into the room, ready to deal with a resentful blonde.

Instead, the room was empty.

His other self ran off to the meeting room, tore the door open, also seeing an empty room. This version of him turned, and left the room quickly seeking to distance himself as much as possible.

The first self moved forward into the room, looking to see if he had missed anything.

He swore loudly on spotting the note he dreaded to find that read "IOU two Thinkers".

Collapsed that timeline, split off a new self to go in a completely different direction. Before he could get more than a few blocks distance between his selves, both of his selves felt someone tap him on the right shoulder at exactly the same time.

Whirling on the person who dared to interrupt him, both selves turned to find the exact same note held in front of their faces.

A nearly identical note to the one he had found in the now discarded timeline back in the meeting room. With only one, slight change.

"IOU three Thinkers."

With a sudden jolt to both selves, he could feel one timeline collapse just before he blacked out.
Freeza Space Airlines 2 - Blast the Sky
Cranking these out. Definitely not at the speeds needed to properly finish NaNo, but still enough to keep the word count moving. A word count in motion tends to stay in motion, indeed.

As always please let me know if there are any spelling errors or areas that need improvement. Still working on fight scenes, so feedback is appreciated.


Standing at the edge of a planets atmosphere was a special type of power. Few beings in the universe were capable of surviving the vacuum of space completely unaided, and standing right on the edge always brought just that extra little bit of thrill.

That I was one of those few that could survive on my own only added to it. My superiority was made manifest by such little things.

Turning towards the onrushing angel, I was finally able to see an Endbringer in person.

Not impressed.

Yes, this specimen was a disgusting 15 feet tall. Clearly compensating. She also had an array of messily placed wings across her back of varying sizes.

She arrived surrounded by a spinning array of devices, and pieces of numerous satellites rotating around her head.

One of the fragments shot forward as she halted, aimed as if daring me.

With snort, I unleashed my power to surge around me as I backhanded the broken bits of machinery back towards her with only the slightest application of my Ki.

She idly brushed it aside with one of her smaller wings as we looked at each other, looking like a 15 foot tall moving sculpture while I merely hung there waiting, simply enjoying being able to release my base form's full power.

Planets are so terribly fragile when me merely unleashing my full power is enough to crack a continent. You would think those things would be built at least a little more sturdily, considering the size of the things.

A green beam pulled me from my thoughts as it lanced out through the space my head had occupied a split second before.

"A effort for trying." I taunted.

"F for execution."

My purple Death Beam blasted out in reply... only to barely leave a mark on the center of her forehead.

"About time." I felt a grin growing on my face as my let my energy blaze around me like an aura. "I might have to actually try for once."

Powering up another Death Beam with around half my power, I looked at the winged being.

"Do try not to die too quickly. I may have some... issues to work out."

The beam blasted out towards her chest, roughly where a heart should probably be, only for a piece of floating debris to float in front of the beam to just the deflect the it into one of her wings, leaving a small hole pierced through.

"This would be so much more enjoyable if you would actually banter back. I have no idea what is wrong with this stupid planet, that no one seems to understand a proper order of how all of this is supposed to go." I lamented at the strange creature before me.

Her only response was float silently in the void. The cube device next to her spun around until the green dot on its face was facing me again and powered up with a glow before a wing came up to block the blast I sent to prevent it from firing.

"I was just supposed to go to Earth with my fleet, find that blasted monkey and get my glorious vengeance while showing how utterly powerless he is in the face of my new form..."

A series of Ki beams blast out at the various wings one after another, blasting holes in the first foe since I ended up on this messed up planet that didn't just die when I put in the first hint of real effort. Watching each wing get chunks blasted off one after another was quite enjoyable.

"Instead I have to play nice." I shudder in revulsion and nearly gag on the word.

"I then have to ask their assistance. Ask!" I rage, blasts continuing to pepper the white form before me, while I was able to casually dodge the few chunks she bothered to return fire with.

"I, Lord Freeza, had to lower myself to ask for help!" I scream, finally not having to worry about someone overhearing. It is so tiring to not being able to blow up their entire family tree if they dared to refuse to follow my orders. Or at least threaten to.

Threatening only so many times before I had to follow through, and with how soft everyone on this planet was, even the hint I would actually do it could ruin everything.

"So thank you." I tell the Endbringer before me, as a small dot of power grew over my upraised finger. "For giving me this chance to properly express myself..."

I pause, a thought occurring to me.

"Are you any good with a shovel?"

A small rock bounced off my forehead almost as soon as I finished speaking. I gave her a glare, letting the orb start growing.

"You could have just said no."

The orb finished growing at roughly three times my size in the next heartbeat before racing forward to envelope the large form. Barely a second passed before the energy burned out, leaving the angelic form with only a few scorch marks.

She hung there, taunting the lack of damage my last attack inflicted. I knew that these creatures were tough, but it seems that even my hosts had no real idea what they were dealing with. While there were quite a few marks of where my attacks had landed, it was blatantly obvious that this being, this Endbringer, had actually earned its name.

I could destroy this entire planet utterly, and she would still survive the attack.

Looking over her damaged form, there was a pattern I could not quite see clearly yet.

"Very well. I will have to take a little more... hands on approach it appears."

I cracked my knuckles, then went to work.


She sat waiting for her... rescuer... to finally start the meeting. The other individuals at the table with her were a varied lot, with only the person her power told her was her old boss as someone that she actually recognized.

Not that she had ever seen his face. He had always done a remarkably good job at keeping his head covered, and trying mix up both his body language and the use of body doubles when she did get to see him in person. But being stoned out of ones mind does wonders for causing someone to let their guard down.

Seeing him unmasked like this, and having her powers give her some idea of what they planned to do with him over the coming days, made dealing with the terrifying woman in a fedora totally worth it.

Not that she would ever dare to say that out loud. It might just ruin her reputation, and that would not do.

She shared a look with the little girl that was already seated at the table. They shared a grin of amusement at their former boss's state. The child seemed greatly amused at how his karma had already starting catching up with him.

All thoughts of how close she had come to sharing the girls fate at this monster's hands vanished as the door opened to reveal their current leaders. The woman in the fedora, and her dark skinned assistant slash partner dressed in her lab coat. They both took their seats at the table, directly across from dear old Thomas, the Thinker placing a series of folders in front of her, while the doctor opened her briefcase to reveal a small amount of recording equipment.

And enough of drugs to keep Coil happily obeying for the next week in blissful happiness.

"While he has her distracted," the cape Boogeyman stated. "Shall we get started?"
Exactly the problem with EBs:
It's way easier to destroy the PLANET than to destroy THEM.
Perfect solution DBZ-style?
Collect The Ballz, evacuate them to Cauldron Base (or at least Aleph), and then BLAST ZE EARTH.
And then simply revive EVERYONE (and maybe the planet as well, but first check where the EBs are).
They DID this in the BALLZ canon, so why not here as well?
Coil being the drugged up one? My my, how so very well deserved that fate is. Looks like Coil's the 'pet' from this point forward, and he's oh so very deserving of the fate.
Coil being the drugged up one? My my, how so very well deserved that fate is. Looks like Coil's the 'pet' from this point forward, and he's oh so very deserving of the fate.
First thing first, I'm currently directly in the process of rereading Security, if you get my hint, lol.
Also, this (with or without drugs) is what they SHOULD have used him in the first place.
Cauldron are clinically STUPID on one account too many, as it were.
oh right, sorry just trying to look at the pure karma of it all, Coil, the fucking bond villain who had an elementary schooler drugged up and had called 'pet' is now the one in said position, its irony at its finest and with all the shit that the Criminal mastermind has done, he most certainly deserves it, this is the guy who had the travelers following his orders on a false promise, had Tattletale recruited at Gun Point, had a government agency filled with moles at his beck and call, and of course the first thing I said he did. He's earned this fate.
oh right, sorry just trying to look at the pure karma of it all, Coil, the fucking bond villain who had an elementary schooler drugged up and had called 'pet' is now the one in said position, its irony at its finest and with all the shit that the Criminal mastermind has done, he most certainly deserves it, this is the guy who had the travelers following his orders on a false promise, had Tattletale recruited at Gun Point, had a government agency filled with moles at his beck and call, and of course the first thing I said he did. He's earned this fate.
This is without counting that he is now at the direction of the other 3 most powerful human Thinkers in existence.

I don't really plan on going into too much detail as to what exactly is happening in the meeting as it gets stupidly repeatative extremely quickly. Needless to say that Coils entire job in the process to be a cog in the machine doing exactly what he told over and over.