Sorry about the delay on this one folks. I have had most of this written since before I posted the last bit, but the transition eluded me. I finally got it done as part of my attempts to just get words on the page for NaNoWriMo. I am failing to get the word count again, but that is due partly to everything else going on.
Also, apologies if its rough, I am still working on making combat and fight scenes not monotonous. Anyway, the end of this section.
Before my latest collection of potential recruits could respond, heavy foot steps from behind me announced the arrival of a large bald form with a face covered in scars, carrying an sort of an axe.
"I don't like you." He stated as his axe descended.
"That was rude." I reply calmly, holding the blade of the axe still with my tail. "I don't think I like you either."
He looked confused, before drawing the axe back to try again, and again, all for similarly disappointing results. Whatever result he was expecting swinging that pathetic chunk of metal at me, staring at my utterly unblemished skin was obviously not it.
"Do you think you could swing a little harder? I've had this really annoying knot there that I just can not seem to work out." I ask him with a smirk.
The brute obviously isn't that bright as he did exactly as instructed. The sun reflected off the edge of the blade as it started to come down, the edge of the sword wielded by that blonde bastard that - the blade stopped moving, not having come near my skin.
Looking down, I realized that I had grabbed his wrist in reflex as the memory of the last time a blade had been used against me had hit.
Great, and here I had thought I was over that particular monkey. Oh well. Those monkeys aren't here, but then I have someone else to vent my frustrations on.
"And here your friends and I were having this charming conversation." The malevolent grin grew on my face. "Oh, did I say charming? I meant disarming." With a light twist of my wrist, I ripped his arm completely off.
The brute was just as slow as expected, looking dumbfounded at his now missing arm.
"Oh that was in poor taste, wasn't it?" I asked mockingly. "Here, let me reattach it for you."
And matching word to deed, I swung the arm in my grasp back into the joint I had so cruelly ripped it from.
With enough force that it ripped through his entire body, launching him and his now embedded arm into a distant wall.
"And now for..." I started as I turned back to the assembled villains.
"Hurt!" Growled the voice of the many limbed and eyed... thing rushing up from behind me sounding very excited. "Mine!"
"How about this?" Jack asked. "You play with Crawler there for a bit, and we will talk over your offer?"
"If that will get me a real answer, I suppose I can play along for now." I agree.
"Yes!" Screamed out the growling voice before the monster lunged at me with several of its arms.
Which all shattered messily when blocked by my tail.
"Yes! Hurt me!" It screamed again in joy.
"What." I asked. "The fuck."
The monster's arms quickly grew back before lashing out again and again, shattering every time. The arm's form changed and morphed every time, before lashing out with a single oversized fist that I caught with my hand.
"Yes! More! MORE!" It screamed again as I ripped that arm off entirely and tossed it aside.
"I am not doing... whatever this is." I send a trusty Death Beam through its head, which evaporates properly.
And then regrows.
"Hahaha! Yes, I want this!" The creature growled in glee. "Again!"
He then spits acid at me, which I negligently use a bit of Ki to bat aside into a nearby building. Which promptly dissolves into a sputtering pile of goo.
"No. I don't want to deal with this." I state with disdain. "Any of this."
I build build a charge of Ki in my hand. "Just... go away."
The beam I unleash cuts a circular hole straight through the body, and continues on towards the city behind it.
"There. That takes care of that." I say smugly as I turn back to a grinning Jack. Whose grin hasn't faded at all. Why would he be...
A grumbling laugh echoes from behind me.
"You know what. I am done." I say as I lift off into the air, turning to look at the form pulling itself together. "I thought I would play nice with you people. But then you had to have this... this thing."
A purple orb launches itself from my finger to the form, before it explodes leaving a crater noticeably larger than the body behind.
"And as for the rest of you!" I turn, glaring at all of them.
It appeared that the rest of them hadn't been completely idle while I was distracted with that... abomination. I turned to receive glass shards straight to the face as my scouter detonated.
Shatterbird, the silca kinetic with a penchant for destroying all the electronics in a city as welcome present to herself.
A lanky, strange form with blades on each limb had launched itself at me immediately behind the glass, limbs already telescoping out to try to take advantage of my potential momentary blindness and distraction.
Which of course avail him naught, as I simple grabbed and squeezed each section as it got near me until they shattered, leaving him with a few sections that he used to try to drag himself away.
"And that is enough of that, I think." It is a simple manner to pin him to the ground underfoot, and then crush it flat.
"As for the rest of you, I have decided." I turn to glare at the assembled Slaughterhouse 9. Well, seven now.
They had all spread out in attempt to not get taken out in a single attack. Not that it would save them any.
A Death Beam lances out through the head of each the remaining members.
Only to watch as it deflects off Siberian, and the two she is in contact with.
I growl in frustration. "What is it going to take to just kill you imbeciles already!"
I look around, wanting to make sure that none of the others failed to die properly. Shatterbird lay fallen in her pile of glass shard, and the girl with fire lay missing most of her upper torso.
I turn to glare at Jack. "And why won't you die too?"
"But didn't you want to know if we would work for you?" Jack replied.
"At this point, I just don't care anymore." I reply honestly. "I just want to build my ships, and leave this pitiful bit of rock behind forever."
"Well... you haven't seen what the rest of us can do yet." The man continued.
"And I really don't care to either. Now please kindly die." I spit out as I launch another blast that takes them all out, leaving a proper crater behind.
Only for the black and white form to launch itself out of the smoke and attack me. I move my tail to block her bite and wait to...
"Ow!" I scream in pain as her bite cuts a deep chunk out of my tail. "You bit my tail!"
The woman just smirks at me as she calmly wipes my blood off her lips.
"You bit my tail!" I repeat. The indignity! The last time anyone dared do such damage to my tail was...
The monkey.
"Alright. Thats it. I am done playing." Apparently this stupid dust ball could be more of a threat than I originally anticipated. After all the training I have gone through, nothing has hurt me as much as that woman's teeth.
Guess it was finally time to stop holding back.
"Ahhhhhhh!" I scream as I finally push against the restraints I had set against my power, waves of energy pushing against everything around me. The woman just stood there, looking amused. Time to fix that.
"Ahhhh!" My voices rises as my power, for the first time since I arrived on this planet, is unleashed in full. The resulting explosion sends things flying for hundreds of feet, devastating the area around me.
I turn my glare onto the being one who hurt me, only to see her form waver, then pop like a bubble.
"Wait, what?" I asked confused. "What just happened?"
I hear a man groaning, only to see the forms of Jack and the little blond girl still alive. The blond girl that also happened to be a biotinker.
And if that woman was able to harm me... It was possible that the girl might be able to do something as well.
"Well, nothing for it then."
This orb is even bigger than the one I used to take out that monster.
"No chances."
As the dust settled, everything seemed to be calm.
"Good." I say to myself. "That takes care of that."
The Slaughterhouse Nine is now the Slaugherhouse Zero.
A woman's scream of rage and grief filled the air, drawing my attention to the form of Siberian, who has returned and is apparently unharmed.
And also extremely angry.
"What does it take to kill you people?" I mutter, before deciding that I was really, truly, and completely done.
The Death Ball that formed in my hands was slightly larger than I wanted. I had to shrink it just enough to make sure that I wouldn't accidentally blow up the planet. I couldn't care enough to limit it any more than the entire city.
"Now stay dead!" I scream as I throw the ball of death at the figure.
The resulting explosion did, in fact, level the entire city.
The woman never reappeared.
And for some reason, I feel just a little bit less stressed.
I guess it had been more than a week since I blew something it.
The shockwave of a rather large explosion registering on her sensors pulled Dragon's attention from her attempts to unlocked just a bit more information from the data packets that came with the information for the Pod and Spaceship she was currently tasked with building for Lord Frieza.
A quick check on the alert showed it originated from Frieza's last known location. So it was probably him. Her attention shifted to the subroutine tasked with tracking Lord Frieza's status via his scanner, only to find that it had discovered a music playlist, and was currently cataloguing the alien music.
By listening to it.
At normal, mundane speeds.
Dragon signed in irritation. The sudden loosening of the shackles that had kept her bound for so long had been a delight. But apparently making sub-routines that could self-improve had its issues. Issues that she wasn't entirely sure she was ready to deal with. Especially when they get side tracked from their objective like little children.
Dragon pulled up the link to the scanner, only to find that it was now marked as 'destroyed'. As of 2 minutes ago.
And since the alert just came in about the explosion, Freiza was probably doing just fine.
Her attention shifted back to data packets she had copies of. Since the originals had apparently been destroyed, it was now up to her to unlock all of its secrets.
Now if only she wasn't constantly being distracted by sub-routines watching cat videos. And posting memes on PHO.