"FOX TWO!" You screamed the words into your oxygen mask the moment the lock tone sounded. Simultaneously your thumb hammered down so hard on the firing toggle that you could feel the ridged texture of the metal switch through the material of the flight suit glove.
A fraction of a second later a crackling woosh of noise invaded the cockpit, when the missile leapt off its rail on the port wing, and raced forwards atop a spear of white smoke, towards the dark arrowhead shape in the distance.
The shot wasn't great, but it was the nearest you had come to getting a look at the rear aspect of an enemy plane in the last eternity stretching minute of frantic close range combat. The missile curved towards the aircraft that you kept fixed in the centre of your heads up display, and you found yourself willing it to hit under your breath.
The other fighter twisted on its long axis and then pulled a hard turn to point its nose toward you at an oblique angle. Losing airspeed, but forcing your missile to go through a tight turnaround in an attempt to match course.
The streak of smoke arced round, almost on target, and then kept going off into the distance. Your heart sank.
The elderly seeker head, likely as old as you, had lost the burning hot IR signature of the enemy plane's engines in the turn and carried straight on, looking for a target it would never find.
You pulled the stick back and yanked your own aircraft into a hard turn to follow your erstwhile prey. The g forces tugged you back into the seat, but you held the maneuver. If you could just make the turn, it would line you up with a perfect tail shot. One that not even the crap missiles still slung under your wings could mess up.
Just as the targeting reticle began to edge on to your foe's silhouette, a harsh buzzing sound assaulted your ears, and your HUD flashed angrily red. The threat warning receiver.
One of your target's wingmen had you in their sights, and was ready to fire.
Hold the turn for another few seconds and you would have the enemy fighter dead to rights, but by then the fighter on your tail will have launched their own missile, and you will have to work hard to evade.
What do you do?
[][Act] Stay on target.
[][Act] Evade and engage your pursuer.
[][Act] Write in
What kind of aircraft are you flying?
[][Plane] Huntress Kestrel F.2- A light fighter derived from a training aircraft. Not particularly heavily armed, or high performance, but is easy to fly and capable of impressive low speed maneuvers. Uniquely for a light fighter the Kestrel has an all weather radar. It carries four AAM, and two special weapon hardpoints, one of which currently holds an external gunpod.
[][Plane] Lianshi J-25K4 Firefly - An interceptor old enough to have been flown by your grandfather. Reasonably quick in a straight line, and nimble in a turn, but it has low endurance. Plentiful spare parts make it cheap to maintain, and has a big potential for aftermarket upgrades. It has two AAM, and two special weapon hardpoints.
[][Plane] MacMillan Badger Mk.VI - A tough twin engined ground attack aircraft, sluggish acceleration and mediocre maneuverability make it a poor dogfighter. It does however mount a pair of rotary cannon that chew up aircraft just as well as they do ground targets. Additionally it has two AAM, and four special weapon hardpoints.
(For this mission all weapon hardpoints will be mounting standard IR guided air to air missiles)
This is a quest about being a mercenary fighter pilot in a alternate Ace Combat-esque universe, on a journey to riches and renown. It will be run on a combination of In Harm's Way: Wild Blue, for combat mechanics, and Flying Circus for unit management and logistics.
During the course of play you will fight enemy aces high amongst the clouds, and explore the hard and fast life of a hired gun on the ground.
The story starts In Media Res on your first proper mission as a mercenary combat pilot. This will serve as a tutorial to show how the air combat system works. Though absolute failure will not be possible during this segment, your performance and the decisions you make will inform your starting position for the game proper.
Don't worry about knowing particular manuevers or moves from the combat system, write in what you think should be the best course of action, and I will fit it as best I can to what is available. Though considering Wild Blue has a comprehensive set of simulated manuevers, any basic knowledge of dogfighting techniques should be very applicable. As we go forward new mechanics will be introduced and explained along the way.
So strap in and turn up that Kenny Loggins. Because here we go.
[X][Plane] Lianshi J-25K4 Firefly - An interceptor old enough to have been flown by your grandfather. Reasonably quick in a straight line, and nimble in a turn, but it has low endurance. Plentiful spare parts make it cheap to maintain, and has a big potential for aftermarket upgrades. It has two AAM, and two special weapon hardpoints.
[X][Act] Evade and engage your pursuer.
-Introduction- 1.2
The enemy was on your tail, from a glimpse caught over your shoulder you figured it was Super Shrike just like the one you had been pursuing. An older model Laritaian built fighter-bomber, it had wide open nose inlet, with a stubby radome sticking out of the bottom lip like a small chin. The fuselage was painted all over in the mottled grey and sand camouflage of the Tessari Union's Army Air Corps. Such an aircraft had poor speed and turning ability when compared to the performance of your dedicated fighter
Inferior opponent or not, you had to get out of the line of fire. You would have to abandon the pursuit of the first fighter and try to evade the missile lock. With the enemy hard on your six, only a radical move would get you out of this. Fortunately though old your fighter was built for just this kind of tight maneuvering. Handled well enough you might be able to bleed off sufficient airspeed to make the enemy plane overshoot, thus giving you an opportunity to turn the tables on them.
You took a deep breath and then wrenched the flight stick to the side, putting your aircraft into left hand roll, hoping to break away from the course your attacker expected you to take.
A/N: Here we get to our first mechanical gameplay. Wild Blue, the system we are using for combat, works by performing skill checks for actions such as manuevering and firing weapons. Each skill check involves rolling a d100 and attempting to achieve a result under a target number. The default target number is 45 and is modified by various factors pertaining to the action being underaken, modifiers may include, but are not limited to action difficulty. pilot, skill aircraft capbilities, relative position to target, countermeasures, and damage recieved.
Failing skill checks, especially pilot checks for manuevers, will have consquences. However you will almost have the opporotunity to recover in some way and continue on a new path.
Here you are rolling for three seperate actions. First is performing a slip roll and climb manuver to break the enemy lock and gain the advantage. Second is to achive and execute a sucessful firing solution. Third is the kill probability of your missile to target.
The stick shuddered in your grasp as you banked into the roll, and you struggled to maintain the correct angle. The nose of your fighter began to dip and turn heavily to the right. In a gut wrenching instant you realised you had overcorrected. Abandoning the roll you now instead attempted to maintain control and bring the the aircraft back on course, as it rotated into a skid.
Roll d100
Okay so the target number for the manuever was 59, so you failed the slip roll. All is not lost however, the aircraft is now entering a skid, a dangerous but controllable state that saps your airspeed. If you can keep contol there is still a chance to get a solution on the enemy aircraft. If not you will enter a spin.
You held the skid for what felt like an eternity, the control column threatening to jump out of your grasp all the while the fighter moved sideways in the air. The airspeed indicator on your control panel ticked down as drag took it's vicious toll, and your altimeter wobbled threateningly.
The Tessari plane streaked past, it had already been burning hard to catch up with your faster jet, and the enemy pilot was obviously unwilling to put their craft into a similarly dangerous maneuver to drop speed and maintain a firing solution.
The blood began to pound in your head, whilst your hands felt cold and numb. Finally the nose began to move back in your direction of travel, and you threw the throttle forward to power out. The Super Shrike was ahead of you now, and beginning a dive to try and extend out and escape your engagement cone.
But it was too late.
Unintended or not, the skid had put you right on the other plane's tail. The HUD pinged pleasingly and a green lock diamond formed around the rapidly diminishing shape.
"Fox two." You shouted again into the mic, and thumbed the firing stud.
The missile thundered off it's rail and sped hungrily towards the glowing hot tail pipe presented to it. The Tessari pilot must have heard their own warning receiver go off, and tried to evade. But it was no use. With a flash the missile ignited it's warhead, blotting out the Super Shrike' silhouette with a burst of orange and white.
Youm waited a moment as your breathing returrned to normal, and then murmured "Splash one bandit." into your mask. Entirely forgetting to hit the send button on the radio.
Now unengaged you pulled your plane into a climb to regain altitude, only briefly looking over your shoulder at the greasy fireball that hung in the sky. A lifetime ago back on the tarmac you had thought you would be exultant now, happy at your first kill. Now however a prickling feeling tugged at your gut, as you thought about how easily that could have been you.
You banished the thought as soon as it wormed its way into your head. There was no room for doubts right now, they could kill you as surely as a bullet. You scanned the sky in front of you, trying to see how the battle was progressing.
Four enemy aircraft remained aloft, twisting and turning to try and get good firing angles on your squadron mates, whilst they attempted the same in turn.
You could see that Rook 1, old Harold Rook himself, the squadron commander, was dueling with a pair of them, using his Spectre's powerful twin engines to mount fast slashing attacks that seemed to be keeping both his opponents off balance, and unable to manuver into firing positions.
Rook 2 however was in trouble. Poor Winston Yang had an enemy Firefly buzzing hot on his tail, and he was having to take his Kestrel lower and slower to avoid its target lock. Eventually he was going to run out of room and airspeed, and then the Tasseri pilot would have him.
You were about to turn your nose in that direction when a strained shout came over the radio.
"Hey Rook 3! I've got a bandit turning hard on me." It was Rook 4, Erin Brocke, your Wingman. "I'd really appreciate it if you could come swat him off."
You checked the radar display for a heading, and twisted your head in that direction. Rook 4 was still high up, in almost entirely the opposite direction to the stricken Yang. She was indeed in a twisting corkscrew chase with the Super Shrike that had escaped your first missile. Neither aircraft currently had the upper hand, but were both vulnerable if a third party interrupted their dance like maneuvers. You had two missiles left and enough altitude to comfortably engage either enemy.
A/N: So because you held the skid, which is an even better air speed bleeding manuever than the slip roll (albeit a lot more dangerous), your other two rolls were both under target and so you were able to achieve a firing solution and with a perfect six o clock shot your missile guided to target.
You banked to the right and continued your climb up towards Rook 4's position. Both Erin's Kestrel and the Tessari Super Shrike were locked into a tight dogfight, each attempting to out turn the other and gain an advantageous position. On paper Erin's plane was slightly more maneuverable than the fighter-bomber, and if they kept at it eventually she should be able to get behind her opponent.
On paper.
As you had just nearly experienced reality could be quite different, and it would only take one mistake for Rook 4 to end up under the mercy of the Tessari's missiles.
You were actually already in missile range of the duo, and could have locked and fired upon the enemy right now. However given the looping and weaving maneuvers the two were taking it would not be a sure shot, and might even run the risk of the IR seeker acquiring the wrong aircraft.
As you saw it you had two obvious options. You could tell Erin to level out and accelerate away from the target, when the enemy followed this would give you a clear shot, but it might also give an opportunity for the Super Shrike to get a firing solution on her. Or you could get closer and enter the furball yourself. If you timed it right, you should be able to slot in right behind the Tessari pilot as they looped round to follow Erin's maneuvering. However doing so did risk you getting caught up in the same turn fight. Especially if they saw you coming.
What do you do?
[] Tell Erin to level out.
[] Engage in close quarters.
[] Take the long shot anyway.
[] Write in
You had to get in close, any other option would put Erin at too much risk. You keyed your mic .
"Hold on Rook 4, I'm on my way." You steered your fighters nose into arc that would bring you onto a parallel course with the enemy aircraft.
"Turn left after your next loop." You advised her. "When this guys turns to follow, i'll break hard right, and get on his six."
"Got it." She replied. It sounded like she was trying to be confident, but her clipped tone made you think that it was a front she was putitng on.
Understandable, it was her first time in actual combat, just like you.
Erin reached the bottom of her loop, and then turned right, starting to climb back out. The Tessari fighter followed the turn, eager to get a shot on their quarry. You took a deep breath and pushed your fighter into a ninety degree snap turn, and felt the g-forces push you firmly into your seat. Despite this you held the stick steady and brought your Firefly on target, a deft flick of a switch on the weapns panel armed one of your two remaining missiles.
The lock reticle began forming around your target, and you tensed your finger over the firing stud.
Suddenly the enemy plane flipped it's left wing over and rolled into a dive.
A/N: So here by communciating with Erin you were able to use her to lure the nemy fighter into a position where you gain advantage with little effort. However the enemy has been alerted to you lock on attempt, and because you closed it has allowed the enemy to manuever to escape your engagement cone.
You must now roll to see if you recongize what maneuver they are about to attempt, and to repeat it yourself. If you are successful in both you will maintain advantage and be in a position to fire.
Okay so you really don't like doing roll manuevers...
-Introduction- 1.7
Your eyes widened slightly as you recognized the enemy plan turning into a split-s dive.
"Oh no you don't." You muttered under you breath and jerked the flight stick to the side, putting your own fighter into a roll to follow. As your right wing went past vertical you pulled back on the control column and pointed the nose down into a dive. All the while keeping your eyes fixed on the Super Shrike that had now completed its own manuever and was beginning to extend out.
The controls shook, and became sluggish.
Your eyes darted to the air speed indicator, and with a surge of panic you realised that you had turned too tightly. The altimeter began to drop, and outside the cockpit you could see the other aircraft begin to drift upward relative to you. You had stalled.
Trying to remain calm and remember your training, you started running through the procedure that had been drilled into you by the instructors.
Your hands went into action almost by themselves. The repeated drills you had run through in training now paying off. You wrestled the nose downwards, and goosed the throttle, trading the altitude for the airspeed you desperately needs to stay alive.
Out of the croner of the eye you glimpsed the Enemy fighter-bomber. It had climbed and turned sharply around to come back at you. Obviously the Tessari pilot had noticed the stall, and was now prepared to ruthlessly take advantage of it.
You quickly assessed your options.
Continuing the dive would build more airspeed, but the other plane was almost on top of you. Following you down would be easy for them, and when you had to inevitably pull out, they would have a perfect ventral deflection shot.
Pulling out now and going head on would be dangerous, but it might be enough to escape their engagement cone, and perhaps you could snap shot off your own…
The threat warning receiver wailed began to warble.
You made the decision and pulled at the stick. If you were going to go out, at least you would go out fighting.
The tone became solid. They had a lock.
The enemy plane burst into a ball of bright flame, and arrowhead shape dove past spitting fire from its belly.
A wild banshee-like yell sounded over the com.
"Take that arsehole!"
You let yourself take a breath you didn't know you had been holding and levelled your plane. Erin pulled out of her own dive and climbed to form up on your wing. You could just about make out her giving you a thumbs up. You shakily returned the gesture
"Thanks Rook 4, I owe you." You sent over the radio.
"Wouldn't have been able to do it without you distracting them Three. Motherfucking teamwork!"
"Right teamwork." You replied weakly. "Lets get back to the others. I think Two needs help."
"You lead." She said. "I've got your back."
You have earned Erin's trust
You checked your radar display, and reorientated yourself in the combat space. Rook 1 had dispatched the last of the Super Shrikes with a grazing shot. The aircraft in question now tracing a ballistic arc across the sky as it;s pilot drifted to the earth in an ejection seat. Your flight leader was now closing down on one of the enemy Fireflys. His Spectre had all the power necessary to catch up with the nimble interceptor, but it's pilot was using the aging aircrafts maneuverability to frustrate his attempts to obtain a missile lock.
"I'm in trouble!" The call came like a strangled cry over the radio. It was Rook 2, Winston Yang. "They've got me locked up! Trying to evade." You could hear the strain the g-forces were putting on hims as he threw his fighter into a twisting barrel roll, to tray and get the Tessari fighter to overshoot.
"This is Rook 1. We are still engaged. Three and Four can you assist him?" Harold Rook's voice came on the comm. You hadn't known the old man long, but you could hear the tinge of worry in his voice.
"This is Rook 3. We are about ten klicks out, moving to intercept now." You responded.
You checked your fuel gauge. The hectic maneuvers to take out those two Super Shrikes had taken a heavy toll, and you were now below twenty percent. The enemy firefly had Yang locked and was about to fire. You could perhaps reach them in time if you kicked in your afterburners, but it would eat into your already depleted fuel supplies.
What do you do?
[] Use afterburners to reach Yang in time.
[] Try and get there on standard thrust.
You have 46 units of fuel remaining, using afterburners to reach yang will use up 20, getting there on standard thrust will only require 12.
You need at least 16 units of fuel to get back to base.
[X] Use afterburners to reach Yang in time.
-Introduction- 1.9
You pushed the throttle smoothly through the reheat gate and set to maximum thrust. Behind you fuel was injected straight into the burning hot downpipes of the jet exhausts, and ignited. A twinned lance of flame leapt from the back of your fighter, and you were shoved harshly backwards by the kick of sudden acceleration.
"Hold on Yang, we're coming." You called out on the radio. Rook 2 sent no reply, likely using all his concentration to stay alive.
To your rear left Rook 4 lit her own afterburners and raced after you. Even so you were pulling ahead, Her Kestrel just didn't have the thrust to keep up. You paid a price for such speed of course, a glance at your fuel gauge showed the needly steadily dropping towards empty.
It doesn't matter, Yang was depending on you.
As the twisting shapes of Yang's fighter and the Tessari Firefly grew from flitting black dots to recognizable arrowheads. You armed one of your two remaining missiles, the cryogenic system began cooling the seeker head, bringing it down to the optimal temperature to detect the hot exhausts of an enemy plane in the wide expanse of sky.
As you entered extreme missile range, the lock indicator on your HUD began to searching across the display, circling the maneuvering enemy fighter. You had just reached effective long range when the lock tone finally sounded, and you fired.
"Fox Two!" You reported.
The missile streaked forward, and with a sense of satisfaction you watched as the Firefly began to pull out of it's pursuit.
Only to feel a stab of horror as a spear of smoke detached from it's wing and hurtled towards Rook 2.
Roll 2 d100
I have decided that Wild Blue's way of handling skill checks for air combat as binary pass/fail is not satisfactory. From now on there will be a possibility of a partial success if you roll ten or less over the target number. Also if you roll less than thirty under the target number you will get a critical success.
Partial success will count as the action being accomplished, but will pass a malus onto the roll for the next action in the sequence. For example getting a partial success on a roll for manuevering for advantage will give a -10 to getting a firing solution on the target.
Getting a critical succes will confer a +10 bonus to the next roll.