Omg, this is the one of the best cracks I've ever read! Although not that I read a lot...
Byyy the way can I translate it to Russian?
Realistically, as soon as U&L started streaming the footage, within 10 minutes every news agency on Bet was airing it. I mean, the Endbringers, the unstoppable alien WMDs are now under the control of one person. Pretty much everyone is shitting bricks right about now.
Here's a question: Why would Annette 'need' Taylor put through normal Trigger situation when she could have likely set it up that Taylor triggered from much less stress, given QA was one of Eden's Shards, 'if' Annette is Eden.
Emma Barnes pressed her head against the screen and closed her eyes. She sighed with relief. "Taylor," she breathed, "I'm so proud of you."

A moment later she drew her head back, opened her eyes, and stared straight at her sister. "I'm coming to you."

{End Quote}

Oh.... Oh dear. That, that is all sorts of oh my eldritch abomination that will not end well.​
Huh... that sounds like Emma doesn't actually have a power, but is actively being Mastered (or Trumped-- line's a little blurred here) by Maybe!Annette/Eden for the express purpose of causing Taylor's Trigger/Ascension. Since if Emma did have a Trigger Potential power (which doesn't make sense in the first place when one thinks about it: she was attacked, so why would she get a non-combat power? Well, unless her thoughts at the time of Trigger weren't Flight or Fight, but "I need a protector", and her Shard wasn't geared for Master-type abilities, but that's a bit contrived...), why would it be confined to only Emma and Taylor?

Also, setting up her own daughter's Trigger sounds exactly like something an Entity would do, even one who has a grasp on concepts like "maternal love" and "childcare"-- what mother wouldn't want their child to be the best they could be? It just so happens in Taylor's case becoming her best requires betrayal, months of abuse and a psychotic break...

Interesting speculation. So many correct elements... and quite a few misses. *munches on speculation and theorizing* please continue

I can't wait for original Emma to show up and explain both to FB!Emma and Taylor 'why' she did what she did.

I 'like' Emma Redemption stories, but the reaction will be fun.

Oh yes, fun it will be. There are many other words the inhabitants of Bet would use to describe it, but fun is what we shall use ^_^

If by fun, you mean the complete destruction of the Eastern seaboard, I agree.

This guy/gal gets it.

Oh. Oh! OH! Is she hurting Sophia's SHARD!? As Eden's superweapon that would make sense...

Yes, she is causing pain to Sophia's Shard. Things that, by all rights, should be unable to feel pain.

All the clues have been released as to why she can do this.

I was recently discussing this fic with KamenRaidaOOO3 because I was rereading it. I brought up Eidolon's shard in terms of this:

They came up with the title/name/whatever of "Google Shard" and I figured I'd share it.

What a great name. I can just imagine Taylor telling David his Shard is now named Google.

"But why."

"Because it's really good at finding problems."

The main question is who Taylor'll be more pissed off at; Emma for everything Emma has done, or Eden for setting it up so Emma would do the things she did.

Emma's been hot so damn hard here by shardnanigans, both her own and Sophia's influence, that it's almost impossible to blame her for the things she's doing since she might as well just be an actor in the Entities' play, irrelevant except to serve a purpose and get things to the next scene.

Depends on if she believes Emma.

"Yes, Taylor, your dead mom told me to cause you to trigger."

Sure, Entitynanigans, but also, it sounds crazy.

Oh, you can bet I'm waiting for the confrontation between Annette and Taylor, and the huge chance that Taylor's gonna blow up at her mom for what she's done.

Ah, but is Annette Eden at all? ;)

This is like a free PPV! Laughter, action, plenty of WTF from everyone.
Sophia and Crazy Tune Barnes will be regretting their life choices.

The only thing I can do is ask for Moar!

What's a PPV?

More coming soon. Hopefully. Provided my muse decides to stay on this timeline long enough to finish CH7.

You can't spell Slaughter without Laughter, my friend.

Wonder how long it is till the murderhobos merit Taylor's attention?

Speaking of which, I want to see the Friendbringer Squad make the SH9 go 'splat'.

"We should stay away from Brockton Bay. Better yet, Europe is sounding nice this time of year. We just need to replace the Blasphemies."

There's a fic called "Manager" by Seraviel
but she doesn't call herself "Manager". At least not publicly.
As for the one where she's known as Admin, that is the fic called "Working as Intended" by Darchiasq.

Read Manager, haven't read Working as Intended. More rabbit holes of reading for me!

Omg, this is the one of the best cracks I've ever read! Although not that I read a lot...
Byyy the way can I translate it to Russian?

Thank you!

I don't know about the translation thing. Wouldn't some of the humor fall flat in another language? (Disclaimer: I am Jon Snow on the subject of translating)

Realistically, as soon as U&L started streaming the footage, within 10 minutes every news agency on Bet was airing it. I mean, the Endbringers, the unstoppable alien WMDs are now under the control of one person. Pretty much everyone is shitting bricks right about now.



"But that's not how the Constitution works-"


Here's a question: Why would Annette 'need' Taylor put through normal Trigger situation when she could have likely set it up that Taylor triggered from much less stress, given QA was one of Eden's Shards, 'if' Annette is Eden.

Why indeed? Maybe there's a little more to this than what one first thinks, hmm? ;P

Emma Barnes pressed her head against the screen and closed her eyes. She sighed with relief. "Taylor," she breathed, "I'm so proud of you."

A moment later she drew her head back, opened her eyes, and stared straight at her sister. "I'm coming to you."

{End Quote}

Oh.... Oh dear. That, that is all sorts of oh my eldritch abomination that will not end well.​

Pretty much everyone is shitting bricks right about now.
Poor Shitbricks McBrickshitter. It wasn't a glamorous power, but it was his.

And now he's just a hipster parahuman, shitting bricks before shitting bricks was the 'in' thing.

Why would Annette 'need' Taylor put through normal Trigger situation when she could have likely set it up that Taylor triggered from much less stress, given QA was one of Eden's Shards, 'if' Annette is Eden.
Why did the paired Entities do anything the way they did?

They think it helps things. They think the conditions and situations will drive the hosts to better teach the shards.

Depends on if she believes Emma.

"Yes, Taylor, your dead mom told me to cause you to trigger."

Sure, Entitynanigans, but also, it sounds crazy.
Well, it's not like Emma would know that, so she couldn't be that crazily blunt.
Okay my 2 cents on the Annette is Eden speculation, supported by nothing other than my gut feeling.

Annette is NOT Eden. Annette is the woman who made Taylor into an Entity, and because of that she is messing with Taylor's shards to give her the ability to do things that normal Entities can't.
What a great name. I can just imagine Taylor telling David his Shard is now named Google.

"But why."

"Because it's really good at finding problems."
"What if it causes problems?"

"Then we call it Yahoo."

Pay Per View - Cable/Satellite TV programs that you pay a fee to see per viewing, for the uninterrupted commercial free (usually live) programmes.

Taylor could always move to san francisco and become empress of the United States.
She should take the cape name of Eris, then bless the Emperor.

There is a wonderful Doctor Who fic that was inspired by the Emperor and his teachings.

It is a 10/Rose pairing By Jessa L'Rynn, called Kallisti. I highly recommend it.
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Ah, but is Annette Eden at all? ;)
Ok, but if she isn't then how would she know about all the entity crap, or know how to warp Emma into what she is now, or any of the crap she's seemed to do? Cauldron doesn't seem to know about her, and when clones are involved they can be good at keeping secrets secret. I doubt there is a fifth enttity because the voice wou-....Jumping the gun, is the voice Annette? This is likely crazy talk, but sometimes you have to ask the weirld and less likely questions to get to the right questions and right answers.
Ok, but if she isn't then how would she know about all the entity crap, or know how to warp Emma into what she is now, or any of the crap she's seemed to do? Cauldron doesn't seem to know about her, and when clones are involved they can be good at keeping secrets secret. I doubt there is a fifth enttity because the voice wou-....Jumping the gun, is the voice Annette? This is likely crazy talk, but sometimes you have to ask the weirld and less likely questions to get to the right questions and right answers.

you know, emma's voice of annette could be eden impersonating her, or something. mysterious god!annette and the entities might be age-old bitter enemies
Since if Emma did have a Trigger Potential power (which doesn't make sense in the first place when one thinks about it: she was attacked, so why would she get a non-combat power?

"Mom, what's wrong?!" Emma cried out as she reached her side. She discreetly summoned a portion of her own light in her hand, ready to erase whatever had scared her mom from existence.
Looks like it's 'not' noncombat, as it appears to have either Blaster or Striker type abilities as well as a Thinker aspect.
Don't worry about it. If translator not a stupid idiot (and I'm not) he will find the words, to make jokes funny.

Sure, go ahead. I ask that you link back to the post that matches the chapter when you put up a translation, though.

Ok, but if she isn't then how would she know about all the entity crap, or know how to warp Emma into what she is now, or any of the crap she's seemed to do? Cauldron doesn't seem to know about her, and when clones are involved they can be good at keeping secrets secret. I doubt there is a fifth enttity because the voice wou-....Jumping the gun, is the voice Annette? This is likely crazy talk, but sometimes you have to ask the weirld and less likely questions to get to the right questions and right answers.

How indeed?

The Voice as Annette? Interesting... Bad Wolf.

you know, emma's voice of annette could be eden impersonating her, or something. mysterious god!annette and the entities might be age-old bitter enemies

Impersonating of Annette, hmm? Again, take a look a little closer. How many characters were present in the 'hallucination' scene of Emma? It's 7.

Looks like it's 'not' noncombat, as it appears to have either Blaster or Striker type abilities as well as a Thinker aspect.

Emma does not have a Shard designed to sense parahumans.
Impersonating of Annette, hmm? Again, take a look a little closer. How many characters were present in the 'hallucination' scene of Emma? It's 7.

She had such a bright light when Emma looked at her. She had ever since came up the road to meet her again after Sophia saved her and her father. The moment she'd had an entire daydream in a single second where Taylor's mom… their mom, pleaded with her to make Taylor strong. She asked Emma to do it as Taylor's sister in all but blood. No matter the cost.
Emma and the 'mom.'
That's two.

So where do the other five come in?

Unless you're meaning Taylor, the original three Endbringers, and Khonsu?
Just not enough information in the original post.

Was FB!Emma going to be Tohu, Bohu, or one of the 'extra' Endbringers?
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Emma and the 'mom.'
That's two.

So where do the other five come in?

Unless you're meaning Taylor, the original three Endbringers, and Khonsu?
Just not enough information in the original post.

Was FB!Emma going to be Tohu, Bohu, or one of the 'extra' Endbringers?

Taylor, Emma, Sophia, 'mom'. There are three others.

No, Emma is brand new. She didn't get a 'slot' for the others since as an Entity, Taylor has no such restrictions.
My attention is yours. I want the consequences of this. So very very much. Also I most want to see meeting of the Emma's. Especially since Taylor will be able to SEE the shards and know what's up. The drama will be glorious.
The way I wrote her segment certainly seems that way, doesn't it? I'll throw more chaos onto the speculation fire by pointing out that so far the only two people confirmed to have 'light' that can become 'strong' have been Taylor and Emma herself.
... so Emma's another Entity!?
This is too good.

Anyway, are there more Entity!Taylor stories out there???