What in the shit happened here then?

Where's that gif of the fella walking in with a pizza box to a room on fire when you need it?

Oh, nvm, found the comment. That's a yikes from me, my guy.
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So Wildbow pulled a Rowling did he...

Not really, no. Rowling tried to change the race of her character post-publication to fit her political agenda and then lied and tried to say she had never specified. Wildbow legitimately never specified - the only times we see Coil described is in costume, which is full body and thus doesn't show skin at all. Bit of a different situation all in all truth be told. One is an attempt at a retcon, the other was just never talked about in the story.
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Not really, no. Rowling tried to change the race of her character post-publication to fit her political agenda and then lied and tried to say she had never specified. Wildbow legitimately never specified - the only times we see coil described is in costume, which is full body and thus doesn't show skin at all. Bit of a different situation all in all truth be told. One is an attempt at a retcon, the other was just never talked about in the story.

I was thinking more adding facts well after the book/fic was written...
I was thinking more adding facts well after the book/fic was written...
Ah, I can see where I got confused - The practice isn't a Rowling exclusive thing. Or even really a thing she is a defining name of at all. It is called Extended Universe and is super common. A lot of the time EU is done through other published works, yes but not all EU is made through additional works of fiction/a universe bible/encyclopedia/whatever. Adding stuff after publication to flesh out a universe isn't really something that should be considered a bad thing as long as it is respectful of what is already there in my opinion.

A lot of great authors have done so simply because they wish to round out their creations. Back in the day, people like Lovecraft tended to do this via letters to fellow Authors and whatnot that have since gotten published posthumously. In this day and age, a lot of EU content of this type tends to be hosted on Author websites and blogs and that kind of thing and never makes it into a book. It is honestly a really common practice.
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Eh, it's one thing if it's something that contradicts something said in the story like with Rowling, but in this case Calvert's skin colour was never actually stated, so Wildbow saying he's black changes nothing.

I'd even be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and allow for the possibility that he had Calvert down as black in his author notes originally, and the subject of his skin colour just never came up in the story and so was never mentioned. I'm not entirely sure I believe that is the case; I think it's more likely he just didn't think about it, but I wouldn't actually be surprised if the other was true. Calvert's skin colour isn't really a relevant piece of information at any point in Worm as his public identity isn't affiliated with the gangs and his villain identity wears a full body stocking.
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checks back to thread...
"...Why is there a staff post in my thread?"
I legit felt like that pizza box guy when I came back.
reads through it
"...Oh. Huh. Not my post, that's a new feeling."

Aaanyways, on the topic of the suggested ethnic profiling Ziz is 'recommending' to Armsmaster, and the surprisingly (mostly) well thought out discussion and theorizing around it; I knew what I was stepping into when I wrote that, and while I will be using that concept as a plot point here, it's most likely not the way lots of people assume it is (see Ziz using it as a method of delivering identifying information versus advocating the practice) and I'm hopeful I can handle it with the respect and weight the topic deserves. Especially since it's a minor plot point at best and is just a setup for a neat twist later on. I'm proud of pretty much everyone who participated for handling the topic with care, good job.

I made sure to put Miss Militia and Armsmaster's replies there to demonstrate that I do not support the practice in any way. My thoughts on ethnism and those who perform it are not kind. Part of the reason why the E88 haven't been focused on in any of my stories is because I'm still trying to figure out how not to write their downfall as torture porn.

There are only two instances where skin color should ever matter. The beach with how much sunscreen (or in my case, moonscreen) you have to wear, and when it has relevance to medical discussions. As with all biological facets.

Thomas Calvert's ethnicity isn't explicitly stated in Worm (and I'm ignoring Wildbow because I dislike him), but it is relevant in the same way his height and thin appearance as Coil are relevant. There have been three theories floated in the discussion about which particular ethnic stereotype I was alluding to, and obviously they're all conflicting.

Which is why I'm so incredibly amused to say that all three are accurate at the same time. Enjoy that, I suppose :p

That said, on to the proper replies! With so much discussion this is gonna be a long post.

Well, I liked the careful bit of weasel-wording that Ziz and the rest used in that discussion. Good to see that Miss Militia and Armsie were up to the task of making the correct inferences from it.

Also, love to see that your Muse handed out some more words for this story, I was missing it in my regular reading cycles.

Ziz loves weasel wording. It's one of her best traits! After all, how did she work around her previous restrictions?

Knowing this, I kinda want to see what she does with Malfoy...

Praise my muse for she is merciful... to me.

If Ziz is trying to head off idiots in the PRT I hope she explicitly mentions to The Director that Tagg was one of the people who helped respond to Lausanne and the Simurgh's first appearance, being in Lausanne for 2002 and 2003 an is, and although never explicitly stated to be in Canon (considering his mention of being at the Simurgh first appearance it is heavily implied though), he is in all likelihood, a Ziz-Bomb. That'd get him removed from any position of power or at the very least constantly second-guessed by those of equal Authority and less able to take rash unilateral decisions when it comes to Taylor...

I'm not 100% certain what she was laying down either but just wanna point out Ethnic Profiling covers wayyyy more than the black-person stereotype. Another couple examples I've heard of off the top of my head is Asians being profiled for computer crimes "cause everyone knows they're good at Maths and with computers," and people of middle eastern descent (Not Origin [being born in that country]; Descent [their parents or grandparents or even great grandparents were born in that country].) being pegged as Terrorist suspects. As in including even those whose family have been a citizen of the country for several generations and have no living friends or family within the countries in question being profiled as a terrorist threat.

There is also the stereotype that rich Italian and Corsican families are more likely to be mafia and that wealthy white males within a certain age bracket are more likely to perpetrate white-collar crimes. Another racial profile that Latino guys are more likely involved with the Cartels and that Black/Latino/Asian women are more likely to turn to prostitution. I'm sure there are even more out there. Point is, there is a lot more this could be hinting at then the black-person stereotype.

Edit: In fact, now that I think about it, he fits the racial profile/stereotype that a rich white guy in his 30-40's who owns his own successful business is the most common section of the population to be a perpetrator of white-collar crimes. If you combine this with the follow-up statement (which confirms in an around about way he is a business owner and thus this is the profile they are talking about) - They basically said that Coil is a rich white guy in his 30-40's with his own a successful business which has the ability to make a Bunker that can resist Endbringers and in fact was originally designed to do such. They also dropped the word Fortress to get the association going - it is part of the name of the business in question*...

Edit 2: It has came to my attention that Coil may in fact be black (depending on your opinion on Wildbow just chatting shit in Discord in relation to Canon) in which case replace the "White guy white-collar" stereotype with the typical toxic "black-person stereotype" and you still have your answer.

Quite clever truth be told.

*Well Fortress Construction actually isn't but it is such a pervasive bit of fanon that everyone I have ever talked to about it seems to think that is the Canon name. The company's existence is Canon. but it goes unnamed. I think. (I am a bit shaky on my Canon vs. Fanon truth be told - I have never reread the original but regularly indulge in fanfiction so it is to be expected to some extent.) Cenotaph gave us Fortress Construction as an actual name and may have actually made up the whole Endbringer Shelter company idea in the first place. It is Kinda like there is no DracoTech ( a less common but still not uncommon fanon construct I have seen) - we only know that Dragon supplies the PRT with stuff like Containment Foam and Fanon made up a name for the company that must exist to do so.

Ziz might have already handled Tagg. Depends on how my muse decides to run things. He is absolutely 100% a ZBomb in canon though. Not that he's the only one who is likely to make rash decisions when faced with this Taylor's claims...

I was going to not quote most of the Coil ethnicity discussion here, but your post in particular is the best I think in demonstrating two of the theories. Remember, these two and one other are all active.

Canon is boring anyways, I prefer fanon. Not sure I can go with DracoTech though... Malfoy has ruined that for me.

Three peas in a pod? Satellites orbiting the Earth? Twelve eggs in a dozen? What man, what?! I MUST KNOW WHAT THERE ARE OF!!!

Iiii'm pretty sure Ziz is talking about the Bond villain stereotype. Guy's got a hidden bunker full of mercenaries in the middle of the city FFS.

This is one of those other theories that is possibly active.

Like I said, never mentioned in Worm.

Much like Dumbledore being gay was never mentioned in the books, since neither fact really matters as the story goes.

I like to think it was mentioned in the books, in a roundabout way, due to the societal restrictions of the time. Like, have you seen the man's robes described? He's a walking pride parade!

I will be honest, the thought never occurred to me what Coil looked like beyond, so skinny that old ladies auto comment on his improper eating habits when in his presence. "You need to eat more young man. Put some meat on them bones."

So my question is, what did Ziz do that she would have to apologie to Piggot?
Honestly, if told to apologie to everyone, we would be here for years.

I do wonder suddenly and I do mean sudden as this thought struck me just now. Has there ever been a version of Coil so vicious that he managed to capture and interrogate any of the main heroes? It would be pretty damn difficult but most of them have human level durability, meaning you would just have to get past the power advantages to catch them.

That would be a terrorfying Coil to pull a stunt like that then drop the time line. The more I think of it... he usually never deals with anyone 'his own size'. It's nearly always someone younger he targets and gets taken down by.


Fun Question: If Taylor gets a chance to chat with Leets shard, will it be trying to kill him in this universe or just have different reasoning for its actions?

...So now you've made me want to have Thomas' grandma show up in Fourth. I hope you like that idea, because my muse finds it too fucking hilarious to drop.

More like what didn't Ziz do? Pick a thing that was bad in Piggot's past, odds are you can trace it back to Ziz in some way. Same story for a lot of people on Bet, certainly most canon characters.

Coil has most likely 'captured and interrogated' every single one of the Protectorate and Wards except for Gallant. He has a power which gives him effectively unlimited chances, though they're simulated. Clearly his Shard is capable of harvesting information it doesn't have direct access to given how it works. Gallant wouldn't have been targeted by him because his real timeline self might sense something off.

Leet's Shard is probably trying to kill him. Not because it detests him, though; more like it's trying to delete its current user and get another for the express purpose of effective data harvesting. It's not malicious, just apathetic, murderous intent.

Debateable. It depends on where you fall on the whole "Wildbow just says shit on his Discord" thing. If you consider such conversations as Canon then yes. If like me, you take them with a grain of salt and choose to selectively ignore some of them because they're honestly fucking stupid then you could go either way and if you like some people consider WoG to not be Canon if it wasn't mentioned or inferred in text then his race is never actually mentioned.

My guess? She or one of/a series of her Ziz-Bombs and schemes caused Ellisburg as a step on her path to setting off Echidna and thus revealing Cauldron to the world. (Echidna was totally a Ziz Plot.) Without Ellisburg, Calvert may have never gone looking for powers and found Cauldron, so he would have never taken The Travellers in. Ripple effect, etc. etc. You get the idea.

I only take Author WoGs (unless they're my own) as canon if they assist my writing or my plot. Otherwise they might as well not exist. Editing stories is a thing, and especially for online stories, can be done if an Author really wants to make something explicitly canon.

That is an interesting guess... continue

Lets go to the story...

Anyone have an idea how many shards Taylor has now? At a guess, I would say.... 80+... Seeing as I a poor simple man. I can't afford to pay attention. (See what I did there?) Has she broken the 100 mark? or did Danny give her more then that when he was sharing things?

Even I don't have a total number. Mostly because I haven't been paying attention. 80~ish sounds pretty close, though. Unless you take into account the micro entity that was the Butcher or the clusters that formed the Endbringers...

Hoo boy this is gonna get complicated.

well, whatever he looks like, he's got Taylor and the Friendbringers on his soon-to-be-closed case.

And one Robocop. The more terrifying person, honestly.

You once mentioned in story that Scion would defeat Danny/Abaddon if it came to a battle, because Scion had more Shards.

Thing is, Scion has released most of his Shards, so was the difference so massive that even with so many released to empower parahumans that Scion is still the more massive Entity?

Also, imagine the reaction if Taylor, during the meeting with Piggot, drops the 'I'm a relative of Scion' bomb. Which is true, as the Thinker is her mother.

Can't wait for Original Emma to show up, and 'that' insanity to happen.

A direct ping! You summon me to your post with urgency? You might not be so glad you did that after I troll you for it :p

Yes, the difference is absolutely that massive. This isn't canon Abaddon, remember; he's been Fourth!Abaddon since forever. He probably didn't attack and cannibalize entities like canon Abaddon, who is supposed to be 3x the size of Scion or something.

Is the Thinker her mother? ;)

That is a great chapter that's already written and waiting for me to get to it. It involves explosions. Lots of them.

Even if Scion had fewer shards it's likely he's more powerful than Abbadon since he is the [Warrior] and has more combat-focused shards, as well as more experience in shard-to-shard combat than him. He also likely kept nearly all of the directly anti-entity shards with him (Sting is the only we know he doesn't have, and it's unlikely he only had one weapon of that caliber). Even a few specialized anti-entity combat shards would be far more impactful in a direct fight than thousands of utility shards.

Unfortunately, it's going to be fairly difficult for Taylor and co. to get their hands on any dedicated entity-level combat shards, since most of them will be with Scion, and it's not worth the risk of him noticing them trying to steal/copy some of them. She's probably going to have to create some weapons herself (with Abbadon's help) in order to get her own, or munchkin some of her shards into combat-viable variations.

She already has a Shard which can 1HKO Scion if she learns how to use it properly. She just doesn't know it.

Thank you for not making Armsmaster a one-note barely-hero character, @TCGM . I enjoyed him more every paragraph of this chapter, in a good way.

That's my goal for Armsy in this timeline. A competent, kind-hearted, yet flawed individual restrained by his disabilities, both normal and Shard-caused. One who sees it as his duty to be a Hero. A proper Hero.

His Shard seems to be changing, as well, which might lead to an even better version of him... we'll have to see :p

YES. An update to Fourth! Now we just need one for I Am Ziz and everything is perfect. :D

I hope that their insinuations were enough. I suspect they were, but it would be funny as heck if they accidentally arrested Joe from Accounting.

I Am Ziz hasn't been returned to by my muse for quite a while. She's having too much fun with everything else, it seems.


I just failed my will save.

Look's like Taylor and her Friendbringers figured out that Coil's in the PRT and he's in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

Parahuman Shards basically give her such a massive information dump about who a person is if she just asks, there was no way for Thomas to hide out in her field of focus. It would've happened eventually... he just happened to pick the wrong timeline on the wrong day at the wrong hour.

The racial stereotyping is actually reversed. They're not talking about Calvert and his stereotype, but Coil and the stereotypes he fits. Coil has a snake themed costume. The stereotype is supposed to be about snakes, aka sneaky. Combined with the information that he's in the building it's meant to be interpreted that he's a PRT traitor.

Real world racial stereotypes don't apply at all, it's animal themed.

This is another one of those possibly active theories. :D

What in the shit happened here then?

Where's that gif of the fella walking in with a pizza box to a room on fire when you need it?

Oh, nvm, found the comment. That's a yikes from me, my guy.

I am the Pizza Box guy.

And yeah, it's a yikes. Advocating for any BB gang to attack Coil in costume is pretty standard, the guy's an asshole. But that particular gang in this particular conversation... mega yikes.

Ah, I can see where I got confused - The practice isn't a Rowling exclusive thing. Or even really a thing she is a defining name of at all. It is called Extended Universe and is super common. A lot of the time EU is done through other published works, yes but not all EU is made through additional works of fiction/a universe bible/encyclopedia/whatever. Adding stuff after publication to flesh out a universe isn't really something that should be considered a bad thing as long as it is respectful of what is already there in my opinion.

A lot of great authors have done so simply because they wish to round out their creations. Back in the day, people like Lovecraft tended to do this via letters to fellow Authors and whatnot that have since gotten published posthumously. In this day and age, a lot of EU content of this type tends to be hosted on Author websites and blogs and that kind of thing and never makes it into a book. It is honestly a really common practice.

EU isn't usually done via Twitter and Discord, though. That's what caused it to be coined 'Re-Rowling' canon.

I'd even be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and allow for the possibility that he had Calvert down as black in his author notes originally, and the subject of his skin colour just never came up in the story and so was never mentioned. I'm not entirely sure I believe that is the case; I think it's more likely he just didn't think about it, but I wouldn't actually be surprised if the other was true. Calvert's skin colour isn't really a relevant piece of information at any point in Worm as his public identity isn't affiliated with the gangs and his villain identity wears a full body stocking.

Suddenly becomes relevant if you're giving the PRT what amounts to an APB loadout for him, though ^_^

Hopefully not more relevant than his height and thin stature and... yeah I've already said all this.
Not sure I can go with DracoTech though
I always found it a bit on the nose myself tbh. I think something more subtle (perhaps the name of a famous mythical dragon in the name) is better in all honesty. Something like Albion Industries, Tiamat Technologies or Fafnir Unlimited sounds way better in my books. It still gets that dragon theming across without being so in your face about it y'know?
Ah, I can see where I got confused - The practice isn't a Rowling exclusive thing. Or even really a thing she is a defining name of at all. It is called Extended Universe and is super common. A lot of the time EU is done through other published works, yes but not all EU is made through additional works of fiction/a universe bible/encyclopedia/whatever. Adding stuff after publication to flesh out a universe isn't really something that should be considered a bad thing as long as it is respectful of what is already there in my opinion.

A lot of great authors have done so simply because they wish to round out their creations. Back in the day, people like Lovecraft tended to do this via letters to fellow Authors and whatnot that have since gotten published posthumously. In this day and age, a lot of EU content of this type tends to be hosted on Author websites and blogs and that kind of thing and never makes it into a book. It is honestly a really common practice.
Except Extended Universe runs up hard against Death of the Author, which is the concept that as soon as the Author is done writing, all details except those explicitly contained within the writing are up to the reader.
Which means this:
Which is why I'm so incredibly amused to say that all three are accurate at the same time. Enjoy that, I suppose
Is 100% correct: Until the author explicitly states a character is X race/creed/denomination/gender, those facts are in flux, and can be decided at the reader's convenience. For example:
BAM. I've just now decided Cloud from FF7 is secretly a hardcore New Wave Christian. Since there's no material saying otherwise, as far as I'm concerned, that's how it is. Until I get tired of it, anyways.
(please don't go find quotes explicitly proving otherwise. I'm not that into FF 7 to care to look, and honestly it was just an example.)

There are only two instances where skin color should ever matter. The beach with how much sunscreen (or in my case, moonscreen) you have to wear, and when it has relevance to medical discussions. As with all biological facets.
Unfortunately, there is a third instance where it does matter, even if it sucks that this is a thing: Writing interactions of extremist and racist groups with the person. Since E88 is a group in Worm, the colour of Thomas Calvert's skin might become relevant, should he ever interact with their members out of costume.
I reiterate my previous points: It's shitty this is a thing, and also that it would only be relevant at that time (Specifically to ensure accurate character portrayals). Which means it's not actually relevant now, and needs to be dropped as a topic, probably.
EU isn't usually done via Twitter and Discord, though. That's what caused it to be coined 'Re-Rowling' canon.
II mean this is true but I just see this as an extension of the same thing. The method of delivery has simply changed with time and technology. The fact of the matter is blogs are falling out of favour these days so writers take to new mediums to spread their EU. Though to be perfectly fair, if it hasn't made it into Pottermore yet I just ignore it completely when writing HP fanfic and I pick and choose and twist and selectively ignore Wildbows Discord to serve my own purpose for whatever I'm writing so I kinda get your point. Then again I tend to write AU cause by now I have the stations of Canon memorised and I rarely see a good fresh take on them so I tend to explicitly dodge around them just to write something fresh and new.

That is an interesting guess... continue
Continue huh? Oh boy, this is gonna be a rabbit hole... So the cliff notes of what I theorise to be Ziz Plots in addition to what I have already named are in no particular order:

It is not a coincidence that the first time Accord shows up to an Endbringer fight was the first time the Yangban showed up for one outside China, and how he was there because the Undersiders demanded it as a price for him being in Brockton Bay. The reason he came to Brockton Bay was because of the economic possibilities of the portal to Gimel. And the reason there's a portal to Gimel is because they wanted a portal to Aleph, then returned it. And the reason they made a portal to Aleph was to send the Travellers back.

Also the first time the Yangban show up outside of China is because the PRT was collapsing under the scandal of Cauldron's reveal... which was because of Echidna. Even Chevalier's "New PRT" and Alexandria's death are caused by Tagg's instigation of Taylor and while he's never met the Simurgh, he bragged about shooting her first victims. He was in Lausanne, where the Simurgh worked her magic for 3 days, and he was separated from the Simurgh by 1, maybe 2, degrees of separation, there is no way he wasn't a part of her plan. The destruction of the PRT is what made Weld go off and form the Irregulars, who then went after Cauldron and (almost) killed Contessa who was one of the only counters to the Simurgh with PtV bullshit and did shank Doctor Mother.

Additionally, Cody was a member of the Travelers for some time until they moved to Boston on Earth Bet. Due to his problems with Krouse being the leader of the group, he touched Noelle three times, releasing three clones of himself. She became infuriated and broke his arm and his leg, while the other Travelers subdued the clones. After this happened, Accord sought out the real cause of tension within the Travelers, found Cody, and sold him to the Yangban, where he was trained intensively and forced to conform. During the New Delhi attack, he rebelled against the Yangban, killing Accord.

When the Simurgh had attacked Madison, she'd copied Haywire's technology to open a gate to a building much like this one. A research facility. The portal had dumped the buildings, soil, plant life and all the residents into the city on Earth Bet, costing Cauldron a horrific amount. Even a stockpile of formulae had been lost. I doubt that the Travelers would have ever found their vials if Simmie hadn't forced them to or been on Bet to begin with.

A lot of people miss this, but during the time skip, Ziz provoked a war between the Protectorate and the CUI by tricking the heroes into destroying a plane that contained the CUI heir while fighting her. This Heir was less of a hardliner than his family and would have brought in reforms that likely could have taken apart the yangban before Cody could murder Accord.

There is also Mannequin. Mannequin's impact is not the fight with Skitter, but the attack on the unofficially imprisoned Armsmaster, which leads to him almost dying, which leads to Dragon confessing she is an AI, which leads to Armsmaster escaping, hacking Dragon and becoming Defiant.

So basically, Accords death was a Ziz plot. Cody getting sold to the Yangaban? Ziz plot. Alexandria dying? Ziz Plot. Tagg's instigation of Taylor? Ziz plot. Cauldron Reveal? Ziz plot. PRT collapsing in the wake of that? Ziz plot. Echidna? Ziz plot. The Travellers being capes at all? Ziz Plot. Provoked a war between the Protectorate and the CUI by tricking the heroes into destroying a plane that contained the CUI's more moderate heir while fighting her? Ziz Plot. Nilbog happening to set up Coil? Ziz plot. As a result everything bad Coil has done? Ziz plot. Alec being recruited by Coil? Ziz plot. Heartbreakers subsequent inroads in BB because of Alec? Ziz Plot.

Cherie deciding that if Alec can bail so can she? This may not actually be a Ziz Plot but it certainly sets one up. Cherie joining the S9? Again not a guaranteed Ziz Plot but a setup that allows one to happen. The S9 choosing BB as their target since Cherie's brother is there? I'm certain this is the result of a Ziz plot since it is her fault Alec is in town. Armsmaster becoming Defiant? Ziz plot. The Irregulars forming and all the shit they did and caused? Ziz plot.

Basically every major negative event of Worm? Motherfucking Ziz plot. Seriously you follow the chain of events and causality everything is that goddam Bitch Bird.
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If I was casting Coil/Calvert my first choice would be Kevin Spacey. (For just so many reasons, especially in light of recent going ons -.-) But like, he could be the kind of trust worthy/harmless guy you'd hand the keys to your super heroes to, as well as the menacing scheming scumbag who's trying to rule the city.

Incidentally, my other major Villains would be: Kaiser/Rutger Hauer (RIP), Skidmark/A young Samuel L Jackson who's been told to just let loose. Lung/Hiroyuki Sanada. SKitter is hard as fuck, but since I'm already de-aging/resurrecting people, either a young Charlize Theron, or Helena Bonham Carter. Both could scare teh shit out of me.

Not that that has anything to do with anything. Other then people always have silly headcanon for characters they've never seen. Though its funny how personal bias works, I cannot remember where it mentions that the protag in Steelheart is black, but its either later in teh book or in the sequel. But because he's kinda bumbling and nerdy throughout the book, I always pictured him as some random white geek (much like the people I grew up with :p SO when It finally clicked that he wasn't I was like.. Huh. Odd. And then moved on with my life lol.

Anyways, always happy when your muse directs you to the stuff I read. Keep it up muse! your doing good work!
Part of the reason why the E88 haven't been focused on in any of my stories is because I'm still trying to figure out how not to write their downfall as torture porn.

I think a quote from Men at Arms is appropriate here:

"Something Vimes had learned as a young guard drifted up from memory. If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat.

They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar.

So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word."

Or, less poetically, someone trying to do the right thing will destroy them cleanly, efficiently, and impersonally. The point is to remove their ability to harm anyone ever again not to make them suffer.

There are only two instances where skin color should ever matter. The beach with how much sunscreen (or in my case, moonscreen) you have to wear, and when it has relevance to medical discussions. As with all biological facets.

You're forgetting fashion and style; gotta make sure you dress for your complexion!

Is the Thinker her mother? ;)

Is DANNY her mother? :rofl:
Comes back to mod post and fire.

10 out of 10 Picard Facepalms.
Or, less poetically, someone trying to do the right thing will destroy them cleanly, efficiently, and impersonally.
Or spend 3 and a half seasons trying to redeem them. Somehow.
Alternatively, just removing the root of the problem will suffice. IE: Decrease the things they have a market for and remove the leadership (IE: Capes.)
And you can't say Taylor doesn't have the power to do that.
I always forget Coil is black. In my head, he's that greasy used car salesman, and he's white. I kind of struggle to imagine black Coil, because black Coil would look less sleazy, and that's not something I can accept. Anything less than maximum sleaziness is unacceptable!
I always forget Coil is black. In my head, he's that greasy used car salesman, and he's white. I kind of struggle to imagine black Coil, because black Coil would look less sleazy, and that's not something I can accept. Anything less than maximum sleaziness is unacceptable!

What I thought Coil Looked like

What Coil Actually Looked Like
Three peas in a pod? Satellites orbiting the Earth? Twelve eggs in a dozen? What man, what?! I MUST KNOW WHAT THERE ARE OF!!!

Other stereotypes other than racial

If I was casting Coil/Calvert my first choice would be Kevin Spacey. (For just so many reasons, especially in light of recent going ons -.-) But like, he could be the kind of trust worthy/harmless guy you'd hand the keys to your super heroes to, as well as the menacing scheming scumbag who's trying to rule the city.

Incidentally, my other major Villains would be: Kaiser/Rutger Hauer (RIP), Skidmark/A young Samuel L Jackson who's been told to just let loose. Lung/Hiroyuki Sanada. SKitter is hard as fuck, but since I'm already de-aging/resurrecting people, either a young Charlize Theron, or Helena Bonham Carter. Both could scare teh shit out of me.
I don't recognize your Lung casting but for Skitter i would have either cast Jessica Alba from back when she did the show Dark Angel or Jennifer Gardener from Alias
That's my goal for Armsy in this timeline. A competent, kind-hearted, yet flawed individual restrained by his disabilities, both normal and Shard-caused. One who sees it as his duty to be a Hero. A proper Hero.

His Shard seems to be changing, as well, which might lead to an even better version of him... we'll have to see :p
There's nothing about this statement I don't enjoy.