Forum Organization Suggestions

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Not a bad idea... it might work, but you'd need to think of a lot of categories in advance. Wait, will the thread prefixes be limited to a select ones made by the admins or will it be a free-for-all? I think the latter is bad idea, obviously, and will the user be required to select at least one prefix (with no General prefix, though maybe a Misc. one, as it might defeat the purpose) and can multiple prefix be stacked?
As far as I can tell, they're admin-created and you can choose one (or none).
In advance, before I go and attempt something like a manual import, personally. (Because I don't trust no importer to fuck things up :p)

I have a few ideas for General Suffixes that might be of interest.

For User Fiction (IE: Fanfics and Originals.) How about Suffixes such as;

AU (For Alternative Universe)
SI (Self Insert, self explanitory)
XOver (short for Crossover)
Original (for any story/Original Work that's NOT based on any Fandom, or established Fiction.)
Round Robin (For collaborative stories. That in advance, are Different from your Quests and RP's.)

And on the RP, Questing and RP's, espeically with Quest. Consider a suffix for...

Story Only, or Story/Index

Another thing, but you may want to in future also consider a special 'Gauntlet' Suffix for Versus, and a few other terms that may or may not be included as they become relevant.

EDIT: You may also want to consider adding Suffixes such as 'ROB' and 'What If?' In General, due to all the constant B/ROB, ASB's est sort of threads.
What are you talking about? Genuinely confused here.

Lazy people who doesn't choose a prefix or newbies who doesn't even realize it exists, thus not using it too.

An admin clicks the check box which forces you to pick a prefix when a thread is created.

Ah, so they have to pick a prefix? And after a little consideration, I think there should be a General prefix which should be the default option selected, in consideration for some newbies who didn't realize it. So, the format should be "[Prefix 1][Prefix 2]...[Prefix X] Thread Name [Poster-Made Suffixes]", right?
We are also rolling out thread prefixes which allow you to filter threads in a forum.
How far can you take this? Can you do away with sub-subforums and only use tags?

For example, giving every sub-subforum a unique tag and using those for navigation and classification of threads in a subforum. Without any deliberate filtering on the user's part, the main subforum's link gives a list of all threads with sub-subforum tags appended.

So, in UserFiction, a tag "Index" marks Index threads. Going to UserFiction, Stories, Index threads and Betas all show together in the same list (though, can you restrict viewing of the Beta tag?). A couple of buttons on top give the user easy Index, Beta and StoryPosts tag filters.
How far can you take this? Can you do away with sub-subforums and only use tags?

For example, giving every sub-subforum a unique tag and using those for navigation and classification of threads in a subforum. Without any deliberate filtering on the user's part, the main subforum's link gives a list of all threads with sub-subforum tags appended.

So, in UserFiction, a tag "Index" marks Index threads. Going to UserFiction, Stories, Index threads and Betas all show together in the same list (though, can you restrict viewing of the Beta tag?). A couple of buttons on top give the user easy Index, Beta and StoryPosts tag filters.
Could, but probably won't. It'd be a huge mess.
Could, but probably won't. It'd be a huge mess.
Why? Just to be sure, I'm talking about selectable, non-changeable-by-user tags. For example, add the Index tags to all index threads then merge it with the UF subforum. The users can't change them but will either see the tags in the mixed list or filter (for) them.

Turns out it doesn't work? Just move all [Index] threads back to a newly created Index subforum. No change at all. (Note: I know nothing about XenForo's system. But if it supports tags and filtering then this should be easy with admin options.)
Why? Just to be sure, I'm talking about selectable, non-changeable-by-user tags. For example, add the Index tags to all index threads then merge it with the UF subforum. The users can't change them but will either see the tags in the mixed list or filter (for) them.

Turns out it doesn't work? Just move all [Index] threads back to a newly created Index subforum. No change at all. (Note: I know nothing about XenForo's system. But if it supports tags and filtering then this should be easy with admin options.)
That's why.
Well, maybe because filtering takes processing time?
Benefit. Mixed lists, for one. And whatever we can use mixed lists for? The server has a list of X sub-subforum threads, add tag [X] to that list, move [X] threads to the X-1 subforum. Done. Reverse if need be.
That should be easy, but again, no-know-XF. Moreover, no extra processing, unlike with search, so basically the same as it is now.

Okay. Maybe not enough. It was just a thought.
I'm not sure if this's already been considered or if it exists under an unobvious name, but do/can we have a dedicated world-building forum? Not only for original worlds/stories or fan-made ones (I think the Beta can cover the former?) but generally, and specifically focused on the technical aspects of a world, the background, as opposed to the writing of a story in it.
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