[X] -1 PP: You stroll along the side of the table, your silver smoothly sliding across its surface, expanding downward and pushing back a few chairs as it encompasses the feet of the table, you feel a sense of fulfillment as it closes around the table and you're able to smoothly Push it away.
[X] -1 PP: and sure enough, not only can you Pull the whole pile back out as is, but you can Pull individual objects out of the pile, Push them back in, or store them in separate bubbles in your head.
[X] Both. You can't afford to be stingy about where your money's coming from.
[X] -1 PP: The milk you loaded in with the food bubble earlier, it's still cold, and it's been in there for well over an hour. This bears further investigating, but something's slowed about time or temperature inside the silver.
[X]your father has slowly depleted your mother's jewelry box over the last years, but if you take the rest, you should be able to make a pretty penny selling off her memories ,but not all is sold. But you take Your father's extra watch, his cufflinks, his laptop, and any furniture you can transport easily. He'll be after you anyway, no reason to hold back at this point.