Forever War (Endless Space 2/ PA Multicross)
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A twist on Commander fics, showing the perspective of a universe's inhabitants against this self-replicating machine of war.

Based on the Endless Space universe, it's about the ever-escalating struggle between empire and machine as soldiers on the ground wonder what is it they're really dying for.
Chapter 1: The Descent


Shotgun for a brain
Jakarta, Indonesia
Forever War
Chapter: 1

In the far future, Humanity's star shines brightly. The United Empire is the sole galactic hyperpower situated at the centre of two merging galaxies. The cunning Emperor Zelavas rules the Empire with an increasingly firm grip, though many sectors remain semi-autonomous. A trillion souls are graced by imperial rule, and it will rule a trillion more if the Empire's growth lays unchallenged. The only polities not a subject of or dependent on the Empire lay at the galactic fringes; some cut off from the central Starlane network.

Fresh from the Hissho Wars, an Imperial Sector faced several separatist uprisings, most notably from the once pacified Vaulter population. The culprit was found to be an artificial intelligence inhabiting a powerful mech known as Fusion. Sector Command was able to drive Fusion off Duke Antanov's Crownworld. After a costly naval battle, local forces manage to pin the AI on an icy long lost planet known as Auriga. The discovery surprised some in the Empire.

It has been six months since then, and the Siege of Auriga rages on...

A Sheredyn-class cruiser enters Auriga's system, followed by a small fleet. Within its sterile, labyrinthine interior was one James Styker, now Second Lieutenant Styker. He had been rushed through Officer Academy and is now tasked with commanding a platoon made up of surviving elements from destroyed units. They were formed some months after the conflict began and had recently lost their platoon leader. James was assigned as a replacement.

He rubbed his face in quiet frustration; it had felt like he'd been set up to fail. A truncated Officer Course right after Basic, the little information he had on the situation, and the inability to meet his soldiers before going to a warzone was a recipe for disaster. James would've tucked tail long ago if it weren't for his High Court mandate. But now, he simply must work with the cards he's been dealt, for a son must bear his father's sins.

So he stews instead, waiting for a shuttle to arrive to bring him aground. He goes over his unit roster for the nth time, glancing at their psychological profiles, which made him stew even more. Finally, James decided to walk up to the mess hall, a restaurant really, to calm his nerves. Eating his food bit by bit.

There was an Ultralight TV at the ceiling corner, flashing images of riots and the disproportionate security response. Some talking heads appear but he ignores them, wondering what in the hell happened to Duke Antanov's sector or why the AI targeted it in the first place. Barring the usual conspiracies of black mists and surviving Endless, the only accepted explanation was the official one. That the AI was the creation of a Vaulter radical planning to overthrow Duke Antanov for his treatment of his Vaulter subjects. Unfortunately, this "Vaulter radical" was not named.

Even then, it didn't make too much sense when he thought more of it. These rebel types tend not to be subtle, mainly out of necessity; the more loud and fiery they are about their cause, the more it will attract like-minded followers. Or at least, that was what his Lord father had taught him. So for the true culprit behind this "Fusion" to go unnamed, without even a scapegoat in the official explanation, struck him as peculiar. There was more to this mess of an operation than sector security. He was sure of it.

His PDA pinged him an alert; a shuttle would arrive in thirty minutes. James stared at the alert for a long moment. He wanted to run or rant and rave at the unfairness of it all. But he sighed instead, choosing not to behave in a way that was unbecoming of an Imperial Officer. James cleaned up after himself and walked to the hangar. It was time to face the music.

The hangar itself was massive, filled with the deafening cacophony of machinery and instructional shouts. Pilots and technicians argue passionately next to their crafts while sergeants yell their soldiers into formation. Everyone seemed to have their place but James, who stood alone with no aide or soldiers to call his own. The twenty-something-year-old youth had only his trusty PDA to guide him, to anchor him with purpose. The rumble of engines shook James's body as the hangar groaned at the entrance of new shuttles. One of them was his.

Like all Imperial machines, the shuttle was red and blocky, favouring practicality over style. It towered over him like a crimson behemoth. A medical team rushed towards it as the shuttle's ramp unfurled from its side, spilling out wounded to be taken to the medical bays. He couldn't assess the severity of the injured as they were kept in polymer bags with connecting wires and tubes, so he was left with his imagination.

He looked on, confused. The reports he had read stated that there was a fleet above Auriga, bombarding enemy forces. The fleet had ships far bigger than the Sheredyn-class cruiser, with their own medical bays. They were also much closer than some cruiser that had barely passed the system's edge. Unless, of course, James worryingly speculated, that the medical bays of the fleet were at overcapacity.

Before his concerns gave him cold feet, a woman approached him. She was decked in full combat gear save for her helmet, giving her an imposing bulky figure. She was tan and had emerald eyes, sporting an eerily serene smile.

"2nd Lieutenant Styker, I presume?" Her voice sounded as cheery as her smile, and James felt a wrongness to her.

"You presume correct", He replied.

The woman gave a quick salute, and so did James, " Corporal Eva, at your service, sir. "

The Lieutenant was annoyed that it was a corporal greeting him rather than the platoon sergeant, but it wasn't a big deal. It was when he recalled Eva's file did his anger rise.

She was a lone survivor of her unit and had exhibited a dramatic shift in her personality since then, he recalled. It explains the smiles, at least, but considering whatever psychological damage caused her shift should've rendered her incapable of combat or any job in the army. A thorough examination will need to be done once he gets his things in order, and he'll give hell to whatever dumb sergeant made Eva greet her superior's superior.

"Where's your sergeant, corporal?"

"On a convoy protection mission, sir." She responded glibly.

Without him? "Who's commanding them?" James asked.

"Captain Edwards, sir."

James stifled a sigh, "corporal, I need you to brief me on what's happening down there." He wanted to add that the bureaucrats at SECCOM only gave him a general picture of what was happening and nothing more. But complaining was for the break room, not in front of subordinates. It would've made a terrible first impression too.

"I'll brief you in the shuttle, sir, " Eva said cheerfully.

"We're going immediately?" James asked. Wouldn't it be better to wait till the ship reached the planet, he wondered. Having the shuttle fly several AUs back and forth came off as a waste of fuel.

"More shuttles with wounded are coming in, and we need to make space for them, sir." James felt a cold sweat as his fears were confirmed.

The two enter the shuttle, followed by platoon after platoon filling it to the brim. They sit stiffly shoulder to shoulder on hard metal seats, attaching their harnesses with a click. A speaker counts down to departure as the shuttle seals itself. The oxygen generators begin to rumble, letting artificial air into the shuttle.

James's body jerked as the shuttle ascended and left the hangar, beginning its half-hour long journey halfway across the solar system.

"What do you know of Auriga so far, sir?" Eva had asked.

"Something to do with Vaulters and an Endless relic. Regarding the operation there, I only know broad strokes. Nothing specific, such as the status of my platoon, if you care to enlighten."

Corporal Eva briefed him on the platoon and their main objectives so far, including what had happened these past six months. From what James could gather from his past readings and Eva's brief, it was a shitshow.

The Siege of Auriga began after a disastrous broadside duel between Duke Antanov's flagship and the AI's. Both ships suffered fatal damage and crashlanded together on the planet's northern hemisphere, atop an Endless megastructure. Unfortunately, the Duke survived, pausing any naval bombardment until his rescue, giving the AI time to erect a shield.

Troops were sent down, progress was stalled, and the fight devolved into static warfare. Several months passed, and a synthetic army rose from the ground at the Imperial force's rear, leading to encirclement. Imperial troops were severely mauled but managed to repulse the attacks, thanks to the help of some danger close naval fire missions.

Since then, ground forces have been replenished, expanded, and given new objectives. Besides destroying the AI's stronghold, the army was also ordered to secure the planet to prevent another encirclement or enemy build-up, leading to his platoon's mission.

The general strategy so far had been: Escort engineers to coordinate x, set up deep-scanning equipment and forward outpost after arrival, secure until new unit arrives to garrison the outpost, return to base, move to coordinate y. Repeat for half a year. Some forward outposts stay as outposts, while others grow into Forward Operating Bases. James's platoon is at the "secure until new unit arrives" phase, which means he'll be escorted to them when he lands. Into the front.

"About your last platoon leader," James asked worriedly, "what happened to him. His file mentioned KIA and only that."

Eva looked at him confused, though her smile still held. "You weren't told?" James shook his head, " We were travelling in a convoy near a cliff; the drop-off was barely a foot away. The lead vehicle was complete-killed by hidden missile fire, and we were trapped. Luckily our middle vehicle was fitted with a shield generator and was fine. The fight lasted, I think, barely an hour before reinforcements arrived. After things got quiet, another missile hit the El-tee's vehicle, the one with the generator. Boom, just like that."

James took it all in, "where was the Quick Response Force?"

"The reinforcements were the QRF."

"It took them an hour?" he asked incredulously.

" The route led us far away from the base, and intel told us it was quiet. So the commander signed off on it, then it got bad" she shrugged, still smiling.

"What about air support?"

She shook her head, "couldn't get any. Missiles hinted at heavy AA coverage in the area. Command didn't want to risk the pilots."

At this, James furrowed his brow, "I'm sorry, Corporal, are you saying that despite achieving orbital supremacy, we can't achieve an aerial one?"

Eva nodded, "yes sir, enemy AA and interceptor crafts come up from underground, and we don't have the ships to bombard every suspected area. Until now, hopefully." Right, the Sheredyn cruiser and its accompanying fleet.

"Your brief doesn't fill me with much hope, Corporal."

Her smile grew radiant, "it is bad, but it isn't tunnel-rat missions at least."

"tunnel rat?"

"Underground patrol."

James shivered at the thought.

The shuttle's speaker pinged and announced that they'd be landing in five minutes. The youth looked out the window to see the massive Sheredyn-class cruiser flying ahead of him, shuttles entering and exiting the hangar bays like a small mobile spaceport. James shifted awkwardly to barely make-out Auriga's approaching form.

He had imagined the planet to be something of a snowball, but what he saw reminded him of cracked ice. It was a sickly white and had a rough texture, dotted by white streaks that looked to be clouds. To the northeast of the planet was the AI's massive shield, sticking out of the atmosphere like a blue tumour. James could barely see the fleet's silhouette bombarding it, causing tiny ripples. The shield was a cloudy blue, concealing the planet underneath.

There were rumours that the planet used to be fertile and warm; looking at the icy tomb before him, it was hard to believe. As James grabbed gear and his helmet's hud lit up, he silently hoped it wouldn't be his grave.

After the scorching welcome of re-entry, the shuttle landed on FOB RAIA's spaceport. When the newly minted lieutenant took his first steps in Auriga, the first thing he saw was not of the barren wintry wasteland but the red, brutal spires that towered the FOB. Though it was less of a FOB and more of a small city as it stretched all across the horizon. James could barely make out the dark walls on the outskirts, separating civilisation and the wilderness, littered with turrets whose cannons promised death. Swarms of drones periodically darken the sky, carrying their cargo from one end to another, feeding the Imperial war machine.

"Welcome to Auriga, sir." Eva broke James from his stupor. "Amazing, isn't it?"

James gave the base a once over, "this all took six months?"

"Four, actually. It was made after the encirclement. Took some dust and Imperial industriousness to give us the biggest military installation in this sector," Eva informed. "We'll be headed towards..." She took out her PDA and tapped on it, "Terminal 35A. A VTOL will be waiting for us to take us to FOB Dobrynya. We'll arrive at our unit's forward outpost by truck.

"Understood, corporal." A drone flew over his head, causing him to flinch. James's eyes caught the sight of the Sheredyn-class cruiser hovering near the base; below it was a black cloud of drones unloading a ship's worth of supplies.

"Strange," Eva commented, "We never had a ship in-atmosphere before."

"Because of enemy AA?"

Eva nodded, "it seems like it isn't a concern anymore, at least, not this deep in our rear."

James gave the cruiser's imposing visage another look. It stood imperious, a king of the sky, ruling over the ground with impunity. Alongside the massive mega FOB, the cruiser helped reassure him that perhaps his assignment wouldn't be so dismal and dangerous. Sometimes it's easy to forget that, in all the mind-numbing bureaucracy and corruption, the United Empire wielded the galaxy's greatest military.

A little hope sparked within James's craven heart, with a dash of patriotism too. Two years, two years is all he needs to finish his sentence, and his life will be as it always should be. He grew immersed in nostalgia, remembering the fine details of his noble estate, the maze-like gardens, of maids serving him exotic delicacies. A smile grew on his youthful face, now very much determined to survive this war.

Until his comms blew up with noise.

"Radiation flare at grid 81-"
"Sensors are giving faulty read-"
"-40 million roentgen- scratch that, 90 million!"

The sky shone a blinding purple as a beam of light appeared over the base. Like a knife through butter, it lances through the cruiser's centre mass with contemptuous ease. In an instant, the cruiser was replaced by a second sun, as his helmet tried its best to mitigate the damage to James's retinas. He heard the explosion not long after and was flown meters high.

When he came to, smoke and flame blackened the sky.

Some minutes before the explosion and deep within the battleship "Warspite", a comm officer relays Command's orders to a pilot. Before disappearing, Fleet sensors had pinged over a hundred bogies north of the pilot's location. So the officer had tasked the pilot to retrieve a visual confirmation of the enemy in case it wasn't a sensor glitch.

The pilot had grumbled to herself about risks and suicide missions, but orders were orders. Though it wasn't too suicidal of a recon mission, she was some sixty kilometres above the surface. But the threat of interception still unnerved her; the enemy was ruthless and efficient with a penchant for adaptation. Who's to say they can't swat her out of the sky with some new wonder weapon.

The pilot nears the last sensor ping and focuses. The bottom of the plane opens up and reveals a powerful lens. She grits her teeth in anticipation as she goes through a cloud and...


Moments pass in silent wonder, experienced by a transcendental clarity.

There was n̵̻̹̳̈o̵̮̰͕͋̄ṭ̵̓͌̀ẖ̶̪̫̓̓̆i̴̢̻͍͝n̷̰̠͝g̴͙͖̃̃.

Nothing but the Č̴͍͈̼̗͕̗̄̈ḧ̴̨̧̛̘̻̬́̍͆̅̕͘͝o̴͚̘̺͍͔̎́̀ŕ̸͕͐̂͠͝ų̵̯̝͙͆̈̈́͐̽͘s̸̪̣͉̖̝͓̒̽͐̋̃͛̉ͅ.

Raia = Imperial Capital

Sector = An imperial region of varying size governed by a Duke or a corporation.

Vaulters = A resilient Human faction conquered by the United Empire

SECCOM = Sector Command

Crownworld = Sector Capital (term only applies to sectors ruled by nobility)

So this here's a plotbunny of a plotbunny. Started when I began outlining a PA fic I'm naming Fusion, and the Endless Space arc just grew and grew in my head. So here it is, Forever War!

I've done some research, but I still only have a surface-level understanding on military and war so any corrections regarding that is appreciated. Also don't expect constant updates, still working on other fics, new and old, and this chapter here took me a month.

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Ooh, a Commanderfic from the other guy's perspective. One that also seems to be more of a "grinding, costly war" style rather than a one-sided stomp. I like this.
Fusion's a PA Commander? Okay yeah, you'll shortly come to learn Lieutenant that the Empire doesn't have the AI trapped on Auriga. The AI is on Auriga looking for something, and the Empire's efforts to crush it are a minor irritant at best. At worst, the AI is acquiring something extremely powerful and is also using the presence of the Empire's forces as an opportunity for live combat field-testing of designs, building up experience fighting the Empire's forces and acquiring what technologies the Empire uses in it's military, which shall be reverse-engineered and integrated into the Commander's unit designs to make them more dangerous.

The moment Fusion no longer wants to stay on Auriga fighting the Empire is the moment the blockade dies. Probably rapidly and violently, but it might also be messily and slowly if the AI decides to use a different form of psychological warfare.

If this doesn't happen, then it's because Fusion is a PA Commander with minimal designs in it's databank and few non-PA techs salvaged. A situation that'll be rapidly changing thanks to all the weapons and combat vehicles the Empire's been providing them.
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A trillion souls are graced by imperial rule

That's actually a bit small for an interstellar empire with multiple developed sectors.

But now, he simply must work with the cards he's been dealt with, for a son must bear their father's sins.

The "with" after dealt needs deleting. Also, that "their" should be "his" - switching gender pronouns mid-sentence is never good unless it's a Ranma fic.

Finally, James decided to walk up to the mess hall,
Some talking heads appear but he ignores them

You switched from past tense to present tense there, then back to past in the next paragraph. While that can work for a flashback, he didn't have one.

the more loud and firey they are about their cause


James cleaned after himself and walked to the hangar

cleaned *up after
Always like when usually overpowered factions/characters do not just steamroll over everything
The Question is what faction is this PA Commander? An SI faction? Or one of the canon factions. If it is a canon faction then the Empire is screwed unless they make something of a similar style. Which isn't impossible but would be unlikely.
Fusion's a PA Commander? Okay yeah, you'll shortly come to learn Lieutenant that the Empire doesn't have the AI trapped on Auriga. The AI is on Auriga looking for something, and the Empire's efforts to crush it are a minor irritant at best. At worst, the AI is acquiring something extremely powerful and is also using the presence of the Empire's forces as an opportunity for live combat field-testing of designs, building up experience fighting the Empire's forces and acquiring what technologies the Empire uses in it's military, which shall be reverse-engineered and integrated into the Commander's unit designs to make them more dangerous.

The moment Fusion no longer wants to stay on Auriga fighting the Empire is the moment the blockade dies. Probably rapidly and violently, but it might also be messily and slowly if the AI decides to use a different form of psychological warfare.

If this doesn't happen, then it's because Fusion is a PA Commander with minimal designs in it's databank and few non-PA techs salvaged. A situation that'll be rapidly changing thanks to all the weapons and combat vehicles the Empire's been providing them.
The Question is what faction is this PA Commander? An SI faction? Or one of the canon factions. If it is a canon faction then the Empire is screwed unless they make something of a similar style. Which isn't impossible but would be unlikely.
I actually wouldn't bet on a Commander under these circumstances. This appears to be a post-victory ES2 empire, which means they can complete research and engineering projects at their leisure.

One of the victory conditions in ES2 is to build a particular set of buildings. They make the builders godmode reality warpers. If you manage it, it literally does not matter what state your empire or the rest of the galaxy is in; if you were one orbital bombardment away from total empire collapse, if another empire has all but won, if the stars are blowing up around you, whatever. Doesn't matter. You win.

For narrative reasons I doubt this empire is preparing to begin that project. It just wouldn't be very satisfying to get halfway through the planetary offensive only to very suddenly "win". But in a void, all else being equal, I'd bet on the empire.
Faulty Calculations
Forever War
Chapter: 2

Ten minutes until arrival.

Calculations were made, and all systems green. With nothing to do but wait, Duke Vidor Osilabya stewed on the bridge of his ship, ignoring the beeping of electronics and the busy crew. He gazed through the window, worriedly observing the folding and expanding space. Warp travel without starlanes is still considered precarious even with current advancements. Stories of starships missing their targets and empty hulks came to mind. Vidor grit his teeth; the laws of physics are not so easily broken.

5 minutes until arrival

He checked on his personal fleet, noting their green statuses with satisfaction. It took some finagling to levy the forces of his domain, dragging the armies of republics and counts kicking and screaming. "What of our protection" they would exclaim, Vidor scoffed, as if any enemy could reach so deep into the Empire's Core. Besides, it would be a simple excursion that would merit significant results, nothing more.

Duke Antanov had come to grovel at his feet when his little security action on Auriga had proven costly. Becoming a pariah after his handling of the Vaulter separatists backfired, he found himself with no allies. Moreover, the turmoil the uprisings caused led other sectors to smell blood in the water. Lords, republics, and corporations alike eagerly wait for Antanov's fall, keen to acquire a slice of the Duke's domain.

Sectorites, he thought, brutish vultures, the lot of them.

That was when Vidor came to the "rescue", exchanging favours with the desperate Duke. After months of backroom deals, Antanov would get reinforcements while Vidor would gain a legitimate claim on Auriga and its secrets. Even if Vidor's claims were paper-thin, it would give him an advantage in the High Court. Any opportunist would be crushed by the hammer of the law or gunfire if they were the criminal sort.

Gravity Well Imminent

Their arrival was met with a scream as space ripped itself apart, revealing the approaching system. Immediately Vidor was overwhelmed by hails from Antanov's remaining fleet on Auriga.

"My liege, it's the Warspite," his comms officer exclaimed. Vidor widened his eyes in surprise. The Warspite was a legendary Battleship during the early days of the Empire, helping save Raia from the Craver scourge. He had expected the relic to be converted into a museum rather than besieging the enemy.

"Patch it through," Vidor replied.

"This is Warspite," the hail began, "of the 51st Expeditionary Fleet. Identify and state your intentions."

"Sectorites," Vidor whispered to himself, as he burrowed his brow. "How did you yokels get your filthy hands on that ship." Then, he raised his voice, "Warspite copy, this is Duke Vidor of House Osilabya, accompanied by my retinue, the 6th Core. Duke Antanov has relinquished command to me, sending you my clearance."

"Verifying," came the reply.

Then, a hologram of the fleet and Auriga appeared on deck, and he looked at the planet with hungry eyes. Once the home of the Vaulters before their exodus to the stars and the Husk of Knowledge. He gripped his chair in growing anger; the Husk of Knowledge may be the first casualty of the war, considering that's where Antanov and the AI's ships had crashed. No matter, he is sure whatever he salvages will make him a fortune. All he needs to do is break that massive shield and destroy the AI. Antanov's army had fumbled for far too long; now, it was time for a true commander to take the reins.

"Verified, at your command, sir." Warspite's captain said.

"It's lord, not sir. Don't forget that," Vidor corrected.

"Understood, my lord. We have shuttles with wounded coming to you now; please prepare your hangar bays." Antanov widened his eyes in surprise. The gall, the absolute gall of thi--

"Radar confirms two dozen shuttles beginning their approach," An ensign informed, "course of action?"

How dare he, how dare this mere captain not request but demand from his betters. To put him in a spot where asserting his authority meant denying the wounded, thus sullying his image. Vidor promised to sack this captain once he's solidified control.

After a small back and forth, Vidor commands the hangar bays to be open but to approach Auriga too. He didn't want to be too cooperative, and it gave him a sort of petty satisfaction knowing the shuttles would have difficulty entering.

Warspite hailed again as Vidor's ship reached Auriga's atmosphere. "We recommend aborting in-atmosphere naval operations until enemy AA is cleared." It took Vidor some restraint not to yell threats on the microphone.

"From your very own report, enemy AA was assessed to be a mixture of slugs, missiles, and plasma, sporadic in volume and not enough to take down a cruiser." Vidor shot back. His personal ship was state of the art, at least a century ahead of the ageing museums in orbit. Even on the off-chance that his ship is threatened, Anti-matter channelling would render any fire obsolete for a few moments, giving him time to fire back. And even if his shielding fails, the Orichalquix weave would make the hull impregnable against anything but the most potent weapons. The primitive mish-mash of tech from Vaulter radicals does not merit such concern.

Vaulters, he thought. The word itself felt too vile to say. Nomadic barbarians with enclaves at every corner of the galaxy, travelling through artificial portals, making a nuisance of themselves. Though it's unfortunate that these portals, their only contribution to the sciences, are considered lost knowledge due to the wars of pacification. Perhaps Auriga may lend him some insight.

"Send the survey team down," Vidor commanded his crew, "I want them to collect data as soon as possible."

"Understood, sir", an ensign replied.

"We repeat," the Warspite hailed, "In atmosphere-operations are high risk, recommend abort. Enemy capabilities are highly unpredictable; the report is not a complete assessment."

"I will not be frightened by the invention of primitives," Vidor responded, his patience thin. "If they could produce ground-based anti-ship weapons, they would have used them on your stationary fleet in the past six months. Even their flagship lacked the weapons to destroy Antanov's ship; they had to resort to ramming! Your concerns have been noted, dismissed!" Vidor cuts off the connection.

"Status on the survey teams?" Vidor asks, calming down.

"Team 1 has touched down, waiting for the rest of the fleet to arrive." An ensign replied.

"That will have to do; no time to waste. I want them on the doub--" There was a loud and resounding beep from one of the bridge's computers.

"We're being targeted!"

"All power to shields. Tell the fleet to triangulate that signal." Vidor commanded.

"Radiation burst some five thousand kilometres north of our location."

Impossible; that area was reported as secured, "A bomb?"

"Negatory, my lord. Energy readings match beam weapons."

Vidor nodded; the shields could take it, "we'll bear the brunt, tell the fleet to bombard its location." It must be their trump card, Vidor thought. The enemy will know true futility when it inevitably fails.

Until his world crumbled around him.

Spatial anomaly detected.

"Engineering reports loss of power in reactors A1, A2, and B2. Backup generators are online, but shields are down, I repeat. Shields are down."

Spatial anomaly detected.

Vidor didn't have time to gasp in shock when the bridge computers went haywire, screaming error after error to the confused crew. The Dependency-Algorithms had stopped working, causing the shipboard AI to go mad without its shackles.

Spatial anomaly detected.

"Call the flee-"

"-my lord, ship comms have been disabled!"

Vidor looked around the panicking bridge, seeing the crewman typing in front of malfunctioning monitors.

What's hacking us? "Ensign!" Vidor called out, "Take us out of the atmosphere immediately, all engines at max!"

"Auxillary generators can only power engines--"

"Put them on overdrive," Vidor yelled over the chaos, "I don't care if they suffer a meltdown; we need to leave!"

The ensign nodded and called engineering to make the necessary changes. There was a back and forth between the ensign and the Chief Engineer, who eventually acquiesced. Vidor could feel the ship shudder as the engines shifted to full thrust. Calculations were made, and the journey upwards will take a few minutes.

But it was too late. A purple star shone from the planet, sending out a lance that pierced the ship. Vidor died wondering if his calculations were correct.


James awoke to the sight of a blackened sky. He laid there as if stuck to the ground. The youth willed himself to rise, but his body couldn't obey, begging for rest. But the sight of tracers and the rapport of gunfire was what truly woke him up, and in a blur, he flailed around before standing up. He spots Eva's body near him; the HUD had yet to mark her as KIA, though her vitals were dipping into the yellow. Her suit's medical system should stabilise her temporarily, but he will need to find a field medic to prevent her from worsening.

James rushed towards her, tripping all the while. With some struggle, he finally gets her arm over his shoulders and hobbles away. He looked around, but only saw the fog of debris and rubble, lit up the occasional tracer. James's commpiece had been dented during his fall, so all that was left was to run. For a Megafob, it felt unusually empty despite the cacophony of gunfire, and he wasn't planning to go towards it. So James kept hobbling on in search of someplace safe, or someone at least.

Past a pile of rubble, his eyes spotted a squad under fire and debated whether to approach. A cerulean beam answered his thoughts, scything through the squad and disintegrating them into motes of light. The young Lieutenant's breath caught in his throat, and he stood frozen for a few moments. Then, he heard something near his ears; it was Eva mumbling something under her breath. Like a splash of water, it allowed him to regain his focus and search around.

Some parts of the fog had subsided, and he was able to see a building whose front was charred and black. There seemed to be a small fireteam guarding it, alongside a Craver Soldier in Imperial colours. He rushed towards the three men team who gestured him in, alongside the Craver.

"ID?" one of them, the leader he presumes, asked.

"2nd Lieutenant Styker, 5th Recon."

"5th Recon?" One of them chimed incredulously, "What the fuck is 5th Recon doing here!?

"reinfo--Look is there a field medic here?" James yelled.

The leader shook his head, "No medics here. The Medical Center is two blocks north, but there's a basic kit on that wall over there." He pointed towards the kit next to the door leading into a gym. James laid Eva down and grabbed it. He opened it beside her body and held a scanner from the kit. Instructions appeared on his HUD soon after he scanned Eva.

"Any news on what the garrison should be doing or an assembly point? You're the first friendlies I've met so far." James asked as he began to fix Eva up.

"No clue; things fell apart after the cruiser blew up, half the base is just gone, and radiation's got our electronics in the fritz. Most assembly points are rubble, so we're waiting for comms to get back on." The leader answered.

"Still kaput," another chimed.

"I'm Staff Sergeant Raul of the 2nd Guard, 3rd Platoon." The leader introduced.

Another soldier slightly raised her hand, "Ida, 3rd platoon."

"Leon, I'm with these schmucks," the third and last soldier spoke.

James eyed the imposing two-and-a-half-meter-tall tower of musculature and cybernetics, "And that one, he with you?"

"Nah," Leon shook his head, "Just a stray we picked up from the armoury. The place is burnt out if you're wondering."

With four of its limbs armed with guns, the Craver briefly looked at James, causing his primal instinct to scream fight or flight. Before looking towards where the gunfire was for threats despite the dense fog.

"Could've been a bad call," Ida admonished, "ammunition was still blowing up when we got there."

"Eh, I still got through it fine," Leon replied.

"Cut the chatter," Raul said, "anything happened on your way here, Lieutenant?"

James pointed to the fog, "saw a squad get disintegrated four minutes away from here. Beam weapon."

"Shit," Raul exclaimed as his subordinates stiffened, "everyone eyes up," the Craver's head shifted suddenly and squinted as if trying to make out something in the distance. "get into the gym eltee, fix her up, we'll keep watch."

With a nod, James dragged Eva into the gym, setting her down as he fiddled with the kit. More instruction came to his hud.

Concussion, no fractures detected.
Diagnosis: Vasovagal syncope, patient's suit severity reading inaccurate.
Recommended Treatment--

In the corner of Styker's eye was some kind of movement within the gym; he looked up to see nothing. No, with a closer look, something else might be there. There was a part of the ruined gym that seemed to warp and refract in his eyes, despite his helmet detecting nothing at all. James felt like he was going crazy and kept looking at that spot until the warping disappeared. He was cautious now, cold sweat running down his body and a hand on his holster, still looking. James gave Eva a quick glance, not seeing the invisible knife approaching the back of his throat.
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Well, that's one way to escalate the war. Sure, a periphery Duke failing to deal with a threat isn't that big an issue... But a major central Duke being slain, in one exchange of fire too fast for him to react to, let alone escape? Whilst said duke was on a state-of-the-art ship?

That suggests the threat is a lot more concerning than anyone had taken it. Whilst also ensuring that the central Duke's family is going to want to take at least some vengeance so they can prove their loss wasn't just because "the Duke was an idiot" or the like.
Well, that's one way to escalate the war. Sure, a periphery Duke failing to deal with a threat isn't that big an issue... But a major central Duke being slain, in one exchange of fire too fast for him to react to, let alone escape? Whilst said duke was on a state-of-the-art ship?

That suggests the threat is a lot more concerning than anyone had taken it. Whilst also ensuring that the central Duke's family is going to want to take at least some vengeance so they can prove their loss wasn't just because "the Duke was an idiot" or the like.
As previusly theorised Empire probably didnt had Commander truly traped/blockaded on planet. After a stalemate was achieved Commander just keept it even as he builded forces/infrastructure powerfull enought to win. Because Empire belived situation was 'stable' so Duke needed six months untill he managed to beg for some reinforcments to win. More than enought time for even nerfed Commander to turn entire planet into a hive of tunnels/machines burried deep enought to not be detected. And now as reinforcments with state of art equipment have come he used this secret build up to quickly whipe them out and as everyone is panicking is probably looting wreckage raining over planet for Empires best toys. After a round of upgrades and dealing with surviving enemies, Commander will probably start expanding.

Wouldnt be suprised if there are hidden hangars/shipyards in planetary crust that will release his fleets to start hitting Empire weak points while also seting up backups in dangeraus systems(pulsars/black holes) or hunting rogue planets to set up hidden bases there.
You keep switching between past and present tense, and is the new duke's name Vidor or Fidor?
Is this commander a SI or a just a commander from PA because if the later wow rbis universe might be fucked lol. Watched.
I have no idea what Endless Space is all about, but I know PA Multicross and I am loving the way we start from the other side of the conflict.

Definitely watched.
I like the concept and the execution seems good so far, although I'm curious about the commander's perspective on the whole thing of being stuck on a planet with hostile forces harassing him... although they don't pose much of a threat.

I also want a scene in which they report on the different mechanized units of the commander and how they face them until now, or the possible future reactions when they have to face a Titan.
While I do love any good endless space story, I do have a couple of questions and thoughts.

One: if there is a commander that is on Auriga, it's probably looking for the body of the Lost that was living when the planet was still warm. That being the case, the Mykara are still going to be deep underground, along with necrophhage eggs, So there is that to contend with.

Two: as this appears to be a post-victory united empire since we have clear indications that the voters have been defeated, what about the other major players? I saw the Hiisho were defeated, but what about the Sophons. (Since I think that ENFER could be a good counter) or the Cravers, even the Vodyani or Umbral Chior? That's not even getting into the cluster fuck that is anything to do with the Academy, Or any of the heroes that make up the endless space two universe. I can just imagine what any of the still living Endless could do against any commander

Chances are these things will be answered much later in the story, but I can't wait to read them because as I said before, I love anything related to the endless universe.
Endless space is one of the few universes that can and will kick in the shit of a commander.

Dust can totally do the selfreplication or even more esoteric shit.
We have already seen the Umbral Choir
The pilot nears the last sensor ping and focuses. The bottom of the plane opens up and reveals a powerful lens. She grits her teeth in anticipation as she goes through a cloud and...


Moments pass in silent wonder, experienced by a transcendental clarity.

There was n̵̻̹̳̈o̵̮̰͕͋̄ṭ̵̓͌̀ẖ̶̪̫̓̓̆i̴̢̻͍͝n̷̰̠͝g̴͙͖̃̃.

Nothing but the Č̴͍͈̼̗͕̗̄̈ḧ̴̨̧̛̘̻̬́̍͆̅̕͘͝o̴͚̘̺͍͔̎́̀ŕ̸͕͐̂͠͝ų̵̯̝͙͆̈̈́͐̽͘s̸̪̣͉̖̝͓̒̽͐̋̃͛̉ͅ.
Which points to me that this may not be post victory UE, but midgame with the Hissho defeated and the Choir still unknown.
Chapter 3: Monster
Forever War
Chapter: 3

With a reverberating crash, James looked up in shock to see the Craver had suddenly entered the gym and was running towards him. Instinct took control, and he rose to shoot at the Craver as a knife fell inches below his neck, cutting through metal, nano weave, and muscle. Hot scalding pain seared through his body as his screams mixed with the wailing beeps of his suit. He fell next to Eva, writhing in pain, unable to see the warped figure descending upon him.

In a blur, the Craver was on the figure, pushing it away and letting loose a deluge of concentrated fire. Something fell from the figure's hip but was immediately obscured. A mix of slugs and lasers pelted the figure, causing its personal shields to flash yellow at every hit. Then, with its power transferred to its shields, the invisible camo bled away to reveal a giant in power armour.

Cravers tend to be several heads taller than normal humans, but this giant nearly matched its height. It was humanoid and decked in bulky red armour decorated with sharp edges to give it a brutal look reminiscent of the Hissho. On its back jutted these knife-shaped thrusters that could also serve as blades. But its most predominant feature was its large yellow visor, stretching across the helm cheek to cheek. The armour flip-flopped from remarkably advanced to a primitive mish-mash. Fitting for Vaulter tech.

The Craver stared blankly at its own reflection on the visor as fire after fire struck the giant's shields like a red tide.

With a boom, the giant's thrusters blasted it off towards the Craver, who answered back, holstering a pair of its weapons and meeting the charge with their bio-mechanic fists. Soon enough, a melee ensued while Raul and his squad spilt in, "contact, contact!" he yelled.

Ida immediately went for James as the other two fired at the giant, careful not to hit the Craver. She checked his status before pulling the knife from his shoulder and immediately applying medi-gel from the basic kit to his open wound. During this, James caught a glimpse of the fight himself.

He had heard horror stories from the Craver Scourge and contemporary reports of battles involving Cravers. Each painted a gruesome picture. Disciplined and well-coordinated, with each drone a massive force multiplier accompanied by a million more. They were a scourge for a very good reason, as is expected for a species designed for war. Entire pirate bands were killed from a single worker drone alone, and the one before him was a Craver Soldier. A Soldier, two meters of muscle and metal that would require a platoon to pacify, and this giant matched it blow for blow. Ida had joined in on the firing once she was sure James was stabilised.

With the giant's attention on everyone else, James attempted to crawl out of the fight. He was lucky the knife had narrowly missed his spine, thanking whatever gods were above him for the good fortune. If only he had been spared the misfortune of being in Auriga in the first place. James's first few paces were abortive and awkward, one of his arms was limp, and the medi-gel in his wound had turned what was once burning pain into a freezing one. Still, James was able to crawl at least a few feet with gritted teeth, all the while mentally cursing at everyone and everything.

Home, he repeated in his head, I need to go back home, were the prayers that kept him from losing it. Though if every day was going to be this intense, then he'd rather shoot himself and be done with it.


Both Craver and giant were moving faster than any being of their size ought to, each strike creating loud vibrations in the air. Raul's shots had made its shields flare up, but it seemed to be a mere annoyance as all of its focus was on the Craver Soldier. It was challenging to keep up while crawling and with James's pain calling for his full attention. His wounds practically begged him to stop moving and rest, but he knew that way lay death by collateral fire. And with the comfortable life of a count's son waiting for him at the end of his tour, crawling away was his best option.

A loud bang reverberated throughout the room; the Craver had got a lucky strike in, sending the armoured monstrosity flying over James and causing Ida to duck quickly. Then, without even time to blink, the giant had recovered and stood over her, its thrusters billowing smoke, and its visor cracked. A gasp, followed by a punch and an ear-grating crunch. Its hand severely dented Ida's helmet, and she collapsed next to James like a puppet without its strings. Then nothing, no movement, not even a twitch, came from her body. She was gone just like that.

James stared in wordless horror, and for a moment, the world around him was silent. For what felt like years, he stared at Ida's corpse. Nothing, not even a thought, went through his head. James couldn't comprehend it, as if Ida's death had broken some universal law. Though he had lived luxuriously, he had seen death before, but never this close.

"Fuck!" Leon yelled and aimed his weapon, which helped James to regain his composure and keep crawling.

The giant picked up its knife next to Ida's body just in time to face the Craver. Two limbs went to meet the incoming attack while the other pair fired their weapons. Without its shields, the giant's armour became littered with black marks, with certain parts beginning to deform. Yet it charged all the same.

James swivelled his head back at Eva's unconscious body and looked away. She was dead weight, and carrying her to safety would kill them both; better he lives than die uselessly. Besides, he was a count's son, whilst the good corporal was probably some commoner, she was enlisted after all, so it was obvious whose life had more value. And most important of all, he was piss scared. So he continued worming his way out.

Then he looked back again. He was Lieutenant James Stryker, and he felt the weight of that rank on his shoulders, however superficially it was given unto him. That meant Eva was his responsibility. But he was facing an overwhelming enemy, so Eva's death can be seen not due to negligence but unforeseen enemy action, so he can get out blameless. James looked to the corner of his hub, morbidly hoping Eva's status was a red flatline. Yellow, fuck.

He looked away and prepared to move. He can pretend he didn't see it...


James went up on his fours, body screaming in protest, towards Eva. He fell before he could make it as seductive whispers for rest willed him to stop.

James rose again, panting like a hog and threw his arms onto Eva and pulled. Her body and gear combined took all his strength to move, but move he did. He cursed mentally, going on and on about how stupid he was and that they'll both die anyway.

Another punch from the Craver had shattered the giant's visor, revealing synthetic flesh and a pair of bright dead blue eyes. But with one of its hands outstretched, the Craver could not stop the oncoming knife from piercing deeply into its neck. The Craver merely staggered, for their kind did not die so easily, but it left a fatal opening.

And with wordless yet primal savagery, the giant ripped the knife off and began hacking the bio-mechanical soldier limb after limb. Before it could get to the Craver's last remaining arm, a precise shot from Leon had struck where its visor had been. The giant staggered; its synthetic flesh melted like wax, trickling out of its helmet like peach-coloured blood. And from this wax tide revealed a mechanical skeleton imitating--no, mocking man's form. Its "face" was of a dark glossy metal, with its eyes in the shape of narrow pins extending out of its skull and rapidly jerking about. But it was its teeth, black and sharp, that unnerved the humans in the gym, for it made it look uncanny. So close to human, yet still so far. Like a walking corpse, it possessed an innate wrongness.

The giant recovered, and quickly too. The robot threw the Craver onto Leon and charged Raul. A fist through his chest was all it needed to end him. Then it marched onto the Craver and Leon's crushed body to finish the job. It looked down, grabbed one of the Craver's weapons, and aimed.

Cold sweat drenched James's body; it was only a matter of time before he was next. The sound of lasers prompted James to move beyond his limits, beyond pain. Until he stumbled into a strange object of unknown make. Its texture was of a stainless reflective metal and looked similar to an engine, with an exhaust at one end. It was sleek yet rough, as if it was ripped off of some cutting-edge machine. James held it, wondering if he could use it as a weapon. He held it awkwardly, wondering where its handle and grip were.

The firing stopped, and the giant in the shape of a corpse turned towards James. His hands groped at some sort of button. Trigger?

Fuck it.

James pointed the weapon (he hoped) at the target and pressed.


A solid cerulean beam burst from the weapon, and James felt his gloves start to warm. The giant quickly noticed what James was doing and moved to dodge. But it was not faster than the speed of light, no matter how fast it could think. So the beam impaled it, and it disintegrated into motes of light. A corpse now purified.

James let out a huge sigh of relief, fear giving way to jubilation, which gave way to dread. Were there more of them in the base?

He heard something coming out of his helmet.

Radio chatter! The comms were back on, and from out the gym, he saw a pale and elegant dropship with blue linings descend onto the street. Sophons?

James felt his eyelids grow heavy and let the darkness finally take him in its cold embrace.

Far above Auriga's atmosphere, in the deck of the battleship Warspite, sleep was no option. Captain and now acting Admiral Thomas Cunningham could feel his throat grow hoarse, though it was no time to fetch tea as all hands were on deck. While Strategic Command staff busy themselves in his ship coordinating against what seemed to be a decapitation strike occurring on the ground, Cunningham was busy herding cats. And what a herd it was.

The late Osilabya's misfortune had caused his accompanying fleet to grow cold feet, with many now wanting to return to their comfy posts in the core. They would help with the ongoing defence, naturally, but nothing more. Cunningham's metal arm scratched his walrus 'stache as he eyed the other fleet's acting admiral, Borodino. A rather boorish individual who reeked of the usual coreworlder entitlement. That his gut loomed over his belt like an approaching meteor further enhanced the stereotype.

For most of his life, Cunnigham considered himself more of a politician than an admiral or captain. But coming from an esteemed lineage steeped in naval prestige, with Warspite as their family heirloom, fate dictated his career. So he did as he could to honour the Cunningham name, though he never truly excelled, preferring only to be good enough. But fate has now seen fit to place him in a position where he truly belonged, negotiating not the battlespace but against his peers.

"The contract between Antanov and Osilabya was made under the pretence that it was a personal and private agreement between the two. Thus they did not come to this agreement representing the interests of their respective sectors but their own personal ones. So it is their personal army, not their vassals, mind you, who are truly and legally beholden to the contract," Borodino stated.

And it was a fair and cleverly worded statement, Cunningham admitted to himself, but accepting only Osilabya's retinue as reinforcement would mean only a fraction of the fleet, numbered dozens upon dozens in total -- including a Sophon research vessel-- would stay. Granted, just that fraction alone would add much to Cunningham's fleet of twenty, alongside the technological marvels from the Core they brought with them. Though it would be such a shame, he thought, to bring a harpoon rather than a net against a school of fish. Nevertheless, a large catch was within his grip, and it will be his to take.

"Yes," Cunningham began, "but the contract stated the expansion of Osilabya's domain into Auriga. Therefore the conquest of Auriga would fall well within your duties, for vassals are obligated, under common imperial law, to aid their overlord against foreign polities." Cunningham knew it was a flimsy argument at best, but it was necessary to guide the conversation into a more optimal outcome.

"A fringe sector's secessionist uprising does not constitute a foreign polity in the slightest!" Cunningham restrained his smile.

He took the bait.

"No, but the unknown party hiding underneath this planet certainly does. A party with unforeseen mass manufacturing capabilities, who maliciously armed local dissidents and possess technology advanced enough to pierce through your overlord's Antimatter Null Barrier," now with the anvil prepared, it was time to hammer down, "thus constituting the clear need and obligation of your forces to see through the Aurigan campaign--"

"And what makes you think we'll honour this so-called obligation for this far-flung flare-up?" Borodino challenged, removing all pretences on the legality of it all, which was great for Cunningham, whose legal defence on the matter had little ground to stand on. Now it was time to fight dirty.

"Perhaps we can have the High Court remind you of your duties then? For it seems your memory of it is awfully spotty," then came dead silence, even on Cunningham's bridge. One could even hear a pin drop.

Borodino leaned forward, eyes promising death, "you wouldn't dare."

The High Court was Zelevas's invention, meant to supersede all other courts in the United Empire, at least in theory. A means towards centralisation and making specific laws universal, it took the Emperor and his administration decades to create and legislate. Even then, it was not universally accepted, despite the full backing of Zelevas's imperial army alongside the Sheredyn Conglomerates. So the institution gradually crept into Imperial life, putting more of the Empire in Zelevas's orbit, especially the states within the Imperial Core. So the lords of the Core are generally beholden to it, and only the far-flung sectors can claim some autonomy. A freedom Cunningham was willing to sacrifice for the Aurigan campaign, for if the High Court gained higher legitimacy in the sector, it would be a matter of time until the frontiers become "civilised" and more regulated.

That is if Cunningham ever truly wanted to go that route.

"I assure you, I very much would."

"You're bluffing."

Cunningham raised an eyebrow, " then call it and leave, and forever brand yourselves as cowards. And if gods forbid, the enemy breaks through our cordon and wreaks havoc in the frontier, all blame will fall on the ones who left. Then the High Court will be the least of your worries."

Borodino shook his head, "nonsense, the front's been stable for months---"

"Need I remind you of the ongoing situation? The enemy is unpredictable, and their victory here will embolden the already rebellious Vaulters. And those Vaulters could inspire other separatists. It could quickly grow into a crisis if it is not curbed at the crib, and I'm sure many would recognise your efforts back home." Cunningham threatened. Oh the wonders of blackmail, the weapon of an elegant man such as he. And transferring responsibility from his performance to Osilabya's fleet leaving would put him in a winning situation even if they called his bluff. Thank the universe for Osilabya's naivete!

Borodino steeled his features, though it was quite clear he was seething. Cunningham believed he may be a better admiral than himself, but Borodino lacked his political disposition. And without his overlord to put his foot down, the poor admiral might be frightened into working with Cunningham, maybe even under him.

"I'll relay your thoughts to the others," Borodino said and hung up.

Cunningham breathed a sigh of relief, now comes the waiting game.

AN: Wrote another section with a thousand words, but felt it deserved a chapter of its own, here's a peek.

Morgana drove past the city outskirts, leaving past the modern, gleaming towers of downtown Nadigrad, each a monument to Imperial might, though they were less spotless than usual. Sporting the wounds and burns from the Vaulter uprising. Damaged but still standing. Whether it was healing or not was debatable; budgetary cuts caused by the Aurigan Operation had delayed many things the city needed. But that was a thought for later, as her destination was the Vaulter slums. Officials like her called these slums "independent districts"; harmony through separation, they called it. Never mind that the Yuusho live perfectly harmonious lives amongst the Raians without needing separation.

They were ghettos; that's what they were, ghettos for the original dwellers of Nadigrad, formerly Nadjnestad. They built the city Morgana and her folk now inhabit, and it was so painfully clear they made it. Half a decade ago, developers had mistaken an underground residential district for a sewage system and treated it accordingly. The urban planning of the conquered was often ignored and forgotten, and many such incidents kept popping up from time to time. The intricacies of planetary planning were already hard enough, but take away native expertise and you have a nightmare.

The Sector's solution was to either block all Vaulter structures off, destroy them, or replace them with something Imperial. Adapting was considered too complicated and costly, especially since back then, Antanov's vanity dreadnought was guzzling credits into a black hole.

Morgana's car passed a toll booth and entered a highway leading into a field, or at least what once was a field. Now replaced by a great chasm the size of a small city, surrounded by military bases and hovercrafts moving to and fro. That was where the AI's own dreadnought emerged from underground and escaped the atmosphere, harassed by the city's defences as it ran.

Now it's in Auriga, she hears, and Antanov's budgetary black hole of a ship was destroyed and replaced with an even more massive black hole. The Siege of Auriga...

In the corner of her mind, Morgana wonders which came first? Did the Vaulter Uprising begin thanks to this "Fusion" AI choosing to arm Vaulter dissidents, or did it start when the Vaulters radicalised the mech itself? Many in government already knew the mech was an unknown third party that somehow made landfall near Nadigrad without notice. It being a Vaulter creation was a flimsy lie to keep up appearances.

The important question was motive and origin. No one knew anything about the mech, not its make nor possible creators. If they did, then Morgana wouldn't have been pressured to spy at gunpoint.

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I also want a scene in which they report on the different mechanized units of the commander and how they face them until now
Honestly, that's a really good idea, I could write down After Action Reports or a glossary and put them in the informational section.

Two: as this appears to be a post-victory united empire since we have clear indications that the voters have been defeated, what about the other major players? I saw the Hiisho were defeated, but what about the Sophons. (Since I think that ENFER could be a good counter) or the Cravers, even the Vodyani or Umbral Chior? That's not even getting into the cluster fuck that is anything to do with the Academy, Or any of the heroes that make up the endless space two universe. I can just imagine what any of the still living Endless could do against any commander

Sophons I'll get to soon enough since they'll be relevant to the story soon. I'll explain the factions that won't be super relevant to the story soon:

In this galaxy, the Hissho are still a problem and they've had numerous clashes with the Empire (a fraction of it at least), they're also neighbors with the Horatio, it's messy and things are ramping up into another war. Lumeris are experiencing a split atm, not a civil war, but there are certain groups who'd side with the United Empire over the Four Families and it led to some weird convoluted economics i.e parts of Lumeris space are under the Empire's customs union, while another part isn't. Influence is a bitch.

Cravers were a massive problem, now not so much, Zelevas saw to that. Vodyani are screwing around doing space vampirate things, Vaulters you already know. The Choir has its own thing going on which will be hinted in-story though I don't plan on explicitly stating what it is, probably ever unless there's a big change of plans. Riftborn and Unfallen are not yet discovered by anyone, but there are spacetime anomalies and strange inter-system vines spotted by Sophon astronomers and they occur in the same constellation. The Academy will be a big one in the story though, someone from it will definitely be involved cause it's Auriga, and also another Academy character will be involved in a major way (already is but not hinted yet) and it's not Isyander and the Spymaster.

Oh and the Nakalim? Never heard of em :whistle:
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Don't worry you two. I'm absolutely sure neither of your efforts will be forgotten once the 'Unknown AI' manages to get it's orbital position safe enough that it's feels like it's time to build some 'mysterious orbital infrastructure, likely technological variation of a shipyard design' which once complete demonstrates just what it's technology is best at. At that point, they're going to be too busy screaming for a comm link with Imperial Centre to be opened and yelling "Code Von Neumann! CODE VON NEUMANN!" down it.

Not that Imperial Centre is going to particularly happy either once they receive enough data to know just how bad this 'Code Von Neumann' actually is. Namely, worse than anything they've encountered before. Without the Ai pulling out the really good stuff or having what they already have revealed run at peak performance.
Thanks for the chapter, my guess is the PA is bidding there time till they can claim complete control of
The system then start slamming dreadnought build ques. That's if they have gotten enough tech which I think they did from hacking the ship from the chapter the last chapter before it got blown up.

Hopefully we see more of this I rather like it.
Sophons I'll get to soon enough since they'll be relevant to the story soon. I'll explain the factions that won't be super relevant to the story soon:
I mean as hostile factions go you'll have your pick of the Horatio, Vodyani and Cravers.

Oh and the Nakalim? Never heard of em :whistle:
Not awaken yet? Or ignoring that particular update?

I have no idea what Endless Space is all about, but I know PA Multicross and I am loving the way we start from the other side of the conflict.
Here's all the intros.
