For a Need of True Heroes (Marvel/Fate Series)

Wait I'm confused. Are we summoning the characters from Fate as Servants in the Marvel Universe? Or are the Marvel Superheroes being summoned as Servants in the same method as Fate?
Well it look's like Lancer Class is gonna win the vote. No worries there, just us being the unluckiest bastard in the whole universe. Seriously though I'm also rooting for this class or that of Berserker.
Well it look's like Lancer Class is gonna win the vote. No worries there, just us being the unluckiest bastard in the whole universe. Seriously though I'm also rooting for this class or that of Berserker.

Wait, does that mean we'll be Man-Spider then? Seems like the Berserker outcome, at least.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Apr 6, 2019 at 1:15 PM, finished with 31 posts and 24 votes.
Explanations and Summon
Wait I'm confused. Are we summoning the characters from Fate as Servants in the Marvel Universe? Or are the Marvel Superheroes being summoned as Servants in the same method as Fate?

Summoning the characters of Fate as Servants on the Marvel Universe, but I can see your confusion, considering people were going to have Peter Summoning Spider-Man

Also, just to be clear with how is the summon.

[X] Normal Fate Summon (Aka bringing the Servant)

[X] Class Card (Aka what happens in Fate/Kaleid Power Ranger like transformation)

This means that you guys vote on which one of the summons we will be using, forgot to clarify
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[X] Class Card (Aka what happens in Fate/Kaleid Power Ranger like transformation)

Seems neat.
[X] The Ruler
[X] Normal Fate Summon (Aka bringing the Servant)

I feel like this is a good combination. Also, having Ruler seems like an interesting situation, especially when summoned.
[X] Normal Fate Summon (Aka bringing the Servant)

Always a big fan of Master Servant dynamics and Peter can probably use the one social contact he doesn't need to keep a secret identity from.
[X] Class Card (Aka what happens in Fate/Kaleid Power Ranger like transformation)

Especially with Rulers, this would be interesting. Kars or Dio-- I mean, Qin Shi Huang or Martha, especially so.
[X] Class Card (Aka what happens in Fate/Kaleid Power Ranger like transformation)

I really don't like this comparison. Prisma Illya doesn't deserve that.

I actually like Power Rangers. A whole fucking lot. But you know which season used actual fucking Cards for its Morphin' sequence?

Tzachor's Miscarriaged Three-Headed Eight-Toed Fetus of a Season:

[An interesting thing about people's complaints about this season is that the actor for the Megaforce Red Ranger is possibly on record saying that the character and overall demeanor of Troy was essentially set in stone from the first round of auditions. The only reason he got the part was because the producers appreciated his deliberately emotionless and wooden acting. It's somewhere on the 4chan archives--I haven't been able to dig it up and I've been looking for over a year now.]

So, I'll be voting for [X] Normal Fate Summon (Aka bringing the Servant)

Oh, and if we need a class, I'll be taking [X] The AVENGER.
[x] The Lancer
No. of Votes: 6
[x] The Avenger
No. of Votes: 3
[x] The Assassin
No. of Votes: 2
[x] The Ruler
No. of Votes: 2
[x] The Caster
No. of Votes: 2
[x] The Archer
No. of Votes: 2
[x] The Ruler
[x] Normal Fate Summon (Aka bringing the Servant)
No. of Votes: 2
[x] The Berserker
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 28
[x] Class Card (Aka what happens in Fate/Kaleid Power Ranger like transformation)
No. of Votes: 4
[x] Normal Fate Summon (Aka bringing the Servant)
No. of Votes: 4
So, Both Lancer and Normal Fate Summon Won.

If you are confused by that, is because two users decided to vote on the same answer Ruler AND Normal Summon.

So we actually have 6 votes for Normal Summon.

Now that we have this out of the way, let me tell which characters would be in which class that Peter would Summon (Though I'm afraid of telling who's the Lancer for obvious reasons)

Saber: Fergus.
Caster: Thomas Edison (I mean, come on guys)
Archer: Robin Hood
Avenger: Angra Mainyu
Rider: Alexander
Assassin: EMIYA (No Name)
Ruler: Sherlock Holmes
Berserker: Beowulf
Wait, is it a male Lancer? The others were all dudes, kind of disappointed Mordred or Jeanne Alter weren't options. Wait... Jeanne Lily is a Lancer, so...
Wait, is it a male Lancer? The others were all dudes, kind of disappointed Mordred or Jeanne Alter weren't options. Wait... Jeanne Lily is a Lancer, so...

That's an... actually really weird coincidence, didn't even notice that when I handpicked them, I went with the characters that had the most similar personality to Peter, or most similar aspects, that is.
Wait, is it a male Lancer? The others were all dudes, kind of disappointed Mordred or Jeanne Alter weren't options. Wait... Jeanne Lily is a Lancer, so...
That's an... actually really weird coincidence, didn't even notice that when I handpicked them, I went with the characters that had the most similar personality to Peter, or most similar aspects, that is.
Let's be honest, given all the gender bending Fate does for it's legendary figures, all of those characters could be women for all you know.

I don't remember seeing a vote for the type of summon. I must have missed that bit because it wasn't in the first post.

I definitely would have voted:
[X] Class Card (Aka what happens in Fate/Kaleid Power Ranger like transformation)

But since they have 6 votes, it wouldn't have mattered in the end.
Those eight Servants are indeed all men in the Fateverse. Honestly, from what I observed, few of the genderbent Servants are that egregiously weird. I don't get why people exaggerate it so much.
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