Episode 8, Part 10
"Boss Fight"
"What did she do to Max!?" A woman scientist shouted at her male colleague as they ran away from you. He just screamed as he raced forward, away from her and you. The man and woman were rather fun to chase if you would speak honestly to anyone. Which you don't, generally.
However, there's no one around to share this insight with so you just drifted serenely after them, your disappointment in Moloch palpable.
He's been even sloppier than I thought, the first man I ran into was devout. These ones… are not.
You sighed. Everything about this frustrated some part of you.
You put it out of your mind. The turns and doors led you deeper into the facility following the errant scientist, at points paralleling what you thought was Annie's likeliest course and at times going somewhere completely different. The scientists had gotten out of sight now, at least mortal sight. You could follow their Souls through the walls.
Which led you to standing in front of this unmarked door in a completely unremarkable hall. You were strongly tempted to play with them but your overbearing annoyance with the entire concept of Moloch and his lackeys had you raising your two right hands and blowing holes through the door. More screaming ensued as you stuck your arms through the smoking holes and ripped the door out of the frame in a splintering of wood and bending metal.
The woman and man were backed up into the room, wielding a length of pipe and a broom respectively. You hissed and your hands reached out to them as you lunged.
Screaming rattled out from the closet as you devoured their Souls.
You are left holding up the coat of the man in your left hands you let it drop on top of the broom he held, the woman's coat held in your other hand following. The blood spatter at your feet expands slowly on the floor to stain the coats.
That done and your anger soothed infinitesimally you move on. The halls are a maze of the same bare white walls and glaring white lights. The slick tile hisses under the trailing mantle you wear. Sometimes you walk, sometimes you float but all the same it looks like you make no progress to anywhere.
What you feel tells you otherwise. Deeper in the maze you can feel Annie, and distantly you know that Buffy and her gang have split up for some reason. You don't care enough to parse them out, when instead you can taste the Souls everywhere else in the facility. Spread across its many floors it is like submersion in the sea, like the sea in your memories, full of glowing plants and fish. With yourself as the moonglow in the waters.
And somewhere in that moonglow you taste an interesting Soul, which smells deeply of sweet flowers and a lover's perfume. Those scents overwhelming the possessed Soul and leaving only a vague trace of who they were before. Probably the most extreme progression of Moloch taking over someone that you've encountered so far in your limited experience.
Two tall doors with pipes running above them and push bars hide the Soul from you. Through the doors you can faintly hear ranting. A wave of your hand forces the doors open with a
sizzle of burning metal and stepping through you find yourself in a tall room at least four times your height, lit in the strobing light of a klaxon on concrete walls.
"What!? Who...oh.
You." Says a bedraggled pale man standing on a catwalk spanning the center of the room at twice your height. That catwalk also splits off in two places to his right and left and wraps around a huge brown tank festooned with "Explosive" and "Flammable" labels, which the pipes you had vaguely been following flow into at the top. The rest of the room is square and there is a door on the far end much like the one you just opened.
On either side of the tank are piles of metal and… scrap? You aren't sure what they are and look at the man. He's of middling height, hair long and scraggly from lack of care, the blonde darkened by grease. His eyes are green and intent on you. He huffs at your silence and, finishing wiping his hands on a dirty rag, absently tosses it down to the floor below.
Crossing his arms he leans against the control panel behind him, filled with dials and a few levers. Likely to do with the tank behind him.
You fold your hands behind your back and smirk. "I see my name precedes me, as it should. Who are you, servant?" You ask with a sardonic lilt.
He snorts. "Pretentious bitch much?" You let the insult wash over you, so utterly beneath you as to deserve no response. "My master has told me about you." He leans forward, a light in his eyes as he steps up to the railing.
"A monster in human flesh, as far from humanity as it could be. Conniving and evil to the core. Unlike my master who is good at heart and who loves humans." He says calmly, with that mad light in his eye. You don't find it particularly untrue, barring the lies Moloch told him about himself, as all manipulator's are wont to do.
You tap a finger on your chin and hum. "Hmm yes. I am evil and I'm sure the Slayer would
love to kill me if she knew. I also don't care." You say nonchalantly and fling a bolt at him, your annoyance simmering.
What a petty man. You think, as he ducks away from your white-blue arrow which burns past a pipe and impacts the ceiling with a
"Kill it Hounds! Attack!" He shouts and the piles of scrap jolt up and lunge forward, trying to get around you as you turn in place to track the four of them as they circle you. Assemblies on their backs rotate and reveal barrels, which the sight of causes you to start dancing out of firing range.
Bullets fly all around you, clipping your dress as gunsmoke fills your nose with acridity.
"Do you like them!? I would have called them
Hunds but German names for mad science is honestly in bad taste these days." The man shouts as he laughs raggedly above you.
You ignore him as your shot punches through one of the four machine dogs, melting a hole through its torso. It keeps going to your surprise, forcing you to duck behind a pillar of the catwalk, flecks of concrete and bright gold sparks flying past your hair as the dogs flank you.
Of some concern to you, some of the bullets
ping off the central tank and dent the outside. Turning around the pillar you fling another two arrows and melt through their "heads". The cylindrical assemblies with camera and red lights melt under your Soul, pieces of metal falling away, and the things keep going.
They have you surrounded as their guns chatter and whir. You have a single instant to react
. You
pop into three of yourselves, your mirrors unfolding from nothing and your Soul. One leaps for the pillar in the momentary confusion of the machines. The other two, yourself and your mirror, launch a fusillade at one of the undamaged creatures, melting through the gun and spine and legs which seems to finally kill it. Three left.
Two of the Hounds turn to the mirror climbing up the pillar, digging her nails into the concrete as she climbs, and fire in a wave of tracers and gun smoke. The third fires in an arc and forces the two other parts of you to leap aside. One to its left, one to its right. You end up standing in front of the tank for just a moment,
which is a horrible idea. Wait… no it isn't. Heh.
You leap over the thing gracefully as your mirror dives onto it, and directs the gun at the tank as the machine tries to shoot your leaping form. Landing behind your mirror, there is a staccato of hot metal striking metal and then the hissing of gas followed very quickly by a large
Whumpf! It picks you up and sends you twisting back out through the door, smacking into it with a spine juddering
crack, the burning air pushing at and surrounding you.
You hear tearing metal and a scream of horror from the man as the explosion sends you even further, flying down the hall as a few pieces of the machines shoot past you. The heat makes your skin prickle and the ground sears as you bounce off of it, leaving dents in the linoleum flooring. The crunch of your impacts however are muffled by the cracking and groaning of the building as the pipes overhead hiss and bend and pop and the lights flicker.
Clawing a hand through the wall you force yourself to a stop, turning and facing down almost the entirety of the hallway towards the now bent outward doors. The pipes and lights and sparking wires hang down from the ceiling like entrails and broken bones. Fire coats the floor. Brushing down your hair you find it unharmed. Standing up with a slight crackle of shifting vertebrae, mild warmth on your thigh from an ember on your skirt is patted out nonchalantly as you survey your work. The air tingles at your throat, poisonous and of no concern to you and your lack of lungs beyond bags used for speech. Still, you smile.
The mirror is gone and so is the man, with the tank now marred with a burning rent as large as you. Metal pieces are strewn about the hall from your enemies. And you're mostly unharmed. The stiffness in your spine cracks its way out as you float down the hall, avoiding the flames. The entire room is burning when you re-enter it. The man is nowhere to be found, his body hidden by the flames.
Where is his Soul?
Looking around for it you find it trying to flee and fade away.
Now now, none of that. You think as you snatch it up in clawed hands and inhale it. With that you proceed. The hall on the other side of the tank room is also torn apart similarly to the other. You can hear the building groaning and shifting around you. Supports must have been damaged by the explosion. And the fire is spreading.
No matter.
You don't care about anything in here except for Moloch, his retainers and your knight.
Where is she?
You wonder and look around, as you settle to the ground lightly, something which is becoming easier and easier as you get stronger. Soon you'll be able to fly again.
There you are.
She's not far. Neither is a Soul so twisted by Moloch that it
is Moloch.
Oh. She's dying.
You sprinted down the hall, your mantle surging after you in a snapping curtain.
Too slow! You run faster and anger dogs your heels. Walls collapsed in your path as you didn't stop for them, burning through them with your Soul left to run amok.
You were running down the hall, your red hair probably glinting in the lights as you lope deeper into the facility. You were also not lost.
No, seriously you
weren't. These halls were just confusing and samey and there weren't any handy cultists for you to interrogate.
Fuck, I'm lost.
Your sigh forces you to slow and your lope winds down to a trudge as you run a hand over your metal arm, and flexing your fingers. It tingled. Probably because you hadn't held a charge this long before.
So you're stuck in a maze, lost and looking for a demon.
What to do…
You sigh and pick a direction at the next intersection. Left.
And you keep picking left, hoping it would lead you deeper into the facility. For what must be almost half an hour even. And your frustration is reaching its peak. You can barely hear yourself think over the screaming growl of frustration in your head.
Then the lights go out.
You stop, left leg in the air. When the lights don't return in a moment like they have before you carefully set that foot down with a
click. Paradoxically you can feel yourself blinking in the pitch black, as if that would help. You sigh and your frustration
bleeds out of you, leaving your innards feeling stretched.
Okay. We'll play it like that then Moloch.
You inhale, that stretched feeling disappearing and replaced with a chill. Walking forward does not change the darkness around you, so you listen. To your clicking steps clacking off the linoleum, their faint echoes off the walls. But mostly you feel how your body moves. Using your own sense of yourself to keep walking straight.
Soon you see a red light in the distance.
Is that an emergency light…
No, its too low.
You fail to resist squinting as you raise your gloved hand and sling your shotgun off your shoulder into your other hand. The light is at head height and in the middle of the hall, you think. You aren't sure if its moving. You keep walking towards it, heart starting to slam and breathing to slow as you feel the adrenaline fluttering against the inner surface of your veins.
You can't hear anything but your breath and the
click clack of your footsteps and your heartbeat under them both. You're not sure how long you walked towards the light. You've lost track of the passage of time since you got lost. But it couldn't be long you think, when you watch the light waver and then slowly reveal a door. Its faint outline in the light reveals a frosted window through which the light shines, a knob and nothing else. Just a door.
Letting out a breath you reach out slowly and jerk the knob, shoving the door open and then gripping your gun with both hands. The light shines on your face as the door smacks into the wall with a
thud. The thing inside the room makes your breath hitch and your heart beat faster. The mechanical hiss of air pumps and iron pistons fills the air, in time with the
breathing of the thing sitting on a throne of broken machines. The light emerges from an assemblage on its twitching chest, as pistons flex in and out, in and out of its sickly tanned chest.
This… A part of you is justifiably horrified at this thing sitting in front of you like it just crawled off the set of Alien. But much more of you is… puzzled.
No, that's not right. You step inside slowly, one foot in front of the other as you take in more details.
A veritable forest of cables rise from the top of the thing, each as thick as two of your fingers. They descend into a frame, wrapped around something fleshy. From it sprouts two prongs. Horns. Its a helmet you realize.
There's hair sprouting out from under it, around the edges, washed out in the faint light. Going past the fra-
the helmet, you see some cables which descend into a widening of the thing sitting on the throne.. A torso and shoulders. Wrapped in cold steel. Pistons go in, pistons come out, in time with the breath. A gear turns in time with a… heart you supposed. Above that is a caged red klaxon light.
The right hand is steel, no flesh to be seen, the arm exposed and the joining raw and swollen. The left is armored, but from the rounder shape and peek of cloth you know it clothes flesh. The legs are steel and flesh and turning joints in place of knees.
Its a Machine-Man. A cyborg.
A hiss of breath or released gas fills the silence of your momentary examination before it speaks.
"Ah, my sweet wayward child. You've found me!" It chuckles, slowly raising its arms and clapping.
"Moloch." You say, voice flat as your left finger tightens on the trigger. The thing nods, cables jostling above it, seeming joyful.
"Indeed. And our little game of hide and seek is over now. You've found me!" He says flamboyantly, standing with the hiss of releasing cables and throwing out his arms like he wants to hug you.
You pull the trigger.
Bang! The buckshot rocks him back and a horrible feedback fills your ears, before suddenly cutting off. He lowers his arms slowly and a staticky sigh emanates from his hidden mouth.
"My love, I love you. We were just playing a game weren't we?" The plaint-
no no no.
You shoot him. Again. Again. Again! And again!
More shots follow as you empty the clip into him. The red light gutters out for a moment. Another sigh.
Yellow lights shine in his eyes and the shadow of a bull mixed with a man charges at you, his roar filling your ears.
You try to dodge out of the way, leaping left out of the doorframe. But he's
fast, a fact made worse by the darkness reducing him to just a thundering charge and pulsing shadow. You feel a massive weight slam into your shins and send you spinning along the path of flight. You land in a sprawl on the ground and roll backwards, over and over as you feel through the ground and
see the impacts as he smashes at you with his fists. Howling with effort you kip up backwards into a crouch, your abs screaming in protest at something you haven't done in
years and raise your hand.
"Tar Frim!" You shout! Light burns magnesium flare bright in your peripheral vision as a sudden wind flicks your bright red hair about before you close your eyes. KA-BOOOOOOM! Your vision goes white even through your closed lids as your lightning bolt races through the darkness.
A howling shriek of digitized agony makes a feral grin bloom on your face. When you open your eyes you see a quickly fading cherry red distortion on Moloch's chest just below that spinning gear, melting some of the pistons to slag.
Got you, you fuck.
Oh shit.
You don't have time to react before he's on you and his foot impacts your stomach. You scream as you feel fluid forced up your throat and choke on it. Your spine
slams into the floor, and lights up in a pillar of agony. Whirring pistons and bearing sounds herald his stomp, you just barely roll out of the way, and grab his other leg as it rose in another stomp.
He's slower.
Yanking him over in a cascade of metal and flesh you chant, determination pushing down your screaming body's protests. "Tar chugam a chumhacht Myhnegon!" Your voice fills your ears as your glove glows white hot on his leg, pulling ropes of electricity from him.
Whumpf! A distant explosion makes you both look to your right, and then Moloch seems to remember you grabbing onto him and he
writhes inhumanly, catching you in your distraction.
"AAAAAAGHHHHHHHH STOP STOP!" Moloch cries out in terror as you hang on for dear life. Then there is a
crunch as he crushes your metal fingers beneath his leg, flailing hard enough to embed your gloved hand into the concrete. Interrupting you, though you feel no pain.
"Haaaaaaaa!" You scream back at him as you
pull and
lean back away from his strike, his fingers tearing a path through your left cheek instead of taking your head off. Woozy at the sudden strike you back off, raising your hands instinctively. Your body knows how to fight after all you got yourself through years on the street. Your feet shuffle and you go with the flow.
Its just you and this asshole metal freak in this pitch dark alley is all. You throw a punch with your metal? Your metal hand, sending his head twisting in response as your knuckles slam painlessly, for you, into his temple. Wild haymakers come your way and you twist left, forcing him to hit your right arm and pushing it forward as your feet dance and shuffle around his.
A foot flies for your knee and you jerk back, rolling away from him. And popping back up, hopping back.
Daddy taught me boxing after all. You sway, tasting blood in your teeth. The guy roars at you again.
What was his name again?
As you dodge another unskilled swing of steel claws you remember.
Something falls loose in your head.
Your hand snakes out, "Tar
frim!" Your hand brushes his passing wrist and a bolt of lightning judders into his body. Shaking your head to clear out the last of the fuzzies you go for him, lancing bolts of lightning into him your feet forcing themselves into his space as your hands pound into his body. He's gotten wise though and he bobs and weaves around them before launching into a bear hug.
You have no time to dodge. So you
lean, pushing your metal arm against his and stepping
around him as his arms start to close. Your hand latches down onto his left shoulder like a cobra and with a shit eating grin you jam the last of your lightning into him.
Tar Frim!" You shout. Then you scream right along with him as his arms crush you, the pistons still working in his chest punching into your torso again and again and again.
You vainly try to struggle out of his grip, the hissing of his breath blowing your hair back as you beat at him with your free hand. You can feel your ribs creaking as you scream and howl at him.
"Ghurk!" Your screaming is cut off as the cyber demon's left hand wraps around your throat. Strangling you. You try to work your activation spell past straining lips and gnashing teeth but you have
no air. Your right hand tugs uselessly at the thing choking the life out of you as he lifts you off your feet to have your feet twitch in the air.
"What a fiesty woman." He chuckles to himself, lost in his own little world as his other hand comes up and places itself gently on top of your head, stilling your struggles even as you try and tear him away with weakening limbs. He's strong enough to break your neck with just a twist.
"Do you love me? I can give you everything. All I want is your love." The demon says gently as your vision begins to fade and your feelings boil over.
What do you feel as Moloch slowly kills you?
[] You hate him, you hate him.
So much, I hate him so much… you hate yourself for being
weak. For failing your only friend.
[] You are afraid.
I don't want to fail. You are afraid of leaving your only friend.
[] You are laughing as he chokes you.
You got him. You hurt
him. She will kill
him. You laugh at this moron, food for your friend.
Haaaave fuuuuun!
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