So dug up the rough animatronics ideas I had and cleaned it up a bit. Still some incomplete and may not be what we want to build.
Spring themed, color- girls classic rock/ disco?
Red - Rosy the Cardinal
Blue - River the ….
Yellow - Daisy the Bee
Violet. Heel - The great Viola Presta the wannabe magician (Female peacock?)
Green - Flower the goat gardener, bit a shy crybaby.
BlAcK - ?!<\€! (a DaRk mAteR?)
Summer themed, Camp - Boyban[
d. Err!?] country?
Capybara- (beaver run into El Chip) Jason Canadian camp counselor.
Armadillo- Tex Arts and crafts director.
Gator - Myers the Campfire tender and cook.
Puma. Heel? - Krueger Freddie, prankster Scary story teller.
Puppet? - I Scream, Ise Cream? What's Uuuup! Ready for Ise Cream?, Lifeguard/ sweet bar/ layabout.
Fall themed, Oddballs mismatch- experimental punk/ jazzy garage band.
Lead guitar & singer - Scarecrow, Scarecrow?
Base - Bella, Butterfly.
Drummer - Thing, A wild thing.
?Woodwind & 2nd Singer -Ash (female?), , an ash tree?
Heel, Officer Gum(shoe) balls , Gum ball machine a stickler for park ordinance.
Winter themed, High end sci-fy? - Jazz, blues, classical orchestra.
Glad OS (Female lead)
HAL 420 , suited deer Buck?
Corden Hydrdon
Andy the android
SHODAN, something Japanese?
Sky, a cloud in dress?
Wild cards
Hearts - Spinal
Spades - Jaxx Lancelot
Diamonds - Rarity
Clubs - Ace..
joker - errrrr!?#$@!
Blank - Rouxls card?