Ishval Article 2:
Amestrian and Ishvallan Relations have never been truly good, not even before Amestris' Rise as a regional power five hundred years ago, and the slow annexation of its neighbors. And even after, when Ishval and Amestris became one through conquest, never improved. There is a lack of understanding between our two peoples… the gods of Ishvalla, the earth Mother of Ishval, and the Alchemical sciences of Amestris continually put them at odds with each other.
That lack of understanding has created this problem… a problem that over the past few months… we have been covering.
The Events on April 9th, with the death of a young child, have created months of tension and violence was a tragedy… a misunderstanding and a murder. An Amestrian soldier shot and killed an Ishvallan child, for seemingly no reason.
We managed to get an interview with the shooter, Willie Hitchman, who claimed "I didn't kill that girl. Someone is setting me up… The Ishvalans are good people...I would hurt anyone if they weren't a threat, especially a child."
This was not a man who would take a life willingly… not a monster bullied into such an act by the toxicity around him in his uint.
This reporter still believes, with every fiber of his being, that this man was innocent. And that the Amestrian Military continues to believe that this man murdered a child, and parades him around as a war criminal, deserves condemnation. His family deserves that much.
Willie later took his own life leaving a note "Forgive me. May my death be the Equivalent to your loss."(See Interview with Willie Hitchman on Page 4)
What happened afterward, has been turned a simple riot into a powderkeg of madness, near misses, and conspiracy that threatens to tear the entire region apart.
And other parties, actors, and states wish to see the region torn apart.
Cetran Revolutionaries, led by Frank Archer infiltrating the churches, the meetings, and villages of Ishval, preaching violent and wanton revolution for democratic principles that the people of Ishval do not wish to consume. They would rather work out their issues on their own, to solve their own issues with practicality, not with ideas and revolution.
Drachman Armsdealers, bringing in copies of Amestrian Firearms have also appeared to fan the flames of extremist groups in the Region. (See Page 20 for Evidence in a Conspiracy to Start an Uprising)
More concerning is the amount of support that went into keeping the conflict alight; The Children of Ishval, Ishvalan extremists who saw this as their chance to take more lives in the name of Ishvala; for more dead Amestrians pleased their God, as they were their God's chosen children, and they would be greeted by their God with open arms.
Even members of the Military, wish to enact their hardhandedness on the situation, as a show of force and control… to remind Ishval that the Central Government is in charge. (See Page 24 for Near Misses in a Conflict of Sand by Johan Liebert)
A more alarming mystery is the disappearance of thousands of people, soldiers, civilians, and rebels. The casualties not relating to the fighting that number in the thousands is part of what has achieved this tentative peace, the Ishvalan Garrison Battalion and the Amestrian 5th regimental rifles from eastern command can be seen peacefully guarding those that mourn (see photos on page 21)
This peace was in part due to the soldiers that held to their morals, an anonymous soldier that gave an interview said "[Orders for] nighttime raids? The Extrajudicial arrests without evidence, or trials, relocations to internment camps... The killings and executions of innocent… they get lost… Telegram offices are notoriously bad… lines always get cut by some trouble makers." (See Full interview on Page 20.)
Humanitarian aid returned some life to Ishval, a caravan from the Easterling, doctors coming to work in Ishvalan hospitals, and schools being built all returned some sense of normality into Ishval.
Despite the unknown elements that kept this conflict ignited, the lives lost be they soldiers or civilians, and the scars that will plague the minds of the Ishvalans, the war has finally come to an end.
And remember: Truth is Eternal… and must be given Light.
Reporter: Alfred Alitree
Article Strength:
1D100 => 75+60 (Skill, Interviews, Brilliant Article Bonus)+10(omakes)=146
What you have created is nothing short of a masterpiece. A truly great… work of reporting. Every detail, every photo every word that came to the printer brought something more… in a way that captures the hearts of all who read it.
And even the enemies of Amestris think that you deserve something.
They believe you have found some sort of Truth… and that means they trust it.
Reward: The News Paper has upgraded to Internationally Recognized Journal: Your Articles on War Stories have been met with Critical Acclaim, and the continent knows the name of War Stories and their reporters, giving the Truth Light.
1D100 => 96
There was only one thing that made you very afraid…
What were you going to do with all this god-dammed money?
Reward: At the start of every Main arc (Story Arcs), you will start with an option with starting with three assistants, or a million Cene. (Excluding Foreign adventures and training arcs)
Eastern Reaction:
1D100 => 53
The East for all of their hard work, are happy to see that their faith and hard work being rewarded.
They are heading home… in a few months… once they know the work will be done.
Northern Reaction:
1D100 => 65
The north has seen a very warm feeling of jubilation… now that their fears of troops heading to Ishval being called off and reinforcing Briggs…
And whatever General Armstrong is Planning.
Western Reaction:
1D100 => 57
The West Shrug it's shoulders. Another violent uprising put down by the millitary… and citizens.
Southern reactions:
1D100 => 65
With Tensions mounting on the border… They are happy that nothing else is going wrong in home… when there are more foreign threats abound.
1D100 => 80
There will be millions who will know about your efforts to save them.
Reward: Gain Trait: Hero of Ishval: The Ishval People see you as a hero. (+10 to all rolls in ishval)
Central Reaction:
1D100 => 63
"So can we possibly expand out influence? They are weak?"
"No… not yet. We must create an opportunity."
Government Reactions:
1D100 => 100
King Bradly Smiled. "It seems even in defeat… there is victory."
Reward: You may have done something to… make things worse.
International Reactions:
1D100 => 78
Every Bordering nation to Amestris has denounced every action you have uncovered, shutting down the borders… every moment they do not have diplomats in Amestris denying everything… it's another moment that Amestrian troops can break the Treaty Borders… and start invasions.
Reward: You have inadvertently caused an international incident.