Fly, Vampiria! (A Vampire’s Riot Quest) [MOTW]

Character Sheet
Character Sheet

COOL: +1

HARM: 2/13

The Cauldron: The Vampire is not limited to one body, and is connected to a swarm of Vampire Bats, granting additional actions.
Vampire's Feast: Harm dealt by The Vampire's fangs or The Cauldron is automatically used to either Heal Harm to the Vampire or generate a new Bat inside the Cauldron. Player's choice.
Vampire's Kiss: To drink someone's blood without Attacking or Defending, Roll +CHARM. On a Miss, you fail and they realize that you're a Vampire. On a 7-9, deal 1 Harm but you also must aid the target later. On a 10+, deal 1 Harm. On a 13+, the target becomes a temporary ally.
Vampire's Venom: To turn someone else into a Vampire, Roll +WEIRD. On a Miss, the target suffers terrible side effects and becomes your enemy. On a 7-9, the target starts out with 7 Harm. On a 10-12, the target starts with 3 Harm. On a 13+, the target starts with no Harm. May only be done to allies, and makes them a permanent ally if successful.
Vampire's Transformations: Add two additional abilities to Spellcast: Turn into a Bat and Turn into a Wolf. Treat roll results as in any other case of Spellcast. The Wolf form both deals and takes an additional +1 Harm when Attacking. The Bat form takes an additional +1 Harm from any source and provides +1 forward on Investigate and Perceive.
Daywalker (Starter): The Vampire, and only The Vampire, may act during the day, granting additional Turns. Negates Daylight weakness for The Vampire. Requires taking Insomniac weakness.
Holy Mark (Starter): Gain +3 WEIRD. Take +1 forward for each successful use of Spellcast. There's an odd marking on The Vampire's tongue...
Youngblood (Starter): Gain +2 CHARM, +1 COOL, and +1 WEIRD. Lose +1 TOUGH and SMART. Take +1 forward for each successful use of Manipulate.

Perhaps there will be more?

Daylight: May not act during the day.
Prohibited: May not enter private spaces without permission.
Silver: You do not show up in silver-backed mirrors or photographs. Harm dealt to The Vampire or The Cauldron by silver weapons is tripled. May not wield silver weapons.
Unholy: May not roll +WEIRD or +CHARM while on sacred ground. Additionally, Vampire's Feast is deactivated.
Insomniac: If The Vampire does not Rest this turn, take Harm equal the number of turns since The Vampire took a Rest Action. Harm is taken at the end of the Turn.
Allergic: Exposure to strong spices and/or herbs deals 1 Harm to the Vampire and/or any Bats present and renders +COOL and +TOUGH unavailable.
No Reflection: The Vampire does not cast a reflection on any surface and cannot be seen by a camera.
Blood-bonded Weapon: The Vampire starts with a 4-harm weapon of the player's choice, to be determined later. Each use of the weapon hurts The Vampire, causing 1 Harm to it. If the Weapon is ever broken, deal 4 Harm immediately to The Vampire and 1 Harm each subsequent turn. If the Weapon is ever lost, The Vampire becomes fixated on getting it back.

  • Gain +1 to any stat (maximum +3)
  • Mark any one Basic Move as Advanced (Maximum of 4)
  • Gain one non-Starter Strength once
  • Gain another non-Starter Strength once
  • Retire the Vampire to safety (ends the Quest if it hasn't already; must be taken last)

Vampire Fangs: 2-harm intimate messy mouth
Red Chain Sword: 4-harm blood-bonded extender restraining messy obvious hand

Cell phone – Contacts: Helyblan (Knight; Edge City)

Perhaps there will be more?

Vampiric Griffin (must be summoned via successful Spellcasting rolls) (Harm: 0/4)

Mission: Kill Ruthven, the Vampire Lord of Edge City! (Progress: 0/?)
Mission: Drink the Blood of the Humans invading the Enchanted Forest! (Progress: 0/1)
Last edited:
Third Night (Results, Part 3)
Winning vote:
[X][Crystals] I'LL TAKE A FEW SOUVENIRS... (take a handful of crystals)
[X][Vampire][Second] Explore! (eastern enchanted forest) (Resolve +COOL) (Vampire only) [2d6+2 = 9, partial success!]

Third Night (Results, Part 3)

The Vampire takes the handful of crystals it's taken from the tunnels, shoves them into its pockets, and then heads off further towards the east from the tunnel entrance. It entirely passes the mansion, leaving it for another day (or night), and walks towards the entrance of the enchanted forest. It recalls that one of its bats found an entrance, one with magical insects exiting that realm and entering this one, but did not enter.

It's not until The Vampire finds said entrance that it realizes the reason why. The enchanted forest overlaps with the real forest, and is only accessible using magic. As these bats cannot use magic on their own, they have no way to enter.

But The Vampire can enter, and does so, breaking open the barrier between the realms!

The enchanted forest at first glance seems the same as any other forest. The visual differences are small – the trees are taller, some colors are duller or more vibrant than they should be, and so on. But the real difference is in the ambiance, the aura. This place reeks of weirdness!

"Hey, you!"

In fact, one of the weird creatures has found The Vampire!

"What's a human like you doing here!?" demands the creature of the Vampire. It's one of those giant carnivorous beetles, but this one can talk! ...or maybe all of them can? "Your kind isn't welcome here!"

It screeches at The Vampire and is suddenly joined by more of its kind, all of them decorated in orange and black. Despite The Vampire's ability to do magic, they have confused it with a human... well, there are human users of magic, so that makes sense...

But this is no good! The swarm is about to attack!

[] TIME FOR A TACTICAL RETREAT! (Leave the forest, ending the Night segment early)
[] WAIT, YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG IDEA! (Convince the beetles that you're not a human) (Manipulate +CHARM)
[] TWO CAN PLAY AT THIS GAME! (Fight the beetles off! ...well, try to, anyway...) (specify weapon) (Attack +TOUGH)
[] (write-in another approach)

Bats: 9 (-9) (+6)
We have the monster with us, yes? For backup.

Let's see if they like vamps any better than humans.

[x] WAIT, YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG IDEA! (Convince the beetles that you're not a human) (Manipulate +CHARM)
in the mood to write... if more votes come in, there will be an update tonight, otherwise it'll be another sidestory
Third Night (Results, Part 4)
Winning vote:
[X] WAIT, YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG IDEA! (Convince the beetles that you're not a human) (Manipulate +CHARM) [2d6+2 = 9, partial success!]

Third Night (Results, Part 4)

But wait! The Vampire can't be a human! It's a Vampire! It's even walking around with a vampiric griffin!

The Vampire exclaims that the swarm hold, and then pleads its case.

It starts by showing off its prominent fangs.

"Hmm, yes, those are quite impressive... but not enough!" reply the beetles.

It continues by gesturing at said griffin, which gives off a hostile chirp.

"Could be a coincidence!" counter the beetles, but not with certainty.

It follows that up by spitting corrosive venom upon the ground.

"Hmmm... never seen a human do that before..." note the beetles.

It then ends by summoning its six vampire bats and having them fly around it, screeching into the deep night!

"Perhaps... hold on, we must discuss this matter!" declare the beetles, who then group up and ignore The Vampire for a few minutes, chattering amongst themselves. When they are done, they all face the Vampire once more. The one who originally called out The Vampire takes the lead.

"Hmmm... you may indeed be a vampire... however! Everyone knows that Vampires drink blood! There are some humans who have infiltrated this forest... drink their blood and prove to us that you are what you say you are!"

The beetle goes on to declare that said humans are not present now, but tend to come every couple of days or so. Their repeated failures to explore the forest have not led them to giving up, it seems! The beetle goes on to state that if The Vampire does this for the beetles, they will vouch for it amongst the other magical creatures of the forest. But, of course, if the mission is rejected, then The Vampire will be not be welcome!

What to do?

(You may have more than one mission active.)
[] ACCEPT THE MISSION (Progress: 0/1, Night only, Vampire only)
-[] Fight the beetles instead! (Attack +TOUGH)
-[] Give up on the forest...?

(Also, one of the following events is also happening tonight. Choose one. It will get a sidestory.)
[][Sidestory] The Night of Resurrection Comes! Blake is Back!
[][Sidestory] Rose's Battle against Two Knights in Edge City!
[][Sidestory] Holy Visitors from the South come to the North!
[][Sidestory] A Family Reunion is Denied at Luxworx Tower!

Bats: 9 (-9) (+6)

QM Note: Next main update ends the night. Start thinking about what level-up bonus you might want!
[x] ACCEPT THE MISSION (Progress: 0/1, Night only, Vampire only)
[x][Sidestory] A Family Reunion is Denied at Luxworx Tower!
hey, just dropping by to let people know that i haven't given up on this yet, i'm just busy / working on other stuff rn

i'll be back here eventually, i think
Sidestory: An Encounter at Luxworx Tower
Winning vote:
[X][Sidestory] A Family Reunion is Denied at Luxworx Tower!

Sidestory: An Encounter at Luxworx Tower

At the northernmost tip of Edge City, three rivers meet – the Mon, the Alge, and the Owa. Not far from this conjunction, there lies a tall tower, paneled with thick glass, and shining with bright lights.

As far as the public is concerned, this is simply the Luxworx Tower. It is the headquarters of the Luxworx Corporation, a leader in advanced technology and medicine, and a company that has positioned itself over the years to a position of dominance over Edge City. The company's commander – and thus the tower's owner – was none other than Byron Luxworx, who is in truth the Vampire Lord Ruthven!

The three men who came by today to visit the tower know nothing of this hidden truth. They were arriving for a different reason. Their sister – sweet Caroline – Bryon's wife – had been indisposed for some time, and Byron had been continually making excuses for why she could not be seen. The trio – Fred Luxworx, Will Luxworx, and John Luxworx – were tired of this game, and so decided to simply force the matter! They would arrive at the tower and confront Byron as he left for the evening, forcing him to reveal the truth to them.

And to be sure, the first part of their plan was a rousing success. Byron did not live in the tower, and so left that evening on his way to his actual home atop Mount Grandview. With a glare, he demanded that the three man not bother him, nor his wife. She needed to be kept away from people to recover properly.

Of course, the truth was that she was going to recover in a manner that he preferred, and not them or her, but there was no need to say such things to such pitiful men.

Not even when Fred moved in, fists raised, to force the matter did he, Lord Ruthven, regard these men with anything more than casual disdain. Much like their sister, they were his to do with as he pleased. Fortunately for them, killing them as simply more trouble than they were worth.

Instead, with his hypnotic power, he simply commanded them to leave, and to not return.

They could not be allowed to interfere with Caroline's resurrection as his prized ultimate weapon.

QM Note: I'll keep at this a bit longer as long as people are interested in seeing where this all goes.
Third Night, Results (Part 5) / Third Day (Vote)
Winning vote:
[X] ACCEPT THE MISSION (Progress: 0/1, Night only, Vampire only)

Third Night, Results (Part 5) / Third Day (Vote)

Of course, The Vampire will accept this mission! This forest will one day be a part of its domain – the same fate that awaits Edge City – and so it cannot allow itself to be barred from entry! It especially cannot accept being ejected due to the activity of these humans!

Several of the beetles chirp and click at The Vampire, pleased at this news. As they should be!

Unfortunately, this pleasure does not extend all the way to allowing the Vampire to tour the forest that night. The beetles demand that the Vampire return the night after this one, as that's when they expect the humans to return. Even with the griffin present and growling at them, they manage to evict you from the enchanted forest.

But only for now!

Soon, you will return and claim it for yourself!

For now, however, the Night is ending and the Day is calling. The new Bats retreat to slumber atop Mount Nis. The griffin, however, remains. As The Vampire decides what to do with it...

(Maintaining the Griffin requires a successful Spellcasting roll. Glitch / Failure = Take 1 Harm.)
[][Griffin] KEEP IT AROUND (Spellcast +WEIRD)
[][Griffin] SEND IT AWAY (Gain +1 to your next roll)

...The Vampire starts heading back to Edge City, pondering what to do once the sun rises.

  • Explore! (Edge City) (Resolve +COOL)
  • Explore! (Twilight Town) (Resolve +COOL during the Day)
  • Explore! (Holy Aura) (Resolve +COOL)
  • Explore! (eastern abandoned mansion) (requires the Vampire, may also send Bats if at Night)
  • Explore! (eastern abandoned tunnels) (Resolve +COOL+1)
  • Go on a Hunt! (choose a location) (Attack +TOUGH)
  • Poke around the ruins on Mount Nis... (and Investigate what?)
  • Take a Rest (Vampire only)
  • Search the area. (specify a location and questions from list to answer) (Investigate +SMART)
  • Track down another Knight! (Edge City) (Resolve +COOL)
  • Track down a shadow beast... (Edge City) (Resolve +COOL)
  • Go find a quiet place to Spellcast... (specify a location) (Resolve +COOL) (Spellcast +WEIRD)
  • Get The Vampire some new clothes! (Manipulate +CHARM)
  • Work with Helyblan... (Vampire only)
  • (write-in)

(Remember, the Vampire does one Action and the Cauldron does as many Actions as there are Bats. There are currently 6 Bats. Vote for one thing for the Vampire to do and one thing for a Bat to do.)
[][Vampire] ???
[][Cauldron] ???

(The Vampire has grown over the past few days. Choose an improvement for it.)
[][Level Up!] Boost a Stat by +1! (which one?) (refer to the Character Sheet)
[][Level Up!] Mark a Basic Move as Advanced! (which one?) (refer to Premise and Mechanics)
[][Level Up!] Gain a non-Starter Strength! (which one?) (refer to A Vampire Rises!)

Bats: 6

QM Note: Character sheet was updated. No fixed update schedule; we'll play it by ear.
[x][Griffin] KEEP IT AROUND (Spellcast +WEIRD)

[x][Level Up!] Boost a Stat by +1! (TOUGH)
[x]Work with Helyblan... (Vampire only)

[][Level Up!] Mark a Basic Move as Advanced! (which one?) (refer to Premise and Mechanics)
Lucky Sixes: If exactly six Bats from The Cauldron are sent on the same Action, that action receives an automatic full success.
Not sure how Lucky Sixes would work, given that we can't directly control the number of Bats we assign to an action.
Not sure how Lucky Sixes would work, given that we can't directly control the number of Bats we assign to an action.

Note sure what you mean?

For example, if you have exactly six bats (like you do right now), then everyone would have to vote for the same Action for them to get the bonus.
And if we have seven bats, there is no way we can make use of it unless the number of voters is a multiple of 7.

Unless you have something in mind for this?
at that point you'd all have to strategically apportion the bats, taking into account rounding

but yeah, it is supposed to be trickier with odd combinations of voters and bats
The Vampire's Days Will Go On... (Early End)
The Vampire's Days Will Go On... (Early End)

The Vampire rides towards Edge City on the back of a faithful Griffin.

A mighty steed for a mighty being!

It eagerly awaits the day that it'll be able to ride into the city as its new Vampire Lord!

It will be the rule of both the city and the forest!

But for now, The Vampire will have to settle for being just another creature of the night.

It grins widely, razor-sharp fangs glistening beneath the rising sun... it knows that these days will come to an end soon enough!

However, that will have to be a tale for another time.

QM Note: Yeah, coming back to announce that I am dropping this. Maybe I'll turn it into a fic one day... we'll see. If you have any questions about how things could have or comments on how things went, feel free to leave them here! And thanks for reading and participating!
Who created the MC?
Who was the MC before becoming a vampire?
What paths did you see the MC walk down and what kind of vampire could the MC have become?
1. Who created the MC?
2. Who was the MC before becoming a vampire?
3. What paths did you see the MC walk down and what kind of vampire could the MC have become?

Based on my notes, I don't have anything to say regarding the first two questions.

Regarding the third one though, there were are couple of pathways open...
  • Finishing up in Edge City by defeating / converting the Knights of White Omega and then defeating Ruthven / saving Caroline would lead to becoming the local Vampire Lord
  • The magical parts of the forest were being invaded by people from Edge City, and kicking them out would have led to gaining a bunch of allies and dominion over the forest potentially
    • The ghost in the mansion is a separate plot-thread that would help with that second part
  • While you wouldn't be able to take over Twilight Town and rule it directly, you'd be able to gaining allies there, further consolidating power
  • The Holy Mark was related to the southern villages, which hadn't been explored yet... gaining more use of the Holy Mark would have required going there eventually