Fly me to the Moon (Space Race Council Quest)

So should I retry the coinflip (for me) to pick up more Engine tech at the cost of a Connection? Or do we just accept that this month's learning how not to make rockets? Also we're still missing Liz's roll, yes?
Routine 8, Results 1: January-June 1956
January 1956 - Order LA-30 Block A
Partial Success - The LA-30 block A will be ready by March

February 1956 - Plan LA-35
Partial Success - The LA-35 is the rocket of the future!
Ready for the Objekt 3 payload, the LA-35 will loft it unimaginable distances.

March 1956 - Research Engines
Failure - Nothing is discovered
April 1956 - Research Payload
Partial Success - Select 1 Payload Technology

May 1956 - Schedule LA-35 Launch
Full Success - Everything fits together perfectly
The LA-35 is assembled in the hangers of the Caspian base, fifteen tons of rocket with hundreds of kilometres of range. It will be the second live launch of a nuclear warhead in Soviet History, but this one will travel far farther than the first.
June 1956 - Research Booster
Failure - Nothing is discovered
Sounding Rocket Launch
Catastrophic Failure - The Sounding Rocket detonates on the pad, requiring clean-up and repairs costing 0.44C.

Create a Plan for this Turn (6 actions, one action per councillor). If a flight is scheduled, the turn will be interrupted after that months action and restart afterwards.
Select from:

[ ] Design
[ ] Plan
[ ] Order
[ ] Schedule
[ ] Modify
[ ] Construct
[ ] Research
[ ] Undertake
Okay, if I am correct about this we're going to be launching the needed rocket for our current Mission this turn?

If so, I am definitely going to be taking the Construct action for something which costs... I want to say however much C we have remaining - (LA-35 replacement cost + 1), multiplied by at least two. The cost ensuring we've got a bit left in the tank in case of severe bad luck, whilst also taking maximum advantage of my Builder Background.

I'm open to suggestions regarding what in particular gets built, and it doesn't have to be a 'maximum cost' thing either if we'd benefit more from a Sounding Science Laboratory or Astronaut Training Complex despite that probably leaving a lot of C on the 'table'.
For the payload research, how about we get the Orbital Heat Shield? We'll need it for the satellite or ICBM mission.

Do we want to give Crewed Observations a try next or go straight for the ICBM/orbital rocket? The former would get us about 4 more budget but take at least 4 actions (Train astronaut, design payload, construct a booster, launch) and have some risk.
I think we should shoot for the ICBM, especially because I don't want to risk an astronaut dying with a rushed-together rocket.
Okay, seriously: does anyone have an actual plan for this turn?

I think the following is the closest to a 'plan' I've heard of?

Pyro Hawk: Construct - ??? using Builder for 50% off
Player 1: Launch Rockets to accomplish current mission. Or is that already done?
Players 2-5: Research???
I would love to see plans inside the next 48 hours please, yes
I mean, I'd try to create something but I'm not actually sure what our current status is regarding completing our current mission? Nor what our budget currently is. So I don't know if we need to schedule a rocket launch to complete the mission, if said rocket launch has already been scheduled and we're just waiting for the turn to 'tick over' for it to occur and all that.

... Admittedly, half of my issue there is my refusal to look at the Rocket Design parts of the document because good god is that complicated and requires a bunch of math. Made worse by the fact it appears the LA-35 isn't included in any of the Informational posts yet so I don't actually have something to look at with a glance and go "Looks like our nuclear IRBM rocket!"

In short: any chance you could toss some help at the clueless guy who joined up to try and help keep this game going/revive it?

Correction: having just done a quick reread of the Rules Doc in an attempt to work out what my stats are good for (didn't want to be the hold up/making a mistake), I think the Schedule action which just occurred means the IRBM will be launching this turn?

So we're at a point where the turn is more or less 'Wait to see if the mission rocket fails, do as much research as we can whilst using up what Per Mission abilities we have remaining unused whilst leaving enough stuff to rush out a replacement rocket if it fails to complete the mission' I think?
Honestly yeah uh, I'd be happy to contribute to general planning but the actual game mechanics are going to be beyond me until the term ends in a few weeks. I think we should be doing what Pyro said, but I don't know details.