While I don't like those battleships, it's what we have. Design 4 is the best of the bunch, and my perception is a bit marred by my own concept of early battleships.

What are the penetration ratings for those 11'' guns, and how do they compare to the 10''?

They're... both pretty bad. The 11" -1 and 10" +0 are roughly equivalent, and given the current tech they both get about six inches of armor at long range, six and three quarters at medium, and seven and a half at close range, minus about a quarter of an inch of pen for the 10" gun. The catch is rate of fire- they both make one shot a round, but it's harder to get the 10" below that threshold. The 11" has more range of course, but considering hit ratios are about 1% plus or minus a half, you're doing good to hit period.

There's a reason I haven't said main/secondary battery yet- both are primary batteries really, the big one for cracking citadels and smaller ones for drowning a ship in shells.
All right then. With such a small difference, there's always the possibility of getting a gun research or a proposal to purchase better 11'' guns, so I guess that caliber will do. You are progressing at 100% tech level, right?
I like design 2, but I think that replacing the 7" with 6" will serve you better, but I'd like to see the stats.
Don't worry, Cavalier, I have some excellent anti-cheese measures up my sleevies. To start with, meet Vice Admiral @B-baka! my cunning tactical advisor for whenever I go into battle. With him at my side, the fleet shall never fail :V
Of course, of course, I never fail to-


I'm a Vice Admiral now?
Yes, now you need to handle all the booze and hookers related subjects.

Vice Admiral, you know...
I just remembered why I don't like 7" secondaries. It's the smallest caliber that can have flash fires.