First Impressions

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First impressions are often misleading.

Take this town, for example. Looking from afar, it...
First impressions are often misleading.

Take this town, for example. Looking from afar, it seemed more a prison than a town. Dirty grey stone walls rose high, obscuring all but the tallest buildings inside from your view. Perhaps, once, the walls had been a comforting sight, promising safety and protection for all inside. Now- well. Now, the walls looked dilapidated, worn and ill-repaired. They might provide provide protection from wind and rain, but little else.

Guards milled above, peering down to watch your approach with wary eyes. The tips of crossbows poked from embrasures in the battlements, dozens of the deadly machines poised to rain iron death upon you. An overwhelming show of force for so insignificant a town. What need had they of so many guardsmen?

You tilted your head, the growing smile on your face going unseen by the guards outside. Caution, even fear, were not unexpected; one might even call them your welcome friends, if one was to be melodramatic. Certainly, you had lived amongst them long enough that you had become used to them, if not welcoming.

It was unusual for even paranoid guardsmen to be so distrustful of you before they learned that you were a witch, however. No- the stink of paranoia and malice that rose over the city was not born from fear of you. Rather, you were simply yet another innocent victim of ill-defined cruelty seeking fresh targets.

Well, insofar as one could stretch the definition of innocence to include you, at least. You were no stranger to sin yourself.

No; first impressions were often misleading. Despite the outwards appearance, this town was no prison. Guardsmen trampled over broken walls and dusty streets, hard eyes turned on citizens and lawbreakers alike, not because they sought to enforce law and order, but rather because they sought safety for those under their protection.

This was not a prison. This was a town under siege, battered and broken by the self-same citizens now seeking to save it- a ridiculous notion, no matter how tempting such beliefs were to the dispirited.

You touched your hand to your waist, feeling for the papers within as the carriage slowed and stopped. Voices filtered through the carriage's thin walls, gruff and surly - a fitting final touch to complete the image of the dispirited men you had glimpsed above.

Your papers would grant you safe access to the city; none would dare accost a sanctioned agent of the High King himself. Indeed, you would be surprised if the thought so much as crossed the minds of the men now opening the carriage doors, calling for you to step out with their gruff voices; not once they saw your papers, not once they were informed that you were to be their salvation.

No- your primary task, and with it your entrance to the city, was all but assured. It was your second task, the request that had been made of you, that spun through your mind now, weaving your thoughts into an ever more tangled web of doubts and discarded plans.


Your primary task is simple- you have been sent here, to the once-proud town of Lyen's Rest, to determine the source of spiritual disturbances in the area. Attacks by fey creatures, once momentous occasions of danger and bravado, have now become commonplace, occurring as often as twice a month. You are here to determine why- and to put a stop to whatever is causing it.

However, that isn't your only goal. What is your secondary task, again?

[X] The King has asked the impossible of you. He wants you- a woman scant years out of her teens, once worth less to him than the mud scraped from his shoes- to solidify his hold over the area- no. He wants you, a witch feared and respected in equal measure by all across the lands, the sister of his dearest wife, to reforge the bonds that had once tied this region to his own. He wants you, with your skills in deceit and manipulation, to tie the nobles of this land to your will, to wrap them around your finger until you hold all they hold dear in your hands- and then, he wants you to relinquish it to him.
- Increases starting skill in Glamour to 5.
- Increases starting skill in Mesmer to 5.

[X] The Queen- no; not so formal a title, never so formal a title, never again. Selene, your dearest sister, the sweetest and most naive person you know, has asked you to save this city from itself. You- the dark witch, the once-servant of the tyrant King Nicholais. You- the witch who seethed and crawled and cried and begged, who fought and suffered and bought your redemption with your blood and your bone. Once, you would have called the task impossible. Now- now, you know you will not accept that. If Selene asks it of you, then you will make it happen, no matter the cost to yourself.
- Increases starting skill in Mesmer to 5.
- Increases starting skill in Percipience to 5.

[X] Baine- Captain Baine, now; what an odd notion- has requested of you a simple task; he wishes your aid in making peace with his past. A simple task, were his past not that of a dastardly pirate. You know from bitter experience the pain seeking absolution can bring; but similarly, you know the price redemption asks from all involved. Your estranged half-brother he may be- but doubts lurk in your heart, doubts about his sincerity, doubts about your own sincerity, doubts about your willingness to pay the price he asks of you.
- Lowers all starting skills to 2.
- [Baine] joins your hunt. Once a scoundrel, a rogue known for his flirtatious nature and uncanny skill with cutlass and musket, Baine is now a gaunt wreck of his former self. Having been confronted with the sins of his past, your half-brother was forced to recognize the pain he had inflicted on those who had once caught his attention. Now, he seeks atonement and happiness once more.
A loyal and steadfast companion, Baine is likely the staunchest ally you will find in this wretched city. Swayed not by loyalty to others, nor by coin or lust or cruel desires, Baine's only requisites are twofold; that you do not inflict misery on the undeserving, and that you stand by his side as he attempts to make peace with those he has wronged. However, if you run counter to his desires, he will abandon you as easily as any other.

Index of Updates

1: Right above you.
2- Malaise.
3- Preparations.
4- Avarice.
Skills and Personal Status

Alchemy: ●●●○○○○○○○
Glamour: ●●●○○○○○○○
Mesmer: ●●●●●●○○○○
Malison: ●●●●●○○○○○
Invocation: ●●●○○○○○○○
Percipience: ●●●●●○○○○○

Skirmish: ●●●●●○○○○○
Augury: ●●●●○○○○○○
Occultism: ●●●●○○○○○○
Observance: ●●●●○○○○○○

Holly Wand- A wand that carries significant sentimental value to Hazel. It is the only connection she has with her mother, beyond her sister, Selene. It is crude and ill-crafted, but the emotional attachment Hazel has for it grants it power beyond that of even a master-crafted wand.

Iron Knife- A staple of any who venture beyond the confines of a town or village, a blade of iron has many uses. It can be used to carve wood, to dig in the ground, to defend oneself against creatures of flesh and creatures of fey; it can be traded, it can be lost without care, and it is easy to replace. Lacking a blade of iron is a sure mark of an amateur.

Pouch of SIlver- A large pouch of gold and silver coins, with several precious gems mixed in, tied securely closed and attached with elastic rope to Hazel's belt. The pouch contains the equivalent of many gold nobles; enough to ensure that Hazel can live and eat comfortably while in the city. It won't last long if you begin spending extravagantly, though.

Queen Selene
Hazel's sister. Hazel was raised by their father, a cruel and conniving witch who served the tyrant King Nicholais, but Selene was raised by their mother, a gentle sage by the name of Laurel. For many years, Hazel did not know she had a sister.
When she eventually learned of Selene's existence, it was when Selene was already acting against Nicholais. Hazel attempted to have her sister assassinated several times. However, Selene never gave up on her.
Selene is the catalyst of Hazel's redemption, and thus is the most important person in Hazel's life. There is little Hazel would not do if Selene asked; however, Selene hesitates to ask Hazel for anything, considering Hazel's betrayal of Nicholais and subsequent redemption to be worth far more than Selene's own forgiveness.

High King Nathaniel
Selene's husband. A warrior of great renown, and a shrewd aristocrat with a bent towards cunning plans and manipulations. He is singularly devoted to Selene, and trusts her word implicitly. He was an illegitimate descendant of the previous king, and regained his throne when he slew the tyrant King Nicholais.
Hazel respects him, not only for Selene's belief in him, but also for his actions in repealing the realm's laws against the practice of witchcraft- a move that has left his political situation in dire straits, but in turn has made Selene very happy. However, she also loathes him for his murder of Nicholais, a devoted father-figure to her.

High King Nicholais
The former High King of the land, and the man who raised Hazel from birth. He was a cruel and capricious man, but rarely raised a hand against Hazel.
Hazel genuinely loved Nicholais for what he had done for her. They had a very close relationship, like that of a father and daughter, despite Hazel's real father living aside them.
However, although the circumstances are unknown to most, Hazel betrayed Nicholais when he was most vulnerable, stealing his Grimoire and robbing him of the majority of his arcane power. Nathaniel took advantage of Nicholais' subsequent weakness to slay the king, leaving Hazel with lingering feelings of regret and guilt.

Hazel's half-brother, on her father's side. He was raised with the belief that he could do no wrong, and that seeking his pleasures was all that was important, leading him to take up a position on a pirate ship.
However, at one point, he fell in love with one of Selene's companions, a bard named Harrison. They briefly began a romantic relationship, but Harrison soon broke it off when he learned of Baine's true identity, citing the damage Baine had caused to several people he had met in his journey.
Baine sought them out, seeking to assuage his conscience, and was horrified to learn of several bastard children and a slew of widows and orphans he had left in his wake. Confronted with evidence of the damage he had done, he now seeks the same redemption Hazel has found.
Current Quests/Tasks

Major Quests:
- Investigate the source of the recent rise in monster attacks in the city.
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Hazel's half-brother, on her father's side. He was raised with the belief that he could do no wrong, and that seeking his pleasures was all that was important, leading him to take up a position on a pirate ship.
However, at one point, he fell in love with one of Selene's companions, a bard named Harrison. They briefly began a romantic relationship, but Harrison soon broke it off when he learned of Blaine's true identity, citing the damage Blaine had caused to several people he had met in his journey.
Blaine sought them out, seeking to assuage his conscience, and was horrified to learn of several bastard children and a slew of widows and orphans he had left in his wake. Confronted with evidence of the damage he had done, he now seeks the same redemption Hazel has found.

That said...
[x] Baine
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[X] The King has asked the impossible of you. He wants you- a woman scant years out of her teens, once worth less to him than the mud scraped from his shoes- to solidify his hold over the area- no. He wants you, a witch feared and respected in equal measure by all across the lands, the sister of his dearest wife, to reforge the bonds that had once tied this region to his own. He wants you, with your skills in deceit and manipulation, to tie the nobles of this land to your will, to wrap them around your finger until you hold all they hold dear in your hands- and then, he wants you to relinquish it to him.
- Increases starting skill in Glamour to 5.
- Increases starting skill in Mesmer to 5.
[X] The King has asked the impossible of you. He wants you- a woman scant years out of her teens, once worth less to him than the mud scraped from his shoes- to solidify his hold over the area- no. He wants you, a witch feared and respected in equal measure by all across the lands, the sister of his dearest wife, to reforge the bonds that had once tied this region to his own. He wants you, with your skills in deceit and manipulation, to tie the nobles of this land to your will, to wrap them around your finger until you hold all they hold dear in your hands- and then, he wants you to relinquish it to him.
- Increases starting skill in Glamour to 5.
- Increases starting skill in Mesmer to 5.
[X] The King has asked the impossible of you. He wants you- a woman scant years out of her teens, once worth less to him than the mud scraped from his shoes- to solidify his hold over the area- no. He wants you, a witch feared and respected in equal measure by all across the lands, the sister of his dearest wife, to reforge the bonds that had once tied this region to his own. He wants you, with your skills in deceit and manipulation, to tie the nobles of this land to your will, to wrap them around your finger until you hold all they hold dear in your hands- and then, he wants you to relinquish it to him.
Well, as with everything, it is questionable as to how much of anything is truly original.

However, I am not writing in a fandom; this setting is purely devised by myself.
[X] The Queen- no; not so formal a title, never so formal a title, never again. Selene, your dearest sister, the sweetest and most naive person you know, has asked you to save this city from itself. You- the dark witch, the once-servant of the tyrant King Nicholais. You- the witch who seethed and crawled and cried and begged, who fought and suffered and bought your redemption with your blood and your bone. Once, you would have called the task impossible. Now- now, you know you will not accept that. If Selene asks it of you, then you will make it happen, no matter the cost to yourself.
- Increases starting skill in Mesmer to 5.
- Increases starting skill in Percipience to 5.

Hazel must be best sister. This must happen.
[X] The Queen- no; not so formal a title, never so formal a title, never again. Selene, your dearest sister, the sweetest and most naive person you know, has asked you to save this city from itself. You- the dark witch, the once-servant of the tyrant King Nicholais. You- the witch who seethed and crawled and cried and begged, who fought and suffered and bought your redemption with your blood and your bone. Once, you would have called the task impossible. Now- now, you know you will not accept that. If Selene asks it of you, then you will make it happen, no matter the cost to yourself.
- Increases starting skill in Mesmer to 5.
- Increases starting skill in Percipience to 5.
[X] The Queen's request.

I realise you're not the first person to do this but lol 'the witch Hazel'.
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[X] Selena- your sister, your redeemer.


Your papers were in proper order- unsurprising, given they had been drawn up by the High King and his Master Scribe themselves- but to the regular guardsmen, that meant little. Few of the common folk could read, after all.

Quite thankfully, you did not have to wait long for the Guard-Captain to emerge from his place of work. In a commendable show of efficiency, a guardsman departed and returned before his fellow guards' glares had even lessened (although, in the interests of fairness, it was entirely possible that they would have maintained their suspicious glares for hours on end), direct superior in tow. From there, it was a simple matter of handing your papers over and smiling widely in response to his sneer of contempt.

In retrospect, it was probably the smile that had caused him to assign you several guardsmen to 'escort' you through town. A lesson for the future, perhaps... Not that you were particularly one to learn from the lessons of the past.

They simply didn't matter. Ultimately, the guards were of no consequence- a minor irritant, a gaggle of scruffy dogs that would retreat to their master's den before the day was through. You had bigger concerns.

The petty spite of a minor noble didn't bother you in the slightest. It was nothing compared to the thick malaise hanging over the city, a near-tangible thing of stifling hopelessness and selfish greed.

Signs of negligence and malice surrounded you. You scarcely needed to glance out of the window to see it- to see the cracked cobblestones, polished slate now worn and dull from years of constant use; to see the throngs of the homeless and disenfranchised, held back from swarming your carriage solely by the sight of ill-content guardsmen brandishing halberds and batons; to see the heavy shoulders and empty eyes of the people walking the streets, hiding their flagging spirits behind fake smiles.

A frown settled over your face.

Sights like this weren't uncommon across the kingdom; you weren't naive enough to have been unaware of the consequences of Nicholais' rule. He had not been kind to those beneath him, which had been near everyone but yourself and those like you.

Through the year since his death, you had taken to wandering the countryside, seeing the harsh price the peasantry had paid over the years for myself. Misery had abounded. Half-starved peasants wandered dazed through salted lands, sleeping in the wrecks of pillaged villages and crying over the corpses of fallen sons. Conscripts had taken to banditry, turning blades upon those they had once called comrade for the chance at once again having coin for warm bread. None had been left unscarred by the war- no innocent had been left spared, no child had lived free of the fear of being taken.

As time had passed, though, things had been growing markedly better. With Nicholais' death, the war had- not ceased, but had moved from active warfare to simmering rebellion. Money had begun flowing again, funds moving out of the coffers to the populace. Peasants had been given grain, cattle, coin and land- not enough, never enough, but it had been something.

Things had been getting better.

Not so here, given the stink of decay and degradation hanging thick on the air.

Gold flowed, but it flowed one way; from the hands of the poor to the coffers of the rich. Crowds flooded the marketplaces, throngs of desperate refugees, half-starved and clad only in filthy rags begging on hands and knees for silver, scraps of food, of cloth, anything to help pass the days.

Here, they were not rebuilding. No, quite the opposite; they were crushing the city beneath the weight of their own desperation and misery.

The corner of your lips curled down, a disgusted snarl. No- this would not do.

Selene had asked you to save this city.

Glaring through the windows of the carriage at the squalor of the city around, you realized- you had no idea how to even begin giving this city its hope back.


No- that was not quite right. The squalor and despair hung thick and dark over the city, but it was not so stifling you were completely helpless. You did have one avenue open to you, one who would not slam their doors in your face when they learned of your name, of your occupation, of your bloody history.

[X] Information is the lifeblood of any conspiracy, even one with benevolent intentions. You wouldn't get far stumbling blindly in the dark. That would be where Markus came in.
A man of Seralian descent- dark-skinned and tattooed, a sharp contrast to the pale skin and drab fashion of the commoners filling the streets- Markus is an information broker. Having learned the tools and tricks of the trade from his masters in Seralia, it is almost certain that Markus is a spy, although what interest his masters have in your country is beyond you. He is good at his job, however- very good. And he is always willing to sell his information for a price, be it gold or information in turn.

[X] You wouldn't get very far without money- and the money in your coinpouch would not last long, not if you used it for anything more than paying for food and lodging. You personally could not deal with this, not without making dangerous trades- but perhaps, just perhaps, you could use the weight of Selene's name to open productive discourse with Urien.
Urien is famous amongst the underground of Lyen's End for his fairness- a relative term amongst those of the underground, true; but you would take what you could get. Selene herself does not have any ties to Urien, but Selene's name carries more than the weight of her own reputation- it carries the reputation of her kingdom, of her husband, and most importantly of her companions. For a friend of Selene, Urien would most likely be willing to open his coffers to you- for a price, of course.

[X] There is an intermediate step; the merchants here, those gaggle of greedy middle-class folk looking to line their own pockets, are your target. To that end, you're thankful you have met the leader of the town's merchant guild, Taisen, before. For you, he will be willing to listen to your pleas, although the results are far from guaranteed.
Taisen has met you before, during the reign of Nicolais. He came to you and yours, pleading for leniency, for time and freedom to pay the aggressive taxes Nicolais had spent. You had interceded with Nicolais on his behalf- not from pity, or conniving greed, but simply because indebting the man to you had been the intent of raising the taxes. Needless to say, Taisen has no need to know this.
Nuuuuuuu Baine lost.

[X] There is an intermediate step; the merchants here, those gaggle of greedy middle-class folk looking to line their own pockets, are your target. To that end, you're thankful you have met the leader of the town's merchant guild, Taisen, before. For you, he will be willing to listen to your pleas, although the results are far from guaranteed.
Vote: Raise Skill:Condescension from 9 to 10 [x]

Real Vote: Markus, The Information Broker [x]

We know dick all about what is going on in the city - and money is always there. And Taisen already owes us - lets make the most out of his debt. We can make a better decision with what to discuss/do with him when we are better informed.

EDIT: More solid reasoning: Money is easier to get than reliable or semi-reliable information. Plus, the info broker might have some more information on the lender we can use for leverage.
On Taisen, we were the RIGHT HAND OF EVIL(1), and we saved his fucking bacon. He owes us, so we can bully/remind him into submission.

We learned under the Evil King Nick, so lets use the skills for Good King Nate. (In that everyone should fear our wrathful gaze, and tremble in fear of disappointing us. Because they will be on magic'ed
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[X] Information is the lifeblood of any conspiracy, even one with benevolent intentions. You wouldn't get far stumbling blindly in the dark. That would be where Markus came in.
A man of Seralian descent- dark-skinned and tattooed, a sharp contrast to the pale skin and drab fashion of the commoners filling the streets- Markus is an information broker. Having learned the tools and tricks of the trade from his masters in Seralia, it is almost certain that Markus is a spy, although what interest his masters have in your country is beyond you. He is good at his job, however- very good. And he is always willing to sell his information for a price, be it gold or information in turn.
[X] There is an intermediate step; the merchants here, those gaggle of greedy middle-class folk looking to line their own pockets, are your target. To that end, you're thankful you have met the leader of the town's merchant guild, Taisen, before. For you, he will be willing to listen to your pleas, although the results are far from guaranteed.