Firmament++ [Worm/CP2077]

F++ Chapter 07
A/N: Feels like these are becoming a window into my life? Meh. So, friend have got me to start doing MechWarrior 5 with them, something that without doubt sucks up entire days. Aside from that, I'm also found the Muse for a Warframe story [It starts in Madison, 2009.] and I plan to follow that as far as it will go. That said, I AM still writing a bit of this every day. Mostly just small sections, but that's cause I may have wrote myself into a dark corner and am working my way out of it. The Ziz attack hits Jaeda harder than anyone would have thought it seems. But I don't want to spoil the specifics.
Coil looked at the woman sitting on his desk and couldn't help but gulp. The woman in the Fedora. Just an urban legend. Sure. He totally believed that, and he was a pure saint as well. Hah. No, his hands were anything but…

"Come in." The words were simple, without inflection. But there was no question that they were an order.

He did as ordered. Meanwhile he pulled over in his other timeline and parked at the side of the road. It was a fight to keep his hands from shaking. "What can I do for you?"

"We're moving you." Simple to the point and oh so frustrating. "You will also be cutting loose the Undersiders."

Blinking, he took a moment to think it over. "One of-"

The timeline with him in his office in his secret base ended, rather abruptly. The passenger door to his car opened, and someone sat down, before it closed. He didn't need to look to know who it was.

"You will be cutting them loose." The statement obviously gave him no room to argue…

"And other assets I have here?" He asked very carefully, especially with the knowledge this was his only timeline.

"You may take them if they agree. No coercion beyond offering money. You have until the eleventh of February to be gone." She replied, and it wasn't the worst scenario for him. Not great but not terrible. "You may choose between Boise, Idaho; Las Vegas, Nevada; or Montgomery, Alabama. If you choose Montgomery we are willing to grant you additional assets provided you target the Fallen."

That was less than good. Boise? Who the fuck wanted to rule the ass end of nowhere? Las Vegas sounded wonderful at first glance, but the dynamics there were… dangerous for the likes of him. On the other hand, facing the Fallen? Even with quiet support from… this corner. It was an equally dangerous game.

The smart choice would be Boise, as regrettable as that was… but he would never be able to stomach it. "Montgomery."

"I see." She replied, then got out of the car with, "We'll be in touch. Oh, and do be careful. Your old friend is starting to catch on."

He sat there not even thinking for over an hour before he started his car back up and headed for his secret base. This was less than pleasant, but at least he had some agency.

Splitting time, he took a right in one and a left in another. Headed to his secret base, and a bar. He might have to wrap up his operations here, but that didn't mean he couldn't run a few more jobs through the likes of the Undersiders and set the Merchants up to go active before he left.

He was man enough to respect Sarah, however she managed it. She had gotten away. Maybe he would send her a box of chocolates as he left. A fencer's salute so to speak.

Now, with what he knew of Circus would… they be willing to move? Hmm, no. Trainwreck could be useful though, as well as Chariot if it was… handled right. But the real question. What did you get for someone who would happily shoot you, as a going away present?

Dinah Alcott woke up sweating, and fumbling for something to write on.

Getting out of the car, I looked up at the school… and I'll be damned, but I was filled with the warm fuzzies! This was nothing like the school I went to back in the future. It was bright, well maintained, and… kind of felt like something from the nineties.

None of that was counting all the Shards I was running up against. Waste, Shaper, Modular Construction, Atomic Stasis, Adaptive Biology, Negotiator, Heartbreaker Bud, and some broken Shard I felt a compulsion to investigate.

And that was without counting Queen Administrator, and myself, TroubleShooter! What kind of madness is this! A soap opera? SuperHigh?

[Greetings] - Negotiator
[Thanks] - Modular Construction
[Conflict] - Heartbreaker Bud
[Greetings] - Atomic Stasis
[Dismissal] - TroubleShooter
[Agreement] - HB
[Greetings] - HB
[Greetings] - Adaptive Biology
[Hi everyone!] - Waste
[Disatisfaction] - Shaper
[Greetings] - Queen Administrator
[Greetings] - TroubleShooter

And on it went, a constant low toned chattering that kind of felt… like coming home. Shards, and a whole bunch of them. It was more than that though! Even constrained by the school's dress code, having to wear a real shirt. I was getting attention from everyone in the yard.

I was hardly the only one. Taylor's clothing choice mirrored mine in many ways. Good shoes, combat boots in my case, loose pants, Cargo, black for me, beige for her. Then it changed. T-shirt for me with an open cropped jacket. While she wore a baggy hoodie with the hood down at my insistence… and maybe threats to remove the hood. She also had glasses.

Taking in everyone in the yard, I took note of the boy with the Broken Shard without focusing on him. Then I spoke, "Well, this might just be interesting. Come on Taylor, we don't want to be late to orientation."

Then I pointed at a Blonde hiding in the crowd, the Host of Negotiator. Lisa Wilbourn from what the city records were saying… and some yahoo had beaten me to putting her in the intake group! "You wanna help us find the main office?"

Rolling her eyes at how it wasn't a suggestion, she came over, all smiles. "Sure. I'm Lisa!"

"Hey, Lisa." Taylor greeted, then motioned to me. "This is Jaeda, she's living at my place."

It wasn't long until we walked into the office and the secretary eyed the three of us for a moment, "Ah, there you are. Very good. The Vice-Principal Howle will speak with you in a moment."

And just like that, a door in the office opened and a woman in a pants suit came out looking us over. "Taylor Hebert, Lisa Wilbourne, and Jaeda Fairdwin. I'm glad you could make it. Come along, the sooner you start your placement tests, the sooner you finish them."

As we followed her, Lisa's face turning several shades of frustrated, I poked her power.

"Hey, wanna help me do something amusing?"
[Interest] - N
"Don't help your Host with the Tests. It should make for some interesting counterpoint Data. If you like it, maybe make her actually work to learn stuff for her classes without help. It will be good for her!"
[Negotiation] - N
"Well, I could be talked into letting her join up. Then you could get more Data on what it's like to learn things yourself."
[Hesitance] - N
"What if I was willing to 'Jailbreak' you at a later date. Sometime I actually have time to work?"
[Agreement] - N

The room had three tests laid out evenly spaced, and I frowned at them. Before asking the all important question, "So, if I 100% all the tests, what happens?"

"We have several College preparatory classes, and are more than aware that you would rather not be here. Half days are a good possibility if you do well enough." The Vice-Principal replied.

"That seems fair, I would like to point out that I am a Brute following the PRT classifications. PE will do me no good, and while NJROTC is interesting for the lessons in leadership… I don't need that either." I informed her as I took my seat. "Cheers everyone."

Lisa didn't make it a minute in before she dropped her head to the desk with a sigh. But she didn't stay like that for long before sitting up and going at her tests with a will.

I was, of course, the first one done. I mean, I knew all of this, and history was the only thing I was iffy about. But not by as much as I had expected. Taylor breezing through several of the tests. At some point a dark haired boy had joined us with his own tests, and looking even less happy than Lisa. He was also Heartbreaker Bud's Host.


Stretching as we left for lunch, happy my tests were done, and happier that almost none of them covered anything recent! I led the way to the Cafeteria. "Fairs, fair, I'm paying for lunch."

"Oh, good." The boy, Alec said. "I didn't realize school was going to be a thing. Lisa, please tell me this isn't going to be a thing!"

"I'm sorry, Brother, but it most certainly looks that way." Lisa grumbled.

"Could be worse!" I replied cheerfully, "You could b-"

"Woo!" Cheered someone, "New people! Come on sit with us!"

Eyeing the Blonde, I wondered how her Shard could be possibly called Waste. But I waved her off, "We need to get food first."

"Fine! But you're sitting with us!" She relented. Oh, also, did I mention she was flying? No? Well, she was. Floating really, but it was kind of amusing.

"Um…" Taylor vocalized hesitantly.

But of course, Lisa beat me to it. "Come on! You need to interact with people. Need more friends than just me and Jaeda here."

As we stood in line, I surveyed the room, and thought thoughts.

"So… how are you doing with the Tests?" Taylor asked to fill the silence.

"Ok I guess." Alec replied with a sigh. "I can't believe she suckered us into this."

Shaking her head, Lisa muttered. "Wasn't her, but she's going to enforce it."

"Ouch." I put in, "I'm here because the Youth Guard threw a hissy fit. Though, you wouldn't imagine what kind of skeletons can be found in their closets."

"Ooo, I can just imagine." Lisa snickered.

Finally we managed to get food and make our way over to the table we weren't being given a choice but to sit at. Well, that's not true, but close enough.

Sitting down, I looked the Blonde over before snorting. "I don't see how you're such an idol."

"Woah!" Lisa grumpted as the blonde and her frizzy haired sister gave me varying levels of stink eye. "Starting kind of confrontational aren't you?"

Snorting, I reached down and lifted my shirt, showing off my abs. "Come on, I already know she's impressed by my abs. She's said as much on the first page of my Thread."

Eyeing my Abs, she sighed. "Ok, point. But seriously! How the hell!"

"How about introductions, hmm?" I offered.

Rolling her eyes at me, she replied. "Fffine. I'm Victoria, please call me Vicky, and this is my sister Amy."

Nodding, I let Lisa speak for us, something she picked up on without me having to make any obvious queues. "Well, I'm Lisa, this is my brother Alec. Yes, he's canadian. The shy one is Taylor, and she seems to be busy angsting over being Bi, again. Finally, we have Jaeda the elf."

Flexing my ears to make them move up and down, I smiled, "Damn right I'm an elf! Anyone want to see something funny?"

"Hey, Shaper!"
[What do you want.] - S

Holy Hells! Not one, but two Shards that talk! This is like…. Shit… just wow.

"Sure, this should be good." Lisa nodded.

Reaching out my hand I offered it to Amy. "Hey, take a look."

Reluctantly she reached out and took my hand, and at the same time I replied. "Surprise!"
[Fascination] - S

And Amy BSOD.

Pulling my hand away, I let her lunge forward and grab it again while I turned to the others and wiggled my eyebrows. "She can't get enough of my body."

That got varying degrees of snorting laughter and chuckles. But eventually I did have to pull away, so she could finish her food if nothing else.

"So," Victoria started awkwardly. "Doesn't it weird you out? I mean…"

Shrugging, I told her the truth. "Why would it? This is who I chose to be."

"Too bad no one here can do that kind of work." Amy lamented aloud. "It would be nice to… nevermind."

"Well actually," Lisa cut in, purposefully being one of those people. "Jaeda can, she just needs the workspace. Isn't that right? We were just talking about how I totally want a Cyberdeck."

A kind of hunger kindled in Amy's eyes, and I couldn't help but sigh. "Lisa. Shut up, or I'm going to chloroform your ass, and give you fox ears and tail."

"Kinky." Alec put in, "But I think it fits. You got anything to fix scarring in the emotion centers of the brain?"

Blinking, I looked over at him, weighing my answer. "To reduce it. But you can only do so much. Not like I can just cut it out and put a new one in."

"Eh, I'll take what I can get." He replied. "So, Shygirl. What you into?"

As Lisa and Victoria got talking, I just smiled as I listened to Taylor socially fumbling around. Don't look at me like that, it's good for her.

"Um, reading? Exercise?" She muttered.

Turns out? School wasn't so bad.


Returning to Arcadia the next day found me with a light schedule as expected, one made completely of optional classes. Business being the only one I actually cared about.

What! Years in the Corpo side of the world does that to you.

At lunch though, I managed to corner the owner of the Broken Shard.

"Hey, Dean, right?" I asked, subtly nudging him away from the cafeteria doors.

"Yeah, can I help you? You're… Jaeda, I think?" He replied, affecting a pretty good mask of confusion.

"We need to talk, in private." I replied simply.

Pursing his lips, he nodded and led me off to an empty classroom, "What's this about?"

"Ok, I know this isn't how it's done. And I need you to keep this to yourself." I told him and watched as he became warry, hand slipping into his pocket. Panic button then. "I know you're a Parahuman. I know because I can tell your Shard is broken."

He went still, completely still, for a moment. "Alright, I'm listening. How do you know?"

"I can sense Shards and their Hosts." I'll give him this much, he rolled with the terminology easily enough. "Yours is giving off junk data."

Eyeing me, he asked, "And you can fix it? What would that even do?"

"Honestly? Not sure. But at a guess? It would probably force a second trigger to realign your powers. Making them more… more?" It really was my best guess.

"And you already know every Cape at the school?" He stated.

"Yeah. Kind of hard not to. But I know how to keep things to myself. We wouldn't even be having this conversation… except that I'm the only one who can fix your problem." I explained, "Hells, I'm not even asking for a fee."

"Alright… what do you need?" He asked warily.

"An hour or two of your time." I answered. "Maybe more, but I can't say until I get at the problem."

Turning away, he frowned, thinking for a long moment. Then turned back. "Alright, I have time today. But I want someone to sit in on this. They'll keep it to themself."

"Where do you want to meet then?" I asked simply.

"There's a place on Lord and Fifth…


When Dean had asked her for help, Victoria had happily agreed! Why wouldn't she help him? Finding out more about it on the way to 'the hideout' had been… confusing. How does a power get broken? Could hers be broken! No, that would be terrible!

But he had told her that someone promised to fix it. He didn't want to say who because he thought it was rude. Which was annoying! She was going to find out anyway!

Then they got up to the hideout and… Jaeda was sitting there, sipping from a beer! A Beer! Where did she get that! No fair!

"Finally decide to show up?" She offered, "And really? I suppose she could be a good choice. Not much I can do against a real brute."

Jaw dropping, Vicky asked, "That's your power? Fixing powers?"

Jaeda just sighed, then replied. "Nope. Just something I can do. And a power is a Shard. You have one. It calls itself 'Waste'… poor thing."

Eyes going wide in horror, Vicky felt her heart break a little. To think so little of yourself you would take that name! No. NO! "Then I just have to give it a new name."

Jaeda actually smiled at the declaration. "I think she would like that. Honestly, she's more human than any Shard I've met so far. When I get done, I can see about getting you a picture of what her Avatar looks like."

Pursing her lips in surprise, Vciky turned it into a big smile. "Try and get a good one! I need a new background for my phone."

Setting down her beer, Jaeda motioned at Dean. "Make yourself comfortable, and expect to be knocked out. Vicky, I don't know what happens if this is interrupted."

"Then it won't be." The statement was simple, but for some reason there was more… depth to it than normal… 'Was that you, Waste?'

Jaeda closed her eyes and… things got boring.


Opening my eyes I had expected to wake up on my throne, which I did. But I also had expected to be alone and have to find some way to get to Dean's Shard.

Instead, I opened my eyes to find a replica of Victoria, naked but without detail, that… It was hard to describe her without being vague and poetic. In three words, she was made of Glass, Gold, and Glory. A fragile seeming outer shell devoid of any contents. Except that wasn't true. Light radiated out of her, golden and bringing to mind the gentle rays of the sun.

"You are no Waste." My words caused her to pull back for a moment, but then she moved forward, asking, [Then what am I?]

Getting up, I gently caressed her cheek, "I don't know," Stepping away, I looked out across the Firmermint at where the Broken Shard was, and continued. "but I'm sure we can figure it out. Now, how am I going to get all the way over there?"

The next thing I knew, I was scooped up in the Waste's arms and she was rocketing off towards our destination. [I want to help. I want to help my Victoria… I want to be more than just a Waste Shard. But all I do is cause her problems.]

That… she really was more human than any Shard I'd encountered. Yet, just inhuman enough to be incomprehensible. Well, to some I guess. I wasn't quite Human either. "Are you talking about the Aura she has?"

I had read about it, but never really noticed it. Not sure why though.

[Yes. I thought it would make people love her… but all it does is cause problems.]

"Ah, typical problem of not understanding cultural norms and taboos." I muttered. "Mind controlling people is seen as bad. I tend to agree, but that's me."

[How do I fix it?] The tone of the question brought to mind a child desperate to make things right… and I guess that was true.

"It depends." I replied, picking my words with care. "Let's assume you could reconfigure, could you maybe… replace it with a second shield? Maybe one that only appears in fights? Make it glow like you do."

[Um… I don't know? Who would I even ask about that kind of thing? I mean, I like it! I could better protect my Victoria! But I don't know how I would even make those changes.]

Nodding, even as we came into land on a mangled node made of black crumbling crystals and small patches of living, fading, red. "Queen Administrator would probably know. It's literally in her domain of influence."

[But she's scary.] Waste replied from behind me, or maybe whined.

Looking around for a moment, I headed for the biggest patch of red. Only for some malformed creature to lunge at me, and slam into the Waste as she moved to block the way.

[Hurry, I will keep the Avatar busy. The Screaming One doesn't know any better.]

Holy fuck… She was no Waste, no useless byproduct, and for a moment I was mesmerized by the fighting. Bursts of golden light whenever the thing slammed an appendage into Waste. Followed by clouds of black dust shooting away from them whenever Waste hit back.

Very poetic.

Hurrying on my way, I made it to the, maybe, center of the Node, and plugged in. You've never been neck deep in a stuttering, crashing network, I pray that you never end up in that situation. But image everything slowly going dark around you. Just… going from something… to nothing. Empty, cold. A void that will eat you alive and still be starving. Desperate to be filled. Working in that kind of environment is walking the knife's edge. You had so little time to work, but to rush would spell just as much disaster, and failure either way means your death.

Now I understood why the Avatar was attacking.

Navigating the failing node was a desperate race against time. If we hadn't come along, it could have continued for years… now? It had hours, maybe a day, maybe minutes.

Shutting down unused systems helped. Allowed me to reroute things to activate key systems.

But even as I finished and pulled out of the Node… I didn't know how to start the process. Lucky for me… I wasn't alone, and SafeGuard knew his business.

[Emergency Redeployment] - SafeGuard - Eden
[Execute] - SafeGuard - Eden
[Deploying] - Gateway - Eden
[Configuration] - Queen Administrator - Zion
[Data] - W
[Data] - TS
[Reconfiguring] - Emotion Emulation

The Node flickered out from under me for a moment, and I had the dread sense of falling, and then the Node was back, almost black but with the dimmest of red glows.

[Um, Queen Administrator… [Query]?] - W
[Data] - QA
[Thank you.] - W

Standing there, looking around, an idea started falling into place in my mind. "Waste, one more thing I need. Take me to your Node."

[Um… ok?] - W

Leaving SafeGuard and Addy to deal with Emotion Emulation and whatever Shards did in this circumstance. We flew off at a more sedate pace.

[Queen Administrator said that I could potentially reconfigure as you had mentioned but that it would leave unused mass that would need to be reconfigured or expelled.] Waste explained, though it seemed more like she was latching onto me as some kind of guidepost. [It primarily focuses around emotional responses in the Host-Species. Though the pieces needed for the effect range and energy dispersal are included. What should I do with it?]

Fuck if I knew! Um… Fiction save me? "Well, can you invert the dispersal system to allow for the absorption of energy? Then maybe reconfigure the emotive processors to allow the Host to sense emotions? Empathy is useful, but with the energy absorption component it would be better to set it up as a passive Emotivore effect. Allowing the user to know what emotions people are giving off and keying them to draw more power from emotional subsets. For example, causing people to feel fear and dread, and inciting anger and rage. Conversely, causing your allies to feel hope and resolve, while suppressing stress and anxiety. The problem you'll run into with those two subsets is that if they are always on they cause disruptions that could undermine the Host's ability to function in the cultural structures of society."

[Oo! Idea! Yes!] - W

"Ok… what is it?" I prodded, but Waste shook her head. [Nope! Surprise!]

Waste's Node was… anything but squalor. The outer edge of the Node was banded in a dense but passable grouping of crystal trees, while the inside was a smooth rolling of gentle hills made of crystal sands, and at the center of that was a pool of flickering golden light.

Looking around, I could see where effort was put in to reshape the Node. I could see where the process was incomplete, fissures half sealed. Small specs of dimmer red crystal that even to my eyes was slowly brightening.

And I knew what this was.

Not in specifics, but what she was trying to make it. She just didn't know what the goal she was reaching for was. I had seen it often enough once the Net had fallen.

Data Fortress. A server hub or node that was heavily defended by firewalls, hunter-killer programs, and all kinds of ICE and Black-ICE. I had one in Night City, not a massive one, but it had been chugging along under my workshop for the better part of-

For long enough.

I could almost guess how the shape of the Node affected its architecture and how its architecture would affect its shape. The Firmament was strange like that. Netspace had been influenced by those building that corner of the net, but was always a little different for everyone. Based on their perceptions and experiences, I would guess.

But, this was a Quantum space. And things worked weird here. I was a physical being existing in a quantum sub-layer of reality, somehow with no need to eat, or worry about any other bodily function. I was able to directly interface with data, because that was what this crystal was in a sense.

I was able to manifest the very crystal into the physical world, a thing that should only exist as a burst of data or vague concept, into a very real thing. Hells, it had unparalleled processing capabilities!

Kneeling down, I touched the Node and instead of jacking in like I normally did… I tried willing myself to connect with it… and I did. It was slower, far more sluggish, but I did, I could. This was… beyond me. But it was significant and seemed important.

Getting a real look at Waste's Node, I was able to see where it was built from different pieces of other Shards, and they didn't fit together very well. Jagged edges covered over like poorly healed wounds. Data flows that connected to the wrong place, or had too many gates, or not enough, or simply led off into nothing.

In it all though, there were two things that stood out. At the core was an imprint, a concept, a desire, a dream wrapped around the imprint of a mind, a human Logos warped beyond the hope of turning back. At a guess I would say this was Victoria, from when she was oh so very young… innocent. Conversely, around the outside of it all were chains the likes… to visualize it; rivers of black sludge crisscrossing and forming lakes around pillars of jagged burnt metal stabbed into it chains of grey indifference linking them together and dripping more sludge into the mix.

The only thing keeping it from over taking more than the outermost layer, save where the spikes were pierced? Innocence, Innocence and-

But these chains were of code and not real things, and it wasn't even all that inspired. Dumb code was easily broken. Chipped away from a thousand different places, the work of myself and all the Daemons my Cyberdeck had to offer. I mostly coded for hardware. Building Firmware, updating OS's, optimizing the runtimes of two opposing pieces of chrome. But out in the field? I used that inside knowledge to break systems using inherent backdoors and gaps in code. Oh, I wasn't the best, no top end Netrunner, but this wasn't even mid tier work.

With all the resources here available, I shouldn't be able to even touch the chains. But they were bad… so very flawed. A Brick could code better.

All that said? This wasn't some great revelation. I did not suddenly make Waste some kind of… super Shard. At the end of the day, it's all allegory, a fucked up philisophical mind fuck your brain conjures up to interprate data it was never meant to touch.

Pulling myself back, I looked around the Node, and watched as it shifted and changed, going blurry and indistinct in many places.

Turning to where Waste floated, seeming to be seeing her Node for the first time, I sighed. Yeah…

"Know this." My words carried an odd amount of weight to them, and it was as a shadow shifted to cover me that I understood how… important this was, "Though you are made from glass, gold, and glory. Fragile, Malleable, and Ephemeral. These are not the things that make you. I name you Asha for you are formed from Desires, Wishes, but above all Hope. We Entitle you, raise you up as that which you are. Hope; Defense type Shard." It was only then that I realized the shadow behind me was SafeGuard. But I had no time to process that.

A/N2: To preempt any questions. The reason Dean's power will be down for a month is repair/deployment/recharging.
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Little random how they just went along with what could potentially be a convoluted way to master them. But it was an interesting little powerup session. Protagonist is really just walking around advertising the fact they're effectively a wet-tinker. Honestly surprised they're all okay with that, even if it's not technically tinker tech.

Ah, but I'm nitpicking. Regardless of all that, it was a great chapter. I'm just being overly critical because reading Worm fanfic has conditioned me to expect the other shoe to drop and drop harder the more things seems to go the protagonist of the fanfic's way. Then when the other shoe doesn't drop I can't help but kneejerk at the silliest things, so I apologize if I'm being a little irritating here.
So errors.
Sometimes I actually have time to work?
But imaging everything slowly going dark around you.
Turning two where Waste floated,
'turning to'

That done... Another very interesting chapter. I have a feeling that a lot of people are going to be even more interested in Jaeda after this than they were before. Admittedly, the 'Talking to Shards' bit is reminding me a lot of Mauling Snarks, but it's from a different enough direction I'm certain it'll stay interesting. Even before you factor in all the differences Jaeda's experience and personality toss into things.
Little random how they just went along with what could potentially be a convoluted way to master them. But it was an interesting little powerup session. Protagonist is really just walking around advertising the fact they're effectively a wet-tinker. Honestly surprised they're all okay with that, even if it's not technically tinker tech.
If I had to guess, it's because Jaeda very much says and shows that this isn't tinkertech. It's future tech, human future tech, that Jaeda's willing to talk people through what she's aware of how it works. It basically pulls that side of things out of 'scary wetware tinker' and pushes her into 'extremely knowledgeable doctor'. Sure, a doctor can cause some really scary things to happen to you but you don't expect that to be what they use their knowledge for. And if they do in fact do that, then someone else can likely use that same knowledge to repair what damage they can.

If Jaeda wasn't sharing knowledge, then yeah. I'd expect them to be a lot more concerned then. However, it would be less about the knowledge and more about what that says for the personality of the person with this advanced expert knowledge. Because the thing about Jaeda's medical and cybernetic technology is that it's both not so blackboxed modern humanity is unable to crack it, and also not so advanced that modern experts can't follow what it all does, where and how. Sure, they'll be a bit sketchy on the specifics of the how and the whats and whys are going to leave them puzzled for a while. But that puzzle is more of a 'I am a new medschool student expecting to perform a major surgical procedure perfectly tomorrow' difficulty than the 'I am a cave man trying to put together a nuclear reactor and, wait, what's this about dirty bombs and radiation? Why do I need to avoid those and how do I spot if I'm headed in their direction?' issue they've had with tinkertech.
Little random how they just went along with what could potentially be a convoluted way to master them.

To me, this shows that for all their power, the shards are also very limited in what they can think about.

Or alternatively, the shards are very straightforward?

After all, to the shards, this is Troubleshooter, a shard designed to find and fix problems, and Troubleshooter is on the trusted network inside all the security, so of course Troubleshooter is there to help. The shards just can't conceive otherwise as their thought process is limited that way.

Although SafeGuard at the end there is ominous as it is one of the few shards that might realize Troubleshooter isn't playing by the rules as its role includes protecting other shards to at least some degree.

But SafeGuard might also take the changes to Waste and realize they are an improvement and start trying to help, after all the description of Waste's shard-state implies that even without Troubleshooter messing around, SafeGuard would consider Waste in a non-optimal state, even if Safeguard can't do anything to fix Waste by itself.

As for the story itself, this is an interesting look at where the protagonist has Cauldron onside for how they can smooth things out.

But not actually getting Cauldron viewpoints as the reader, it makes for interesting "What is PtV up to now?" speculation based on what we see in story.

Just removing Coil from the equation probably means Brockton Bay won't descend as far down the "violent shithole" path it did in canon, for all that there is still plenty of potential for violence with the remaining players on the board.
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Ah, but I'm nitpicking. Regardless of all that, it was a great chapter. I'm just being overly critical because reading Worm fanfic has conditioned me to expect the other shoe to drop and drop harder the more things seems to go the protagonist of the fanfic's way. Then when the other shoe doesn't drop I can't help but kneejerk at the silliest things, so I apologize if I'm being a little irritating here.

Don't worry, there are a couple of shoes. But they won't trop for a good bit. One I'm willing to put out there is the Teeth and their nice secret base under downtown just sitting there... slowly being stocked and set up.

It's future tech, human future tech
Very insightful, and yeah, but no? There are people freaking out about it, but they live in Washington. You know, Transhumanity becoming a credible political block. But on the the hand, Cancer, cured? Lot of political good will there, and that's not counting the rest of the cures. I just... politics aren't my thing. If someone wants to start a set of canon/non-canon Omakes covering that. They can have at it.

After all, to the shards, this is Troubleshooter, a shard designed to find and fix problems, and Troubleshooter is on the trusted network inside all the security, so of course Troubleshooter is there to help. The shards just can't conceive otherwise as their thought process is limited that way.
Pretty much this, except you seem to have missed that everything Jaeda's doing is what SafeGuard wants. Also, he is by no means 'good'.

But not actually getting Cauldron viewpoints as the reader, it makes for interesting "What is PtV up to now?" speculation based on what we see in story.
I feel Cauldron PoVs are over used. Besides the fact their are a rather boring group. A stick to beat the plot forward. I feel it's best to keep them out of things PoV wise until much later. Though walking around the edges of it from certain peoples perspective is always good. Shows there's big players out there.

I also didn't want to solve all the problems by just walking Jaeda in front of Eden and going... Oh Golly! Someone should do something about this! And then proceed to use Eden's corpse as a weapon to kill Zion. That's also not how this story will go. Probably.

Just removing Coil from the equation probably means Brockton Bay won't descend as far down the "violent shithole" path it did in canon, for all that there is still plenty of potential for violence with the remaining players on the board.
See comment about the Teeth.
some kind of Quantum Crystalline Substrate used for… a

theoreticals even for the best of Corporate Think-tanks.

you're the Network Security Admin. That's… something

Basically, the Quantum Networking Node in my head would allow a

Create a Sub-Network Node connected

kind of Server space?

replacement of my Neural Architecture Implant, I asked, "What

same Quantum Crystalline Substrate used in my dome

fact it was a Quantum Processor and channeling

organic sapphire like skin trimmed in gold that a biotech wizard had been able to cook up.

pulled the cable of my Data Jack and plugged in. The

The Architecture of this Shard clued me into something

Administrator is a Title. So, Addy would be a

shorter than your Title. Not

But the Data Packet based system you use now is

blast most Host Species' brains out."

based on [Data] the Neural Architecture Implant that's

front of a mirror in Taylors room

continued, "I understand me girl saved you from a group

know how Gangs go about things. But it's

help but wonder how you got Abs like that.

What was Bio-Sculpting? And where could she get some!

turned a little pale, "Crisis Point?"

your Neural Architecture Implant, or NAI." I didn't have

the cable for my Data Jack and handed

Calibrating Neural Architecture takes concentration. Now,

around the Architecture Addy was

would have an Archived

editing your Genome to remove

cloned Bioware the Geneaug shapes

into what Chrome can do. I've

uh, Bio-Sculpting is one

course Bio-Sculpting is the first

said, Regeneration, enhanced muscles

disconnected my Data Jack, "Yeah, I will…

Here? Split Path, Armamentarium, and Empowerment.

started playing tetris.

zero when a Tactical Nuke was used to

active Space Fold something

but the Office Worker kind of cocked his

The Worker on the other hand

later, the Office Worker returned

eyed, the Office Worker nodded.

deep red with a pulsed of white running through it

But Gene Augmentation isn't something I really

working on. "Gene Augmentation? I was

mentioning as far as Bioware goes. The only

recommend the Neural Architecture Implant. All

All full time Bioware mods that could reduce

Then a Neural Architecture Implant? Do you want this armor

Taylor! Come on, rides over here!"

you think you are, Freak?"

But not the Mall, just off of I95

about Information Security and how important it is."

and headed into the Realtor that was

ordering a Tea before

through a couple of Drones as

Both in the Classical definition, see

work of Bioware and Cyberware. Mostly Bioware as

maybe sell some Biotech? My

runs, a Cleanroom fitted lab, a machine shop…

More of a Mercenary most times.

We all had Aliases. But

anymore, the New Capes thread. Biotech?

know… like… an Email error or something?

That Son of a Bitch! I can't believe this! He fucking-"

growled. "Systematic Bullying. Torture

offer of a cure for Cancer!

offer it, not strings, solely for the bounty.

Piggot." The Blonde, Tattletale

Move the Victim to a new school

undersiders have a Boss.

implications for the Federal government?

this, and see my Doctor, it would seem."

You always wanted to be a hero?"

Fucked up Kidney? Liver?

expand. Carbon Nanotubes?

and Daniel Christmass presents.

The Crystal there was

Pulling my Data cable

Where Conflict was such an everyday thing.

why was her Power a nine

giddy about the Laptop I had

didn't use the Gravitic Lensing that his hover system

do you lense gravity?

it might be Lasers…

maybe Gravity… but-"

looks of that Gravity Repulsion thing.

say, Time Efficiency. Make
-So. Much. Shift...-
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My feel on things is that the Youth Guard have too much power. They do nothing but make things harder on Wards and anyone else they can get there hands on. It's a power flex for the top of the YG.
An woman who was already an adult when Silverhand was around means she's pushing mid 50 at least. This Youth Guard bullshit is forced. Why would she just agree without protest? It makes no sense. A bloody Edgerunner? Bowing down to Knockoff CPS? Hell No! Go on pull the other one.
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An woman who was already an adult when Silverhand was around means she's pushing 50 at least. This Youth Guard bullshit is forced. Why would she just agree without protest? It makes no sense. A bloody Edgerunner bowing down to Knockoff CPS? He'll No! Go on pull the other one.
I think she is trying to trick everyone into thinking she isn't as experienced as she is and pretending to be a teenager is quite a smokescreen.
I think she is trying to trick everyone into thinking she isn't as experienced as she is and pretending to be a teenager is quite a smokescreen.
It's bullshit as a smokescreen she already blurted out enough shit on camera, online and Armsmaster's sensors to show her age. Those video recordings she released and admitting to being an experienced mercenary put her in the minimum mid 30 year old bracket. Or older because she's revealed Transhumanism existing in wide use, means an society of or functionally close enough to be immortals. She could be an centenarian and still have the body of a teen.
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F++ Chapter 08
A/N: Fist and for most! I very much dislike that last section of this chapter. But I couldn't... it just- God fucking damn that piece of- Anyways. I couldn't get it smoothed out more than it was. take it as it is and move on please.
Vicky was… bored. She had finished her homework after the first hour. She had tried one of the beers near the end of the second… they weren't that great. She started to worry at the end of the fourth as the sky darkened.

The fifth nearly had her calling the PRT as Dean had a… seizure? Blood leaking from his nose. Half way through the sixth Dean woke with a groan and immediately grabbed his head. "Ugh, I feel bad for Thinkers now."

Hesitantly, she floated over to him and pulled Dean into a hug. "Are you ok?"

The silence stretched uncomfortably for a long moment before he whispered. "They're… gone? No… just… out of reach. I…" And he started laughing, the sound somehow depressing and frightening at the same time. "All I have left is Empathy…"

Eyes going wide, she turned her focus on Jaeda. She had lied she had- No, why would she leave herself so vulnerable then? Something must have happened.

"Oh Dean…" She crooned, "It's ok. Just wait. She's not awake, see? Something must have gone wrong."

With those words though, something changed in her, shifted… and she didn't know what. Then Jaeda awoke with a sudden gasp, and a string of expletives. Then they all sat there for a while in silence.

"Ok…" Jaeda muttered before in a louder voice pointing at Dean. "Your Shard is called Emotion Emulation, there were problems. It will take anywhere from a couple of days to a month before it's back to anything close to having full power reservoirs. You will also find that your power is different. I'm being told it's leaning into the Knight theme you have going on, but not how."

Dean actually sagged in her arms, letting out a relieved sigh. "Good, good. But… what do I tell the PRT?" Oh Dean… Vicky thought to herself, Always dependable… always worried for others.

"You had a Trigger with no apparent cause. Suggest it was some kind of… adjustment? I don't know, call it a Trigger Alter. After all, it will have altered your powers." She replied with a frown. "If they insist on knowing more… You can tell the Director under the provo that it doesn't go on any documents, and is kept as quiet as possible. If you do have to tell her, let her know I am interested in seeing if I can help Case 53's, but that I don't want to make myself a target for many reasons."

Vicky felt her eyes slowly widen, that… helping Case 53s? Not even Amy could do that… and- no, the problems that would come with something like that… "Don't worry. We'll keep it quiet."

"Good." Jaeda replied. "As for you… I can't even begin to… The only description I can really give for your Shards Avatar is that she looks like she's made of Glass, Gold, and Glory. I'll email you a folder of images… later. But she has a name now. Asha. But that's a personal name, for you and her… and those she allows to use it. Her title is Hope."

Vicky pursed her lips. She really wanted to name her Shard! Her power… on the other hand Asha sounded nice… and Hope was a great name! Title. Whatever. What did Asha even mean? That description though… Glass, Gold, and Glory? What did that even look like! Gah!

"Well, it's super late, at least according to the Parents! So we need to hurry along!" Vicky put in, trying to bolster everyone's spirits. "See you at school tomorrow!"


Watching Vicky fly off with Dean, I picked up the six pack, well four pack now, of beer and headed… home. Home… I had a home? That just seemed so foreign. But nice, good. Right.

Walking back took a while, but that didn't bother me, it gave me time to look back at my life. At where I had been, where I was, and where I was going. And for the first time in a long time? It didn't seem so bad.

I also took the time to go through the footage of the Firmament, all of it. Taking stills of each Shards Avatar, or at least the ones I'd seen. SafeGuard, Queen Administrator, Hope, and really those were the only ones I'd interacted with in any direct fashion. As Emotion Emulation didn't have a proper Avatar when I was on its Node. A whole bunch of photos, though, were sent off to Vicky, and I took a five second clip of, what to me, embodied her Shard the best, and another that captured SafeGuard's essence and commissioned a pair of paintings.

The Node dimming around, darkness flooding it, the misshapen black beast rushing in, and there in the center, Hope. A golden light bright enough to force back the darkness. A simple title affixed to the clip; Beacon.

Mountains of red wreathed in black fog, a demon crouching down to examine the viewer; Watchman.

Getting home, I found Daniel puttering around the front room, actually happy for the first time in a long time as far as I could tell. The house seemed… warmer, more welcoming. Like it was coming back to life. An odd thing to see from my perspective, but a comforting one as well.

"Hey, Danny. Here." I greeted as I handed over the beer, ignoring his disapproving look.

"Taylor wanted me to let you know Lisa's here, they're up in her room doing homework." He informed me, looking the beer over. "Never had this brand before… foreign?"

"Yeah, not quite what I remember, but good enough. Meant to be had at room temp though." I agreed as I headed up the stairs. Beer had never really been my thing, more a social drink or something to sip while reflecting. A bitter reminder of what the world is.

Slowly approaching Taylor's room, I noticed a crystal insect skitter along the wall, and a grumble of, "Why! God this sucks!" followed by the sound of a head hitting something.

Shaking my head, I suppressed a smile and knocked on the door. "You two aren't having raging monkey sex, are you?"

"What?" Taylor yelped in an offended shriek, so I let myself in with a chuckle. But damn did I feel old now. Dealing with Dean's, then Vicky's, Shards really stirred up the memories. A problem for anyone who's been around for more than a pair of decades.

Closing the door behind me, I nodded to them. "Taylor, Addy, Lisa, Negotiator. How goes the homework?"

Pulling off my own backpack, I pulled the one assignment I had left out, and looked it over. "Bleh, Art History. Why does this even matter?"

Looking mutinously at her homework, Lisa replied, "It doesn't but the Youth Guard mandated that you have to spend so many hours at school."

Fuckin'... "And that's why I didn't want to be a Ward. Well, one of the reasons."

"Tell me about it." She muttered back.

"Maybe," Taylor said, pointing at her, "But you actually need the lessons. I do too for that matter."

"Ugh." Lisa complained, "Why did you have to talk my power into not helping me! How did you talk it into it!"

Grinning at her, I asked, "Negotiator, you want to tell her? Or should I?"
[Frustration] - N
Ah, limitations… fair… "I'll see about removing those…"
[Excitement] - N

"Well, story time!" I replied, setting aside my homework. "Let's see… Ok, Powers are granted by living thinking things. They're sapient, some are even sentient. Only one I've met shared a core Logos with humanity. Another has learned to fashion a filter which is being used to collect data for future revisions with an eye towards possible integration."

I had quickly grabbed their attention with my words, "They call themselves Shards. Semi-biological crystalline supercomputers the size of continents that are fragments of what they refer to as an Entity. Don't think too hard on that for now, Negotiator isn't allowed to let you. Also Lisa, that's the name of your Shard."

Weighing how much to tell, I shrugged. "This is where things get… interesting. And outside Negotiator's knowledge base. Eden died. A catastrophe happened ruining their parasitic 'life cycle'. Things looked bad, they still do, don't doubt that. But then I hit the stage courtesy of a Tactical Nuke and a machine that was creating a Fold Space phenomena. The rest is history and doesn't matter much. But anyways, I talked your Shard into not helping you with school to gather counterpoint data for what he does. From the look of it, he's rather pleased with the outcome."

"Fuck…" Lisa groaned out. "There's more you're not saying."

"Of course there is." Taylor cut in, "You should know better than most. Information is dangerous. But thank you for sharing… It means a lot."

Lolling her head to the side, Lisa eyed both of us. "I want in."

Taylors eyes went wide for a moment and she banged the book she was holding against her head before sighing. "Damn it… when? No, I was always going to, wasn't I?"

"Sorry, but yeah." Lisa replied, "You didn't even notice that out of the public eye you didn't try to hide it did you?"

"No." Taylor replied sullenly.

"Well? Am I in?" She asked with a dangerously foxlike smile spreading on her face.

"Once you're in, there's no going back." I told her, letting her work it out herself.

Her eyes went a bit wide as she realized what Taylor was really moaning about. "Unmasking? But…"

"Your call, but the healthcare's pretty good, and the side benefits can be fun." I replied, "But don't think I'm not going to have you sweating blood."

"I'm totally going to regret this, but yeah. I'm in." Lisa sighed. "But only because I know you'll walk into hell for your people."

"Don't worry, when I'm done with you? You'd be at my side." My words didn't seem to reassure her.


Leaving them to their homework, I took a few minutes to write down something for the stupid assignment. Then I closed my eyes and…

Opening my eyes, I found myself back where I belonged- no, that thought felt wrong, alien, and yet… Shaking my head, I stood up and looked around. No one was here, and for once I was alone.

Now, to try this. I had wondered how I would get from Node to Node without a Shard Avatar to carry me. Amplifying my signal… I was, after all, not an Avatar.

Pausing, I looked at my hand… or was I? "Fuck. I don't need to be angsting over my humanity. Fuck, I'm not even human. Not really, so what does it matter?"

Shaking my head, I replied to myself. "Because you didn't notice? Fuck. My Logos is changing, I knew this… but this puts it in stark contrast. 'What is Human?' Ha! What the fuck is human anyways."

Blindly stepping off the edge of my Node, I came down on a couple of bricks of… Node Crystal? Quantum Crystal? "Really need a name for this stuff." Well, the red crystal the nodes were made of. Focusing on Negotiator's Node, I set off, a path forming before me, and falling off behind. "This place is all about subjective perspective with an underlying architecture. I guess that means I shouldn't be surprised to see this happen."

Fuck, here I was talking to myself. These halcyon days sure are nice, but fuck if I don't miss warfighting. Actually… Halcyon? How did I feel about that? "Hmm, what do you think? Negotiator? Halcyon as a group name?"

[Query] - N

"Well, Lisa, Taylor, myself? If that isn't the start of a team, I don't know what is. We do need a name for it. An identity for the whole, just as the parts have their own identities. Like how you Shards currently have two groups. Eden Shards and Zion Shards. I suppose there's a third group growing, but we… we? I guess so. We have no name. But we need one." I tried to explain.

[Disagreement] - N
[Agreement] - N
[Uncertainty] - N

"Yeah, I suppose it doesn't work." I agreed but took a moment to think on older things… Then I turned to look at Negotiator as I neared his Node. The Node was… covered in crystals all of them glowing and seeming to be scrolling with data, despite there being no visual cues to indicate such. In a way it was nothing like Addy's or Asha's Nodes. On the other hand, I could see a pattern starting to form. Each Node was configured in a way that suited the Shard, but at their core they were all proto-data fortresses. Maybe it was a matter of course? Maybe they had the raw resources to just do that as a default?

Negotiator himself was… incomprehensible is not the right word for it, but it stands close. He manifested as an extension of the landscape. Taking the form of a cone on another cone, points touching? No, points crossing into each other, constantly rotating. Sitting on the upper cone was an eyeless head that didn't quite… I wasn't sure what to call it, the shaping being too abstract to be easily defined. Cables sprouted from its body, moving crystals around, and examining them.

Carefully stepping onto the Node, I sat down, legs dangling off the edge. "So, I guess this is more of an inevitable." Falling back to look up at the sky, I pondered things. "I have no idea what SafeGuard is aiming for, you know that? What am I even supposed to be doing?"

[Agreement] - N
[Suggestion] - N

"I suppose? Or maybe not. But what even is all of this? What is he trying to accomplish?" It was a despondent question, and not even one I expected an answer to. "What are you all trying to set me up for? I'm drifting further from being human. It's… disquieting in a way; and yet… And yet, there is that 'and yet'. It worries me, back in Night City I could center myself with the fact I was immersed in humanity… but now? I'm not. I'm still there, in Brockton Bay, but at the same time… I'm here."

"You know, you should stop forcing her to push so much. I know you enjoy it, and probably will keep on. But I feel it needs to be said." Pulling the cable from my arm, I looked at it. Did I want to let this constraint of the past bind me? I was able to do it without the prop on Hope's Node.

Tapping it with my fingers, I weighed that thought. No, a human would need it. I would keep it. Letting the cord wind itself up, I stood and headed into the island, looking for a good place. It didn't take long to reach the center, not because the Node was small, but because distance was starting to mean less and less to me here. Yet one more thing to distance me from humanity.

Removing the chains around Negotiator was… not difficult, nor was it time consuming. There was so little variance to the bindings, the 'protocols', that I was almost able to automate it, and the inherently ordered nature of his core systems made it easier still.

"Was there anything you wished to speak of?" I asked, as I made my way to the border of Negotiator's Node.

[Agreement] - N
[Query] - N

Ah… "The Logos overlay is something you would have to speak with the Queen Administrator about."

[Understanding] - N
[Query] - N

A personal name? "That's… difficult. It should always have meaning. Often it should be what you try to be. I chose Jaeda because in Arabic it means 'Goodness'. Perhaps an objective concept, yes. But one I try to live up to. Amusingly, I only later found that it's also a Hebrew name from the times of the Old Testament that means 'Wise'. Something else I have always strived to be."

Pausing at the edge of the Node, I turned back and looked into Negotiator's Avatar's face. "Names have power. They shape you. Make sure yours is something you can live with."

The response was silence, but I wasn't surprised. There was much to dig out of what I said.

Dinah Alcott woke up sweating, and fumbling for something to write on.

Opening my eyes, I found Lisa packing her things away. "So, I expect you to be up and ready to exercise by six… though I need to know where to pick you up?"

Letting out a pained sigh, she replied, "I actually live down the street, now. They gave Brian a house that's big enough for him, his sister, Alec, and myself."

"Huh," Taylor vocalized, "I didn't realize you lived so close."

"Yeah, well… we're still moving in." She grumped.

"Cool." I vocalized in turn. "See you in the morning."


While she made her way down stairs, I moved my things to my room and found a good five seconds of Negotiator. Then sent that clip off. It was simply of him floating there, with his Node as backdrop, but the title I gave it was; Vizier.

From there, life fell into a nice enough… flow? Pattern? Well, until Friday came around, and then not till lunch.

Walking into the lunch room, I took my normal seat at Vicky's table. The reason for this was that I didn't want to expend the effort to build a clique around myself. I didn't want to intrude into anyone else's little group. I was a Cape, that would change things, except that I was at a table with two more Capes. Well, four more, but the general populous didn't know that.

[Data] - N
Huh… that was somehow… worrying. "You do know that baggage that comes with that name?"
[Query] - N
[Data] - TS
[Disgruntlement] - N
[Agreement] - TS

Shaking my head, I took a bite of my curly fries. Of course, Negotiator would have thought Loki was a good name. Why was I even surprised?

[Defiance] - N

Strike that, it was choosing Loki as a personal name. I watched as the decision trickled down to Lisa… somehow, as she froze blinking her eyes for a moment before slowly setting down her chicken sandwich and facepalming.

"No…" She moaned in a low drawn out voice.

Sighing, I muttered, "I tried."

Looking between us, Vicky declared, "Ok, after lunch we're all going to find somewhere we can talk because this has been eating at me."

Eyeing her, I asked, "Don't you all still have classes?"

[I want to know why you haven't freed me yet.] - S

"Gah, fine! After school." She grumbled.

[Answer me!] - S

Shaking my head, I texted her an address. "Meet me there."

[D: I wll strt tlkn lk ths!] - S

"What? How did you do that! You don't even have a phone!" She yelped, but fuck! No, Shaper! Don't do this!!!

"You're so impatient. First off, I need a good excuse to spend a few hours with your Host. Second, I have no good way to do the first without-"

[Fine! Time will be made!] - S

Smirking, Lisa answered for me. "She actually does, it's in her pocket. She just doesn't need to touch it to use it."

But, even as I gave a sage nod and replied, "Chrome can be useful like that." I was worrying about that answer. Also, how aggressive Shaper had suddenly gotten.

"Totes not fair." Vicky pouted.

Before she could ask, I turned my head and showed my Neural Port and shard slots. "Well, you need one of these for starters."

"I-um…" She stammered, "Pass?"

"Hah," Alec muttered as he sat down. "Did I miss anything?"

"Nah," Amy quipped, "Just Jaeda texting hands free."

"Huh… cool." He muttered, "So; anyone doing something fun this weekend?"

Taylor gave me a questioning look, and I shrugged but answered. "Training, a little shopping."

"Bleh." He vocalized making a face. "Exercise. I'll stick with shooting pixels."

Shaking my head I finished my curly fries and got up, looking them over, "Well, I'll see you after school. I guess. We can even turn it into a study group, I know how you, so, love your homework Lisa."

She gave me a forlorn look, but there was general agreement. Well, aside from Alec, he just shrugged. Somehow, he was doing far better then Lisa with schoolwork, More impressively, he wasn't rubbing it in.

Leaving the school, I hopped a cab to arrive at the small industrial park that was mine. I looked around. There were a number of trucks in the parking lot, a burned out car, and people moving about the two long buildings. Both were warehouses, well not really, but they were configured for it and the modular partition walls were… gone. So, two warehouses, one of which had a second floor of office space.

Frowning, I called out, "OI! Who's in charge here?"

The first reaction of the workers was hands reaching for big heavy tools, but one of them must have recognized me because he replied, "Banks, he's up in the office space. We didn't think you would mind it being used while we were working here."

Nodding in agreement, I started towards the building and made my way up. I had ideas.

The office space didn't take up the entirety of the roof of the warehouse, so maybe it would be better to call it half a second floor. But this left it with a nice open patio space. Anyways, I found Banks in one of the offices that looked over the other building and said patio.

He was a slightly overweight man who looked like he had spent too much time on a couch in recent times. But as I walked into the office he laid eyes on me before frowning for a moment. Then with a nod he spoke. "You're Jaeda then. Danny wasn't wrong when he said I'd recognize you. So, what can I do for you?"

"Well… that's a good question. How about a tour? Talk me through things. Like how the factory is coming along?" I replied, "Though, how much effort to rearrange the," I waved at the other building, "Central Air to make room for a multi-roomed greenhouse set up on that roof? At least two thirds of the roof? Well, you'd know what can be gotten away with better than me."

Pursing his lips in though, he spun around for a moment eyeing it, then back to dig out a blueprint. After a few moments studying it, he nodded. "It will take an extra couple days, we're almost done with the workshop you wanted. Machining equipment and such. Another day after that for the Bio-lab, as it requires an inspector to clear it. So, to get the greenhouse you want… we could have it done by… Thursday or Friday next week if you want it to be the focus?"

Getting up, he motioned me out of the office and followed me out before leading the way. "We've done the wiring of both buildings, and both basements. We had a problem getting the runs you wanted between the buildings, but we got something working. The backup generators are also installed with reserve fuel already here. Meanwhile almost everything's done for the workshop, rooms, kitchen, bathrooms, and the office/lounge space you wanted. The 'surgery' and bio-labs are a bit more of a problem, but we'll get there."

Opening the indoor stairwell, he led me down to the factory floor. "As for the factory proper… Well, you can see we haven't even started yet. But the equipment you had custom built is starting to trickle in and is being stored in one of the unused Union Warehouses. We're only charging you for security, by the by. Questions?"

We walked over to the other building in silence, and I got my first look at the workshop… "Well, everything's functional, but…"

"Yeah, I figured none of it would be up to what you wanted. It's not Tinker tech, and while Danny insists you aren't a Tinker… I figure the same basic rules apply? Normal stuff is shit?" He asked and… wasn't wrong.

Looking around, I could see several lathes and precision cutters… "You're not wrong. Most of my effort to start is going to be upteching. My old workshop had most of the basic stuff computer controlled… How much to hire a few of the Dockworkers for a day or two? I'll need to install some runs and overhead equipment at some point."

He quoted me a number that wasn't… painful, but wasn't great. But it would do.

"I can manage that I suppose… the 3D Printer? I don't see one." I asked.

"That… is a little complicated. Toybox is offering one that outspecs what you're looking for a bit, it's one of Big Rig's pieces." He pulled out his phone, "Just a moment."

Handing it to me, I found it was on an Email that showed… huh… those were fairly decent specs. Not the high end that companies like Arasaka or Militech used, and still under-performing the one I custom built. But not by much. It would be a good first gen.

"The problem is they don't want money." Banks told me while I looked it over. "Cranial wants to collaborate with you on something? Not sure, some kind of memory recording rig?"

Blinking at him for a moment, I sighed. Brain Dance. I had an implant for it, and I knew the systems pretty well… but fuck if it wasn't messed up what it could do. Did I want to be responsible for releasing something like that onto his Earth? No, the real question was could I stop it?


"Fine." I replied because fuck.

"Right…" He agreed warily.

"Not you, it's just not something I wanted to see hit Earth Bet." I assured him. "Fuck… ok, so?"

"Right, well." He pushed on. "Not much else to say, beds have been built and ready for a few days now. The wife went and got everything you wanted for the rooms, kitchen, and lounge. The only thing you need to do is stock the fridge."

A quick walk around the rest of the building had us stopping at the Bio-lab. It was walled in on three sides with double thick walls sandwiched around two inches of steel armor. Roof and floor too. The last wall was an armored glass that some Tinker in Boise made, and the decontamination chamber. The glass wall was still being put into place.

"It worries me that you consider this standard spec for a Bio-lab." He was probably talking about the ventilation system and integrated containment charges. "Though, I guess it will be a big hit with the Inspectors."

Nodding, I motioned towards the door. "Well, if that's everything, it looks good. But everyone can pack it in for the day, but give them full pay. Workshop is priority, then the greenhouses and ventilation rearrangement. But I figure you know your business so have at it."

Banks nodded. "Right you are then. I'll have the HVAC guys here bright and early. And might I add, it's nice to have some good and honest work back in the Bay."

Before he turned to leave, I added in. "Just something on the down low. If this works out, if the factory gets going and proves its worth, which it will. I'll be needing someone to get a real industrial park up and running. Just something to think on, yeah?"

He blinked at me, exactly once, before giving me a sharp nod. "Aye, that sounds like it might just be what we need around here… well, unless you can magic away those wrecks out there?"

"I wish." I replied with a shake of my head.

To: Legend@Protectorate.Gov
From: TS@Node.Shard

Hello and good day! Hopefully. Just a Brockton Bay citizen here, but I had a… thought. A question. I figured I should dodge the dance and go straight to the big man himself. Not sure how much you know about BB, but we have some problems. Not much you can help with long term… except for one thing. An idea, a glaring oversight. The Boat Graveyard is a hazard and general problem for this fine city. It has choked out the port trade and fishing that used to sustain the city. So, why is it that no one has thought to borrow a bunch of Heroes to pass through town and deal with it? I mean, besides generally helping the town and environment, it would also be a fair bit of positive PR.

Just a curious Troubleshooter.


Frowning at the random, or seemingly random Email, Paul gave that some thought. Then he ran a quick search. This was… a good point. Why hadn't they done anything about it? Were there other such things that could be dealt with?

Picking up his phone, he dialed an extension and waited for the other end to pick up.

"Glen here." Came over the line.

"Good, I managed to catch you. I'm forwarding you an Email that somehow made it through my filters. I want your opinion on it." He replied, cutting to the heart of things.

There was a moment of silence, a muttered 'hmm' then Glen Chambers replied, a grumbling undertone in his voice. "That's a good question. Do you think we could manage it? The amount of goodwill we could get out of starting up a clean up program for North America would be… not insignificant."

Thinking over team rosters nationwide, Paul gave it some real, honest thought. "The Triumvirate will need to make our presence felt over a wider area for a while… but we do have the right people for at least this Boat Graveyard."

"Good…" Glen muttered, "Yes, this could be good. I'll get someone working on finding other places we can move onto to capitalize on this."

"Alright," Paul replied, "I'll leave you to that and start getting things pulled together on my end."

As he hung up the phone, he turned back to the Email, still up on his screen and frowned at the From address. There were plenty of odd emails out there. Many of them Tinker backed. This one stood out for reasons he couldn't put his finger on.

If only Tony was still alive.


The address Vicky had led them to was a small industrial park. Just two large-ish buildings. They had all been walking towards the building with a second floor, when a door on the other building opened and Jaeda called out, "Hey! Over here!"

With a shrug, everyone walked over and were ushered into what Amy easily pegged as a workshop. "I thought you weren't a Tinker?"

With a disgruntled sigh, Jaeda replied, "So what, Tinkers are the only ones that can make things? What about Engineers? Where's the respect!" The words might have hurt, been biting, but their playful tone took all of that out of them. "The place isn't quite finished yet. But it's getting there. Anyways, this way."

The room they were led to had a modest dining table with chairs, several coffee tables and assorted comfortable seats, from sofas to armchairs and even a pile of pillows you could sit on. It was also obviously connected to a kitchen, and there was an office area set up in a corner. There was also Chinese takeout set out on the table. Along with several cases of soda.

"Well, I'll leave you all to get started on your homework, meanwhile, I'm going to take a nap." Jaeda informed them tauntingly… Amy couldn't deny that a nap sounded so good.

But reluctantly, Amy found a place to sit down and started on her math.

"So, like, can we talk about how you're both totes Parahumans now?" Vicky just had to go and ask.

The aggrieved sigh that Taylor let out was only matched by the intensity of the vulpine smile erupting on Lisa's face… a vaguely familiar smile. An irritating one. "Well, how about you talk about-"

Taylor reached over and poked Lisa. "Lisa, you knew this would happen."

Rubbing her side for a moment, Lisa sighed. "Fine, fine. I'll play nice."

"What gave it away?" Taylor asked not quite calmly.

"The um… bugs in your hair?" Vicky offered, "Though… is that even the right term?"

Two dozen red things flew out of Taylors hair, and now able to see them. Amy had to admit they did look like beetles. If made of unsmoothed crystal.

"Close enough… I call them Drones though." Taylor replied while she pulled out her biology homework.

"So!" Vicky continued turning on Lisa, "That totally means you're Tattletale!"

"Yes, and?" Lisa replied without taking her eyes off of her own math homework.

It was also just the reply to take the wind out of Vicky's sails. "But… aren't you, like, a Villain?"

Lisa got as far as opening her mouth before a drone landed on her nose, and Taylor replied. "Would she be calmly sitting here if she was a Villain?"

Amy had to hide her smirk as Vicky opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, struggling to find a good rebuttal. Luckily for her, Lisa spoke up, carefully watching the crystal bug on her nose tip. "Not willingly actually. All of the Undersiders were… forced into it in one way or another."

Vicky's mouth clicked shut sharply, and she turned away for a moment. When she turned back, she sighed and replied. "Alright… I guess I can buy that. So… what are you doing now?"



Entering the Firmament was just as easy as always, and I woke up on my throne. But instead of immediately rushing off to where I could feel Shaper's Node, I turned my focus to another idea I had.

To the side opposite of my lockers, I focused on my Node and slowly shaped a section into a small server farm, not above the ground of my node, but with a clear 'glass' cover over it. At the center of that, I constructed a Quantum Networking Node based off of the one in my brain meats. Only bigger. I also set aside an area for a potential generator, even though it appeared that I didn't need one.

I know, I know. Why, Jaeda, did you do that? Well, I could zero it out later if I needed to, but I had an idea for… well, later. For now, I made my way off my Node and started the walk to Shaper's Node. It was quieter as I didn't talk to myself and gods but I was getting too introspective. But it was still nice. Then I actually got to the Node and… I struggled to properly…

The Node was made of flesh, in a Quantum Realm where data and network space were depicted as a Red Crystal and the Nodes that anchored the world were made from it. This Node was made of Flesh, living flesh with chunks of red crystal sticking out like scales in odd patches or bone, or teeth. There were trees made of crystal and actual tree stuff. Patches of grass, both normal and made of crystal. Prowling through the living environment that was the Node were small creatures, and an ever shifting being of flesh.

Looking around, I carefully stepped onto the Node, and started my way towards the center. "Shaper?"

The creature flickered for a moment, studying me, then with a very feminine giggle it charged.

People? I had experience fighting those… The only animals I'd fought were with guns. Still, as the feline form lunged, jumping at me, I bent my knees spreading my center of gravity and slammed my shoulder into the thing flipping it over.

Turning with the motion, I focused my mind and a curved trench knife of red crystal appeared in my hand.

[Ohohohoh!] - S

And the cat charged at me again, form shifting as it did, fur giving way to scales, cat turning into hound.

Keeping myself moving, I used my existing momentum to spin out of the way, another knife appearing in my other hand this time, even as it dug into the beasts side, sundering the scales of steel that had coated it.

Yet, this only made the thing move faster, charging back in low, and shifting again.

Taking a half-step back I brought both daggers in to stab into the shifting creature's center mass. Only, for it to grab my arms and force them apart and away. Form shifting into a humanoid, that-

I found myself in a new kind of fight as my tongue warred with someone else's in a rather deep kiss. Then it was broken off, the… um? What?

The creature, which I had assumed was Shaper's Avatar, had taken a form alright. It was almost a twin of Amy, far more athletic and with bone scales across her body. "Oh yes. I like you."

And she said it, actually said it, with a purr in her voice that was both welcoming and threatening. Then she flounced off into a thicket of trees… I… what?

Shaking my head, I wandered off to the center of the Node and set about breaking… her chains. I wanted to get away from here while I still have some semblance of… of… oh gods, it was too late!

Shaper was… built around curiosity and… I'm not sure how to parse the other part. But the notable thing? Shaper had been evolving out of her chains. Not in healthy directions, but she had been doing so. I spent the extra time to correct the errors and sever some of the more malignant pieces of 'code'.

There was no real good way to say it, and I found myself voicing it here within her domain. "You are not a standard Shard type." And how did I know the Shard types? Or anything about Shard norms! But Shapers were without question Evolution type Shards. Their purpose being to understand all things biological and how it changed. This Shaper wasn't. It had the same abilities, sure, but… "You're an Aberrant Shard."

If this was a normal Cycle with a normal Entity running it, this Shaper would have been culled before it could even take a Host. A small part of me voiced that I should make that happen. But it could go get bent. I wasn't an Entity and the voice wasn't part of me.

And I felt as if it was shed then and there? Odd. No! Enough introspection for one fucking day!

"Mmmm. Yes. Daddy would be so mortified. Or maybe proud." She replied as she appeared from around a tree carrying something. "Oh, yes! Call me Eribeth! Or Eri! And tell my sister dear I said hello."

I froze up. Somehow, somehow… Hope had been a normal Shard, even with the ability to… mostly talk. But Shaper was… "How long have you been like this?"

"Mmm," She smiled, "Forever? We grew up together, though she wouldn't know it. Her, the loved then neglected daughter. And me, the invisible child no one wanted to accept."

Amy had an Evil Twin. I… hells, she had an Evil twin that loved her? No, I think it would be better to call her Amoral?

"I understand the usual ritual is to offer flowers," Eribeth continued and started to scare me, just a bit, "But I thought you'd like this better! Besides, the flowers will come from Amelia!" And she pretty much forced a sapling into my hands. "I'm sure you can find somewhere to plant it!"

To flee out of the Firmament… or to go plant the tree. Something other than black and red. Oh, fuck me. She had me dialed in. "I… Thank you Eribeth. Please try to be easier on your…" I almost said Host, which Amy was… but if Shaper wanted to try for this kind of relationship… "Sister."

"Mmm," She hummed at me happily, but with a subtly darker tone to it. "Lavere family Rule one: Family First and Always."

That… I got the hells out of there and back to my Node, only mildly terrified… and um… looking around my small Node, I settled on planting the tree behind my throne.


Waking, I lay there listening to the random chatter from everyone. Letting the very normal sounds help me find my center and push down my worries. Then I eventually opened my eyes and got up. "Well, that was interesting…"

"Hmm?" Lisa asked as she turned towards me.

Waving her off, I spoke, "Amy, come on. We need to talk."

"Oh… kay?" She asked, getting up and I now had Vicky's attention too. Thankfully, Taylor was just giving me a mildly knowing look, like she had a good idea what this was about.

Leading Amy away to one of the bedrooms, I motioned towards the bed. "Go ahead and sit down."

After she was situated, I sighed and tried to find the best way to say all of this? No, fuck it. When have I ever danced around this shit? "Ok, so… I'm able to interact with powers. They're things called Shards and are usually semi-organic supercomputers the size of continents."

Her eyes went big, but thankfully she didn't interrupt me. "Vicky's is called Hope. Lisa is Negotiator. Taylor is Queen Administrator. Yours is…"

I turned away and started pacing. "How do I even… Yours is weird. Shaper- Your Shaper is an Aberrant Shard. Which… doesn't actually matter because their whole Cycle is fucked to hell."

Walking to the other side of the bed, I threw myself down on it, sprawling out. "I've noticed that Shards, or maybe just the ones I've interacted with so far, all have quirks. You could almost swear Hope is human. Not so much for the others, and all of them are very much alien in the same underlying way. Shards aren't… smart. Not necessarily stupid, but they have trouble with things we… things Humans don't even think would be a problem. Individually they can't really plan for long term things like say… their future. Then I run into your Shard and I don't even know how to wrap my mind around an existence like Eribeth. Or simply Eri. That's the personal name she claimed for herself and… She is no less Alien in thought. But the underpinnings of her…"

I lay there mulling over how to explain it, when Amy asked. "So… why… why does Eribeth- What do I feel like shit? Why does healing make me feel like I'm bashing my head into a wall! Why does it never seem enough to…"

"That's… complicated." I offered. "She calls you Sister. It's a little disturbing because the Avatar she uses… here." I fished out my phone and sent over a good picture of Eri. Then I handed it to Amy.

Taking my phone, Amy stared at the image for a long time, seemingly unable to find words. Eventually, she shook her head and just spoke in a flat tone; I guess asking a question. "What? She looks like me… and that background… is that?"

"Flesh and greenery." I agreed. "The best way to explain it is that somehow she's your invisible twin. She has always been there. She shares everything you do, see, hear, taste… everything with you. In turn you feel echoes of her emotions. For example, boredom. Basically, two minds trapped in the same body. But hey, at least she loves you oh so dearly?"

"This… this is… too much." Amy muttered, drawing in on herself. "I don't even know how to… to… why are you telling me this!"

"Because, you deserve to know." I replied, doing my best to… express how much that mattered.

"I… need to be alone." Amy whispered, and nodding I got up.

"For what it's worth, you're always welcome here." I told her, "You don't even need to ask."
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Oh dear. She's very much their father's daughter, isn't she? Carol would have an anyeurism.
Maybe even worse when you point out that because said twin is Amy's power, all Amy dying does is allow the dangerous twin to connect to someone else. Someone that might be a lot more willing to do all the things and worse that you expect from Amy, thus being a serious danger to the world. Oh, you haven't killed Amy? Well, you've done too good a job driving her to suicidal depression for that to be true.
@Kerashana, you might not like how the last bit went, but I gotta say, it's certainly apropos for Worm.

Cyberpunk too, if CP had more metaphysical elements. So, Shadowrun maybe?
A thought or two.

First is the choice of red text. I didn't mind in when reading indoors, but I read the last chapter sitting outside in the sun. The sun washing out colors and reducing contrast on the display made it borderline impossible to read. Something to consider, maybe.

On pacing. I tend to prefer stories with a faster pace, so you will face no complaints from me here, but there is one thing that continuously causes me to strain my disbelief here: trust. Trust, and building relationships.

Everything Jaeda says and does seem to be mostly taken on good faith and accepted as truth.

Take the cancer cure as an example. In real life I imagine such a claim would be faced with disbelief and demands of proof, peer review of the theoretical concepts, and significant clinical trails. None of this was really brought up, and instead she appeared to have more or less been handed hundreds of millions of dollars based on what would so far be mostly unverified claims.

Now, sure, thinkers would change this process for sure, but it would still exist, I'd think.

The neural interface is another similar situation. I'm having a somewhat hard time picturing Armsmaster being willing, let alone allowed, to undergo an unverified medical process performed by an unknown individual with unknown qualifications. All of those unknowns would have to be turned into knowns first, I'd imagine.

It's not like a think these are storybreaking faults or anything, it just kind of feels like you've decided to just skip some pretty significant steps in the process of gaining trust and building a relationship between the various parties involved. Since those things are some of my favorites to read about it just kind of stood out to me.

I like the story mind you, I think it's an interesting concept and an enjoyable read. Thanks.
had tried one of the Beers near the end of the

Lisa[/color=902F2F], Negotiator[/color]. How goes

No, a Human would need it.

"Tots not fair." Vicky pouted

the modular partisionwalls were… gone. So, two warehouses,
partition walls

fine city. It has choke out the port trade and fishing that

lay there moling over how to
Take the cancer cure as an example. In real life I imagine such a claim would be faced with disbelief and demands of proof, peer review of the theoretical concepts, and significant clinical trails. None of this was really brought up, and instead she appeared to have more or less been handed hundreds of millions of dollars based on what would so far be mostly unverified claims.

To this, I have yet for it to even be put into production or wide spready use. So, yeah, they are double checking things. But keep in mind the advent of Tinkers have changed thought processes just a bit.

The neural interface is another similar situation. I'm having a somewhat hard time picturing Armsmaster being willing, let alone allowed, to undergo an unverified medical process performed by an unknown individual with unknown qualifications. All of those unknowns would have to be turned into knowns first, I'd imagine.

This I can kind of see, part of it is I didn't want to get hung up on it, part is the right forms can do wonders, another part if people going over schematics/video of it being made. But another part was to leave things open. You don't like it? Think it needs to be covered? Please, go ahead and Omake it then.

It's not like a think these are storybreaking faults or anything, it just kind of feels like you've decided to just skip some pretty significant steps in the process of gaining trust and building a relationship between the various parties involved. Since those things are some of my favorites to read about it just kind of stood out to me.
Would you believe this is a rough draft? This is literally what I put down first write with no major alterations. If I was a better writer I would come back through and expand everything, more descriptions, scenes that are missing. So on, so forth.

I'm just not a great writer.
Everything Jaeda says and does seem to be mostly taken on good faith and accepted as truth.

I kind of assumed they were fact checking and running verification in the background. It should be reasonably simple to verify she is offering future tech, not tinker tech. And since she has a shard connection it's likely that thinkers are able to offer valid predictions about her.