Fire On The Mountain (A Skyrim Quest)

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Do'azda's Character Sheet
Name: Do'azda Khrimnin
Race: Khajiit (Suthay-Raht)
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Profession: Shaman
Appearance/Description: She stands at a normal height for a Suthay-raht, that is to say, shorter than most men or mer, but not by too much. Her fur is a warm, rich orange, paler around her muzzle and down her neck, and her eyes are startlingly yellow. Her hair is braided, with rings that jangle faintly when she turns her head too fast. Her robes are basic, and worn from age, but have been fastidiously cleaned.
Level: 7
XP: 0/120

Alchemy: 25
Alteration: 5
Archery: 5
Block: 6
Conjuration: 40
Destruction: 5
Enchanting: 5
Heavy Armor: 5
Illusion: 35
Light Armor: 20
Lock Picking: 1
One-Handed: 21
Pickpocket: 5
Restoration: 15
Smithing: 1
Sneak: 20
Speech: 27
Survival: 13
Two-Handed: 5

They say it kills cats - Do'azda has few restraints on her inquisitive nature, asking whatever questions occur to her, paying little attention to whether this may be considered rude. Whatever else, at least Do'azda never finds herself regretting her failure to ask about something.

Dancing the night away - Do'azda is a fine dancer in the Elsweyr style, where dances are not the slow, ritualised partnering of the Altmer, but instead are a whirling piece of performance art, with the dancer's emotions informing the dance more than any practiced steps. Do'azda can feel the music in her bones, and can dance to only a drumbeat.

In the shadow of the moon - Do'azda was blessed even as she began her journey to become a shaman. A priestess of Azurah, the Mistress of Dusk and Dawn, favoured daughter of Fadomai, received a vision. Azurah's light shines favourable upon her.

Tangled Tails--Do'azda has had flings before, "Tangled Tails" as the euphemism goes, and she's willing to engage in casual relationships or 'one-night marriages' if the opportunity arises.

Racial Perks--

Claws--She has very wicked claws indeed.
Darksight--She can see incredibly well in the dark.

Skill Perks--

Conjuring Efficiency (10): Do'zada knows how to be careful with her Magicka without losing any power when she's Conjuring, and can use such magic more freely and easier when fighting or in other circumstances. (Cojuration)

Mystic Binding (20): Do'azda gains skill at creating bound weapons of magic, so that she is never without her arms no matter what. She also becomes more skilled at creating bound objects of all types, and begins to study that which might allow one to bind a soul into a gem. (Conjuration)

Haggling 1 (0): Everything in Skyrim is far more expensive, and so Do'azda should probably try to figure out how to make do with what little gold she has. (Speech)

Insight (20): One of the key elements of persuasion is knowing what would convince someone. Do'azda now knows how to evaluate what kinds of arguments and reasoning would convince different people if she spends enough time to get a feeling for how they think. (Speech)

Agile Defender (10): Armor is often hard to get used to, so figuring out how to move with light armor so as to reduce how bad a hit is is something you can only learn by doing… and Do'azda has begun to 'do.' (Light Armour)

Rahjin Perks

Laughter-Silvered Wings (Level 5): A flying companion does not simply owe its speed to its physical form, but the strength of its spirit, and so it tends to be faster and more manuverable than its terrestrial version, harder to hit, and a greater predator of the sky.

(Next at Level 8)

Blur - Do'azda knows a spell to obscure her features at a distance, to render her indistinguishable from another Khajiit. Up close, it is almost pathetically ineffective, however.
Clairvoyance - Do'azda is granted flashes of insight into the path to her goal by Azurah - the Goddess of Dawn and Dusk sees much of the land.
Conjure Animal - Do'azda reaches onto Hircine's hunting ground and recalls the imprint of an animal which perished nearby to fight by her side
Conjure Axe - Do'azda can create a hatchet from pure magic. It is too cumbersome for effective use in combat, but for cutting wood, it is more than adequate
Bound Dagger--As she has learned how to better summon such things, she has figured out how to use a Bound Dagger.
Courage - Do'azda uses magic to inspire in another the will to fight, though currently only to instill confidence in victory, not to cause conflict where none exists.
Summon Familiar - Do'azda reaches into her own soul to bring forth her familiar, the falcon Rajhin. No mere shade, Rajhin remains with her until slain and can do far more than just fight, but cannot be summoned for a day and a night thereafter if killed.
Fear - This spell pulls from the mind a fear that the target has, and creates from this the feeling of fear.
Distraction - Creates sounds and sights on the edge of perception. Sights and sounds determined by the caster.
Healing Wounds - The caster uses their magicka to seal the wounds of the target. All healing occurs in a single burst.
Conjure Flame Atronach - Do'azda can call forth a spirit of Infernace, a being of fire, constrained in a form of iron.
Flames - Do'azda can release a gout of fire from her palm, directly setting alight her foe, though only for so long as she feeds magicka to the fire.
Lesser Ward - Do'azda can use her magic to create a shield of magical energy, blocking low level magical attacks, reducing high level magical attacks and mitigating the damage of physical attacks.

Do'azda can make...

Potion of Minor Healing - Bruises fade, cuts close, aching muscles relax, this potion provides a little relief from injuries. The first potion a young shaman will learn to brew.
Potion of Suppress Disease - A potion which will suppress the symptoms of a disease for several days; oftentimes long enough for the body to get the cold or flu from its system. More serious or outright magical diseases will return with a vengeance once the potion's effects wear out, but it is a useful potion to know how to craft.

FUS - Force
WULD - Whirlwind

FUS DAH--Force Push

Gold Septim (365)
Trail Rations (x4)
Fine Rations
A very nice dress for casual-formal occasions.
A lovely dress in the gothic style, with an enchantment of illusory power woven into it.
Iron Axe--An iron axe of low quality.
Steel Axe - A steel axe of decent quality
Iron Dagger--An iron dagger of mediocre quality.
Mage Robes--Increase magical regeneration, but provides little protection, discouraging getting up close and personal.
Leather Armor--Comfortable, lightweight armor, it counteracts the discouragement from getting up close, though as an extra layer it means it can get extra hot.
Lunar Steel War Axe--An Axe which can, in the light of the moon, drink in the life-force of its victims and use it to restore that of its weilder.
Steel Dagger (x2)--A well-worn but very useful steel dagger.
Alchemical Kit--A very fine kit for the creation of potions. One careful owner.
Stormcloak Token--A token from Ulfric Stormcloak himself...
Underclothes--You know.
One Powerful Enchanted Sword (Rusted)--A sword of unknown value, it has a rather potent and interesting enchantment attached to it.

Spell Tome: Illumination--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This allows Do'azda to create a light in the darkness... less useful for a Khajiit, but still a spell of value.
Spell Tome: Thieves Vision--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This simple spell gives one slightly better night vision… but is also notable for being able to see writing hidden by weak illusions, and thus is commonly used by thieves trying to read the secret messages of other thieves.
Spell Tome: Turn Undead--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. A spell of moderate difficulty, it will take several nights of reading to learn it. A spell technically of the "Restoration" school, which puts fear into nearby undead. When cast powerfully, burns them most terribly.
Spell Tome: Sparks--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. Allows a mage to fire sparks of arcane lightning, sapping the magicka reserves of the target whilst also burning through their flesh.
3 Doses of Frostbite Venom in Magicka bottles--Toxic and acidic to living flesh, it has little effect on the glass bottle.
Healing Potion

Troll Fat, other ingredients
100 Septims
3 gems of good quality.
Troll Hide
Troll Skull
Troll Eyes x3
Troll Claws

A Handy Guide to Lockpicks: A book that should teach Do'azda all she wants to know about Lockpicks, and more. Each read will give +1 to Lockpicking, and it can be read thrice to wring out all possible knowledge from it. (2/3 reads remaining)
Journal of a Potema Loyalist: A journal of some historical merit, belonging to one of Potema's most loyal supporters in her early years.
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[X] Plan: Gimme that full basic shout asap
-[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the two lessons Do'azda has already completed, even if she is doing better than most.
-[X] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?
-[X] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
-[X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.

I don't want to be almost knocked out by the weather again; it's unbecoming of a hero of myth.
[X] Plan: Gimme that full basic shout asap
-[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the two lessons Do'azda has already completed, even if she is doing better than most.
-[X] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?
-[X] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
-[X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
[X] Plan: I don't expect much from these folk, but this is their one chance. OR: Sprinting Through Philosophical Tongues.
[X] Plan: I don't expect much from these folk, but this is their one chance. OR: Sprinting Through Philosophical Tongues.
Vote Closed
Adhoc vote count started by The Laurent on Sep 2, 2023 at 2:06 PM, finished with 13 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Arc might turn out to be short, so prioritise.
    -[X] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
    -[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Do'azda has begun learning Whirlwind Sprint, and has already achieved a major and important step, but will require more lessons to truly cement her understanding
    -[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the two lessons Do'azda has already completed, even if she is doing better than most.
    -[X] [Social] High Hrothgar is a large castle, ripe for exploration, and Do'azda is just the one to do it. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone unexpected?
    [X] Plan: Gimme that full basic shout asap
    -[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the two lessons Do'azda has already completed, even if she is doing better than most.
    -[X] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?
    -[X] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
    -[X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
    [X] Plan: I don't expect much from these folk, but this is their one chance. OR: Sprinting Through Philosophical Tongues.
    -[X] [Classes] Philosophy - Having been given the basics, it is likely that the Greybeards will now begin to explain to her how it looks in practice, or at least in the practice of the Greybeards, if nothing else.
    -[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Do'azda has begun learning Whirlwind Sprint, and has already achieved a major and important step, but will require more lessons to truly cement her understanding
    -[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the two lessons Do'azda has already completed, even if she is doing better than most.
    -[X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
We make progress on two shouts, including FRD, and studying the Dragontongue is fine and likely to help us in the long so I'm not too miffed that my plan lost. I mostly took the Survival option as its the closest thing to an 'adventuring 101' type class and also there's no PE type option so...

As for why I have a seeming obsession with turning Do'azda swole, its not so much that I want to build her as a 'battlemage' but more that it'll be many level ups and 'turns' of adventuring and study yet before our pool of mana and list of spells is large enough that we can get by solely on the power of magic and shouts. As can be seen up till this point, we're still reliant on a mix of spells, rudimentary weapon skill and average physique and I want to get Do'azda up to an 'acceptable' level of physical fitness and weapon skill not only to survive the early haul but also for emergency situations in the future.

The training ground has not changed since the afternoon before, and Do'azda studies it with only passing interest. The morning air is colder, not having had even the slight warming of the day's sun, and it burns a little as she breathes.

It is a better feeling than when she arrived at the monastery, but breathing remains something of a chore.

There are more students here this morning than last night; perhaps fifteen, where before there were eleven, but looking closer, some of the students from yesterday are absent; Arnbjorn, the unfortunate with the broken ankle, and a handful of others. Do'azda looks around for her classmate from the last lesson, the man with the scars, but before she can see him, a hand is wrapped around her bicep, tugging her over to a pair of hay bales.

Ingne releases Do'azda's arm once they arrive, and takes a step back out of her personal space.

"I heard you managed the Shout yesterday," She says, "So I rearranged my classes, swapped an evening of my library access with Branwulf for a spot in this class, so we could practice together. I can't quite manage Wuld."

She sounds frustrated with herself, and a little self conscious, and Do'azda can't help but remember her apprenticeship. Trying to call and bind a familiar. Failing over and over, as they slipped between her fingers time and time again, struggling like a cornered mouse.

The joy when Rajhin came to her, both the possessiveness that came with it, and the way it felt as if she was his in turn. There is something about it, about the fact that what you do becomes what you are when you're dealing with magic. She wonders whether Inge will see this. The Greybeards, how do they feel about that? What is their knowledge for? What is the purpose of… no.

She shakes away from any sort of philosophy. She's not interested in overanalyzing things. But she wants to help Ingne.

"Well," Do'azda says, "This one would like to hear how you prepare for the Shout? Perhaps it would help?"

Ingne nods, draws herself up. "The instructor told us to visualise the whirlwind, to imagine we are it, that it is us."

Do'azda makes a noncommittal noise in her throat. She shouldn't dismiss this out of hand, but this advice did not work for her. She wonders if perhaps Ingne's sense of self, too, is too strong for these techniques.

"And so I try," Ingne says, "I imagine it in my lungs, stealing my breath, at my face, chapping my lips and drawing painful tears from my eyes. It doesn't really help."

Comprehension dawns. Ingne lives in the mountains of the Reach - her understanding of a Whirlwind is, Do'azda thinks, probably more visceral than most. No one could move like a whirlwind with a visualisation like this; it is too contrary to the notion of the whirlwind helping.

"This one wonders," Do'azda says, "If you might not be better thinking of Whirlwinds differently? Rather than a wind in your chest or your face, imagine it…"

She pauses. When Do'azda imagines the Whirlwind, it is behind her, pushing against her limbs, moving her along.

"Imagine the wind is in your bones," Do'azda says, and doesn't quite know why, "Lifting them, raising you aloft. Weaving through your muscles like adrenaline, whipping you through the air."

Ingne considers for a moment, pale blue eyes darting a little as she studies Do'azda's face.

"Thank you," She says, "I tried to talk to the instructor about this after my last lesson, but he said if I couldn't work it out, perhaps I ought to reconsider whether I should follow the Way of the Voice at all."

There's a defeated sort of anger in her voice, but she moves on, her brow only a little furrowed.

"But now I think I can try," Ingne says, "This feels more helpful."

Working next to Ingne, Do'azda feels an absurd urge to feign an inability to use the shout, but she discards it; Ingne would feel patronised, and besides, Whirlwind Sprint could be extremely useful. Do'azda imagines shooting through a bandits' camp, slashing with her axe and coming to a stop surrounded by dead men, as easy as that.

By the halfway point of the lesson, Do'azda can manage the Whirlwind Sprint almost as easily as her Unrelenting Force. It's a pity, then, that the Shout is worthless.

"WULD," She Shouts, feels the air lift her, run through her, and the exhilaration fills her again. She raises one hand, as though to swipe at some imagined opponent, and vertigo fills her as she almost loses her balance. The hay bale catches her hard, drives the breath from her lungs.

It is always the same - when she moves with the Whirlwind Sprint, she can only move in the direction she is moving, as tautological as this sounds. Anything else and the wind buffets her, shifts her trajectory, and she feels terrible nausea.

Frustration simmers in her breast. What is the purpose of learning a Shout that can do almost nothing? Shall she explain to Bathes-In-Steel that she has learnt a new Shout - in addition to unleashing a primordial and irresistible force that can knock a warrior clad in steel from his feet, she can now collide with a hay bale or break her ankle! Glorious are the lessons the Greybeards give to their students!

"WULD!" Ingne Shouts, and she's off, shooting forth and slamming into the hay bale like an arrow from a quiver.

She's laughing as she pulls herself free, plucking hay from her hair as she does.

"Do'azda!" She calls out, her voice hoarse. "I did it!"

"Well done!" Do'azda says, trying to force any bitterness out of her voice at… at what this Shout is, "Did this one's advice help?"

They're splitting off from the class now - Ingne will not be able to Shout again today, Do'azda is fairly sure, and Do'azda has lost interest in further study of this Shout for the moment.

"Oh, yes!" Ingne rasps. "It was… It was like when I was a child and I would just run and run and run, like I was weightless, the fastest thing in the world. That was the Whirlwind I became, Do'azda."

Her eyes are shining, and Do'azda feels almost a touch of envy - the Whirlwind is not her, when she Shouts, and perhaps it would be better if it were. She can only create a Whirlwind to do as she commands, not embody it.

They've found a bench at one side of the courtyard, and Ingne throws her head back to look up at the sky. Do'azda sees her throat working, stark against her pale neck.

"May we study together again?" Ingne asks at last, quietly, as though expecting rejection. "This was the first time I was able to Shout truly, and I would like to Shout again. I can help with the theory, if you need, in exchange?"

Should Do'azda agree to study with Ingne, and any other fellows that might join in, regularly? (Will lock in tomorrow's social vote)
[] [INGNE] Yes
[] [INGNE] No

Ingne splits away from Do'azda with an apologetic smile, headed in the direction of the Theology classroom, and Do'azda steels herself for a lesson in the Dragon Tongue without anyone to study with.

Do'azda sinks into one of the seats at the back of the classroom, morosely reading through her work from the day before. She's beginning to understand the language; she thinks back to the strange stone in Bleak Falls Barrow and wishes she could recall better what was scrawled upon it, sure she could read it if she returned. A thought for another day, perhaps.

She feels her desk shift as someone sits beside her. Zenosephona doesn't say anything for a long moment, her hair - pale and almost silvery - falling about her face, and all Do'azda hears from her is the chickenscratch of her quill on parchment.

"Do you know-" She begins, then cuts herself off. "Rayya said that Carvain told her that you're good at this. So if you want to apologise, you could help me with conjugations."

Do'azda supposes she does want to apologise, and it might be nice to have someone to work with this lesson; Dragon Tongue is terribly boring when studying alone.

Zenosephona is not as good a student as Ingne or Carvain, Do'azda realises almost immediately - she's clearly either been skipping her lectures on the Dragon Tongue, or not paying attention whilst in them, but she is clever. Once she does know a conjunction, she begins to see where others are, gets a feel for where they are in speech… but that doesn't help her understand them, and it doesn't help her use them. Do'azda considers this for a moment, and writes out a sort of table for them. In theory there is one in the book, but in practice it is not a very good table, and her Shamanic tutors would be disappointed at it. It does not include any use-cases, or anything but a word and an equivalent, when it's clear that this isn't enough.

She find herself invested in it, and sees the way that Zenosephona's attention wavers, goes from intense to not there, curious and at times driven by Do'azda's challenging words… but far from fascinated, far from enthralled.

When Do'azda learns, it is as if every word has been written on her heart waiting to be uncovered. It is clearly not like that for Zenosephona. "You.. do you want to be here?" she asks, and she manages to not ask it as a hissed challenge. Zenosephona seems to consider it, but doesn't even really answer in the moment, just keeps on going through conjunctions.

Do'azda lets the words rest, glances over to the Greybeard who sees no need to interrupt. He only shows up when someone needs help, and right now it is merely a matter of climbing the mountain step by step. Slow progress towards infinity. Step by step.

"I'm not really here to learn, you know?" Zenosephona says, conversationally, after a while. "I came to Skyrim to be far from the Union and far from Hammerfell. Nothing is meant to happen in Skyrim! High Rock is full of intrigues, Morrowind full of magic and ash, and between them is Skyrim, full of mountains, snow and nothing. But instead there is war, and the half of Skyrim safe for those who are not nords becomes dangerous for Altmer, and the half of Skyrim free of Imperials becomes dangerous for Aldmeri dissidents."

She hisses air out through her teeth. "If I were a mage, perhaps Winterhold. But I never learnt the arcane arts, and I lack the brute strength to join the Whiterun sellswords. Whatever else may be true of them, the Greybeards allow any to come to study the Voice. And so here I am, learning ancient nord nonsense about dragons that have been dead and gone since before the Empire. And now I don't even have a bed, because it would be my luck that the Dragonborn of legend returns to force me from my room."

"Do'azda finds much of value in this education," she begins, and Zenosephona looks as if she is about to retort back with as much bile as she has. "But she is not in love with the life of the Greybeards, or this mountain, anymore than Zenosephona is. She intends to stay as short a time as possible, to learn everything she can, and leave." There is a pause and she admits, "Back to the maelstrom. Back to the storm and fire. It is… strange down there. Dangerous. But she lives in it now and she does not want to be here either. So, she is learning as fast as she can, and when she is done, Do'azda will leave."

Zenosephona almost says something, but Do'azda plows on. "Don't believe in Do'azda, you dislike her." A pause, "Don't believe in the Dragonborn legend, because she barely believes in it." She grins, and leans in close to Zenosephona into she can feel the heat coming from her, and the way that Zenosephona is waiting, as if asking 'what is your point'? "But believe that a Khajiit might not want to spend her life surrounded by old Nord men." She flicks her ears, and the slight jangle makes the point, makes the point that she is not of them and never will be and never could be.

Zenosephona huffs out a startled laugh, and then looks almost as though she's surprised herself. "I see. Perhaps if you had led with that?"

The lesson is almost over by this point, and Zenosephona doesn't seem inclined to do any more work, so Do'azda subsides, waits to be dismissed. The lecturer looks at them briefly, blandly, but doesn't say anything.

The hay bales are gone when Do'azda returns to the courtyard, replaced with thin pylons of wood wrapped in straw, lined up like a row of soldiers. There are only a half dozen students in this class - Do'azda only recognises Katroniah, who waves when she sees Do'azda; the other five are all serious looking nord men, none of whom give Do'azda the impression that they are here to socialise.

The instructor is a Greybeard Do'azda vaguely recognises, and he murmurs something indistinct to the man next to him - a man just as old, but clean shaven. Do'azda certainly recognises them now - these were the men she met when she arrived. She takes a second glance at the various nord students - were these the men who had been gathered to rescue her from the troll?

They seem to be, which Do'azda feels a little strange about, but the Greybeard - Einarth, if she remembers rightly - has finished talking to his assistant, who clears his throat meaningfully.

"Master Einarth says; Welcome, students, to another lesson on Unrelenting Force. Today our class has been graced by the Dragonborn's presence. In our last lesson, you all succeeded at least once in completely Fus Ro - please continue this practice. I and the lay-brother will need to speak with the Dragonborn." The man - the lay-brother? - says loudly, then claps his hands, and the other students disperse. Katroniah shrugs when Do'azda catches her eye.

"Master Einarth says; Dragonborn, it is good to see you are interested not merely in the Voice, but in the Way," The lay-brother says, "I hear you have attended lessons of Philosophy and Theology, and much of the dragon tongue?"

"This one has attended these lessons," Do'azda says neutrally, "Is there a problem with that?"

She thinks she sees the Greybeard crack a smile for a second, before he leans over to the lay-brother.

"Master Einarth says; It is no problem, quite the contrary. I am pleased to say you have surprised me, showing such interest in more than using the Voice for harm. But onto the crux of the matter - tell me, Dragonborn, from your studies of the dragontongue - what is meant by RO in the Shout?"

Even from the lips of the lay-brother, a man lacking the power and training behind his words, there is something undeniable threaded through the word.

"Equivalence?" Do'azda asks, then raises her hand to forestall response, "No, no, weighting. Or… better to say "balance" in this context?"

"Master Einarth says; the second word of the shout is RO, balance, indeed. An important word to learn. Moreso than mere FUS, and indeed more than DAH. To understand balance enough to Shout it is - in a true sense - crucial. To all Shouts."

Do'azda can understand this - Shouting is setting your will against the world, and an innate understanding of how things are balanced and poised would be transformative to this process.

"Master Einarth says; it is unfortunate, then, that no Greybeard can gift a Dragonborn with this understanding. Our conception of where lies the balance of all things is too far from the conception held by those with the soul of a dragon." The lay-brother tells her this almost emotionlessly, whilst Master Einarth makes a little apologetic gesture.

"So, this one is doomed to never learn this?" Do'azda asks, "Can she not even try?"

"Master Einarth says; patience remains an unknown virtue to the Dragonborn, yes? You are not the first student with a dragon's soul to study from the Greybeards. To learn balance, you must travel to Ustengrav, to the tomb of Jurgen Windcaller, that his spirit and his last work may teach you. That is to be the last task set to you, at the cumulation of your studies here." The lay-brother says, "But before that, I may teach you at least the Shout's third and final word. DAH - push. This is a simpler word to learn and master, no?"

Do'azda can feel the shape of it already, turning it over in her mind as the Greybeard leaves her to it, hurries over to correct the stance of one of the nord students. Like FUS, but somehow both more and less - it is more targeted, more guided, but the concept behind it is less in some inherent sense. A less flexible word, but better suited to this use.

"DAH!" She shouts, feels the word thrumming like the plucked string of a lyre, but to no avail.

It isn't quite as easy as she hoped, and she takes a moment to think about why - there's no other students she can ask about it, and she has no doubt that Einarth will just preach patience once again. She looks at it again, wondering.

She's thinking about pushing the target over - imagining it is a person she can send staggering away - but perhaps this is wrong. Perhaps she ought to instead think about pushing as it relates to herself - pushing away, repelling.

"DAH!" She Shouts, and this time it works. It really works. The force radiates out from her in every direction, scouring the snow from the cobblestones at her feet. The blast doesn't have the range to hit the target she is facing, but still, Do'azda cannot help the little grin it puts on her face.

"Master Einarth says; Good work, as expected of the Dragonborn. Next lesson, you will need to learn how to combine this with FUS."

Do'azda frowns, opens her mouth to ask - why next lesson? There is still time this lesson, isn't there? - but the burning, searing pain in her throat answers her own question. She had almost forgotten that learning a new Word of Power is like this, when learnt from the Greybeards.

She heads off to dinner early, the better to have more time to explore.


High Hrothgar is larger than Do'azda had assumed, and it doesn't take her too long to find herself in a wing of the castle she's not had to visit for lessons, though it reassures her that it hasn't been abandoned; the floors are still swept, the vents still release hot air and the torches still burn in their sconces.

The rooms in this wing seem to be mostly used for storage; sheets and pillows fill one room, whilst another is nothing but candles, stacks upon stacks of them, and the last room Do'azda looks in is filled with rolls of paper. She shuts that door carefully, conscious of how difficult it must be to bring such a fragile product up the eleven thousand and seventy seven steps, how expensive it would be if she accidentally damaged any.

A little nervous, Do'azda takes a few turnings without looking where she's going - down a flight of stairs, along a corridor still warmed by vents but unlit, with dust bunnies gathering in the crevices, and then through a door which squeals on its hinges, she finds herself in a storeroom that is abruptly so cold she almost recoils.

Her breath fogs in the air as she takes it in. The room is not large; it looks as though it once led into another room - a pair of large oaken doors dominate the wall opposite her, but the shelves in the room totally block access to the doors, and Do'azda narrows her eyes. There's light shining through the crack between them, and she wonders if she has looped around, come almost to where she began - there are many locked doors in the dining hall, it would hardly surprise her to find these amongst them.

She shivers again; the vents in here must be broken, or perhaps disabled. Does that help long term storage, having the room be kept chill? If it does, it hasn't helped enough. Most of the books in this antechamber are ruined, rotted to the point of indecipherability, fuzzy with mould spores or just so faded that the words on the spines cannot be made out.

The other relics in the room have fared little better; there's a circlet of copper set with tiny moonstone gems, except age has given the copper a patina of green that even stains the stones, leaching out of their mountings, and there are folded robes on several shelves that have become so moth-bitten that Do'azda fears even to look at them too hard, in case they disintegrate under the weight of her gaze.

A necklace catches her eye, the leather cord having proven surprisingly resistant to the passage of time, and the pendant itself - a small wooden carving of a wolf, blackened by the touch of fire but not burnt long enough for damage - is completely intact.

Beneath the necklace, one of the room's few intact books draws her attention. A leather bound journal with a painstakingly embossed wolf on the cover, a crown around its neck where a dog might have a collar.

Do'azda should, she reflects, probably not take this mysterious journal from this forgotten room. It would be more sensible to put it back, perhaps return with someone more knowledgeable of Skyrim's history, arcane or otherwise.

She wraps the necklace around the journal for safekeeping, and slips them both into her robes.

This being the Journal of Thane Lydia Sigurdsdottir, Warrior of Solitude and Oathbound to Queen Potema, she who should have been Empress, written in the year 113 of the Third Era.

Loathe though I am to leave Solitude with my beloved so near to term, her Grace the Queen commands, and I must obey. I am to travel to High Hrothgar, to learn the way of the Voice, that I might lend its strength to her cause.

Many have been the obstacles to our Queen - married to the brute Mantiarco when scarcely more than a child, to banish the whispers that she ought to inherit over her brother, oafish and dissolute Antiochus, for the brother was more amenable to the grasping schemers on the Imperial Council. Is it any surprise, then, that they raised his wife's bastard Kintyra to the throne? The den of rats in Cyrodiil has always hated any in the Septim line who threaten to drag them into the light - our Queen is not the first to be married away to an unworthy suitor. Not even the first to be married off to one with an heir already. I digress - I shall not prove another obstacle to her, not when her rule alone might staunch the corruption plaguing the imperial court, might end the ill treatment of the peasantry under her brother, who has ever been more interested in his own pleasures than the suffering of his people.

Solitude has not forgotten the service our Wolf Queen does us; keeping out the exile Bathorgh and alleviating her brother's misrule, shielding at least us from his onerous taxation as best she can. She is a fine Queen, and will be a finer Empress. By my word and blade it will be done, and may the Daedra of Oblivion take those who would oppose it.

Do'azda sets the journal aside, yawning. These imperials with their dynastic squabbles. Oh, certainly it is tragic enough - a woman sidelined and usurped so the imperial elite can continue to profit from a string of weak, corrupt emperors, but she cannot bring herself to the heights of emotion of this - honestly rather overwrought - Nord thane. No doubt when - or if - Potema assumed the imperial throne, her supporters would be disappointed to find that the corruption did not vanish into the ether in an instant.

Still, there's a lot of journal left to read, if she ever wanted to.

You have three slots for classes for tomorrow, the 9th. Choose what you want to do and we'll order them in the best way to fit the day plan. Plan Vote.

[-] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda has been informed she may no longer attend such classes.
[] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
[] [Classes] Philosophy - Having been given the basics, it is likely that the Greybeards will now begin to explain to her how it looks in practice, or at least in the practice of the Greybeards, if nothing else.
[] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. Do'azda knows the first and third words, and surely combined, they will be more than the sum of their parts?
[] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Do'azda has begun learning Whirlwind Sprint, and has learnt the first word, but will require more lessons to learn if there are actual… uses of the Shout.
[-] [Classes] The Dragontongue - Do'azda will not study the Dragontongue for four days in a row. It is too much!
[] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?

And one slot for socialising (if Do'azda studies with Ingne, this will be disregarded):

[] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
[] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
[] [Social] Your fellow apprentices who are… more outcast have been in part met, but she can always introduce herself to more of them.
[] [Social] It has been a few days - what is Bathes-In-Steel up to? It cannot be ideal, waiting in a castle high in the mountains of Skyrim.
[] [Social] High Hrothgar is a large castle, still ripe for exploration even after first blush, and Do'azda is just the one to do it. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone unexpected?

VM AN: I found it fun to give Do'azda a dogshit historical take. Wolf Queen Potema, the maligned and usurped would-be reformer.

TL AN: As a historian it is just as valid as any other dogshit take, when you think about it. Vettie did most of this update, and we had some fun moments!
[X] Plan: Finding the Right Mindset
-[X] [INGNE] Yes
-[X] [Classes] Philosophy - Having been given the basics, it is likely that the Greybeards will now begin to explain to her how it looks in practice, or at least in the practice of the Greybeards, if nothing else.
-[X] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. Do'azda knows the first and third words, and surely combined, they will be more than the sum of their parts?
-[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Do'azda has begun learning Whirlwind Sprint, and has learnt the first word, but will require more lessons to learn if there are actual… uses of the Shout.

For an austere monastery, High Hrothgar reads like a ya novel high-school.
[X] Plan: mountain rambo
-[X] [INGNE] Yes
-[X] [Classes] Philosophy - Having been given the basics, it is likely that the Greybeards will now begin to explain to her how it looks in practice, or at least in the practice of the Greybeards, if nothing else.
-[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Do'azda has begun learning Whirlwind Sprint, and has learnt the first word, but will require more lessons to learn if there are actual… uses of the Shout.
-[X] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?
eeeeee I've gotten back into Skyrim and Elder Scrolls lately so more of this is extremely hype ^^

I honestly feel like survival is going to be a very useful skill as the amount of Dragonborn bullshit Do'azda has to run around Skyrim for undoubtedly increases.
The War of the Red Diamond was truly a tragedy of a civil war, pitting girlbosses (Potema) against malewives (Cephorus)
Kinda hope she figures out to get around the turning thing by stopping and reorienting herself.

And even without that, I can see it being useful for travel if it can be extended
[*] The fuck plans have ya'll been making!? This is the only valid one:
-[*] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda shall attend such classes.
-[*] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda shall attend such classes. X2
-[*] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda shall attend such classes. X3
-[*] [Social] Discuss Theology with the lecturer.


@veteranMortal @The Laurent is there any way to invite/any reason why our companion could not be invited to the survival class?

Or would wrangling that take a social action?

@ thread: If we can get her into the survival class, then I'd like to, more as a way of avoiding total boredom, since I think she will probably know a lot of the material already.

...maybe it teaches a basic 'retain heat' spell, though I don't recall how long spells take to learn normally.

Honestly, as useful as 'Survival' undoubtedly, it still feels like something we can get elsewhere, unliked the shouting stuff.

Edit edit:
Should Do'azda agree to study with Ingne, and any other fellows that might join in, regularly? (Will lock in tomorrow's social vote)

Confession: so, I'm a bit of a powergamer, and that bleeds through.

Anyway, unless I think we'll see an impact in the narrative later of either Ingne or others showing up benefiting from our help, or maybe one of them who's been here a while (who also knows some magic if possible. At least a basic healing spell) joining us, I'm more interested in talking to Bathes-In-Steel.

My query is, have you put in place a hard limit to our number of companions - since narrative space is a limitation - and if so, what is it?
Last edited:
[*] The fuck plans have ya'll been making!? This is the only valid one:
-[*] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda shall attend such classes.
-[*] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda shall attend such classes. X2
-[*] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda shall attend such classes. X3
-[*] [Social] Discuss Theology with the lecturer.


@veteranMortal @The Laurent is there any way to invite/any reason why our companion could not be invited to the survival class?

Or would wrangling that take a social action?

@ thread: If we can get her into the survival class, then I'd like to, more as a way of avoiding total boredom, since I think she will probably know a lot of the material already.

...maybe it teaches a basic 'retain heat' spell, though I don't recall how long spells take to learn normally.

Honestly, as useful as 'Survival' undoubtedly, it still feels like something we can get elsewhere, unliked the shouting stuff.

Edit edit:

Confession: so, I'm a bit of a powergamer, and that bleeds through.

Anyway, unless I think we'll see an impact in the narrative later of either Ingne or others showing up benefiting from our help, or maybe one of them who's been here a while (who also knows some magic if possible. At least a basic healing spell) joining us, I'm more interested in talking to Bathes-In-Steel.

My query is, have you put in place a hard limit to our number of companions - since narrative space is a limitation - and if so, what is it?

Bathes-In-Steel is officially staying at High Hrothgar to convalesce from the journey, so cannot attend classes.

Insofar as limitations on numbers of companions - there will eventually come a point where it is difficult to manage with food and supplies, and where guards start to get antsy about the heavily armed gang of no fixed abode.
Previous updoot didn't give us an option to hang out with her, so I'm hopeful that acceptingtutoring people won't be an issue.

I'm certainly going to advocate stongly for socialing her next turn though.
Voting is open