Fire On The Mountain (A Skyrim Quest)

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Do'azda's Character Sheet
Name: Do'azda Khrimnin
Race: Khajiit (Suthay-Raht)
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Profession: Shaman
Appearance/Description: She stands at a normal height for a Suthay-raht, that is to say, shorter than most men or mer, but not by too much. Her fur is a warm, rich orange, paler around her muzzle and down her neck, and her eyes are startlingly yellow. Her hair is braided, with rings that jangle faintly when she turns her head too fast. Her robes are basic, and worn from age, but have been fastidiously cleaned.
Level: 7
XP: 0/120

Alchemy: 25
Alteration: 5
Archery: 5
Block: 6
Conjuration: 40
Destruction: 5
Enchanting: 5
Heavy Armor: 5
Illusion: 35
Light Armor: 20
Lock Picking: 1
One-Handed: 21
Pickpocket: 5
Restoration: 15
Smithing: 1
Sneak: 20
Speech: 27
Survival: 13
Two-Handed: 5

They say it kills cats - Do'azda has few restraints on her inquisitive nature, asking whatever questions occur to her, paying little attention to whether this may be considered rude. Whatever else, at least Do'azda never finds herself regretting her failure to ask about something.

Dancing the night away - Do'azda is a fine dancer in the Elsweyr style, where dances are not the slow, ritualised partnering of the Altmer, but instead are a whirling piece of performance art, with the dancer's emotions informing the dance more than any practiced steps. Do'azda can feel the music in her bones, and can dance to only a drumbeat.

In the shadow of the moon - Do'azda was blessed even as she began her journey to become a shaman. A priestess of Azurah, the Mistress of Dusk and Dawn, favoured daughter of Fadomai, received a vision. Azurah's light shines favourable upon her.

Tangled Tails--Do'azda has had flings before, "Tangled Tails" as the euphemism goes, and she's willing to engage in casual relationships or 'one-night marriages' if the opportunity arises.

Racial Perks--

Claws--She has very wicked claws indeed.
Darksight--She can see incredibly well in the dark.

Skill Perks--

Conjuring Efficiency (10): Do'zada knows how to be careful with her Magicka without losing any power when she's Conjuring, and can use such magic more freely and easier when fighting or in other circumstances. (Cojuration)

Mystic Binding (20): Do'azda gains skill at creating bound weapons of magic, so that she is never without her arms no matter what. She also becomes more skilled at creating bound objects of all types, and begins to study that which might allow one to bind a soul into a gem. (Conjuration)

Haggling 1 (0): Everything in Skyrim is far more expensive, and so Do'azda should probably try to figure out how to make do with what little gold she has. (Speech)

Insight (20): One of the key elements of persuasion is knowing what would convince someone. Do'azda now knows how to evaluate what kinds of arguments and reasoning would convince different people if she spends enough time to get a feeling for how they think. (Speech)

Agile Defender (10): Armor is often hard to get used to, so figuring out how to move with light armor so as to reduce how bad a hit is is something you can only learn by doing… and Do'azda has begun to 'do.' (Light Armour)

Rahjin Perks

Laughter-Silvered Wings (Level 5): A flying companion does not simply owe its speed to its physical form, but the strength of its spirit, and so it tends to be faster and more manuverable than its terrestrial version, harder to hit, and a greater predator of the sky.

(Next at Level 8)

Blur - Do'azda knows a spell to obscure her features at a distance, to render her indistinguishable from another Khajiit. Up close, it is almost pathetically ineffective, however.
Clairvoyance - Do'azda is granted flashes of insight into the path to her goal by Azurah - the Goddess of Dawn and Dusk sees much of the land.
Conjure Animal - Do'azda reaches onto Hircine's hunting ground and recalls the imprint of an animal which perished nearby to fight by her side
Conjure Axe - Do'azda can create a hatchet from pure magic. It is too cumbersome for effective use in combat, but for cutting wood, it is more than adequate
Bound Dagger--As she has learned how to better summon such things, she has figured out how to use a Bound Dagger.
Courage - Do'azda uses magic to inspire in another the will to fight, though currently only to instill confidence in victory, not to cause conflict where none exists.
Summon Familiar - Do'azda reaches into her own soul to bring forth her familiar, the falcon Rajhin. No mere shade, Rajhin remains with her until slain and can do far more than just fight, but cannot be summoned for a day and a night thereafter if killed.
Fear - This spell pulls from the mind a fear that the target has, and creates from this the feeling of fear.
Distraction - Creates sounds and sights on the edge of perception. Sights and sounds determined by the caster.
Healing Wounds - The caster uses their magicka to seal the wounds of the target. All healing occurs in a single burst.
Conjure Flame Atronach - Do'azda can call forth a spirit of Infernace, a being of fire, constrained in a form of iron.
Flames - Do'azda can release a gout of fire from her palm, directly setting alight her foe, though only for so long as she feeds magicka to the fire.
Lesser Ward - Do'azda can use her magic to create a shield of magical energy, blocking low level magical attacks, reducing high level magical attacks and mitigating the damage of physical attacks.

Do'azda can make...

Potion of Minor Healing - Bruises fade, cuts close, aching muscles relax, this potion provides a little relief from injuries. The first potion a young shaman will learn to brew.
Potion of Suppress Disease - A potion which will suppress the symptoms of a disease for several days; oftentimes long enough for the body to get the cold or flu from its system. More serious or outright magical diseases will return with a vengeance once the potion's effects wear out, but it is a useful potion to know how to craft.

FUS - Force
WULD - Whirlwind

FUS DAH--Force Push

Gold Septim (365)
Trail Rations (x4)
Fine Rations
A very nice dress for casual-formal occasions.
A lovely dress in the gothic style, with an enchantment of illusory power woven into it.
Iron Axe--An iron axe of low quality.
Steel Axe - A steel axe of decent quality
Iron Dagger--An iron dagger of mediocre quality.
Mage Robes--Increase magical regeneration, but provides little protection, discouraging getting up close and personal.
Leather Armor--Comfortable, lightweight armor, it counteracts the discouragement from getting up close, though as an extra layer it means it can get extra hot.
Lunar Steel War Axe--An Axe which can, in the light of the moon, drink in the life-force of its victims and use it to restore that of its weilder.
Steel Dagger (x2)--A well-worn but very useful steel dagger.
Alchemical Kit--A very fine kit for the creation of potions. One careful owner.
Stormcloak Token--A token from Ulfric Stormcloak himself...
Underclothes--You know.
One Powerful Enchanted Sword (Rusted)--A sword of unknown value, it has a rather potent and interesting enchantment attached to it.

Spell Tome: Illumination--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This allows Do'azda to create a light in the darkness... less useful for a Khajiit, but still a spell of value.
Spell Tome: Thieves Vision--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This simple spell gives one slightly better night vision… but is also notable for being able to see writing hidden by weak illusions, and thus is commonly used by thieves trying to read the secret messages of other thieves.
Spell Tome: Turn Undead--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. A spell of moderate difficulty, it will take several nights of reading to learn it. A spell technically of the "Restoration" school, which puts fear into nearby undead. When cast powerfully, burns them most terribly.
Spell Tome: Sparks--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. Allows a mage to fire sparks of arcane lightning, sapping the magicka reserves of the target whilst also burning through their flesh.
3 Doses of Frostbite Venom in Magicka bottles--Toxic and acidic to living flesh, it has little effect on the glass bottle.
Healing Potion

Troll Fat, other ingredients
100 Septims
3 gems of good quality.
Troll Hide
Troll Skull
Troll Eyes x3
Troll Claws

A Handy Guide to Lockpicks: A book that should teach Do'azda all she wants to know about Lockpicks, and more. Each read will give +1 to Lockpicking, and it can be read thrice to wring out all possible knowledge from it. (2/3 reads remaining)
Journal of a Potema Loyalist: A journal of some historical merit, belonging to one of Potema's most loyal supporters in her early years.
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I'd love to see theology class and get more into the comparisons and contrasts between Nord and Khajiit religion, Lorkhaj the Moon Prince as the enlightened centrist answer to the heroic Shor and the evil Lorkhan :V
It's interesting to see Do'azda in a situation where she's actually favored by an institution. A rare thing for her in Skyrim as yet, though maybe soon not so rare at all. I'm curious how she'll deal with it going forwards.
[X] Plan "what if we casually invented a school for shamans to wield the Voice"
-[X] [Future] Wherever she goes, it is not 'where' but what. Do'azda is a Shaman, and one with magical prowess and now… these Shouts. Perhaps it is the case that focusing on her magical studies and exploration would have worth.
-[X] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda has been given a book of Nord theology, which she has read by the means of which any student employs… and which she has plenty of objections she'd love to speak on.
-[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
-[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
-[X] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
[X] [Classes] Philosophy - Having been given the basics, it is likely that the Greybeards will now begin to explain to her how it looks in practice, or at least in the practice of the Greybeards, if nothing else.
[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.

Undecided on socials.
[X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
[X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
[x]Plan Voice of the Sands
-[x] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning.
-[x] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
-[x] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
-[x] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
-[x] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
-[x] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
[x]Plan Voice of the Sands
-[x] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning.
-[x] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
-[x] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
-[x] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
-[x] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
-[x] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
[x] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning.
[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
[x] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
[x] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
[x] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
[x] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
[X] [Future] Wherever she goes, it is not 'where' but what. Do'azda is a Shaman, and one with magical prowess and now… these Shouts. Perhaps it is the case that focusing on her magical studies and exploration would have worth.
[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
[X] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
[X] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
[X] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
[X] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning.

I like this one, as it offers us the ability to still travel and make impactful decisions.

[X] [Classes] Philosophy - Having been given the basics, it is likely that the Greybeards will now begin to explain to her how it looks in practice, or at least in the practice of the Greybeards, if nothing else.
[X] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?

One's philosophy is often informed by their environment.

[X] [Social] High Hrothgar is a large castle, ripe for exploration, and Do'azda is just the one to do it. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone unexpected?

Let's see more of the place when not restricted to 2011 computer hardware limitations!
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[X] Plan "what if we casually invented a school for shamans to wield the Voice"

I like the thinking behind this plan as well as the fact that it starts the path of Doazda mutually understanding and/or making friends with the more average traditional Nord. She's never really had the chance to build bridges from a favorable position before
[X] Plan "what if we casually invented a school for shamans to wield the Voice"
-[X] [Future] Wherever she goes, it is not 'where' but what. Do'azda is a Shaman, and one with magical prowess and now… these Shouts. Perhaps it is the case that focusing on her magical studies and exploration would have worth.
-[X] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda has been given a book of Nord theology, which she has read by the means of which any student employs… and which she has plenty of objections she'd love to speak on.
-[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
-[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
-[X] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
[x]Plan Voice of the Sands -[x] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning. -[x] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face. -[x] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second. -[x] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed. -[x] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions. -[x] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
Adhoc vote count started by The Laurent on Jul 7, 2023 at 4:18 PM, finished with 17 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan "what if we casually invented a school for shamans to wield the Voice"
    -[X] [Future] Wherever she goes, it is not 'where' but what. Do'azda is a Shaman, and one with magical prowess and now… these Shouts. Perhaps it is the case that focusing on her magical studies and exploration would have worth.
    -[X] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda has been given a book of Nord theology, which she has read by the means of which any student employs… and which she has plenty of objections she'd love to speak on.
    -[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
    -[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    -[X] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
    [X] Plan "what if we casually invented a school for shamans to wield the Voice"
    -[X] [Future] Wherever she goes, it is not 'where' but what. Do'azda is a Shaman, and one with magical prowess and now… these Shouts. Perhaps it is the case that focusing on her magical studies and exploration would have worth.
    -[X] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda has been given a book of Nord theology, which she has read by the means of which any student employs… and which she has plenty of objections she'd love to speak on.
    -[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
    -[X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    -[X] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
    [x]Plan Voice of the Sands
    -[x] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning.
    -[x] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
    -[x] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
    -[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
    -[X] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
    -[x] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - Having been given the basics, it is likely that the Greybeards will now begin to explain to her how it looks in practice, or at least in the practice of the Greybeards, if nothing else.
    [X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    [X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
    [X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
    [X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
    [x] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning.
    [X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    [x] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
    [X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
    [x] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
    [X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
    [X] [Future] Wherever she goes, it is not 'where' but what. Do'azda is a Shaman, and one with magical prowess and now… these Shouts. Perhaps it is the case that focusing on her magical studies and exploration would have worth.
    [X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    [x] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
    [X] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
    [x] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
    [x] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning.
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - Having been given the basics, it is likely that the Greybeards will now begin to explain to her how it looks in practice, or at least in the practice of the Greybeards, if nothing else.
    [X] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?
    [X] [Social] High Hrothgar is a large castle, ripe for exploration, and Do'azda is just the one to do it. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone unexpected?
    [x]Plan Voice of the Sands -[x] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning. -[x] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face. -[x] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second. -[x] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed. -[x] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions. -[x] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
[X] Plan "what if we casually invented a school for shamans to wield the Voice"

It is winning already, but why not?
Both scared and amused to see what our future interactions with the Vigilants of Stendarr are going to look like.
[X] [Future] Elsweyr is where she was born, and it is where the Khajiit remain unfree, and ultimately she is a Daughter of Elsewyr and will want to return eventually with her new skills and new contacts if need be.
Dutiful Student
Dutiful Student

"So, Dragonborn, you find yourself in my class once more," the lecturer says. Do'azda, who has slept poorly, dreaming but unable to remember it, thinks: 'So, Professor, you find yourself informing me of the obvious.'

"Do'azda does, she has read your books," She says.

"All of them?"

"She is a Shaman, she knows how to read as a scholar does." She reads and takes in each piece, each story of the Gods, and notes down its particulars, not quite skimming over it but taking in as much as she can without diving into the bog of it. Instead, she is riding over the plains of the text, getting the lay of the land in the knowledge that it will matter.

It will be on the test.

"Well, then." The lecturer is whispering. "Rather than disrupt the class, I have prepared a test for you. Paper and quills will be provided."

Do'azda nods, and can see something in those eyes, something that tells her that this is not going to be a fair assessment.

But she'll do her best. She'll prove them wrong by answering with pristine knowledge; Ingne was perhaps right - not that they would ever bend, but that it would embarrass them to learn how well she knows their myths, even without believing them, without the years of learning them at a grandparent's knee that she knows they believe needed.

She looks at the first question, and her jaw sets.

Which of the testing gods did Tsun first break upon his mighty shield, and by what means did the coward seek to slay Shor? Explain your answer.

The tale of how Baan Dar tweaked the tail of the Bear of Ice which guarded Lorkhaj as he slept, of how the Bear raged and thrashed as it began to melt in the sun and in so doing created the canyons of the Anequine badlands in which Khajiit could shelter from the sun at midday, and the oases which slake their thirst in the summers is well known. But Do'azda knows the nord tale too - of Baan Dar, the scurrying, scheming cat, which attempted to set upon Shor as he slumbered, that he might steal some small part of Shor's majesty, and Tsun the Bear leapt into battle, breaking the bandit upon his shield and sending him into the darkness from which all his misbegotten kind slink. Some scholars claim that his "misbegotten kind" means bandits, but Do'azda is not a fool. This is a slight, and she looks up sharply at the lecturer, who smiles thinly at her outrage. He does not mean bandits.

Okay, forget being fair. Now she is powered by spite and the growing awareness that there are things they cannot do about the Dragonborn. This lecturer has no power over her she has to accept. The thought is soothing, as if some part of her has reared up like a furious horse, trying to escape taming. They are stronger than her, for now, but they won't be stronger than her in a month, in a year.

She's tired of playing along.

'It is the belief of the nords of Skyrim,' Do'azda begins, her quill rasping on the parchment, 'That Baan Dar, the Bandit God and Man of a Thousand Faces, came upon Shor as he slept, hoping to slit his foolish nord throat, and take his heart and lifesblood, to gain Shor's majesty, until Tsun the Bear drove the Pariah away with his great shield, and the blood of the Bandit God as he fled provided succor to many creatures in the dark, which grew in the shape and form of their Bandit God, and came to visit vengeance on the nords, Shor's chosen people. This belief is a simple misunderstanding, born of the Bear of Ice's slow wits.'

'Had the nords of Skyrim sought a Khajiit shaman, however, they might have learnt the truth of the matter.' Do'azda continues, 'Baan Dar, the Cat Unknown and Undying, came to Lorkhaj as he slept, guarded by his Bear of Ice. Baan Dar sought none of Lorkhaj's glories, for he needed only the strength and slowness of the Bear of Ice, whose tail he yanked.'

'The Bear pursued Baan Dar for forty days and forty nights. Whenever Baan Dar - for the Thousand Eyes and Ears is a swift-footed god - drew too far from the Bear, he would dance back, and let the bear take a swipe; indeed, the wise Khajiit Shaman might have shown the foolish, foolish nords where the clawmarks of the bear lie, deep and ragged in the flesh of Anequina, giving shade against the sun's heat.' Do'azda knows she must have something of a savage smile on her face now, but does not stop. 'And as he chased the bandit across the scorching desert, the Bear began to melt, and indeed, the wise shaman might show the nord where the thawed ice of the Bear formed great lakes and oases, for Baan Dar is wise, and knew what his people needed for survival. Baan Dar is kind, however, and he feigned injury as the Bear was forced to flee the blazing desert, allowing the Bear the bliss of his ignorance to spare his pride, which alas, spread to all of Skyrim.'

Do'azda hums with satisfaction, looking down at her answer, but she cannot take too long about it. It is a very long test, and she has many correct answers to provide.

When Do'azda hands her test in, the lecturer lays it out to begin marking immediately. He smiles a little at the first question, then frowns, flips to the next question, the next. He sighs, rubbing his eyes.

"I suppose you think this was clever?" He sounds tired, and Do'azda resists the urge to tell him that yes, she does think this was clever.

"This one does not know what you mean?" Do'azda replies, projecting as much confusion into her voice as she can.

He sighs. "You pass. You demonstrated an understanding of the basic material of nordic theology."

"Ah, then-" Do'azda begins.

"Don't come back. I don't want to deal with you any more." He scowls, and gestures dismissively with his hand.


"Bathes, how do you feel about the seven-thousand steps?"

"You mean, the eleven thousand and seventy-seven steps." Bathes-In-Steel doesn't even look up from her lunch.

"Yes, Do'azda does. She believes that she might be able to help you, if you truly wish to…"

"Of course, these Nords are lying, again and again."

"Do'azda couldn't agree more. Perhaps there ways we can make sure the truth is widely known…"

"Oh, what brought this on? I'm delighted that you're taking it seriously, but before you seemed…"

"Oh, Do'azda has always cared about the truth."

Quest Accepted: The 11077 Step Method


As Do'azda enters the classroom for Dragontongue, she sees with a little dissatisfaction that it will be much the same as yesterday; the teacher continues to drift from student to student, but beyond that, it is mostly self-directed learning.

For a moment, her indignation from earlier flares up with a renewed vengeance. If her theology lesson was an insult, this is a waste of time.

"Do'azda! Hey!" She spins at the voice, comes face to face with Carvain, who waves eagerly. "Come study with me!"

She sinks into the seat next to them, leaning over to look at their work so far. This at least helps split the difference in looking up definitions, and Carvain does seem to have a better grasp of Draconic grammar than Do'azda does, at least so far. It's not entirely

They've been working together for maybe ten minutes when Ingne bursts into the classroom, parchments and thick-bound books almost spilling out of her arms, her cheeks touched with colour and her eyes a little wild.

"I'm," She gasps out, "So, sorry that, I'm late. I lost track of time in the library."

"Just take a seat, Ingne." The lecturer says, voice soft but undeniably firm,"Do try to arrive on time in future - it does not reflect well when you are late, even if you have been studying."

Ingne drops her gaze to the floor, clearly embarrassed.

"Would you like to work with us?" Do'azda asks, "This one is studying with Carvain, but she is sure they would not mind if we all work together?"

Carvain shrugs. "So long as she doesn't distract me with questions about the interminable war, I suppose we shall get along well enough."

"It wouldn't be a bother?" Ingne asks, but she's already moving to sit with them, "It is irritating; I was already studying the dragontongue in the Library. I had just moved on to Korth Stormsinger's treatise on grammatical inflection on Remembrance Walls when I released what time it was…"

"Oh, did you like it?" Carvain asks, "I felt he put too much emphasis on the grammar when the prevailing consensus is that the meter is more important. I was more enamored of Wulfgar the Wizened's lecture on the dragontongue's use in epitaths at all?"

"It is because it suggests truthfulness," Do'azda says, "Right? The dragon tongue is a language not built for deceit, so if someone's epitaph is written in the dragontongue, it suggests the compliments are truthfully meant?"

And the truth, Do'azda thinks, is very important.

At the end of the class, the lecturer gives a nod, lips curled into an expression of faint but welcome surprise at the three of them.


For the first time in a while, she is outside. Do'azda could take it or leave it. The air still feels as if it is a little lacking, and what air she can feel is all hard, blustering wind. It is not even, it seems, a storm. There is no snow at all, but the winds still bite enough that she knows she'll be happy when she gets out of this place.

It is impossible to miss the training grounds. It is a long, perfectly flat area ending at one portion in a wall of hay bales that must have been laboriously hauled out there, because they don't look frosted over. Someone probably has to haul them out and put them in place, and it is almost certainly the apprentices. Do'azda wonders a little at whether she is being deliberately spared this sort of manual labour, and if she therefore ought to be guilty, but it is cold and the bales look heavy, so she decides not to worry about it.

Of the eleven other apprentices here, she recognizes at a glance only Snakha, a bald orc with pale scars up his arms, uncovered even outside, and Ulrorn, a thin blond Nord man who fidgets a little with a pair of gloves that looked oddly delicate. They also seem expensive.

The old man she recognizes as a Greybeard is thin, with sharp cheekbones and a curling, full beard that was darker than it might be. Next to him is a younger man, who leans in and then hears what he has to say. Then turns to the group and says, "We have a new person here today, and so we shall be focusing on instructing her, so that we can all get in some good practice."

By their feet is what seems to be a huge pack, and next to it is a crate with a thick blanket over whatever is inside. The Greybeard gestures at Do'azda, and so she approaches.

The younger man says, in a firm voice, "Wuld is one of the most demanding of the Shouts, for even a single mistake can lead to disaster. Absolute obedience is the requirement to even begin to practice this Shout. The Whirlwind Sprint, Wuld Nah Kest." He said it carefully, creating separation.

Swirling Anger Storm? No, no, that wasn't quite it, so it has to be 'Whirlwind Anger Storm.' But even that does not quite feel what it sounds like to hear it. Though only the first word is so charged. She feels like she can do it, and does not know how. Perhaps it is her life.

She has been going from place to place, moving fast and leaving behind chaos of all kinds. In such a circumstance, perhaps it is not so odd that a whirlwind seems to fit her like the word is made for her.

"It is a powerful movement technique, one that launches one in a straight line at incredible speeds. It is fast enough that you should not do it if there is an obstacle in your way," he says, firmly. "Wulfgar has stated that he will demonstrate this great technique in its fullness."

Wulfgar straightens up to his full height, which is not all that impressive, and looks at the far distances. He isn't looking at the hay bales at all, though Do'azda recognizes at once their purpose. They're something soft to run into.




Do'azda does not know how to describe it. A wind picks up and a few of the apprentices stumble, and in the blink of an eye the Greybeard is gone.

There's a moment of silence before someone sees the Greybeard climbing out of the ruin of a hay bale, picking strands of hay off his robes.

"As you can see," Wulfgar's assistant says, "Whirlwind Sprint allows for incredibly rapid movement in the direction you are facing. It grants you essentially enhanced bodily speed - you can run blisteringly quickly when under the influence of the Whirlwind Sprint."

Wulfgar returns, massaging his shoulder, and looks at his assistant meaningfully.

"Ah yes," the assistant says, as though an afterthought. "Should you succeed in using the first word of the shout - Wuld - you may be tempted to reorient yourself as you run, to avoid hitting the hay bale. Do not."

Do'azda nods. She is not unfamiliar with warnings issued without explanation by teachers - it is best to obey them, so you are not the student used as an object lesson.

She finds herself standing besides a nord man she does not recognise - a tall, stout man, with a placid expression marred by four deep scars down the left side of his face, leaving his left eye milky as though healed improperly, and a mass of pale scar tissue around that side of his jaw, as though the skin were flayed off it.

He smiles at her as she inhales and settles her nerves, his lips pulled slightly by the tight scar tissue.

"Don't worry," He says quietly, "You aren't too far behind - no one's managed the Shout yet."

"Thank you," Do'azda says, "This one does not wish to hold the class back."

"WUL duh!" He bellows, then coughs. "By the Nine, I'm getting close."

His voice rasps a little, even after only trying the once.

Do'azda centres herself. She must become the Whirlwind? So she was taught in Philosophy.

She has been rushing from place to place, leaving chaos in her wake. She could as well be a Whirlwind.

"WULD!" She shouts, and nothing happens. There is no Whirlwind, there is not even the strange timbre to her voice that her neighbour had. She just… shouted it.

She isn't terribly surprised; she is not a whirlwind. She knows this too profoundly - she is Do'azda Khrimnin, a Khajiiti shaman, and - here she finds herself stumbling, mentally - Dragonborn. She is a Dragon. She does not need to become a Whirlwind for there to be a Whirlwind.

"WULD!" This time it is almost a Shout, but she can feel it even as it leaves her, feel the wind wrap itself about her, but it dissipates, a force spent before it can gather.

"Good power," Wulfgar's assistant calls over, "But you lacked the visualisation of what you wished to do, and so lacked the will to hold that power for your ends."

She really ought to stop calling him Wulfgar's assistant. Wulfgar himself appears to be taking a nap, so Wulfgar's assistant is closer to being their master for this task than he is.

It takes almost two thirds of the lesson, listening to her classmates choking over the Word, before Do'azda finally, finally Shouts.

"WULD!" Her voice echoes across the field, but Do'azda can scarcely hear it. The Whirlwind howls in her ears and she cannot restrain her exhilarated cackle as she almost flies across the snow. The hay bale looms before her impossibly fast, and for one mad second she considers turning, dodging clear of the impact, but she remembers her lesson, remembers the slight smugness on the man's face and screws her eyes shut and braces for the impact instead.

The collision knocks the breath out of her, and Do'azda collapses to the ground, hay raining down on her, the flagstones of the courtyard cold underneath her, but this cannot stop the breathless laugh that bubbles out of her. She learnt a new Shout in one lesson.

"Very well done," Wulfgar's Assistant says, failing to keep a hint of reverence out of his voice. "And you didn't even break your ankle! The Dragonborn indeed!"

Do'azda opens her mouth to ask why, exactly, she ought to have worried about breaking her ankle, but all she can manage is a strangled rasp before her throat burns like she's been in the badlands for a week without water.

"Oh, poor thing - is this your first time learning a new Shout?" Wulfgar's Assistant - and she really ought to ask his name - asks, "Human Tongues are not meant for these words, and the first use of one tends to do this."

Handed a little jug of goat's milk and pointed to a stool by one of the castle door's, Do'azda watches the rest of the class continue practicing - occasionally stealing wondering glances at her as they go.

The lesson is almost over, and Do'azda's voice has almost returned to normal when the next student succeeds; a nord man with long grey hair almost light enough to pass as blond and a thick, dirty blond beard, squares up to the practice range like a drunken brawler in a tavern and Shouts.

"WULD!" His voice rings clear as a bell and he shoots forwards, just as Do'azda did.

The blur jerks suddenly as it approaches the hay bale, and the crack cuts across everything, every student freezes to look at the source.

He's a big man, this nord, but he lies there clutching his left ankle, keening like a wounded dog.

"Oh, Arnbjorn, I did warn you!" Wulfgar's Assistant says, his voice almost chiding. "You tried to turn! Come, come, we'll sort you out. Someone lift the great oaf! I'll set his ankle, we'll pour something down your throat and rub something on the ankle. Be right as rain in a minute. Whilst I'm tending to this - can anyone tell me what happened?"

"He broke his ankle," Another student - a nord, like all the others, his hair floppy and blond, an arrogant cast to his face - says, "It seems rather obvious."

"Of course, fool, but why?" The man says, not looking away as he sets about working on Arnbjorn, who continues to whimper. "Why did he break his ankle?"

"He was trying to change direction," says the student with the scars, "He jerked suddenly, and that was when his ankle snapped."

"Very good! He was trying to turn, but he didn't raise his planted foot." The instructor says, shaking a bottle of some sort of healing potion as he talks, still not looking at the class, "But why wouldn't he raise his planted foot?"

"He didn't have the time," Someone says, and Do'azda is surprised to find it is her own voice, a little ragged but clear enough. "There's not enough time when you're sprinting like that."

"Very good, Dragonborn!" His tone sounds authentic enough as he wraps a bandage soaked in ointment around the site of the wound. "Whirlwind Sprint is a Shout which brings speed to the one who Shouts. Speed, yes, but the mind works no faster. The Shout does not make you a person who can move faster, it does not help in any way but to make you faster. This is the lesson of Whirlwind Sprint. A Shout does what it does, it does not take the care to ensure this doesn't hurt you, and so it is you who must take this care, always. Unless you enjoy breaking bones - and that's only the start."

The lesson ends after that. Arnbjorn is taken off to the infirmary, and everyone else makes their way inside for dinner.


It doesn't take Do'azda terribly long to track down the apprentices banished from her room - the six of them are clustered together in the library, glowering at her.

They're an odd, eclectic group, unified only by the solidarity of being evicted, and an antipathy towards Do'azda that she cannot fully hold against them.

An altmer woman is holding court over a pair of redguards - a man and a woman, so similar that they must be twins, and they hang on the altmer's every word as she gesticulates, and Do'azda gets the distinct impression she's being insulted, even at this distance.

At the other end of their table, two men - an imperial and a nord - are arm wrestling, faces twisted in concentration. When one of them catches her watching, he sneers.

A dunmer woman completes the set, sitting on the table, one leg tucked under her body as she flicks through a book. She winks at Do'azda, then sets her book down and hops off the table, headed out into the library proper.

This may take some thought.

Which group does Do'azda intend to approach first?

[ ] [FIRST] The Trio - If she can convince them to accept her apology, the job is already half done, even if they appear perhaps the most hostile, and certainly the most intimidating.
[ ] [FIRST] The arm-wrestlers - They seem less invested in hostility to Do'azda, and two is less intimidating than three, though her reward is less, too.
[ ] [FIRST] The Dunmer - She seems perhaps even friendly, and has isolated herself from the others. Do'azda expects she will be the easiest, but perhaps this is a reason in itself to not approach her first?

When she is done with her first approach, who does she approach second?

[ ] [SECOND] The Trio - Approaching the three of them when she has at least some idea of how they will respond, and perhaps even with an ally, they will prove less intimidating. Unless her first attempt goes poorly, of course.
[ ] [SECOND] The arm-wrestlers - Letting them finish their match may leave them less flush with machismo, in a less confrontational mood, or perhaps it will leave one of them sour for having lost.
[ ] [SECOND] The Dunmer - Let her return to the group, and perhaps it will seem less that Do'azda is trapping her alone. It may instead irk her, if she intends Do'azda to follow her away from the others, if she sees it as an overture rejected.

The third group she approaches is whichever is left.

How does Do'azda approach the exiled Apprentices?
[ ] [APPROACH] Companionable - She's so sorry that the Greybeards evicted them! She couldn't believe it when she realised they'd done this to some of her fellow apprentices!
[ ] [APPROACH] Confident - She just wants to reassure them that she won't be taking up their rooms for too long! She doesn't want to be here longer than necessary, and it won't take her long to master what she needs to master.
[ ] [APPROACH] Apologetic - She's really just so sorry, she didn't intend to take their room, she didn't realise and she really feels terrible about it.
[ ] [APPROACH] Grateful - She knows this is terribly inconvenient, but she swears she'll remember who it was that gave up their room for her, and she'll be sure to mention which apprentices helped the Dragonborn when she needed a place to sleep.

This is a plan vote; denote which approach she will use and with which group by voting with [APPROACH FIRST], [APPROACH SECOND], [APPROACH THIRD].

An approach can be repeated for multiple groups.


VM AN: I hope the plan vote isn't too complicated? It was fun to sketch out this specific type of religious conflict, where the event "happened" and therefore has differing interpretations of the same base myth?

TL AN: Do'azda is definitely a little bit done with the Greybeards, early on in the day. Also, it was fun trying to think about how the Sprint works.
Voting is open