- Harry Potter fic
- Read it probably 15ish years ago, almost certainly on FF.net
- Set in a vague 6th-or-7th-year-but-Voldemort-is-already-dead AU
- Fic opens with Neville Longbottom helping Harry sort through an absolute mountain of marriage contracts which Harry has received
- They were sorting them into piles of 'no', 'hell no', and 'no but the person who sent it is important/friendly enough that I need to write a personal thanks-for-the-offer letter'
- Eventually had to add a 4th pile for 'no but that is a very interesting picture of a very naked young witch and deserves further study'
- One subplot - possibly the main plot - was Harry ending up in a relationship with Daphne Greengrass:
- Tradition demanded that, for any request involving someone he knew personally, the rejection be delivered personally as well, and Harry had to go around the school doing so with a handful of girls
- Most of them took it in good grace, or sometimes embarrassment if sending the offer hadn't been their idea
- One of those offers, however, was Daphne Greengrass. Hers was the only one from someone Harry knew to include a nude photo, and from her expressions in the pics, Harry could tell she was not at all on board with the plan.
- When Harry formally rejects and returns the offer, she accuses him of having passed the photos around the Gryffindor boys' dorms. He replies that the only one who's seen it, besides himself, is Neville, and that only because Neville was the one to open this particular envelope.
- After returning the offer, Harry asks Daphne out on a date. She is shocked and offended, and accuses him of just wanting what he saw in the photo. He denies this and explains... I don't recall what his reply was. Something about seeing something in her eyes in the photo, maybe?
- She eventually accepts, and they begin dating, eventually seriously
- At one point, they have to fend off an assassination attempt by the Greengrass head-of-house - Daphne's grandfather, I think - who was fine with selling Daphne to Harry (for access to the Potter fortune), but considered them dating after rejecting the contract a deadly insult
- Another subplot was dealing with the offer Harry received for Ginny:
- I don't recall Harry's exact reaction to receiving the offer, other than that he wasn't thrilled with the idea of accepting it, but he was concerned with the fallout of rejecting it
- His friends convinced him to let them handle it.
- They did so by arranging - probably through Rita Skeeter - to have a front-page news story printed saying that the Potter fortune had all been spent in the war against Voldemort (or something) and that Harry was flat broke.
- That morning at breakfast, Harry, who had no idea of the plan and hadn't read the paper yet, was very confused at the various offers of support from friends and acquaintances, particularly all the people offering to let him stay at their place for a while after graduation
- Then the adult Weasley family walked into the dining hall, and Arthur, at the urging of his wife, formally withdrew the offer for Gunny's hand in marriage, which a still-confused Harry accepted
- I remember that Molly Weasley was portrayed as a gold-digging harridan who was behind the whole thing, while Arthur was portrayed more sympathetically. I don't recall which side Ron or Ginny came down on.
Edit: @Heraldoftruth identified it: Or
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