"Tea with double Brandy."
"Senor, we aren't a Café, please order something else." Said the bartender in response.
"Funny I heard the same from that Café across the street. Tea with double Brandy... please."
"Senor, we are the Los Betas Bar. We don't serve any tea here."
"I see, what else you have?"
"Then I order one of those Tequilla with double Brandy. Pronto!"
The bartender said nothing in response. He just shook his head and pulled out his cheapest Tequilla and a fresh bottle of Brandy.
He filled a full glass, one third tequilla and two thirds brandy.
Yang Wen-li gave the bartender a paper bill with Benjamin Franklin on it.
"Keep it! I give you more after I'm being done here."
Said Li and his attention diverted back towards his drink. With a swift movement he emptied the whole glass in seconds.
"Phew, the tea served here is awful!"
Then suddenly his attention focused elsewhere, towards the bar's entrance.
A short man wearing a sombrero saunters into the bars entrance, his stance swaggering and confident.
"Bienvenidos , mis hijos , a la barra de Los Betas ! La propiedad personal de su noble mecenas."
"Por supuesto , Señor Sueño! Usted es verdaderamente un tipo increíble , y todo este éxito , también! " A taller man replied, holding back an obvious snigger in the process.
They approached Yang, the one identified as "Señor Sueño" giving him a hard stare from beneath his sombrero.
"¿Quién coño eres tú, imbécil?"
'Huh. Didn't think that would happen. But still Several vague pressures.' I thought as I walked pass a few people. Hearing their words.
'Whelp. I am definitely not in an English speaking country so asking for directions is nearly a sunk option.' I thought lamentedly.
'Better go to the nearest one. Faster I get this objective or job done. I may be able to get some info on why and how I am here. Though I should see if the pressure becomes stronger or not. It may indicate the strength of the Demons inside.' I mentally say as I start walking faster to the nearest pressure feeling of it starts getting stronger.
'Though since this maybe an ROB situation. I may not be able to return if he or she decides not to.' My wandering mind gave while I travel to my destinations.
He soon arrives at the nearest pressure, a relatively weaker one on the grand scheme of things, it's apparently mixed into a crowd of people walking down a street in broad daylight.
Snake decided against asking why the waitress was wearing a fake moustache. He already knew that he would not like the answer.
"Hola." Greeted Snake. "¿Podría tener un menú, por favor?"
The girl brightens up
"¡Sí! A ver si para usted en este momento, señor! Dime , ¿te gustaría algo de beber mientras estás esperando?" She says, before leading Snake to the side of the bustling restaurant distinctly out of sight of Sakuya. Speaking of whom...
She stared at him for a moment and then contemplated how screwed she was. Oh how she wished she had picked Spanish as a 2nd language during highschool. Now that she looked around that seemed to be the predominant language... or atleast she thought so... Good thing her English was significantly better; not that she'd had much to practice it outside of the classroom before she dropped out of highschool. Okay, maybe it was worse than she thought.
"Uh, yez. I vant a steak," she said. Her English could use some work, she admitted it. Now that she listened to her body's cravings, she did actually feel somewhat hungry.
When the waiter looked like he wasn't sure he understood her, Sakuya broke down and relied on visual aid.
"Moo...?" Sakuya made gestures of using a knife and fork to eat a steak. God, this was humiliating. Sakuya had never been good at charades, so she was probably just making the situation worse. Should she try imitating a cow further? Or maybe she should kill herself now before she died of humiliation and save the demons the trouble.
Speaking of demons, Sakuya felt a tingle on the edge of her senses again. She wasn't sure what it was, but this was twice in as much as five minutes. While she was loath to be someone's pawn, she couldn't ignore the danger a supernatural entity posed, so as she awkwardly continued to try and communicate with the waiter, she simultaneously stretched out her non-human senses, searching for anything unnatural nearby.
Oh how she envied man's choice of language studies.
The waiter shrugged while smiling nervously before retrieving a menu.
Sakuya however attempted to sense for anything unnatural nearby.
Roll 3d3 for Perception (DC 6)
The idea of going after the witches new was an incredibly tempting option, after all, she was more or less on her own at the moment and possessed no Grief Seeds should se enter any protracted conflict. At the same time though, this wasn't Mitakihara City, and she had never fought the local witches before, making any assault on them a good bit more dangerous than her usual quarry. Add on the fact that she had no idea where she was nor any potential allies to fall back on, and Homura was hesitant to go after the two unknown witches guns blazing without at least some form of backup.
An easy solution to one of those problems was to gain a rough idea of where she was, so that's what she'd do. With that in mind she looked around, examining the various signs to determine the language they were written in. That in itself should give a decent hint as to her location.
With that done though, she'd slowly start making her way westward, towards whichever witch was the closest.
Homura soon came upon a church in relatively good repair.
Kars proceeds to contort his body into seemingly impossible shapes, dodging an errant beam of purple light moving in bizarre and random patterns as it moves through the closet he is currently occupying.