Fight Under The Moonlight

Liike, my nice ending for this is the people responsible for enforcing this "draft" getting yeeted from existence by most of the population. Like, not even thinking about the Magical Girls, the parents and families of those involved are likely going to raise a massive stink about, with the the level of ire proportionate to weather or not the Accords give a shit about if the target is 18 or not. Like, if a 13-year old gets a draft letter, I imagine heads will begin to roll.

Like, thinking about it, but the "Salem Accords" as a thing, are a nice device that basically can not last beyond the immediate situation they were conceived in. At some point, someone important was gonna get slapped by this, and would have enough weight to slap back at the people involved, either in influence or funding.

Edit: Getting off my chest, the main problem I have with this timeline is that, for a timeline about Magical Girls suddenly appearing in the real world, there seems to be a whole lot of backstory involved that I don't know about. Usually, in a timeline like this, I can assume that there was nothing overall massively different about the past before the TL started. Here, just within the comments mind you, I find out that magic has been a thing forever, and also there is an entire nation/world called Etheria with magic, and that the Women in White was around before the POD? It kind of leaves me not caring about the overall events of the timeline, because it feels like you can just throw anything you want into the timeline with the excuse of unknown backstory.
There will be implications in the system that was placed under the Salem Accords as well as limitations and the realistic consenquences when this was practiced full time when the United States decided to re-escalate their involvement in Afghanistan to enforce the Doha Agreement towards Taliban and ended in...let just say, worse thing that could happen to Afghanistan in the future chapters of this TL.

Also, as for identifiable PODs that you raised up, I'll admit that I intentionally made vague about the true PODs in this TL because partly I wanted to engage in "Show, Don't Tell" menthod for the TLs (except for Interstitial chapters, which was tailor made to take away the experience of "doomscrolling" headline format and explore things in an different POV that are important in this world) and because partly that I myself cringed at the original TL (it's called In The Name of Fear, Loathing, and Hope, by the way) of the actual execution of my writing that I read 2020: Shots Fired (plus Leaving The Cradle and TLs made by "PolChat Test Thread" clique) repeat after repeat to furnish my writing that resulted in the rebooted TL.

Plus, this TL is inspired from Mr. Gatsby's superpowered TL which had no clear PODs as well, and the themes in this TL are pretty much similar to that TL - except with a focus on Magical Girl side of things after getting fascinated towards on how the worlds of Sleepless Domain and Magical Spec-Ops Asuka work.
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There will be implications in the system that was placed under the Salem Accords as well as limitations and the realistic consenquences when this was practiced full time when the United States decided to re-escalate their involvement in Afghanistan to enforce the Doha Agreement towards Taliban and ended in...let just say, worse thing that could happen to Afghanistan in the future chapters of this TL.
And to do this you are going to rely on drafted magical girls, as opposed to those psychic super soldiers who are around to enforce the guaranteed death sentence? Most nations have stopped drafting soldiers for the most part because they to be universally shit and expensive to train and feed. Who is issuing these draft notes/suspended death sentences? How have they continued to operate given the nearly 2 centuries and multiple transformations of the US Government? Like, If I am President, and I find out we suddenly have drafted Magical Girls ready to deploy in Afghanistan, my immediate response would be to get the FBI and Secret Service to find out who the hell authorized this without my approval.

I think the format of 2020:Shots Fired does this timeline a bad service, in a way? Like, 2020 worked because the POD was pretty simple, and it mostly relied on the slow escalation of things, built up by the headlines. When you have a lot of important background that sets the stage for a lot of stuff going on in the timeline, something like The Space Pirate King or And Our Flag was not There, where wiki and text book articles intersperse to give more context and in-depth to important events and things.
And to do this you are going to rely on drafted magical girls, as opposed to those psychic super soldiers who are around to enforce the guaranteed death sentence? Most nations have stopped drafting soldiers for the most part because they to be universally shit and expensive to train and feed. Who is issuing these draft notes/suspended death sentences? How have they continued to operate given the nearly 2 centuries and multiple transformations of the US Government? Like, If I am President, and I find out we suddenly have drafted Magical Girls ready to deploy in Afghanistan, my immediate response would be to get the FBI and Secret Service to find out who the hell authorized this without my approval.

I think the format of 2020:Shots Fired does this timeline a bad service, in a way? Like, 2020 worked because the POD was pretty simple, and it mostly relied on the slow escalation of things, built up by the headlines. When you have a lot of important background that sets the stage for a lot of stuff going on in the timeline, something like The Space Pirate King or And Our Flag was not There, where wiki and text book articles intersperse to give more context and in-depth to important events and things.
I'll...have an resolution in regards to the draft in the next chapter of this story (which was put on hold due to semestrial exams and re-edit Chapter 3 to add cut portions of it).

I'll admit I did the 2020: SF-style of timeline in a bad service, but at least I am very satisfied of what I am doing right now unlike the three other TLs (I excluded the very first TL I made because it is an crossover story) that I made. Plus, Mr. Gatsby's TL and Leaving The Cradle doesn't have an identifiable PODs, yet it works and I opted to use them as a way unlike in the original TL which was an cringy attempt at copying 2020: SF recap on mid-2023 to early 2024 portions.
Well, since my semestral exams is going to finish today, I'm gonna post the Chapter 4 right now.
Chapter 4 - A Hot Summer
Chapter 4 - A Hot Summer

Protests broke out across America in the aftermath of the controversial ruling that cleared Derek Chauvin of all charges.
  • CNN; July 16, 2021

EU and UN condemn the controversial ruling while Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and other known right-wing parties praise the ruling as an "exercise of total freedom".
  • Reuters; July 16, 2021

Scenes of violence in the streets of Minneapolis are reminiscent of last year's protests but are much more intense and more violent.
  • Fox News; July 16, 2021

Police and several National Guard units say they have nearly lost control of downtown Minneapolis as rioters unleashed some sort of "magical powers".
  • Star Tribune; July 16, 2021

A female protester is filmed using what could be telekinetic powers by lifting a police car and throwing it at an approaching line of Guardsmen.
  •; July 16, 2021

Magical Girls are making a power play as their presence in the global society rises.
  • Magical General News; July 16, 2021

Floods hit western Germany, the Netherlands, North Belgium, Wallonia, and eastern France as the death toll rose to 145.
  • Bild; July 16, 2021

A military operation to alleviate Niger from IS-GS(E)'s offensive is now underway as Etherian forces and our allies have reached In Abangrit.
  • Etherian Daily News; July 16, 2021

After a visit to Pakistan, State Secretary Blinken vowed to help the Afghan Junta "in any way possible" to attain peace in Afghanistan.
  • The Atlantic; July 16, 2021

A renowned Reuters photo-journalist was killed while covering a clash between Afghani and Taliban forces.
  • Dawn; July 16, 2021

Afghan Junta accused Pakistan of allegedly supporting the Taliban with air strikes, calling the United States to end the cooperation with Pakistan "immediately".
  • RT; July 16, 2021

Unrest in eastern South Africa starts to get under control despite scattered clashes between authorities and several street gangs.
  • News24; July 16, 2021

Pres. Biden condemns the decision made by the Minneapolis court judge to clear Derek Chauvin of his horrendous action in a tweet.
  • The Hill; July 16, 2021

As pro-democracy protests intensify across Cuba, Cuban-Americans are making a treacherous journey to supply the protesters with food and other equipment.
  • National Review; July 17, 2021

"I don't understand the thinking of the judge that has led to this very moment. It was a bombshell case! It has mountains of evidence that Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd with a knee. How can the judge be so careless in the decision that he made? Well, I believe that it is an ethical breach and I call someone to investigate the actions that the judge did!"
  • Rachel Maddow (MSNBC); July 17, 2021

Prominent Democratic politicians called for an investigation against the judge that handled Derek Chauvin's case for "ethical violations".
  • Vox; July 17, 2021

Political violence in Portland returns after a mass stabbing incident between clashing Antifa and Proud Boys leaves 2 dead and 14 injured.
  • OregonLive; July 17, 2021

Most of Minneapolis and some areas in St. Paul are now under the control of rioters as police either deserted or heavily beaten and the National Guard hunkered down around Minneapolis City Hall.
  • MinnPost; July 17, 2021

Reports of the growing presence of Magical Girls participating in the protests alarms law enforcement experts.
  • Breitbart; July 17, 2021

A group of armed men attempting to attack an SFPD station was brutally attacked by a mysterious individual wearing an "iron mask".
  • SFGate; July 17, 2021

Woman in White and several Magical Girls went in and rescue several people that were trapped during the worst floods in the history of Europe.
  • Euronews; July 17, 2021

A small counter-offensive by Mauritanian and French forces has mostly pushed IS-GS(W) back to the outskirts of Néma.
  • Le Monde; July 17, 2021

As the development of AI technologies goes at a fast-paced speed, consumer advocates were alarmed that it could be used for nefarious purposes.
  • Motherboard; July 17, 2021

An aid station for flood victims in Waterloo, Wallonia subject of a barrack buster attack leaving 1 dead and 4 injured. Belgium Reunification Army suspected.
  • Euractiv; July 18, 2021

Federal Court declares DACA unconstitutional in a blow to the Biden Administration's agenda.
  • Newsweek; July 18, 2021

4 members of Three Percenters - New Generation guarding a counter-protest taking place in Richmond were killed in an attack by alleged Magical Girls.
  • ABC News; July 18, 2021[1]

Additional National Guard units are rapidly sent toward the Minneapolis-St. Paul area to contain the worsening situation.
  • Yahoo News; July 18, 2021

Heavy street clashes took place near the Municipal Building where Derek Chauvin is reportedly held.
  • Fox News; July 18, 2021

Several Magical Girls are reportedly seen across the site of heavy clashes providing support by attempting to clear heavy police resistance.
  • Star Tribune; July 18, 2021

Rioters have finally broken the resolve of the police and began storming the Municipal Building. Reports on the ground state several "Magical Girls" have helped break it.
  • MSNBC; July 18, 2021

"If anyone currently uses Twitch right now. Change the stream, and you will see the live image of protesters and several alleged Magical girls entering the courthouse in the riot-stricken city of Minneapolis where it is reported that Derek-

What the fuck…fuck! This is the most disgusting moment that I have ever seen on Twitch. It nearly made me puke watching it!"

  • Penguinz0 (live on Youtube); July 18, 2021

Derek Chauvin, the ex-cop who murdered George Floyd, was summarily executed by Magical Girls while streamed live to viewers worldwide.
  • Reuters; July 18, 2021

National Guardsmen and reserve police officers rushed towards the Municipal Building as rioters and several Magical Girls either melted away or stayed to fight back instead.
  • USA Today; July 18, 2021

I told you that this would happen when traditional morality found in fiction would not exactly work out in real life.
  • Rod Dreher (The American Conservative); July 18, 2021

"I vehemently condemn the individuals that committed the murder of an individual that this nation admits that he did wrongful actions and was cleared for it despite a mountain of evidence. For this, I call every state government to step-up and end this crisis that has currently overshadowed this country and prevent it from descending into horrors of lawless anarchy."
  • Pres. Joe Biden (Twitter); July 19, 2021

"Fake Pres. Biden has allowed Antifa terrorists with demonic powers to ruthlessly murder an innocent patriot that served this country well! I call every Republicans to impeach the fake American president and re-install me as the true American, and patriotic, president of this land and we will continue our work to Make America Great Again!!!"
  • realDonaldTrump (Twitter); July 19, 2021

"We have finally reached an inflection point, my dear viewers, where Magical Girls are slowly becoming so present in the streets and every facet of American society that they are now capable of unleashing their Magical Powers that they deem as an 'enemy of the state'. Look what happened to the unfortunate Derek Chauvin when those Magical Girls got those hands on him and electrocuted him as if he was a cattle ready for produce before another one, the one who took the stream, bashed his head into a bloody paste! How long can we take this before their presence could lead to something much worse than we anticipated? Well, there are a couple of history books that I know could resolve this situation immediately."
  • Tucker Carlson (Fox News); July 19, 2021

Tucker Carlson is calling for the installation of apartheid system for Magical Girls.
  • Huffington Post; July 19, 2021

Twitch was criticized for allowing "snuff stream" to proceed as it was while showing the gruesome murder of Derek Chauvin.
  • Ars Technica; July 19, 2021

  • Number 1 Twitter hashtag before being banned; July 19, 2021

Police unions across America call Pres. Biden for more reinforcements as the presence of Magical Girls in the protests causes exhaustion among its ranks.
  • Newsmax; July 19, 2021

The Magical Girl Community is divided over the morality of whether or not the murder of Derek Chauvin or protests, in general, is "justifiable".
  • Magical General News; July 19, 2021

"It is horrible to see a person, while acknowledging that he did an unspeakable crime against an innocent man, get executed by those Magical Girls who used their powers in an amateurish way. Live on Twitch. There is a reason why I really fear for the future now that Magical Girls exist now in real life."
  • EternalStar (K.Chan); July 19, 2021

"Why is everyone complaining about the jobs that they executed perfectly? Derek Chauvin is a monster with a flesh, and the job of a Magical Girl is to stamp those monsters out! Clear and simple!"
  • CutieCat (K.Chan); July 19, 2021

The presence of Magical Girls across the planet has provided hope and opportunity to repair a broken world for some. For others, Magical Girls represents fear and concerns for the future.
  • Al-Jazeera; July 19, 2021

Pedro Castillo has finally been sworn in as the new president of Peru. Will he repair the deep political divisions between his party and Fujimorists, the cascading downfall of the economy, the Omicron surge, and a slow rise of Ethnocacerist sentiments?
  • The Rio Times; July 19, 2021

IS-GS(E) militants have reached the city of Wiiditane on their way to Niamey in Niger.
  • The Independent; July 19, 2021

The Omicron variant will continue to remain dominant across America despite the slowing down of the surge.
  • Scientific American; July 19, 2021

PM Boris Johnson declares "Freedom Day" despite the Omicron surge collapsing the NHS system.
  • ITV News; July 19, 2021

A seeming end of drought in the American West causes optimism for farmers as prices of produce continue to stay high and supplies continue to stay low.
  • Business Insider; July 19, 2021

Pro-democracy protests across Cuba intensify as street clashes take place in Havana between protesters and state authority.
  • AP; July 20, 2021

Reports of Cuban Army units placed in some across Cuba in what many fear as a prelude to a crackdown against the ongoing pro-democracy protests.
  • National Review; July 20, 2021

A bomb goes off on a Western-style cafe in Lviv, Ukraine, resulting in 4 deaths and 20 injured.
  • DW; July 20, 2021

A white supremacist group known as the "Russian Imperial Movement" claims responsibility for the Lviv attack calling Ukraine to "return to Russia's fold".
  • Kyiv Post; July 20, 2021

Authorities regained control of the Minneapolis-St. Paul area as protests started to wind down across America except for a few cities that are still rioting.
  • The Washington Post; July 20, 2021

As the Afghan Junta is facing their looming defeat in Lashkar Gah by the Taliban, Pres. Biden faces an opportunity to turn the war in Afghanistan around.
  • The Hill; July 20, 2021

A special interview with Magical Girls that have participated in the recent Second Wave protests.
  • Vice; July 21, 2021

A man shouting IS-GS slogans went on a stabbing spree that killed 1 person and injured one in Nancy before being gunned down.
  • Le Parisien; July 21, 2021

The conflict between Nigeria and ISWAP stalls out due to the former's fierce resistance and IS-GS(E)'s offensive caused ISWAP to send their members to Niger as support.
  • Foreign Affairs; July 21, 2021

In light of the controversial death of Derek Chauvin, some nations are looking to contain the worrying rise of Magical Girls.
  • Semafor; July 21, 2021[2]

Faced with Omicron tearing their population apart, continued Turkish aggression, and a near-collapsed economy; Syria seeks full peace with Rojava in exchange for autonomy.
  • The Jerusalem Post; July 21, 2021

Well-known animator Genndy Tartakovsky is seeking to adapt El Goonish Shive in cooperation with Amazon Studios.
  • CBR; July 21, 2021

Ukraine launches multiple air strikes against targets in DPR and LPR in retaliation to yesterday's Lviv bombing.
  • 1+1; July 21, 2021

Several Magical Girls appeared in some parts of New York City to clear out huge smoke coming from forest fires in the West of America.
  • New York Focus; July 21, 2021

A UN aid convoy heading towards Mwenga in the Congo Commonwealth was stopped by Ituri militants proceeded to ransack its contents and summarily executed 4 drivers.
  • The African Report; July 22, 2021

Omicron cases slightly rose over the past few days due to the effects of the Second Wave of George Floyd protests.
  • MSNBC; July 22, 2021

Omicron surge, chronic shortages, and worsening of opioid epidemic is causing misery in Rural America.
  • Jacobin; July 22, 2021

A vaccine distribution facility in Austin, Texas was bombed killing 2 people and injuring 4. The anti-vax Eternal Wellness Movement claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • U.S News; July 22, 2021

Clashes were reported in the streets of Havana between pro-democracy demonstrators and Cuban authorities; reports of the presence of Magical Girls are unconfirmed as of this moment.
  • OnCubaNews; July 22, 2021

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler calls for the deployment of the National Guard as the political war between Antifa and Proud Boys/Patriot Prayer grows worse.
  • The Oregonian; July 22, 2021

A group of Magical Girls attempting to attack a group of riot police in Atlanta was ambushed by another group of Magical Girls.
  • Breaking 911; July 22, 2021

As police are paralyzed containing riots in some parts of America, several Magical Girls pick up the slack in the form of "superhero-style vigilantism".
  • Vice; July 22, 2021

China launched the fastest bullet train that was powered by maglev principles.
  • WIRED; July 22, 2021

Sports experts are concerned over the perceived issue of "cheating" in female sports in the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics after reports of some known female athletes gaining Magical Powers days prior.
  • AP News; July 22, 2021

Heavy fighting in Winditane in Niger as a fierce defense by Nigerien, ECOWAS, and Wagner troops causes high casualties for IS-GS(E).
  • Africanews; July 22, 2021

Afghan Junta forces in Lashkar Gah are on the verge of collapse as the Taliban launches offensive operations across the once stagnant frontlines.
  • RT; July 23, 2021

After a year's delay, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics has finally begun despite the specter of rising Omicron cases and controversy over some female athletes having Magical Powers.
  • CNN Sports; July 23, 2021

Trapped workers in a burning factory were saved when the Woman in White arrived in the nick of time.
  • Sarajevo Times; July 23, 2021

A bomb hits a police station in Ghent, North Belgium kills 5 officers and injures 11. A group calling themselves "Belgian United Socialist Front" claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Euractiv; July 23, 2021

The North Belgian government condemns "terrorist actions" by the Wallonian government as they threaten to martial troops near the North Belgium-Wallonia border.
  • The Independent; July 23, 2021

The violent unrest in South Africa finally died down, but it caused deep division among its citizens.
  • WION; July 23, 2021

Protests and several riots across America finally die down, but it exposes the reality to ordinary people that Magical Girls are here to stay forever.
  • The New York Times; July 23, 2021

The combined Black Fungus and COVID-19 disease causes a surge in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Myanmar as cases of dual disease in India decline.
  • The Hindustan Times; July 23, 2021

Tatmadaw lost control in northern Myanmar after PDF and allied EAOs captured Katha after intense fighting.
  • Bangkok Post; July 24, 2021

An Oakland motel that was occupied by protesters preparing to return home was bombed killing 11. Northwest Aryan Defense Force claimed responsibility in a Parler post, calling it an "appropriate response to the murder of Derek Chauvin".
  • East Bay Times; July 24, 2021

Continued flaunting of anti-COVID precautions in the Red states resulted in more people going outside than ever. So is the slight rise in gasoline prices and increased COVID cases.
  • Bloomberg; July 24, 2021

Etheria set up aid stations and temporary, but high-end, shelters for civilians liberated from IS-GS(E) occupation.
  • The Etherian Times; July 24, 2021

Vivio F. Takamichi, the adopted daughter of the late James Testarossa, is chosen to be the new president of the billionaire company Testarossa Corporation.
  • The Forbes; July 24, 2021

The state government of Mississippi is investigating the rising presence of Magical Girls posing as hospital volunteers and curing patients stricken by COVID-19.
  • Magnolia Tribune; July 24, 2021

The growing Magical Girl Community is seen helping the homeless population in some cities in America by giving aid and providing medical treatment.
  • Huffington Post; July 25, 2021

Lashkar Gah has fallen into the hands of the Taliban after the Afghan Junta ordered the remaining troops within the city to retreat.
  • Dawn; July 25, 2021

There is a marked rise in Afghan female volunteers wanting to fight against the Taliban forces.
  • Reuters; July 25, 2021

The FBI is investigating an incident where a decapitated head belonging to a senior CJNG leader was discovered near an FBI office in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
  • Vice; July 25, 2021

Controversy broke out after the Olympic Committee disqualified Australia from their win after Emma Mckeon revealed to the media that she has "Magical Powers".
  • ESPN; July 25, 2021

The presence of Magical Girls across the globe causes a societal earthquake over what role they should have.
  • Magical General News; July 25, 2021

Etherian forces and our allies have reached and engaged IS-GS(E) militants in Ingal in the south and Arlit in the north of Niger.
  • Etherian Daily News; July 25, 2021

Reports of scattered fighting in Etherian-occupied Assamaka in Niger between pro-Etherian and rogue Berber militias.
  • RFI; July 25, 2021

Several Etherian units pulled back from the frontlines and returned to Assamaka to smash the traitorous Berber militias fighting our allies on the ground.
  • The Etherian Times; July 25, 2021

"Who are you working for and why do you fight us, traitor?

I won't speak to you-

[Grabs him by the neck collar] Who are you working for, traitor! If you don't answer I'll have your men beside you to be executed as the Greyskull demands!

Okay-okay! My men and I don't wanna fight you, but we don't have a choice! Y-you have to understand that please! We…we were working for Wagner Group and they told us to fight against our friends because you…you are interfering with their mining operations in this region. We don't have a choice!

Wagner Group?

Y-yes ma'am, it's the Wagner Group I swear!

For Greyskull sake!"

  • A conversation between a female Royal Etherian Army (disguised as Etherian Republican Army) officer and a captured member of a Wagner-backed Berber militia; July 25, 2021

"[Sigh] It seems that the damned Prigozhin and his Wagner Group have set up a welcome party for Etheria after we made the first steps in complex geopolitical games. Well, we don't have a choice at that now because of our wanting to stay out of the shadows as the Great Liberator demanded and our involvement in clearing Daesh presence in Niger which has seen progress despite the issue that is currently taking place in Assamaka. What is your opinion on this, High Advisor?

Well, Your Majesty, we have no choice but continue our effort to clear out the Daesh until we reached the city of Agadez, self-proclaimed capital of IS-GS East, so that we can finally alleviate the Nigerien and ECOWAS forces while fighting an hellish urban battle in Winditane. As for the involvement of Wagner Group in our operations, I am pretty sure that the agents of the Sword of Etheria will keep them watching their movements now that they have made their presence fighting alongside the Nigerien and ECOWAS forces as well as attempting to recapture the mines across Niger that were rumoured to be rich in Uranium, something that thankfully for us that the Daesh didn't restart the operations and use it to create an crude nuclear device that would have been used in terror attacks on West Africa or in Europe. For now, Your Majesty, it is that Etheria must be focused on clearing Daesh first before we become intrigued by the current work that Wagner Group is doing in the region right now."

  • Conversation between Queen Mirna and High Advisor/Pres. Lamine Ag Donadei; July 25, 2021

Rooster Teeth files an Chapter 7 bankruptcy after rejecting AT&T's help.
  • Variety; July 25, 2021

There is a rise in mysterious cases of cattle mutilations across America, and causes a worry within the livestock industry.
  • Vox; July 25, 2021

Pres. Biden sends high-end military equipment to prop up the beleaguered Afghan Junta while promising Ukraine the same in the future.
  • The Atlantic; July 26, 2021

IS-KP expanded their blood feud with the Taliban by launching a surprise attack that saw several towns in Taliban-held southwestern Afghanistan under their control.
  • Military News; July 26, 2021

The Cuban Army filmed positioning their troops and heavy equipment around El Capitolio in Havana. Possible signs of a mass crackdown against pro-democracy protesters?
  • Breitbart; July 26, 2021

In a surprise and tearful state broadcast, Raul Castro asks the Cuban National Assembly to open negotiations towards pro-democracy groups.
  • CNN; July 26, 2021

Bewildered by the announcement, leaders of Cuban pro-democracy groups agreed to negotiate with the Cuban Government with a list of their demands.
  • Miami Herald; July 26, 2021

An attempt by Minneapolis Police and FBI to arrest the participant for the publicized murder of Derek Chauvin ended in an ambush by an unknown group of Magical Girls.
  • CBS News; July 26, 2021

Strikes and demonstrations gripped the city of Trincomalee in Sri Lanka over chronic shortages and collapsing healthcare systems due to Omicron.
  • NDTV; July 26, 2021

Omicron surge in Russia causes collapse of healthcare system as Putin is reluctant to place COVID restrictions.
  • VOA News; July 26, 2021

As Woman in White started to get appreciated across the planet for her work, some of them saw her as a literal Goddess and started countless cults that revolved around her.
  • Salon; July 26, 2021

Etheria and France launched intensive air support against IS-GS(E) to alleviate Nigerien and ECOWAS troops defending Winditane.
  • Reuters; July 26, 2021

A dispute in Bogota ended with two groups of school girls with Magical Powers brawling with each other, resulting in heavy damage to the school and 2 deaths.
  • El País; July 26, 2021

Omicron surge slowly ends across Australia as cases largely decline due to an intensive vaccination drive.
  • ABC-Australia; July 27, 2021

Video of a group of criminals attempting to rob a family-run grocery store was beaten by a mysterious individual that the uploader said was "wearing nun-like clothing with an iron mask".
  • San Francisco Chronicle; July 27, 2021

"While the criminals nearly did the act in the video are horrendous and they ought to be condemned since they attempted to rob a store that was owned by an immigrant family coming from Guatemala, I believe that the intrusion of this some sort of real-life superhero could worsen the crime situation we have in this city as it incentivizes criminals to arm themselves with high-end weapons to stop them, for which I fervently trying to stop them from spreading and causing chaos here in this city and could worsen the how the SFPD would handle to this type of situation that could harm innocent people in the long term. That's all I have to say."
  • San Francisco Mayor London Breed's statement on the viral Nun with Iron Mask video; July 27, 2021

As police across America return to normal duties after violent protests, they are facing odds with Magical Girls that are conducting "unlawful" vigilante activities in the streets.
  • Fox News; July 27, 2021

CNDF and the Belgian Army conduct large-scale military operations against insurgent groups operating in the Kivu Region.
  • WION; July 27, 2021

An organizer of Berkeley anti-lockdown protests was killed in an FBI raid that was searching for alleged contraband.
  • Daily Kos; July 27, 2021

"We have enough of this unconstitutional nonsense that has killed innocent people recently. Tomorrow, we will show the Federal government that enough is enough! No more lockdowns! No more COVID restrictions! More power to the workers!"
  • National Association For Anti-Lockdown Principles (Twitter); July 27, 2021

A prominent Taliban commander and his 4 confidants were killed in a shooting by a gunman with links to IS-KP before being gunned down in Herat.
  • VOA News; July 27, 2021

Well-known athlete Simone Biles was stripped of her gold medal that she won yesterday due to allegations of utilizing Magical Powers during the competition.
  • Variety; July 27, 2021

The Tokyo Olympics are now overshadowed by controversy over the presence of female magical athletes and the ethics of using Magical Powers in sports.
  • Fox Sports; July 28, 2021

A U.S. drone strike kills a high-ranking Taliban commander who oversees the fall of Lashkar Gah as Pres. Biden approves an additional slate of airstrikes across Afghanistan.
  • National Interest; July 28, 2021

Mass protests have once again broken out across America. This time, it's all about anti-lockdown sentiments.
  • MSNBC; July 28, 2021

Who's who of mass anti-lockdown protests? Libertarians, Trump supporters, Anarchists, Socialists, anti-vax movement, Evangelicals and Liberals.
  • NPR; July 28, 2021

An exhausted police force and National Guard returns to quell the protests once again.
  • Townhall; July 28, 2021

Anti-lockdown protests have turned into riots in San Francisco, New York City, Lansing, Detroit, Chicago, Berkeley, Oakland, Phoenix, Portland, Seattle, Waukesha, and Cleveland.

  • AP News; July 28, 2021

BLM protesters in Minneapolis-St. Paul returned to the streets once again after joining forces with anti-lockdown protesters.
  • MinnPost; July 28, 2021

"This is what we are facing right now, if it wasn't for the bad decision that the judge has made then Derek Chauvin should have been in prison right now instead of getting executed by Magical Girls in a brutal way and anti-lockdown protests shouldn't exist now that the source of inspiration didn't happen at the first place if the judge has made the right decision. This is a level of crassness that American politics is facing right now, and I hate to see it happen."
  • Rachel Maddow; July 28, 2021

Reports of anti-lockdown rioters looting stores and destroying those who support COVID restrictions across America.
  • USA Today; July 28, 2021

Magical Girls have returned to the streets once again to beat up cops and the National Guard in support of anti-lockdown protests.
  • Huffington Post; July 28, 2021

General Mark Milley: Gentlemen, we have a grave crisis that is happening now right in our streets in America. As you all know, there has been a rise in population that many called "Magical Girls" for the past few weeks since the intervention of a mysterious individual known by more of a nickname than an actual name known as "Woman in White" in a hostage incident in Boston, Massachusetts. Afterwards, the Magical Girls would slowly came out from the shadows one by one and done things that either helped the society in the vein of what Women in White is currently doing right now and or doing things that is harming the society by doing mischievous or outright criminal acts like using the powers to rob a single bank or massacring your own family or what happened to a person named Derek Chauvin..

Gentlemen, as much as our growing concerns in regards to cursory look under the modern lens that could be problematic for many, I believe that it is the right time to finally expand the Salem Accords and implement it to the growing…yes, Major Samantha Appleton of the Salem Corps, you may speak about the concerns you have.

Major Samantha Appleton: Yes, General Milley. Temporarily representing the leader of the Salem Corps, General Miko Miyazaki, while she was away on an trip to meet with an NATO official in Brussel, I have concerns about expanding the scope of the Salem Accord into the modern day. As you all know the Salem Accord, the greatest document this nation have ever written next to the Constitution itself, was specifically made at the time when the population of Magical Girls, or Witches as it was called at that time, was as its lowest numbers; something that the draft requirement that was written on the Salem Accord had allowed us to produce families whose grandmothers, mothers, and their daughters served this nation faithfully for past millenia, albeit its combat records were not recorded in the history books per the Accord as well.

Now with the growing presence of Magical Girls in our country and utilizing their powers of either good or bad, I have believed that Salem Accord has usefulness in this day and age, but not in its implementation per the wishes of the Accord, especially with the draft requirement that Magical Girls need to endure or they will be sentenced to death if they refused, per the rules of the Accord of course.

Military draft, as you all know, became an unpopular method of recruiting new soldiers in aftermath of the Vietnam War that saw possible recruits rejecting it due to the controversial conduct that our military knows as well as disciplinary problems after they were recruited and has since replaced with an volunteer system that have apparently fixed the problems that the military draft had. The problem is that the volunteer system we currently using today also produced a slew of new problems, with troop retention being the main focal point with attempts patching by sending more National Guard units than usual and enacting an "Stop-Loss" policy that has, unfortunately, caused mental issues for those who served in the frontline for a long time.

Now, as for the context of the draft requirement of the Salem Accord, the concerns that I, General Miyazaki, and her aide Major Gen. Carol Olston, our concern is that implementing the draft requirement to the family who had no deep connection to the Salem Corps or tailor made to serve one, could cause a public backlash in the long term…

Unknown U.S Army Officer: So you are asking for an abolition of that draft requirement, Major Appleton?

Major Samantha Appleton: I am not asking for an abolition of the draft requirement. Just imagine the public reaction if we decided to expand the draft requirement to the growing population of Magical Girls, imagine watching news on the television and you would see a mother crying on the screen because an 13-year old daughter of hers was recruited to serve in the battlefield of Afghanistan. How would everyone in this room react to it? Sending our personnel to our homes and executing those who are defying the draft and allowing it to overstretch our meagre resources if we decided to expand that requirement to the huge population of Magical Girls? The point is, gentlemen, is that the Salem Corps has proposed that we could put aside the draft requirement of the Salem Accord for a while and institute a volunteer system that was used by many branches of our army so that we can have enough numbers in case this administration decided to re-install our presence in Afghanistan once again. As you all know, Salem Corps has, and currently still, deployed in Afghanistan that were of limited numbers and currently stuck at their bases and stuck doing logistical and some covert ops jobs at this point. They are currently worn out at this point, but we don't have enough numbers to replace them as a result.

Unknown U.S Army officer: Who proposed that idea, Major?

Major Samantha Appleton: General Miyazaki, sir.

Unknown U.S Army officer: Jesus Christ.

General Mark Milley: I…I think that General Miyazaki has a point.

Unknown U.S Army officer: A point!? That's an outright sentence to death for those Witches like Major Appleton and General Miyazaki, General!

Major Samantha Appleton: Don't you understand what am I-

General Mark Milley: Enough! [sigh] As much as the United States Armed Forces wanted to adhere to the principles of the Salem Accord, it has limitations that could spark a national backlash if we were forced to expand the draft requirement to the growing population of Magical Girls. As such, I will take the suggestion made by General Miko Miyazaki that the draft requirement should be temporarily set aside in favor of using the volunteer system and will review intensively before sending the concerns over to the desk of President Joe Biden for final approval. Because at the end of the day, the President of the United States of America always has the final say of what changes, both temporary and permanent, could be made in regards to the Salem Accord, per the precedent set by George Washington himself when he personally signed the Accord in front of the Witches, or Magical Girls, that once inhabited in a town known as Salem, Massachusetts…

Gen. Miko Miyazaki (on phone): Did the JCS accept my proposal?

Major Samantha Appleton: General Milley personally accepted your proposal and he will personally review it before sending your concerns to Pres. Biden himself.

Gen Miko Miyazaki (on phone): Thank the Founder for that one. We have managed not to let ourselves be blindsided by the uncalled decisions made by the JCS of which they are planning in regards to re-deployment of American troops back to Afghanistan now that the our friends that formed a military junta in Kabul is struggling to put up a fight against the Taliban and Blinken promised the Pakistanis to into enforcing the Doha Agreement in exchange of new deliveries of military equipment and sending their troops to support our troops when the possibility of the redeployment becomes inevitable.

Major Samantha Appleton: Yeah. I'll meet up with Major General Carol Olston in regards to the development and you may focus on whatever you currently do in Brussels. I'll hope that President Biden agreed with the concerns that we had. Good luck, General.

Gen. Miko Miyazaki (on phone): Thank you, Princess.

  • Excerpt from an award winning series "The Paladin: The True Story Of Gen. Miko Miyzaki", NewFlix, 2041

Pres. Biden condemns "unlawful" anti-lockdown protests as many fear a repeat of violence that had taken place during the Second Wave.
  • New Republic; July 29, 2021

The entire column of riot police in Phoenix was frozen to death after a Magical Girl unleashed her power against them.
  • Newsmax; July 29, 2021

A group of Magical Girls attempting to clear the police line in Lansing engage in a brawl with another group of Magical Girls that are attempting to protect the police.
  • MLive; July 29, 2021

Democratic states are scrambling to find a way to end the unconstitutional lockdowns as protests in their cities intensify.
  • National Review; July 29, 2021

Trans community is seeing a renaissance as the presence increases and many believed that having Magical Powers could solve all the problems they currently face.
  • LGBTQ Nation; July 29, 2021

Etheria seeks to donate locally-made COVID vaccines and well-trained medical staff to nations in need.
  • Etherian General News; July 29, 2021

The profitability of the rising online shopping scene started to decrease as inflation, continued shortage of goods and the rate of credit delinquency rose.
  • Business Insider; July 29, 2021

Police and National Guard have mostly maintained their composure despite heavy resistance caused by increased presence of Magical Girl protesters.
  • OANN; July 30, 2021

Three vaccination centers across LA were firebombed by anti-lockdown rioters.
  • The Los Angeles Times; July 30, 2021

As Magical Girls returned to the streets and protested, this time against lockdowns and COVID restrictions, some feared that their actions could ruin their embryonic reputation with the general public.
  • Magical General News; July 30, 2021

"Who cares that they are crying right now? We had the power to finally unleash our dreams that we have had for a long time! You can't stop us!"
  • HappyAnarchist (K.Chan); July 30, 2021)

"It is sad to see that the current generation of Magical Girls have taken the quote: 'Whatever happens, we have got the Maxim gub, and they have not', and use it as an excuse to unleash hell whenever they see and believe it to be part of an enemy. But on the other side of the coin, it is justifiable in their view because the female population has been heaped with so much abuse and scathing for the past few years since Gamergate happened. So in short, there is no one to blame why they use those Magical Powers so recklessly."
  • FallenStar (K.Chan); July 30, 2021

"It is so sad that the idealistic picture of a typical Magical Girl has begun to crumble because of that damned PMMM and Gamergate shit that causes craziness in the streets of America right now. It is sad to think about that."
  • MamiTomoeNumber1Fan (K.Chan); July 30, 2021

Omicron surge still cripples the American healthcare system as the death toll reaches 900,000.
  • Yahoo News; July 30, 2021

African Swine Fever is wreaking havoc on pig industries across the Philippines as cases in Batangas and Cebu rose.
  • Rappler; July 30, 2021[3]

Burkina Faso is increasingly crippled by low-level conflicts by IS-aligned or Al-Qaeda-aligned militants, bandits and inter-communal violence.
  • Al-Jazeera; July 30, 2021

Examining the futuristic weapons used by Etherians in their operations against IS-GS(E).
  • Popular Mechanics; July 30, 2021

Donbass separatists conducted a raid on the town of Avdiivka.
  • 1+1; July 31, 2021

An attempt to firebomb an historical black church in Montgomery, Alabama by members of the New Confederate Army was stopped by a group of Magical Girls on their way to anti-lockdown protests nearby.
  • USA Today; July 31, 2021

As protests intensified thanks to the presence of Magical Girls, some Republicans suggested placing harsh enforcement against them.
  • Salon; July 31, 2021

Unemployment rate across America started to spike with continued lockdowns and economic downturn are to blame.
  • Wall Street Journal; July 31, 2021

The rising presence of Magical Girls across South America is causing societal tensions for some and hope for others.
  • The Rio Times; July 31, 2021

US ramps up its air strikes to slow down Taliban advances as the Afghan Junta are tethering on the brink of collapse.
  • Global News; July 31, 2021

Protests in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka have spread outwards despite intense police crackdown.
  • Al-Jazeera; August 1, 2021

IOC Pres. Thomas Bach says they will investigate the "improper handling" of the issue regarding disqualification of some female athletes with Magical Powers in the Tokyo Olympics.
  • ESPN; August 1, 2021

Pres. Biden approves the deployment of DHS agents on cities with ongoing riots.
  • The Hill; August 1, 2021

Minneapolis Police and National Guard managed to retain the control of downtown Minneapolis despite increased resistance by anti-lockdown rioters.
  • Star Tribune; August 1, 2021

Presence of Magical Girls have mostly stopped the anti-lockdown protests from becoming a riot that were caused by rogue Magical Girls.
  • New York Post; August 1, 2021

An alleged member of UVF opens fire on a Catholic-owned pub killing 6 individuals before surrendering. Survivors say the shooter shouted "free Pick Scissors!" before the shooting began.
  • Belfast Live; August 1, 2021

The United States has failed to reach the target of 70% of Americans having a single shot of COVID vaccine due to rising anti-vax sentiments.
  • AP News; August 2, 2021

Negotiations between leaders of pro-democracy groups and the Cuban government resulted in a breakthrough such as opening the economy to the world without relying on the United States, a reform to stagnating economy similar to reforms made by Vietnam, and a plebiscite for a new constitution that would change the current Cuban government.
  • The Conversation; August 2, 2021

IS-GS(E) blitz offensive sputter as the battle for Winditane continues and continued Etherian advance forced them to transfer the bulk of their experienced fighters to fight them.
  • France 24; August 2, 2021

A gun battle takes place near the border crossing in Saintes, Wallonia between border police and alleged members of Belgian Reunification Army, resulting in 2 border police and 4 BRnA deaths.
  • Free Wallonia Press; August 2, 2021

Despite being exhausted by fierce fighting, Ethiopia continues to fight on as Tigrayan forces are on the verge launching a campaign to march their forces to Addis Ababa.
  • Foreign Affairs; August 2, 2021

CDC is seeking to "professionalize" illegal hospital volunteers that were curing COVID patients with Magical Powers.
  • Magical General News; August 2, 2021

In a blow to OpenAI, Hugging Face signs a deal with Google to develop an AI model that could rival GPT-3.
  • The Verge; August 2, 2021

The participation of Magical Girls in the Second Wave of George Floyd Protest have left both satisfied over their involvement and bitterness of not doing much more to change the status quo.
  • Vice; August 2, 2021

Debate within churches grows over the debate on whether or not the Woman in White is a divine being sent from the heavens or the work of demons.
  • Christianity Today; August 2, 2021

Etherian forces mostly crushed pro-Wagner Berber militias as they returned to focus the brewing frontlines against IS-GS(E).
  • The Africa Report; August 3, 2021

IS-GS(W) on the verge of collapse as Mauritanian/French forces re-entered Néma.
  • DW; August 3, 2021

Summer 2021 is the season of wildfires.
  • Vanity; August 3, 2021

The mysterious "Nun with Iron Mask" returns and subdues armed criminals attempting to steal products from an Amazon delivery truck.
  • NBC Bay Area; August 3, 2021

With the help of Magical Girls, anti-lockdown rioters raided a National Guard armory and proceeded to steal assault rifles, machine guns, grenades, rocket launchers, and even some Humvees.
  • Chicago Sun-Times; August 3, 2021

Ukraine pushed Donbass separatists out of Avdiivka after intense fighting.
  • Kyiv Post; August 3, 2021

Rate of food insecurity across Europe slightly rose due to continued interruption of deliveries and continued Omicron surge.
  • Euronews; August 3, 2021

Recent studies show rates of infection caused by Omicron have greatly decreased from its peak in May to early June.
  • Scientific American; August 3, 2021

Reports of a spree attack on an hotel suite used by IOC officials, possible use of Magical Powers.
  • Japan Today; August 3, 2021

IOC Pres. Thomas Bach included in the 12 people that were killed in a horrific attack in the midst of the Tokyo Olympics.
  • CNN; August 4, 2021

Tokyo Police say the suspect of the attack is a young female with alleged Magical Powers that was last seen fleeing from the hotel lobby after the attack.
  • Sky News; August 4, 2021

The Taliban offensive against the Afghan Junta continues unabated as the US sends more military aid to continually prop up the exhausted Afghan Army.
  • Military Times; August 4, 2021

American troops stationed in bases that were surrounded by the Taliban recieved aid and additional troops through an air corridor.
  • National Review; August 4, 2021

Etherian forces and our allies pushed IS-GS(E) militants out of Arlit, Niger as the battle continued in Ingal.
  • The Etherian Times; August 4, 2021

Reinforced by DHS agents, police and the National Guard across America begin push to end days-long anti-lockdown riots that have ravaged some cities.
  • MSNBC; August 4, 2021

Most of the Magical Girls engaged in a sub-bullet clash against the police, DHS, and the National Guard in the streets.
  • Fox News; August 4, 2021

An SWAT van used to quell the anti-lockdown riots was destroyed by a rocket launcher that was confirmed to be stolen from a recent raid on a National Guard armory.
  • WGN-TV; August 4, 2021

Authorities have violently cleared all of BLM and anti-lockdown protesters from Minneapolis-St. Paul after scattered sub-bullet clashes.
  • Kare11; August 4, 2021

Growing numbers of Magical Girls across Central America are forming vigilante groups to combat the rising cases of rapes and femicides.
  • Latin News; August 5, 2021

Japan announces a nationwide manhunt for the suspect involved in the Magical attack that killed several prominent IOC officials including its president.
  • CNA; August 5, 2021

UNICEF Chief warns that the insurgent groups across the world may utilize the growing numbers of young Magical Girls as soldiers.
  • UN News; August 5, 2021

IS-KP captures the city of Farah in Afghanistan in a STUNNING offensive while the Taliban is focusing on fighting the Afghan Junta.
  • Daily Mail; August 5, 2021

Mauritanian Pres. Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, Prime Minister Mohamed Ould Bilal, and 32 others killed in a suicide bombing inside of New National Assembly Building suspected to be the work of IS-GS(W).
  • Le Monde; August 5, 2021

The crisis that affected the Sahel Region has descended into further chaos.
  • Foreign Affairs; August 5, 2021

Incoming reports of a rampage attack taking place in the town of Pittsfield, New Hampshire.
  • WMUR: August 5, 2021

New details of an ongoing spree attack in Pittsfield state that the attacker is using Magical Powers and managed to wipe out the local police forces attempting to put the attacker down.
  • NECN; August 5, 2021

Additional police forces and a token National Guard unit were sent to quell the lone Magical Girl conducting a rampage that destroyed half of Pittsfield.
  • Boston 25 News; August 5, 2021

Authorities have managed to corner the attacker despite punishing attacks.
  • Reuters; August 5, 2021

"You don't know what I am facing right now. You don't know why I am doing this. This world is very ungrateful to the gift that I and others had. This world doesn't deserve it to have one just like me. This world must perish for us to finally reign like a queen just like Woman in White have. All of you imbeciles and blind rats must die! Die! DIE!!!!"
  • Katie Quinn before being gunned down by police officers and National Guardsmen; August 5, 2021

Pittsfield Rampage perpetrator finally put down after unleashing Magical Powers for one last time.
  • Fox News; August 5, 2021

214 dead after an horrific rampage attack that destroys half of the town of Pittsfield.
  • MSN; August 5, 2021

Welcome to the Age of Magic.
  • The Washington Post; August 5, 2021

"So this is what the High Guardians called this land their new home and created a civilization that nearly mimics the long destroyed civilization they failed to protect…in a land they call the 'Forbidden Land'!?

[Evil chuckle]

It is so…so funny seeing them doing hypocritical things for their own purposes. Trying to protect something that they failed to protect, one that involves the Chosen One that is anointed to protect and restore the balance of this world. It is so insane thinking that way. Well, I prefer to let them play this so-called 'Forbidden Land' for a while and I engage in something that the so-called 'Humans' call it as guerilla warfare until the right time has finally come for the Eternal Night to conquer this land as it was on the Moon before.


And you cannot stop me from doing it, Woman in White. [Evil chuckle]"

[1] - Three Percenters still disbanded in the aftermath of January 6th Insurrection ITTL…and its successors or splinter groups are vying for the empty throne that the original iteration had left. Just like OTL.

[2] - Semafor was established much earlier before the TL began.

[3] - The spread of Asian Swine Fever didn't become an pandemic ITTL that would have resulted in a near-wipe out of pork industries that compounded the shortage crisis and inflation, instead it only contained in some nations such as the Philippines.
I hope all of this results in magical girl warlords toppling the global status quo.

Anyways, I have finally finished re-editing Chapter 3 and I can finally proceed to write the first Interstitial chapter before I could post the Chapter 4 (which is 98% finished) of this TL of mine.

Have re-reading the re-edited Chapter 3!
Chapter 5 - Going Back To Normal Is Hard
Chapter 5 - Going Back To Normal Is Hard

Americans of all stripes mourn the tragedy that has taken place in Pittsfield as the death toll finally clocks in at 231 people.
  • Reuters; August 6, 2021

Why did the Pittsfield Rampage attacker, Katie Quinn, commit the most heinous acts in American history?
  • Vox; August 6, 2021

In a rare bipartisan unity, Democrats and Republicans say that it is time to finally reign-in the growing numbers of Magical Girls.
  • Politico; August 6, 2021

"This nation needs to do something about the alarming rise of Magical Girls here in this country. They are, in a technical sense, carrying a weapon that could hurt somebody whether they don't like the person because of the ideology or personal issues or they don't control their actions like the one in Pittsfield Rampage did."
  • House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi's statement to the media; August 6, 2021

Equating Magical Girl issues with ideas of gun control is a bad idea.
  • Huffington Post; August 6, 2021

What happened in Pittsfield is an isolated incident, but this serves as a warning for newly-turned Magical Girls with emotional problems.
  • Magical General News; August 6, 2021

A full-blown street sub-bullet clashes across America during the ongoing anti-lockdown protests as police start to put a lid on them.
  • The New York Times; August 6, 2021

An ATF and CPD raid on a hideout used by anti-lockdown protester groups that was believed to be containing a weapons cache from a recent raid on an National Guard armory ended in a gun and magical battle.
  • NBC Chicago; August 6, 2021

Clashes during the raid left 3 ATF, 4 CPD, and 7 attackers dead with 3 attackers arrested while the target weapon cache in question has been mostly recovered.
  • Fox 32 Chicago; August 6, 2021

Well-known football superstar Lionel Messi was comatosed after getting infected by COVID-19.
  • Variety; August 6, 2021

French efforts against IS-GS(W) stalls out after participating Mauritanian forces became demoralized in the aftermath of the decapitation attack.
  • Reuters; August 6, 2021

President Joe Biden visits Pittsfield in the wake of deadly rampage as survivors try to find answers on why it had happened on the day of the tragedy.
  • The Hill; August 7, 2021

"My fellow Americans, today I have visited the site of a horrible tragedy that has killed upwards of 231 people and destroyed half of this great town by an perpetrator whose magical powers that they've carried have unwittingly unleashed to innocent civilians in a fit of possible mental breakdown. I have rest assured to every American that this incident will be the only one that will happen in our watch as this administration will pursue programs that would help the growing population of what many call them as Magical Girls. Let the incident be a reminder that this nation will remain strong now matter the issues that we are currently facing. Thank you."
  • Pres. Joe Biden public statement while visiting the scene of the Pittsfield Rampage; August 7, 2021

"None would have this happened if Fake Pres. Sleepy Joe Biden has the audacity to crack down on those daughters that illegally acquired witchcraft from the black market and spread it on the streets! It is sickening, very sickening! We must stop this trend before it starts to get loose!"
  • realDonaldTrump (Twitter); August 7, 2021

"What the hell is wrong with you, treasonous ex-president?"
  • Vanessa McCoy (Twitter); August 7, 2021

Etherian forces and our allies have captured Ingal after an intense battle, clearing the way to march towards Agadez.
  • Etherian Daily News; August 7, 2021

Etheria, concerned over the grave situation that is currently happening in Mauritania, ramps up its support to groups who are opposed to IS-GS presence across the Sahel Region.
  • The Etherian Times; August 7, 2021

Japanese authorities say they have a "lead" on the whereabouts of the perpetrator of an magical attack that killed several IOC personalities.
  • Global News; August 7, 2021

Dispute between leftist-aligned and evangelical-aligned anti-lockdown protesters over the area where they are protesting in Rochester, New York resulted in an brawl.
  • U.S News; August 7, 2021

2021 is the record year for internal migrations due to massive wildfire events across the planet.
  • UN News; August 7, 2021

Facing shortage of reservist firefighters fighting the rapidly expanding wildfires, several counties decide to deputize Magical Girls instead.
  • Sacramento Bee; August 8, 2021

Wall Street is in a state of confusion as cases related to Omicron still remain at its peak and the rate of shortages and inflation begins to decline.
  • Business Insider; August 8, 2021

A "Wright Brothers' moment" for fusion energy development after producing a whopping 1.3 megajoules in Livermore Lab.
  • Ars Technica; August 8, 2021

Reports of Woman in White stopping a group of IS-GS(E) gunmen attempting to raid several villages in northern Mali.
  • WION; August 8, 2021

Police unions asks DHS and National Guard to deploy more personnel to the streets as police officers finally reached the point of exhaustion after non-stop riots.
  • Fox News; August 8, 2021

Tokyo Olympic closes on a solemn note due to controversies over magical female athletes that led to a deadly attack.
  • NPR; August 8, 2021

Taliban finally enters the strategically-important Kandahar Province despite ongoing IS-KP offensive in the southwest.
  • Dawn; August 8, 2021

The Afghan Junta is now entering a death spiral as the Taliban proclaim victory, the United States must assist them right now.
  • National Interest; August 9, 2021

An IED attack struck a gathering of Antifa members killing 4. Patriot Prayer suspected.
  • OregonLive; August 9, 2021

There is a noticeable rise of domestic violence towards men across America. The reason why? Magical powers.
  • The Federalist; August 9, 2021

Cases of familicide greatly rose for the past few weeks in the South, Midwest and the Great Plains. Most of the victims are daughters.
  • Vice; August 9, 2021

A landmark UN report reveals shocking predictions that 1.5C global temperature could become a possibility if the whole world reacted fast enough.
  • Semafor; August 9, 2021

Gas prices in America have finally increased after months of stagnation to two dollars and eighty cents due to massive demand caused by Americans in the Red States flaunting COVID restrictions.
  • CNBC; August 9, 2021

Fighting in Winditane slows to a crawl as IS-GS(E) fighters struggle to fight through well-established defenses.
  • The Africa Report; August 9, 2021

As Nigerian hospitals are completely distracted by Omicron surge, Magical Girls are providing treatment to victims of cholera outbreak across the nation.
  • allAfrica; August 9, 2021

California and Illinois passed a law that would reconstruct the way supply lines work with the aim of ending the ongoing shortage crisis.
  • The Economic Times; August 9, 2021

A Magical Girl that is allegedly a member of Boogaloo Movement surrenders after unleashing Magical Powers to a police checkpoint that killed 3 officers.
  • Berkeleyside; August 10, 2021

The American Troubles are going to get a lot worse.
  • Salon; August 10, 2021

Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo, facing a harassment scandal, was found dead in his home.
  • Politico; August 10, 2021

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman says he will do anything to counter any competition in the aftermath of the surprise Hugging Face-Google deal.
  • TechCrunch; August 10, 2021

Pres. Macron looks for clues on the dire situation that is happening in Mauritania as various political groups are jockeying for the now empty seat.
  • Le Monde; August 10, 2021

Omicron surge cripples hospitals in North Belgium. Its government blames Wallonia for allegedly spreading the infection.
  • Euractiv; August 10, 2021

Well over 70 people were killed in various attacks by IS-CAP in eastern Congo Commonwealth.
  • The Independent; August 10, 2021

Due to a catcall, a group of construction workers in Kolkata was brutally massacred by a Magical Girl before surrendering to the police.
  • REPUBLICWORLD; August 10, 2021

Ongoing strikes and protests in eastern Sri Lanka escalated into riots after a botched police response.
  • The Hindu; August 11, 2021

Several Magical Girls across several cities in America and Europe are spearheading a mass community cleanups in the neighborhoods and parks.
  • Magical General News; August 11, 2021

Police say the death of Gov. Andrew Cuomo "was not an an suicide", states they spotted signs of an break-in in his home.
  • New York Post; August 11, 2021

Well-known football superstar Lionel Messi has died from COVID.
  • ESPN; August 11, 2021

The ongoing Mauritanian succession crisis causes IS-GS(W) to advance further despite constant French airstrikes and presence in the frontlines.
  • Al-Jazeera; August 11, 2021

AFU reports artillery exchanges between them and Donbass and Luhansk Separatist rose by 40 percent and resulted in 43 deaths.
  • Ukrainian Pravda; August 11, 2021

A sudden flash-flood in Kastamonu causes several Magical Girls to rush in and rescue several people that are trapped within.
  • TRT World; August 11, 2021

Osaka Police and a contingent of JSDF surround a house where the perpetrator of the Tokyo Olympics Magical Attack was currently hiding.
  • CNA News; August 11, 2021

A battle ensued where the perpetrator unleash Magical Powers towards authorities attempting to raid the hideout.
  • NHK; August 11, 2021

The suspect in the Tokyo Olympics Magical Attack was neutralized after an hour-long battle that killed 11 Japanese police officers and 4 JSDF soldiers.
  • Reuters; August 11, 2021

Authorities found paraphernalia of a controversial South Korean feminist group known as Megalia in the hideout of the deceased perpetrator.
  • Japan Today; August 11, 2021

The growing issue of Magical Girls is now intertwined with gender issues that completely polarized the global society.
  • The Intercept; August 11, 2021

Anti-lockdown riots started to die down, but it exposed how vulnerable police are towards Magical Girls.
  • National Review; August 12, 2021

Alabama floats an proposed state law that would force Magical Girls living within the state to register or be arrested.
  • The New Republic; August 12, 2021

"...With my cold dead body!"
  • CutieCat (K.Chan); August 12, 2021

"What the hell are modern day politicians thinking about us despite all the positive work we did for everyone else on this planet for the past few months? I'll just hope that damned planned state law would not go anywhere hopefully enough."
  • MamiTomoeNumber1Fan (K.Chan); August 12, 2021

Recent satellite images shows American bases in Pakistan have greatly expanded in preparation of an possible reintroduction of American troops in Afghanistan.
  • Jacobin; August 12, 2021

CJNG cells across southwest, south-central and southern United States martial against a mysterious individual that engaged in a one-man war against them.
  • The Daily Beast; August 12, 2021

Father of Brittney Spears agrees to step down as conservator as the Free Brittney fight continues.
  • TMZ; August 12, 2021

Refugee crossings into Spain-held areas in North Africa grow with people from the war-stricken Sahel Region being the majority.
  • El Pais; August 12, 2021

As heartbroken citizens of Pittsfield start to rebuild after the tragedy, several Magical Girls come to volunteer the rebuilding effort; and it's causing tensions for the community.
  • NECN; August 12, 2021

Etherian forces face partisan attacks in the rear as they edge closer towards the self-declared capital of IS-GS(E).
  • The Guardian; August 13, 2021

Etheria saw modest economic growth that defies the global trend of economic downturn according to a recent World Bank report.
  • The Etherian Times; August 13, 2021

Rioters in Batticaloa in eastern Sri Lanka filmed storming a police station and stealing several weapons while beating several police officers to death.
  • Times of India; August 13, 2021

Supplies of microchips and fresh produce start to make a comeback, but the shortage crisis still continues.
  • Wall Street Journal; August 13, 2021

An attempted armed raid by members of Proud Boys on an HQ of an local environmentalist group was stopped by a group of young females wearing Victorian-era clothing.
  • KGW; August 13, 2021

The mysterious "Nun with an Iron Mask" intervenes and rescues hostages after members of Reformed Army of God's Law stormed a pharmacy used as an vaccination distribution center in San Francisco.
  • CNN; August 13, 2021

The recent anti-lockdown protests caused several Democrat states to rethink about COVID restrictions with New Hampshire, Maine, Minnesota and Oregon scrapping it completely.
  • Daily Kos; August 13, 2021

The stunning dresses sported by Magical Girls are compounding the "E-girls" phenomenon in social media sites like Twitter and TikTok.
  • Jezebel; August 13, 2021

A known mass shooting expert warns that the Pittsfield Rampage "could be replicated" if issues related to mental well-being of a Magical Girl are treated properly.
  • News Decoder; August 14, 2021

Ethiopia calls out Etheria for supporting "violent secessionism" after a so-called humanitarian convoy heading to Tigray Region was intercepted and was revealed to be carrying weapons and what could be called as "exo-suits".
  • Addis Standard; August 14, 2021

Vivio F. Takamichi, the recently appointed president of Testarossa Corporation after the sudden death of her father, says that there will be an "major reorganization" to fit the company in "modern times".
  • Mint; August 14, 2021

"I could see it immediately. Vivio will install woke values that will result in the destruction of the company that her father built. A complete shame to her."
  • Tim Pool (Twitter); August 14, 2021

  • Elon Musk (Twitter); August 14, 2021

"Who the fuck you are to tell everyone that I am going to, what the post of yours say, 'wokeify' the company that my father built so hard to make it perfect! I am here to change the machine that currently powered every American company that, unfortunately, has run its course due to general greed and antagonistic approach in making sure the profits are increased in every report without any care for the world! And I am here to put a stop on the mess before it could destroy not only America, but the entire world, because of this damn trend!"
  • Vivio F. Takamichi (Twitter); August 14, 2021

An alleged member of the Belgian Reunification Army was subdued by a Magical Girl after attempting to detonate a car bomb in Mons. Said car bomb was immediately thrown in the air to prevent civilian casualties.
  • Free Wallonian Press; August 14, 2021

Peruvian Pres. Pedro Castillo unveils plans to nationalize the mining industry in spite of angry reactions by pro-Fujimorist politicians.
  • Latin News; August 14, 2021

An 7.2 magnitude earthquake hits south-western Haiti.
  • MSNBC; August 14, 2021

Fears of gang violence grow as first responders move into Les Cayes and try to find survivors in the rubble.
  • HaitiLibre; August 14, 2021[1]

Several Magical Girls take the lead in rescuing people trapped under the rubble in the aftermath of recent earthquake that hit Haiti.
  • Huffington Post; August 14, 2021

A rapidly expanding wildfire near Lake Tahoe was snuffed out by Woman in White.
  • The Los Angeles Times; August 14, 2021

The United States Armed Forces say that the volunteer-only recruitment system would be expanded to include Magical Girls.
  • Task and Purpose; August 15, 2021

National Restoration Committee forms in Mauritania after tense discussion led to no individual being chosen to lead the nation undergoing crisis.
  • Reuters; August 15, 2021

The notorious Ben Shapiro was fired from The Daily Wire for mysterious reasons.
  • Buzzfeed News; August 15, 2021

"It seems that the facts and logic guy has finally gotten to him."
  • Shaun (Twitter); August 15, 2021

Police forces across the world are scrambling to put a lid on the rising incidents of magical-influenced crimes both violent and non-violent.
  • Atlas News; August 15, 2021

Embattled Afghan Pres. Yasin Zin calls Afghan citizens to fight the Taliban "until our last breath" as the Taliban have broken the stagnant frontlines in the north.
  • Sky News; August 15, 2021

Pres. Biden is reportedly in discussion with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in regards to the re-deployment of American troops back to Afghanistan.
  • Politico; August 15, 2021

Sri Lankan Magical Girls now involved in intensifying protests in eastern Sri Lanka.
  • AP News; August 15, 2021

Houston will be embarking on an intensive housing program for the growing homeless population.
  • Click2Houston; August 15, 2021

What is a "Support Group"? And why do some parts of the Magical Girl community are calling for the creation?
  • Magical General News; August 16, 2021

After getting professionalized by CDC, magical volunteers have started to slowly drive the COVID hospitalization rate down.
  • Vox; August 16, 2021

"Taliban forces are opting to use highways as a way to bypass the heavy presence of Afghan Junta troops in the countryside. This means that in the next few days, the Taliban will be reaching the outskirts of Kandahar, one of the most important cities if one wants to destroy the outer defenses of Kabul."
  • LiveUA (Twitter); August 16, 2021

Poland announces that they will drop lockdown and COVID restrictions as cases start to dwindle.
  • DW; August 16, 2021

While most of the participants of J6th are either arrested or died trying to fight the authorities, the cases are still filling up in the courts and there's little progress to be made.
  • The Hill; August 16, 2021

A gunbattle between members of Proud Boys and Antifa-aligned Portland Liberation Committee in the neighborhood of Hawthorne was halted by an intervention of a mysterious group wearing Victorian-era clothing.
  • KOIN; August 16, 2021

Tatmadaw junta condemns China for "interference" as an alliance of three armed groups in the northeast of Myanmar are aiming to clear out Tatmadaw-backed Chinese crime groups.
  • The Bangkok Post; August 17, 2021[2]

Possible water shortage due to decreasing levels of Lake Mead that would affect 40 million people was mostly averted due to the intervention of several Magical Girls.
  • MSNBC; August 17, 2021

Hope for the superhero movies to regain its composure in the future thanks to the success of Shang-Chi and the rising presence of Magical Girls.
  • Variety; August 17, 2021

Who are the mysterious protest group whose female members are anachronistically wearing Victorian-era clothing?
  • Vice; August 17, 2021

Clashes between Rwandan-backed M23 Movement and Hutu militias near Kitshanga, Congo Commonwealth leaves 23 dead in its wake.
  • WION; August 17, 2021

The judge that controversially handed down the decision to clear Derek Chauvin of all charges was killed by a Magical ambush while on his way to work.
  • MinnPost; August 17, 2021

A group calling themselves "Mahou Shoujo People's Front" claimed responsibility for the killing of the judge.
  • Fox News; August 17, 2021

"This is what I am expecting when rebellious, and I mean it to differentiate the better ones who helped stopped the riots days ago, Magical Girls and the dangers of leftist ideologies were intersected, and combine it into an most dangerous idea that have led the creation of the so-called Mahou Shoujo People's Front that committed their first act by senselessly ambushing a judge that only did his job, or an militant group in Portland that anachronistically wore Victorian-era clothing. Yes, you heard that right, Victorian-era clothing, that is on the hunt against the mythical right-wing terrorist that have killed 32 people so far. I know what I am thinking, but I fear that their presence could set a precedent that would lead this country somewhere bad now that the Magical Girls have started to make a say on our fragile politics, without any knowledge on how it works. I guess we have to look in history books for that to answer this question that bugged us right now."
  • Tucker Carlson (Fox News); August 18, 2021

Conservative scaremongering against Magical Girls is Red Scare 3.0.
  • Huffington Post; August 18, 2021

A bomb goes off in the Hispanic neighborhood killing 7 people and injuring 12. NADF takes responsibility, calls for minorities to "clear out" from intermountain states.
  • The Denver Post; August 18, 2021

As Cuba's reform package goes forward with a planned plebiscite, some Cuban pro-democracy leaders criticize those who negotiate with the Cuban regime as "traitors" while calling for an armed resistance.
  • The Miami Herald; August 18, 2021

Warner Bros. looks to acquire original IPs such as RWBY that were originally owned by recently closed Rooster Teeth.
  • CBR; August 18, 2021

Etheria condemns inhumane tactics that were used by IS-GS(E) militants such as human shields and infecting refugees with COVID to wreak havoc behind our lines as military operations against them continue.
  • Etherian General News; August 18, 2021

As fear of the Russian invasion grows just as attacks by separatist forces intensify, Ukraine seeks to recruit Magical Girls to fill up the lagging numbers of their army.
  • Euractiv; August 18, 2021

Chronic food shortage in stores in Bristol resulted in a riot.
  • ITV News; August 19, 2021

Iran's official death toll due to COVID reaches 300,000 as continued Omicron surge collapses hospital.
  • Ahram Online; August 19, 2021

"Hello, we are the Magical Spotter Network! We document Magical Girls that have made a name for themselves like Woman in White!

Why not come and join us in this growing community of Magical Girls actively doing their jobs?"

  • First post/thread of r/MagicalSpotterNetwork; August 19, 2021

No, the newly discovered support group known as Mahou Shoujo People's Front is not connected to an unknown group of Magical Girls wearing Victorian-style clothing.
  • Second post/thread of r/MagicalSpotterNetwork; August 19, 2021

The National Restoration Committee of Mauritania resumes offensive against the rapidly advancing IS-GS(W) despite brewing tensions between them and Armed Forces of Mauritania over France's involvement.
  • France 24; August 19, 2021

Intense American airstrikes, consistent arms deliveries, and IS-KP offensives against the Taliban are keeping Afghan Junta afloat for a while.
  • Foreign Affairs; August 19, 2021

An attempt by an armed individual with alleged QAnon sentiments to shoot up Walmart was foiled by two Magical Girls that were passing by.
  • KXAN Austin; August 19, 2021

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for the Biden Administration for a comprehensive internment of Magical Girls across the United States, citing rising crime rates.
  • National Review; August 19, 2021

"Who the fuck seriously trust that fucking witch now the cat is out of the bag after her aide directly told me that she suddenly gained magical powers and shit. It is hypocritical. What am I gonna do so that this shit will not spread to our allies that are weary of Magical Girl shenanigans?

Just play it down, Matt?

Play it down? How!?

Just ignore that she has one, and if she goes bonkers and unleashes her powers, that's the problem we are going to face.


  • Text messages between Rep. Matt Gaetz and an unknown Republican representative; August 19, 2021 (leaked June 2022)[3]

Magical Girls didn't cause a rise in crime. As a matter of fact, it started to decrease after their presence became known.
  • Magical General News; August 20, 2021

The growth of Magical Girls that performed several miracles causes an alarm for Saudi Arabia and Iran.
  • VOA News; August 20, 2021

An attempted assault by armed members of Brussels-Wallonia United Front on a police station leaves 5 B-WUF members and 4 officers dead.
  • The Brussels Times; August 20, 2021

Continued uncertainty over the political crisis in Mauritania forced Pres. Macron to curtail weapon deliveries and send several French troops home or redirect to Mali instead.
  • Euronews; August 20, 2021

Grocery pools in America have seen a renaissance as prices still remain high and important goods still not on the shelves.
  • Vice; August 20, 2021

Another incident of magical rampage days after the Pittsfield Massacre takes place in downtown Osaka. 12 civilians were reportedly killed. The female perpetrator was arrested after surrendering to the authorities.
  • Japan Today; August 20, 2021

Japan's "Magical Girl Optimism" is slowly coming to an end as gender issues start to rear their ugly heads.
  • Kotaku; August 21, 2021

The City of Rochester seeks to employ Magical Girls to become part of a police force as crime rates start to rise.
  • New York Post; August 21, 2021

Taliban slows their advance down against Afghan Junta forces to face IS-KP's ongoing anti-Taliban offensive that has captured Sayn Abad.
  • RT; August 21, 2021

American troops stationed in surrounded bases are facing a growing anxiety over increasing provocations by the Taliban.
  • New Republic; August 21, 2021

Voodoo and other pre-church faiths are seeing growth within the growing black Magical Girl community.
  • The Root; August 21, 2021

Increasing reports of individual Magical Girls makes comic book superheroes lame. Yet for some, it is a troublesome issue.
  • The Washington Post; August 22, 2021

ECOWAS and Nigerien forces managed to slowly push IS-GS(E) out of Winditane.
  • The Africa Report; August 22, 2021

West Africa is facing an unimaginable economic collapse as the war against IS-GS devastates the Sahel Region.
  • The Economist; August 22, 2021

A Pittsfield Massacre survivor surrenders to the police in Concord after the shooting death of two Magical Girls while dining in a fast-food restaurant.
  • Union Leader; August 22, 2021

Woman in White rescues a couple trapped in the car in the midst of heavy flooding in the state of Tennessee.
  • Huffington Post; August 22, 2021

Undercover FBI agents arrest 3 members of the Eternal Wellness Movement after attempting to plant a bomb on a hospital in Phoenix, Arizona that led to a shootout that leaves one agent wounded.
  • CBS News; August 22, 2021

Embattled Sri Lankan government calls for help from India as authorities struggle to put a lid on escalating anti-government protests.
  • Hindustan Times; August 22, 2021

A viral video shows riot police clashing with anti-government protesters in Kinniya retreats after encountering several protesters with magical powers.
  • Ada Derana; August 22, 2021

Meet the Magical Girls helping the homeless by finding a safe place to stay, giving food, healing them, or finding a new home.
  • The Daily Beast; August 22, 2021

A street clash between Proud Boys and Antifa turns into violence after an female Antifa member unleashes an magical attack, resulting in dozen injuries and 3 deaths.
  • OregonLive; August 23, 2021

VP Kamala Harris starts her trip to the Southeast Asian nations with discussion revolving around reviving the global economy, territorial dispute with China, a civil war in Myanmar and the issue of Magical Girls.
  • Politico; August 23, 2021

Citizens in Lebanon are facing misery as their vulnerable economy finally crumbles and the government simply withers away while paramilitary groups like Hezbollah are gaining power.
  • Al-Jazeers; August 23, 2021

FDA grants Pfizer COVID vaccine for use in people aged 16 and up as COVID cases still at its highest peak.
  • CNBC; August 23, 2021

IOC says that they are planning to return the medals to disqualified female athletes with magical powers in light of an recent attack that killed several key IOC officials.
  • Mint; August 23, 2021

Taliban alleges Afghan Junta forcibly recruited young females with alleged magical powers to fight in the battlefield.
  • RT; August 23, 2021

The rivalry between UDF and UVF heats up after a drive-by shooting by UVF members leaves 2 UDF members dead.
  • Belfast Telegraph; August 23, 2021

An alleged CJNG lieutenant was brutally killed by an mysterious Magical Girl on the eve of his daughter's quincinera party.
  • Fox News; August 23, 2021

The United States says that they will deploy 12,000 American troops to Pakistan in light of the ongoing Taliban offensive.
  • The New York Times; August 24, 2021

Taliban condemns "provocations" made by the United States, and threatens to pull out of the Doha Agreement if American troops didn't withdraw.
  • Ahram Online; August 24, 2021

An Pakistan Army outpost in Chaman shelled by mortars and RPGs kills 4 soldiers. Pakistan Taliban suspected.
  • Dawn; August 24, 2021

A family of four and a dog mysteriously disappear while their SUV was found crashed off the road near Carbondale.
  • The Colorado Sun; August 24, 2021

Cases of combined Black Fungus and COVID-19 start to decline across South Asia except for Sri Lanka.
  • REPUBLICWORLD; August 24, 2021

Etherian forces and allied Berber militias now closing in to IS-GS(E)'s self-proclaimed capital of Agadez as they reached Tchirozerine in the north and Kirboubou in the east.
  • Etherian General News; August 24, 2021

Continued disputes between National Restoration Council and Mauritanian Armed Forces have spread in the frontlines that allowed IS-GS(W) to reach at the doorsteps of Walatah.
  • Africanews; August 25, 2021

Testarossa Corporation, under the leadership of Vivio F. Takamichi, is seeking to acquire the controversy ridden Nikola Motors as part of renewed focus on investing in the green industry.
  • Gizmondo; August 25, 2021

"All we have to do after I bought this company that has actually some nice idea that could revolutionize the tired car industry that was bungled because of that damned fraudster is basically giving the company some facelift, plus recruiting some Mahous that I have heard that they have best engineering skills to make the concept work. Think of it as Spark from Girl Genius webcomic, except it will produce a positive one instead of an usual insane one like the one in the webcomic. If we are successful in this venture, we will make the reactionary Elon Musk mad. Very mad."
  • Vivio F. Takamichi to her aide; August 25, 2021

The war against COVID-19 has begun to turn the tide as the Omicron surge starts to slow down globally.
  • Scientific American; August 25, 2021

An Russian fighter jet illegally crossed Ukraine's border and remained flying for ten minutes before turning back to Russia.
  • AP News; August 25, 2021

2 individuals open fire and throw pipe-bombs in the Chinatown district in San Francisco before fleeing.
  • MSNBC; August 25, 2021

A car chase between the police and 2 suspects of Chinatown attack was stopped when the mysterious "Nun with Iron Mask" intervened and quickly subdued 2 suspects to the ground.
  • SFGate; August 25, 2021

Northwest Aryan Defense Force claimed responsibility for the Chinatown attack that killed 12 people. Calls for "Chinese communists" to leave the country "immediately".
  • CNN; August 25, 2021

America must contain the spread of Magical Girls immediately as reckless use of their magical powers could result in anarchy.
  • Rod Dreher (American Conservative); August 26, 2021

"Seriously, Rod. Who the fuck hurt you? A ghost? This is getting insane blaming Magical Girls who did a good job given the destructive powers they have."
  • Vanessa McCoy (Twitter); August 26, 2021

Ongoing clashes between Hutu militants and M23 Movement spread as Kivu militants joined in and an untold number of individuals were displaced.
  • The Guardian; August 26, 2021

As generative AI is becoming popular, concerns rose over the fragile energy supplies powering the models.
  • Motherboard; August 26, 2021

Authorities arrested a female individual after staging an magical attack that killed an known anti-feminist evangelist and 5 of his followers in South Carolina.
  • The New York Times; August 26, 2021

Suspect in South Carolina attack reveals that she was responsible for the death of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
  • Vox; August 26, 2021

"We have to do something about those witches right now! They are literally walking WMD that could hurt innocent people at any moment like what happened in Pittsfield!"
  • Nick Fuentes (Twitter); August 26, 2021

Several Magical Girls took to the streets in Haiti to help the government's attempts to crack down the growing gang violence.
  • Miami Herald; August 26, 2021

Two bomb blasts hit Kandahar Air Base and kill 13 American troops!
  • Newsmax; August 26, 2021

Pres. Biden condemns the "gruesome" attack in Kandahar Air Base that killed dozens of American troops, calls Taliban to "stand down or face consequences that you will never see before."
  • Semafor; August 26, 2021

IS-KP claimed responsibility for the attack, while the Taliban condemned American statements as "absurd".
  • The News International; August 26, 2021

"Come one, Taliban. Just do something so that Biden may get his wish to reinvade Afghanistan once again."
  • Vaush (Twitch); August 27, 2021

Anti-war protests broke out in New York City and in DC calling for the return to abiding the Doha Agreement and withdrawal of American troops.
  • Jacobin; August 27, 2021

Without the miracle, I would be dead.
  • The New Yorker; August 27, 2021

"I could have died that day as I slowly felt numb from all the pain that my ex-fiance was giving to me. I haven't just noticed that I have some sort of a miracle on my hands that I stopped what my ex-fiance is doing. I do think, barely, that I brutally killed that person that gave me pain both physically and emotionally. But what choice do I have at the time? If I hadn't used the miracle, I would have died right there and not talking to you right now. I just wish that the people who haven't seen the miracle could be more understanding of why we have this in the first place."
  • Excerpt from Gabby Petito interview with The New Yorker; August 27, 2021[4]

"What happened to that woman is heartbreaking for everyone else. But without the presence of magical powers that we have, then she would die in a horrible death by the hands of her psychotic fiance. Who had the gall to abuse her to no end and a gall to lie to the police who had conducted a wellness check for her that had suffered enough abuse!

So what are the lessons that came out from the fiasco? There is no one! Literally no one trusts everyone in this world for those who are women in this world, especially those who have the miracle like me that this world was very ungrateful to accept!"

  • CutieCat (K.Chan); August 27, 2021

"As much as I want to agree with you, please tone down your sentiments that are slowly towing the line for misandrist statements with a dose of magical supremacism statements. I am getting creeped out by blurting messages like that."
  • IllustriousBeing (K.Chan); August 27, 2021

Conflict restarted between Azawad Movement and IS-GS(E) as their advance towards Niamey, Niger grounds to an halt.
  • Le Monde; August 27, 2021

Prince Andrew served an US-based lawsuit in regards to sexual abuse case.
  • Metro; August 27, 2021

Incidents of wildfires across the globe have decreased thanks to employment of Magical Girls stopping the flames from expanding.
  • Magical General News; August 27, 2021

Sweden finally places the entire country under lockdown as cases due to crippling Omicron surge.
  • Euractiv; August 27, 2021

Authorities in Louisiana ask civilians on the path of the approaching Hurricane Ida to immediately evacuate.
  • CNN; August 28, 2021

Pakistan martials its troops near the border with Afghanistan as the second American intervention against the Taliban has become inevitable.
  • The Independent; August 28, 2021

Anti-war protests across America turned violent as police fired tear gas and pepper bullets and one instance of usage of magical powers in DC.
  • MSN; August 28, 2021

Political violence that has ravaged Portland for weeks escalates once again after anti-war protesters clashed with police and counter protesters.
  • OregonLive; August 28, 2021

Etheria calls West Africa to double down the anti-IS-GS efforts as they capture a group of terrified young Magical Girls that are forced to become child soldiers.
  • National Interest; August 28, 2021

Etherian forces intercepted a Wagner-operated convoy that was delivering weapons to rogue Berber militias.
  • The Etherian Times; August 28, 2021

Anti-government protests in Sri Lanka intensifies as protesters storm local government buildings and police stations while reports of Magical Girls engaging in street clashes against the authorities.
  • The Hindu; August 28, 2021

CNDF and several Belgian Army units rushed to put a lid on the Hutu-M23 conflict.
  • The Africa Report; August 28, 2021

Nun with Iron Mask spotted preventing an armored car robbery by an armed gang taking place in Taylor Street in SanFran!
  • A thread in r/MagicalSpotterNetwork; August 29, 2021

Category 4 Hurricane Ida makes landfall in Louisiana.
  • CBS News; August 29, 2022

A viral video shows a Magical Girls goes into the storm and escorts the trapped individual from danger.
  • Huffington Post; August 29, 2022

After months of trying to make peace, America has marched once again into an unwinnable war in Afghanistan.
  • Jacobin; August 29, 2021

Pakistan Taliban have increased their insurgent activity as it is clear that Pakistan will back the United States's effort to reintroduce troops to Afghanistan.
  • NDTV; August 29, 2021


You are now officially activated as an active member of the Salem Corps per the recent orders given by General Miko Miyazaki as part of mobilization of troops that were destined to return back to the frontlines of Afghanistan. All you have to do is to proceed to Fort Salem to confirm the activation orders before sending them to Pakistan for preparation of combat service. Anyone who will disregard the orders will be automatically punished by death per the principles of the Salem Accord unless justifiable reasons such as health emergencies or family issues were given as to why the servicemember will not undertake their combat duties that were given per the principles of Salem Accord. Thank you."

  • CoolDress4Me (K.Chan); August 29, 2021

The European Union calls an alarm for the sudden rise of incidents of teenage delinquency that is linked to the presence of magical powers.
  • Der Spiegel; August 29, 2021

Meet the social media personalities who are Magical Girls whose daily activities of being one are causing a sensation on the internet.
  • Kotaku; August 29, 2021

Reports of multiple gunfire reported across Nouakchott.
  • Al-Jazeera; August 29, 2021

Recently uploaded video shows soldiers of the Mauritanian Army forcefully entering the Mauritanian Presidential Palace.
  • Africanews; August 29, 2021

Leaders of the National Restoration Committee called Mauritanian citizens to "resist the coup" as most of their leadership fled to Atar.
  • France 24; August 30, 2021

Etheria condemns the "violent coup" that has taken place in Mauritania.
  • Etherian General News; August 30, 2021

Scattered fighting between pro-NRC and putschist forces paralyzed France's response against IS-GS(W)'s rapid advances.
  • Euronews; August 30, 2021

Will the Sahel Region collapse into anarchy?
  • Caspian Report; August 30, 2021

Algeria finally drops the use of leaded gasoline that has affected the entire world for decades.
  • SciNews; August 30, 2021

The recently released Netflix anime show Cyberpunk: Edgerunners shows the dark reality of our current and polarized society.
  • CBR; August 30; 2021[5]

Oil prices slowly rise due to the increase of demand from the Americas, Africa, and Asia and several global conflicts.
  • CNBC; August 30, 2021

Alabama's planned state law that would controversially register Magical Girls collapses after failing to advance in the State House.
  • The Atlantic; August 30, 2021

Taliban finally engaged in a battle against IS-KP militants in Delaram as the former finally enters the outskirts of Kandahar.
  • VOA News; August 30, 2021

Intensive airstrikes launched by the United States slowed the Taliban's attempt to capture Kandahar.
  • Newsweek; August 31, 2021

Taliban officially pulls out from Doha Agreement due to repeated violations made by the United States.
  • CNN; August 31, 2021

"Sleepy and Dementia Joe have ripped and tore the hard-won peace that I promised to all Americans wishing to end the war in Afghanistan after 20 decades. Now, Dangerous Joe has undertaken a step to finally throw every ordinary American into the meat grinder once again! We have to stop Sleepy, Dementia, and Dangerous Joe from destroying our great and beautiful military right now!"
  • realDonaldTrump (Twitter); August 31, 2021

Anti-war protests across America intensifies amidst growing exhaustion amongst police forces still not recovered from two major protests.
  • MSNBC; August 31, 2021

Plans for the return of American troops to Afghanistan reveals an haphazard nature that Pres. Biden is pushing through.
  • Jacobin; August 31, 2021

41 people were brutally killed after a unit of the Belgium Army stormed a village healing session in the Kivu Region and attempted to arrest a Magical Girl that ended in a tragedy.
  • The Independent; August 31, 2021

The city of New Orleans was heavily damaged by the landfall of Hurricane Ida as the power went out and aid efforts came in the form of FEMA or individual Magical Girls.
  • The Weather Channel; August 31, 2021

The Magical Girls that are helping the survivors from the devastation of Hurricane Ida started to make a difference after countless controversies.
  • Magical General News; August 31, 2021

2 police officers in downtown Liege attempting to apprehend an alleged member of BRnA was killed in a suicide bombing attack.
  • Free Wallonia Press; August 31, 2021

As the Magical Girls become more present and start contributing to society, will the global businesses take notice of their positive potential?
  • NPR; September 1, 2021

Current levels of Paraná River still stabilized despite drought conditions thanks to intervention of several Magical Girls.
  • Latin News; September 1, 2021

Sri Lankan authorities in Trincomalee open fire towards anti-government protesters with live ammunition in an attempt to crush the ongoing protests.
  • Times of India; September 1, 2021

Texan law that restricts abortion finally comes into effect to the dismay and anger of pro-choice advocates.
  • New Republic; September 1, 2021

A magical battle between a local "support group" and members of NADF attempting to plant a bomb on a pro-LGBT church in Casper, Wyoming leaves 1 Magical Girl and 4 NADF dead.
  • MSNBC; September 1, 2021

Intense fighting between rival factions in Mauritania causes disintegration of order across the nation and a grave regional concern over spillover clashes, shock advances by IS-GS(W) and refugee crisis.
  • Foreign Affairs; September 1, 2021

ECOWAS and Nigerien forces stopped their advance outside of Baleyara due to fierce opposition by IS-GS(E).
  • Africanews; September 1, 2021

Protests in Brussels calling for the resignation of the current North Belgian government over continued Omicron surge turned violent after police fired tear gas and rubber bullets on them.
  • Euractiv; September 1, 2021

Taliban's activities in encircled bases controlled by American troops are getting more agitated with incidents of spray fire and random mortar strikes.
  • Fox News; September 1, 2021

"Soldiers of the esteemed Salem Corps who are here today serving in our country like our descendents did when George Washington sign the Salem Accord that spared us from horrible death in exchange for service to our country, and those who have recently volunteered that have heard the call of duty that were placed upon by our nation.

This is our finest moment that we are going to undertake a major operation that would finally end the decades-long conflict that has ravaged Afghanistan for far too long and end in a way that is satisfiable to the image that our country wants. I truly understand that this operation that we are going to undertake in the next few days or so will be the hardest we are going to do since the Great Whisper Crisis that has shaken Salem Corps right into its core a decade ago. You all know the hardship and heroics made by the current leader of our organization, General Miko Miyozaki, that has proven to be an reliable and steadfast leader that was placed upon by the Eternal Mother of the Salem Corps, General Sarah Alder, that had guided us and molded into a form that we become into the modern day despite our achievements that we made over the past few millennia are not completely known to the general public until today.

Today. Because this is the day where the miracles have begun spreading all across the corners of this globe and that provided hope for all of Salem Corps that our existence will be known in a way the world will be looking at us forever.

Eternal glory for Salem! Eternal glory for those who paid the sacrifices with blood! Eternal glory to Alder and Miyozaki!

For we will prevail and survive even in the darkest times."

  • Speech by Major Gen. Carol Olston to the members of the Salem Corps stationed in Pakistan; September 1, 2021

Etheria calls Wagner Group to pull their presence out of areas under our control in Niger or face "full consequences" if the demand was not met.
  • Etherian General News; September 2, 2021

City of San Francisco reverses plans to cut funding to SPD in light of worrying incidents involving Nun with Iron Mask.
  • San Francisco Chronicle; September 2, 2021

Who is Charlie? And why are they engaging in a one-man war against Mexican drug cartels operating in the United States?
  • A thread in r/MagicalSpotterNetwork; September 2, 2021

Mahou Shoujo People's Front takes responsibility for a recent magical attack in Richmond, Virginia that destroys an US Army recruitment center and kills 1 bystander.
  • USA Today; September 2, 2021

Intense fighting in Nouakchott in Mauritania as putschist planes drop bombs on areas controlled by pro-NRC troops.
  • The Africa Report; September 2, 2021

IS-GS(W) bloodlessly captures Walatah after Mauritanian forces disintegrate in the face of ongoing civil war and French troops have mostly decreased their involvement except for intensive air campaign.
  • RFI; September 2, 2021

Anti-government protests in Sri Lanka have escalated into violence in the aftermath of Trincomalee Massacre.
  • Times of India; September 2, 2021

The terrified Sri Lankan government prepares for the worst case scenario of Sri Lanka falling into civil war once again.
  • Foreign Affairs; September 2, 2021

Stocks in Wall Street slowly climb as cases related to Omicron surge starts to decline, inflation slows, and effects of the Heal America Act that was passed last May starts to appear.
  • Business Insider; September 2, 2021

An Belgian Army base in Shungo, Congo Commonwealth was attacked by individuals with magical owers believed to be survivors of a recent massacre.
  • WION; September 2, 2021

Experts warn that the presence of Magical Girl could irreversibly worsen the current societal chaos of today's world.
  • The Intercept; September 2, 2021

De-escalation talks between Taliban and the United States in Qatar collapse as the latter proceeds with their plan to reintroduce American troops in Afghanistan.
  • Al-Jazeera; September 2, 2021

Reports of American spec-ops operators wreaking havoc in areas under the control of the Taliban.
  • Star and Stripes; September 2, 2021

The Taliban announces the resumption of hostilities against the Americans by launching attacks on US-operated bases within their territory.
  • CNN; September 2, 2021

American troops in embattled Shindand Air Base fend off multiple Taliban assaults despite limited supplies and limited number of troops.
  • The Guardian; September 2, 2021

The United States launched heavy aerial and missile bombardment on various Taliban and IS-KP sites across Afghanistan.
  • VOA News; September 2, 2021

"My fellow Americans, today I have made an important decision that I have hoped would succeed for the second time since the drawdown that was caused in part of the peace agreement that we signed between our nation and the militant group known as the Taliban back in 2020 before I became the president of this nation. A peace agreement that has, unfortunately, been violated multiple times by the Taliban for the past few months and instead they are engaging in an offensive that could result in the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its power vacuum could cause a multitude of crises that could spread in the regions of Central Asia or South Asia. We thoroughly asked the Taliban multiple times to halt their activities and abide by the peace agreement in exchange of us overseeing the disarmament of their armed militants and transform into an legitimate political party that could ensure the hard won peace that every Afghani citizen wished 20 years ago. Instead, they didn't. Because of their continued intransigence and their aggression against the American troops stationed in multiple bases that were encircled by the Taliban that has now recently escalated into outright violence, I have authorized American and our allied Pakistani troops to begin an intensive military operation that would force the Taliban back into abiding the Doha Agreement. Rest assured that this military operation would not last that long and we would withdraw our troops from Afghanistan unless the Taliban abided by the Doha Agreement and would stand down peacefully."
  • Statement by Pres. Joe Biden in regards to the Second American Intervention to Afghanistan (or also known as Operation GRANBELM); September 2, 2021

Afghan Junta leader Yasin Zin calls the citizens to "keep the fight up" against the Taliban amid reports of American and Pakistani troops having finally crossed into Afghanistan.
  • The News International; September 2, 2021

American troops finally returned to Afghanistan once again in another attempt of putting the Taliban back on its leash.
  • Daily Kos; September 2, 2021

[Zoe Blecher, Little Grey Flower: A Story Of An Gray Legionnaire, Grey Patriot Publishing, 2031]

Before I became a freedom fighter who fights for everyone who is defenseless in the name of eternal liberty. Before I became a power player that manipulated the American political scene, or what's left of it, behind the shadows to advance the agenda of both security and freedom of a broken nation and the world. Before I found myself in the battlefield of an never ending war in Afghanistan that ended in a spectacular way that shaped who I am. I was just an ordinary person like anybody else. A nobody, to be exact. That is the charitable description that I would like to give myself when I was a naive person living in a different body at the time before the miracle happened…

…I was once living in my home, right in my bedroom doing some personal stuff of mine like reading history books and tinkering of what I am going to do in the future now that I have a miracle right in my hands when my mother came into my room and told me about something that I immediately recognize right at the start. Being part of a soldier for the Salem Corps. Fighting for the United States against enemies both perceived and real, but expect that there will be no memorials or heroic exploits for me because this was a state secret at the time. I understood that this was the tradition that the descendants of my mother did to survive and not getting persecuted like other Magical Girls, or witches, have suffered before the Age of Return that resulted in a chunk of total female population having magical powers that resulted in a way that the world and the global society that inhabits it will never be the same again.

But at the time, I was very reluctant because I was just a simple highschooler that had started to learn the harsh realities of this planet and wanting myself to finish studies to become the finest engineer that my dad wanted it to be. Plus the fact that thanks to the miracle that I have been fully transitioned to the point that I still haven't got used to wearing different clothing from the former clothing that I formerly wore or the feeling that sometimes, you feel trapped within your body and the feeling of wanting to get out from. It took years for me to finally feel comfortable with who I am in this new body of mine, but it took persuasion from my mother to join the Salem Corps and my memories serving in Afghanistan to finally push that idea into a reality…

…Every soldier who has graduated from basic training like I have contains the best parts that they've experienced like push-ups, making friends with strangers who will work you in times of war and the most favorite of all even in the reluctant person like me, shooting a weapon that you will use when you deploy to the battlefield.

Me? I don't have the best memories of that while training to become part of the Salem Corps which lasted for five or eight months of practicing on how to use my magical powers perfectly. Well except for that one part everyone who served in the Salem Corps knows why they signed up in the first place: the Initiation Ceremony.

The Initiation Ceremony for me was like going to an antique church in Europe and became a part of a local mass that was happening at the time. I could remember sitting in the middle part of a row filled with new cadets like me. Calling out everyone through their full name just to be sure that we were present in the gathering.

"Zoe Ehrlich G. Blecher!" This was the voice of the Salem Corps officer that signified to me that I was present in the gathering.

The best part in this ceremony that I could purely remember is the foot tapping. Simultaneous foot tapping of hundreds of us new recruits when we greet an important person of the Salem Corps when entering the auditorium. Especially to a person that I used to adore as a personal hero to the likes of biographies of each historical greats that I always read like Abraham and Napoleon before circumstances changed it dramatically.

General Miko Miyazaki, the head of the Salem Corps. She still is to this day. Even becoming the [REDACTED]. There is a reason why she was feared by everyone, and captivated everyone from senior officers to newer recruits like me due to her feats that have made Salem Corps well known within the MIC and the U.S Government, even without the knowledge of the American public before the existence of the Salem Corps became well known.

Of course, you could say that General Miko Miyazaki genuinely earned those feats to become not only a well-known personality within the Salem Corps, but she became a capable replacement to become the head of the Salem Corps after the sudden death of the "Eternal Mother" of the institution that I, my mother, and my mother's descendants joined: one General Sarah Alder, a person that lived long enough to serve with George Washington against the British and Abraham Lincoln against the Confederates. Something I learned about this lately when I was reading about the events of the Great Whisper Crisis that made General Miko Miyazaki who she was, and why she has an television series that is tailor made of her exploits during the event despite the actress that the series headlined was whitewashed and her accounts that were used in the show were so fictionalized that Gen. Miko Miyazaki personally threatened the producers of the show to be executed for treason. Hell, there is a constant rumor that has become an urban legend throughout the Salem Corps that General Miko Miyazaki have waited for the very moment to become [REDACTED] to unleash hell on a webcomic artist that uses her name, as part of an easter egg promotion, on a character that was virtually hated by everyone due to the kind of attitude that was anathema to the kind of her attitude that she showed to us when were initiated to become part of the Salem Corps. To finally convict the webcomic artist on the charges of treason against the United States.

A rumor that has finally became true.

And that is how I met the true face of General Miko Miyazaki that I used to adore her every time I was stuck in various FOBs in Afghanistan: the kind of wanting a huge attention for her "works" that she did and wanting to avenge those who wronged her or her nation, both real and imaginary. If it wasn't for me and with the help of her partner-in-crime, one Major General Samantha Appleton, that she would become the American version of Pinochet after she [REDACTED], but with Hollywood-esque fame attached to her. Literally speaking…

…Before I was deployed to the nation of Pakistan as it was clear at the time that the United States of America is going back to Afghanistan for the second, and final, time; I have managed to call my mother up for the final time before my superiors consficate the phone that I carried for months before my deployment. To simply tell her that I was doing fine serving the Salem Corps and that I will be deploying to Afghanistan thanks to the news you were watching everyday in the living room in our home that I assured her that I will be fine serving in a far away land.

I honestly didn't remember the answer that my mother said to me when I called her up. I could only feel that I have at the time anxiety of whether or not I will come back home, amputated or in a coffin. Plus some slight depression that I have thanks to being fully transitioned after I gained a miracle and facing the fact that I have become a soldier now. A soldier that has to fight the enemy and try to survive at the same time.

But the only thing that everyone within the Salem Corps knows after we were deployed overseas is one thing that led to the utter demise of Operation GRANBELM in two years, no rest flight back home for us, that I served in the saddest and haunting places that ever existed in this planet.

"We aren't ready for this shit. We are young for this shit. We are inexperienced for this shit".

That is the motto for the veterans of Salem Corps that served in Afghanistan.And there is no turning back for the life that I have become in the future…

[1] - The levels of gang violence in Haiti still resembles OTL levels in the aftermath of the successful assassination of Haitian Pres. Jovenel Moise…though most of the violence was conducted by gangs who have beef with the G9 (which backed Pres. Moise as I found out) now that Pres. Moise managed to survive the assassination attempt ITTL that prevented G9 from conducting violent attacks across Haiti as it was in OTL.

[2] - Operation 1027 happened early due to the Myanmar Civil War being much worse in this TL.

[3] - The receiver is possibly Rep. Kevin McCarthy or Madison Cawthorn.

[4] - The particular crime happened two days earlier than the OTL one.

[5] - Had an earlier release due to Cyberpunk 2077 actually having smoother production and having an early release date before COVID-19 Pandemic hits the headlines, resulting in the game having rave reviews and becoming a number 1 seller in Steam for 24 weeks. The change meant that the concepts that were shown in countless trailers that weren't present in the actual product IOTL, were now present in the ITTL version of the game alongside some features that would differentiate it from other open-world games at the time of the release.

Also this would serve as a major foreshadowing for this TL, as a certain character in the show would become important for Magical Girls which would form an (combat-oriented) Anarchist group in the future chapters of this TL…

At least I have managed to the one of a heck Chapter 5 that it took weeks to finish. This is because I have occupied my time writing an interstitial chapter that...didn't panned out due to the fact that book and POV segments on each chapters of this TL made interstitial chapter redundant.

Anyways, Chapter 6 of this TL will be coming up soon.
Well. version lasted just a single day before someone warned me that the mods hates ASB TLs on PolChat today.

Anyways, wait for the upcoming Chapter 6 of this TL. Where America is undergoing an misadventures in Afghanistan once again and othet kind of stuff. Just stay tuned!
It's Official: This TL is no more
Hello everyone, I just wanna talk about the eventual fate of this TL that I planned for a couple of months for.

Namely. I have decided to end the TL for good.

Not because of pacing issues (which I'll admit, it is actually improving to begin with) that befell my other TLs.

But because, in honest sense of words, wasn't impressed by the returns that this TL is getting (esp. that I canned the version one because of some ridiculous unwritten rule) in the long run. Maybe it is my experimental writing that is fault here, but whatever the reason is, it didn't panned out in the end.

So. Thank you reading this TL of mine. I'll promise that I will bring a better scenarios that my mind is beginning to cook it up.

See ya!

- Mister Anemone