Mister Anemone
"Dab Master is just Cyn wearing Drew's clothing."
- Pronouns
- She/Her
There will be implications in the system that was placed under the Salem Accords as well as limitations and the realistic consenquences when this was practiced full time when the United States decided to re-escalate their involvement in Afghanistan to enforce the Doha Agreement towards Taliban and ended in...let just say, worse thing that could happen to Afghanistan in the future chapters of this TL.Liike, my nice ending for this is the people responsible for enforcing this "draft" getting yeeted from existence by most of the population. Like, not even thinking about the Magical Girls, the parents and families of those involved are likely going to raise a massive stink about, with the the level of ire proportionate to weather or not the Accords give a shit about if the target is 18 or not. Like, if a 13-year old gets a draft letter, I imagine heads will begin to roll.
Like, thinking about it, but the "Salem Accords" as a thing, are a nice device that basically can not last beyond the immediate situation they were conceived in. At some point, someone important was gonna get slapped by this, and would have enough weight to slap back at the people involved, either in influence or funding.
Edit: Getting off my chest, the main problem I have with this timeline is that, for a timeline about Magical Girls suddenly appearing in the real world, there seems to be a whole lot of backstory involved that I don't know about. Usually, in a timeline like this, I can assume that there was nothing overall massively different about the past before the TL started. Here, just within the comments mind you, I find out that magic has been a thing forever, and also there is an entire nation/world called Etheria with magic, and that the Women in White was around before the POD? It kind of leaves me not caring about the overall events of the timeline, because it feels like you can just throw anything you want into the timeline with the excuse of unknown backstory.
Also, as for identifiable PODs that you raised up, I'll admit that I intentionally made vague about the true PODs in this TL because partly I wanted to engage in "Show, Don't Tell" menthod for the TLs (except for Interstitial chapters, which was tailor made to take away the experience of "doomscrolling" headline format and explore things in an different POV that are important in this world) and because partly that I myself cringed at the original TL (it's called In The Name of Fear, Loathing, and Hope, by the way) of the actual execution of my writing that I read 2020: Shots Fired (plus Leaving The Cradle and TLs made by "PolChat Test Thread" clique) repeat after repeat to furnish my writing that resulted in the rebooted TL.
Plus, this TL is inspired from Mr. Gatsby's superpowered TL which had no clear PODs as well, and the themes in this TL are pretty much similar to that TL - except with a focus on Magical Girl side of things after getting fascinated towards on how the worlds of Sleepless Domain and Magical Spec-Ops Asuka work.
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